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2024 Madison Regatta Saturday Afternoon

The second stop of the 2024 H1 Unlimited season features the fastest race boats in the world gathering on Ohio River in Madison, Indiana.
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first good afternoon race fans welcome back to the start Finish Line here uh a top The Overlook at Madison Indiana overlooking the race course here the bill Cantrell race course on the Ohio River at Madison it is day two of three of the 2024 Madison regata the Indiana Governor’s Cup Brad loose here on the start Finish Line we had our break we’ve had some food we got most of our rescue and safety personnel taken care of and they are working their way back out on the water and our hydroplanes are being lowered into the Ohio River taking a look at our schedule we’re not necessarily on time here right now as but we’re doing our best to catch up when we are ready next up on our schedule is our prite Heat number two we will follow that almost immediately by our grand prix heat 2A and for what it’s worth our PR lights are in the water right now and our grand preos for heat 2A are being lowered in the water we’ll follow 2A with Grand Prix heat 2B then we’ll come with the prite Saturday final and H1 unlimited Heat number two H1 unlimited Heat 2 is set for 4:00 not sure if we’re going to get it in quite that quick but we’re certainly going to try so coming up next prite Heat 2 then Grand Prix heat 2A and 2B the prite Saturday final and H1 unlimited Heat number two I’m going to take a look here see if I have H1 unlimited heat to the rundown here and I do our heat two for H1 unlimited that is slated to go off at 4:00 we’ll see if we make it but when we get there it’s going to be boat number one the beacon electric J Michael Kelly he will be in that heat and joined by boat number 40 bucket list racing with Dustin Eckles then it’ll be Cory’s teammate or excuse me J M Kelly’s teammate Cory Peabody and the beacon Plumbing those two squared off with Dustin Eckles in bucket list racing in the first heat they will do so again in the second heat and they will be joined by the U1 Miss Mercury’s coffee and Jamie neelon sitting out our second heat will be the u91 the Goodman real estate and Andrew Tate Andrew T came up with a third place finish in that first one he got himself on the outside of the two strong boats the beacon electric and the beacon plumbing and it turned out to be a tall order to drive around both of those two and he came home with a third place finish so the beacon boats are off to a very very good start both J Michael Kelly and Cory Peabody but it’s a long way to go five preliminary Heats everybody will run in four after everybody has done that and we’ve completed all five prelims that will be tomorrow we will take the top four point Getters put them on the front row in a five laap winner take all final so that’s what we’re looking at H1 wise as I said next next up on our schedules our prite Heat number two they raced once already bit of a ragged start in that first one hopefully they’ll get it squared away and have a maybe a little cleaner start here in The prite Heat 2 that will be up next then it’s Grand Prix Heats 2 a and 2B and the prite Saturday final follows that then H1 unlimited Heat number two the weather remains pretty much the same as it was earlier in the day we still have a little bit of a breeze blowing up the river some of our smaller boats specifically the pr lights are going to have to be a little bit careful uh but any boat that runs on a tunnel of air is going to have to be careful as we run down the front straightaway that’s when they will encounter in fact the folks watching on the H1 unlimited YouTube channel are actually getting a pretty good look at the water conditions right there you can actually see the waves blowing up toward the Milton Madison Bridge as we did on the earlier Heats we’ll be turning over over the microphone to Jordan bear and Jeff alayor the voices of the 2024 Madison rata we’ll turn it over to them for their coverage of that part of the program when we get going to the H1 unlimited side Jean theoret will come up and pay me a visit and he and I’ll have some fun as we have been having talking about H1 unlimited hydroplanes and their second heat of racing so still lots to come here at the 2024 Madison rata and Indiana Governor’s Cup PR lights are next up they are on Deck stay with us the boats are in the water and our grand prix boats stepping up looks like we’ve got one of them in the water right now cranes are not moving yes they are here comes the gp35 off of the trailer as I say that and our second GP boat will be put in the water right now the gp10 the charger is in the water going to be joined by the 35 the ride belonging to Brandon Kennedy and oh did he look strong both in qualifying and in his first heat the officials are here they are back so we’re expecting we’re getting kind of close to being ready to go here pardon me last guy in his boat oh we’re trying we’ve got the boat in the water there’s one other acutran apparently we need a driver in said boat okay thank you Sam for that uh technical update there trying to get a driver in the boat I guess that would be critical so as soon as we do that I am assuming we’re going to get on the clock here flag people seem to be in place rescue boats appear to be in place I think we’re ready to go you’re looking at the pright sitting there in the water one of them is Sans the driver so we’ll check that box and then we’ll be ready to go Jeff aor Jordan bear standing down to my right they’re ready to go thumbs up from those guys I made a comment to uh members of H1 unlimited as we were walking along the boulevard here in Von drive for those of you that have been here there are a lot of people here there is a big crowd on hand for this 2024 Indiana Governor’s Cup Madison rata it’s the 74th Madison rata that’s pretty good size number so as I said at the opening it is a tradition with a very very rich history it continues here this weekend the fans love their boat racing in Madison Indiana if you’ve never been here and you are an H1 unlimited hydroplane fan or a hydroplane fan of racing in general it needs to be on your list at some point you’ve got to come to the sweet little town of Madison Indiana we’ve got a couple members of our H1 live stream crew that have never been here before and uh judging by the smiles we’ve seen on their face they’re having a good time they are some of the friendly EST people on the planet uh We’ve made a habit uh a couple of members of our live stream team and I have made a habit out of having coffee every morning sitting outside a little coffee shop and we have met more people than you can imagine some of the people we actually call friends and see the same ones year after year after year the only the only Common Thread to that whole thing is and you’re looking at me Jordan the only Common Thread to all the people I meet here the first question I ask them after how you’re doing is I uh I ask them if they know Jeff aor and they all say yes so I think we got Mr alayor live on here Jeffy how was lunch it was great Brad and um bless your heart people saying they know me when you’re in town I you look okay you don’t appear to be bruised and battered no no it’s all been very positive over the years that’s why I keep doing it that’s wonderful most of them know you’re up on Riker’s Ridge well that’s correct that is a 100% accurate statement and you know what what I’ve been on Riker Ridge this year yes we had a wonderful visit Tuesday evening and it was great to enjoy a couple of cold Suds at the kitchen table is that what we did yes we did as a matter of fact I’ve got even better news for you we are inside one to the five for our second heat of our prly and you know what that means I’m going to officially welcome to the microphone and to the H1 unlimited live stream and all the fans here on the sh Jeff aor Jordan bear take it away guys let’s have a good heat we are looking at our Pro light Heat number two sponsored by All Phase take it away guys thank you Brad loose for the wonderful introduction as you can see on the Monitor and your screen at home we’re 5 minutes and 22 seconds away from All Phase prite Heat number two here at the 2024 Madison rata day number two of three of activity here on the Ohio River Jordan we’re coming back into action the winds have subsided some it picked up there briefly momentarily but water conditions look a little bit better now than they did at the end of our first section earlier this afternoon yeah we were talking about some of the White Caps we saw earlier that wind was picking up and it was fairly strong and you saw some of the boats Lo like they were about to go for another kind of ride there for a while but it looks like it has subsided still a little bit of a breeze but definitely not what it used to be we are now officially into the 5-minute period boats heading out onto the water we’ve got six boats here in the prite class looks like four of them have made their way out on to the vessel a fifth one the 500 about to go out another one still waiting for the cockpit lid to be closed Jeff aor wants you to tell us about the boats that are here in this heat thank you Jordan bear the first boat down in turn number one the dominant redcraft that is the Hold On Loosely Rob Bey is the driver out of Ortonville Michigan Rob Becky is 29 years of age today the all-h boat behind the red craft that is Dylan godell out of Allen Park Michigan in the number 40 all Point construction next boat in the sequence a little bit more Buzz to it on the back shoot the blue and white E8 The Wolverine driven by Alex Magnum out of pikney Michigan the red and black boat on the back shoot is the modern drummer the number 17 owned and driven by Jeff sankur out of Marine City Michigan dominant White Hall on the back shoot that won prite heat one earlier today that is the senseless 14 driven by Joe Les at a Grand Island New York and we’re waiting Carl Adams appearance from the dock in the e23 maximum racing we’re coming up on 3:15 until the start and godell doing a little timing run there it is a clock start format fight for Lanes in prite name of the game is is to be at this start Finish Line buoy before the clock strike zero if you jump the gun in prite racing it is a one minute penalty on your laps time this is an approximate one and one4 mile race course four laap heat and Jordan barretts the First Financial Bank Wild Bill cantra Memorial shorter version of this track on the Ohio River the Riata committee got with prite and Grand Prix they’ve moved it 700 feet to the East and so far that was a fabulous move I agree you’re seeing a lot more speed you see a lot more of the straightaway here like you said really when they come down AC cross the start Finish Line okay and looks like right now the 323 is having some radio issues Jeff that’s what that’s what it looks like they are trying to work on right now hopefully they can get that corrected we’re at 215 to go here looks like bety still trying to hit that inside Lane now last time around Bey and Goodell both jumped the gun and were assessed that one minute penalty it’s a shame cuz that was a whale race but Rob bety in the 55 Hold On Loosely it’s been here in Madison it was in downtown on Walnut Street just a couple of nights ago Bey trying to secure Lane one we’re under two minutes to go Jeff as they get ready to cross the start