The Biggest Swing Change I Have EVER Seen – Real Golf Lesson

Witness the most dramatic swing transformation in this real golf lesson! Join us as we provide expert golf swing tips and practical golf lessons that led to this incredible change.

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out and half yeah what do you be doing video you’re going to see how we took a student from this golf swing to this golf swing changing their club path changing their slice drives into Strate giving them more distance and making them far more efficient all with measured data with the team at JD go Academy if you want a lesson like this where you get to the truth the facts of your golf swing I’ll put their number down below they’ve got spots available limited but they do have a few spots left connect with them and see if they can help you out real golf lessons with real students making real improvements this was a lot of fun we we obviously know already you’re outside in we know the path is outside and we know the face is open relative to that path okay so I’m looking at positions sort of early into transition and say well why why is that happening now when I look at your gears Trace I’m looking at here is as I lower that Golf Club into early transition the center of mass of the golf club here goes back in behind you okay which is good but as we’re doing that the face angle gets very very open so if I zoomed in here on the angle of the club face okay we are in a position that is very open so we’ve gone from a position at the top of the action which was relatively organized okay with the with the 45 de kind of face angle to a position in early transition where the pitch of the shaft isn’t exactly steep but we’re adding a Twist or an extension into your left wrist which is opening that club face okay which is twisting that face in a position that isn’t organizing it okay now from here you’ve got mechanisms of squaring the club face because you’ve still got to square that face at the bottom now how you’re going to do that now is going to be hard work so what people don’t understand is the Steep out to win action is actually a club face closer so if you didn’t have that out to in path your ball would go so far right so far right it can yeah yeah so sticking a couple of te’s down on the floor and swinging through those te’s is probably not the fix so the CEO the face hang on Instagram says that is the fix yeah well I’m going to be banned yeah so the face angle of the golf club is your key trigger so basically we are out to in by nearly 9° you’re nearly three down and the face is nearly five open to that path so that’s that’s got to change for you to reduce curvature so if you could have your out to in have your open face to path and change the angle of attack to be one up You’ hit the ball further and straighter doing the same amount of effort that you’re doing now so this is maroy sort of uh mid down swing sort of lead arm just roughly parallel to floor okay so what we can see in terms of where his Loft numbers at or Loft face angle he’s he’s presenting 7.3 degrees of Loft at this point in his action you’re presenting 27.1 okay so in relative terms that face is a long way open in relation to where he is okay so we’re measuring that as Loft cuz there’s a glob static Loft kind of right angle off the ground if you like uh lots of people would call that open and closed so if you’re 20 Dees more open you’re actually 20° more lofted and the reason the word loft is so important is as you come down if you go down to last parallel Focus so you’re 20° lofted here to Rory’s what 6.5 so he’s going to hit with what 10 12 14 Dees of Loft he’s got six at the minute so he’s going to do everything think he can from there the ad Loft get up through lead side let the wrist go through he’s going exactly you’re going to do everything you can to get that Loft down that still needs to come down before it then starts going up because what you’re going to see so coming into impact Rory is 4.4 degrees aoft that won’t work he’s going to have to get that recovered you’re 16 like you are still in the process of taking Loft off he’s in the process of now from there he’s going to start trying to get it back on it’s a fundamental different movement and the result in picture is that impact isn’t it where we see you way forward and Rory arching back you you’ve got no right to do that because of the Loft yeah and if you look at the side bends there side Bend Rory’s got double digit side Bend you’re at four that’s pis side side Bend probably better than it used to be is it yeah so you’re you’re trying to smother it down because the loft is so added on the down swing so you’re working in massive sort of horizontal plane he’s working in more frontal plane yeah that’s why he can keep the center of mass of the golf club behind his hands here which is the into out that everybody loves and wants to get but if the face is wide open there’s absolutely no incentive for you to keep that Center of mass behind you because you’re going to hit it so far high right it won’t work yeah the only way you’re going to get that functionable is to move that to there and what does that do to my face that