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Aaron Boone Says It’s Right in Front of Us | 1086

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0:00 Play Against Us in Fantasy
2:10 Aaron Boone Joins the Show
3:10 How Does the Team Not Feel Defeated?
6:10 Great Starts and June Swoons Have Happened the Last Three Years!
9:10 Poor Fundamentals & Mental Mistakes
15:40 20 Game Non-Steal Streak is Crazy
18:55 Devers Crushed Cole & the Yankees Again
24:20 Ben Rice 3-Homer Game & Into the Leadoff Spot
28:35 Trent Grisham Doesn’t Swing
32:35 Luis Gil’s Bounce-Back Start
35:55 Judge Playing a LOT of DH Lately
37:10 Trade Meetings Have Begun
37:35 TRIVIA
38:45 What Did We Learn?
47:40 SHARP STATS: Lineup is Bad

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today is July 9th Boon joins the show sharp stats happens it’s time to talk about the Yanks aan hello and welcome to talking Yanks thank you very much for joining today Jake not here I am here bbd’s here Boone will be joining us very soon and if you want you can join us at our johnboy media Dr johnboy Med I DraftKings daily fantasy sports League uh rolls on this week all season long on DraftKings you can make your lineup and compete against JM creators each Tuesday night of the baseball season for a shot at cash prizes the top finisher each month will win a $100 seat key credit from johnboy media and the top leaderboard finisher at the end of the regular season two World Series tickets do we know who that is should start making the prizes have been have been given out I don’t know I don’t know if it’s been like a public thing like who won this or we need to find out we need to find out who’s the top the lead like who’s in the running right now for World Series tickets yes and then every week we’ll be like did Joe get beat is he going nope last second Joe’s out he’s out Mark comes in bam if you like if you like Fantasy Baseball it’s a good time it’s fun you get a budget you get to beat Joe McFly at something yep it’s never too late to sign in description is uh in in the description you have a link uh I’m not going to beat around the bush and do some intro talk we’re just going to throw it right to boony here we go today’s bantering with Boon is brought to you by beatbox boony thanks for joining us after uh a nice off day we keep getting you after off days so there’s a buffer period because if we you know came right after uh the the the last game I’d be even more I’d be I’d be I’m in control of my emotions today better we’ll see if I how are you doing I’m hanging in um down obviously in Tampa so um hoping to start a good last road trip tonight into the break Tampa and then balore yep correct um yeah all right so we’ve been talking through this thinking we’d get out of the stretch uh the tough stretch it’s it’s lasted longer than I think you would like and the fans would like we Yankees haven’t won a series last seven series haven’t won back-to-back games in 22 games that’s crazy haven’t built uh any momentum and are six and 16 in low in that stretch where I believe that’s the worst record uh in Major League Baseball in that stretch and um the worst ER in that stretch which pitching looked better this weekend but how how does defeatism not climb into the brains of you and the players when things continue to last and look like this well I mean that’s always that’s always the challenge but that’s always something that we talk about too um and you’ve heard me talk to you about this is you know it’s something we start from day one in spring training like preparing for the inevitables that come come your way during a season and it’s going to look different every year and there’s going to be different trials there’s going to be different um you know so so you try not to get on the roller coaster as best you can um because that’s when you start you know deviating from like performance that you’re ultimately capable of so um certainly acknowledging what we’re going through it’s not fun um you know we’re we’re human like you you know when things are riding high you’re you’re you know your emotions are a little better your mood’s a little better your feeling is a little bit better and and it you know right now when you go through something like this it sucks but but you’ve got to deal with it you’ve got to handle it you’ve got to push through it you got to know that you’re GNA gonna get through it and uh look it it’s something that we talk about all the time and uh you know expect it to to start turning around tonight we’re coming off a really good start from Luis Hill which was really encouraging to see um and just you know through this time like you kind of make sure you walk in the doors every day with like this controlled urgency right so you want you want to have that edge and that energy to how you walk in the room and how you get going but you also don’t want to turn that especially in in baseball where you know emotions can get you in trouble a little bit and you know it turns into press and panic and those kind of things so you want to make sure you’re walking in the doors with an edge and an urgency to you and a that will to prepare and get ready for the game but then being able to also now go play go play the game instead of um you know feeling all the we got to do this we got to win we gota that’s a given um you know it’s controlling what you can control and hopefully because we talk about it all the time because a number of guys have had experience going through these things before that needs to to serve us well moving forward and and understanding that that’s part of the game it has been part of the last couple seasons for you guys as like the first 60 to 70 games three years in a row now have been amazing started out crazy and then in the last couple years the June Swoon hits and kind of stays so in 2022 49 and 16 and then it was 500 the rest of the way last year 36 and 25 and then sub 500 the rest of the way this year 49 and 21 now 6 and 16 the rest of the way and I think when when the fans hear the kind of what’s become just your phrase now it’s right in front of us which I’m not denying it but it’s the third year we’ve heard it’s right in front of us or if that’s the message to the players like is it the same message this year as the last two years or is there now you’re saying these two years the players have done this is there a a new approach to getting out of it but every Year’s different I mean every year is different in 22 we were really good and kind of got decimated with some injuries at like that Late July August standpoint so we’re up against it last year we weren’t