Finish Line we’re just about ready to go racing once again pro light boats 20 foot in length 10t width all powered by a stock 350 cubic inch engine straightaway speeds I think we’ll see here Jordan up to 100 105 Maybe 10 Joe Les coming up to join the field oh it’s getting tied in there but he’s snuck through Jeff sanir and Alex magnan Joe Les has got his game face on the warm-up period 120 away my goodness gracious everyone kind of held their breath for a minute cuz man that was a tight squeeze right there but again you got to fight for your lane like you said looks like bety still has Lane one but you look back some slowing down there it looks like by Dylan Goodell and it looks like he may be trying to take Lane one cuz there’s Becky who just went on the outside and now you see Goodell trying to speed up Jeff we’re under a minute to go again it is fighting for your lanes just like it is in the unlimited they’re not assigned but Goodell tried to slow down and get that suddenly you saw bety trying to pass him looks like you’re going to start seeing him slow down Jeff we are at 45 seconds thank you Jordan unfortunately with that move Bey made he’s a little bit early on the clock but he’s at a slow pace right now and I think he’ll be fine coming to the line unfortunately Carl Adams at the dock it did not start Lane one Rob bety lane two Joe Les Lane three Dylan Goodell Lane four Jeff sanure Alex Magna on the outside 18 seconds until the start Jordan bear from WX bring him to the green flag yes sir Jeff Baylor we are at 10 seconds to go here till the start Bey going to start picking it up a little bit we’re at seven six 5 4 3 2 1 Mark we’re racing and we’re going to call it clean on the water we’ll let you know if we hear any calls but it is the Magna the you the eight The Wolverine leading them across the line it is Becky on the inside Jeff as they come around Good Start legal start is what it’s been called Jeff so we got what we got on the on the course good start their leader is actually Dylan Goodell in the Allpoint construction Goodell had a smoke and start Joe leson in second Rob bety in third followed by S cure and Jordan deck to deck in turn two first time around here we go and Joe W is trying to catch him Les has the shorter course around bey’s right there as well but there’s Joe Les he’s trying to catch Goodell they are deck to deck once again Ken Les catch him on this turn or is gell going to be able to hold him off it’s still gell holding the lead by about one boat length but right behind him is Joe Les in the 500 but they come down complete lap number one about a rooster tail link for Dylan gell Rob Bey then comes across in third place followed by sanure in fourth and then you have Alex Magna in fifth we got a great race up at the Top Jeff beautiful dueling here in all phas prite Heat number two Goodell nailed a start but Joe Les has his work cut out for him lap and a half in Two and a half to go and now Jordan Goodell extending the lead in the Allpoint construction out of Allen Park Michigan now it looks like Joe Les is backed off he’ll take those second place points to transfer into the final later this afternoon and it again Dylan Goodell what a start he had getting a little light there in turn number two he comes across and looking once again to the line he is trying to complete another lap keep that on the water what a race so far by Dylan Gill again whopping those spots that’s to the left and right as he still sits in first place right behind him is Joe Les but don’t look now Jeff Baylor looks like bey’s trying to catch him in second place we got a great race for seconds boy good down in front and Rob Becky has come up on the outside in the Hold On Loosely so this battle for second place has still got to be decided here in All Phase prite Heat 2 it’s all Dylan Goodell in front Jordan off the turn there’s Les and Becky’s only back seven boat lengths and again gell looks like unless something happens he’s going to be able to cruise to the victory he’ll be looking for a white flag but bey’s trying to catch him and Bey has passed less so bety Rob bety now in second place and he’s going to try to hold it there gell comes down he’s looking for the white flag and there he sees it one lap to go three down so they are going to be looking for the checker flag suddenly you look at Les he has lost some power cuz right now Rob Bey not only has he taken the lead about a two rooster tail lead Jeff aor final lap for Dylan Goodale your leader in the Allpoint construction Rob Becky completes his second LA or third lap paron me in second in the Hold On Loosely and Joe Les veteran pilot coming com back to the sport I think he’s just gingerly taking it easy trying to keep the senseless 14 together one half a lap to go for Goodell in front Goodell man he looked awfully impressive again he was a gun Jumper in the first race which allowed Joe Les to grab the victory as we get the eight Alex Magna coming across but right now Dylan gell he goes around at turn number two keeps the boat nice and easy on the water doesn’t have to kill it he is very comfortably in the lead there is the checkered flag your winner of All Phase Heat number two is Dylan Goodell in the 40 all Point construction and now we might have a battle for third Here Comes sanure Jordan he’s about to take over Les oh sanure trying to catch him again Les has the inside Lane are we going to have a race for third as Rob bety comes across to get the checker flag for second place sanur is trying to pass him we’re going to have a race for third potentially right there Les on the inside sanure to the outside they’re coming down they’re deck to de what are we going to have sanure looks like he may have him he passes him there toward the end and third place is going to be Jeff sanure he passes Joe Les on the final home stretch in the oh man in the 17 modern drummer senseless 400 Joe Les he’ll have a fourth place finish fifth place goes to the Wolverine Alex Magna Jeff some back and fourth racing there throughout All Phase prite Heat number two interesting our prite heat One winner earlier today Joe Les comes up in fourth place here in All Phase prite Heat number two and Alex Magna did cross to get fifth in the Wolverine so all face prite Heat number two your winner Dylan Goodell Rob Becky in second Jeff sanure in third Joe Les in fourth Alex Magna in fifth and it did not start to Carl Adams thank you Tana we got it no calls Tana Morris said has been wonderful with H1 unlimited feeding us with information all weekend and the whole staff as well and Scott Davidson WX my old cohort that’s an ink that is an ink a great job a great Race by Dylan Goodell again the winner of All Phase prite Heat number two goodness me what a race some exciting racing there a nice job by Senor who really looked way out of it and was able to catch Joe Les there on that final stretch glad to see all five boats finished without any issue there again unfortunate about the 323 with Carl Adams again they said they were having some radio issues hopefully they’ll get those corrected for later on today but again Dylan Goodell the winner in prite Heat number two and we’ll see the pr lights later today in their Champion chip heat presented by Cru and AO right now on my watch it’s 325 that obviously 3:35 start time will be pushed back but we’re back rolling so hopefully the schedule will continue on a good flowing fashion and uh get day number two or three of the Mattison weot in the books but Jordan tomorrow Sunday that’s the big day that is the big day we got loads of racing tomorrow we’ll have probably some testing a little early in the morning but then it’s all racing throughout the entire day we had the time trials for the grand pris this morning which was a lot of fun to watch first time I’ve ever been able to see that in person we’ve had some great Grand Prix racing so far and we got some good ones coming up we got Heats 2A and 2B coming up here momentarily before we get to our prite final followed by the last race of the day of course unlimited Heat 2 unfortunately we do have some news to pass along to our audience on the worldwide web watching at H1 unlimited through YouTube and of course our fans here along the shoreline Ken Lupton out of Waverly New Zealand scheduled to go in Lane three here in GPA 2A sponsored by Liberty and the can sponson damage here on the Ohio River Ken is a scratch for the rest of the weekend and I’m sure they’ll leave immediately as soon as possible to make repairs more than likely up at Bert Henderson shop in Brockville Ontario Canada so they can get ready for the inboard hydr plane Super Bowl next weekend in Valleyfield Quebec Canada Bert Henderson if you’re listening I hope you’re healing well we’re all pulling for you and I told my friend John Tommy on the phone that evening Jordan who I do races with on occasion John’s from Cambridge Maryland and I first thing I said we can’t lose Bert no we cannot he’s been such a great driver great Ambassador for the sport really really unfortunate there obviously we wish him well as they get ready for Valleyfield next week now Jeff we look at a couple of the boats here to me obviously Bobby King in the Miss Freedom presents Diego’s Mexican Grill they obviously had a dsq for their what happened earlier when their boat died there right in the race Lane let me tell you what when you can have this boat the 50 if it could stay on par then you got the 35 of course River City Printing we could see some Dynamite racing here potentially and they got to be start on the outside for this race too well with that unfortunate did not start right now Bobby King needs a must-win here he wants to Garner as much points as he can for that Don L owned craft out of Grand Island New York Freedom race presents Diego’s Mexican Grill we still got a good one coming up here we got Richard’s racing in Lanes one and two with Tyler echles in Lane one Kevin erret in lane two Bobby King will be in Lane three but Brandon Kennedy so far this weekend that gp35 River City Printing presents Sunrise party Cove so far he’s the class of the field and Brandon wants to score as well could he drive around the field in Lane number four and get those points in front he could and you know we’ve seen we’ve seen boats from the outside Lane win from there before and Brandon Kennedy has been Unstoppable not only today but of course last week in Gunnersville he was incredible Brad and Erica did such a great job last weekend calling the grand PRI Brandon Kennedy had a dynamite run we’ll see if he can keep that up but and we see we’ll be able to keep that up we are inside one to the five inside one to the five for Grand Prix heat 2A presented by Liberty in a can Grand Prix heat 2A presented by Liberty in a can and we got four boats here again unfortunately the fifth the the 577 Lucas o unfortunately had to withdraw but again now under five and a half minutes to go Jeff coming up on 5 minutes and 25 seconds away Liberty and a can Grand Prix heat 2A here at the 2024 Madison rata it has been an absolute beautiful day here weatherwise low humidity temperatures in the 80s matter of fact with modern technology now that I gained in late 2020 it’s 83 de here in Madison 5 minute period has begun Jordan bear drivers crank them up yes sir we are ready to go here I will identify our drivers here for Grand Prix e2a we have the the GP 17 Miss Renee the red white and blue driven by Tyler Eckles we have the gp10 the charger the red boat driven by Kevin erret