Golf Players

Deep Dropping is Guaranteed to Fill Your Coolers! Just Watch These Fishing Reports!

This episode of Florida Insider Fishing Report is about deep dropping and more. Every regional report will start with deep drop tips and hotspots before our captains get into the other hot bites in Florida.

⭐ Tackle Featured in This Episode ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️



this week we’re headed to the bottom where the ocean depths reveal species like golden tiles snowy grouper Queen Snappers and so many more right Bri that’s right Rick join us as we explore the mysteries of the deep and brings these Beauties to the surface we’re taking you deep drop in on the Florida Insider Fishing Report which starts now [Music] welcome to the Florida Insider Fishing Report presented by Yamaha this is the Florida Insider Fishing report and first of all we want to wish everyone a happy Fourth of July Rick with this long weekend ahead of us it’ll be a busy one out there on the water so where else better to be than out deep catching them up well but you know what more importantly when I think about the Fourth of July bre I think about another thing that we have in common what your birthday not only is it the country’s birthday but look at what we dug up the baby breed W you dug those up cuz I’m 34 so that’s like 32 years old right there same skin tone though always been a beach baby there we go happy birthday sweet girl thank you that was so sweet all right well I know who has all the Deep drop fixings over at the CCA workbench and of course it’s our firecracker Ferell oh my good goodness oh my gosh I did it well we we’ve got a lot of deep stuff deep dropping stuff over here and uh you know summertime is a good time to get down to the very deepest parts of the places where you want to fish so we’re going to talk about it today absolutely we’re going to talk about it all right let’s start our long weekend off in the Discover Crystal River Northwest region where the Deep drop opportunities are endless let’s hear it hag we’ve got some great deep dropping on our Coast uh with today’s three four five motor boats out there right now a lot of these fishing boats get excess anywhere from 60 to 80 M hour and getting out deep um is becoming more and more common Captain Rob Davenport a big nasty uh he kind of specializes in deep dropping he fishes anywhere from 5 to 1,000 fet and catches a varieties of species big kitty Mitchells Queen Snapper yellow eyes um golden tiles Blue Line tiles yellow edges snowy groupers War sawce uh basically what you need is a good high-speed reel 100 lb braid is usually most what most people put on it and they’re using a chicken rig when they’re they’re dropping down there they’re dropping two or three hooks on a bait to Five Hooks on a bait five to six or 5 to 12 O circle hook depending on what you’re fishing for anywhere to two to 5 pounds of lead that’s one thing on our side we have a lot less current than most people on the west coast so we have a lot less current over here so we can get away with a lot lot less weight and you’re looking for mostly hard bottom when you get out there the only thing that’s going to be in the mud is those golden tiles they’ll be in the mud but everything else is going to be on hard bottom and you kind of rock you find out there and kind of Hump uh either cut squid or or Barracuda strips works really well some of the shallower stuff like kitty Mitchells you can get away with using live baits and I got a couple photos here from Captain Rob on a recent trip beautiful clean Snapper sure is for sure giant wor oh little little grouper H nice good stuff there hag all right what else you got for us this week we’re staying with the grouper thing and Captain Rob from big nasty reports the black grou B doing really good same areas you’re catching your other grouper uh just put a bigger bait down leave it alone use a really long lader 8 to 10 foot a liter 100 lb fluorocarbon L 12 to 16 o of lead depending on the current can out circle hook and uh put those bigger baits down there and anywhere from 170 to 200 ft of water and you might reel up one of these I got a photo here of Captain Crystal with a beautiful carbo there you go nice all right let’s go in pry regular yeah man let’s go in Shore with the moons we’ve been having right now Captain Jim Big Daddy sport fishing out at St Pete reports a great mango Snapper fight Nearshore Rock piles Ledges shallow water wrecks um Captain Jim’s chumming them up on the surface with fresh cut white bait drifting them back 8 to 10 ft a 15lb fluorocarbon leader with a one o circle hook Captain Jim’s been targeting those spots on the slower moving Tides or right at the change of the tide and doing real well with them bringing them right up to the top of the water and catch them pretty good and the sniff bite is going really well right now in the lower half of the region it’s been heating up um the outgoing tide is producing some really big females a ton of those smaller Buck snook that are in there right now looking for those females to spawn with anywhere from 25 to 37 in are being caught pretty regularly a few over the 40 mark are being also caught the outgoing tight tends to be a little dirtier when you get around the passes so you can bump up your Your Leader a little bit and get away with a little heavier leader 30 to 40 pound even 50lb FL carbon leer 6 o to 7 o trow car circle hook with a grass Grant or a pin fish either weighted or free line depending on what type what part of the tide you’re in right now if it’s stronger put a lead on them get them down there a little bit deeper if it’s lighter little less lead or no lead at all the next moon we’ll still be having a lot of snook going out in these breeder spawn balls they’ll be one female with 15 or 20 snook around her pushing on her and pushing her off the tide to get her to spawn in late afternoon pretty cool to see that late afternoon well thanks for thanks for starting us off this week Jeff we’re going to go and take a look at those zy Marina hotpots from the northwest region he says inure the snook on the beaches and the passes using pinish and grunts for bait and then offshore The Mangrove Snappers can be F on the high relief structure in 25 to 75 ft of water all right well Captain Tommy daringer is getting us prepared for some barbecue action this weekend in the front runner boats Northeast region show us your mangoes Tommy hey Bri happy birthday oh awesome happy Fourth of July everybody too and um hope everybody has a great weekend yeah you know deep dropping here in my region it is a thing I don’t really know many people that do it um if somebody does have a report for me please get it to me give me a picture I’ll put it up here next week maybe but right now I’m talking Mangrove Snappers we’ve got a great bik going on right now you know from June through August especially around the noon full moons we have an epic mango bites uh Snapper bite happening throughout the region and these are worldclass mangr Snappers too in fact some of our offshore captains Chase world record mangroves in the summer months so if you’re looking to do something like that this would be the time to book a trip with one of those offshore captains and I spoke to a couple of those Snapper experts this week and they tell me that the mangrove and the mutton snapper toos they’ve been chewing Big Time Captain Jimmy ler from The Legend fishing charters he’s been catching big numbers of mangr in that 120 to 140 foot range east of St Augustine now most of those fish they’re coming from a flatline he’s chumming those fish towards the surface using chunk sardines or a variety of other cut baits and there’s also some big muttons in those same areas those muttons don’t tend to come up as much as the mangoes do but put a few baits down in the water column and it’s a good bet you’re going to get a big mutton right now the mango Snappers they’re running about 8 to 10 lbs on average which is big and I’ve seen some huge muttons over the past couple of weeks coming to the dock and uh I’ve got a picture here guys Captain Jimmy ler he sent me this picture from a recent trip aboard the legend and that’s a whole lot of mangr and muttons man that’s a that’s a crazy haul right there that is a great haul good job guys love to see them snap is on the deck all right let’s go ahead talk about the KOB Rick we got the kobia man you know we had a really slow kobia season in the spring this year but you’re probably surprised to most people in the region are surprised to hear me talk about we do have a sneaky little Kobe run happening right now I’ll probably get yelled out from some of the guys for putting it out there but there’s been some Manor and some free swimming kobas along the beach and on some of the uh close in re and reef as well from Mayport to mananas Inlet now there’s no Rhyme or Reason to where you’re going to find those ra but if you do it’s a good thing so if