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Is Boone REALLY the Problem? BT EXPLODES after Disastrous Loss!

The Yankees are in meltdown mode! In this explosive segment, we uncover the shocking truth about Aaron Boone’s leadership and the disastrous state of the team. From lazy plays to questionable management, it’s time for a colossal shake-up. Watch our intense debate on why the Yankees are failing and what drastic changes are needed immediately! #Yankees #AaronBoone #MLB #Baseball

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what’s wrong the answer is everything everything absolutely everything is wrong with the New York Yankees the yanes are broken and sou cashman’s been my target for a long time you know that that’s not the problem right now the problem is the manager Aaron Boone is not the right fit for the Yankees Aaron Boone allows this stuff to go on but no consequences whether it’s center fielders kicking baseballs loafing after it whether it’s gabber Torres on autopilot for the last three and A2 years vulpi not knowing the situation from third base DJ lameu not knowing what to do between first and second base empty at bats quick strikeouts bullpens blown in terms of leads the Yanks need what the Yankees need number one is entirely new roster which is on Brian Cashman outside about four people but the what they really need s and this is I don’t know how they fix this they need a colossal pick in the S and their manager will never do it I just don’t think they’re good enough BT I can’t put this on Aaron Boone and now look these are the type of stretches that gets managers fired the thought of even bringing up Aaron Boone in his job sounds Preposterous off of the start that they had however they haven’t won a series in nearly a month those are the type of stretches that get managers fired especially when you’re team with the expectations that the Yankees had and a team that was playing as well as they did to start the year but this is not on him the team stinks they have nothing I said it in the off season and I’m mad at myself for getting away from it after their hot start they didn’t do enough in the off season to fix deep rooted issues they didn’t do enough and this is not just about John Carl ston getting heard or Dominguez his backup not being ready it’s all of it they thought they were going to patch it with Juan stto because Verdugo is a whatever addition yeah okay solid upgrade in left field but he’s not an an impact game changing player and by the way even if he was it’s still not enough the Yankees weren’t a very good team last year it was all about well judge stays healthy masking all those concerns or all those flaws well judge and stto been healthy judge is playing a historic you know Season here and yet they still stink so it’s much more than that the infield no good catching situation atrocious injuries continue to mount up starting pitching no good bullpit no good is there anything else so for me the last thing or the furthest thing from the top of the list of blame or reasons for why the Yankees are as bad as they’ve been is the manager I know people going to talk about it I understand your frustration with it I just don’t think that this is Aaron Boon’s fault and by the way I’ve defended Aaron Boone a lot I had every time Aaron Boone who’s been the source of consternation for a lot of You Yankee fans I get it I have defended him no more I don’t defend him anymore because it’s not changing there’s no signs of anything CH where is the urgency for the New York Yankees I watch like many of you do I watch every single like unless I’m out or on vacation right I am watching every single Ganky manager you know managerial postgame press conference every single one and it’s the same song and dance every time I I you know there’s the Yankees haven’t stolen a base in 21 games think about this so you can’t score you know unless SoDo or judge runs into one and right now both are getting a little cold okay or Ben rice who wasn’t even in the picture this year and suddenly he’s batting lead off and it bombs on Saturday left and right think about think about that we talked about Dominguez we talked about Spencer Jones we talked about maybe barza going to second base if you trade gber Torres nobody spoke about Ben rice because we really didn’t know much about him unless you’re a Northeast baseball offici andado because he went to Dartmouth and was a catcher and barely played during covid because the college season was shut down he’s batting first they so listen they don’t you give boom credit though for them moving well for moving vul down do something credit I listen I will give a manager credit when a team plays very hard when a team over Cheves and when a team plays consistent baseball 0 for one 0 for two 0 for three credit now I’ll give him credit for being a good guy that’s not about this no I’m talking about that specif they had issues with the lineup and they moved vul down like you know but he also moved him up when he was H 400 when he was bat in seventh and what happened he got hot well first he was cold right away then he got red hot now you yo-yo the kid all around like you did last year so who knows if they’re in the process of I don’t want to say ruining vul I don’t want to go nuts here but you know they certainly haven’t accelerated his development right okay but let me ask you is vulpi struggling Boon’s fault or or is that vul’s fault I mean it’s both of course the players got to take own that’s kind of my point like Boone can roll him out there he can put them wherever he wants ultimately these guys got to get the job done SE let me ask you a question do you say what Boon should have done is pul ver Duo’s ass from the game after taking 10 years to run around the bases the Yanke has been getting their ass kicked for a month and Verdugo does a back flip he like it’s game seven and they they mo the World Series you know what he’s they should have see when things are going well all the dogs all the Vero and strowman all the personalities are great when things are going bad and you have judge having to call out strowman Verdugo acting like a clown that’s an issue that the clubhouse was built for Bo to me boon is good for the jankee clubhouse I’m not blaming him I blame the players I I I don’t think he’s good a matter of fact I’m going to the opposite I think he’s now officially bad for this team I I I don’t think he is the right fit I’m Aaron Boon is a good good baseball man he’s got to get this thing going otherwise he’s going to get fired I mean if what are we going to sit here for three four more weeks and watch this and the Yankees are going to lose 37 of 46 and there’s no problem this is the New York Yankees wake up what’s the way out though BT seriously what’s the way out cuz I was thinking about this last night as we’re getting ready for the show and your you’re right like knowing