very good I mean frankly after you know a a couple of things happened this year I believe we’re a much better Club we’ve we’ve got some guys out right now that are you know that we’re going to get back and we’ve got some guys that we feel like are going to get going and and be more in line with who their baseball card says they are and that’s one of the things we got to do is get some guys on track and going um but it is right in front of us and I do feel like we have a group capable of being more in line with who we were the first couple months of the season um but it’s on us to to get that out um so uh you know every year is different in that regard and what you’re dealing with with what you know what kind of attrition you have to face um so I I you know I hope I believe this to be different than uh certainly last year but um you know 22 in a lot of ways was very different in that you know some guys we lost some significant pieces at at Key times and even some guys that we brought in as to fortify our team also kind of went down so we’re kind of a shell of oursel and kind of however did kind of write the ship there in September and play good baseball heading into the playoffs uh albeit you know a little bit topled yeah uh well I I thought this team was very much different I’m still hoping they are but I think seeing this stretch in the the three-year kind of oh yeah this is the same thing we did obviously the Personnel is different I think there’s more Talent on the team but that’s where I’m getting frustrated like well how is this happening again because I do think this team has more talent and is better the one thing that continues to happen is the plays that make you just scratch your head of I don’t want to say any words that are going to not personal shots are rude but kind of like laxidasical or just blank in the brain uh some fundamentals where your the head just not in the game you know we’ve had in the last in this stretch we had going back DJ just swiping at the ball at third uh and letting the runner go to Second Grisham that letting that ball just routine ball get fielded and move away we had DJ not hustling down on that double play and then the vulpi and DJ combined play as well as glaber not hustling and you know glaber Dro popups where it’s like how how is that happening pop pop up yeah yeah the one the one he dropped in seven years yeah yes but that combined with all the other things I just said is a a lot of I don’t know what you want to label it as if it’s not fundamentals or just head not in the game or not playing through the play which is a phrase you like to use it’s happening a lot and that’s very scary yeah um I hear I mean especially when you’re going through a stretch where you’re losing um you know you you want to kind of run to the little things that happen that you know you never want to see happen like you know the Trent play I understand is a really bad look I don’t think it’s because he’s any less engaged or less prepared or less focused on really doing his job I think it he screwed up um I think um you know vulpi coming down kind of got lost in space a little bit looking like we talk about finish play you got to finish the play and when we’re going through this I understand you’re going to shine a light on that you know we we’ve made a few mistakes and look when you’re not playing when you’re not winning games um you know those are the things you kind of run to um but I would say I feel really good about this group as far as their focus their preparation um um you know DJ I feel like was trying to just find his gate which he was struggling to do a little bit down the line and then on the double play he actually I’ve gone back and watched the the vulpi scoring and DJ running second like DJ actually did a really good job because the plays behind him and being not so sure that he tagged the base but making sure he got into a good Lane to where he would affect a throw to second base which he did and then he tried to stop and you know yeah he that is the that is another move there is to try and affect the throw and you saw and the rers I think he kind of did like in a perfect world sure you get in the rundown and everything but I think he did a lot in that play to try and um you know do what he could to kind of Salvage the run when you’re not when you’re not totally sure if if we’re dealing with a tag play or a force play so look there’s these things we gota but vul vul on that play is as frustrated as I I I turned into my 80-year-old neighbor Lou just screaming at the TV and throwing the remote like what yeah I mean you gota you got gotta finish the play there and like I mean anon’s plays the game as hard as anyone I’ve ever been around and and as locked in as anyone I I’ve been around like I’ve been in this thing a long time you know made a mistake you know like you’re kind of watching it you know there’s not a play on you and you know it’s something but he understands and we talk a lot about hey finish the play because that’s obviously a play where you know it’s different but that base hit to the Outfield where you’re scoring easy from second and maybe that guy’s going around there’s going to be a play so you know talking about finishing the play this is one of those cases um so you know hopefully it turns into a great learning situation and you know never happens to him again in his career that would be nice I would enjoy that and with DJ and I’m just I I understand DJ’s coming off injury but it’s it’s it’s tough to swallow not I know he’s safe in the end but not you know getting out of the box it’s it’s his slowest out of the box uh as far as the stopwatch goes of all the hits with Runners on you know runner on first double potential double play try to beat it out it’s his slowest uh and then the next game he busts it out of the box and it’s uh he’s at first 15 feet faster so it’s like oh we can run yeah I look I I I hear you I hear you but if you really go back and look at that run like he kind of got thrown off on on how the swing kind of took him out of his gate a little bit and one of the things DJ really worked hard on this winter and his running program is being really efficient at at running you know he’s doing you know the sled pullings and all those kind of things and I think he struggled to get to that position and then kind of panicked at the end and and stepped on it in an awkward kind of way to get there so you know I hear you um DJ’s I promise you not doing anything but busting his ass and and completely hooked up on you know so well that’s why this guy’s nickname was big fundies you know a fundamental