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Navy Seal vs Sean Strickland | This Seal Earned my Respect!

Former UFC Middlewieght Champion Sean Strickland spars Navy Seal and professional MMA fighter Mitch Aguiar.

After being called out online, Sean published an open invitation to any Navy Seal to come do The Man Dance. Mitch answered the call!

Guest appearance by fresh off his historic performance at UFC 303 against Diego Lopes.

Special thanks to

As always, we do this for the fans. THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT!

UFC 302 Drop available at


hey Navy Seals I stand corrected 25 minutes I was wrong without my respect not quit I had no delusions of winning this fight it’s pretty clear after I don’t know 45 seconds Sean’s the man I issued my Navy SEAL challenge I don’t think there’s one Navy SEAL who could survive a week training with me a lot of you Navy Seals didn’t show up you were your influencers you were on the gam you talk this man Mitch he showed up it was a war come on get to me my dog and he lasted 25 minutes check it out we’ll link up we’ll post a video it’s going to be fun to watch so this is my boy Mitch I’m known I’m known him for a minute all dude how many fights have you had uh like 17 18 something like that yeah your guys had a lot of fights so I don’t know if it’s fair to say you’re I mean you’re a Navy SEAL but is it fair to say I mean you’re also professional fighter yeah and there’s not many Navy Seals who are professional fighter so we’ll do we’re going to what do five fives sure whatever you want my dog dude I mean I’m a little fat a little shaped this man’s coming jacked how much testosterone do you have I’m definitely you got the back knee going on there’s a difference between Navy Seals and influencers the ones calling me out were influencers my swim buddies they die every single year do you have any idea what that means our training will simply just end your career Sean like the the real ones that are like they’re not calling me out are you Navy SE dude with Mr camo Navy Seals ain’t calling me out bro you have these like Navy Seals who transition to influencers like on their selfie stick Sean I’m Navy SEAL I blah blah blah oh you won’t do to me but anys can we side away for this my man I’ll make I’ll make you in this back my man yeah I know dude like these Navy Seals these influencers they all hit me up like I kill people you ain’t going to kill me we filming no dude so the reason why we filmed it like he like Sean like are you going to film it I’m like no and she was like Sean why I think he’s bringing a camera crew she’s like so like I’m going to you’re going to film it somewhere all right yeah know I didn’t but it’s not this is no no no no no no so I’m like no I think it’s going to be cool and the mother gets out with the camera crew so I’m like okay where’s he at he’s silent W make sure you get video this bro like people like people like they they think Navy Seals are like the boogeyman like no no you ain’t the [Music] boogeyman I told you D put that guy in his back bro that you doesn’t make money though I was trying to make money here’s thing I’ve watched you train you’re great every told before you walk in you can you can stand up you can take him you were better than this K yeah and the shitty thing is dude it took you around to realize you were better and that’s kind of what I wanted you to understand you are better than you yeah it just took you little bit to realiz and once you like oh yeah this guy but and you start go in out cck my rhythm F the CH it just you’re better than I mean again you took a fight on a four hour not got to do that’s that’s you know that’s like you know he was like exping all the time you know sparring sparring heavy weights like you know Francis Ando everybody like he’s not afraid of anybody and sparring you know four or five days a week and I was always like dude iing love that bro you’re going to love 330 the actual yeah 330 tal Fight n Dan Dan makes Dan eay makes me feel like a I mean a 4our notice dude that is that is fuing real the thing that sucks like full Camp you start you camp you start round two no I three round you start you you literally were like having a massage just just you did just stepping in on four hours notice there especially like that doesn’t happen at the highest level you know and that’s that’s like the mentality that fighter should have always be ready it doesn’t matter I’m not afraid to fight you know there’s a lot of people that can pick and you know look fights and only want to take a fight absolutely certain they’re going to win or whatever no guts no glory right in Home Depot and this old man with a with a Vietnam hat came up to me when son comes up to me he’s like hey dude you’re Sean Strickland I’m like yeah I’m Sean Strickland and the dad goes wait I I think I know you I’m like a goes you talk about the Navy Seals I’m like a like what do I say to this guy wearing a Vietnam hat like I can’t even talk sh like cuz I like what you said about those Navy Seals they’re bunch of women I’m like yeah my dog got to the Head true story there a bunch of people saying like you know messaging me and like Sean strick doesn’t know what the talking about these n will kill and blah blah I’m like he’s talking about training well you know it pisses me off though it’s I’m like and Trust and Believe Sean Strickland is one of the best fighters in the world and will absolutely up a