we all know that in the golfing World clubs are just getting far too expensive until now however my name is James Robinson and welcome back to this YouTube channel today I have a set of golf clubs which you may never have heard of in fact unless you’ve watched Chris’s video I guarantee you’ve never have heard of these are the Torah irons and these come in at less than one of the brand new premium drivers that you could buy for500 I think these are absolutely stunning today we’re going to take them out the golf course test them just see how good they are see if they’re actually good value or just cheap also guys make sure you stay tuned and hit that subscribe button because what do you think of when you think of a premium set of affordable golf clothes I know you’re thinking I always think Tacomo as well so we’re going to test them in another video today against our Tacomo 31 clubs and see which ones are the best budget irem for you um but let’s get teed off because we’re going to have a match Chris we can do I’m not going to off with the 7even I’m going off with the five so as you can see these do look absolutely stunning and these are the cavity back versions you can get them in blades you can get them in different finishes and the beauty about the tour R realistically is that they are bespoke to you so you make sure you get exactly what you want in your set and these got sent to Chris and uh I mean the five I they sent to me didn’t they they say the five looks like new it definitely will be new never used never used so when it comes to golf clubs and when it comes to Affordable Golf Clubs there’s a couple of things that I really like to test and a couple of things that I really like to know first of all how forgiving are they and second of all how do they feel do they feel nice do they feel premium enough or do they feel like cheap like we spoke about earlier no there’s no better place to test this than out here at woly Park Golf Club these look so good down the ball look really small don’t they you know CU of the black finish they do look fantastic nice different feral traditional feral I tell you what that wasn’t my best drke but it’s done exceptionally well I can’t believe how well that’s done middle striper that wasn’t the best can’t quite believe how well that one’s finished to be perfectly Hest with the middle of the Fairway but I’ll take it all day nice that’s a lovely strike first off very good and guys I’m going to talk numbers for these Club as well I’ve been in the studio testing them together with the Tacomo irons cuz I feel like that’s a really good comparison and we’ll see there’s a bit of a difference but I’ll get to that a little bit later on in this video clean your clubs Chris you have tested these clubs already over on your channel I believe you did some mid- handicap testing with them as well yeah what are your initial thoughts on these cuz I’m a huge fan of any club manufacturer that helps make golf a little bit more affordable Tacomo CI even Costco now yeah I mean the first thing is obviously they are quite custom so you can get different heads you can get different ferals so more traditional that struck it wasn’t my best camera uh again you can pick exactly what you want from them R again an affordable price so they do have different options so these are one of the more lower costing ones they do have some IR that are forged so again that are a little bit more expensive but they’re all be spoke yeah and I think looks wise they look very premium because the T logo looks very very premium as well so I think it’s one of those isn’t it where potentially less is more and I’m a big believer in that if you look at a set of muras you look a set of vager ions less is always more he want to play a turn and get in the no that’s fine that’s fine know what games are right I’ve got pitching wedge is it going to be enough I think so it’s downwind come on the heads do look a gorgeous size and distance-wise as I know from the studio they are pretty good look at that it really does just sit really really nicely if anything the heels maybe a little bit big here so it looks a little bit square and more boxed off but that’s me being rather picky I think it’s fair to say again not my best strike if this works out just over the back that’s exceptionally well for the strike that it was testing out those bottom grooves testing out the bottom gr it’s been a long couple of days I think it’s fair to say it has extremely long how’s your jet lag oh fantastic right and again a little bit more offset only a little bit but more offset than the comos is what we found certainly in the testing nice wind’s going to bring that back to the middle of the green I think oh flag high again just long like mine great shot though Don’t Know My Own Strength testing conditions guys would you use these would you try them the only issue is you probably can’t try them that’s where Brands like these probably do find it difficult to make sales because you can’t just try them but when you have premium shafts premium grips and then a premium forged head I don’t know I don’t really know what more you would really want right we’ve gone a little bit long Chris has also gone long but your strike was a lot better than mine mine was a bit of a well not will not say it wasn’t the best but what the like around the greens cuz a lot of people would use pitching wedge here you probably would as well would you yep a little bit of a bumping R that checked really well you know the thing is what I want here is I want that soft feel and you don’t always get that with a set of golfs especially in the low ends when you see the size of this cavity it’s almost a bit misleading but I’m really happy with that it run out as I wanted it to probably had a little bit more break than I anticipated but can’t blame the club for that one same idea I sure also have a little bit of a chip and this is something which a lot of people don’t often think about when buying irons what are they like around the greens literally from this distance it might not be a deal breaker but it’s so important to a lot of people how soft they are just checked up again again felt nice and soft not good as as always with these videos it’s going to come down to the flat stick the bread and [Applause] butter ah never in doubt never in doubt never in doubt stay Fain how’s that stayed High one down talked him into that fans here at woly Park Jew has set the course up ready for the US Open Chris doesn’t it he has yeah right back and we’re going to go with the forine off this te and just see again how forgiving it is but also try and see how versatile it is you can see that cavity back doesn’t look quite as deep in here and this is actually a duel cavity Chris isn’t it I’ve been informed from the website SPL step so a little bit more forgiveness potentially helping with that CG location be a little bit lower in the blade and again I think the for iron looks really really nice nice shape nice blade length pretty much nice everything even the top lines looking very very nice original feral pardon oh is that a bonus you can get different ones on them oh lovely customizable right oh it is me I forgot yeah it’s your one I thought that’s why he snatched it off me like a child right into it amazing we’ve been away for a week and we’ve come back and it’s like a totally different golf course there it is there was no rough on me left right nice really nice oh Chris stop it will work still going as well chasing down there with the offset helps you with that shot or it’s just a nice kind of square yeah again it’s a