you’re running the beach this weekend might be a good idea to have a pitch Rod ready with a kobia jig on it ready to go and I’ve got a picture here um Captain Ricky uh Ricky poer from SEO Charters man he sent me this picture a really cool picture of a couple of nice free swimmers they caught early this week and they even had a little bonus King Fish in there as well nice I’m moving inshore guys man it has been hot out there this week but the red fish bite has been hot as well you know with the tide being up early it’s a good weekend to get out there early and toss a top water plug we’ve been doing really well with that Berkeley cane Walker the red fish seem to really like that plug but if the wind is calm right now at first light we’ve also been able to sight fish some Reds by looking for waking and busting fish we’re tossing a saltwater assassin paddletail to those guys now if you’re brave enough to be out there in that afternoon heat for that lower water cut mullet or cut crabs been working well for the red fish the water’s really hot in that afternoon low tide uh so making it as easy as possible for the red fish to find that bait and eat it is a way to go right now and hey we’re talking about red fish so guys just wanted to quickly mention and remind everybody there’s still plenty of time for you guys to sign up for the CCA Star Tournament you can catch a red fish and all kinds of other species too and win all kinds of crazy cool prizes really great prizes you still have until September 2nd that’s plenty days left go to and sign up for that thing you have a really good chance of winning some great prizes now moving in staying in short that is guys and talking about the flounder that bite has been consistent all summer long and it’s been really great this Fourth of July week you know we’ve actually caught quite a few nice ones as by catch when we’re just tossing paddle taals for red fish up Shallow I’ve got some great reports also of those flatties at the Jetties and just used the go-to fish finder rig with a mullet or a mud minnow use enough weight to get that bait all the way down and hold the bottom you’re going to fish around the slack Tides that’s been the best bet there’s also been a decent flounder by happing off the beach and on some of those Nearshore wrecks and reefs you know you can just use the same rigs that I mentioned before and I’ve got one last picture here this is my man Brian nazworth with a doormat flounder that he caught with me last week on a saltwater assassin paddletail and he caught that fish in like 6 Ines of water we thought it was a big red fish rip some drag man well Tommy you know just like in April we’re in a transition month I think we’re in a transition month from Spring the summer so we’re going to have a little adjusting great report this week I appreciate it we’re going to go and take a look at the strike zone hot spots from the Northeast region Tommy says in Shore the red fish and the snook on the early morning higher water toss that Berkeley cane Walker around the schools a finger mullet and then offshore The Mangrove and mutton Snappers in 12 to 160 ft Chum them using some cud sardines brief all right well coming up next Dave frell is diving off the deep end over at the CCA workbench for the fish bites Trading Post Rigs and techniques yep we need to make sure you guys go out and get you some chicken rigs made especially for deep dropping because that’s what everybody’s using very nice tips from Dave very nice and then we’re seeing what the real Legends Central east region is looking like with Captain Jim Russ we’ll be right back the Florida Insider Fishing Report is brought to you by Yamaha reliability Starts Here Fenwick feel everything Serius XM marine weather fish mapping entertainment pen let the battle begin Kasa VHA Lodge five-star angling in beautiful Guatemala Berkeley Prospect Chrome Fishbites Trading Post the first choice of First Coast Ang Cast Away coffee one taste and you’ll be hooked and daquiri deck food drinks [Music] friends well we’re here at the CCA workbench it’s time for the fish bites trading pose Rigs and techniques Dave yes sir let’s talk a little bit about deep dropping yeah well you know we were talking earlier about deep dropping you know what is deep dropping well you know I’ve I’ve dropped for grouper and stuff in 25300 Ft of water to me that’s deep dropping too right but this is extreme deep dropping is mostly what we’re talking about once you get once you get past that uh that 250 300 even 400 feet you know then you’re starting to get into the realm of electric reels and that sort of thing and targeting different species of fish than than we normally would um if you’re going to be doing that really deep dropping uh you’re going to need a nice electric reel probably a lot of guys don’t like to hand crank in over 500 feet of water I’ve done it a few times and let me tell you it’s uh it’s it wears you out you’re you’re usually using a weight that’s you know uh 3 to 10 lbs depending on the the current that you’re in and the depth that you’re in you want to use the heavy weight because you want to get down to the bottom quickly but it’s hard to lift that weight so you know you that’s where the electric reel comes in especially when you have a couple of fish on there so you’re going to be wanting to you know lighten up as much as you can but you still need a good heavy weight when you’re fishing deep because you don’t want to be dropping forever because when you’re dropping forever all your stuff gets pushed around by the current more and then you’re you know stringing it out and it’s really hard to you know stay on top of your gear which is what you want to do you want to try to be as much up and down as possible even when you’re in that deep deep water a good reel for for an electric I mean rod for an electric reel is that pin there it’s a a pin Ally Ally two boat rod it’s got the bent butt on it the bent butt you know allows you to keep the rod horizontal to the water surface um it’s got SE guide stainless steel guides on it zerodium in sets and a pack Bay roller tip as well as a pack Bay bent butt so that’s a it’s a great rod and it’s an e-glass Rod so you get some heavy stuff on there it’s not going to shatter on you I love that you can add the abyss battery to it and now you can walk around the boat instead be tied into a cord somewhere yeah the abyss uh battery system it’s 4.8 14 16.8 volts so you know it has a ton of power it lasts a long time uh the older batteries would you know two or three drops and need’ be done you can go two or three trips with this battery sometimes depending on how deep you’re dropping we had one of our Texas captains say he had 90 ups and downs with one exactly exactly and that and you can and you can go a thousand Cycles with that battery before you have to replace it which is a ton yeah it is a ton of cycles and if you’re in the shallower water that pin fathom 2 is great for dropping in you know 200 200 400 ft one piece machine aluminum frame it’s not going to twist on you which you know you’re going to need when you’re trying to pull up those big weights and whatnot Duro drag system stainless steel main pinion two-speed as well um just a really nice heavy reel that’s fast enough to get your stuff up up from the bottom when you need to you’re going to be wanting to use like an 80 lb braid this 80 lb prospec Chrome is a great braid to use when you’re deep dropping uh it’s very smooth it’s a premium braid so uh it’s not much stretch in it so you’re going to feel every nibble even in 2,000 ft of water I love the blue color because you can see the blue against the blue you know there you go well these are like I were saying before in my teases these are the kind of rigs you’re going to be using chicken rigs when you’re targeting uh tile fish and whatnot you’re going to want this thing to lay all the way on the ground you put a big weight on the bottom to get you to the bottom and you might want to put another weight up here to the at the front of it to make sure that the whole rig lays on the bottom which is a trick that you need to use when you’re fishing for tile fish cuz that gets that whole rig on the bottom you know you’ll notice that all all these a lot of these rigs have a little piece of chartreuse I mean I mean piece of glow right so it gets way down there still light up light is life when you’re in deep water right so you’re going to put a syum stick on here or a battery powered light but these are also good to have on every hook just a little uh little piece of rubber drink tube that’s glow uh the fish bites fish bites always is a good thing to have if you want to put it on every other one put a squid on one and a piece of fish bites on the other ones if the squid comes off you’re still going to have bait down there and that’s the great thing about those fish bites it’s very hard to get it off and when you’re when you’re fishing in that deep of water and having