Golf Players

The Ultimate Golf Challenge w/ Gareth Bale (and a Masters Champion)

Big thanks to @BMW for having us compete in the ProAm of the BMW International Open. Guess what?! We also ended up winning the DRIVE HIVE Event!
I hope you enjoyed watching @11GarethBale , Cassandra Meyer, Danny Willet and myself make putts and bang drivers! 🙂

a German oh an Englishman and an American walking to a bar and the bartender is Welsh what could possibly go wrong o that could be real good yeah it’s four but it’s perfect four is it o a just a be Danny just a be I just want to be able to hit that shot right there that’s so good yeah but I can’t fly that water oh that’s why Mak it really Tri oh 16 right is that when you started playing well properly yeah perfect strike ni shot it’s actually so funny because we have to play from the yellow te’s she’s got to play from the red te’s and I feel like we’re the two longest drivers of the group so that’s kind of it’s a little bit unfair but um at the same time it’s great for us it’s a lot of fun that’s what it’s about who is it is that I’ve driving cont come yeah goodness I I didn’t see I didn’t see where my B landed it might not be could be a I mean who else thank you long drive up just H Fairway just doing the still by like 30 y finau the midle that’s like 100 longer shot I can hit a decent boy just don’t like it when you like it when I’m that’s not at me and I’m like this is what they feel like what post be are you at like I can get yeah you can get 80s probably on the course at 175 yeah you’re faster than Denny for sure yeah and it’s your second sport yeah but I’m quick after that’s all I’ve got that’s all I’ve got yeah right a lot of do though oh that looks real good wow you good a shot Denny beautiful oh that is Saucy that is so Saucy come on oh no stay there stay there don’t do that yes knuckle where his pitch there his pitch right in I was in between you just patting my shoulder hold well I had to do something come on just just get in the hole this one time okay just get in the hole this one time and now sit sit sit sit look at this we when we were like doing really well 2015 16 we met up and manag was like like boys big games no golf this week literally that evening there’s a par three course like there’s a par three hle right next to our bedroom so we’re like playing Just shots there’s about eight of us come down for training next day like make sure no sure we didn’t play golf boys nah no no no so he whips out his phone shows us his rooms overlooking the the part three we like ah yeah that was last trip she get in trouble you have to like run a little longer no he fine who was in charge though Chris Coleman but like such a good man he’s isn’t it it seems like it like you can have you can have a bit of fun but then when the football’s on he can be so he’s like a good mix but um yeah as soon as he said it in the meeting like no golf everyone’s just like why why are you saying that cuz it just caused a problem cuz you know like we’ve always played go and that’s how we were winning and doing well so it’s like staining our like routines and stuff yeah so like just cuz they are important games you shouldn’t really change that oh what speed get in get in nice P gar wow that really trickled holy cow no I’m nervous spin fade it’s not coming back at all [Music] not e not even wow D sorry soror much rather at least you got it go that teach me all the words nice cast that a girl a oh oh [Music] 11 wow that a guy what a buy what a what a guy what a guy you might be wondering what are these guys actually doing what is the format well besides some amazing challenges for Gareth Bale and all the other guys obviously we’re playing a tour scramble which is pretty common in prom golf everybody HS their t- shot off the tea we pick the best one and from there all we try is to make birdies par as your friend there’s nothing worse that’s why we have the birdie counter up so we’re here on the six hole I really wanted to do a long drive challenge but Martin scared I beat him too often I didn’t want to embarrass him in front of his friends so instead we’re going to do a high ball challenge I want to see Martin at 200 feet plus yeah yeah sounds about right Danny’s got to go at least 180 challenge again no everybody everybody you want to throw it o that’s just as high SP him is actually yeah yeah yeah mm oh yes baby oh my [Laughter] God that might be 250 305 let’s go Denny as high as you can there you go there you go nice little drop kick action that was like I mean over three 300 that’s actually ridiculous like for the high ball that’s really interesting I’m I’m really impressed actually how GTH like created so much height on the ball and he actually thinned it so when you thin the golf ball you hit it low in the face it spins more so it’s climbing up more but at the same time it