guy and then the play at third which was odd and that it just seems like he’s not getting the results and it feels like there’s a like kind of a defe ISM at the end of these games because that DJ play was at the end of the game the Trent gishan plays at the end of the game when it’s a big comeback needed now and and all and it just feels like there’s just this [ __ ] and kind of all right let’s just finish this one instead of uh of him and vigor and I I could be wrong I’m saying that’s the perception yeah and that’s a that I understand that’s perception it’s not even close to the reality so um you know we we will be ready to rock and roll tonight and expecting to turn around and I know I’m going to have you know guys walking through that doors today ready to compete their ass off and and uh look forward to going to the post with them you know tonight at 650 in Tampa has there been any consideration about actually that’s not way I want to phrase this the there’s a stolen base and I know this is uh stat I know this is more Personnel on the roster which isn’t that’s a question for cash in front office but it’s the longest uh no stolen bases in the last 20 games only two attempts in those games which I think now is the longest streak for any Yankees team since 1963 um obviously you don’t have many Steelers besides vulpi but is there any do you see that and think do you think well that’s just not our game like if we start running more that’s not our path to victories or do you say we create this look look through this stretch like we’ve been behind the eightball so like I understand like globally speaking like let’s get the game moving and of course you know and I think I think over the last several years where we’ve been probably more on the below average certainly speed wise we’ve actually done a pretty good job in the stolen base game and and making it somewhat of a play for us and somewhat in play for us and we’ve got some guys capable of doing that you know kind of go back and look and see like you know we haven’t had a lot of Chances with where the game’s been really close and we’ve had a really good matchup where we’ve had the you know the right guy on first base to take a shot um or and you got to think of the opponent too there’s some opponents some pitchers really comes down to the pitcher a little bit the catcher combination too but pitchers you’re going up where this is a good time to take a shot um now we have had a handful of tries and that maybe a foul ball he’s not you know he’s got to go back so like those kind of things set up but it’s it’s hard to get the running game going when you’re you know down a few runs and you don’t have the exact Personnel you want uh to take advantage of that so I I get it’s something to point to but you know we’re going to play aggressively when we have the opportunities to do it um and and try and be opport opportunistic where we can um but that’s just a I I don’t know I feel like that’s a little bit of a l czy way of looking at it I mean you can’t just say oh we’re in a 20 game stretch where we’re down three or four nothing in 70% of these or down a few runs and you want a guy to steal because we we gota I think it’s a I think it’s from directing it towards the manager It’s a lazy way because you don’t have the Personnel to do this but if there’s if the we do have some of the Personnel we have you know but I mean if you’re a young team that can run you can create it’s not our identity you can create chances and I think that’s more of a roster issue that if we wanted to say hey we’re not hitting the ball let’s get on base and run like crazy which is something teams do to the Yankees and has worked that’s more again a question for the front office not you so I was but from your perspective you can’t just magically say Soto go steel now and then there you have it I understand that yeah so managing decisions that I want to talk about are Des we warned you about Ellie De La Cruz and his stolen bases and um you know he had a really good game you just the triple and the Homer he can’t steal on those so I was kind of smart no but he he did he didn’t run like crazy on you guys we forgot to warn you about Des he crushes the Yankees especially Garrett Cole there’s two decisions last year we played a game called def defend debate regret with you there’s only two here um if you had to debate one heel pitching to him or Cole pitching to him third time which one would you defend and debate um well with Garrett look it’s Garrett and we’re in the fifth inning you know so um and he you know he punches out the leadoff hitter in that situation so do I want to go get my Ace with one out in the fifth um you know now the the case for it for me in that situation is not rafy de the case for me in that situation is it was an incredibly hot day yeah and it was I mean you could feel that from the picturers on both sides um so and and obviously Garrett’s still getting back to that you know top you know top ring or fully built up if you will so I think there’s a case to be made where man he gets that lead off hitter um go get him uh with heel um I frankly I I felt the way he was throwing the ball he was in such a good spot like I was watching him closely starting the inning before just to see where he was from is he still commanding it is is the stuff still there and I feel like when Luis is in that throwing the ball like he did the other night which is kind of in line with who he was the first couple of months where he was really dominant I feel like he’s the one guy as much as anyone even even going to high leverage there in the pen like he’s the guy that’s you know got got a great chance to keep the ball in the ballpark too and or and or get him out like and then I got the question of um you know do you walk him there I mean which is to me a little bit of a absurd question you know like um oh you pitch around pitch around him or something I actually yeah I I the heel one I’m fine with cuz you let heel in later on with with Cole giving up the Home Run and like oh now let’s take you out it’s like well I mean the history between those two guys is yeah absurd do you do you want I mean in since he’s also he’s also punched his ticket a lot and you know what the next 30 or 40 at bats you know might turn more his way and look we’re in the fifth inning bro in a game that we won 14 I understand but I I understand but in since 2021 Cole versus Des third plate appearance of the game he’s got 11 plate appearances he has a three. 