to go up and down you don’t want to be coming up and down with no bait so no you want to make sure you have bait the whole time no you’re 100% correct there you go Rick I do to say Dave great job but you’re real Legends you’re looking like a rocket poppy over there Dave where’s your red white and blue a rock pop all right in the real legend Central east region our red white and blue is looking more like golden and blue this weekend take us to the depths jym well first of all happy birthday to you Bri and second of all happy birthday to America so want to say uh the guys and gals that are anglers in the real in the real Legends region are doing really really well right right now especially in that 5 to 600t of depth water it has been absolutely on fire for guys that are deep dropping but when we’re deep dropping like Dave and Rick were talking about we’re generally talking 500 to 2,000 ft of water with that 500 to 750t range mainly where you’re finding your golden and blue line tile fish your golden Edge grouper you know and quite a few others and then out in that 1,500 to 2,000 ft of water you’re finding sword fish and palm Frets and deeper you know deeper water fish like that but you know lights low skirts squids belly strips fish bite strips all work really good on these Rigs and obviously if you’re in the extremely you know if you’re an extremely determined angler put away the electric reel and get out one of those hand cranks now I’ve seen Rick do that so I know it can be done but I tell you what most guys around here are doing the electric reel thing I’ve got a photo here of the boyin with some really chunky yellow Edge grouper that they caught the other day out of canal nice boy those look I’m making me hungry now you should have seen when they cut into them Rick the filets were in Snow White I was I was drooling well Kingfish is my other species and they’re a staple around here in the offshore reefs and reck during the summer months most of the time you’re going to find those around you know you’re going to bait fish uh that are over the top of those wrecks or bait pods that are starting to work inshore so get yourself a well full of pil or Greenies or poies and slow troll them around you know you’re going to have a quiver of rods it’s going to have a couple of double trebles on it with those wire Stinger rigs to find you know when you find good areas of of King Fish you know you find concentrations stick around and just continue to Circle in that area you’re going to catch more fish right now bethl sh In the Pines has been pretty good out of Sebastian Pelican Flats especially that middle part has been okay adaa has been fair not great out of Canaveral and then the party grounds outside of pwn Inlet seem to be doing pretty good and they actually had a really good beach bite earlier this week because there was some Bait fish moved in there any kind of small flashy skirt that you put over the nose of the bait fish can add some extra attraction especially if the water’s dirty and our average King Ma’s running about 10 to 20 pounds at this time got a picture of uh Tommy Palmer here with an unexpected catch while he was doing a little fishing out on those 70 to 90ft reach for Kings look at the size of this 60 lb Wahoo he caught yeah he did heck yeah brother I’ll tell you what else we got uh inor Tarpon action has gotten a little tricky isolate areas in our region are holding fish still though a lot of our fish I think went offshore I don’t know where they just disappeared um but we’re waiting for them to come back but in the real Legends this week real Legends region this week from Edgewater uh out to the ponts inlet you’re getting some small to medium fish in that 30 to 80 lb range 6 in to 9 in mullet are working really good on a 5 O to 7 o circle hook talk to Captain Mike man a fatfish guide service up in new samna and he has been catching three four five fish a day whenever he’s targeting these fish now down at the complete opposite end southern end of the region Captain Glenn Austin reports that there’s a decent uh amount of fish down there on the beach but everything seems to be moving south and those fish are using Pils or Greenies and uh are eating Pils and Greenies Captain Glenn also suggests throwing a saltwater assassin uh little p&v that uh Houdini color has been really good on a/ quar ounce or 3 oun jig head or any other kind of little Dart style bait like that Glenn’s Fischer were actually running about 60 to 130 pounds this week and you can find him at going Coastal got a picture here of Justin Henman with one of the river Tarpon that we put in the boat up in new samna the other day that was his first fish so congratulations to Justin you got 30 30 seconds on the snook bub 30 seconds I got you buddy uh it the fight let’s just put it this way the bite’s been on fire absolutely on fire I don’t care if you’re at Pon I don’t care if you’re at Canaveral I don’t care if you’re at Sebastian I don’t care if you’re at the River around W basso and Grant absolutely on fire cokers poies and mullets and 5in saltwater assassins aremis shads or super Sea shads and the 6in size and the black Shad have been working really good especially at night most of our fish are running 20 to uh 25 to 40 in and I’ve got uh pictures of Matt and Matthew with a couple of fish that we put in the boat with some live pogies the other day actually that was two space trip all right good job bud we’re going to go and take a look at the radam Marine system hotpots from the central eastern region he says in short snook on the mangrove covered shorelines docks and spoil Islands from Vero to Sebastian Inlet free live live mullor cokers to fish up to 40 in and then offshore Mangrove Snappers on the wrecks and 70 to 110 ft of water off of Pon Inlet use live finger mullet pilchards or chunk sardines for fish up to 10 lb 10 lb mango SN droll all right we are halfway through the CCA Florida star competition already presented by Yamaha and still don’t have a winner in the tagged red fish division presented by th Marine the contender de cat sitting on an Infinity trailer spiderbat micro draft skiff on Infinity trailer and the sew Canon package are all still available there are over 60 days of fishing left so let me give you a little hint if you’re looking for the best places to Target tagged red fish take a trip to Charlotte or Citrus County as each of these Counties have eight Tagg red fish which is double the number of any other County remember any fish you catch this summer could earn you a share of $500,000 in prizes and scholarships but you have to be registered and of course a member so go to ccfl right now and sign up all right we’re breaking out the electric reels in the Tako chis region coming up but first we’re seeing how our Alto Equipment Northwest region is celebrating this weekend with Captain Ronnie [Music] Houston the Florida inside Ider fishing report is brought to you by power pole total boat control Berkeley your fish our science bajo blue light blocking radically clear polarized fishing sunglasses scoozy shoes the Captain’s Choice for premium lightweight Comfort se- sucker easy on easy off incredibly strong pen let the battle begin Kabota together we do more and the international order of T Roosevelt protect your right to fish well as you can see joining me is Nicholas the CEO and the founder of Abyss batteries you know Nick one of the things that I really truly love about your product line is that you have something for everything so we make lithium batteries for a variety of different uh applications why don’t we inform everybody what we’re talking about here absolutely yeah we sure do Rick uh we offer 12vt batteries 24v 36v 48 and 72 volt golf cart batteries and even electric fishing reil batteries so why should somebody consider lithium over another a different type of battery so when you’re comparing our battery with a lead asent or AGM you’re looking like a Lamborghini compared to like a Toyota Corolla you know you have better performance lighter weight more efficient um overall just a better battery so you know this year you came out with a new uh battery for all the guys that are fishing electrics we’re talking about deep drop in the night why don’t you tell each everybody why you decided to do this yeah so it’s a really unique product uh my buddies and I were talking and it was something that solves the problem you know getting rid of the clunky cords on the deck of the boat um being able to just plug it in strap it in and you know walk around the entire boat it’s an amazing feature and you know even if you have your electric reel on your boat go on your buddy’s boat you don’t have to about the plugs and the interchangeable yeah it straps right to the rod exactly so let me ask you this why lithium over the other stuff I mean what I’m saying is the technology why should somebody consider Abyss over your competition so what makes our batteries is proprietary uh well there’s