the 50 Diego Freedom presents Diego’s Mexican Grill another kind of red white and blue boat there and then we got River City Printing more red white and blue as well driven by Brandon Kennedy so four boats out there the Miss Renee who’s had some engine issues throughout the day so far he’s heading out Jeff Baylor hopefully he can stay up so we can have some good racing here 410 until the start Liberty and the can Grand Prix heat 2A all four boats left the pit dock were four minutes away first one up in turn number two I think must win situation they need to get some points in the second and third Heats to hopefully get a good Lane in the Hooser Nationals championship tomorrow afternoon that is Bobby King in Freedom presents Diego’s Mexican Grill Hull own by Don Les out of Western New York State and he looked awfully impressive earlier back in his earlier heat he won Grand Prix heat 1A and he is on the outside for this race again you talk about the Stagger now they got to go outside for this race right on his inside that’s going to be Bobby King in the freedom presents Diego’s Mexican Grill so we could have some Dynamite racing here Miss Renee and Tyler Eckles he comes across he’s going to be in Lane one then of course lane two Kevin INR in the charger we are at 3 minutes 10 seconds left Jeff before Heat 2 a little bit of cloud cover over the Madison area right now we look to the west and uh scattered clouds and uh makes for a little bit better view for us we don’t not as bright on the eyes we do have the shades on as we’re uh 2 minutes and 50 seconds until the start Liberty in the can Grand Prix heat 2A here at the Madison rata coming down once again are king and Kennedy again Brandon Kennedy on the outside Bobby King on the inside is anyone going to be able to to throne Brandon Kennedy that boat’s got a lot of speed you see it right there as it comes across Lane four right behind him is Bobby King again you still got to time your start we’re at 2 minutes 20 seconds left and unfortunately Miss Renee has gone into the infield again boy that’s a tough break but the positive is he’s in the infield and the current does go left to right here in Madison with our viewpoint on the Indiana Shoreline so I think we’re safe to keep on going here in this warm-up period two minutes two minutes until the start kudos to Eckles for realizing that and go to the inside of the course as well and that makes things easier for Kennedy on the outside less boats to cover to his inside absolutely to possibly get the Heat win a minute 40 to go a minute 40 to go until we are ready to go in Grand Prix heat 2A presented by Liberty in a can they’re coming down the Raceway again unfortunately the Miss Renee on the infield there but coming down so that means on the inside Lane you’ll have Kevin erret in the charger we are under Jeff 90 seconds until the start of the race thank you Jordan everyone well behaved by the start Finish Line booy once again it’s a sign Lane clock start in Grand Prix this is the HR r l GPA challenge it concludes next weekend north of the Border up in Valleyfield Quebec Canada they will run for the Hooser Nationals tomorrow here in Madison one minute until the start one minute away right now Jordan assigned Lanes if you jump the gun it’s a one minute penalty on your elaps time in Grand Prix hydr plane racing 45 seconds to go now boat slowly creeping up the backstretch you see the speed there from Brandon Kennedy on the outside so EET on the inside Bobby King in the middle Brandon Kennedy on the outside again can EET try to take advantage of that inside Lane it is a lot of speed on the outside so he knows he’s got to nail that start perfectly cuz he knows he’s going to have two boats right behind him we are under now 25 seconds to go Jeff bring him to the start thank you Jordan Bear all three up in turn number two I think this will be a good start no need to risk your points here in Liberty in the can Grand Prix heat 2A 8 seconds now the rooster Tales rise we’re five 4 3 2 one Mark triple boogy we’re racing Liberty in a Grand Prix g2a King and Kennedy there at the line erret back in turn number one the first time around Bobby King Your Leader Brandon Kennedy is there Jordan off the turn there’s King there’s Kennedy back deck to deck deck to deck and Kennedy trying to catch him now they’re right there Kennedy’s taking a little bit of a lead but King’s got the shorter track around but Kennedy’s got the most speed can king take advantage he’s got to stay really really close to that buy line Kennedy got to go way to the outside jet failor as they come down to complete lap number one clean racing here in GPA hrl heat 2A Liberty in the can now Kennedy pulls out River City priny presents Sunrise party Cove make it about seven boat links but Bobby King the real estate advantage on the inside in the freedom presents Diego’s Mexican Grill but right now Jordan bear I think Brandon Kennedy saying bye-bye he is looks like it he is now extending it to more than a rooster tail but Bobby King not letting up Bobby King still a lot of speed King’s got the inside Lane but let me tell you what Kennedy’s doing a great job not using as much water on the outside so King’s going to try to catch up with him but a lot of speed there by Brandon Kennedy Jeff for lap number two come coming down at the halfway mark and K King has closed it halfway through GP 2A brought you by Liberty and a can we still got some action up in the front Brandon Kennedy can’t tuck in enough to cut in front of Bobby King top two in turn number one off the turn Jordan we’re two and a half in LA and a half to go and King is still there King’s still there and he’s trying to cut into it but Kennedy’s got a lot of speed but King’s doing a great job he had a great turn he’s going to try to get this turn cuz they’re going to be looking for the White Flag everything was clean at the start a little bit of a there by Kennedy but King’s got the inside Lan and he’s trying to catch up with them Jeff as they look for the White Flag white flag displayed Liberty in the can Grand Prix heat 2A at the Madison Riata Kennedy accepts it flies it across the line in front Boy Bobby King not giving up in Freedom presents Diego’s Mexican Grill Kevin acret remains in third in the charger the top two off turn number one and Jordan if Kennedy say if that foot slips off Throttle King will be right there King will be right there he cannot let up cuz King’s not letting him King trying to catch him there’s a lot of speed there on the inside but Kennedy’s right there he’s got a rooster tail got to have a really really good turn so does King he’s got to try to catch him King on the inside Kennedy on the outside as they come for the checker flag final turn final lap Brandon Kennedy Liberty in the can heat two away it will go to Brandon Kennedy making a boat length and a half over Bobby King Brandon Kennedy wins it and River City Printing presents Sunrise party Cove Bobby King second in Freedom presents Diego’s Mexican Grill Kevin EET up in turn number two in the charger Kevin EET out of Edmunds Washington driving for Richard’s racing out of snom Washington and Kevin erret will cross and get third place points in the charger so Brandon Kennedy perfect on the weekend your top qualifier in GP at 123. n77 he was a heat 1A winner a heat 2A winner looking for two more perfect ones and you know what that means you’re whoer Nationals winner in Madison absolutely man oh man Jeff what a race that was that was fun and I know the fans along the shorelines the fans watching on the H1 Unlimited dream that is what hydroplane racing is all about right there Bobby King you could see him trying to catch it Brandon Kennedy’s got some great speed though on the inside but King about caught him on that last lap but kudos to them for the great job they did Brandon Kennedy man it’s going to take a special special boat to catch him and we still got more racing to go Jeff here coming up in GP heat 2B Brandon Kennedy back to the red ball recycling pit dock along with Ken Brody or Bobby King excuse me in the gp50 freedom presents Diego’s Mexican Grill thank you Tana no calls in Liberty and the can gp2a Kevin acret coming back to the red ball recycling pit dock in the charger we’ll let the noise subside because Brad loose you’ll want to hear this I got a message from a very important individual involved in this sport as the charger engine comes off looks like they’re going to have it oh thank you Brad good run Bobby King and Brandon Kennedy just shook hands and uh great sportsmanship ER king walk clear down the doctor greet the winner and that’s what you do wow great to hear from Bert Henderson Brad Brad Bert is up chomping at the bit he’s home in Brockville Ontario Canada feed up he’s chilling with a cold brew watching our coverage at H1 unlimited via YouTube Bert great to hear from you keep getting better that’s it get to Valleyfield you might have some boats to fix in a gif there you go man oh man what a great race that was I know the fans were into it you could hear them on the shorelines that was a lot of fun Bobby King a guy who will see a GU well a lot of people did but a guy who we will see drive and unlimited on the west coast I believe is that correct Brad loose and he will be driving the Graham Trucking out on the west coast for Tri Cities that’s coming up the last weekend in July of course you’ll hear Brad once again you hear Brad everywhere where there’s boat racing but man oh man what a fun race that was getting ready for Grand Prix heat 2B we’re moving right along and um boy on our schedule I know the pro lights were just out here but they’re supposed to be up next after GP 2B for their final so we’ll see if they get refilled and go back into the drink real quickly on the Ohio River and we still got one more unlimited heat coming up presented by Rivertown Bar and Grill that will be H1 unlimited Heat number two Jordan while we got a break in the action could you go over our sponsors that’s helped us here at the 2024 Madison Riata absolutely I can chff failor a big thank you to our great sponsors Aaron’s Rent to Own of Madison Building analysis Services Craig Toyota Clifty engineering Etc First Financial Bank German American Bank Morgan Foods New Corp of Madison Rivertown Bar and Grill ruof mortgage Morgan Foods Shipley Tavern Domino’s Pizza of Madison lick lighter solution General Contracting Thorton Terrace and Walnut Ridge Family RV thank you so much for your support of the Madison Riata and we have four other sponsors we’ve been mentioning quite frankly this weekend we have a judges stand sponsor a pit area sponsor a pit dock sponsor and a race course sponsor us in absolutely German americ bank has stepped up to sponsor the judges stand this year we have the David Le Memorial pit area obviously we miss David red ball recycling docks and then of course the First Financial Bank Wild Bill can tril Memorial race course again we’re waiting for Grand Prix heat 2B they are going to tow in the Miss Renee I just heard the officials say go ahead and Tow him in so that’s why we are not firing up the boats just yet they wanted to go ahead and tow the Miss Renee in obviously unfortunate there we were hoping he was going to be able to get going there but again ran into some issues so once we get the Miss Renee it’s getting close to the deck area now once we get the rescue boat back out then we will be good to go as far as Grand Prix heat 2B goes we got four boats set to go and Jordan you see the