060 Ops he has six hits five homers two walks is 727 on base and a 2.3 slugging against Cole third plate appearances it’s it’s not really there you know people walk Barry Bonds and and to to score a run instead of letting him beat him like it’s just not a match Cole’s very good Sai Young one of the best at his profession Des kind of sees him really well and those and I would say over the next several years those numbers will come back to within reason not saying rafy’s not season well different things obviously and his had is number to some degree but I would also think believe that those will correct a little bit and it won’t be those that obscene so but it all comes down to execution and um but my case for getting them there um was more more in line with with with the day and just being man it was a grind out there with the Heat and the you know the amount of pitches he had to throw within the first few Innings where you know probably taxed them a lot physically yeah Co Coleen Des is just any other batter and I I’m fine but it’s just it’s unbelievable what he’s been able to do to him in these last couple years uh third plate appearance is nuts but all the stats are crazy runnner on is also like from the stretch he’s got a 2.8 something so I don’t know how you handle that he’s just very good especially Cole actually I do well I I think if you want to tell Garrett and uh he can come punch me in the face if he wants curveballs he’s only put he’s only put one in play he swung and missed at all of them he never sit curve I just Spam Curves in the dirt till he hits that he’s never got a hit off this curve so pass that on in a note and put it in his shoe John boy says curves only next time see what happens um Ben rice goes to the leadoff spot you like what you’ve seen you like the three Homer day yeah love the three Homer day uh yeah I I do what I’ve seen he’s I feel like yeah the bats have been there you know even even I going said this a lot even when he doesn’t get a result there’s just a you know there’s a there’s a calm there’s a confidence to the way he takes an at bat um feel like he recognizes pitches fairly easily um he’s obviously impacting the ball um um I think he’s done a really good job um and you know looking in line with the hitter you know we think he’s got a chance to be is that a platoon leadoff situation or has he earned the spot yeah yeah probably you know like we’ll get a lefty I think in Baltimore um so I’ll probably you know I’ll probably you know move it around a little bit in that way instead of going three out of four lefties to to start um I I probably will change that up but that’s that’s a few days away still okay so when you if you change it up in Baltimore should we be expecting vulpi to slot back in or will it be hot hand you don’t know right now yeah I don’t know maybe hot hand maybe you know who knows maybe even Ben just depending on who that the you know first four are there um that’ll that’ll that’ll be a consideration with um the way the lineup’s constructed right now with Stan out and Rizzo out and uh those two guys are big threats they pose uh a scary outcome for for pitchers when they see them after judge right now uh it seems very much so teams are walking stto he doesn’t expand the Zone he’s got a his batting averag is pretty low right now um in since returning from that stretch but his slugging is high and his on base is incredibly high so like when he’s getting his pitch to hit he’s hitting and he’s just not getting a lot judge on the other hand seeing pitches out of the zone and feeling I think if I speak for judge pressure to drive in soda that’s that’s the whole game plan and expanding a bit uh because people aren’t worried behind him I think we’ve seen the Red Sox walk both those guys to start an inning three times uh how do we is there any thought to is it just wait till Stan comes back to get someone behind judge is there any like hot hand moving there playing there like I I don’t know how you do it yeah a little bit but I mean I also feel like you know Doogie is going to and and I feel like Doogie even has in the last week 10 days started swing the bat better after going through kind of a 10day two week stretch where you know you’re struggling a little bit there we ran through a lot of lefties obviously um but you know like he’s he’s key there in the middle and and I feel that that that will reveal itself like he’s a really I think we would both agree like quality Big League hitter and that’s that’s going to reveal itself he he’s been a incredibly productive player the first two months of the Season lot of big hits he’s gone through a stretch here of a few weeks even though and it with in context like the last week’s been pretty good in some stretches too um where he’s he’s a key in the middle of that lineup obviously we we obviously got to get glaber going but you know then in and around like you know getting the bottom of the order getting some contributions I feel like Austin Wells is is you know stringing together some pretty good at bats um for us uh you know I think Anthony vulp is going to play a big role in coming up with hopefully Runners on base and getting some opportunities in that way so I mean like guys gota guys got to step up and and take advantage when there’s you know some situations Drive in runs yeah verdugos leads the league in one of the new stats they have which is when he makes contact he squares the ball up so he’s when he puts the ball in play it’s usually hit pretty solidly um yeah stos like that as well one of the stats that blew my mind and I I I talked about this on the last episode with their audience and I was trying to say it’s I’m not trying to knock it 100% it’s just so crazy Trent Grisham doesn’t swing he he he just doesn’t swing I’ve never seen a player swing less uh his he’s got the lowest Zone swing and the lowest out of Zone swing and the lowest swing percentage in all of out of the 370 players that qualify ha have you ever seen an approach like that well I mean I I think in some ways it serves him well because he doesn’t do a lot of chasing right yeah yeah like 177% one of the things is he’s he’s at a low average the last couple years but there is some on base there with some power in there as well so um you know for him I think moving the need a little little bit on on some inzone pitches you know that he has an opportunity to do some some things you know hopefully moving the needle in that regard will will you know serve him well and you know help him you know take another step as a hitter uh especially as he gets some opportunities here and and frankly you know as he’s gotten these opportunities you know there’s been some production in there I feel like he’s