numerous reasons but first reason compared to other batteries so you’re looking at a 12vt 120 a group 24 battery we offer more capacity in a smaller case size in footprint so a traditional competitor battery would be this size has a 12100 or is 20 more amp hours and you can compare you know truly how it’s much smaller and more compact with more power is actually in this battery now if somebody’s got a question or they want to know about your technology where do they go where’s the website abys all right guys there it is right from the horse’s mouth good job bud you did a great job thank you Bri we got to Electrify another battery so where are we going that was good all right our captain in the Tako chis region has a lot of good tips for you Anglers dropping it low this weekend so rich tell us how it’s done you know when it comes to deep dropping the only way to do it in my opinion is one of two ways rle number one there has to be two rods and Rule Number Two it’s always a competition deep dropping is a fun way to catch all different kinds of fish from a variety of different Snappers and groupers to Barrel fish and all kinds of creatures of the deep some guys will hand crank on some of the shallower spots but it’s more common to go out there with electric reels and drop RNR chicken rigs or deep drop rigs with 4 to 8 lbs of lead and 400 to 1100 ft of water and make sure to have a variety of different LP disco lights because it’s pretty dark down there different species will hold in different depths and make sure to keep an eye on your bottom machine looking for bait and different structures from Pinnacles Hills valleys plateaus and Etc pay close attention to where on that structure that you’re marking your fish and this will help you reset successfully for bait guys are using squid Bonita strips chunks of Cuda or big strips of fish bites and side drift through your spot fishing on the bottom keeping a close eye on the rod tip looking for that tap tap once you have one on that’s when the game starts do I slack up and go for one go for one more or do I go the safe route and start coming up personally after the fish bites I like to try and come up 20 ft or so to drive that hook down and then drop back down to the bottom to try and get a few more I got a photo of Captain Mike Cy with a giant yellow eye that he got off of marathon not too long ago nice all right big one yeah it is tell me about the yellow tals B I spoke to Captain Justin Miller off The Real McCoy out of Buton Marys and he says the snapper fishing is still on fire yellow Tails from 60 to 90 ft of water there’s a few mangroves mixed in as well and you’re going to Anchor a spot luck on the edge of that on the edge and start chumming Chum with frozen Chum oats and sand and you can mix some Menna and oil in if you want use light Spinners with 10 to 12 pound mono tied straight to a yellowtail jig and for bait use bhoos cut bhoos shrimp or fish bites and have a bottom Rod out too cuz there’s some bigger muttons around also fish the snook fishing is still good in the back country of kilargo alam marada work the edges of the flat poles and the Shor lines of Florida Bay rolling in the clean water on the edges of the tanic lines and mullet muds throw finwick Pro Elite medium to medium light rods with 10 to 15 lb Berkeley X5 braided blind and a 30 to 40 lb ler bounce bath assassin 5in jerk baits or 4in seeds and smoke wagon Houdini Mama 14 karat on a weedless eagleclaw hook or a/4 oun to half oce jig head a gulp shrimp is always a good alternative if it starts to get overcast and hard to see the fish and keep an eye out for Rolling tarp and mix in along with some Reds that are going to be mixed in also I have a photo of young Michael with a nice snook that we got on our last trip big bassassin hanging out of space nice all right let’s go what else you got Mangrove Snappers in the back country of VI Mara and in the middle Keys make sure to have some type of current an anchor or spot lock on the edges of the banks or in the trenches and start chumming take your time with one or two rods at a time with a long 20 PB ler and a three eagleclaw circle hook use cut pin fish or small Pils and you’re going to pin them down on the down in the chum with an egg weight about 2 feet from the hook and fish fish with the bail open and your finger on the line waiting for the bump feed line out with no resistance for 30 to 45 seconds as a snapper is taking the bait away from his friends and then eating it when the fish stops taking line that’s when you would close the bail and start reeling keep the rod tip up nice and high uh keep these best Snappers from digging down into the grass and remember guys Mangrove Snappers are five per person and 10 in Long out of the 10 Snapper aggregate limits all right Ridge great report from the Florida Keys region we’re going to go ahead and take a look at the hot spots Rich says that inore the mangrove Snappers on the edges of the banks and in the trenches anchor up and start chumming and free lining cut pinish along with 20 foot lader and a 3 Eagle Claw circle hook and then offshore the yellow Tails from 60 to 90 ft water anchor or spot lock and try uh Frozen chump sand and oats free line baits like cut Baloo shrimp or fish bites behind the boat on 10 to 12 lb mono tied straight to the Yellow Tail G man I wish I was fishing with Captain Ridge Murphy and the keys this weekend I’m going birthday present maybe I know you will be you will bring them children and come out I’m not bringing the children all right now let’s see what tournaments are going on in the Florida Keys up first this week is the Key West Association of Realtors fishing tour T July 12th through the 13th where engers fish for the largest dolphin tuna and Wahoo by weight next we have the Dell Brown Invitational permit tournament July 14th through the 17th in Sugarloaf Key where Elite Anglers fly fish on Lower Keys flats for permit and Bone Fish to earn Awards and honor the late angling Pioneer who caught and released more than 500 permit on fly during his lifetime then is the Key West Marlin tournament set for July 17th through the 20th with a guaranteed $50,000 in cash prizes and coincides with the annual Hemingway Day celebration and last is the second annual bartenders dolphin tournament in Leighton which is a one-day Funday dolphin tournament on August 12th that is open to bartenders and restaurant employees fishing for cash prizes and good times that’s my kind of tournament right there for more information on these Keys tournaments and more head to flak all right well along with your stars and stripes make sure you’ve got your vertical Jigs and electric your Popsicle outfit your rock and Pops at the ready in Alo equipment southwest region go for it Ronnie well you know Bri hope everybody out there has a you know a safe and great uh Fourth of July weekend you know a couple quick trips tips for deep dropping on the Southwest coast of Florida now most of our deep dropping starts as shallow as 450 ft and you can get out to about 12200 ft now anything shallower you can use a variety of vertical jigs to catch a variety of grouper in those ranges but anything deeper guys you want to go to the electric reels and they suggested with multi-hook rigs variety of captains I’ve talked to said you know three lbs of lead will actually get the job done you know baits they suggest would be squid is the number one bait but you want to be using also bait chunks whether it be Bonita bluerunner the fresher the bait the better well uh you can also even use uh fish bites out in those ranges now 605 lb bra is the norm on the electronics but jigs on spinning reels will also get the job done 40 bra pound braid will also be suggested I got a prime example of a nice kitty Mitchell out there deep dropping with dly Fish Company wow all right that’s a big one spe is going to be the red snapper now that bite is still consistent as long as we have the good weather you want to concentrate your efforts in that 150 R now to 180 ft range all through the region now some days you know it depends upon the current if the current’s moving really good limits have been coming quick guys are telling me if get the tide slacked up you have to move around the several spots but you sooner or later you’re going to land on them and catch your limits this is why also they also suggest having a variety of bait on board going to be the key the variety of baits you’re going to need just in case the fish are finicky going to be live pin fish or some live Herring even cigar minnows but also a variety of cut baits they also say the prime cut bait to start off with wh squid you can also like I said have another variety of cut baits on board and uh AAL Chargers with another limit of red snappers and while coming back in about 115 ft of water hooking up with some African pompo nice bite now the bite has really picked up in the last week especially with all the rain we’re having on the beaches