little bit of offset just again the top Edge is not too thick but it’s thicker than what you’d see from maybe even a CB so again looks pretty good down behind it confidence inspiring some would say yeah and I think one of the big things that I would look at here is if I showed these to someone who wasn’t um wasn’t an avid golfer an everyday golfer and you went right these are £1,000 what do you think I do honestly think a lot of people would be like you know what yeah I think they look okay them I think ,000 is a lot of money but then what isn’t £1,000 in the golf world anymore when you talk about ion so many clubs like £900 up to a th000 and these coming in at like $500 is quite insane right can we hit a good one there we go it’s a solid flight that felt absolutely gorgeous you know and a strong line I think that’s going to be long tiger line anyways I’m hoping it is and my tiger line shot still hasn’t gone as far as Chris’s which is down that right hand side you could s a little bit blocked out here so we’ve got a front flag and a two-tier green I’m going to go with the pitching wedge here and just try and fly into that bank over those trees and hopefully we should do okay up and over come on I’ve not Struck One properly oh it’s in the bunker in the bunker that again wasn’t a good strike I’m not getting the turf interaction I would that was better I would yeah that would be better yeah in the new revetted oh yeah I’ve not played out of there yeah now is your time to shine I have to aren’t I do they make wedges could be two down they do actually right he puts one close here this could be a very very short match we all know it’s on the nearest the pin on the path three anyway don’t we oh we do oh yeah that is a terrible shot on the nearest the pin out of the bunker I got the interaction what are your thoughts cuz I I do feel like and I’m not blaming the clubs for one second here I think the shafts are a little bit heavy the the standard s300 chaffs yeah it feels a little bit heavy there but again for me still got the Forgiveness cuz that was terribly struck and it still really would have got on the distance is it yeah it’s got the distance but yeah they do feel a little bit heavy these s3000s but you can choose different ones in there if that’s what you do so wish I take the price up a little bit but now we can blame the clubs and things all W but one thing we have to say is what a great little bunker that is now fantastic I can’t remember what it used to be like can you no I can’t so we have been sucking into that flag unfortunately Chris over to you right the dream’s still alive for you so pleased that’s come out by the way as well nice you can’t get too cute with that can you no that’s what I was thinking I didn’t want to see it drive straight into the Eng into the new engine it’s gone for the big step it was a big step JN could do some steps in here right oh what is it oh it’s right on and get your putter the bunker wizard but for the price of this tailor made wedge two of them and you’re nearly at the price of a full set of irons so valid point once again it does come down to the I’m at sixes and sevens with what putter to use as well by the way well word on the street is you’ve got a couple of new ones coming we have got a couple of new ones coming we’re in Arizona last week or as you’re watching this week I don’t know when whenever it goes out but got some very exciting stuff to show you and again this putter would pretty much cost the same amount as those irons yeah when you think about logically spending money oh it’s got to be oh Chris I thought you had it I’m going to give you that for you five hope you said that with a bit of aggression five there’s a five there for a four middle of the flag level okay third and final hold par three it’s 150 yards but it’s into the wind so I’m going to try and play a little chippy seven straight into again just see how versatile these can be because so far I feel like they’ve been fairly forgiving in my with my terrible golf swing today it must be said I think it’s important when you are testing clubs to just acknowledge the fact have you had a good day have you had a bad day have you had an indifferent day this is where things change o Chris bring it in look at the size of this 79 because that is absolutely gorgeous isn’t it that’s one of the better looking 79s I’d say I’ve ever seen I think the black certainly helps it it kind of masks the offset a little bit but I don’t mind that at all light it’s gone on the wind a little bit but much better yeah flight take that do a jar over to you B turfing traction yeah you you touched it so start oh it’s delightful be the club and give him a one oh it could be on the slope though should be on the slope interaction that was better I I was trying to make myself feel better but that get some seed for John take it for the Lotte yeah I need a bit of that oh it’s full it’s that time of year now isn’t it it is oh they have repaired them always leave the course in a condition than what you left found it well done so one thing I’m really looking forward to doing is testing them against the Tacomo 301 I feel like they’re very very similar I in a very similar concept and a very similar price point as well so this is really where I think we could start to see some of the best budget golf clubs of 2024 and I think if you tested them against like a tailor made or Muno or a tight list yeah you might start to see the performance is very similar the feel will be a bit different but you could start to see you Sav have a lot of money yeah big big difference we all want to do I think yours could be close you know it should have gone down using the conts I have hold one on here before oh it’s long that’s such a shame cuz the arrow was perfect wasn’t it don’t know my own strand you dropped your Scotts down National head cover chis oh do you right feel like this is going to have to be a good one it is pretty good oh come back come back oh stayed good shot to do that I can’t believe what put I have left myself though that was incredibly difficult best for the win well big turn that I didn’t see that much to I’ll give you that there’s no way you should be missing that list to not lose this and we have it nearest the pin I’ve already won that no I like another one oh a second go oh solid P back to the t- sir I don’t think we need seven iron no maybe not right it all comes down to this we don’t have an eighton no um so we’re going to go t a It Forward off the yellow T’s when we go 9on and just see what we can achieve come on feels like he have to be a big 99 doesn’t it it needs to be a well Struck One it’s a great fly oh I’ll tell you what that could be very good a great line I got d a face full of divot there as well afterwards it was a nicely flighted one yeah much better probably the best shot I’ve played with these irons off the deck as well which was enjoyable you don’t see that very often do you par no very close to oh yeah it’s behind it don’t see the Reds behind the very often to great strike it’s just left it’s just a bit left I think I know was going to have won that I don’t know that a smash and grab that’s a Bellingham against Slovakia that to summarize I’m I quite enjoy them I think they’re definitely along the ilover tacos and I think if you’re looking for a budget set clubs it’s definitely a set that I’d be looking at I know you you kind of agree I’ve seen your video on them so guys thanks for watching I believe I have one the pin and I’ll tell the old you know what both flag High though know say that see you tomorrow at same time goodbye