launches a little lower so that was impressive I mean he’s an athlete duh so what you probably want to do most of the time when you want to launch it high so you want to tilt the shoulders more teed up a little higher and just launch it up and that’s why probably GTH like caught a little low in the face as well because then the low point is a little higher everything goes more up oh too much draw sit down when you when did you play start playing golf what age uh like 20 21 21 like fairly late like super late actually I didn’t really play when I was younger that’s interesting because you it’s everything’s just so natural to you like how you doing yeah whatever I play it’s just I pick it up quick tennis paddle table tennis to be unreal wow that might be perfect wow what a shot nice you okay with that you’re kind of okay with that how far like is it 180 yeah 179 179 [Music] o Martin thank you best show of the day thank you nobody saw it thank you okay good good shot Martin just low eight iron like off the right foot keep it low yeah yeah yeah I have nine nine nine and hop over it oh it did nice nice Cass go m well run out of a bit of steam good job the same one you had last year it’s just a bit longer it’s longer yeah cuz my back so do this stay more bright same strok but yeah just a bit taller is that the counterweighted one yeah Beautiful cast there’s on with three birdies on this hole thank you I know you hate it but the result is probably y s and draw a bit more oh come on spin back in the hole oh what a shot a shot [Music] beautiful so high that looks good Martin it looks really good very nice look at the divot did that almost dunk I think so and no one reacted are you kidding me and now fly Nice Shot Cass three on the green shorty on everything today do you have a Miss Lake playing football no no you don’t you’ve had enough but the only thing I would say i’ is a national team just cuz it’s like yeah cuz it’s cuz it’s not very often as well not very often we have all together so yeah a good group Lots yeah I told you guys I took too much off of it wow imagine I would have dunk that jeez that was sick no we should play Garis yeah is ABS absolutely is yours 100% okay oh and then that one didn’t that doesn’t it’s just more Pace I guess on it turn too much [Music] speed doing close to the pin because Martin’s been too chicken to go for a long drive competition can what from here from here are you hitting as well no I’m going to hit from right there what that’s not near his pin then is it I think so going then what for what do you want to play for uh loser cleans Winner’s clubs or carries the bag for the hole that works too here that one before would you choose out of them too them clubs are sparkly C oh and he hits it perfect oh gosh go in what a time to do it [Music] oh uhoh all right Gabby P everybody come on let’s go uhoh oh nice uhoh little left get up no little how did that say that didn’t catch that one very good at least it went decently straight and I didn’t shank it into the crowd for my first shot of the [Music] day sit go sit go sit it might be the only one on the Green like oh wow long God dang these diit go and now spin back Tracer oh no no no no no no no what did you say be be careful with the spin told you that’s why long left he might know some stuff about golf yes please go go go more go go oh my goodness I hit it off a toe yeah it was a right Club are you ready to not also lose in a close to the pin but lose in a long drive competition against me nobody hit the green we got to work on that first like no kidding hey the the long drive is like on a different piece of paper okay hey handshake it oh get in yes go sit God dang that is in the hole yeah what a guy n n oh my God somewhere in between yours and mine we would have been good absolutely terrible he is this is the last two holes are probably two of the worst putts I’ve ever seen him hit and I’ve seen him hit some atrocious [Music] putts Noah would you mind handing me a driver it’s the longest drive Hall no five on oh stay there yeah yeah come on please stay in the Fairway in the Fairway sorry sunshine it’s in the first cut that’s a fairway to me in the vicinity of the planet on that speed we go be even if you were LGE as well if he was a long drive like professional you’d still hit a car just cuz you’re [ __ ] you might have faced me like um during like a penalty or something yeah that would be easy big lad’s not getting down is he AC sh cast ripped there you go that’s winning that’s winning do I actually get to write my name down beautiful drive am I eligible for this you’re absolutely eligible this is actually unfair it’s like one two steps away from the longest drive but casses was great just play that she was 15 yards back though that might actually be good it does thank you I’m so happy for the first time you eyeballed