makes it left that’s left I can start the ball at the Target and drift it back to a Target yeah which is your function so let’s get some wrist angles working so do you ever feel that movement as a Twist probably not so what you tend to do is you work the lead wrist into even more extension or cup and Radial deviation yeah yeah which is opening the face the shaft at this point is actually that steep yeah let’s call that Loft not open honestly it’ll make such a difference got you’ve got so so much sort of where you’re increasing Loft correct into down swing whereas the the elite level players are reducing Loft they’re turning those Knuckles downwards which does numerous things because if you just go to last parallel for me so just come into last parallel bit lower stop in there okay stop in here don’t swing just turn the face in a way that would make the ball go really low which way would you turn it yeah that’s it like that perect and if you want to do one really high which way would you turn the face yeah yeah yes that’s why loft is I hate open and close I’m sorry I know it works for people like for certain students you say what you need to say but if you understand that you need to be trying to hit the ball as low as possible you’ll do that that makes sense that it’s it low doesn’t it then pivot will react to that and then if you want it to go less low you start getting up through lead side like create some side bends and extensions of the body everything is governed by what you do to that and you do an action that makes it go really high so then your body counteracts and says I don’t want to hit it really high so I’ll do an action that hits it really low and they balance each other out and your friend stands behind you and say yeah not a bad one but you’ve just balanced two complete opposite movements to make that work you’ve got matchups but that they’re inefficient yeah you’re losing 20 15 to 25 yards with the same Club speed so up to the top which way are we yeah yeah perfect amazing good yeah so so long gone of the days again with Instagram so it was always sort of Tau and wanted when I was playing to lag the hell out of it yeah and but what does that do that just moves my lead wrist into crazy extension which is adding crazy Loft in reality what’s actually happening is you’re not increasing angles you’re nearly getting rid of angles yeah yeah new one on the left yeah what are the two Lofts four and 17 and A2 yeah so you are using the wrist completely different yeah the only reason you’re popping under that is because you’ve never pushed out the floor that left side yeah because you can’t what’s the path doing on that path was only one outside face face was 11 Clos to path but it was a sky so I don’t trust that reading personally um but like you said the center of mass is sat way more behind the hands yeah yeah so we now if we look at face on tilt look at that wrist angle map I know yeah it’s so much better yeah so so much better but can’t hit the ball that way but the reason you can’t hit the ball that way is your second matchup is matched up to the old move yeah yeah so there’s two ways around that you hit loads of balls like that and you learn yourself to match up yeah which some people do they rematch you fix one thing and Seven Things fall into place or we have to get our pedals out and Kickstart you cuz you you’re not figuring out that the face is in a different position so you’re not figuring out that your body needs to be in different position yeah okay you said you’re just so dominated with rotation yeah everything is in rotation because you’ve always had to be in rotation yeah we could we need this yeah 100% right side crunch because that face angle is significantly better yeah but you’re seeing a result that isn’t significantly better yeah well it’s because you have’t it the ball yet yeah but but if you stuck with that your body would self organize that over time yeah would but let’s we can kick start it as well yeah yeah 100% is you need to it the ball up there with the shut face so Knuckles to the ground up there up there so if you go into an impact dis position and stop stay there stay there so you need to be noted so far forward and out there with those Knuckles going to the ground don’t overthink the turn yeah people think there’s way more you see people practicing and you see people rehearsing turn they’re like that’s 300° of turn not 40 yeah so you I need if we’re playing Cricket I’m you’re hitting it into here at I you need to be hitting me high and right perfect with the knuckles so shoulder Line’s going to feel closed good effort very good so Knuckles to the ground up there up there good effort yeah I’d agree yeah that’s that’s a lot better path and face path was inside so you’ve gone from what were you 11 was it to yeah with a downward blow what’s the angle attack now point something up point 6 up face 3.2 open yes it’s a lot better so what was a actual path Z .9 in out yeah yeah so that the club path was working more from behind you which then mooves swing Direction More to the right which moves angle of attack more up face to path was only three open which isn’t a lot it’s nothing which is nothing