  1. I like that there is not branding all over these iron heads, they would look amazing in the chrome. Mizuno (mp line) should follow suit imo. Great review

  2. It would be a benefit to ALL your viewers if you would use the comment section to 1) Give the name and maker of the clubs being reviewed 2) Give a location where they can be found, ideally a web address 3) Understand that many of your viewers are older with diminished hearing so either invest in a better mic or speak slower and more distinctly. Very much enjoy your reviews but you can certainly improve them …..

  3. You managed to mention Takomo at least 10 times in this video but could not tell us the make or model of club you were testing, do I detect a hint of bias towards a channel sponsor or is that me?

  4. Don’t know how you can review an iron if you don’t clean the face after your mate hits

  5. Here is my issue. These irons would be $700 to my door and STILL cannot be custom fit to me with only dynamic golds as a shaft option. I just ordered a brand new set of Mizunos, with custom fit shafts and custom grips for a little less than $1000 to my door. Is that more? Sure. But if you are already spending that much money, I would MUCH rather pay a little more of a premium to get custom-fit shafts, especially since I am 3 degrees upright and +.5".

  6. It just isn’t true that golf is getting more expensive. In the eighties we had main brands, via local pro shop, and these differed greatly in price. We now have online superstores, where you can price shop, and most local pros will match the price and offer the after sales service. There are far more brands fighting for business and we also have direct to consumer brands with Costco entering the market, as i am told Amazon will be dipping their toe. Lastly, we now have so many resale sites, selling used, ex demo and last years models new, these provide excellent value. So ultimately, if you find golf expensive, you haven’t done your homework. I purchased a new full set of clubs in 1982, it cost me 6 months wages, now for most people, it wouldn’t be a months wages, so golf is actually cheaper than its ever been, still significant money, but clubs last for years and have a residual value at the end of your use.

  7. Check out the Toura Japanese blank line. No markings at all except for the club # and "made in Japan" on the hosel. Made from S25C at Kyoei golf (forging royalty) in Japan. A few of us did a full build and test on My Golf spy. They're a little more expensive but are as nice as ANYTHING you'll find. I alternate the KCM-cut MB's with my Maltby TS3's.

  8. You should reach out to your buddy Gabe from Let’s play thru, he tested a set from GigaGolf (Pursuit m410) 5 – PW which goes for $374..
    He gave them a very favorable review….

  9. James, you should try the Canadian brand "Haywood" they have several different options and you can customize them. They are beautiful looking irons

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