This SIMPLE Move Helps You Hit Fairway Woods Higher & Longer!

In this video you’ll learn a simple move that helps you hit fairway woods higher and longer. PGA Coach Graham and I will discuss the tips for hitting fairway woods correctly, off the ground, for higher & longer shots. Whether you’re looking for more distance, accuracy, or just a simple recap golf on the fairway woods or drills to hit woods consistently, this video has you covered. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell icon for more daily golf tips and lessons!
00:00 Intro
00:18 Fundamentals & Tendencies
02:23 The Simple MOVE
03:40 Key Points For Specific Faults
08:36 Key Tips To Improve Strike & Consistency
12:03 Keys Feels To Hit More Fairways
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if you’re strong and take your Fairy Woods past your playing Partners right now then continue watching this video as PJ professional Graeme and I will be diving into the faults we see most common players make with their Woods along with a very simple move any golfer can do to hit these Woods nice and high with way more distance so let’s jump right into [Music] it great shot so again let’s talk about players that struggle with getting the launch get the height get the distance with their Fairway Woods what’s what’s the first thing you would look at to make the change and help them with that issue so a lot of the time I’m looking with Fairway Wood the key if the ball is on the floor we said this before you want to be hitting slightly down on the ball ever so slightly let’s say one degree Yeah okay or zero we can get away with so if we want to launch it then it’s about first of all check ball position okay you know we want to have it probably you know not as far forward as driver are we no you know we’re probably more half a ball a ball behind driver an inch or two inside or two balls let’s say a ball just inside the left heel yeah the issue I see often is that people aren’t presenting enough Loft to the golf ball in order to launch it at the correct height so how do you take Loft off a golf club you increase an angle of attack okay and that’s delofting it so you might be someone who comes over the top of it yeah you might be someone who has the ball too far back in the stance okay so what would would ideal yeah so they’re all those factors are going to decrease the angle that we present yeah okay our launch out our Dynamic Loft if you like is going to go from let’s say 15 degrees if it’s coming in at this angle then it will presenting 15 if it’s coming in here pres more we’re presenting less Loft so we’re going to create what 15 might be eight or 9 degrees sorry yeah yeah on the down so we’re hitting on the down now we want to feel like we’re sweeping a lot of people say feel like you’re sweeping it off the top but the problem with that is often it’ll tend people to fall back onto the right side and then the low point the bottom of the AR becomes here and then you’ll catch it heavy thin the ball okay so we need an angle of attack but it’s a key again we keep talking about this but how the body moves yeah so a great drill to get the launch we’re presuming that most are going to be slightly over and getting too steep on it so the drill we’ve had you doing is Club out in front holding the left arm and then we make a you know hand out turn and I want you to feel that that returns back and under yeah so no one’s I don’t see anyone when we do this Trail is the head’s getting ahead yeah of the ball you physically can’t so because that’s stopping you isn’t it so it’s creating the the correct motion yeah and the your your arm there feels like it’s working if you take that up to the top again it’s going to feel like you’re tracing a line that’s more behind you is the the poor move or the one we see is then more out in front and then hits the other arm or goes over it yeah so it’s a great drill to get you to the feel one to feel the the crunch the side bend a little bit more on your right side and the stretch the extension of the left side great so from there from as soon as I make my way down I’m obviously not stalling the lower body I’m still allowing it to rotate aren’t I not necessarily towards the target but towards the wall behind me here just to create the room exactly yeah yeah so other ways you can do that again Club across your chest okay and just to keep it simple I want you to make a turn okay and I want you to feel you can either feel this right shoulder is down or left shoulder up they’re both going to work the same way so so all well yes think about both con go that way yeah so the more you feel the left shoulder goes up the more you’re going to feel that in the side the more stretch you’re going to feel in the left side so you know one of the best three-wood players I think is probably Garcia from what I heard and you watch him and he takes a slight divot even when the ball’s on the te so good Fairway Wood players are hitting it slightly on the down swing okay different story if it’s on a te we might want to hit up