list there go ahead while we’re waiting our fans and our our viewers watching at H1 unlimited via YouTube we got the lane assignments take our way absolutely we have got in Lane one it’ll be the gp15 the Old Trapper beef jerky helped by super suers shine Greg hop the GP 71 Miss Liberty in a can Kent Henderson we have the GP 33 Jack lepton Motorsports driven by Jack lton and then outside it’s the GP 79 the dam family presents the bad influence reliable Diamond Tool again that is your lineup for this race of course Jeff Bernard’s got to be on the outside Lane we saw him have a great start in his last race we got four boats on the dock of course k Anderson in the Miss Liberty and a can he had a dnf his last time around so hopefully he got whatever issues he had fixed but curious to see what old Greg hop will do from Lane one here in this race again Jeff Bernard outside and the danam family presents that bad influence reliable Diamond Tool of course a boat that we know’s got a lot of speed there let me tell you what I’m waiting for the race when I can potentially see Bernard King and Kennedy out there on the race course that could be fun to watch that’ll be fun Jen Henderson thank you for the photos and Bert was correct he is chilling in Brockville Ontario Canada with a cold one enjoying the coverage at H1 unlimited through YouTube and uh Bert when we conclude this today I’ll be joining you with the cold Suds here in Madison yeah I’ll well I’ll be out closer to DuPont but you know we’ll we’ll call it that Jeff you’re not going to come swim with me and I you could have had a cold one with me while we’re in the pool but that’s okay though I don’t swim you don’t swim you can’t swim I don’t like getting in the water but I love announcing hydroplane races you love announcing hydrop plane races well I am right there with you I love announcing hydrop plane races as well and we’re having a blast so it is true I am Twisted well yeah but I mean we don’t have three hours I can’t go into that but I mean it has been either way a great great time down here of course everyone from H1 unlimited Tana Moret everyone here Brad lose all of them have been so great to us Mike Deno of course the chairman this year we really really appreciate them of course the boats from Grand Prix is the Miss Renee it looks like uhoh as I stepped on the corrid a little bit sorry about that uhoh those are new you know yeah well Sumi watch it over there we just heard from our director Nick Kish watch it over there thank you Nick appreciate it buddy again the Miss Renee coming back into the pits now getting in front of the team and then once they get that there they’ll be able to get the other Grand PR out for heat 2B also to Jordan for our fans along the shoreline please go over this once again for those that might have B brought their flying toy objects to the Madison rata we need to keep them uh away from the water absolutely this is from Madison rata and H1 unlimited for the safety of the drivers and their Crews and all the attendees of this event please do not operate any drones over the water during the event this weekend H1 officials have to have their drone Skies clear because that is how they make calls on the water so do not under any circumstances put any drones over the Ohio River uh and we need to make sure these stay clear because that is what H1 needs to be able to make calls and then looking down the shoreline stay out of the water please stay out of the water we need you to get out of the water boats cannot be out there if you are in the water so stay out of the water please coming up next River City Printing Grand Prix heat 2B the Old Trapper beef jerky suers shine is in the water and the GP 79 the dam family presents bad influence reliable Diamond Tool is in the water I see the gp33 Lupton Motorsports with Jack lton in the water and yes I see the 71 the wild one miss Liberty in a can is in the water and they should have actually flip-flopped those Heats River City Printing should have been in 2A where their craft just won and Liberty and a can should have sponsored 2B where that craft is about to set to go act racing absolutely and you know Liberty and a can I know they brought us a couple of Liberties in a can yesterday Jeff and I know as we said though uh not sure if we could have handled that Jeff Lord no not me I’m not even sure if I could have and I mean no no I mean that just would not have ended well for me had I had one of those and Jeff we are inside one to the five boy great job our officials with H1 unlimited they’re giving the clock countdowns to our teams right there in the dock and uh helps us out here with the public address system and also too with the uh worldwide web viewers watching at H1 unlimited via YouTube and we’re 5 minutes and 30 seconds until the start this will be River City Printing Grand Prix Heat to be at the 2024 Madison Riata on this glorious day weatherwise in the Ohio River Valley Jordan I’ll bring him down to the F minute period 510 away for GP 2B 5 4 3 2 1 mark five minute period in session River City Printing GP 2B drivers ch come up Jeff Bernard the first boat away in the dominant orange Checkered Flag effect the damn family bad influence reliable Diamond Tool Jack lton looking to get a light to the number 33 lton Motorsports Jack leaving the dock Kent Henderson looking to fire up the Wild One Missed Liberty in a can and Greg hop still holding at the dock in the Old Trapper beef jerky supershine Greg does this he doesn’t go out right away at that 5em minute Mark as uh they try to conserve on fuel and uh protect that 468 cubic inch engine 4 minutes away 4 minutes Kent Henderson away from the dock out of Brockville Ontario Canada and now Greg hop has been released by his crew at the red ball recycling pit dock the dominant yellow Old Trapper beef jerky super shine so all four boats have left the dock up and running River City Printing GP 2B with 330 away 330 away all four boats now out on the Ohio River as Jeff Bernard crosses in the 79 the dam family presents bad influence reliable Diamond Tool he was the winner earlier in heat 1B he’s going to be on the outside in Lane number four the boat going up the backstretch right now Greg hop and the Old Trapper beef jerky helped this week by suers shine he’s going to be in Lane number one and we saw a lot of speed in the time trials earlier we know Jeff Bernard’s got it Jeff he looked awfully impressive earlier today once again lanes are a signed and any penalties acqu or inquired during the heat will be a one minute penalty on the laps time 245 away should I do it four times today at the start triple boogy I think you should absolutely absolutely and tomorrow for 3A and 3B I think it’ll be boogy times three and then for the Hooser Nationals it’s definitely triple boogy triple boogy for the h your ntional we got to have it 220 to go 220 to go till the start of Grand Prix heat 2B presented by River City printings that damn bad influence rival Diamond Tool crossing the start finish line now Jeff now this is a big heat for Jeff Bernard he is on the outside but it appears right now racing luck is not with Jeff Bernard because they and we got a report that GP 71 will be coming back in unware unaware of what that would be so my strategy or thoughts went away now Bernard only has to get around two boats to his inside so let’s keep our eye on Kent Henderson he is up in turn number two in the wild one miss Liberty in the can and Jordan it does appear he’s pointing the nose of that boat back to the red ball recycling pit Dock and oh it’s a tough break for Kent and owner Huey Newport we’re down to three it appears here in River City printing GP 2B absolutely and you know you hope you get that fixed he had a dnf earlier today in heat 1B so you hope he gets that fixed right now we got Greg hop and Jeff Bernard going around we are at a minute 10 and then of course here comes Jack lton and Jack clutton Motorsports across as well Jeff we are at one minute one minute until the start of heat 2B so an unfortunate did not start for Ken Henderson in the Miss Liberty in a can so we’re down to three Greg hop in one Jack lepton in two Jeff Bernard in three Bernard needs a win to keep up in points with Brandon Kennedy absolutely and man as dominant as Kennedy’s been Jeff Bernard looked awfully impressive earlier let’s see what he can do again he’s got to get around two boats he’s got two boats on the inside right to the inside of Bernard is Jack lepton then of course Greg hop inside on Lane one we are at 25 seconds to go here they’re kind of slow slowly crawling into turn number two you’re going to see it here real soon Jeff Baylor bring him to the start thank you Jordan bear we are now 15 seconds away the noise will pick up hop in one Jack lton and two Bernard in Three River City Printing GP 2B we’re five 4 3 2 one Mark we’re racing Triple boogy and I think Bernard is over here in River City Printing GP 2B will monitor to the radios with H1 unlimited did Bernard make a mistake at the start we’ll find out Jack lton your leader in the 33 there’s Bernard deck to deck dueling Jeff Bernard right there but man what a start by lton and look at him pulling away he’s got about a rooster tail lead right now over Jack Lon but Bernard’s right there legal start the start is legal so Bernard’s going to be right there but man Jack lton brings him around thank you Jordan lton with a beautiful start but boy Bernard had to be right at it when it struck zero but Jack Lon out of New Zealand clearly out in front now in the lon Motorsports Jeff Bernard in second in that damn family bad influence reliable Diamond two Greg hop in third in the Old Trapper beef jerky Jack lepon the Kiwi show him the short way around here in River City Printing 2B he is but don’t you dare count out Jeff Bernard you know he’s going to be mashing the gas but it’s opened up to about a two rooster tail lead right now Jack LT and nailed that start and he nailed that turn and he is trying to pull away from Jeff Bernard as they come around to complete lap number two Jack Leon a beautiful run here in River City Printing Grand Prix 2B we’re halfway through it and he walks it side by side across start Finish Line buoy Jeff Bernard two down two more to go in second the damn family presents bad influence reliable Diamond Tool Greg hop completes his second lap in third Old Trapper beef jerky man man Jack lton what a run here very very impressive he has opened up a huge lead now over Jeff Bernard in the 33 Jack lepton Motorsports what a huge point gner this would be for lepton heading into tomorrow they look around and they’re going to be looking for the White Flag Jeff Baylor white flag is displayed River City Printing Grand Prix heat 2B Jack lein lton accepts it in front now Jeff Bernard has went to lupton’s inside Wake not certain about that move you can get into some rough water there if Jack shuts the door and there it is Bernard’s going to go through some rough soup it gets a little soupy down there in that wake so final time around for the top two absolutely and man oh man what a race by Jack lton and Bernard’s trying but lton has got some great speed he’s been having some great turns and Bernard tried the inside but lton completely shut him out he’s just got to bring it around he does that he’ll do it and he looks around for turn two Jeff looking for the check flag final turn final lap River City Printing Grand Prix 2B checker flag waves and it goes to Jack Lon out of new Zeal and wins it in