I’ve heard many people ask can I fly with my disc golf bag I’m going on a disc golf trip what am I supposed to do well I want to show you how I travel with my disc golf bag I take all of my discs out of the putter pocket and I take that extra disc and actually when you open up that flap pretty easy space for them to fit in there and then I take my towels off on the other side just less stuff hanging around then I’m going to zip it up now another question you get is like chalk bags and things like that I’ve never had an issue but I know some people may have had in the past so I now take this chalk bag I’m going to put it in where the putter pocket was and zip it up now this will fit in the overhead container and it does with the discs out but I don’t want my disc getting like smoo or anything like that so this is the most compact way and this is just going to go straight in the overhead bin and I still have a backpack with me and that is how I travel with my disc offl back


  1. I flew with mine as my “personal item” or backpack. Top was skinny enough that I could push it up under the seat in front of me to satisfy the flight attendants haha

  2. Dynamic Discs Combat Ranger is the biggest bag allowed as a personal item for airlines, it's what I use, did my research 😉 Enough room for all my discs plus any carry on stuff I may need.

  3. Wear or bring your discgolf shoes/clothes on board in case your checked bags get lost in transit or miss a connection.

  4. I have a Dynamic Disc Trooper bag just for airline travel. Fits under the seat in front of you!

  5. I use my bag as a carry on with all of my clothes and everything in it and then use my Pound Toolbox as my personal bag for all my discs

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