that a loss is you know the Yankees lose another series it’s a layup for what we’re going to start the show with today sure picture it’s macro now okay and I’m well how how are they getting at like you want to take the Silver Lining with heel last night okay great he PS real well I got it but but do we ultimately trust that he’s going to be that at the end of the year I mean I got an answer for you the way you start to try to get out of this is holding players accountable and that’s the biggest thing missing with the Yankees there’s never any repercussions this goes back gabber Torres has been hot doging it for three years they did bench him okay well three years too late because the DI was cast and and he became the player in terms of his personality and what’s acceptable and what what energy he emits or what he does not that’s on the manager that’s I’m sorry I know that vulpi should have known the situation the other night he didn’t all right learning EXP I’m not saying you blast the young man in the in the in the papers or in the postgame press I get that and Aaron Boon has straddled the fence well of keeping things together when it goes really arai without burying players and the players respect that but when the players don’t show you the respect of playing hard then why would you kiss their ass why somebody tell me that now if if if if you if the players are feeling that and based off of that they are putting out an under denable energy to reward their manager well then that works it’s the opposite Yanks ain’t playing hard as a manager doesn’t say anything well but who what am I missing who who do you think’s not playing like Grisham I don’t think anybody’s playing hard grisham’s been a disaster he St he’s awful oh Grisham great defend yeah okay the guy’s talking about not playing hard he doesn’t do anything well so Grisham is a waste of time lameu it’s not that he’s not playing hard to me it’s that he can’t play then stop putting him in a lineup are you going to put in there they nobody the claber is it is Boon’s fall claber Torres has been laad deal his entire career cman Traer from shoved them down our throats moved them to shorts stop moved them back Yankees have mishandled glor not understanding what he was thinking he’s better than what he is same thing oh now Austin WS going to be the next coming yeah okay great Anthony bupy going to be the next coming he struggled that one year too like we anoint these guys here before they actually do anything and then we wonder how the Yankees stink all of a sudden it’s everybody it’s the entire team this is like do you think who give me the best manager you think right now let’s just say hypothetical Yankees fire Aaron Boone and then they bring in somebody who’s the best manager Boi like you can’t get him I’m just giving you yeah Melvin’s a good one Bo’s a good one Roberts is pretty good what like you pick a guy are they really gonna make a difference I mean dig up Casey stangle bring him back I I listen at the end of the day S I think you and I are both right now the construction of the team that’s why I always went after Cashman I realize it’s incredibly flawed my issue now is that the Yankees are not playing hard and that’s autom so let’s just try to resolve this understood and these are the type of stretches that get a manager fight whether I think you should be or not whether you think it should be or not these are the type of stretches for a team like that that get managers fired let’s say they did they bring in somebody else do you actually think it’s going to make that big of a difference with this team no they still need to make trades but the starting points got to be effort and when the effort is optional or or fleeting then you have no shot you have no shot World Series World Series with this team are you kidding me this team Triple 8 808 1019 BT and sound on the fan I listen I wanted to come in happy I wanted to come in you know honestly but this is this is a disaster when you don’t steal the base for 21 games when you’ve lost 16 out of 23 they’ve got a losing record in the division the americ League East has punked the yanes all year all season I mean they’ve got the worst Extra Inning record which speaks to fundamental I mean it chip sinking chip sinking they can end up being a third Wild Card Triple A Day Triple A 808 1019 BTN sound on the fan all right let’s get to you guys jeffon Hamilton Jeff what’s going on buddy hey guys how are you what up Jeff so I normally call you guys and I normally like agree with one of you or just agree with another one I think you’re both right I think that uh the team is assembled obviously the injuries the disaster that’s on Cashman but look I’m old school man I’m 50 years old George would have gotten rid of this guy Boon has been around a long time you guys know this it’s not just baseball in all sports when a team does not produce and it’s been all you know it’s been stale for a long time what happens you make a change with the coach or the manager it’s long overdue Boon is probably a nice guy but this team is playing sloppy he makes he makes questionable decisions like in game decision time for Bo to go that’s how I feel all right Jeff I got you I listen I don’t think Jeff’s alone at all and you know I think I think Aaron Boon’s greatest strength so far and he’s dealt with some years where there’s been a lot of issues in terms of injury for the Yankees and despite not being handed a really good roster from the general manager I think Boon’s greatest attribute so far I mean I know he knows the game so that’s a given but has been his Steady Hand his stability his emotional stability I think he’s been the adult in the room when things start to implode around him injuries underachievement this guy whatever I think his his steadiness is a great asset but when the steadiness no longer impacts effort now we got a problem problem and that’s where we are yeah I I just don’t like I get fans are going to say fire the manager fire the manager look at this team they’re a disaster they’re a mess this has nothing to do with the manager for me if I could come up with a list of 15 things Aaron boom would be at the bottom of that list as far as where the blame goes okay I understood he’s handled himself the same way from day one as he has now but that’s not good 100 games MP times but the great ones got to change you you got you got to change with the circumstances and the situation that you have so you say there are 15 things that you can list right now in front of Bo I and I know what you mean and that’s why by the way S I said before we’re both right we’re both right here but where would you put effort how would you rank the Yankees effort right now I mean I for the last I think certain players are not giving Max effort c yeah but but only a few players like do you think Aron judge doesn’t give Max effort I’m not talking about Aaron judge