bunch you know what know piss me off though it’s like they made into like a patriotism issue like no I know like you guys like there’s no proteced class A 8 mother I I was like hey bro you must have forgot about me blah blah blah and he was like ah I forgot about you he was like yeah come on out here we’ll do the man dance so I’m out here I got a question for you what’s up what is when they say like SEAL Team Six Seal Team 3 what does that mean so I’ve number SEAL Teams on the west coast so 1 3 5 S four on the west coast four the east coast and then damn neck yeah so what were you on yeah I don’t think anybody knows that until now so you’re welcome YouTube I look at it as a fun opportunity um you know I you know Sean Sean has this magic ability to just go viral now everything he puts out and stuff and uh you know just knowing him and I’ve always respected him a ton uh for what people want to know is how many people of you crosshairs lined up drop that’s what the people want to know yeah you’re not supposed to ask that guy uh I’ve always respected Sean you know from training with him in the past his mentality towards fighting and I thought it would be awesome to come out here and uh jump on the opportunity to get some rounds in with him uh he’s the people’s champ it’s awesome Sean we don’t have any wages I get paid millions of dollars to go fight somebody so I thought of going and running 28 miles and freezing my little dick off dude I don’t know about that but I’ll do it I’ll come I’ll come to you dude hey how do you feel about David Goggins bro I can’t stand that I like him oh I can’t stand that guy dude it’s strickling I haven’t forgotten about your video cuz a 49-year-old broke down up knees f up body guy is going to put you through a camp that you think that you can me up in okay uncommon amongst uncommon people that that man is is able to push himself to a whole different level mentally and physically and it’s it’s fun super impressive God damn someone falling his dick bro Jesus Christ I feel the same way about like Cameron Haynes you know I think those two are are on another level everybody’s entitled to their opinion whatever I don’t care may still call him a little on the on the inters I I don’t really care I mean it is what it is I’m just here to fight Himes it’s long it’s long ready yes sir all right now I know you’re in the Navy bro so let’s not make this weird come get a bell someone get a bell someone give me a bell someone give me a bell I don’t want to knock you I want to make you quick I want to quit from the leg I’m being nice good you know you’re going to quit you know you’re going to quit come [Music] on breather ground 30 seconds 30 seconds doing great so if I knock him out doesn’t count if I knock him out he doesn’t quit 20 more minutes not going to knock him out top the leg bro Dr the leg bro the leg a wrong D done I don’t want to hurt I want him to make the effort to cont through quick I told him I said I no no illusions of me I gave AER damage we got two more rounds after the Miss don’t quit got two more [Music] rounds two more more minut my legs are already are we quitting are we quitting [Music] so for all those guys out there that were like I’ll joh strickling enough Trust and Believe wanton last round man [Music] hey that head kick sh sent you home my man D his nails hey maybe seals I stand corrected 25 minutes I was wrong without my respect you not quit well I had no I had no delusions of winning this fight but uh it’s pretty clear after I don’t know 45 seconds that the mission was to survive and uh I I had nothing for him Sean’s the man that sucked bro you atte that head kick like breakfast my man I threw it and did the walkoff expect you to be out and you just took it I don’t take supplements you have to way wait that head kick I might take start sing some smashing green worth it the the fact you did not quit my hey I’m not even joking bro not many men would have stayed there for 25 minutes and took that level of pain bro you know it’s a good sparring session when you got blood all outside the cage good time good time but yeah I know I mean again would I have knocked him out in round one yes but he took he stayed there took a beating you know I respect him for that how long is Navy still train a year this is why I try to tell people about like the hardness of M May Fighters maybe still training what a year two years if I were to take a 18-year-old 19-year-old kid and I said hey I’m going to train you for one year two years just one year two years and then you’re going to go fight in the UFC at the top level even at the lowest level you would get utterly destroyed Navy SS are top dude but MMA we are the toughest mother on this planet hands down he didn’t quit but he didn’t fight back you could take a little 55 or little kid from Tiana and say hey you’re going to go me me that guy would not have stopped fighting back at all from round one to round five he would have died in the ring throwing hay makers MMA fighters are the toughest mother on this planet hands down I invited him at 3:30 but he’s going to be severely concussed he’s going to go home we have to sleep that one off for a few days but welcome to MMA may my man we’re not dodging bull as zo but we’re giving something to the gods I always back it up I said any navy SE shows up we’ll handle it thank you guys for supporting me thanks for watching watch me subscribe to my YouTube I appreciate you guys