on it yeah some of us but majority going see low and try and get that but we’ve got there’s an optimal obviously but too much of this move over the top is going to create problems so a lot of golfers they would obviously do that over the top move and then you know they probably see the playing Partners will tell them right where you’re going to over the top try and get on the inside and like you mentioned before you briefly described that when when people try and get it more under they end up going this way don’t they try and sweep the ball like you mentioned but then they get too much this way so for someone that’s doing that motion would you say this would be a good drill as well because that’s where be feeling you know the opposite would be to feel you again turn Okay so the opposite move is to feel that right shoulder is a little bit lower so oh so sorry a little bit higher isn’t it so we changed that angle so we’re moving more to cover the ball yeah so from the top I’m feeling my right shoulder is working higher if you like yeah isn’t it right rather than under underneath yeah so that if you’re too if you hit pushes hooks fats and thin then generally I would expect it to be more that way left right shoulder Works down too much and then all you can do is flip the hands over so for me who’s guilty of that I like to feel I’m covering the ball on my chest is working more to point down to the ground in front of me so there you do it with your hand as well that same feel would be here as opposed to here where my chest is pointing more towards you or away from the golf ball and if and if someone’s finding that they may struggle with a bit of both and trying to find that middle ground is there any other drills that we could look into bringing in to help that type of player or would it just be the same to and just rehearsing those again it’s it’s hard to say that you are you know the ideal is that we working around our spine and trying to keep that constant but that’s always changing slightly I might be trying to hit with draw so I’m going to be more this way yeah okay the two extremes of a goal swing are you know someone who’s very much this way and someone who’s very much that that way we’re always somewhere in between someone at the extremes but can that drill is great you know because it gives you the right feel I’m not trying to exaggerate it because I’ll hit the club yeah I’m not trying to I’ll hit the club so the ideal is to feel it works underneath underneath to there don’t need you going any further than that yeah and I can see sorry I can see there when you’re doing that with the club there you’re really almost getting your your traal arm to squeeze underneath yes just to really exaggerate it yeah cuz I I always feel that that my right hand is mirroring the club that’s how I hold the club so there I can imagine that is the you know holding the golf club that’s the club face okay so I’m trying to deliver that back here and then there’s going to be a release through the shot and then I will release but for the purpose of the drill here work that way and I can see you keeping your hand there your right palm very almost passive on the way through as you’re doing that as opposed to almost letting the hand yeah flip over again I’m without going too much I like to keep the club A Little Bit Stronger that’s the modern way I’ve always done that so I’m feeling like that and that but the as long as I’m turning my body I can keep that angle as soon as I stop turning then the hands then that’s when you run into trouble and the hands will over release or whatever they can do all sorts want to give a quick shout out to GX golf they provide high quality golf gloves for a fraction of the price in comparison to the rest on the market at the moment I’ve been using these gloves now for the last couple of months really impressed the quality and I would highly recommend giving these a try using my discount code below as well Harry 10 you can get yourself a great 10% discount on on their great bundle packages are three six or nine gloves so make sure you go ahead and check them out link will be in the description below okay so let’s give that drill a try now and so all I’m doing here and it’s this is this is a great drill not just for the wards the IR as well just to help getting the low Point correct of anything isn’t it absolutely it’s moving your body the right way yeah yeah so there and then well I was just going to here wasn’t nice I really want to squeeze there yeah just to really exaggerate that feel okay so we’re going to launch so let’s yeah let’s launch one first hole at Pinehurst let’s see that was a nice hit still a little bit fadey harsh that bit of a heel strike wasn’t it yeah that’s yeah good point was a bit of a heel strike so for me having that heel strike what what is there anything that I could do with that drill to help me change that and improve the strike so there’s there’s a couple of reasons you you you miss you’re you’re head you’re striking it more towards the heel and often that’s