swung the bat pretty well um you know there’s been some he’s he’s getting some knocks there’s been some power in there he’s been hitting of he’s been hitting of late so I said it’s not I’m not really trying to knock it’s just a I feel like even hit a lot of balls hard you know for outs even so um yeah I mean his patience serves them well in some regards but there’s probably a little bit more there to to you know get a little aggressive in zone at times too yeah him and Trevino right now are the one and two um out of like 370 uh in the lowest inzone swing percentage so I don’t know you know just looking for a pitch or looking zoning in on a a singular spot or just trying to work at bats but trev’s trev’s that low at in zone too 53 uh percent Zone swing for Trevy and 50.8 for gishan so they’re yeah they’re the two lowest out of yeah I think one of those you know trev’s worked really hard the last couple years on you know because he’s historically been a guy that’s left the Zone more often and and maybe maybe chased and I think that’s that’s an area of his game really the last few years as he’s worked really hard on like eliminating some of the chase you know really being looking in a certain area and being real specific so that’s probably showing up in a result of some of the work he’s done and and I think has probably served him well a little bit this year um but look anytime we’re in zone um there’s probably meat on the bone there to you know take advantage of some stuff in the strike zone yeah DJ is 20 25th at 58% but then you got SoDo who’s at he’s 32nd because he’s very selective in the zone which is kind of it’s a tough balance where you have vulpi that’s probably the next step for him is getting more selective in the zone because right now he’s just swinging at pitches in the zone and then the quality of contact isn’t there right would you agree with that assessment yeah I think he’s kind of kind of going through it I think you know some of the Swing changes he made uh in the winter that I think really served him well in the first month and a half two months of the season um and I think will longterm um serve him well I think he’s kind of you know battling that a little bit and and just you know working to get mechanically in a good spot um so going through a little bit but I am I’m confident anthy will get a rolling two again here uh you know as he gets just a little bit more settled um kind of gets through this rough stretch one more topic before we get to the trivia heel had his bounceback start that was you know I mean Ben rice is three Homer day that saved my soul a little bit from the game before uh and just put a smile on my face but but it’s not longl lasting confidence yet and I don’t knock Ben rice individually it’s just you know he’s still a rookie and the League’s going to figure him out and he’s going to have to do that so it’s not like o heel having that start against Boston kind of was like like okay hell yeah like we can we can they made a correction now we corrected and then we find out on the broadcast and Matt Blake talked about it that the arm slot lowered and then uh got raised back up in this start against Boston are you part of that I mean that all probably happens with Matt or how does that happen who notices that who identifies it when are you aware that this is a change being made well there’s I mean you you see that you know that drop sometimes or looks different you can see that you know we were seeing it a little bit to the naked eye but you know he’s had some of those inconsistencies even when he was going really well um the first couple months of the season I think it’s important to remember with Lis is like you know this this was still a very raw skilled guy when he got hurt right he was kind of up and down with us and you know had some strike throwing things and but you you know you saw the raw stuff and it was but he was very um very young in his development and he kind of and and came out of Tommy John and you know obviously missed that time and it kind of just clicked for him which obviously was awesome and we all saw the result in spring training and through the first couple months of the season but I think it’s important to remember like this is still a very young pitcher in his you know from an experience and learning himself and understanding himself so I think all of his stuff is is kind of you know some of the issues is delivery related which ultimately is release point and all that and that all that stuff but um I think going through this stuff is going to serve him well you know moving forward because he’s gaining experience and learning on the fly like how to sync up and that’s going to continue to be a challenge for him but he was awesome the other night and I think the other thing that was really exciting is he didn’t really have was great change up he was still feeling for that pitch and and we saw saw the arm drop a little bit and um but his slider was as good as we’ve ever seen it and I know the last couple of um bullpens you know he made a little grip change on the slider and he had that thing working the other night oh I love that I love yeah it was a really good pitch for him um to go with with fast ball I thought he did a great job of coming out establishing fast ball right away in that first inning getting it to spots he wanted you saw the profile was much better the velocity was there um and then I think along with that he gets in a rhythm he gets some confidence going and and then his ability can have outings like that obviously well I thought of another question judge dhing and stto playing the Outfield mm from a talent level and defense level doesn’t um really make sense because judge is really good out there now Soto’s gotten a lot better than previous Seasons but you still see him play balls and throw balls in that you’re like well judge that’s he holds them to a single there’s one play in this series how much of that is Judge has been playing a lot of center field he’s a big dude and the DH gives him rest versus stto don’t want a DH that’s yeah that’s a lot of it um and and like obviously you know it stinks having junk Carlo out right now but you know one of the things in a long season in the middle of it is I do feel like man it gives me an opportunity to use this with judge that I think is going to serve him and us well you know in the second half of the Season down the stretch and Beyond um you know I’ll use it with Juan a little bit used it obviously the other day in the Day game uh you know here the turf like I want to get judge off off the turf as much as I can so uh and I