all along the coast as long as the nighttime bite from Fort Meers Beach to pter Gorda along inter Coastal docks and seaw walls but to the South Goodland all the way down into the Everglades concentrating on the outer Gulf islands and passes most fish are being caught on live bait you have to run out further to catch some of these due to the fresh water but if you can’t pin fish also work as well as piles when you can find them they’re also chewing a variety of artificials number one’s are going to be the top water walk the dog lurs you can use the Berkeley Jukes match the hatch peur in color soft plastic bass assassin shrimp and paddle tails in that Mor tanic water the root beer the White and the glow have been catching numbers and a great bite that’s happened in the last week with Captain Chris broom out of Naples he’s catching plenty of snook right now last species is going to be the red fish I’m getting a Vari iy reports right now from Pavilion key to Highland Beach but you want to be fishing mid TI before the water gets too high along the mango Shoreline but to the North Pine Island Sound fishing independent Islands as well as the NorthShore of Pine Island Marina but you can run further north and also fish the West Wall if you get that afternoon seab Breeze all the afternoon all areas I’ve mentioned from the first half of the incoming to the last half of the outgoing so the fish aren’t up At The Mangrove when the water gets too high In the Heat of the day cut baits is going to work as well as chumming light pilers or using live pinfish with cut Tails but you can also call them out with top water walk the dog lures gold spoons in that tanic water and 4in paddle tails on the lower water and I got a nice picture of an oversized red fish caught this week with Captain Derek dappen and the suggestion I want to give you is this is the time of year I throw a lot of top water plugs and it doesn’t matter what type top water lure you use I’ve had some guys in the last couple weeks bwick has been a big uh comeback with their saltwater rods a rod I’m going to see just use that Medium 8 to 17 whether it be the uh inore Elite Series or the world class you virtually don’t have to do much The Lure is basically on the work itself it’s a 7t rod te that out with some 20 lb braid and possibly a 3,000 or 3500 and re and The Lure will actually work for yourself once you get that Cadence right catch fish I glad you promoted that stuff Ronnie I’m glad you like the rods and reels we’re going to go ah and take a look at the battery tender hotspots from the southwest region in Shore the juvenile tarpon Peace River the kaloa hatchee river early in the morning late in the evening before dark along the Lee Shore Lin Bri and then offshore the African pompo Goodland to Fort Meers Beach 115 140 ft of water using a variety of cut baits African pompo I love it all right Anglers get ready for the 43rd annual Key West Marlin tournament July 17th through the 20th with record-breaking payouts legendary offshore angling and nightly festivities in the iconic Florida Keys a wayes Adventure awaits make sure you get registered at keywest now that we got the front runner maybe we should go do that maybe we should go do that that’s what you were trying to say to me I know you were excited he’s getting a bat all right we’re anxiously waiting to see what taco marine new products Dave frell has for us at the CCA workbench Dave sneak peek oo I likey you won’t have to wait for very long cuz here they are really cool uh new uh belt by AFCO which you know I always like the AFCO oh I love those things hope be wearing that all right we’ll be back [Music] the Florida Insider Fishing Report is brought to you by Ulta equipment company where uptime matters a merit tril load launch relax Abyss battery power your Pursuit Rodan set it forget it catch more fish discover Crystal River Florida bass assassin and saltwater assassin best lures period Black Oak LED never be left in the dark and Maverick Boat Group makers of Premium boat Brands Maverick Hughes Pathfinder and [Music] Cobia constantly constantly constantly working on my Cal well it is time to be constantly working for taco marine here at the CCA workbench time for new products Dave start with the shoes those little baby shoes you got there men’s Captiva by scoozie shoes they’re hybrid boat casual shoe uh incredibly light like all the scoozie shoes those are like 6.8 o or something incredibly incredibly light uh smooth stretch binding construction you notice there’s no seam in the back you know that that nasty seam that always rubs against your heel it’s not there there not even there nonabrasive seamless Comfort lightweight like I said premium natural cotton on the top uh wide tongue and a and a wide opening so you can slip them on and off real easily yes sir which you know I’m a big fan of the slip-ons uh non-marking slip resistant soles uh that have a lot of impact absorption in them so you know when you’re bouncing up and down on the boat going to keep your knees intact anti-odor antimicrobial molded footed inside that you can take out and wash uh up to size 15 they’re just a very comfortable boat shoe just very very comfortable if you’re going to order them you know you might want to order a half size size up from your normal size full size a full size they don’t make half size well a full size if you have wide feet you know if you have really wide feet so yeah anyway anyway go get those scoozy shoes okay next we have some fish bites easy Pro offshore baits we were showed them a little bit when we were doing the Deep drop segment earlier but these are a long lasting bait with extraordinary durability that are made for fishing offshore you know deep water grouper Snappers whatever uh they’re nice and big they’re thick uh they got that concentrated formula that rep replicates natural chemicals that fish use to find food and and to track their food and they release a powerful scent uh and uh a trail of feeding stimulants that were you know it’s it’s a patent pending deal you know Dr Carr made these a long time ago that stuff stimulates fish to eat yeah and they come in a variety of colors and scents and they include shrimp crab and Squid and you know four bait per bag 4 in long they’re they don’t come off they have that nice piece of uh material in in sandwiched in there so when you put it on a hook it’s not going to come off it’s great it’s great for that deep dropping because they don’t come off so and it still tastes still tastes like the mashed potato instant mashed potatoes so they didn’t mess with the formula as it came out the easy Pros you get that at your local tackle store go to Fishbites outcom to get those next we have the AFCO Soro fighting belt uh this is perfect you know for heavier gear 50 or 80 lb but heck you could use it with 30 lb if you wanted to uh it’s got extra thick EVA foam on the back and it’s got these vented slots to Contours to you for maximum Comfort it’s got a stainless steel gimbal pin inside that you can adjust to make it horizontal or vertical whichever you’re you know whichever you prefer and whichever your gimbal Works uh double box sticks 2in uh nylon straps that are really heavy Duty heavyduty uh lightweight stamped aluminum front this thing will look like this 10 years after you’ve been using it I know mine do uh anodized gold durable corrosion resistant uh you know matches perfectly with all the AFCO belts and the AFCO Max Force harness as well and adjust to fit 20 in up to a 50 in waist and where do we go to find it all right next we have the se- sucker single rod holder an additional rod and reel storage on your boat you can put it anywhere you want without having to drill holes into anything uh that vacuum Mount technology uh you know lets you put put it on any flat vertical surface in your boat and uh you can move it at will you know you can put it there and if you want it to move it you just easily move it uh solid construction easy to use no bells and whistles needed for that um CCA Florida gives back collection the little red CC sucker gives back yeah it’s the it’s the 25% of items purchased goes to the coastal Conservation Association of Florida SE sucker yeah Seas sucker does a good job we’re Ridge and I are going to use these as rod holders for when we’re bone fishing when we you know we’re booger fishing we don’t want to touch the rod we’re going to put it on the front of the console and then that way we can adjust the angle there you go I’ve got three of them on my belt I love them so Rick the cool works just fine come on I didn’t know about this until just now you’re right that’s smart move right there all right we’re getting our patriotic on in the staron central west region so Captain Paige tell us what we’re catching this fine Fourth of July weekend red white and blue y’all red white and blue you know in the star draw Central West Region the Deep drop game has become really popular and you know with these new