3 Keys for Correct Left Arm Motion in the Golf Swing

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In this video, Adam explains the correct motion of the left arm in the golf swing. He highlights its importance for a powerful and accurate swing. Adam demonstrates techniques and drills to maintain proper arm positioning. This guidance helps improve both accuracy and consistency in your golf game.

✅ 4-Time SW Florida PGA teacher of the year winner!
✅ 27-year Class A PGA Member
✅ Former director at David Leadbetter Golf Academy for 13 years
✅ Hosted corporate outings worldwide
✅ Regular Golf Channel appearances
✅ Coached players on PGA, LPGA, PGA Champions Tour, and Canadian Tour






hello there Adam Basel jet here founder of scratch Golf Academy let’s look at this left arm Motion in the golf swing or the lead arm it would be the right arm for the left-handed golfer what is it supposed to do we’re talking downswing in this video three things I’ll show you drills and images to match if you’ll do these three you won’t be coming over the top you’ll really help your golf game I’m pretty convinced so let’s start with a look at Adam Scott you’re not going to get a better swing than that and you can see the golf shaft plane the yellow line there he’s very much along that but certainly in a normal back swing to some degree the the hands if you like the left arm will rise above that a little bit so there’s some upswing of the arms and what you’ll notice if I draw a line from his hands to the ball he doesn’t go straight to the ball he goes back down to the original plane line that’s what we’re looking so that left arm let’s get rid of both lines here should be working down your chest see how close to his torso it is down before he really or the golfer really starts to come around and hit the ball so I suggest you get an alignment Rod because it’s lighter I’ll show you how to do it with the club in a second here but you can practice with a rod maybe even at home and work that left arm down the body there as you go feel it slide down your shirt we’re talking to about the point a little bit short of hip high there with the golf club shaft itself so if you want to use a club I prefer to do that choke all the way down makes it feel lighter and again start to rehearse this sense that the arm comes down the chest couple of things that you’ll want to bear in mind it should still have a dynamic element it isn’t just throwing the arm and there should be a little bit of bump of weight to the left there to the Target foot as you come down now a major interference in people sounds easy being interference with people actually being able to do this is what happens with the trail arm the right arm and if that thing stays squashed and bent that left arm isn’t going to come down quickly enough so let’s have a quick look at the pros see how that right arm’s working we’ll look at a couple more things then we’ll get to our second principle with this arm so there’s Adam Scott top of back swing short on on the right the shot we looked at earlier on the left approximately the camera angle can distort it but let’s say approximately if not very close to a right angle that’s pretty normal at the top for a great player and as we watch that left arm come down the shirt as we did a few minutes ago watch that right arm gets a lot longer that is nowhere near a right angle now it’s straightened out a bit so that has to happen a little if you’re going to facilitate getting that left arm down and if you do it if you do this properly you will get down on plane you will not be coming over the top let’s look at it from in front again he’s not throwing Club it’s not moving out here in a weak way you’ll see his right wrist actually load a bit but it is facilitating that right arm lengthening in a dynamic way with the weight shift is facilitating that left arm getting down there getting us again into our delivery position okay let’s move on okay now in the somewhat unlikely event you push the ball and overhook it most people that watch these videos aren’t in that category though don’t keep your upper body so closed you need as you work that left arm down to to open it up a little bit more but the vast majority of people get too Steep and they should really feel not withstanding some bump towards the Target that the upper body stays more closed early in the down swing and doesn’t open up and pull the club towards the ball okay number two thing the left arm should be doing or a part of what it does in the golf swing is once you’re down in this General position now we have to get the club shaft around and onto the ball so it should rotate towards the ground and towards the golf ball that would be in conjunction with some body rotation of course and that’s how you want to try to square the club you don’t want to be too flippy with the hands and certainly if you come down steeply you’re going to have to block the shot a little bit so if you can get in that slot let’s try a couple of pumps down there in a good spot now from about here I’m feeling the back of my glove and the back of my arm rotate in towards the golf ball like so there’s a little 3/4 shot start to get it Square pretty consistently from this good slot let’s have a look at our number three principle with this arm okay the next thing the third and final thing this lead arm should be doing through impact is to stabilize and that really comes in two ways number one firming up at impact if you’ve ever watched baseball on TV I don’t think you’ve seen too many players hit the ball like that tennis players one-handed backand stabilize the left hand it has to firm up there have been a couple of great players over the years that were a little bent through the ball like that but not most many great players left arm looks slightly bent at the top but they pretty much all look stable as they come through we’ll talk about that in just a minute why that’s so important the other thing is as you get down their impact your arm should stabilize in terms of not dragging and chicken winging at some point it has to stabilize and slow down enough to let the club snap Beyond it a little bit let’s have a quick look at a pro or final look at a pro then out we’ll come give you drills here Aaron badley as a young player there on the left two-time Australian Open champion Jack Nicholas of course on the right so let’s have a look at this left arm as we come in so watch how his and again not every great player looks just like this but this is the general look we’re after the general principal watch that left arm get solidly up against the side of the chest there look how firm and stable it is as he hits clubheads able to pass the hands a bit let’s have a look at Mr Nicholas here my Boyhood Idol for sure and still uh watch that left arm get snug up against the chest there and as it snugs up against the chest and firms up you’ll notice the movement this way slows down it stabilizes a bit and the club is able to go past that left hand right at the correct moment and snap through there a bit hope you’ll subscribed to this channel maybe share this video with a friend if you like it let’s get out and keep working on it so we talked about this lead arm having to firm up a little bit the club’s heavy at high speed prove it to yourself I’m going to use an alignment Rog you could use a bottom of a chair or a bucket of balls or something like that take a setup without pushing your hands Way Forward apply pressure here they’ll go forward a little bit and you see how much more effectively you can apply pressure if that tricep and elbow firm up a little bit there try it with a really soft position not nearly as effective for applying pressure to the golf ball and then in terms of allowing the club to release a little bit and we’re assuming some lag and all that stuff here that you haven’t thrown the angle in the face is really good in terms of that a great feeling I think is get this tricep up against the outside of the chest or the inside of the ribs there and hit some little shots and just stick that thing to your ribs try not to overturn through the ball because again your turn can pull it out of the way too much hit some little shots like this let choke down a bit that’s said I really felt that stabilize and I can feel not only firmness here but I can feel it’s natural when this thing hits the brakes that club releases well and pops by the hands you look at the pros on TV that club looks like this about here so many golfers it looks like that let’s try it again rehearse a little bit tricep against inside of chest like that hit that a little bit of fat shot there but I don’t care I got the feeling there practice those just a handful of those then hit some big shots then a handful more and mix those in you’ll start to develop a great feeling for a dynamic and stable impact I hope this helps you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]


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