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Clem has a new trophy, James has a new jacket and you Backbones have a brand new video to engorge yourselves upon. If you’re into fast cars, red wine and diplomatic espionage, you’ll be 66% satisfied with this video. In what’s been described as one of the most heroic efforts to ever be witnessed on live television in the Bahamas, this, is how you almost win Le Mans.

Cheers mate.

Indy 500 T-Shirts now available for you Backbones on our website.

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🥖 Clement Novalak

🎙 James Harvey Blair

🔙 🦴Franky Puentes

[Music] this is pretty cool as a fan here at the Rolex pit Lane and LaMont not sure if that’s the official name but we go with it very exciting we’re about 25 minutes away from qualifying Clon the wagon so exciting times 1 hour qualifying session two sets of tires we end up the end of it but I for now just arriv [Music] [Music] [Music] so what are you thinking mate uh I’m try trying to get out of the way but it’s all it’s all kind of gone hush you know it all kind of goes hush before a important session that’s kind of what it’s doing people get in the cars Clem’s kind of doing as usual joking around joking around joking around getting the Caro so that’s good he’s not taking things too seriously things can’t go too seriously wrong not but the exciting I think the next shot you guys are going to see is of a car leaving the pit l [Music] I was going to go look at the snacks to see if I found you there snack drop yeah anyway snacks right we’ve got some Oreos we’ve got some chocolate B Vitas there we’ve got some miscellaneous polish candies uh some miscellaneous polish Wafers the drinks list some orange and some mixed tropical with some vegetables in it’s actually not as bad as it sounds then we got some full fat Coke that’s all good and then this is where we take a disappointing detour we got fat free Fender not a fan Coke Zero again it’s for losers some kind of Polish milk some Iced Teas uh and some Polish sparkling water and an array of yogurt [Music] not the strongest exit there no Clen has pretty bad Road rad at the best of time so I can’t imagine the explosives that were going on inside that helmet but um good thing it’s not broadcasting wouldn’t be screaming meels without qualifying pretty yeah good news Well bad news is qualifying we really sh good news is qualif doesn’t really matter at the slightest [Music] so good mates give you a bit of a look around there this is where I do my heavy lifting this is where I put my hard work and my sweat my tears my blood sort of broken area here uh of clients and you know Underwriters guests things like that it’s a nice little bit of lawn patio furniture beautiful umbrellas hope it doesn’t get too windy check this out automatic du that could be faster big Flex right so again this is where I do my more established drinks menu over here we got your hin we got your white wine we got your wine pretty sure I opened this in Barcelona so I stay away from that and your array of soft drinks uh we’ve got your small pasteries we’ve got your cheeses we’ve got your Meats spin it all the way around where you can see the TV at the other end there that’s where serious food get C that’s FL smells pretty good so yeah know that’s uh that’s the hos where you heading mate get ready for FP bit of night practice but quality didn’t go our way fortunately got by the traffic SL so no hyper pole for noac this year but hey pace is there place is strong and it ain’t about where you start it’s about where you finish that is true true you there’s only one place I like to finish [Applause] second limbering up this is the face of a man who’s digesting the information that after getting up at 4:00 in the morning to travel to France there is going to be nowhere for me to rest my weary head until midnight when the session finishes then there’s probably going to be an engineering debrief after that so we’re looking at probably about a 2 a.m. Crash Time so [Music] yeah finally back huh after we back we back or are we just are we still here sorry or we’re back to to to doing something where we never left I’ve been here for 10 days every morning starts to be a bit repetitive Parade day today go say hi to some fans on the back of a car you guys are going to be walking behind cuz you haven’t quite got the privilege to uh to sit on the car do we get to walk yeah you get to walk you get to ride it on the back of the car but I’m s with that I thought I was just going to be testing around ging in the corner you’re sweet we get to walk take some pictures with the fans we do I’ve got a new jacket you do there bab you get me mid sweet what do you got there the sort of um some kind of generic lemon candy anyway this is kind of the pre drinks to the parade which is starting starting at 4:00 when you’re starting 34 takes a while to get around to your turn so cl’s not even here yet what’s the wagon we’re going you know what I’ve got absolutely no idea but it’s green um which we like so to be honest could still be in the motor home watching the season 4 of the crowd or some golf all all the US Open or both but that’s all right I should be uh happy to where I am I’m in a privileged position surrounded by nice cars and nice people but that said there’s really not that much to do so I’m just going to keep hitting sweets J can I have a picture of my face right now I want to see how good the it’s not bad it looks good what do we think I think the Cap’s hot kind it’s all kind of ramping up now still quite a while until we didn’t start Maring yeah so we’ll just say we’ll see them in the parade we see in the parade [Applause] [Applause] M got no arm no arm no arm on he’s not making the MLB anytime soon [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh man you just made amazing back oh mate get a better arm huh heate I wasn’t made for the NFL [Applause] what happened to the old wagon I think we got it broken down uhoh oh hands onck we’re [Applause] pushing put back into it come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh I’ve just inhaled about 30 years with the fedal [Music] B Bill Bill let’s go what an experience look at this you’re the best presenter of Sky yeah literally should be I’m trying I’m trying just made her weekend completely I’m glad glad you for watching enjoy a ofun there we go that’s what it’s about that’s what it’s all about that’s what it’s all about got some extras as well for next year as well so we’re going to save the planet put away for 12 months how was that mate I’m not going to lie I am sweating now this is my only team shirt so I’m going to have to get another one but no that was insane I don’t think I’ve ever felt that much support yeah and it’s crazy cuz they just it just keeps going and going and going so it’s ni insane it’s one of the probably one of top top five experiences in your life as a racer driver I reckon is doing the parade so this my first which is uh hopefully not my