highspeed pamaran and these deep B boats like the Rick the new one Rick’s building that front runner it doesn’t take but a few hours to what used to take a half a day to a day to get out to the ground so I’m going to just read you guys what’s going on right now from one of my good offshore captains Captain Tim no of GF Coast Ventures and he says deep drop fishing has been really good starting with blue lme tile fish they can be found in great numbers from 550 to 800 ft squids working well next would be the yellow Edge grouper best fishing for them has been 450 to 600 feet whole squid have been best bet snowy grouper consistent from 750 to 950 concentrating on bait stacks and live bottom most of our recent trips Kitty Mitchell groups uh Kitty Mitchell grouper have been a nice addition to our box keep an eye out he says for the lots of black fin tuna and Wahoo had have been on the same fishing ground venturing out a little further swordfish fight has been good in 1,400 to 1,800 ft of water and that’s recent trips that Captain Tim has made and my photo tonight is of a beautiful queen Snapper that he got on one of his recent trips man that’s a beautiful queen bub all right now staying in the Snapper the red snapper you know we’re already well into the snapper season and the weather Rick has been really good for once to where BOS are able to get out and get their limit 90 ft been the number to start at but I’ve heard guys do it on the bigger ones 150 to 200 feet five pin fit but don’t be afraid to put down a frozen sardine cuz once you locate them they’re going to eat uh I’ve got a good photo tonight of the man himself Captain Jason full sand stock with a full siiz American red wow all right in sure where you make your money at Paige look uh good strong moon means good strong ties whenever we get ties in that 2.5 down to like a negative 01 we got good moving water and the snow mil are really active on those mediocre Tides they don’t seem to bite as good fish around your oyster bar and Mangrove points areas like pomola Hera rattlesnake key Emerson Point down south Turtle Bay bull Bay and even over there by by plac sound out in front there of wh Creek good points to fish and then those afternoon outgoing tides in the passes don’t be afraid to throw top water plug in the morning if the floating grass isn’t too bad and then those afternoon outgoing Tides live ladyfish silver mullet even chunks of mullet and don’t be afraid to put a crab on the hook because that’s what’s flushing out those passes I’ve got a snook photo tonight of the Manatee River man himself Captain G Griffin Dean with a full size Manatee River snook wow what else you got Tarpon Tarpon my last one beach fishing still productive they’re catching more on baits on the bottom set up with your spot lock of your trolling motor or anchored instead of throwing at moving schools and then a lot of fish have moved up in the bay Rick and they’re in there eating on those small glass minow schools I’ve been doing pretty good with the 90 the smaller stick Chad in the bone pattern and my last photo tonight is of a young man that that entered the Sarasota tarping camp that they had a week ago and that was with Captain Devin York all right captain paig great job we’re going to go and take a look at the daqu deck hotpots he says that ensure snook fish afternoon out going tied with live freeline pin fish or grunts at new pass Venice Jetty or Stump Pass then offshore Mangrove Snappers the big snappers are holding on The Ledges and the hard bottom areas 90 to 120 ft of water off of Ana Maria use live pin fish for bait all right well when you’re on the road this summer show your support for Florida’s Fisheries with a conserve Florida’s Fisheries license plate funds from the sale of the Red Fish Tag directly support protecting and enhancing Marine Resources habitat restoration water quality and Coastal Environmental Education make sure you get yours now at your local DMV or redfish I went last Friday I got mine it’s on the way nice it’s coming do what I did go get yourself one that’s right congratulations welcome to the club my love all right the fish baites East and sea sucker panhandler region captains are ready to take you grocery shopping so get your carts ready and remember to keep up with everything fishing in Florida scan that QR code to see all of our social media channels and check out our website where you can easily browse and purchase any products you see here on the show plus some show swag so scan away and happy shopping we’ll be right back the Florida Insider Fishing Report is brought to you by staron start run and store with staron Berkeley your fish our science CCA Florida the voice of recreational Anglers for over 35 years front runner boats performance- built offshore fishing boats made in the USA takiuchi from world first to world leader the Florida Keys and Key West come as you are Murphy’s Law sport fishing book your trip today at Murphy’s Law and Strike Zone fishing you know bre Yamaha doesn’t make just big motors they make the best 25 in the market I want you to see what Lucy had to say about it okay hey guys as you can tell I have the product specialist from Yamaha Lucy bird you know Lucy not a lot of people know this but I actually got my start guiding duck hunters in Lake okachobee when I was a young guy and when I look at this beautiful new 25 with the brown chocolate brown as well as the black logo it immediately takes me back to my childhood of running around on the lake in a John book right and a lot of uh hunters and Fishers are especially excited about this motor because now we’ve got some basically a muted color out on the water it looks like it’s going to work very well for you so let’s talk a little bit about some of its features what size uh lower units does this come in this will come in 15 and 20 in right and then of course we’ve got the pearlescent white kickers in the 25 and the 9.9 as as well the 25 comes and the 20 and 25 inch and then we also have the gray uh y traditional Yamaha gray correct yes we do so this f25 is going to come in white gray or matte Brown now so guys I know that if you’re thinking about repowering your John Boat or maybe your duck booat whatever it may be whether you live in the panhandle of Florida or the Gulf Coast of Mississippi and Alabama or even potentially any place in Texas maybe this should be the consideration on your next purchase for a new 25 tiller go check out the Yamaha and where do they go Yamaha that’s some good stuff right there right yeah man we covered all the categories yes we did all right the key to deep dropping in the fish bites east region is finding the right bottom so Captain holiday can you help us out with this I can it’s pretty simple sand is bad mud is good that’s really the key got get away from the sand find the mud bottom in my re that’s anywhere from 450 ft to 700 ft of water and you just want to move around try a few areas until you locate the good fish a lot of times you’ll find small fish um just keep moving till you find the better fish the motor backup current once you do make that drop again most folks use electric reels with multiple Circle hooked you know deep drop rig like the standard deep drop rig um anywhere from 10 to 60 ounces of weight depending on the current and you know the key is you want enough weight to get that weight bouncing in the mud so the sight feeders like towel fish and Rose fish those long fin seab baths they see those puffs of mud that that the weights make and then they come over to check it out and find the bait for bait everything from a a squid to a pilter will work uh average TI fish is going to be 5 to 12 pounds in my region and I have a photo of uh Gabe Arrington he got that tow fish and Rose fish and 582 ft of water off of Hope Sound and those fish at whole squid for bait nice other thing we got going the you know the the summer sailfish fight right now is going strong it’s in its peak um the fish are really spread out anywhere from 60 to 200 feet of water but there is a lot of fish everybody out there seem to run into sailfish the last couple days a lot of boats are seeing free jumpers or just fish floating on the surface and then running over to that area putting out baits and getting the hook up uh the fish are traveling in small pods so when you hook one you want to keep a bait in the water to get multiple hookups at one time you can even try casting a bait at a Hook Fish because a lot of times one of those Hook Fish will have a cellfish trailing it and uh when the bait lands near it they’ll the second fish will run over and grab it and for bait live thread fins pil and sardines are are pretty available right now but a live goggly is a way to go if you’re going to fly kites and specifically Target selfish you can slow troll the baits or even pull Balu and do well um live baits are going to do well um the average selfish is going to be 40 to 50 lbs I got a photo this is a great photo Captain Matt