How to use ground force to fix your golf swing

did that go right uh yeah okay so do that again also quick question when you say stand back or little for what is that allow keeps your arms more on top of your rib cage instead of like trying to P I’m not a big fan of like you probably seen golfers put T’s under their arms not really a good idea and I know okay oh Rory has a glove under his arm it’s Rory mcroy who cares doesn’t matter um but don’t do that because if you do that that kind of limits range of motion and puts tension in your system okay so uh go to the back or yeah go and come down whole thing yep keep pushing boom right there I want you to feel more that oh okay okay so that’s going to be that’s see the face shuts down yep yeah you didn’t have to do that in the past cuz you had such a strong grip yeah that if you did that you hit it over there yeah that’s what then so push up side Bend and then boom

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