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TERRY RYAN’S NEAR CAR ACCIDENT?! – Tales with TR Episode #212A


Terry Ryan – Tales with TR Full episode

Join former Montreal Canadiens’ first-round draft pick & Shoresy star Terry Ryan, as he talks about the sport of Hockey, brings on various guests, and shares tales of his life and professional hockey career.

Host: Terry Ryan @terryryan20

Network: @hockeypodnet

Editor: Carter Potts @Carter_Potts_97

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smooth sack summer boys get on board or get left [Music] behind hello ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome to tales with tiar I’m your host Terry Ryan Jr today I’m going to get right into it told you guys I have this story to tell you uh this is Episode by the way 2112a 212b we got Curtis Gabriel not long removed from the National Hockey League a real interesting guy with an interesting story I’m looking forward to it right now I just finished the Jason Gregor Tuesdays and Thursdays Sports 1440 Evington and I want to get out to see a movie what what’s the name of it again a quiet place part one I don’t know anything about it it’s playing in about a half hour so I’m going to tell you a story I just need to go to the theater once in a while it gives me peace of [ __ ] mind why did I have to give an f bomb there such a crude individual okay here we go here we go puffer weed cuz I met a guy I met a guy no I I mean I met a guy I met a guy I met a guy no I mean I mean I met a dude okay I met a dude so last week I told you guys I was going out to Gander New Finland to my daughter’s Atlantic Championship they didn’t win it went all right congrats girls for doing us proud we’re in that New Finland Jersey proud on the way out though I’m driving and um they left on a bus so I didn’t drive out with my daughter I was uh left it around the same time um I believe I was ahead of the bus by a little bit so I had time on my hands um but I’m driving meaning I wasn’t in a rush and I don’t normally speed if I’m on the highway it’s 100 km uh Max I might go 115 at most just like if I’m in a rush I’ll go 115 don’t usually get pulled over at that speed and uh you know it’s a little it’s bending the rules a little bit I don’t go a little bit over maybe maybe I average 105 to 110 I I don’t know I’m just not kind of guy when I get on the highway I’m in a huge rush but this car ahead of me is going pretty slow so I’m about if you’re in New Finland and you’ve made the drive I’m going St John’s Gander okay so it’s probably just beyond Whitburn I believe there’s a fairly there’s like an up down there’s an incline decline incline decline again pretty straight on pretty wide open that you can pass somebody if if you need to I mean there’s there’s a lot of places you can pass but these are pretty big areas to do so so anyway but I’m coming up and my side of the highway only has one lane the other side has two so they’re coming toward people coming toward St John’s are like keep red except the past kind of thing and I’m I’m going so I’m I’m going along I don’t have a problem to this point now this dude’s going pretty slow he wasn’t I I’ve he’s been on my radar since like maybe 20 minute out outside of St John’s like I’m passing him and then I’m realizing I don’t really pay attention to who’s passing me but then I realized it must be him because I keep coming up behind him so anyway now we’re on this place that it’s starting to get annoying now because he’s going down to like 85 90 and I’m going okay now we’re going be well be below the speed limit which is almost dangerous but it’s it’s annoying as [ __ ] so I’m like okay the next time it opens up I’m going around him so that’s what happened now I’ve got time and space to do this okay um he’s actually in a in a truck he’s in a truck it’s it’s one of those like it looks like it’s got weight because it’s got the the top on the back of the cab you know what I mean um and it’s got a bunch of [ __ ] in it but he can he can haul ass he’s just deciding not to like you know what I mean so anyway I’m I got a Jeep I I go to get around them again it’s single my way I [ __ ] I can’t he [ __ ] speeds up now I look and I’m running out of room and now I look around the corner is a [ __ ] transport truck [ __ ] this so I [ __ ] slam on my brakes go behind them blow the [ __ ] horn what the [ __ ] man so anyway now I’m behind them I can’t get a chance again and it starts to get foggy around that area a lot I mean it’s foggy in Newan a lot but there’s a spot where the Avalon penins if you look at the map it’s like the North Coast and South Coast come within like two miles or kilometers of each other or something and there’s always so I’m I’m at this point around that and and anyway it’s really foggy so I can’t really get around him I I try there’s another spot now I get two lanes coming up and it says keep right except the pass of course so like this guy’s in the right lane and I’m going out around them but it’s foggy and like really foggy and the other way same thing they’ve they’ve got one lane so I’m kind of nervous about that anyway I don’t like like highway driving in the fog I do it I’m fine but there’s moose around and stuff so I don’t even I I don’t really want to be going slow or fast but this guy in front of