like a slightly tow strike would correct 100% a bit of gear eradicate that yeah absolutely but like what what you will probably see to start with is a ball flight that’s because again you delivered 12 degrees of LOF there so you’re probably going to see these come out too low which is why you need to feel that you’re more high right than ever correct yeah okay okay so tell me where low left would be with your body where would you move don’t swing yeah and with your body yeah yeah perfect the more you go like that that’s slow left makes sense doesn’t it come back to the start again don’t swing because you’ll hit me where’s high right yeah there you go yeah there you go 100% look at the look at the shoulder line how much higher left you know all this it makes sense it just doesn’t make sense in move squee that left leg push through that left leg but it’s also not allowed to make sense sometimes because high right with a face at that angle makes zero sense remember your face was at that angle but CU you’re now tumbling the wrists a bit better you’ve got the right for high right to make more sense is a scar Loft 16 but I’m not sure 4.5 up out three and half yeah what do you be doing like why that’s so good that that that with a strike a blow your head off when you connect with one you’ll be like hang on why have I been doing it that old way that’s gone 20 yards further that’s that was great really good love that strike on that as well zero point2 inside out face to path point 6 closed two on the way up let’s Capture One on Gears doing that my is better I like that so much better here we go it’s crazy it’s crazy different that zero which is where we see the good players often at this point 17 that’s why we’re seeing such difference Club blown back where the club is club’s sat behind your hands so you have incentive now if I if I have let me grab an iron in terms of power like Mark was saying if I have the club behind my hands I can hit it Let It Go send it away from you if the club’s out here you’re trying not to crash you’re constantly trying not can’t apply any smash yourself that g a crash everything is a big pull up the handle goes up it yeah creates so much more power put more Force through that grip that’s that’s different golfer totally different that is me so good this is what’s so funny as well I always think LOF would be the bloody sh no so you’re now you’re actually applying more Loft than you did at the start so in this is why it’s so important I think we call it Loft not open and closed you are now got you’ve got more Dynamic Loft which for your Club head speed makes sense okay 8 degrees of dynamic Loft you’re going to need need to be swing swinging tall level for that to work and that was 8° and you were nearly fall down M where now you are 10 Dees of lofter impact and what was the angle of attack on that one that was zero so up but 08 so you’re now less down with more Loft so you’ve also got 10° more right side Bend with the Torso so you’re you’re much more in here with a virtual spine that’s gone from 97 to 103 see the lean in the spine so you’ve got such you’ve got such better launching pad because the whole agenda has changed of what a golf shot is yeah a golf shot to put it really brutally was a smothered either hook or cut where now what we’re saying is why why can’t a drive be like a launch and the one on the left there the word launch makes sense when you look at that spine angle doesn’t it that kind of makes sense if you were going to launch something you wouldn’t angle it down to the ground would you you would start angling things up to the sky you’ve angled you up to the sky and you’ve angled the face up more to the sky but we’re telling you to reduce the Loft on the down swing if you reduce the Loft on the down swing then you’ve got more chance of then increasing the Loft into impact otherwise your launch is launched into the ground you were the opposite way around load a loft so the agenda is to try and get that off it’s fantastically different like that is world’s away isn’t it look at those two blue to yellow blue old yellow new face angle positioning of the face where the club even the position of your body will start that’s all falling into place huge improvements so easy when you get to the measured facts if you want a lesson from the team at JD Golf Academy look in the description down below for that information if you want to find out how to hit your driver a bit straighter maybe try this video here it’s got more information along these lines to help you improve


  1. I've been to around 12 different instructors over the last 15 years. Usually go for two or one lessons a month and give it time, I practice my ass off. I've only ever dropped two shots off my handicap. I've given up on ever improving. It baffles me how people can get this improvement from one lesson. Maybe all the 12 instructors are just taking me for a mug.

  2. Same thing i have discovered recently, just how important it is to have the loft reducing early in the ds makes me want to drop the club inside and not rotate the shoulders aggresively, great to see the visual backing this up

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