last James yeah well um I’m just looking forward to doing it when we fire up the screaming Mills proam entry I don’t know when that’s happening we need a make a few calls to the finance department he h yeah we ain’t got the finances for that just yet but look if you want to sponsor the screaming meals proam entry there in lmp2 just give us a call and uh we can we’ll make it happen Make My Dreams happen this is essentially what screaming meals is for it’s just to facilitate me living out my dreams yeah just buy more [Music] t-shirts so welcome to where we’re sleeping what a beautiful VI of the the concert stage over there and actually I’ll show you something really fun we’re actually in the wrong we’re in the next one over aren’t we oh yeah we are did those people were yeah the concert stage is over there and I’m sleeping over there um so that’s great well good night James night [Music] [Applause] [Music] you old Dice and air up man you can’t go wrong with that got to be looking fresh for race there sorry got to be looking fresh for race there well you know best foot forward I’m not starting to drive so I’m going to have the helmet on until a bit later so got to make sure the hair’s looking good for the drivers uh for the Telly the tell yeah JB let’s go it’s race day it’s race day it’s race day it’s race day at the Leon 24 for 2024 I’m in the middle of season 4 of the crown which is just wonderful my KN suppose I better put some trousers on and um get to the tracker morning ladies and gentlemen welcome to leemon race day weather’s not looking fresh not as fresh as Frankie’s look right now you should see him he’s wearing cold Roy trousers there he’s got a nice little zip up gray jumper and a nice little suede bomber I was going to say not as fresh as you this morning but yeah looking me and team kit of course you got to represent don’t think I’ve been this prepared for a race before but it’s 24 hours so we better be prepared starting off the p 11 the lemon and lime going for larm where the hell is James James is watching the crown as you can tell he’s very dedicated to uh the cause but yeah there we are ready to go and kick some ass [Music] hopefully I’m here on the grid at Lamont stood in front of the car quite a while to go unlike most grid walks it’s happening quite L quite early I say we take a walk no that way direction see what we can find crows all lined up very early they’re all on their feet I’m not sure if they’ve looked at the time but we’re we’re 2 hours and 6 minutes away from green flag here we are near the front of the lmp2 grid here so we got panis racing in the three spot idex sport the two and aot something up the front with the dragon there it is how’s that okay now we’re into the cool bit now we’re into the hyper cars to be honest there’s actually you can’t see that many cars on the grid you can mostly just see a sort of SE people Fred’s over here won’t bother we’ll catch up [Music] later top marks for the V it’s great stuff could have warn to Be Wild on brass who doesn’t love that we’re near in the front of the Hy car grid so yeah like I said you can’t really see cars you really like you can tell by the footage but I can see as much as you can you can probably see more cuz Frankie can lift his arm up I suppose but there’s an Eiffel Tower here with some dancing women real [Music] fish you don’t see this onr what is going on really unsure I think it’s some kind of Cabaret some women showing it around their under trousers making me feel a bit uncomfortable getting out of the way right James Blair screaming meals you got time for a quick word on the grid yeah for sure but starting the race day team into europeo here how are you feeling you’ve done it before you’ve been here before you’re starting p 11 how you feeling going into it yeah I just have to keep stay away from the troubles keep the car clean keep the car safe and that’s the most important thing for the moment then the the race is super long so I mean I still feel pretty confident but uh we’ll see how it goes have you got a plan for during the race when you’re not in the car what are you going to be doing what kind of apps do you predict you’ll be spending the most time on you know RI Instagram ET yeah definitely Rya I think there are a lot of people now but uh we will we will think about it with Clen it’s the tracks starting to sort of dry you can see the patches here sort of the dark and the light so if I if it were me driving now i’ I’d be starting on slicks but these clouds do look somewhat menacing see if we can find anyone else here ready for a chat just spotted calot wait for him to finish conversation see if I can jump in for a word James Blair screamings time for quick word don’t know yeah sorry we we’re very sort of small media channel we trying to take over the world in Motorsport mate um Insurance are you starting today no I’m not well well is starting good stuff are you looking forward to that from the sidelines so you just kind of have a bit of a breather and sort of you know take a take a glance on things and see how it goes yeah um yeah good stuff what color under what color underwear are you wearing I don’t know you want to I looks like I haven’t got any say teen colors as well that’s hot oh okay okay Tom apparently is more important see you mate good luck interview the disruptor k k k k my lot’s girlfriend here K hey do how you feeling going into the race ah pretty confident like I mean uh they’ve done a good job confident enough to interrupt my interview yeah sorry exactly but I think uh I have good feelings somebody ra no as a as a collective team we’ve been through a shitload of bad luck recently so it’ be nice to get a few good results over the line yeah I agree yeah after 8500 as well you started last like I mean it was p12 and then they had to start last because the problem and hopefully yeah let’s see if we can get some good result today after this far as well I’m hoping for it we’re hoping for it good on you good luck we’ll see you soon holy [ __ ] that’s actually Tom Brady don’t put the camera at me Tom gr pissed to be honest I don’t know what to be more impressed by Tom Brady or the fact that K milot is running team colored underwear from Hugo Boss outstanding see if we can get a quick word with cl driving here for into EUR Pole today what are you feeling going into the race you’ve got your teammates starting how are you feeling about watching from the sidelines as they get going look mate it’s it’s a feeling like I’ve only had a few times in my career before but uh no I mean look at these crowds mate it’s it’s it’s beyond crazy out here thousands of people on the grid looking forward to it really which part of the race are you looking forward to most as far as driving uh the night it’s definitely going to be a challenge I’m looking forward to it yeah sorry I just got to go to the national an thank you very much over like there I think that’s it for the screaming meals g walk hope you enjoyed it yeah K we’ll