think Juan’s done a good job out there so this is a little moment in time where I’m going to you know value that for judgy alrighty have you been called into any trade discussion meetings yet um not really we we kind of you know met with the staff just kind of going through our roster and things like that and um so got kind of staff’s opinion of of things okay say you did you say infield and and Bullpen see guys no you never know what’s out we’ll see all right well this is the trivia presented by beatbox beatbox perfect pairing for Yanks game do yourself a favor hit the link in the description find beatbox near you Ben rice became the second Yankee ever with a thre Homer game out of the leadoff spot who is the other and you managed the game picks yeah that was quick how’d that how was you how were you able to drag that one out of the brain so quick because I remember him having a three Homer game and I always and I always tell anytime someone hits three homers I always tell them welcome to the club that was also against the Red Sox oh it was yeah David Price was P Pi have a three Homer game he’s got two of them I think I think he does well inside the park home run against Detroit maybe did he was that a three Homer game think so maybe a big series I do remember that as well um yeah wow Crush that trivia all right thanks boy appreciate the time all right man take care see you all right that was banter with Boon discuss some things going to wrap my head around what we discussed before I tell you uh after I tell you about booking doya with Summer travel heating up and it’s hot it’s really hot hot outside especially for baseball games it’s time to explore those US cities that you always secretly wanted to learn more about yeah we’re talking about your rival cities Jake and I we’re heading to Boston at the end of July and we’re very excited for that we’re going to hopefully sit on the green monster again taking a game uh from hotels that Overlook stadiums to familyfriendly Resorts has so many choices across the US for your summer travel this MLB season dog days of summer are here baseball’s the only thing you got take a trip beat the heat see a game the right stay can make you a fan of any US city even your Rivals book today at and official accommodations partner of Major League Baseball on the site or in the app so there’s people that are never happy with the way we do these I guess I I I I don’t care about that anymore I feel good about that conversation I tried to I tried to like let him know hey this message hasn’t worked last two years so are we going to change it I could have I could have won a little harder there like you can’t just stay the course you have to make changes but he didn’t get pissy last year he got pissy a couple times and then we got pissy he just seemed to understand um yeah almost got there a little bit with glaver but the popup yeah one pop up in seven years yeah but I mean it’s one but it’s about it’s about the everything thing yeah he’s i y even the lack of days loal stuff he’s like I understand the perception of that it’s like well yeah that’s what it that’s what that’s how we perceive it we have no idea what’s going behind the scenes but we know that at the end of games they’re just not seemingly have their head in the game it’s a terrible look it’s felt like almost every game for however long there’s been like some play we look back on and are like and what the just what was that yeah and and last year you know was all Personnel the team like he just he even admitted it there he said we weren’t good last year yeah they just weren’t and it wasn’t on him and we kind of learned in these combos with him that he he’s not making the roster or the players he can just do what he can but we both agree there’s enough on this roster to win so then that is on managing coaching getting the best out of making sure people are hustling like wasn’t hling I wasn’t going to let that slide I I can give you the overlay uh to put in this episode if you want uh you know just over my face or something but I overlaid DJ running on Friday and then the very next day him running and it’s it’s wildly different speeds now he says his swing took him out of his stride I guess so but like it’s just bad Optics it’s bad the BBY plays bad Optics which he knows um Gaber gets benched uh the other guys don’t but like you also want him to play so it’s just defeating a little bit uh the Louis heel correction that’s nice that’s a correction that was made like we’re that’s what we’re begging for like don’t just say no we’re good just do you that seems to be the the status quo the last couple years when they go through slumps don’t worry just do you no we need to make Corrections needs to stop swinging at every pitch in the zone do you want to watch that overlay again yeah if you have it I have it um because when he was telling me you know when he first said he hustled it’s like well there’s two DJs here and there’s one that’s out of the box quicker down the line quicker if you pause it at first base you know it’s cuz that that the dirt is what 7 feet 10t of dirt whatever it is 58 doctor just measured me I said I’ve been 5’7 my whole life he said I got 5’8 I said I didn’t grow but thanks I’m H it’s taller than me so it’s it’s a big difference so he can run he knew better than that play for sure and like yeah he’s big Fundy you know um and the chrishan play and the just all looks bad I think Boon knows it looks looks bad he’s protecting his guys that’s what he does I just you would like more insight into what he’s saying in the clubhouse how do those conversations go when a guy because we don’t we don’t know but it seems like the vibe and the message to the clubhouse is like we’re good keep playing we’re good and that hasn’t worked yet it’s no hey we’re playing like dog [ __ ] let’s make some changes you guys are good enough to play better if that’s happening we’re just not really aware of it but besides like you know changing moving vulpi out of the spot moving Ben rice up um Luis heel making a correction which is nice he said he’d try some things out um to get some protection behind judge but he thinks Verdugo is going to get back and he has looked better of late so his numbers over the last since start of July or or whatever are are fine they’re good exactly how you want to chop them up the de stuff is is crazy I those stats are so crazy so you know I if the numbers change in next two years and and Cole gets the best of them I sure but I wouldn’t really risk it in a game that matters I would just throw curve balls in the dirt see if he swings over any or just