Lon Motorsports second place Jeff Bernard and the dam family presents the bad influence reliable Diamond Tool then third place assuming he can get it across here will be the 15 Old Trapper beef jerky helped out this week by super shine hono detailing and window tinting Greg hop so a nice job there as hop will bring it across the start Finish Line to complete he 2B boy beautiful run by Jack L and that 33 woke up here in 2B I knew he had a pretty good motor they’ve had trouble with this boat in the corners but maybe that problem has been solved maybe they had cuz I expected Jeff Bernard especially to come around the outside but Lupton completely shut him out what a run by Jack lepton suddenly now the rest of the Field’s going to be looking at him saying hold on what’s this guy k of here so Jack lton a really really impressive performance there by Jack lton in Jack lton Motorsports and again they’re going to be coming in here and it looks like up next we may have H1 unlimited because I see the 9 Beacon Plumbing being lowered into the Ohio River as we speak so looks like we might be having the prite final after but the gr but yeah the beacon Plumbing being lowered into the Ohio River as we speak and it is now in the Ohio River as we see the three grand prix boats including again our winner Jack Lupton and the 33 Jack Lupton Motorsports what a run for that young man out of New Zealand his brother Ken unfortunately had to withdraw because of sponsor damage in the Lucas Oil but Jack lton showing what he is capable of as he is Victorious here in heat 2B and then of course Jeff Bernard will head down to the far end of the docks and then of course hop racing you see it right there his dock right there at the edge of the docks here as the u40 gets ready to be lowered in as well but what a run by Jack lton and that officially Jeff as far as Grand Pre racing goes wraps it up today I think right it down in Inc Jack lton in first Jeff Bernard in second Greg hop in third Kent Henderson did not start we’re kind of celebrating the Paris France Summer Olympics here at the madis Morata our award ceremony the medals Jack lepon with the gold Jeff Bernard with the silver Greg hop with the bronze here in River City Printing 2B the Olympics will be starting soon enough of course a lot of great Olympic events we were watching some of the track and field events of course they had the US qualifiers coming up recently of course a lot of people watched the soccer teams that are going to be there of course the first major tournament for the new US Women’s soccer coach you’ll have the basketball teams there as well excited to watch that and then of course excited to watch more unlimited hydroplane racing Jeff it looks like we’re going to unlimited now well I forgot to mention gold medal New Zealand silver and bronze United States there you go he’ll take the gold he’ll take the gold yeah we got unlimited hyra planes being lowered into the water matter of fact the u9 beacon Plumbing is already in the water with Cory Peabody I do see a prite boat going back into the drink so we’ll kind of get with our officials here we had the prite final coming up next followed by unlimited Heat 2 brought to you by Rivertown Bar and Grill The Bucket List racing is on the slings just hovering over the Ohio river and now about to be actually lowered into the water here in Madison Jordan I think we’ve seen some good GP activity a few blemishes some unfortunate attrition especially to Ken Lon with that sponson damage in the Lucas Oil let’s hope Kent Henderson’s problem was not major and uh also too like to see Tyler e get things uh banded together so we can get the Miss Renee out there and at least get a heat finish here this weekend in Madison okay we just got word from our officials they are going to do the prite Saturday final next and then the H1 unlimited will have their final race after that we just received word from the H1 officials thank you Brad yeah we got that from Nick we’re going to go PR light and then uh H1 yes sir so we’ll have a five booat pro light final heat coming up presented by Cru and auto Carl Adams e323 maximum racing is an unfortunate scratch here in the final so Jordan great work by those 350 teams they put them back on the trailer and they’ve refueled and they’ll get right back out here for their final heat here at day number two of three of the Madison Riata but after that our last race of the day will be Rivertown Bar and Grill H1 unlimited Heat number two and speaking of that the beacon electric is on the slings going to the Ohio river and our last boat on the slings that will go to the drink in H1 unlimited Heat number two will be U1 Miss Mercury’s coffee so we got four H1 unlimited coming up after that but again the Saturday final of the pro lights coming up here momentarily should be some great racing we have five boats here in the final and of course we’ll have Jeff go over that before we start the race here momentarily we’ve seen some great racing in the pro light so far expecting to see another good one here we’ll see if we saw Dylan Goodell have a really really good run as last time around we saw Joe Les win earlier today we see who could bring home this Saturday final coming up here momentarily as Jordan just mentioned up next cruise and auto PR light Saturday final here at the Madison Riata the wild one miss Liberty in the can the GP 71 is on the slings obviously Kent might have had a motor problem hopefully not a vibration but Kent experienced driver out Brockville Ontario Canada and done the right thing to bring the 71 back in if he felt that problem no need to hurt it in the race oh no fix it through the night and get ready for the third section come tomorrow here at the Madison rata beautiful shot of the beacon electric from our drone team with H1 unlimited via YouTube boy they’re getting some Dynamite shots Jordan here this weekend at the 74th Madison Riata we we’ve seen the drones here over the past couple of years but I’d say just as far as work goes some of the best we’ve seen at least in my time seeing them here cuz with the way they were able to go up and down the shorelines here they’re right over the boats again you almost really can’t even tell they’re there you can kind of look close enough cuz I keep thinking maybe there’s something in the water but no it’s just that drone that is hovering over everything and what a great job by the Drone drone team here for H1 unlimited as again they are hovering over the H1 unlimited right now again we’ll see them momentarily after this next Heat for the pro lights we have five boats that are competing for this final heat on Saturday and Jordan while we have some time I hope this gentleman is here I understand he was supposed to be here today but tomorrow afternoon the big trophy is the Indiana Governor’s Cup it’s the Morgan Foods Indiana Governor’s Cup and Madison Rado is so thankful for the support by John Morgan with Morgan Foods out of Austin Indiana John if you’re with us here along the shoreline as a fan of this Sport and your support of Madison Rado has been so tremendous tremendous I think they’re working on you for the 75th Madison Riata we’d love Morgan Foods on board that trophy absolutely and man we appreciate them and everything that they do every single year they make this possible one of the great many many sponsors that we have here for the Madison rata and of course we look forward to having them and so many other dignitaries here tomorrow afternoon to help out with Trophy presentation and to watch the final heat we know Governor hul’s going to be here tomorrow as well so we appreciate seeing him we know Mar Courtney is going to be here tomorrow helping out also maybe some other surprises that we don’t even know about that’s the cool thing about the Madison ratti you just never know you just never know as we see a beautiful shot of the Miss Mercury’s coffee being lowered into the water are you ready with that cell phone because you know where I’m going next we’re about to wrap up racing here day number two of three at the Madison Riata PR light and H1 unlimited but there’s plenty of activity still at Madison here the evening late evening into the early morning hours with the rooster tale Music Festival absolutely the rooster tale Music Festival uh going on right now is Taylor Honeycut coming up at 4:40 p.m. we’ll have Rich Henderson at 5:50 p.m. it’ll be Steven Wilson Jr at 710 it’ll be Silvera at 8:45 Wyatt Flores will take the stage we’ll have a little bit of break for the fireworks then at 10:30 49 Winchester a popular favorite here in Madison and then to wrap up the tonight at 12:00 midnight it’ll be the hot brown Smackdown late night set again that is all at the rooster tale Music Festival down at by Centennial Park so we are still waiting again for the start of prite final the Saturday final here again we have been told looks like the 500 making its way that is senseless 14 being taken to the water as well looking over to my left here trying to see how many Grand pris we have in the water as we speak prite prite sorry sorry fans you’re fine they all kind of run together at some point trying to get a special guest over here to interview he’s a little reluctant sometimes at that so yeah he is but he’s all right though we’ll see what he says I got a pretty good barter over there so Old Trapper beef jerky being picked up out of the water thanks once again to our crane operators at the Madison regata Lun and Oak they are based out of Carolton Kentucky 12 miles east of Madison Carolton nestled right on the Ohio River on the Kentucky side of the river just like Madison is here on the Indiana Shoreline like to thank our Sam provider once again the public address system Louisville sound company sha and Casey have been with us us this weekend here next to Jordan and I Tommy is the nuts and bolts of the group and we’d also like to thank Elliot as well with his work with Louisville sound company guys thank you very much and Jordan they are fun to work with and uh doing a good job and uh we appreciate uh joining the broadcast too with H1 unlimited via YouTube here on the live stream absolutely want to know a guy I miss racing this guy right here Jean the I miss him racing on the water out there Jean theoret was a wha driver the 2006 Gold Cup champion let me tell you what this guy was fun to watch give your headset to that French Canadian I’ll I’ll jaw with him for a bit he’s always in for a good chat is that Mr aor thank you John good afternoon great seeing you you look great well I feel pretty good and it’s good to be here good good how’s Mr loose treating you on the H1 stre well he’s pretty tough on me you know I’m a rookie so I’ll get through it I think it’s wonderful glad you’re joining Brad as the color commentator with the unlimited Heats and uh we just saw two GP Heats and I know that class is near and dear to your heart you’re with a Grand Prix Master especially in that casino de Montreal yeah those Grand Prix boats are fun to drive those were the good years a long time ago though yeah we went for with Grand Prix I think it’s growing well I hope you know this this what I call this this this Union of hrl and GPA will for form you know a better Association and get more boats to each event and cuz we need more boats you know so and we have to you know race in Canada and race in US United States and make it you know a nationwide event so uh I think it’s it’s good for the future and next weekend I tab at the Super Bowl of