me is slowing down to a [ __ ] snail’s pace he’s going 70 sometimes so I’m going I’m trying to go around him now I do it again I speed up he [ __ ] throws I’m getting it up he’s he gets it right up like the 120 [ __ ] bam what the [ __ ] I pull back again now fog [ __ ] breaks maybe 10 minutes outside of Clarenville I [ __ ] pull around them for good [ __ ] you leave them in the dust now I pull in the clarv because I need gas I should have just gotten it out coming out of St John so I didn’t have to stop but I didn’t I got to pull in there I need gas so I I pull in get the gas going in and this particular there’s Irving for those that don’t know is a you know it’s a gas station o over here it’s a company I guess but you know this particular is the Irving Gas Station that I’m stopping into and a few of them on the island have restaurants not all of them just a few of them this there’s one in the middle of New Finland or in the middle in the middle of my drive that day in Clarenville and I like the turkey soup man so I stop in I say screww it you know I’m going to have a little bit of turkey soup in Irving so I go in I hate sitting with my back to the door if you want to know it’s because how Wild Bill Hickock died he was holding a poker hand of Aces and eights if you seen anybody with that tattoo Aces over eight it’s called dead man’s hand a bit of side trivia it’s why when I went to Rapid City last year I uh sat in his chair that he died in and was uh it was a wild thing because my dad used to read me those stories as a kid like bedtime stories for me was W Bill hickcock getting shot in the back he I told him it scared me and I I don’t think he realized the B I thought he think he thought I was kidding anyway um I I I don’t like sitting with my back to the door I don’t really think I’m going to get shot it’s just like a call it OCD or some [ __ ] Superstition but I I I’ve done it so often over the years because when I was a kid I was scared anyway so I go in the back corner now and I’ve got my face to the door obviously and the girl serving me and I I have some soup anyway he comes trotting down and he’s got his family there and this guy is like I’m going I’m guessing his family maybe not it was it was two older kids that were probably in high school a woman that was around his age um the kids probably were you know what they were big kids now they definitely weren’t in high school I at first he would appear older than me but I think he was a bit younger to be honest he just carried himself poorly just the the other Clues say so and I I’m I don’t think I look great or anything by any means if you didn’t know it that day I mean I got no tooth in my head I [ __ ] dressed like a slob I’m driving I probably looked worse than he did I’m just saying this guy okay he had like stains on his jogging pants he was he sat down across from me I mean he cornered me but he put in a smoke like right away like he was he walked around the corner he put in a smoke but he didn’t light it up but he was just talking with it in he like felt comfortable with a smoke in he had a big gut coming out and like his golf shirt or type shirt his collared shirt was too small so like his gut was coming out you could see the skin of his gut like it was real real big I don’t know if I could use the word fat still I would use the word fat right here um he was uh you know you could tell so he just handled himself poorly but like you know he the truck he was driving looked like expensive up to you know like it he was a slob trust me but he wasn’t hurting for or anything um so he he just sat there and he said he said something I said what the [ __ ] were you doing man I said what [ __ ] he said I wasn’t I wasn’t going to let Ted Hitchcock pass me I said when he goes I realized you were Ted Hitchcock early in the driver I said okay and this is funny now because like I’m talking to Ted Hitchcock life is inverted here and I’m going dude like there was a [ __ ] transport truck coming he goes KN knew you weren’t gonna let that hit it you talk like that like real Bay this guy was from like like when I do Ted Hitchcock I’m doing a Towny they call it in newfinland and there’s different dialects from all over I can’t place this one like it was like um like a lot of a lot of people when you get to a certain point in New Finland a lot of bays and they’ll say go getting go get him is go getting like g e t i n get go get getting which means go get him so like he was saying when he said the word him it was like that like you know what I mean and and it was um I’m not knocking it a lot of people in Harbor Grace say that where I used to play hockey I’m not saying it’s like lack of intellect I’m just saying it’s hard for me to pick up on where he’s from and what he’s saying because he’s tell he goes he proceeds to tell me after I say I go what the [ __ ] I go what about the second time he goes same thing but that itch wasn’t going to get around me I’m like it’s foggy man [ __ ] Danger for [ __ ] sakes I was pissed anyway this guy was so persistent and so ignorantly like naive that there was a likable quality he was like a likable [ __ ] [ __ ] you know so I keep listening and he goes on and he’s telling me it’s hard for me to understand and again I I usually can place a Newan accent this one I can’t