Use the Lead Shoulder for Golf Swing Consistency

GRF Golf Head Coach Marcus shows Rory how his very proficient use of the ground is only being potentially hindered by not having the body movement to accommodate.As always, a huge thanks to Rory for letting us share his GRF golf lesson experience.

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#CoachYourself #GRFgolf #Golf
Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.

I feel like I came down quite quickly from like 24 to 16 yeah I sort of just not been feeling like I’ve been getting much better to be hon what we’re looking at is the distribution of pressure across the feet you’re unloading now from the floor so you very very good very powerful um the problem is we’re moving in a way that’s making it tricky to strike the ball if we take your left shoulder as the center of the golf Wing So I think if you can throw this this here this left shoulder that’s your centripetal Point that’s where all the force is kind of being it’s being transferred to extend the levers okay and then when these all extend you’ve got your maximum SG your swing Arc or radius so where this is in space in terms of putting down side to side rotation here depth is quite important to our potential to strike the ground so for example if I well as I swing back where’s the shoulder going is it going down or up this this left shoulder it’s going down and as I turn that way where’s it going up up okay so if I get to the top of my swing and then I go this way as I’m swinging down yes the club’s going down but what’s going up is my golf swing my low point my my maximum swing radius if you like the Apex at the bottom is going up and up and up and up as I’m swinging down and down and down so what’s happening is my golf swings tilting and shifting and I’m I’m bringing this in it’s also coming in Shallow so I can kind of thin it that’s where your thins are coming from really okay so even though you’re creating really good movement in terms of ground reaction force the way we’re swinging with the body at the moment just the sequence isn’t quite adapting enough to allow us to use this Potential from the ground so we’ve actually got to go down to move that low Point as low as we can depending depending on much want to push and then we can push off the ground and this where’re pushing the low Point’s coming up but the pushing off accelerates you fires the club and now the club starts to catch the ball before it meets the low Point coming up so you’ve got a low Point that’s coming up and it’s coming it’s three dimensional it’s coming back as well but you’re swinging out and it’s coming back up all this is going off all we’ve got to do is just let it happen but the way we’re moving at the moment we’re making it almost impossible we’re going to start swinging our arms so it’s an adapted version of walking walking is only this way we’re going to flip the upper body mechanics so it matches and all I want you to do is let your arms swing up and down as you twist your hips belt buckle if you like with the exercise we were doing earlier Lely your arms shouldn’t move you shouldn’t need your arms to twist your arms just brush your the brush your body swinging down up and down from your shoulders so you’ll see when you watch your video back the hips are twisting but nowhere near enough for what we can do yeah yes so you can twist them now what we’ve got to recognize is how it couldn’t throw off the arms shouldn’t throw the arm swing off so now we’re going to make a bigger shoulder turn so what I want you to do is make a big shoulder turn and I’m going there so big shoulder turn one arm reaches back one arm stretches forward and what you’re lengthening out you’re stretching that you’re also stretching that out and you twist this way and then what you’re going to do guys is you’re going to from here from you just felt this way you do the same the other way stretch the front arm line out stretch this controlateral chain now excellent and your arms just swing up and down and your rib cage your shoulders rotate your rib cage rotates like this awesome that left arm your arms can’t do this so your arm can’t swing out so let you rotate your shoulder girdles guys so just do this with me first these are separate just shrug them and roll them back these are a different part of your body they’re not stuck to you you don’t need this to rotate this so we don’t need to move the arm this way to rotate the body so in a golf swing we want the arms to react to the forces you’re creating and then we want to use the swing weight so if you watch me first here look this swings the arms up automatic if I do this to rotate now I’ve got it CL up now looking at me what we’re going to do watch me first you’re just going to drop now sit down a bit now you’re going to spring on watch me first you’re going to spring up and that’s going to give you the power for the twist it’s going to open your body up it’s going to give you the foots for it watch this you stand up and it twists you