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🚨 Gareth Southgate REVEALS If He’s Starting Luke Shaw Or Kieran Trippier For England V Netherlands πŸ‘€

Gareth Southgate chats to the press ahead of England v Netherlands at EURO 2024.


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it’s carve solol from Sky Sports Gareth your players have been speaking in glowing terms about you this week do you sense that they want to win tomorrow not just for their country but also for you um I mean look I’m very fortunate to have a fabulous group of players and um I think we work as a team we always have um whenever we’re talking about the games um how we’ve done um it’s always reviewed in terms of what we could do better as a coaching team as well as what the players might do better we we have very open dialogue about that um and the special thing about this group of players has been that the way that the 26 have really bonded over the last few weeks you know a lot of new players in a lot of players with no tournament experience half the squad um and the contributions coming into the game have been so important you know we’ve we’ve managed to get 21 of the players on the pitch and none of those have been you know a dead rubber or 10 minutes that weren’t important and I think that has made people even more connected and um has helped the experience of all of the squad hi Harry um hi Gareth good luck tomorrow um Henry Winter from World Soccer Harry just with the change in formation that we saw the other day and with Phil and Jude s slightly more Central does that keep you higher up the pitch does it change your game in any way thank you um not specifically I think there’s times where you know just the the rhythm of the game maybe you know Jude or Phil might end up being in the middle I might drift out to maybe the left 10 or there’s different examples where uh of course as the striker you want to try and give as much space as possible to your midfielders to the number 10s and uh but then there’s times you know where you want to drag Defenders out into into spaces they might not want to come either so um like I’ve said with you know my game always I try and see how the game evolves what the team needs from me and and I try and exploit those situations but um yeah there’ll be times tomorrow of course where I’ll need to be more of a focal point and be in the Box more and uh make sharper movements in in the box and there’ll be times where I’ll drop deep and and try and make it uncomfortable for the Defenders coming into to maybe areas they don’t want to be in hi yit me V from trt Sports since the beginning of the tournament in the last five match you started you preferred to start with uh trip and left back not with Luke sha whose original position is left back what were the reasons that you would started with Ria and is there a possibility in that match to start with luk sha against Holland yeah um Luke has been injured for four months so um it wasn’t a possib ability for him to play until the last match um he made a good contribution to the game uh so that’s the decision we have to make whether he’s ready to start whether that’s the best way to use him um but you we’re very happy to have him back he obviously gives us balance different balance with the team um but also Kieran has done a fantastic job um he’s played in so many important nights for us you know we’ve had a lot of big nights over the last seven or eight years and he’s been so important in those in those occasions but also around the squad how he is with the with the rest of the players and the staff so uh we we we’re very fortunate to have players like him in our Squad hi Noah Val Dutch television question to Harry uh as a striker yourself how would you how do you look at the Dutch Strikers Memphis and VOR as well yeah obviously they’re they’re two uh totally different Strikers obviously whoever plays or if they both play tomorrow they they both bring something different to to the Dutch team um so yeah from our point of view you know we we’ll always analyze you know the other team and where they can hurt us and where we need to be careful and um yeah they’re two really good Strikers they’re playing at a high high level and of course being in the semi-final of European championships means they’re doing something well so um yeah we we hopefully will keep them quiet tomorrow but it’ll be a difficult task for sure um but yeah we’re focused on on what we can do to to hurt them as well and um yeah that’s what we’ve been preparing for nanel Zigler sport one Israel are after Slovakia Jude talked about the big pressure from the crowd and from the media how do you deal with it and if the players speak about it in the dressing room about the big pressure no I don’t think we really speak about in the dress room I think um you know definitely the ones who have had more experience in tournaments uh know what it’s like to play uh for England in major tournaments and of course as we’ve been uh doing better and getting better in the tournaments the expectation gets higher and and that’s been no different so um yeah I think people will use it in different ways some will use it as motivation to you know up their game and up their level some will just block it out and you know focus on what they need to do so everyone’s different in that sense from from a team point of view we know what we’re trying to achieve we set out from the