quite place and I can’t even reproduce what he was it was a there was a draw like this like uh and and he had a lisp like a little bit of a lisp like this and there was a draw go get and you know it was like that like he on top of the New Finland accent he had a unique you know everybody got some friend that speaks really uniquely like Christopher Walkin there outside of Christopher Walkin the famous actor for those of you who don’t know outside of wherever he Gilbert godf Freed’s another one wherever these people are from I don’t know where Christopher Walkin is from I’m guessing the American South but he has his own dialect on top of his accent he has his own style this guy has his own style I wish I could like record him and like I said I did folklore I would make him the subject of of an interview I’d want to go and like talk to this guy because he was so unique that I can’t tell where his accent but I sure as [ __ ] know it wasn’t from St John’s or anywhere in and around where I’m from okay Bet the action on the ice with DraftKings Sportsbook with DraftKings you can bet on any game you want whether you want to bet the puck line or the over under DraftKings has something for everybody and if you want you can throw down on your favorite player as an anytime goal scorer or if you’re looking for a long-term bet maybe you want to predict the Stanley Cup champion download the draftking Sportsbook app now and use promo code th hpn new customers get 150 bucks instantly in bonus bets for betting just $5 on hockey that’s promo code th hpn as in the hockey podcast Network only on draftking Sportsbook an official sports betting partner of the NHL the crown is yours gambling problem call 1800 Gambler or in West Virginia visit www.1 1800 gambler. net in New York call 8778 hopen or text heny that’s 467 369 in 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anyway I don’t need to explain I’m I want to go so I go to get up and they just keep asking me so the guy ask me that you know about the Oilers and I tell him but then this guy won’t let up okay so his name he he calls himself cormick or McCormick I couldn’t tell it’s McCormick or cormick and I know that and he proceeds to tell me how he played for the asua generals I can make that much out and I’m going okay this guy’s a little bit younger than me even a little bit older but I I would know like I would know who played for the ashua generals around that time I really would like there just wasn’t many people playing away and you would all come through St John’s at some point whether it was a training or what you know there was something like Michael Ryder comes from bav Vista but at some point I was going to find out who Michael Ryder was he went to Montreal though so you might say oh you met him in Camp yeah but I knew who he was when he went to Hall Gau I knew he was playing triaa here you know the best players around right I know who they are um even now there’s way way more of them I still know who they are I go out and skate with the with the boys Tuesdays and Thursdays in the summer it’s anybody who’s back is skates in it um uh you know and I I don’t want to list everybody off but you just tend to know who people are even people from the West Coast that aren’t from St John’s at some point they come in and they train and there there’s a bunch of skates now it used to be one there’s so many people doing it there’s a bunch of skates and I even if you told me any one of their names I would have heard of it heard of it right the most kids in Bantam just because either I see them coming up in a in Wally Braes hockey school or I uh I just I keep in touch with local hockey and look at stats in the paper and everything else and I try to pay attention and I’m going this is weird this guy’s telling me about being the OHL with ashwan I’ve never heard of him in my life and the way he’s speaking I’m like you went to Camp like that speaking like this and like with those manners and you’re really big like this guy was really really big so I’m going at some point you were small that’s 20 years of big like you know what I mean and he just kept talking with this smoke in he had the smoke in and he again he he didn’t light it or anything but he talk he spoke how long we were there 15 or 20 minutes and he had it in now I get up to Le I say finally I gotta get out of there they’re boxing me in all of them and I I go I gotta get going I go if nothing else man it’s been a slice and I laughed and I I just said it because there was people order that had like a slice of pizza on the way whatever they were eating it was a slice it looked like actually a piece of pie but whatever whatever the people next to me I said whatever it’s been a slice I just blurted that out and I go to leave and he just follows me so cormi or McCormick whatever the [ __ ] his name was who’s telling me lies about playing in the [ __ ] o OHL but they’re entertaining lies but he must have gone to and seen the room or something or his parents maybe you know new fanders live in Ontario for bits some of them move for periods of time some of them stay whatever but I don’t know this guy really did seem to know the inside of the for someone that was so out of whack not stupid but but like naive for sure ignorant yes and he knew a lot about the yosua