give him first if it’s you know like the first I should have I should have [ __ ] I had three examples for defend regret debate and the other one was pitching to him in the third inning or whatever it was it was two outs runner on second first base was open and de hits a single the runner scores and then deor steals a base and then the inning falls out of control [ __ ] forgot to bring that one up like just walk him to first like there’s two outs we aren’t deathly scared of there’s two outs put the force on all the bases but instead they pitch to him why I know Cole’s amazing he’s dog [ __ ] vers Des yeah the um sometimes one guy gets you and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a guy get a guy as much is D gets Co the only other one that we’ve seen in like recent memory is is Gman versus Cole which I think they’d be point out like and Cole eventually started getting him I think we all agree that those are two different players like I I W I’m I’m okay with not trusting that this is when but that’s it’s a it’s a smaller was a smaller sample size we’re talking about 37 plate appearances since 2021 Cole versus Des and in those 31 or 37 play is he’s got a 1. 226 slugging we’re not talking about like Troy was like five for 10 with five homers that’s 10 at bats this is uh 31 at bats 37 plate appearances eight home runs six walks it’s nuts yeah Choy where the numbers have landed is 24 at bats 30 played appearances 417 533 9917 slug a one. 4 Ops uh but yeah it’s only 1.4 Ops yes and I think that came down Des has a one eight yeah in 37 plate appearances since sticky stuff got removed from the situation all right anyway we’re going to move on to our sharp stats it’s brought to you by under 510 they make modern basics for shorter dudes like me just told you my height earlier including jeans chinos joggers button-down shirts hoodies te’s and more all at great prices some of their newest items include super soft joggers Ultra stretchy casual pants and long sleeve T-shirts I wear them and they fit and it almost shocks me when I’m like oh what this fits I don’t need to roll the pants up or anything this is cool even in like the uh the inseams they’re like whoa doesn’t look like I got a diaper on this is awesome it just looks better cuz it’s actually sized for you so they got a special promo for our viewers they provided a $10 off coupon for you to give them a try hit the link in the description to see our favorites and the offer will pop right up for you head to shop. under510 whoa click the link in the description read that URL what am I crazy guy all right sharp stats hey guys it’s the queen of stats and well this is I’m sorry but this is going to be another sad shark stats so about a month ago uh when the Yankees were cruising as the Unstoppable best team in baseball Yankees yeah you remember that um I did a segment on black holes and at the time Yankees seemed to uh be in good shape with no significant negative position players um well you know a lot has changed in the last month obviously um so let’s just take another look at this uh idea of black holes in the lineup and um I’m going to just specifically focus on offensive production uh since that’s clearly been the most frustrating part of this slump um as it’s pretty obvious that it’s the judge and sto show right now but let’s just put some numbers behind it so I’m going to use Ops plus which is adjusted Ops and um just keep in mind that these are stats for the entire season for these players so the Yankees they now have five players with at least 110 played appearances this season and an Ops plus of 83 or worse so that means that they’re 17% worse than League average now there are eight other teams that are like the Yankees and that they have five such players like that except the fact um only one of those eight has a winning record that’s the Royals and none of them are currently in a playoff spot let’s look at it another way we’ll look at batting order positions so the Yankees have three batting order positions with an Ops plus of 83 or Worse doesn’t sound bad there are 10 other teams like that with like the Yankees with three such order positions but the catch here only two of those have a winning record the Mariners and the Red Sox and what I think is compounding this problem even more is that those three batting order positions with an Ops plus of 83 or Worse those are the first the fourth and the eighth positions so it spans the entire order what which magnifies the inconsistency of the lineup and makes it just really hard to put together enough offense in any to score runs talk to you guys next week oh my goodness that’s not good that’s on the Year too they’re not not just in the stretch like this stretch has brought the year numbers down mhm 10 teams three position players with Ops plus 83 or lower geez the first the fourth and the eighth spots first and fourth is is honestly what’s killing the team because now judge and stto can just be pitched around if you want if you’re essentially if top the orders up and you’re close to being spotted in now out pitch around those two spotted another out when did Stan get hurt June something June 22nd was his last game Atlanta oh wow okay so they were losing before he got hurt the stretch began before that but I want to see how if that’s changed the way teams have pitched to judge cuz it feels like it yes it does feel like it I’m going to attack zones heart and Shadow so since since uh Stan got out how do I do this 56 pitches where’s like the pitch perent trying trying to learn something new all right hold on hold on holding I’m going to take out that query and just look at all the pictures I guess which is going to be nuts so this is up until the J judge injury if you look at the pitch chart of how they’re attacking judge since Stanton’s gotten out ah no never mind this is something I will tweet out because I can’t figure out how to show the data that quickly so just at johnboy uncore tune in also Jimmy’s three things if you want to see a full Deep dive into the devors versus Cole situation that episode today out and went through the numbers they’re crazy I did like that he was interested in the swing percentage like he was like tr’s that low okay uh what’s he at like he was like inzone swing seems like there it seemed like something he was actually like hm CU that’s something that’s decision based that he likes that he wants to he’s like oh yeah okay uh all right hey thanks for tuning in subscribe to the channel if you enjoy it appreciate you go Yanks tell them grams go yankies go yanes let’s go Yankees let’s go Yankees let’s go Yankees