inboard hydrop plane racing EML de the head of hrl the Valleyfield rata you will be there that is a very very special event yeah absolutely it’s a HomeTown race and I’ve had the blessing of winning winning the Grand Prix 5 times there so uh it’s it’s like you know running Indianapolis or or Monaco or or the Super Bowl so it’s it’s if you want to Wi win a race and in Board Race somewhere it’s Valleyfield and H1 unlimited we have five boats here this week and of course you drove the unlimited hydr planes the 2006 Gold Cup champion and uh it’s still special to get behind one of those big ones at 28t long yeah it it’s different you know it’s it’s it’s like Formula 1 you know it’s the fastest boats out there it’s it’s big it’s fast it’s it’s it’s amazing it’s exciting to race high limit high ples and I’ve had the blessing as a Canadian to to run one of those things very few Canadians have raced unlimited hydroplanes and uh to won the Gold Cup also is is a great blessing and this race course here John it’s the traditional 2 and one half mile track and the water right now in July is absolutely fabulous but that turn number one down there that’s always been a big factor to win or lose in madis yeah turn one can bite you so uh you know but the last two years I was here last year also and the water was great you know you always problems with logs here and and everything like that with the rain coming in a couple weeks before but the the water conditions are really good it’s a bit windy right now but uh you know it’s all handleable and up the back straightaway about halfway through I understand over the years just talking to drive just a little bit of tricky areas there as well is it the current or is there a little bit of wind right there I think it’s wind you know and maybe the wind coming underneath the bridge and so forth It’s like there’s some spots where the water stops moving and it’s kind of weird it’s get a weird feeling and they’re so long you know that it’s different from most of the race courses now generally up in turn two the bridge turn it’s usually pretty nice yes it is nice usually but depends which way the wind comes in and if the wind comes in the opposite of the current then think it it upsets that that corner too and down this front straightaway you see the Smoke Stacks from the ik power plant I’m sure they’re not in your eyeballs when you’re Trav 190 milph no definitely not that big yellow boo is in your eyeballs there and of course you have to watch that corner because there’s always rollers there you know Johan we talked to drivers and a lot of fans especially on the shoreline and watching online at H1 unlimited via YouTube there’s obvious two-way communication with your spotter in the Corral but your sense of direction it doesn’t matter what class of hydrop plane you’re in the driver has to have a wonderful sense of direction but that spotter is critical absolutely you know he tells you where the other guys are on the course and sometimes it gets you out of trouble you know and if someone stops during a race while he he spots you and tells you someone stopped in this in this corner and he can tell you if there’s the wind picks up if he can tell you if the water condition change so this part is very important and as a driver with your radio person did you like short and sweet messages or did you like a little bit more elongated information the SP me to me I just want you know concise information short uh cuz sometimes it can be distractful also so I just you know perent information in very short how do you like the new start procedure this year with H1 I think it’s on the right track well I love it you know when I got into unlimited racing that’s what that’s the way it was yeah you know in 2005 so the only difference is in 2005 you couldn’t you had to be on plane yeah so now these boats can get off plane you know so I think you know the starting procedure is fine I love the 80 mph rule being kicked out yes because I don’t want I don’t like races being qualified even before the start of the race you know I think it’s hurtful for the sport it’s hurtful for the fans and it doesn’t do any good I think my biggest factor with it you took the words right out of my mouth it’s that paying customer along the shoreline we want boats to come to the green flag and not be eliminated prior to the green flag it’s confusing and sometimes can give a little bit of a different view of what you’re trying to accomplish absolutely and you know there’s now there’s a race Before the Race you know yes and that’s what makes it even more exciting you know and if you can explain a bit more to the fans well they they can understand a bit more of it get involved you know and get information on it and this course here Lane one and unlimited is not necessarily the lane you want not really you know we saw Cory Peabody in the first heat there with Lane two and uh I think that’s why he got the win I think he did and but J Michael Kelly he just has such a knack at getting Lane one and that takes a lot of skill and talent yes it does it does but uh in most race courses Lane one is the preferred Lane mhm but I I I strongly believe here in Madison that the best Lane is probably into now when the viewers watch next week in on the live stream provided by the hydroplane racing League up at Valleyfield what a tremendous venue the crowd is on top of everybody but in Grand Prix boy Lane one there is tough man that is tough maneuvering I think you would love to be in two but boy what a sight for hydr plane racing at Valley Hill yeah I think that’s so nice inle feel is the fans are really close to the race site you know to the race course itself so when you line up like six Grand Pre boats there you know the the Earth is shaking so it just gets you so exciting and the first corner is awesome and and I I always love Lane one in the Valleyfield you know I was very successful in the Valleyfield because I I often got Lane one and the fan base in Valleyfield are so knowledgeable absolutely you know it’s they’ve been racing like like 40 85 years I think in bfield and and the HL has I think has a gift of explaining the fans the way the races that are going on and educating the fans and and they’re interested in getting the knowledge and the the fans really love it John theoret our 2006 apba Gold Cup winner he’s with Brad loose on the stream with H1 unlimited always great seeing you as always you’re welcome to Madison Indiana anytime you want and if you ever want to tour rers Ridge look me up well I I feel really appreciated here in Madison it’s always good to here I’m always welcomed and I really thank everybody here in Madison thank you John great seeing you looks great John theoret let me tell you what as likable of guys you’ll find jeffl you just they don’t come no better absolutely oh just a wonderful man and uh this Sport’s been a big part of his life and of course a Gold Cup champion you heard him say what won 43 Grand Prix races in his day and he was the Grand Master of Grand Prix hydrop plane racing Jean theoret and let me tell you what that guy I still bet if he strapped into a boat I still bet he’d put it toward the front of the pack knowing him Jeff I look on our screen here we are inside one to the five inside one to the five for our prite final for Saturday again inside one to the five we got five boats out there that are going to be competing today and now we’re getting closer 5 minutes 15 seconds I’ll let you know when we get to the five minute Mark here and the boats are there drivers strapped in and we are at nine 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 mark five minute gun five minute gun here for Grand Prix or excuse me for prite final heat Saturday you’re fine my friend 450 until the start the pro blight boats Le the dock this is their final heat sponsored by Cru and auto here at the 2024 Madison Riata first boat out was Joe Les followed by Dylan Goodell Alex Magna Jeff sanure and Rob Bey Jordan I’ll take him up the back shoot ID the boats for our fans here along the shoreline and our viewers watching worldwide at H1 unlimited via YouTube first boat off turn number one that is the 500 senseless 14 owned by Don Les out of Grand Island New York Joe Les in the cockpit Les was your heat One winner finished fourth in the second heat behind him Dylan Goodell out of Allen Park Michigan in craft number 40 allp Point construction Dylan Goodell has been racy here today can he do it in the final absolutely you know the first race he looked really really good and he cut cuts the course actually right there not something you see a lot of in prite he is trying to get that inside Lane is Dylan Goodell Rob bety typically is pretty good at getting that he comes up the backstretch right now he’s looking to try to stay on that inside Lane too he’s had some great racing as well and the first dark colored craft exiting turn number one black and red boat out of Marine City Michigan owner driver Jeff sanure Jeffs had a solid day with a second and a third dominant redbat by the start Finish Line buoy that is the Hold On Loosely the E55 driven by Rob Bey out of Ortonville Michigan his parents Monica and Mike Becky are the owners out of Oxford Michigan and Jordan today is Rob bey’s 29th birthday he would love to cap it off by winning this final heat Bey now you look he had to move to the outside cuz there is up there you have more and more boats of course Dylan gell getting ready to come down he cuts the race course there looks like Joe Les is now on the inside of Rob bety as we speak going down the backstretch But Here Comes Goodell in Allpoint construction Goodell was the winner of prite heat 2 he was a gun Jumper in heat one Joe Les took home the victory in heat one earlier today we’ll see who can bring home this Saturday final heat Jeff we’re at 2 minutes 25 seconds and our final boat to ID is on the outside of the pack entering turn number two Nick Kish pikney Michigan that is Alex Magna in the blue and white The Wolverine 2 minutes 10 seconds until the [Laughter] start two minutes to go two minutes until the start of the final heat here on this Saturday prite presented by Cru andado boat slowly coming across there on the inside that is Joe Les in senseless 14 again he was victorious in prite heat one right on to his right that is Rob bety and then of course coming up in lane two looks like that will be Dylan Goodell so Dylan Goodell right now sitting in lane two he had tried to get Lane number one but Dylan Goodell now looks like he’s going to be sitting in lane two bety in three sanure and fourth Magna in five Jeff unless something changes it appears this will be where their lanes are as we are now a minute 15 until the start of the prite final four lap heat on the approximate 1 and 1/4 Mile First Financial Bank Wild Bill canra Memorial race course five set to go in Cruising Auto PR light Saturday final here at the Madison rata right now it looks like Joe Les will get the one lane Dylan Goodell in two let’s put Rob bety in three Jeff sankur in four Alex magn to the outside 45 seconds away Jordan bear from WX bring him to the green flag absolutely jet failer under 40 seconds boat starting to slow down a little bit you do not want to jump the gun it’s a one minute penalty if you do we had that in heat one we want to try to avoid that here we’re under 30 seconds to go as they get ready to hit turn number two seeing some more speed there from sanure on the outside in Lane number three he’s going to try to