George of Stewart sent me a shot of a sailfish they hooked 72 feet of water up PO town and that fish ate a live thread fit G all right let’s go in sure bu yeah you know the tarpon bite on the beach has really come to a halt but there’s still a lot of fish around the inlets particularly on the outgoing Tides there’s also been a lot of Resident fish in the crossroads area of Stewart um there’s also fish in the North and South Forks of the St Lucy River up in the Indian River around big Mud Creek and around the Moorings and then in the lockah hatchee river up around the boy scout camp the inant fish are the are the best bite right now they’re eating live mullet or thread fins drifted out the inlet with the tides particularly in the evenings when the boat traffic is down and then in the Rivers live mullet and live crab the crabs are starting to flush a little bit are doing well also you can take a 4inch Houdini colored sea shad and just throw it at the rolling fish think a second and reel it back real slow and get that bite average Tarpon 40 to 80 pounds Captain Chris Brittain uh sent me this photo he L his anger to this nice Tarpon in Indian River and that fish ate a live mullet nice and um the other you know the other bite we got go in the summertime s population that’s really pushed down on the beach and into the inlet so you know places like hope s Wildlife Refuge Jensen public Beach uh South Beach and Fort Pierce all those areas are seeing good numbers of cruising fish all the inlets have their summer spawning populations as well uh really good bites going on at Jupiter and Lake Worth inlets on the incoming tides and also at at the uh Lakeworth and Juno piers and for baits live thread fins cokers that’s working best in the inlet on the beach that 4in seash Shad copper juice or green horn it that’s pretty much money on those Beach Fish you don’t even really need anything else a green and white fly if you like to throw FES and live cokers average Snook’s around 10 pounds I’m catching up to 20 uh Jeff hary you know Jeff uh he caught this nice snook in the St Louis unlet on a on a nice little Bait fish fly nice all right well let’s talk about bass fishing what do you got this week bub yeah you know it’s just been brutally hot and water temperatures on Lake cby are already in the 90s so the best bites on the lake been at dawn and at dusk and just after the rainstorms which is when the water is at its coolest Point um you want to be on the Water by 6: a.m. looking for diving birds spawning Shad flipping on the surface or School Bus bass busting on the surface I was I was talking to Captain Nathan sea vob bass he’s saying they’re good the good schoolish bites are outside Buckhead Ridge down by Third point and also around the South Shore mostly out in that in that open water areas uh you want to start your day throwing white spinner baits with a gold will Leaf blade you can throw frogs you can throw swimbaits like a a bass assassin Elite Shiner or a bass assassin die Dapper any of those in the Shad colors are going to work uh angles are targeting the Big Fish by either flipping the cmig grass or any floating mats that they can find they’re throwing June bug colored worms or work in the bluegill beds that that they can find with a top water plug or a swimbait early in the day right now it’s like a a 10 to 20 fish morning average pass is 1 to 3 lbs and the bite’s over by about 10:30 all right bub great report we’re going to take a look at the th Marine hotpots from the east region Mike says that the Whiting and the kroer at Tiger Shores beach the sand fleas or fish bites and easy Flea on a two- hook surf rig is going to work for them and then the sword fish and 1,700 ft of water off of Palm Beach daytime bite is using squid ladyfish and even a dolphin B brief but make sure you bring that water cuz it is hot out all right well we are well underway with the shoreline Showdown Surf Fishing Tournament series presented by fish bites four tournaments one championship and over $75,000 in guaranteed payouts plus fishing for a chance to qualify to compete for the title of the ultimate surf angler we are two down with two more to go so for more information on dates and locations make sure you scan that QR code or visit shorelines showdown. comom all right Captain Pat Denine in the sea sucker Panhandle region has a a few important tips for us if deep dropping is on our schedule this weekend so Pat tell us what we need to know hey Bri uh deep dropping in the Norther Gulf extremely popular especially as other uh species Seasons regulations have become a lot tighter targeted species include tile fish snowy groupers yellow Edge grouper and a variety water Snappers the tile fish are generally going to be on the Muddy Bottom uh the muddy flat bottom in 900 to 1,000 ft of water popular areas include just north of the spur and between the steps and the nipple both are great places to seek tile fish and tile fishing is really pretty easy deep dropping drifting area marking drops that produce and then replicating that drift a little bit of current goes a long way you know you don’t want to just stagnate you want to cover bottom keep your lead on the bottom you’re going to catch some tile fish in that that 900t of water uh the groupers and Snappers are definitely going to be more structure oriented the Gul pipeline running from Louisiana Tampa great starting point or any other deep water reck or high bottom cut Bita Lady Fish squids all make great deep drop baits uh the key to success is to make sure you keep your lead on the bottom and keep it close to the bottom uh and that’s really that’s really it for the for the deep water uh here we go offshore Snappers Vermillion snap Snappers and red Snappers staying offshore uh the Snappers doing really well they’re being caught off similar spots you just have to fish a little different Target each the red snappers are mainly being caught with live bait cigar minnows and herrings on a Carolina rig you want to Chin hook your baits on a four to 5 O circle hook 5T of 50 lb liter is a great way to go for the red snappers fish your baits close to the bottom but not on the bottom Keep Your Rod tip High keep it uh once you get a bite drop your Rod tip and start cranking the Vermilion are mainly being caught on two chicken rigs baited with cut squid and minnows for the Vermilion sometimes right off the bottom but more often a few cranks off the bottom uh moving inshore there’s been a very consistent red fish bite at the halfway bridge on the afternoon falling tide over in Panama City want a free line live base or use a Carolina rig with an ounce or 2 O weights fish the upcurrent side of the pilings us a cigar minnows herrings pters peners or other small minnows as bait you can also sink a swim bait or uh fish those baits on the bottom with a slow jig in motion most of these redish are quite large well above the slot and that’s been very consistent every afternoon finally Ure it’s a great time of the year to be night fishing around the lights for speal trout and red fish I mean the the up here Bree the boat traffic has been insane in the daytime so you get on the water at night it’s much quieter much slower lot less traffic the cooler temperatures the fish are concentrated on those on those lights small live baits Freel lines on light leaders are generally the most productive spot minnows cokers Pils finger mullets all great baits say as far off the light as you can make a long cast to the upcurrent side and then let your dri your bait drift back through the light staying just tight enough so that you can feel the bite generally you will not get a lot of bites off of each light you’re going to get a few bites when you first get there you’re going to still see the fish but you’re not going to get the bites get those bites then move on to the next one all right Pat speaking of speaking of bites how’s the tarpon fishing doing bud you know I’m missing all you guys up there for the last two years I’ve been up there the third and fourth week right in through the Fourth of July and I’m missing you guys how you doing up there it’s been pretty insane Rick I mean we had some a lot of wind the last we’ve had wind and seas uh but once you get past that the fish are here and it’s been pretty darn good that’s what I like to hear we’ll give our love to Tony and the little uh Katie bug and we’ll talk to you again next week thank you so much happy 4th of July yeah happy fourth everybody be cool all right man see you it’s time for the hot spot from the panan region he says in Shore the Pensacola Pier has been having a steady king mackerel bite fish live baits on a wire rig or cast gotchas in spoons and then if you want to go offshore breed it’s a long way but the floater rigs have been good for Yellen Tunas live baits and poppers early in the morning late in the day and the night has been the best for that stuff he’s all ready for the fireworks he’s like ready right now it’s time to