that’s the club going further away from you Club going further away like that so I’m going to get more of a heel strike if the club’s coming closer to you then you’re going to get more generally more of a toe strike okay it can be the fact that the face was a little bit open there’s all sorts of reasons for heel strikes yeah weight distribution are you a little bit more on the toes than that everything’s going to go further away from you so if you’re who’s that way we’re going to see a lot of pulls and heel strikes so it’s again I’d refer back to head position trying to stay and if I said to you right feel a little bit more for this shot that your weight is as you swing it’s settling in your heels a little bit more yeah then hopefully you’re going to feel a little bit more okay so bit more bit more of my heels same swing same feeling yeah that was definitely better and you can just see just from the difference in the flight as well definitely fabulous shot that really good yeah that’s a really good shot so I’m guessing for for a player that’s suffering with that toe strike then they want almost try and maybe feel a to touch the opposite yeah going onto the toes but again the danger is if you do that too much you’re going to end up falling over aren you it’s a balance and the weight the pressure or weight is always moving around in your feet so it might in the balls of my feet here and then it’s more into the heel of my right leg yeah and then it’s going to shift into the toes my right foot yeah left foot and then I’m pushing back into the heel but often I’ll see players who you know get into that left side but they they’re almost falling that way and you see them losing the balance because the weight isn’t moving back into the heels it’s almost like for for those of you who are struggling with that almost toe strike and has to go a bit more forward it’s almost right on the down swing feel the pressure in the heel then towards the toes then back on the heel to yes in a way and just make a couple of slow swings like that to heel toe heel on the way through just to improve that right let’s take one more shot little bit underneath that one so would you say that one maybe the low point was a little bit too far back just because it got a bit underneath it slight drop kick how would you how would you hit that one then to to save to save someone from drop kicking it like I’ve just done so so to avoid so the one that’s catch the the low Point issue behind the [Music] ball we’re going to see this fi so we’re going to see the drop a little bit back onto the right side and then the bottom of the Ark is going to be behind the ball and generally you’re going to hit a push and a hook with that one so again it’s it’s feeling you know we’re almost going to opposite so the opposite feel is is there to exaggerate isn’t it yeah you know and that probably sanded a little bit more of a tow strike yeah as you hit that one so it’s it’s getting feeling and more trapping the ball don’t be afraid of hitting you know hitting driet so we’re trying to feel it low and left if you like so we’re trying to feel a little bit more that way and hopefully that was a nice one you’re going to squeeze it more that way so it’s the oppos to get the feel so how would you adjust that then now show us one last shot just adjusting that so can see I’m not I always like to go too much I’d rather go more and then it’s easier to sort of okay I can soften that a little bit so I don’t need to feel as much that way I can soften that hopefully yeah as he leans a touch forward great stri but you can see interesting that he strike you’ve l a bit forward there but definitely take that on the first hole at Pine number two would I want to turn it a little bit more right to left I’m going to go as we said if I feel more on my heels now as I swing and I’m going to shift it a bit more right to left right to left and more of a tow strike interesting so I should remember that really sorry cuz mine tend to be that way you know and I want to feel up a little bit so it’s always I like to go extreme you know I’m too much I’m too much inside here let’s say so okay what’s the opposite would be that so the move that the the move that players are looking for is all to do with controlling that shoulder movement isn’t it yes controlling that shoulder movement is going to really help players definitely improve the ball strike in the launch and obviously get more distance out of it as well with three Woods definitely

1 Comment

  1. Enjoyable video Harry with you and your coach Graham! As you , I also catch heel shots as well with both my diver and fairway wood. I will definitely stay off of my toes and keep my hands in closer to my body. I like Graham's suggestion of practicing swinging the right arm under an anchored left arm for a correct swing path. I also do hit "fat shots" with the woods caused by a right shoulder coming down to much. I will try to remedy this with Graham's suggestion. Well Done to you Both!

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