maybe hit it right on the button can he do it we are at 15 seconds till the start of the race again Lon Lane one gel lane two VY Lane three sanure lane four Magna Lane five what are we going to do we are at five four 3 2 one and Mark we’re racing we’ll call it physically clean at the start we’ll let you know if there’s anything it’s Rob Bey that leans him across right next to him though Dylan Goodell in lane two Les it is a legal start legal start so everyone’s good but coming out of turn one it is going to be Dylan Goodell he passes Bey and he takes the lead Jeff on the backstretch but he gets a little L off of Turn one boy Dylan Goodell I mentioned the warmup period has been racing he is looking super sharp here in the Cruisin AO prite final Dylan Goodell in front Rob Becky in second and Joe Les was tucked back at the start and now he’s laboring in the third spot and right there as gell tries to hold it he’s got the shorter track around but bey’s not far behind Bey about a rooster tail behind gel’s going to try to have a turn a nice turn here he gets it as he looks up he’s going to look and try to complete lap number one he’s now extended it to about a two rooster tail lead as Goodell comes across at first place it will be Rob bety in second looks like sanure has passed Joe Les there Joe Les W bring back in fifth Gum as they look for another turn Joe Les back to fifth we’ll see if he points that senseless 14 back to the pit dock but the story of the Cruisin Auto Pro light Saturday final is Dylan Goodell out of Allen Park Michigan with their local sponsor from Michigan Allpoint construction extending the lead over Rob Bey in the Hold On Loosely Jeff sankur in third Alex Magna in fourth and Joe Les is returning to the red ball recycling pit dock so Joe Les returning he will have a dnf for this race but right now the story is Dylan Goodell what a start he had he had to hold off Bey in that first turn that first turn is very very dicey you saw him get a little light you saw the sponson turn as he comes around to complete lap number two Dylan gell looking for his second win of the day here on this Saturday prite final a nice run as well for Rob bety we said we thought he could be a Podium finisher this week as bety comes down to complete lap number two he’s in second place sanure behind him can Magna catch him we’ll have to wait and see Jeff Baylor as they go out in the backstretch boy Dylan Goodell keeping the Chile to it got the hammer down off turn number one up the back straightway two two and 1/2 in a lap and a half to go in the cruising AO prite final had to get that put in the chilly to it for Cal fips listening on the worldwide broadcast oh Cal fips oh how we miss seeing him around and Dylan Goodell is going to be looking around as he comes around turn number two and he gets light again man he has had a couple hops there out on the race course but he’s able to keep it down he doesn’t really have to push he’s got a solid lead over Bey he looks up and it looks like it is the white flag displayed one lap to go Goodell one lap away from bringing home the victory here in the Saturday prite final Bry there and don’t look now but senur has made up some ground there is a chance Sor could try to catch him here for that second place but right now it’s still Rob Becky in second all Dylan Goodell in turn number one is final time around the one and one4 mile First Financial Bank race course here on the Ohio River Bey three down one to go in second and Jordan you’re right s cure seems to have more momentum at the start Finish Line buoy than bety half a lap to go for Dylan Goodell Your Leader Dylan Goodell Your Leader again half a lap to go he is cruising right now he’s just got to get to the Finish Line doesn’t have to push it you could clearly see not putting it at all I’m looking over to see if Senor could try to catch Rob bety I’m not sure if he can but if he does it’s going to be right here some whopping there on the sponson Goodell’s coming around and looking for the home stretch as he’s going to be looking checker flag is out and displayed here is your winner of the Saturday prite final it is the E40 Allpoint construction Dylan gell first place and trust me they will be very happy this boat blew over in San Diego in 2022 it’s been a thrash it’s been a struggle but it’s come to life at the Madison Riata and there you have it right now and it looks like it is going to be Rob bety able to hold off S cure Rob bety going to come down and get a second place finish so Bey comes across for a second place finish Jeff sour third in the modern drummer and not far behind him Alex Magna in the Wolverine comes down for a fourth place finish officially bringing a close again the 500 that is Joe Les in the senseless 14 he’s already about loaded back onto his trailer but again what a run by Dylan Goodell the second straight race he jumped out in front and never looked back his boat looks awfully impressive well Scott Davidson again no need for pencil put him an ink I’m not certain if Scott even owns an ink pin but Dylan Goodell wins it followed by Rob Bey Jeff sankur in third Alex Magna fourth and Joe Les got the unfortunate did not finish just having fun with you old buddy absolutely absolutely so they’re coming in glad to see all the boats coming back into the docks here so man what a day of racing we have seen we still got one race to go obviously Brad loose and Jean theoret will take care of that here on the live stream Jeff and I will be here over the public address system for the unlimited heat to but what a run by Dylan gellis he is going to be greeted by a very very happy crew out there on the red ball recycling docks thank you young lady so a great job there by gell again he brings home a first place finish Rob Bey in the Hold On Loosely he finishes second third place goes to Modern drummer Jeff sanure and then Alex Magna in the Wolverine that is a fourth place finish again a dnf unfortunately for Joe Les in the senseless 14 obviously we hope that and the 323 get their issues fixed for tomorrow 323 elected not to go out for this final heat obviously they’re going to be working on some stuff as they get ready for tomorrow but again a nice race there by Dylan Goodell and Jeff the unlimited are already in the water they’re going to be heading out for unlimited heat too so is it about time to hand my set away my headset away to Brad loose except Brad loose is nowhere to be found so I’ll just stay here we’ll just keep it here for a moment Brad is making his way up the uh steps he went down to the pit area and he’ll be here with us momentarily as Jordan said we’ll hand it back off to Brad loose and John theoret with the worldwide coverage at H1 unlimited via YouTube and wanted to thank Brad and H1 unlimited giving us an opport opportunity to call the Grand Prix Heats and the pr light for our listeners around the world and uh and viewers and we’ll do the same thing tomorrow as well absolutely so kudos to H1 for making this possible and now I’m going to hand my headset over to the man the myth the legend the young Brad loose the voice of H1 unlimited Brad loose I do have a trivia question for Brad though and uh you had a birth recently and I’m not saying the number I don’t think there was ever an unlimited hydrop plane with your current number a u40 Miss bardal we got a u40 right here that’s that’s wrong that’s not it it is I don’t Johan you’re laughing you’re not buying this I don’t you’re not buying this at all I don’t think there ever was one now last year there was there was a 70 and oops wait a minute there was an Atlas Van Lines and an Atlas Van Lines too how about we wait wait we have an answer we have an answer Atlas had 71 and2 but weren’t no you 70 was 70 and 71 that’s where I thought uhoh no wait the we have one problem the stat man is listening and he just said my I’m on it I’m on I just think he took a whole bottle of Excedrin he’s having a hard time figuring this one out well Sharky’s down there with his book too so the entire place is going to know how old I am in about 5 minutes so Jean we need to start talking about this heat in a hurry here dude I’m about to be in hey but you got a wonderful birthday gift this year I did that hles hamburger hat is something everybody can be proud of here in town I made the Facebook page the whole thing I tell you what this this happens every once in a while that my wife and I with back to back birthdays we end up with birthdays here in Madison this is a great place to have your birthday everybody is so friendly and they find out it’s your birthday and God I didn’t buy lunch I don’t have to buy coffee in the morning it’s great well real quick uh back to business before I hand the headset off toan theoret everyone cleared Tech and H1 unlimited heat one and uh that’s correct it was 9191 and 40 in that order John people are tired of hearing me on the world web they want to hear an expert thank you very much Jeff a you Jeff oh he oh here we go I think we have an answer do we have an answer oh brother say that again let’s face it let’s face it yeah in in 1956 Jeff aor 1956 the let let’s face it I’ll let you go figure out the [Laughter] number John bridge and Ron Weber were the drivers the boat was u72 okay that that cat’s out of the bag I don’t know if I should thank you or slap you stat man well Sean so much for that secret exactly oh gosh so yeah we’re inside five to the five here I just saw somebody’s thumb go up in front of our live stream there can we throw it down to Erica let’s do it Erica understand you have some insight on the un9 The Beacon Plumbing yes thanks so much Brad we haven’t necessarily seen the Cory peab body we expected this season thus far until he won here in Madison where he and the un9 came alive it’s no secret it’s been a struggle for him until that point as things haven’t gone in his favor and I asked him how he mentally resets after drives that don’t meet his expectations and he said simply you have to have short-term memory forget move on what’s done is done and focus on things in your control as a driver and he did just that in Heat won he said he and the team have been grinding and it feels so good to get the un9 back to the front where so many of us expected him given such dominance last season can he repeat that effort here in heat too guys thank you Erica very very much Jean I don’t know how much of that you picked up but Erica was down there talking with the team and with Corey and just discussing what happens on a race course whether it’s good or bad you got to forget about it because you you’ve got another heat to run I heard short-term memory that’s all I heard I mean is that something we suffer from or was that maybe it’s the drivers I know it’s a driver ah we’re having some fun here obviously but it’s going to get real serious here in 7 minutes and 12 seconds cuz we that’s the time on the clock for our H1 unlimited Heat 2 here at the Madison rata unlimited Heat 2 was sponsored by the Rivertown Bar and Grill Jean theoret and I are going to do our best to bring all the action to you in this one it’s a four boo heat JN we got the one the beacon electric with J Michael Kelly the 40 bucket list racing and Dustin Eckles Cory Peabody is going to handle the un9 beacon Plumbing that you’re looking at on the screen and then the U1 the Miss Mercury’s coffee and Jamie neelon no Andrew Tate in this one so he get this is his turn to sit one out there’s the Mercury’s coffee what do you think about that lineup well it’ll