okay well but he’s there he’s I’s been giving Max effort out there right field the last couple last month or so going back to remember I mean all of a sudden things are not as rosy as initial with Juan SoDo they’re not power pin stripes and Soto’s going to be a Yankee for life and loving it and the roll call and the bleacher creatures all of a sudden little not 320 anymore so things aren’t as good by the way SOS should be the least of the Yankees concerned right they are is no no I’m not even talking about performance wise I’m talking about like long-term locking him up you you’re seeing right now what Soto one judge can be as a tandem as as great a tandem as it is same thing with Otani and trout it doesn’t mean you have a good team Yankees built themselves up so much pad with their great start that it seems unfathomable for them to really be an actual bad team however if you watch them play for the better part of a full month they’re bad they are a bad baseball te they’re one of the worst teams in baseball correct that’s how bad it is so I guess my point is then how do you fix that like you can fire the manager to and that’s why guys get fired he’s been here a long time they’re underachieving by every measurement even with the injuries this is a bad stretch they hav won a single Series in basically a month this is how guys get fired but let’s play it out let’s say they do fire Aaron Boon a who’s taking over and B do you really think that that’s going to make a difference with this team I don’t I don’t know the answer to that but what I do know also is that you know at some point there’s a chance you got to just take a swing and find out because if this continues to go on and the Yankees languish for another couple of weeks I mean are we going to really sit here think about this in early August and the Yankees don’t bust out of of this this coma that they’ve been in now for a month and we’re going to sit here and say what you can do that’s it that you come on B it’s not B’s fault well it’s somebody’s fault know they got to do something it’s somebody’s fault and I have always leaned on this like and and listen this is not anything that is out of bounds I don’t know how you from a Yankee perspective can’t feel the way I feel today honestly I think that that’s the over helming thought process you almost because you watch and you see and I have always leaned on you’ve heard me say this it’s the highest rate of failure baseball cyclical man baseball is hard which is why I give these guys hopefully enough latitude to figure things out without trying to bury him day after day it’s a long season but when you don’t run when you don’t attack Baseballs in the Outfield and you loaf after it when situationally you don’t know what’s going on I can’t defend anybody and I won’t 8 88119 uh let me get rayan in Port Washington rayan how you doing today good gentlemen you know I I would scream just as loud as you BT if I wasn’t you know trying to maintain composure because it is Aaron Boon’s fault I’ve been saying it for three years he’s great when the times are good but when times are bad he can’t pick up the pieces he said himself quote my job is to motivate and give them confidence so I’m sorry he’s doing neither between him and the Yankee office of mental conditioning which they are spending millions of dollars for they are not doing their job this is not a team ran do you think do you think DJ L is a good baseball player I think he could do better yeah okay okay what about TR gam you think you think Tran grisham’s a good baseball player no I don’t know why he’s there okay what about gabber Torres you think he’s good now I’m going to say something I’m an educator I I I think ja Gores has glabber Torres has Focus issues big time okay so the point is all these guys and I could go on believe me I could go on but that’s the only three the rest of them are totally capable no no I could go on by the way you think anybody you think that’s a good Bullpen the Yankees have you know is it Aaron Boon’s fault that Tommy Canley gives it off for clay Holmes blows the game the other night that’s Boon’s fault like he did everything he possibly to put the Yankees in a position to win a game that they should have won 99 out of 100 times but yet with two strikes two run lead Klay Holmes gives it up gives up the two home but here’s my push back to you s and again I I hear you I hear you it’s a flawed roster Cashman dropped the ball what a surprise again but we can’t have it both ways we can’t sit here and say the roster stinks when they raced out to to the start that they did and were on Pace for 110 wins right like what it’s a deteriorates we want to know why and there’s baseball reasons my thing today is the focus and the effort and the passion for their jobs understood and I think each individual can be questioned for that I never I got away from it in season because like I had no choice the Yankees were playing like one of the best teams ever in the off season you and others mocked me for saying that the Mets had a better offseason than the Yankees when I know deep down you also felt the same way forget about the Mets aspect of it but that Cashman didn’t do enough he didn’t do enough to fix this team Juan stto was not enough Marcus strowman is not enough Verdugo is not enough they needed much more they kept doing the same thing now it looked initially like wow you know what I was wrong they were right ultimately now I was wrong excuse me I was right and they were wrong they didn’t do enough it’s the same stuff lameu is no good Rizzo’s no good Stan’s always freaking hurt relying on guys who are unaccomplished like Wells or Dominguez or rice now like they that’s a major issue look at their team so ultimately they were not built properly in the off season I’m not saying that you like if Aaron Boone got fired tomorrow I I I can’t say anything about it they’re on an awful stretch right now what I’m saying is that won’t solve anything to me that will not solve any problem Triple 8 88119 88888 1019 BT and sou Brandon Ty sou the show inside of Our Town Fair Tire Studio friends of town F remind that always get the guarantee low price on name brand tires from Connecticut to May nobody beats town air Tire nobody Bottom Line Hey listen with this show we will hold the people accountable that you pay money to watch whether it’s the jerseys whether it’s the cable subscriptions whether it’s going to the stadium whatever it might be and when they’re not doing their job there is no fronting I mean this is a disaster and the Yankees need to really get knocked around today because it’s unacceptable they look lazy they look disengaged they look as if they don’t even care about their job which I know is not true but that’s what they’re giving that’s what they’re presenting us to react to it is an F the way the Yankees look right now and shocking after the start that they had


