Ben Hogan’s Right Arm Move That SAVED My Student |Simple Golf Tips with Andy Carter

►Using Ben Hogan & Pete Cowen’s theories on how the right arm moves during the downswing saved my students ball striking. Follow these 2 simple drills and transform your ball striking FOREVER

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Not many golf coaches on YouTube even coach golf anymore! I am an active golf coach taking inspiration from live lessons to deliver relatable golf coaching content. Having worked under Pete Cowen for 3 years the information I provide really is from the top table!

The content you will find on this YouTube channel will be informative golf tips that will help you improve not only your golf swing but your golf game in the sole purpose of lowering your scores and enjoying golf more & more.
Other content will include golf club reviews and golf accessories which can help you improve your understanding of what to buy as the market is constantly changing and being saturated by brands.
A lot of the content you will find on the channel is of Andy Carter being out on the golf course showcasing real-life scenarios and shot that all golfers will encounter on the course. If you can improve these areas of your game then for sure scores will lower.
Popular content throughout the years has been golf course vlogs,with Andy either playing against the golf course in his Carter vs Golf series, or playing against fellow PGA professionals, Tour professionals and even amateurs. This content is not only a great watch but also a great learning experience for viewers.

Happy golfing ⛳⛳

so many golfers come to me say I’ve got a chicken wing I’ve got a massive pull and we need to look so much earlier in the swing to figure out why that happened right chicken wing why have you got a chicken wing you wouldn’t have a perfectly onplan swing and then just chicken wing it at the end for no reason so what he’s trying to do he’s trying to stop the ball going left CU left is his fault why has he released the golf club so early he didn’t swing it perfectly then just decide to release it he had early extended in he pushed the hips towards the top of the ball guys welcome to the channel Andy car here thank you very much for checking out today’s video cuz I’m sure this is really going to help you out there really improve your ball striking and your shot Direction now recently I’ve been working with one of my online students David who sent me his swing video through great golf swing as as a player that actually shoots between 80 and 90 I looked at it instinctively and went wow he should be below 80 he swings it really really nicely and David if you are watching hope you don’t mind me making an example of your golf swing cuz I thought it was brilliant but it was also something where we can make these fine little tweaks not massive changes to get you I think 10 shots better overall these these changes that we’re going to make today will impact how you chip and how you pitch as well so we’re going to be focusing primarily on SE I’ve got seven ion in my hand but this is really for like the long ions as well your five your hybrid your driver cuz we’re going to be basically focusing on early extension and the movement of the trail arm during the golf swing we see so many golfers as soon as they start trying to hit it hard they move in and and then because they move in they release it your body has no alternative but to release this gol Club once your backside moves into the ball okay so it’s your body’s reaction your upper body’s reaction to your lower body’s movement all right and this is the key we need to get rid of early extension to improve wrist angle so we’re going to I’m going to give you two drills today to improve early extension and to improve this Trail wrist Angle now we’re going to be using hack motion because hack motion is going to give us a couple of numbers that I can refer back to you and if you’re a numbers person this is going to be fantastic feedback for you to understand the changes that we’re going to try and make and the impact of these changes okay so first of all if I hit a golf shot we’re going to see here that my lead my lead my trail wrist apologies starts in 3° of flexion because obviously it’s not hinged so it starts in 3° of flexion and it comes back to around about 20° of flexion okay so it go it goes up to the top it it gets extension and as it comes back down it releases there’s no there’s no secret to that for me I released the golf club at the moment of impact David released the golf club pre-impact so my numbers our numbers might be similar but at two very different parts of the golf swing for me here I can compress it and that club and ground interaction is a powerful one to be able to maintain the the to be able to maintain the face control through impact if I release it earlier I’ve still got a couple of well CM for this golf club to continue to rotate and miss the ball to the left hand side so what we have to work on first this is a this is this is a cause of a problem from here okay so what we need to do the great little drill is swing to the top feel like your back sides against the wall okay I want you to push more into the wall so your left heel pushes more over your your left hip pushes more over your left heel and your backside really pushes that wall away from you as you do this you you’ll notice your spine angle stays more over the ball your chest stays more over the ball and then you can