  1. i don't get why people don't understand that ufc champions are the absolute pinnacle of fighters it's like watching/playing against a professional basketball player or golfer you have literally no chance. it's eat sleep train repeat for years upon years of there life.

  2. Next time Sean should 1v1 Seals in a tactical environment. Maybe paintball or some navy seal hardcore equivalent?

  3. That is nice and all. But in combat, a Navy Seal can kill you and you would never know he is there. It is all relative.

  4. He goes hard sparring on everyone, beside when he sparred Alex Pereira 😂 😂 should’ve kept that same energy with everyone.

  5. Navy Seals are the laughing stock of the SOF community and are not trusted. It’s a known fact they have lied about numerous high profile operations(Op. Redwings, Takur Ghar, Kyle…)
    Seals score lower than some NG sniper teams and haven’t had a top 10 finish in a long time I don’t believe. Hell, 3rd special forces group one the Best Diver Competition….😳 They can’t even win in their own backyard anymore.

  6. Navy seals are trained in warfare lol not purely hand to hand combat.
    Id like to see Sean do some of the under water training seals do. Bet he can't do that shit

  7. He was gassed after first round idk if he was in fighting shape and wasn't defending at all it looked like he didn't have any fight experience

  8. they said in the beginning this seal was also a fighter but he shows no signs of even amateur level mma skill. this video is bullshit and strickland is a punk for posting it

  9. mma fighters fight and win fights; seals ambush and coordinate and slit troaths and swim. a seal loses in fights against mma world champion: who would have thought?? this whole thing is so fucking stupid an its core

  10. How much does it cost to get a sparing beating by Streaktland?
    I think he should start charging.

  11. I meeean….yes mma fighters are fighting tough, some of the baddest men on the planet. Seals….they are put your life on the line for the man next to you and be willing to die so your brother gets home, its a different level lol

  12. Dude that’s not cool tbh 😂 you kicked the crap outta of a guy who couldn’t defend himself😂 those leg kicks were enough bro you put him on the spot to NOT quit 😂 no cameras bros done after 2 minutes

  13. Men have been brought down to this social media shit 😂 fact is no one is willing to pick up a sword, this is Athletics, not a meaure of manliness

  14. It’s great to see Sean put all that bullshit talk to bed…. Those guys always talkin so much bullshit…. “We never quit, we are so tough.” Blah blah blah….Most never been in a real fight …. U get smacked in the face enough times, u be tapping out real quick….i don’t care how many times u played in the water….

  15. I like Strickland hes a good fighter, but c,mon man back off ol Goggins hes a inspiration to allot of people hes and example of power of the mind. He want to beat him up for views!??

  16. This notion that a seal would beat a professional mma match with RULES is absurd. Seals really thrive when they can take their opponents out by any means necessary and bare knuckles as well no gloves. Thats where they are 10x scarier than fighters. But inside that octagon with rules set, top mma comp will make it look easy.

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