  1. Alex rodugo was not signed by the Boston Red Sox because of his attitude no one liked him in the clubhouse he cries when the team loses he thinks he's better than he is he rubs people the wrong way end of story He's a cancer

  2. The problem with the Yankees organization is not Brian cashman or Aaron Boone. The problem is Hal steinbrenner he doesn't spend money he doesn't want to win he just wants to collect profits. When George steinbrenner passed away this team started to go downhill. George steinbrenner would have lit fires underneath all their asses fire coaches fire players do whatever he had to do to make the team a world champion

  3. 5 of the last 18 is a major collapse. Only thing i'll say if the Mets can bounce back from a horrific start , the Yankees can also. Still they'll have big issues but honestly a move or 2 in the deadline and role players stepping up can put them back in good graces. But……. they may not advance far in the playoffs. Mets still arent out of their mess but the NL is much more attainable then the AL.

  4. UGH….An uninformed, unknowledgeable screamer that thinks he knows baseball, but all he knows is sports radio logic.

  5. I donā€™t want to hear about how thereā€™s no more rivalry w the Red Sox. They have OWNED NYY for years!!!!!

  6. As a Chicago Cubs fan, itā€™s absolutely ABSURDDDDDDDD to be talking about a team thatā€™s pretty much 15+ games over .500 and YOURE TEAM IS BAD??????? Are you guys absolutely nuts? Take a deep breath, calm down and come back to me with the problems and ridiculousness of this 2024 Cubs season. Cmon guys really?