start uh what we’ve been trying to achieve and and you know we’re close to to doing that we have a really important game tomorrow night a really tough game which we need to be ready for and uh yeah we prepared for that so uh from our point of view nothing changes all right so question for Gareth Gareth it’s Mike Keegan from The Daily Mail just wondered if you were aware of the well publicized background of the referee for the game tomorrow night and the issues with Jude a couple of years ago whether that caus you any concerns and whether it was anything that you’ve spoken to Jude about ahead of the game no uh um I think everybody knows how I deal with referees with complete respect for every referee uh I know the the two guys at UEFA um Roberto and buj who been running uh the referees program and I think um they appreciate the respect we’ve shown as a team to officials over eight years I think there’s a right way to conduct yourself towards officials I think that’s very important for the image of the game um so no I I’m not concerned about who the referee is um he will be at a very high standard because that’s the way that UEFA make those decisions and the way they monitor the games that are played during the tournament um so yeah for me it’s not even a consideration hello har Dan Gana for theadra for R Spain what do you think about one team like Spain and young players like lamin Jamal and Nico Williams for a possible final yeah obviously um Spain have had a fantastic tournament um they feel they look like their players are playing with a lot of freedom and a lot of young players who are just you know going out there and enjoying the occasion and and getting on the ball but um you know Spain have been a top team um for many years now so it’s no surprise that they’re in semi-final they they’ve obviously got a tough game uh tonight which um I’m sure will be a good one to to watch but uh yeah fantastic players as you know we’re in the final four of this European Championship now every team uh is going to have a a really good squad um and yeah Spain are no different to you know France us or or Holland uh when we play tomorrow hi it’s Mar for German radio um I would like to know both your opinions on the debate about having extra time or not like should we get rid of it the next tournaments yeah that’s not really for me to uh you have to run around I don’t yeah I know yeah um look it’s a yeah it’s a good question I’m not quite sure to be honest um of course there’s been some great moments in extra time where you know teams find a goal just like Spain did in the last minute and uh and there’s times where you can see both teams are really tired and you know they probably both wa for penalties and then taking their opportunity from that point of view so um yeah I don’t mind it I don’t mind extra time you know it it always feels uh amazing when you come through it and and whether or that’s the end of extra time or penalties you know you you really give everything that you’ve got in in those moments so uh there’s something special about coming through those moments and building that togetherness from that but um yeah ultimately you know it’s not in not in my hand so I’m sure whoever makes those decisions will make the right one question from the very back hi Gareth uh car match up from the independence you spoke after the Switzerland game about several players being like very much exhausted and Harry was on his basically out on his feet when he came off and jwed before penalties as well um you only made one sub against Slovakia before the 84th minute and none against Switzerland before the 78th so just wondering if that is a either a concern for you or part of your plan for those both games and going forward as well obviously didn’t make the sixth extra sign sub either yeah I mean I think there are different reasons for making changes um we were happy with the way the team were playing in in couple of those games um there was a game we made a substitution at halim so we don’t have a preconditioned way of operating um you’re always looking at the physical freshness of the team the balance of the team how how the team are performing individually whether changes are actually going to improve what we’re doing or not um so they’re they’re the assessments that you’re always making clearly now it’s a strange thing in the biggest games you get less time to prepare less time to recover so you you would assume the biggest matches you have the best preparation but we haven’t really been able to get on the training pitch you’re just walking through things or covering things in meetings so there is a a different physical aspect now um but all of the players are going into this this game in in good condition recovered well um over the over the next 24 hours um we keep assessing people and the game will take us in a certain direction tomorrow that we’ll we’ll make those decisions for us hello this is Eric from nrk Norway question to Gareth Marcelo BSA said that football is becoming less attractive and that players who deserve to be watched will be less because football will benefit the business what is your opinion on that it’s difficult for me to say because I don’t know the context um to his comments um so yeah I don’t know what he was asked and why he made the observations that he did well a question um hi Gareth Joe rosson Sky News um could be a rare occasion where the Dutch fans outnumber