  1. Ah..we weren't watching the same game. Rose colored glasses? Or are we being gas lighted ? I guess he can't really throw guys under the bus …maybe he should ask them to watch him squirm in this interview. Why? They can't all be sadists.

  2. Great interview outstanding job, boone seemed clueless to some of your stat observations. But one point in regards to playing centerfield and who's going to DH. The issue should not be and is not about whether judge or soto will sit. Very simply grisham should be on the DH, shouldn't come down to judge or soto having to be put on dh

  3. I don't see how the 1st and 4th spots in the lineup could have an OPS+ of 83 or less. Volpe has been the main leadoff man, and his OPS+ is 92. The cleanup spot has been mostly Stanton (OPS+ 120) and Verdugo (95) IIRC, with a few games with Torres (81).

  4. This Boone segement tells me it's more important to him to cover up for his players than win. Gleyber missing one pop up in 7 years…are you kidding me!!! No semse of urgency from Boone at all.

  5. I’ve been a Boone supporter but after this interview and this game, fire him. We are headed to the same fate we had the last 2 years

  6. Bla bla bla bla bla…I’m so sick of the talking. How bout we start winning for a change!!!

  7. Wtf did he say the entire time all I hear is excuse after excuse smh FIRE BOONE AND CASHMAN LETS GET A REAL GM AND MANAGER THAT CAN GET THIS TEAM GOING

  8. Funny, this is the message Cora gives the redsox about the yanks… right there in front of us…. Works for the Sox 🤷🏼‍♂️

  9. Boone is a gamma. The last thing he is or ever will be, is a leader. For God sake send him packing.

  10. Guys who have hit in the 8 hole spot since the skid minus the last two games and how many times they've batted in that spot

    Trent Grisham 3
    Oswaldo Cabrera 5
    Jahmai Jones 2
    DJ LeMahieu 1
    Jose Trevino 7
    Ben Rice 2
    Austin Wells 6

  11. All due respect…
    It's fair of you to question Boone on anything you want to. But it's also fair of him to give you some sort of bullcrap spin answer, or to refuse to answer you at all if he so chooses. So when you say, "(You) would like more insight into what he's saying in the clubhouse," you're asking for something you're not entitled to – you're not a Yankee. You just sound like a whiney baby about it. The manager of the New York Yankees doesn't owe anything to anyone outside of the men in the lockeroom and the people in his chain-of-command. Period. Be somewhat grateful that the organization and Boone specifically has embraced you – if they hadn't, you'd be just another group of guys on dopey YouTube. Ask the tough questions with respect, press it where necessary, and respectfully say thanks for what you've been given.

  12. I don't get why everyone obsessed with this quote. No one ever has any problem with the repetitive platitudes when they're winning

  13. Im usually the guy that silently reads "Fire Boone" comments but for the first time I want to comment in agreement

  14. I want Boone and Cashman gone- fired .. but I really give him credit for doing these interviews and taking the shots every time. Also like how he backs his players during the game. But still.. FIRE HIM AND CASHMAN

  15. Thank you Jimmy for trying to hold Boone accountable. Dont understand why the Yankees don't seem to have the same stat info that you manage to pull up?????

  16. I get so mad listening to Boones' comments. Reading through the comments is my therapy. Great push back Jomboy!!

  17. Boone looks like a man who is still searching for answers. He will be the scapegoat for his team not playing to their potential.

  18. The Yankees keep losing because their manager can’t see what’s right in front of him. Totally blind to what we all see and won’t listen to the facts.

  19. I’ve never been a fan of Boone & question a lot of his decisions over the years especially the bullpen, but with the Gil decision there is no one in the pen I trust to get a big hitter out than Gil when he’s pitching like that.

  20. You know you’re in denial when you say this team is laser focused and hustles. Cmon now. We watch this crap everyday just like you. We’re not stupid.

  21. Great job with Bantering with Boone Jimmy! As Boone was talking about the fundamental issues we have been seeing, it would be nice to maybe have him break down the footage with Jimmy and Jake. Possible idea in the future?

  22. Every year has not been different. In fact, as Jimmy pointed out, it has been almost exactly the same. Come out of spring training looking like world beaters. Build a huge lead in the standings. June starts. Stanton hamstring injury. Pitching loses its edge. Overreliance on Judge to carry. Boone says its "right in front of us". Cashman talks about how the guys we are getting back off the IL are better than anything the trade market has to offer. Get two nobody players from trades that no one cares or talks about. Go .500 til the end of the year while talking about the grind of 162. Season ends. Yankees staff talks about how the rest of the league deserves credit for being good at baseball and say that they're determined to put together a great roster in the offseason. Rinse. Repeat.

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