  7. This is deja vu all over again !!!!
    Just like last year !
    Boone has been the pr for years !!!!!!!
    He said the most important thing to him isā€¦his friendship with the players !!!! B S !!!!!
    He never gets angry with players that screw up !!!!!!
    He will never give the players any tough love !!!!!
    Managers pull players and sit them down when they screw up !!!

  8. Cashman should have been fired years ago. Boone has no ability to motivate this team. Even if you say this team is overrated there is no excuse for the lazy way they play the game. No hustling and constant mental errors are the sign of an unmotivated team. That is on Boone. He is incapable of kicking any playerā€™s ass. In his postgame press conferences he looks and sounds bored. I never hear any criticism of the players no matter how lousy they play. Cashman and Boone need to go. If Hal Steinbrenner doesnā€™t care about failure he should sell the team. Hal is ultimately to blame for this mess. His father would have never accepted this sorry state of affairs. At this point I would not be surprised if the Yankees donā€™t even make the playoffs.

  9. I highly doubt a new manager will be allowed to call the players out. Most of us Yankee fans are scared of getting just a BOONE 2.0
    They need to clean house on ALL managers on the bench, we need a change and until that happens I doubt the Yankees will be in the playoff's let alone the World Series. they are not making it to the post season, and to be honest, I do not want to see this team in the post season. Make some changes, this crap is not working for the past 7+ years. DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Cashman needs to add 4 or 5 key pieces. I don't see a Championship team as it is currently constructed . There are a lot of good players available between tonight and July 30. The Jays in particular have some good players and they are Selling.

  11. This team is like the criminals in this city, no consequences equals bunch of people acting like fools, they need somebody whoā€™s goin to scold them whenever they donā€™t do their jobs, no be buddy buddy

  12. Cashman was at his best when he played with Gene Michael and Bob Watson 's roster. Cashman and Fishman can't put together a World Championship roster at 300 million, yet the owner believes he can win with a lower payroll. The organization is lost from the top down

  13. BT telling everyone Boonie "is a good baseball man" is laughable. The guy got the job out of the tv booth with no coaching or managing experience, minors or majors. He's there because he's a puppet of the gm. Managers with a track record, who actually manage need not apply under Cashman.

  14. Yankees are broken in the sense of how poor their lineup is once you get past Judge and Soto, too many holes on the roster to fix everything at the deadline.

  15. When "Baseball by the Analytics" (always swinging for the 5 run homer) is working, it covers up all the flaws and warts of a team.
    BTW..even though the Yanks lost 2 of 3 to Boston, their starting pitching was darn good. The Yanks will right the ship.

  16. Itā€™s funny Giradi is one win away from a second American League Championship. He was fired after the Astros cheated. Boone has had so many disastrous games but sticks around.

  17. Nothing worse than a bitter Mets fan this team is the same team that started the season. It just a reoccurring thing over the past 5 years under Boone. This team is way better than there playing. It's just poor management. Girardi did way more with way less. These players are talented.

  18. The culture on a team does not guarantee the results you want, but almost every great team has a great culture. Boone is supposed to create that culture, and he hasn't. He doesn't set a high bar for excellence. But, yes, the problems go far beyond this.

  19. Can't win with loafers and laggers and rock heads and Clay Holmes at closer. He could not close a bedroom window. Grisham and Torres DJ Davis adding zero. Time to bring up Spencer Jones. Verdugo is a wise guy and needs to go to Angels or A's. The team does not hustle and needs to take infield practice. Bring in Donnie.

  20. Your wrong guys Boone is a symptom of a deeper problem. The organization is busted. This is the guy the organization wanted as manager . A puppet they can control. Why I donā€™t know. I know in Major League Baseball they donā€™t want managers that get in the players faces if they do things like Torres or DJ . The media is always pushing this narrative Boone is the issue. No guts ur starts at the top. Itā€™s ownership, your narrative gets lines and ratings but it bs . Itā€™s funny because in the NFL coaches get on players all the time. Baseball well thereā€™s pussies. Itā€™s a woke thing. These are grown men they should be able to take shit from managers. I did in high school. If you remember Billy Martin didnā€™t care he got in Reggieā€™s face didnā€™t he.

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