the way yeah it opens you up yeah now from here you drop again and then you pop and it fires your rotations and opens you up yes so there’s a drop in the middle and then a pop nice so you drop and pop drop and pop and then you can spring watch the drop now watch my feet my feet can can use my feet and my body to spring up fantastic that’s perfect yes Rory and then drop and pop it yeah all in one off you go brilliant so your vertical so important not just for pushing off the floor but opening up all your rotation well done and again what ball flight do you normally get left to right left to right and watch what these balls are doing so I know you think thinned it okay but just watch what the ball applies doing watch the ball okay so doesn’t matter where it where it’s actually going I just want you to watch the spin on it whether it’s going right to left or left to right watch it see the curve yeah so the last three shots have all done the same thing well played little draw again that yeah fantastic that’s seem quite compressed in it out the middle so it was great and it’s all it’s all brand new so the feedback you’re feeling is going to be something different it’s lovely swing fantastic movement watch the shape see the balls are doing all doing the same thing yeah so Number One requirement for playing golf is we want some control of ball fly so you you’re developing a pattern of movement that’s creating the same door fly with ability to adapt it but at the minute where we’re at with our game and handicap we want to tap into your power and develop that we want to do it with a game that’s reliable draw again sometimes a little bit sometimes not lot sometimes more sometimes it might be a little bit it might be a bit straighter but what you’ve not got is suddenly this this massive kind of deviation Rory yeah because that’s just going to add more hesitancy into your swing this is going to let you commit more this is this needs R bit range time just for you to explore it that’s beautiful well done different feeling yeah for sure every Ball’s curving the same way that’s awesome and just a nice little draw awesome little bit of draw starting right drawing back nice strike and you’re you’re an inch off the floor so yeah pretty much is the loss of B is is that an issue at this point no you’re on a rocking board and it’s and so when you go back to the ground this is challenging you I want you to become expert on this though so it doesn’t matter but no don’t worry at all your body’s doing the work for you it’s great there your movement patterns are fantastic awesome look at the drawer again I mean you’ve got a fantastic golf swing have a few swings Us in the ground now so same thing just on the ground if you love the coaching and want to experience the effects of the training that you see with our pupils you can purchase the GFI system Yourself by following the link in the video description you’ll get all the equipment and a 2-hour download covering all the fundamentals exploring your movement and how you can use the ground and create those all important ground reaction forces and transfer them through to Club speed and experience the gains that you’re seeing in the videos well done now the next thing we need to know is just where this spring takes us I can Bor the club nice easy exercise you’re going to go through this one as well in a second Martin all you do is take your STS bring your left foot in this time you take a step and you twist the left foot in and spring so normal stance bring the left foot back towards the right it’s only a half step tiny step so when you swing back you wind basically you’re winding straight into your three and spring in well played Jump and twist The Twist the left foot in turn it in like on the discs yes so you’re loading your hip you see you’re really loading yeah brilliant yeah fantastic perfect yeah good now that’s your challenge now again we’ve got to land we got to stay balanced at the end that’s it Well Done R turn it now going up Shar good all we’ve got to do is make sure the spring before takes us to a nice relaxed comfortable stable finish so that’s it then spring hold it there stay there your elbows relaxed that CL that’s it stay there stay stay stay stay stay just got the club relax my shoulder well played there’s your balance don’t worry about the strike purpose was to balance so it’s never just like an even more balance just hold a finish it’s what’s happening before looks compromising the balance Oh shot rip that same flight little drawer different feel yeah definitely yeah nice sound awesome yeah just a little bit fantastic just grab your driver perfect there’s your draw yeah awesome awesome that come off like a rocket it’s uh you see the flight yeah so again you’ve got a natural draw look at that that’s awesome that’s strong yeah feel good happy with that yeah fantastic that’s awesome i’ like that golf swing that’s fantastic really awesome well done [Music] oh [Music]

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