England fans in the state tomorrow what have you done to prepare for what’s promising to be such an intense atmosphere I think our players are used to it um the you know one of the great things about this tournament has been um the atmosphere in the stadium the fact that so many supporters of every team uh um it’s been a different sort of feeling for our players compared to the last definitely the last two World Cups and of course um the last Euros was affected by restricted attendances um so it’s definitely added a different feel to the games different intensity to the games um but our fans whether they’re there are more or less will make themselves heard I’m sure and it will be a brilliant colorful occasion because you know my memories of playing against Holland with the orange in the stadium are really Vivid so uh in the end the players want to play in those sorts of occasions these are the matches we want to be involved in it’s why we’re involved in football um and particularly International Football you live for the tournaments that’s that’s where we step up and um yeah we’re looking forward to that occasion okay hi both James OE from ESPN good luck tomorrow um Gareth you mentioned earlier that the squad you felt was bonded in recent weeks um do you feel now they’re in the right mindset to to Peak at the end of this tournament and and how do you help them do that yeah there’s been a definite shift uh I was really interested um you know as a coach sometimes you take a step back and You observe and you know one of the strengths of us over the last seven eight years has been less fear um less inhibition but I think at the beginning of the tournament the expectation weighed quite heavily and of course the external noise was louder than it’s ever been so I felt felt we we couldn’t quite get ourselves in the right um in the right place and in the end what was impressive was that the players ground it out they they ground results out and found ways to win I felt that shifted once we’d got into the knockout stage and definitely in the quarterfinal I thought we you saw a better version of us with the ball um Freer um I I I’m not sure any of the messaging changed but uh just felt the group changed and um you’re now into that U moment in the tournament where it’s what’s possible what’s achievable rather than what might go wrong and uh that that’s different for a player for an athlete so yeah this is now the chance to make history which we’ve enjoyed doing that um chance to uh get to the first final not not held in England first time England with have ever done that so we’re we’re trying to break new ground that’s difficult and it’s complicated um but the players have responded brilliantly and the resilience that’s been built you know you can Bond we’ve been very fortunate we’ve had a cheering in to sing and it was great the players had a couple of beers be before the last game you can bond in that way but when you’re having to head the ball out your box in the 92nd minute and you’re having to find a goal in the you know 96 minute there there’s nothing stronger than that for building the the spirit of a team hi garyth Dan Kilpatrick evening standard I just wondered what kind of game You’re Expecting tomorrow do you expect it to be more open or are you expecting the Dutch to to sit in and kind of make it difficult for you like the other teams have done um well that wouldn’t be normal for the way uh Dutch teams play and it’s not what we’ve seen seen from them um equally you know Ronald’s an experienced coach he could he could approach the game in a very different way to the games that they’ve played already so we’re prepared for anything um I think it will be an exciting game you’ve got a lot of very good players on the pitch a lot of good forward players both teams um so we’ve we’ve got to be another step from what we showed in the last game it’s another step up in terms of the quality of some of the opponents um and uh we have to be ready for that television maybe you had already the story about the Dutch team is a little bit delayed a little bit of more delay because they travel by train is not possible and they have to take a plane do you think it has some influence on their preparation and what would your your reaction be if it’s happen to you no we would be calm control what we can affect um we don’t play until 9:00 tomorrow so there’s plenty of time um I’m sure they’ll still get dinner when they arrive so yeah I don’t see have that having any impact on the game really thank you hi Mitch Phillips and Roy’s question for Harry could you T Harry talk about the difference in mentality for you and some of the players around you from 2018 when that was like a first semifinal and now you’re looking at a third is becoming a kind of routine if you like is it a different mindset for you the way you’re going into this game now um well I think you just used the past experiences to help you you know uh we’ve got a lot of players who have yeah experienced big games on an international level and also big games at a club level so uh you try and use all that experience over you know the course of your career to prepare you in the best way possible and to control the nerves and control the excitement um so yeah to tomorrow night will be no different you know we like I touched on earlier we had a a goal and we had a target of where we want to be and what we think’s achievable and you know