Easy Tee Drill to help with Pace #golf #golfdrills #golfpractice

This is an easy drill for practicing pace control with your putts..
It is done by simply placing a tee inside the hole pointing at where the ball is coming from, preferably on a pretty straight and flat putt and works best from around 6 foot
If you want to practice hitting your putts a bit firmer and something that would resemble an uphill putt.. then you want to try and hit the tee when the ball enters the hole
Then if you want to dribble it in, making sure to not leave yourself a tricky one back or to imitate a downhill putt then you have to try and hole it without the ball touching the tee
This works well giving yourself an idea of how you can hit the same putt at completely different speeds and actually helps to gage pace better than hitting uphill and then downhill

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