generals either he knew somebody there but he was lying to me for sure he did not play he told me he was telling me these stories and then he mentioned playoffs so I was like maybe he’s wrong and he just went to Camp or something I don’t know but it’s the weirdest conversation I’ve had from a guy that nearly [ __ ] killed me in the first place but I swear to you I go over and he says he hauls out his [ __ ] teeth and he goes now listen Young fella and I’m going what what and he said uh I know it’s the show you’re on and he said you know what I can do better than any of ye that’s what he said I can do better than any of ye so I guess he meant like skating or acting or I I don’t know like I suppose acting he can do better than any of us again he didn’t know much about St John’s and if he did any acting whatsoever I would think it would be in and around you know you and I both know that he didn’t see a [ __ ] stage in his life or camera but anyway he’s so confident so he said I can do better than any of ye and he took out his teeth and showed me in other words like my teeth are gone too I’m on shy and he went I’m missing both of them in other words like my two out trumps your one right tell Jared to [ __ ] call me so he says it he goes over to the [ __ ] cashier he grabs a Post-It note a yellow goddamn Post-It note he [ __ ] writes his number okay he [ __ ] I think he’s he got the pen and he comes over towards me I think he’s going to at some point ask for my autograph or something after all he tried to run me off the road because I’m Ted Hitchcock and he [ __ ] puts the Post-it note down with his number already on there and he doesn’t just put his name he’s already he signs it it’s completely not legible I have no idea what he signed he signs it picks it up and [ __ ] half like punches me he punches me in the shoulder and you know sticks it he get his thumb and he sticks it to my shoulder in a punching motion boom winks and says see you later Young fella and he walks out the [ __ ] door and I’m looking down my shoulder like he he [ __ ] hit me this [ __ ] it was a punch again I’m like this guy just [ __ ] nearly ran me off the road and now he just he punched me punched me and I’m looking down and it says his number and some [ __ ] squiggly line [ __ ] that he said was his autograph and I come out I can’t believe what I just saw and now his buck and family was already in the car they went out the other door if you’re in that Irving you know what I’m talking about there’s two doors they were parked right outside the first one he chased me to the [ __ ] cashier like I said I went out he got in and I love his family were in there and this was like I said like it was a fairly new rig um toys in the back I don’t know kayaks whatever the [ __ ] it was and he [ __ ] um lights up drives away lights up and winks and I’m going that’s great like he just stopped for at least a half hour and he waits till his family’s in the car and that’s when he chooses to light the [ __ ] smoke up that he’s been [ __ ] mumbling on for the last [ __ ] 25 minutes just wild so I don’t know what to say man the [ __ ] nearly ran me ran me off the road but there’s something I respect about cormick or McCormick or whatever the [ __ ] your name is I uh I looked up the last name too anyway I’m not gonna I’m not going to get to that it’s the story of cormick or McCormick and I told you that I was gonna I did mention to him I said I’m gonna mention you on my podcast I hope you listen to this buddy and if you do send me a note where the [ __ ] are you from okay send me it on Twitter you’re probably not on there um you know what um McCormack just find a way I I would I I can’t give my number or my [ __ ] email out on here it’ll be easy enough to find it just figure out a way buddy Facebook I you’re the kind of guy I bet you any [ __ ] money you’re on Facebook look me up on there yeah you’re definitely on Facebook yes you are okay Cory send me a [ __ ] note you know what and uh even though you don’t want it I’ll send you a signed picture from shy or some [ __ ] I don’t know you’re an entertaining dude it was nice meeting you but don’t do that anymore you ignorant [ __ ] don’t try to meet people by running them off the road or anything else dangerous pushing them off a cliff poisoning them whatever it might be maybe stay away from that acor me anyway nice meeting you cat okay if you’re downtown St John’s folks and you want a bite to eat check out blue on water and loose tie if you want something to drink try Trinity Pub TJ’s Pub Rob Roy confusion Martini Bar Green sleeves Pub or of course the bull and [ __ ] Barrel if you want something to eat on Elizabeth Avenue in the East End they also do catering check it out Wedgewood Cafe you want to change your life start working out strength and balance for the body and mind power conditioning on rope Walk Lane if you want to go to Mr Lube two locations here in St John’s new Labrador of course one’s on torb road one’s on kount road left laugh Loop pit pain relief paint sticks that just don’t quit go to pit pain see what all the fuss is about of course true hockey take what’s yours folks I’ll be back tomorrow with Curtis Gabriel thanks for tuning in catch you guys is on the rebound [Music]


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