it wrong it’s actually short now chances come on of course that one doesn’t Danny in this situation I’m just happy about the line okay is Nightmare You Are by the way I know cast little nice clippy one no [ __ ] $5 bill that looksy spin back zip Nice Shot the same thing oh my God spin wow not many speak Welsh in Wales it’s kind of having a little Resurgence from like schools and uh parents sending their kids to Welsh school again but it do you do you have TV channels in Welsh one I think it’s like4 it’s like one yeah4 it’s like 134 on skyx before ons is it but yeah and then Channel 4 is in I mean everybody knows this one clip with the long name of that one Village [Music] great line wow doesn’t stop everyone thinks making it long hardily [Applause] shot yeah exactly what I mean with a bit what it’s amazing what when I get water on my face it really [ __ ] off it knuckled and that’s what I was saying to you like it doesn’t go further yeah it just because split because of where my path and stuff is I really struggle when it gets wet yeah cuz it’s I feel like I’ve got so far left yeah whereas you because you lot a more straight face at it it didn’t seem to go as crazy that is a strike he hits it good that’s a ball FL Danny huh jeez Nice Shot just like you do [Music] Martin compared to other like venues is is this a good green good yeah last week’s were on and off oh yeah um really small green got old school but then because they’re so small and slope they got to keep them slope yeah so whereas these are are really yeah golf coing good it’s a shame hopefully this is the last of the r cuz then this place I’ve played this place before and it’s really tricky yeah really tricky lot of like cross dog legs makes it awkward for your landing spot what’s your what’s your thoughts on the same thing with wedges would you like fit it fit them around the greens first and then I would always I fit into just me I know a lot of guys change like you know you go from here for example and then the lads are playing is it Scotland next week yeah then they open so the guys some guys would actually genuinely change the full wedge set with and I don’t like to I think if You’ got good technique you can because of how the wedges are made these days on newus on that we’ve just had given a couple of weeks ago you go toe down you take the bounce off go heel down there’s less bounce go you know you can mess around and take two or three degrees off just with your setup yeah or add it on with setup so you don’t I I wouldn’t but I know a lot of guys who yeah feel I feel like more like during normal Club fittings it’s like okay 63 you hit this far and then the 54 you H this far like my my l w is a degree flat because most of the time with love if you’re in a tricky position you here yeah very rarely you up here with exactly so my love wedge is a degree flat me 54s like so it’s actually it’s actually fitted for like for around the green stuff and not for a full shot yeah it does BCE B yeah that’s how you play it you got to chunk at the right amount manate that’s a Cho of two it’s better though nice cast a shot beauty that might actually nip and now do it so like if you thank you got he like right to left for the majority but then at the hole it might stay straight so it is left to right overall yeah overall I’d go I wouldn’t give it much from here it’s definitely moving left to right okay wow okay you’re right that was your putt Danny thank you go bit more nice cast I tried to miss it yeah I know I know you did nice oh that’s really good be good be good be good spin Back Spin Back Spin back come on it does oh Denny now you hit it too short ni clippy get up oh it actually hopped up oh was in the Trap oh that is so saucy and spin back it does nasty so what you want to do is you want to clip it a bit more right you’re too you were too steep there right did you see that so you caught you caught too much spin got I needed fourth crew that was more like first shot cast nice lovely really nice putt actually really nice putt am I blind or what put Denny we walked it in dang for the last challenge of the day I’m sure y’all wondering why I’ve been carrying around this bag of soccer balls like a fanboy on a golf course football my badot footballs um um so Martin’s been so scared to face any of us in Long Distance so I’m going with a shortest closest to the pin with a foot wedge with a soccer ball they’re little they’re not Tom Brady soccer balls they they have a lot of air in them so I don’t know how if you can handle this but let’s see who can get closest to the pin from right here I want to start okay so is really good football G help me a little bit is this like would you go high or low just use the back stop you would don’t tell oh yeah I the touch anyway nice go up there and come back go up there and come back don’t go all the way up don’t