compress the ball from there your body is not going to react here now if you early extend your chest moves away from the ball and your arms go uh-oh we need to releasee this club to get down to the ball okay so now we’re in this position at impact as opposed to this position and everyone wants to be more over the ball as they strike it to get that compressed strike so the feeling here is this left hit for right-handed golfers pushes over the left heel you’ll feel there’s a bit of a drill this left your toes come up off the ground that’s the feel I want you to try and get your upper body feels like it’s dropping down your left heel goes over your your left hip goes over over your left heel and then you go up into your follow through position from there really really important first drill to try and Fe to get you can stick your backside against the wall and just practice that even without a golf club making sure that your left bum cheek basically pushes against the wall and then as you rotate it will naturally come off anyway but this is all about that initial movement as you as you start that transition you’re going against the wall into the wall and then up so you really pushing into that left heel as you start to create your rotation tip number two is all about this lead wrist tip two we’re going to be coming into Trail wrist this is a massively important understanding I think for golfers out there now as I’ve said if you early extend in your hands will react and start to release the golf club earlier once you’ve got a better feeling of of the extension and making sure that you can maintain the posture during the swing through keeping your hips back and keep your chest over the ball you got to understand how to use this right hand or this Trail hand really simple drill I actually really like you’re going to set up you’re going to hold grab your phone screen pointing out screen’s going to point to the Target you’re going to go up to the top of your back swing okay and now the screen is to the sky for reference this is – 52 of extension this is a massive exaggeration of extension okay but what I want you to feel we want to try and maintain this extension during the down string for as long as we can to give us a steeper angle of attack and to give us a better strike into the ball so I’m going to try and maintain this fle extension by turning this screen down to the ground okay so I’ve maintained posture I’ve got my left hip over my left heel and I’ve got extension in my trail wrist which is now at still minus 50 so it hasn’t moved from here to here now I would release it into impact okay now as I said minus plus 50 and plus 50 is a massive exaggeration to this but I think it’s just such a simple way of understanding what actually happens because David who is early releasing the golf club his screen would have pointed at the Target there which is actually now one degree of flexion so he’s gone from extension wrist hinge no wrist hinge and that’s that early Rel if we can keep the screen to the ground we maintain that number we maintain the angle of the golf club coming into the ball see how much higher the golf club is to hit down if I release this golf club early look how low the golf club is relative to the ground so I’m able to increase the angle of attack hit down onto the golf ball which will give me better Turf interaction with the club head compression and will help me maintain a straight Club face for longer don’t forget when I said before when you release the golf club early it’s got more time to continue its rotation if it continues its rotation it’s going to be very difficult for you to to to get consistency of Direction a lot of players that end up with this kind of chicken wing on the way through cuz they’re trying so hard to stop the ball going left again it’s a really there’s there’s so many other faults so many golfers come to me I’m going to just carry out this a little bit so many golfers come to me say I’ve got a chicken wing or I’ve got um I’ve got massive pull and we need to look so much earlier in the swing to figure out why that happened so if I if I work back on this particular golf swing from David I go right chicken wing why is it got why have you got a chicken wing you wouldn’t have a perfectly on plane swing and then just chicken wing it at the end for no reason so what he’s trying to do he’s trying to stop the ball going left cuz left’s his fault right now he’s got he’s released the golf club really really early so now he understand that if release it early it’s got more time to turn so then it would go left so now he’s guarding against the left why is why has he released the golf club so early he didn’t swing it perfectly then just decide to release it he had early extended in he pushed the hips towards the top the ball so we’re going to fit we fix hips then we get an understanding of what this right wrist and right Trail wrist needs to do to compress the ball we work on those two tips and we just get some absolutely beautifully pure strikes just like that we hit down on the ball we’ve got better face stabilization and we’re better golfer for it guys I hope this video has helped if it has hit the like hit the Subscribe button it makes a huge difference closing in on 100,000 subscribers which blows my mind to be perfectly honest so thank you very much for everyone that’s subscribed already thank you for watching and I’ll see you next time [Music]


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