Ever wondered why is so much easier to hit your short irons but really hard to hit your long clubs? In this golf lesson video Coach Lockey explains why you might see high lofted golf club fly straight but low lofted golf clubs curve. This golf tip video will help you understand how to hit the golf ball longer and straighter.

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Hi I’m Matt Lockey, welcome to my Coach Lockey YouTube Channel. This YouTube channel is designed to help you play better golf, and to help you enjoy your golf more!

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As well as helping you produce the best long game you can have, I will help you lower your scores by chipping better, stopping duff and thin chips, pitching the ball closer and creating backspin like the tour pros. Finally, I will provide you help to putt better and hole more putts too!

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why can you hit your short irons pure but your long clubs go so far offline your short irons have no curvature but again your long clubs curve like a banana in today’s golf lesson I’m going to explain you why this happens to your golf shots and I’m going to do it from the comfort of my own office as we have another cracking English summer day outside let me know in the comments down below is is this something that you struggle with in some cases golfers even hit draws with some of their shorter clubs but can’t stop slicing their long isons and their Woods is this you let me know in the comments down below before we get into the topic of why shorter clubs go straighter than longer clubs if you’re new to the channel hello and welcome if you’re a returning viewer welcome back little reminder for you all if you’re not subscribed to the channel hit that big red subscribe button hit the thumbs up as it helps to the channel and turn your Bell on so you get notified of when I upload all my new videos now what I need for this is a pen and a bit of paper and the subject we’re going to be talking about today is D plane D plane can be a pretty tricky subject but I’m going to make it as simple as I possibly can with some of my super drawing skills so first of all don’t forget that strike has a massive influence on where your ball goes especially with hybrid Fairway woods and drivers because of roll and bold so heel strikes toe strikes High strikes low strikes will change the spin and if you heal or tow it it’ll also have that gear effect to make that ball curve but DPL is going to play a massive part in curvature of the golf ball so first of all we have a golf club so this is from the top hitting the golf ball from a straight path and out to it in path or into to out path um I’m sure most of you or all of you would have heard of those terms now from the side view okay so now my club is going out like this we also have the club moving down so on an angle of attack and your Club can also move up on your angle attack can also be level the final thing is we also have Loft so again from the side angle Le here your loft of your Club it can be high lofted it can be low lofted depending on what club you’re using and again we have the path that your Club is moving on now the two points that we want to make reference to is when this club hits the ball the path that your Club is moving on and the Loft and remember this Loft can be different depending on what club you’re using so this would be like your Sand Wedge up here and this would be your driver down here so if we spin this beautiful drawing around now taking note of where that path is going and the loft is going as this is going to be the key to your aess tilt and your D plane if we now have the club facing us okay so this is my driver again we can see the grooves on the face half dot I know this is a bit low but I don’t want to do it on top of the picture here and Loft okay path and Loft now if your path face to path and Loft match right on top of each other this is what’s going to cause some tilt or no tilt so if it’s directly on top of each other there will be no axis tilt now let me just grab a golf ball quickly I’m not going to grab a golf ball actually I’m going to grab this TR from damn Frost but it’s perfect for what I’m trying to um demonstrate so this black line is your axis if your ball spins on that axis it will fly straight any tilt to this axis is where you’ll start to see that curvature depending on which tilt you put on it so this tilt is what we’re trying to avoid to hit longer and straighter shots so think of that line that I drew here as this line across the middle of the golf ball this is my loft this is where my club path is moving this is my loft face the path it’s on top of each other so my ball will spin own end over end on top of each other with no curvature there’s no axis tilt now if my face to path all of a sudden decides that it wants to be open okay so it’s I don’t know whatever number you want that to be my face and my loft is now over here which means that if I draw a line down to this one I now have an axis tilt so my face to path and my loft is causing that tilt in that axis so I’m now tilting and it’s now going to curve off that is causing that curvature in your goal shots now if we go extreme let’s go all the way over to the side of the page here I have got my loft I’ve got my path that my um Club is moving on I move my Loft open by x amount if I have again I’ll just draw those lines and connect them up I’ve got my tilts on my club here this one would be straight this is curving if this is say my wedge at 60° but I’m presenting say I don’t know 48° instead if I now deliver my driver Loft which is say 16° 14 to 16 Dees of Loft at impact which would be down here and now I connect my face to path because the same relationship between my 60 and my driver isn’t changing this is let’s say 10° open for both I now have a much bigger tilt on my driver compared to my wedge so even though my face to path is the same this axis tilt is increasing because the Loft that I’m presenting is different and lower so if you have the same face to path relationship throughout your bag okay this would be let’s say 10° open like we’ve said face the path with my wedge has less axis tilt than it does with my driver which has more aess tilt which is going to curve more offline so this is why if you went extreme and went all the way up here look and then drew a line all the way down the page again there wouldn’t be as much tilt so that is why lofted clubs don’t curve or look like they don’t curve as much as what your longer clubs your lower lofted clubs do so if you’re trying to work out what issues you have in your swing in regards to face to path I would suggest getting those longer clubs out and seeing what curvature you create that might tell you that you always have an open face because it’s always curving off to the right you might have a closed face because it’s always curving off to the left but with those sh clubs that you enjoy hitting more because they’re easier to hit and you don’t see that awful curvature and you think there’s nothing wrong it’s not telling you the full story get those longer clubs out see what curat you have go to your local Pro and say look I’m curving everything this way but with my short clubs it’s not doing it is that because my face to PA relationship is wrong and it probably will be the case and then you might change your grip you might change your wrist angles you might change whatever it might be to get control of that club face so that Loft and face to path match up with that path and then you get rid of that axis tilt and you start to hit those longer clubs just as good as those shorter ones now I hope that those drawing skills are decent enough for you to understand and damn Frost little golf ball train lead probably should do a video on that actually and those drawings help you understand why you might be curving those longer clubs or having curvature on those longer clubs instead of those shorter ones which you don’t see so much on let me know in the comments down below bit of a different video here in the office not in the studio not outside let me know if this helps with your golf and understanding why potentially your golf ball is doing what is doing I hope that helps again in the comments down below let me know what you think and remember if you’re enjoying the channel and this content make sure you hit that big red subscribe button hit the thumbs up it helps the channel and turn that Bell on so you get notified of when I upload all my new videos thanks all for watching I’ll see you in the next one


  1. I really got that, was like being back at school for a moment. Pokémon ball was a great aid 👌🏽
    Face to Path. Face to Path. Face to Path.

  2. Related topic, why can I hit my 4i 220 carry and my driver goes about 235 in the air, no matter how high I hit it 🤣 I’m pretty tall and I’m pretty steep on it. Recently got my irons feeling great but my driver seems to go absolutely nowhere in comparison, to the point that I may as well just tee off with my 3i hybrid

    Great video lockey, like an undergrad physics lesson. Stopped one short of bringing moment of inertia tensor equations out

  3. I completely understand your drawings and explanations. What I don’t understand is that I hit my 5, 6, and 7 irons much better than my wedges! I never know how far my wedge shots will go, or if the ball will go straight, to the right, or to the left. My longer irons normally look great. What the heck? And as an aside, your wife surely likes those legs!

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