see you back in the pet Lane how are you feeling FL so far so good let’s see the result looks good is a d wave us it’s not wet it’s right condition I think blood is on fire we’re going to have a good start and then let’s see let’s the show begins you know it’s serious when space odyssey comes on Space Odyssey comes and you know sh to get [Music] real here they come [Music] [Music] so the timer has started officially 23 hours 58 [Music] minutes bonjour viewers you join me smack bang in the middle of every man woman and child’s dream I just happened to be living in we’re at a rooftop bar provided by Porsche lovely the fine folks of Porsche who haven’t got any idea that I’m here I’ve just been snuck in hey look at this cocktail in hand spectacular views sun’s out like I said every man woman in child’s dream I’m just living [Music] [Applause] it we are 2 hours and 15 minutes in jum to the wagon we are D2 on the road but I think we’re actually leading yet so yeah 2144 to go we’re looking good though we are looking well we’re still in the race which means we’re looking good we happen to be leading it de but that doesn’t matter still got along long 22 hours to go absolutely just like it’s far from Over the fat lady hasn’t even started warming up yet all good man I now because we have the have the the r with the hands yes if flow says we’re good we’re good yeah we can do it it’s under control I believe on CL I trust you we can do this man is bringing l [Music] how’s my face do I look red yeah it was good though tell us how was your sent we’re uh how many hours left I think like like 20 like 20 it’s been 4 hours just did a couple of hours in the car unfortunately we had a average Pet Stop in the ti didn’t get on properly so lost a wheel halfway through the track which was less an ideal but otherwise pace is really strong definitely one of the quickest if not the quickest when uh all four wheels are on the car fortunately we lost quite a bit of time so let’s see if we can make it up by uh 20 hours [Music] evening ladies and gents it is midnight here at the 24 hours of Leon we’re under safety car it’s pessing down with rain I’ve got a glass of red wine and we’re on the roof of the Porsche Hospitality now as I said it is pissing down with rain so you’re about to watch me get wet as we venture out and have a bit of a squiz at the track obviously um wet conditions they all have the wet tires on now you can see the Pet Lane L up like a Christmas tree there’s not too much you need to know about the race I think Clans in about p this I think it’s my fourth glass of wine and it is tomorrow officially in 3 2 1 now it’s Sunday here at lont today the winner gets decided so we can look forward to that we’ll see you uh see you in a couple hours maybe another couple glasses of wi why [Music] not with 10 hours of 10 ago here with cl who’s been hecking around this evening man how you feeling I feel pretty good to be honest looks like fun I mean it is fun we are not super quick on wet actually but it’s dry now so we’re trying to get Co to get as much driving time as he can in the uh in the TR conditions I’ll stepping in after him so he’s got two more stins to go so I guess I should be in around 33 for a couple of hours I’ll be start I’ll be on news so hopefully I can show some Pace gain some ground back I think we’re currently fifth in b a couple of proarms in front but not all good mate yeah mate Energy’s High lives are here all the backbones putting in the work doing in the hard hours just took a long way to go of course so I’m trying to get some sleep it hasn’t worked I’ve got my airpods in so I waste less as least amount of energy as I can with the high noise as you can tell where sh going on yeah that’s that’s essentially how to get through Leon I’ve tried to sleep but it’s practically impossible we’re going to leave these fellas to the hardc and all duck off for a snooze and couple of episodes of the crowd there you’re going to let him go well what can I what can I do is he’s not the driver he ain’t the driver than to the Abode mate she’s a beautiful old go the old RV time to catch some Zas what time is it where we at it is4 2 in the morning I think that break and silence gives you some insight to how well my brain is currently functioning so we’ll leave it there and uh we’ll see you in a few [Music] JB let’s go yeah come on it’s 8:00 a.m. is it 8: a.m. yeah let’s get out of here [Music] sweet navigating the mne my Loa here we go second place here we do are we second yeah we’re second climbing the RS here we go we can’t be far off the lead then so hopefully by the time we get to the P it’s um it’s p one oh oh oh can’t go over it we can’t go under [Music] it and we’ve made it to concrete y back on time back see the [Music] better how does it look we survive on the night so that’s the first thing and now I think we are I don’t want to say anything because I don’t want you know I don’t know I don’t want to predict anything but I think we are fighting for something good so let’s see CL is doing a really really good job he’s amazing he’s amazing the base is amazing I think we are the fastest car on the truck it’s okay fine but man I didn’t sleep at all this time zero sleep show us the eyes show us the eyes fine mine I need some uh find P1 where we should be so we shouldn’t be too surprised about that up [Music] good news update just taking P1 on the road on Victor sport TV there now again sorry and uh yeah great 4 hours and 2 minutes on the clock [Music] right so bit of an update there is 3 hours still to go just jumped out of the car lad’s going to be three stance in expect to hopefully finish the job I think we’re running P2 on the road so yeah we’ll going swimmingly well 3 hours is very long time especially when comes to race cars so uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] did so it’s 45 minutes to go 40 seconds off the lead clim 2 seconds up on it on this lap seconds after it’s Race Against Time as well [Music] [Music] asasas what happened think we going to what is it what’s happening trying 15 10 15 seconds and stop they changed tires I don’t think it’s a on [Music] it’s like a win it’s like a win feels good yeah it feel with all the [ __ ] we had we lose the wheel that’s yesterday we lose the wheel so I was like maybe we will not be able to finish so got through it BR well done well done man well done well done to all of you guys thank you thank you for the emotion I love this I love this this is a good emotion now I I need to sleep but first I think I need to celebrate oh my oh yeah maybe [Applause] wo not bad not bad mate first lemon come on [Music] tasted soit sweit sweet yeah so what do we have to say to that boys we just missed a bit at the end but I think we can be pleased we had a lot of setbacks in this race to to be on the podium was a big thing yeah I’m going to get drunk now cheers jeez I’m going to be responsible I’m just going to hit he doesn’t drink nor drink but today I drink cheers cheers [Music]


