The Most Important Direction In The Golf Swing

gas pedal to the flow make the car accelerate same thing in the golf swing only with the push from the lead leg the push happens now straight down when the arm is parallel like a jump you should feel up not just with the body but also with the club up up up up


  1. BRO!!! I ABSO-FN-LUTELY APPRECIATE your videos!!! You have definitely helped me in the last 2 months!!!
    I F'N love your videos man!!!

  2. This is something I don't think many people realize, I instinctively feel the "hop" you see many *pros do, almost popping onto your toes, essentially extending every limb through impact wanting to become as "long" of a lever as possible, I honestly think the backswing is like a waterside jump, once you reach terminal velocity it doesn't matter if the slide is another 2000 feet until you hit the ramp, if you hit that speed at 50 feet, the other 1950 feet is just more distance to "align" yet its also more distance to go wrong, minimum distance to reach peak clubhead speed is the goal.

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