go he’s ready for the show yeah oh yeah he’s ready he’s TI I can tell he’s tired yep he might he might have been a little over served this afternoon while he was cleaning his boat it’s hot out there you know what I mean it is it is I know I feel his pain you got to quench it thirst somehow all right we’re almost ready for the fireworks to begin but we’re seeing what Captain Jimbo Thomas has planned for us in the Kasa VHA Southeast region when we come back so make sure you stay hooked look at that pretty face we’ll be back The Insider Fishing Report is brought to you by Yamaha reliability Starts Here Fenwick feel everything Island lures tournament tackle the igfa every fish every water every angler since 1939 Sportsman’s adventures with Captain Rick Murphy 30 years of fishing for adventure Berkeley prospec Chrome real Legends available at Bells and taco marine Master the catch today’s power pole tip of the week is about the power pole charge and you know the reason why I love this battery charger so much is it’s four systems in one remember this it’s very lightweight the lightest charger that I know of with it being 8 lb the other thing that I love about it is I have the ability now to charge my batteries when I’m running back to the boat ramp after using them all day long so certainly that’s something that I like but also a third feature that is really uh one of my favorites is I have the ability to transfer the charging from the engine to trolland motor batteries and I can charge that way or if I need to charge up my engine battery I can simply slide through the app and make all that power go towards that engine battery so I have the choices when it comes to being able to how and what I’m going to charge and the fourth reason I really love it is because of the emergency start feature I have the ability to click on the emergency start feature use the battery juice that I have stored and guess what jump that battery so that I can get home from being 20 mil out in the Gulf if you have any questions about the powerpole charge simply go to Power poole. and that’s today’s powerpole tip of the week you know Bri when I think about technology and how it Advanced throughing my career I never in my wild his dreams thought we could have a battery charger that could charge your lithium batteries and that you could monitor them both on an app whether it’s on the power pole app or abysses app it’s just the it’s just I can’t welome to this world right I know it’s like I can’t get over it I keep it’s hard for me to keep up but it’s cool yeah it’s NE it’s Chang the game of fishing for sure it all right and the cas OFA Lodge Southeast region Captain Jimbo Thomas is keeping it real when it comes to finding those bottoms and fish to go with it hi Jimbo hey Bri hey happy birthday and also happy 4th of July in a safe Fourth of July to everybody out there so uh deep dropping it’s basically bottom fishing at Great depths and you want to use an electric reel typically if you want to be a masochist and handwind it go for it but just about every other every offshore boat that you see nowadays has one or more electric reels sitting in those rod holders so it’s it’s the way to go if you want to put some meat on on the table so deep drop uh depths they range anywhere from 500 ft on out and you definitely want to use some braided line cuz that Brady line cuts through the current and it’ll hold your uh bait on the bottom much easier now on the Southeast region there’s a number of excellent eating species that we fish for Golden and blue tile fish snow and yellow Edge groupers yellowy Snappers Queen Snappers uh black belly Rose fish along with swordfish and and Barrel fish and you definitely want to keep up with the latest regulations because these uh change for these snowy groupers these tiles on a daily basis so before you go out there make sure it’s legal to keep them if that’s what you’re looking for um basically uh a chicken rig is what we use and the chicken rig’s just a heavy uh what what am I say we use a chicken rig to drop for our our or deep drop fish for everything except for swords and that’s basic deep drop brick and the amount of weight is determined on the current and also in the depth we use anywhere from 3 to 15 lbs of weight and you also want to attach some lights on to your rigs that’ll help you get some bites favorite baits are squid Bonita strips and also Barracuda chunks But first you got to find the fish so katum is the easy part what what’s uh whether you’re going to a known spot or going to a you know searching for some new stuff you want a good bottom machine and a GPS plotter and most of the deep drop spots they’re natural Ledges ridges and humps versus wrecks so knowing where to drop your bait and setting up your drift that’s crucial if you want to be successful and just like with every other kind of fishing some days they bite better and some days they don’t tell us about the dolphin Jimbo or tell me about the photo first photo got a quick photo here this is Mike jasit from Pine Island with a beautiful queen Snapper that he caught deep dropping all right so dolphin there’s still very Hit or Miss we’ve been heading offshore anywhere for 5 to 20 miles if you’re lucky enough to find some good floating debris it’s most likely going to be a good hit otherwise there’s been scattered SAR gasm weat with some ver activity over small Bunches of schoolies then now they have been getting a little bigger but we’ve still been releasing a lot of shorts the fish are traveling to the South they’re most likely going to be bigger and the the fish going to the north are going to be a little smaller uh we’ve been getting them on troll baits troll balyo small dolphin lures and uh they haven’t been you know a lot of bigger ones but once we do find some schools we keep a half dozen 20 lb Spinners rigged with 50 lb liters and 5o hooks and either use small live baits or cut baits and have them ready to cast to those fish once you locate them now moving inshore we got mangrove snapper and uh they’ve been biting pretty good throughout the whole region you want to look for these mangroves run any bottom structure in the Bays inlets and also the icw they’ve been hanging around the channel edges and also around the bridges dread hols and any uh reck or bottom structure all going to be holding fish best fish is going to be in the evenings you want to use cut sardines cut Balu or uh Bonita or small live baits like herrings Pils or pin fish and definitely don’t Chum that’s going to attract a lot of small fish so um let the fish come to you those bigger ones fish your bait on the bottom with a knocker rig you want to fish on the outskirts of the structure and these mangroves have been anywhere from 1 to four lbs got another photo here this is Mike Cleveland with a big bis came Bay mangrove snapper all right tell me about the snook and then we got catch and releas snook fishing in the inlets the snook they’re schooled up in all the inlets of the region they’re being caught on live Pils herrings pin fish Croakers and mullet you want to fish them near the bottom using a Jupiter rig and these have been big fish are spawning in there some of them up in the 20 lb range so you want to use 40 to 50 lb lers and 40 5 60 circle hooks if you don’t have any live bait available try working flare Haw Jigs and pink or chartreuse or 4in gulper uh Bass Fass and jerk baits uh down along the Bottom now they’ve been biting on both the incoming and outgoing tides in the more early in the morning or late in the afternoon into the evening all right thank you so much Jimbo we’re going to take a look at the Black Oak LED hot spots from the Southeast region Jimbo says that catch and release Tarpon and snook in the inlets and off the beaches fishing in the evening on both live and artificial baits and then offshore head offshore in search of the mahi on the troll with live or cut baits around the grass pastures the Brie uh and also Bird activity I think some of our boys have been indulging on the 4th of July and it’s not even their birthday it’s a holiday you would have an excuse it’s a holiday all right my fellow Americans hopefully your fourth of July weekend deep drop reports lead to barbecue Victory as we celebrate this wonderful country of ours but stay with us because we’re telling you what we’re catching next week and it’s I’m so excited for it we’ll be right back all right [Music] next week we are talking Lobster so make sure to tune in and if you would like to be a part of our live studio audience make sure you scan that QR code or go to our website Florida Insider stopped raining and got hot and I got a black four trunk and I came outside in your cake I think it’s art it’s Picasso birthday cake it’s a thought that count so sorry thank you so much beautiful happy 4th of July everybody have a safe weekend happy birthday catch those fish we’ll see you next week thank you

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