  1. my favourite podcast/vlog/wine tasting channel. i've watched all your vids at least three times each if not more

  2. I would gladly support a screaming meals pro-am entry. Do you accept change and small bills?😂 Awesome job Clem!

  3. 0:03 Qualifying; exciting times
    3:06 a bit of a look around
    5:05 Friday, Drivers Parade
    11:50 later that day
    12:30 Saturday, Race Day
    14:08 on the grid
    15:59 Lomko & Ilott (& Cate 💕)
    18:08 "Holy shit that's actually Tom Brady. Don't point the camera at me! Tom!"
    19:05 race start, porsche rooftop bar and race development
    25:56 catching some zzzzzz
    26:27 Sunday, 8 paracetamols and a tactical cry later: still Race Day
    30:45 last lap, podium (not showing Clem trying and failing to open the champagne), and cheers mate

  4. 0:04 this kinda looks like an indian market but instead of selling fruits and vegetables they sell these carbon fiber parts

  5. James & Cate yakking away while Da Costa is right there behind them haha.

    I guess having a chat with B Hartley wasn't possible?

  6. What a day. Good on ya Clem. I watched about 16 hours of the race amd was keeping track of your car the whole time. Awesome to see you on the podium, seems like you had a hell of a time and were damn quick too.

  7. the cinematography and editing for these vlogs are unreal!! congrats to clem on an awesome drive and wishing for bigger and better things for this channel and company!

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