step by step we’ve been getting closer to that to that Target and um yeah we prepared tomorrow like we prepare in the other game um and I just think you know during the game you lean on experiences you lean on you know the leaders in the team who have been there and done that to help maybe some of the players who haven’t but ultimately it’s about going out there and taking the opportunity with with both hands you know we’ve put ourselves in a great spot and uh um yeah we got you know a big game tomorrow to reach back toback finals in European championships uh you been an amazing achievement and we have that opportunity to to go and do that we’ll take three last questions thank you Harry it’s Oliver K from the athletic um when the manager is talking about the the noise that there was at the start of the tournament tournament in the group stage especially and um the pressure expectation did you as players and as Captain in particular did you do anything different did you have meetings and grab them all together especially the younger players and spell out any different message um to help them through it no there wasn’t no meetings I think you know as one of the leaders as the captain in the team you’re always talking to your players you’re always talking to you know especially the newer players that they’re always asking your questions about experiences Etc and um yeah I think we do a pretty good job of preparing all the players you know before the tournament of you know what tournament football is like because of course uh you have to go out there on the pitch and uh yeah perform well and and do do that side of it but tournament football there’s a lot that goes into it there’s a long time away of each other a lot of preparation a lot of time in the hotel uh there’s a lot of media attention so it’s about dealing with all that and I think you know uh over the years uh since G’s been here and you know since I’ve been Captain we’ve handled that really well and and this tournament has been no different like uh the expectation has maybe been a little bit different from the start and maybe the noise has been a bit louder but I think we’ve all handled that really well and uh like I said some players will use it as motivation some players will will block it out and ultimately it’s just down to what we we want to achieve and uh we have a really close togetherness not just players but staff as well and you know we’ve all been uh in the same direction for a while now and uh yeah that’s what we’re that’s what we’re thinking about and the back hi Eric Peters Germany question to both of you um you trying to learn a bit of uh German how is it going do you already know the German word for European Champion I don’t no no strangely it wasn’t one I looked for either so uh I know I know I have to turn right at the uh underground station but that’s about it I’m afraid so thank you the last question over here please thanks I arry myself on the crown Dutch Telegraph what kind of battles have you had over the years with Virgil Van Dy and can you describe them a bit what sort of duels you had and are you actually happy to play him tomorrow or would you rather have had ma de who you have known a little bit more now yeah no of course uh Mata has been a uh you know a teammate of mine now for the last year fantastic player fantastic guy obviously um yeah I’m not sure if he’s going to start tomorrow or not but uh if he does you know we’ve we’ve had a lot of battles in training so I’m sure tomorrow will be no different and uh yeah in terms of FAL we’ve had you know some really good battles over the year from when he was at Southampton at Liverpool uh a lot of tough games a lot of big games um and yeah sometimes he’s won that battle sometimes I’ve won that battle so uh you know tomorrow night will be a tough game both def whoever plays will be tough tough opponents and uh yeah I’d always you know prepare in the same way of trying to uh make their life as uncomfortable as possible but I’m sure he’ll try and do the same to me so uh yeah I enjoy playing against the best players in the world uh that’s what you play football for that’s why you want to play these games and uh I’m looking forward to that challenge tomorrow thank you very much on am on da via the talk sport app and on your smart speaker talk sport


  1. Worst manager ever, most premiership managers would get us in the with confidence of winning, whining BS from Southgate has stop permanently

  2. We have played top 10 ranked sides 24 times under Southgate and he has managed just 4 wins against them in 8 years. Despite having the easiest passage in the Euros we have scraped through by the skin of our teeth and have been consistently the most boring side to watch. I still have no idea what his tactics are supposed to be but to take some of the most exciting and skilled players in Europe and turn them into a backwards-playing bunch of nervous individuals must have taken some doing.

  3. All you need to do is win Southgate. Win the tournament. That will shut everyone up forever. First English manager to win the euros.😊

  4. The fact trippier is being singled out and made a scapegoat is an absolute disgrace! The whole team haven't played well yet better players are not getting a chance! Harry kane shouldn't be starting as he has been worse. IF we do get to the final, Spain will destroy us!

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