go all yeah come back yeah yeah yeah yeah and now stay there stay there forever you got to hit the I feel like you got to hit the pin wow oh my gosh it’s still going stay on the green does it is it possible to just stay on the the green I wonder stay on the green do you want me to mark that way okay I marked that for you no problem you only have to mark it I think that’s out oh do you think so yeah list I’m not good enough to do any of this I’m just going to pass it casually up the hill use the left side I and use the left side and try and let it Bank around oh this is this is yeah it is that’s one getting a lot of speed coming these greens are a little bit faster than a soccer pitch huh wow it’s like automatic ball return here we go come on oh with the Back Spin oh come on come back sit sit oh oh [Laughter] noop you what a surprise Gareth won what a surprise oh yeah yeah no I was trying to hit the flag break the flag I mean it’s pretty obvious gar is going to win that I mean he is the professional out it Martin of course embarrassed himself once again Danny that was Danny we thought he had a good one but he just kept rolling but GTH one it was by far the best by any of them it wasn’t even close so you know that’s what Martin gets for being too chicken [ __ ] to face any of us in Long Drive competition we make him do stuff we know he’s not good at which is basically everything Martin’s scared and Martin’s going to chicken out I don’t know what these guys are talking about but what I know is be MW has some amazing stuff lined up for long drive and you guys will witness all of that in the next video so stay tuned [Applause] I think I saw it bounce oh no hit the P again hit it go left Cass what you’re up okay oh yes oh yes look at this shot goodness go go go go bit more little bit more it’s almost on the green Nice Shot beautiful thank you oh this year apparently this year Cass is doing my job that’s beautiful that was an awesome shot different game isn’t it um no it’s great fun to see um just bundles and bundles of speed um but In fairness good like good players you know Martin got lovely good set of hand around the greens cash driving it well what’ you say there Danny I said that you’ve got beautiful set of hand for a big 6′ 600 K lad who it’s it miles then just goes delicate chip it’s all d g d g taught me but if you you know cuz that’s a different like I said cuz a lot of you guys could you got so much fast twitch stuff it’s hard to at times to like slow it down is it to be honest it’s actually more full swing stuff when he got a tone down the full swing and sit now sit now Denny shot do you want me to go first yeah you just go first my cadd is a little slow today it’s okay go oh jeez oh perfect good shot nice oo Beauty got two buddies beautiful well Danny that’s the difference between you and me you stick it close you Mr Putt I suck and then I make the long putt it’s like a miracle do it perfect Earth shot Bey beauty beauty beauty that looks about right by the way good does that you want to keep it put down on 18 and the turn a bit oh that’s really good stay there spin back it’s crazy like especially at those speeds how much it does oh yeah know it’s crazy because the faster you are the more it changes everything no this is uh this is Garris this is G I mean you’ve seen him on 11 where surpris ooh Martin thanks Dan it does not a bad one oh drop kicked it oh my God those new grooves thank you go in get in oh oh [Music] noit o That’s good that might be really good yeah that’s real good you want to try it come on Danny come on hit one off the uh off the L’s te that is a great shot nice I got 171 I think you just hit the truck back I think you hit the truck yeah that was like 30 yards longer than everything you did today he’s like can I borrow this for this hey this is going straight in the bag [Music] laugh it’s on the green my kick left actually hit it that’s beautiful on Sunday oh that is perfect get in the hole ooh saucy what a guy thank you go oh it’s a good part though oh did you see how it move right that a boy oo job Cass Denny pleasure thank you very much I had a great fun


  1. Hole 12 wtf lol – that was like a lamborghini racing into the pond. 🏎 Great shot, though if you had known the landing conditions weren't gonna launch it in reverse faster than anything I've ever seen. Wait I thought it was in the pond. Maybe it wasnt.

  2. Great video Martin! It was nice to see Cass again ! She has such a good golf swing ! Looks like it was a fun time 🍻

  3. I wanna play a round with martin so bad 😂😂 dudes awesome. Also wanna challenge him to a deadlift competition. 😂😂😂

  4. Is this the first time any tour has done work with long drivers? I can't remember another. Only a few month's ago I commented that Liv should do this at every event

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