be interesting to see what Jamie’s going to do is he going to go for that lane one or not I know he’s very good at it so uh but like we said before is is Lane One the good one that’s right I was just going to come back to you on that because we saw Cory be able to successfully drive around his his teammate there J Michael Kelly who dove into the inside Lane in our first a we’ll see how it plays out here our starting procedure worked very well last time out and J Michael Kelly was the one who was able to win that if that’s indeed what he wanted was that inside Lane he got it and but he could not hold off his teammate Cory Peabody Cory would like nothing better than to head into Saturday night with 800 points and a couple of wins under his belt but I’m sure you know JMK is going to play in that to try and ruin that game also yep and Buist racing Dustin Eckles uh they had the fourth place finish there in the first heat I’m sure they’d like to score a few more points yeah maybe get a second or a third at least but we know the boat’s quick if he gets a jump on you you can have your hands full driving around that bright orange Hy too lane two and get a good start there that could be interesting yep so looking at the clock 5 minutes and 25 seconds now so we’ll have boats on the water here very quickly and again as we talked John you look at the boats on the dock you see a crew member with their hands on each one each boat has a crew member with their hand on the fairing that is a rule they have to stay there for another 10 seconds the noses of our H1 unlimited hydroplanes are pointed out toward the center of the Ohio River mark five minutes turn them loose and here they come and there you go Scott and Shannon rainy’s U1 Mercury’s coffee looks like he’s the first away from the dock and we’ll head down to the bottom end of the race course always a great sight here in Madison Indiana look at that beautiful shot there one two three four boats all come out look the bucket yes look at him go I think oh jeez whoa wow whoa Jim K Swallowed Some Water there he certainly did and so did Cory yeah holy cow he came out with a Vengeance yes he did not want to Trail everybody down to that lower corner and he sent a message I’m here to race in this one I think he wants Lane one I there was a clue wow so coming up on four minutes and after that maneuver coming away from the dock it is Dustin Eckles first up the backstretch got Jamie Neel and right behind him in that right side rear view mirror then the two strong boats Cory’s next the white one the red one JMK 1 two 3 4 up the backstretch just inside four minutes y’all up underneath the Milton Madison Bridge the boats will go all the way around the race course and then we’ll see if we see somebody cut we saw JMK come down the front straight away after one lap in that first heat and he cut right here in front of us and was able to snare Lane one with that maneuver as we’ve talked everybody’s trying to figure out this new start procedure exactly we’ll see what Dustin’s going to do yeah we’ll see what Dustin has up his sleeve will he cut when he comes down here Jim’s going to pull up alongside of him here at the 315 Mark Cory’s inside on the laning back these guys looks like they’re going to go all the way down yep and they are how about Cory how about Mike Cory there goes Mike Mike’s got to oh and Mike’s G to go inside him how about that there we go so just like that Cory went from being on the inside of Mike to being just out side of him this was the same maneuver Mike did in the first heat and he got Lane one with it and Cory satin two right now that’s where they are now it’s DUS in three coming up the backstretch but we have not scored up yet the boats will have to be behind the start Finish Line at a minute 30 still a lot can happen over a minute to burn yep so you got a couple of boats way up front you got a couple of boats following them a lot still to decide here in the race Before the Race it is H1 unlimited Heat 2 it is sponsored by Rivertown Bar and Grill and everybody is standing and watching for this one it is our second H1 unlimited Heat at the 2024 Madison rata and the Indiana Governor cup now our boats y are starting to Bunch up up there a little bit and now if if J Michael Kelly wants Lane one he’s going to have to defend it here a little bit looking at the clock we’re inside 2 minutes we’re at a minute 54 cannot cross start finish until a minute 30 they’re all together boy they are indeed all together great shot there all four boats are very very close look at Jamie’s on the outside he’s got boy it’s getting tight in there too there’s not a lot of space between them we are 35 seconds Jam’s going yep here comes Jamie boy it looked legal to me we will get it officially here but that’s about as close as we’ve been on a score up move so far this year everybody going down to the lower end still carrying a lot of speed Mike still on that inside Lane Dustin holding back a bit in Lane three nothing’s changed so far just waiting to see if everybody’s legal I think it’s all going to be the same JM K Lane one p lane two here comes Dustin but I don’t think he’s going to be able to scoot up there far enough he’d have to have five boolt lengths to move over on anybody still waiting to hear anything from the officials or officially haven’t got it yet up underneath the Milton Madison Bridge inside 50 seconds inside 50 seconds Kelly is in one Cory Peabody is in two it’s Dustin Eckles in three we talked about Jamie maybe getting on an inside Lane he’s going to be on the far outside John 30 seconds top end of the race course they are early up at the top end but they can Scruff off some speed there the lanes they are in now are are the ones they’re going to have to race in Jamie’s laying back a bit Jamie is going to be back a little bit the others are slow see if maybe Jamie nson doesn’t bring a little bit more boat speed to the line they approach the bridge and we think that’s about 12 seconds and we think that’s pretty good and they’ve all lit it up this is what we wanted to see was four boats side by side by side we are two one Mark I think boy I think we’re legal on that but we’ll let the officials call it it was a beauty JMK right on the line and got the jump at the field on the inside Lane now down to the bottom end of the race course turn one it is J Michael Kelly coming out about two or three boat links on a lead Dustin Eckles is in third with Cory Peabody in second it it is a legal start the start is legal up the backstretch J Michael Kelly Beacon electric the U1 look at the race for third place up the backstretch it’s dead even between Dustin Eckles and Jamie neelon but it’s the strong boats out front JMK trying to hold off Cory Peabody this looks a lot like the first he John yeah but JM K got a better start so he’s in front of Cory right now yeah he can dictate that upper corner up there as he comes off the top slides out to about lane two or three exactly J Michael Kelly going to come down hard Cory’s not going to let him go though this is going to be good a couple of teammates and a couple of very good friends are going to go at it Jamie’s in third Jamie is in third on the outside of Dustin look at the boat ride for jmk’s flying it he’s really moving John he’s got a good boat ride down to the bottom end of the race course JMK has opened up water on teammate Cory Peabody this would be a big win for strong racing and a big one for JMK this would boost his confidence but he’s got to look in that right side mirror because he’s got his buddy Cory Peabody right there in the beacon Plumbing we are halfway through our second heat H1 unlimited Heat 2 sponsored by Rivertown Bar and Grill it’s almost a full rooster tail now for Kelly up the backstretch and then it’s a long way back to our third place boat with is Jamie neelon and another rooster tail back to Dustin Eckles who remains on the inside and neelon will keep an eye on that one but the RAC is at the top end he’s opened up a little bit water he JMK has he’s got a rooster tail now he can do whatever he wants he can go wherever he wants he’s got control of the race course is Cory all right here they come down now should get a white flag White Flag for a clean start and a start of the final lap it’s going to be a white flag for Kelly with one to go Cory on the outside Kelly really looking strong here in our H1 unlimited heat two presented by Rivertown Bar and Grill bottom end of the course jmk’s just got to get through it clean he’s got about three4 of a lap to complete and he’ll come home with a first place on the water in our H1 unlimited Heat 2 Cory does not want to let him go but he’s not chipping into the lead of his teammate JMK John no he’s keeping it ahead full Roy tail now but exactly what you said he can really control the race course once he gets a lead like that top end of the race course now underneath the Milton Madison Bridge it is all J Michael Kelly over teammate Cory Peabody in the beacon Plumbing it’s the beacon electric out front then back to miss Mercury’s coffee Jamie neelon is in third fourth place will go to bucket list racing already off the top end of the race course here comes J Michael Kelly he sees the checkered flag it hangs on the start Finish Line Tower it is going to go to boat number one Beacon Electric J Michael Kelly your winner of H1 unlimited Heat 2 second place going to go to teammate Cory Peabody driving the beacon Plumbing the 9 onew for the strong team onew again for the strong team just a different order this time through and here comes Jamie Neils and a good start to the racing weekend this is their first heat and a solid third place finish for Jamie Neilson in a Mercury’s coffee yes that’s fourth place is going to go to DUS the eckels in bucket list racing and he comes across in fourth place I think we’re going to see a big smile on the face of JMK that’s got to give him some confidence he was able to grab the inside Lane and hold everybody off and actually he extended the lead with every lap he was moving out the big difference this time is JM K got a better start than Cory yeah I don’t know if you can get a better start than he had I’d like to see that one he was right there and Cory was just laid back a bit and that made the big difference Jamie j k got in the first Corner first and he led the race after that and that’s really it a big chunk of this thing is get to that first turn first with a bunch of clean water and speed absolutely and he did J Michael Kelly he gave a starting lesson to all of them on that one I wasn’t sure I was I was glad to hear clean start that was close that was two perfect starts you know he had a really good start the first SE also yeah but I think Cory had more speed on him on the first race yeah it Mike brought a lot of speed to the line that time yeah crew members bending over so Mike can see him on the dock there giving him thumbs up as that beautiful U1 Beacon electric comes back to the dock Here Comes Cory got the lid open I shudder to think how warm it gets inside there it gets very warm you can’t be and you work hard yes you know it doesn’t last long but you work so hard so you get really hot in there okay so our boats are coming back to the dock first place has returned so has second place here comes Jamie neelon our third place finisher the mercuries coffee you will see him come into view maybe momentarily we got the camera right there on J Michael Kelly at the dock he has not yet come out of the cockpit of the U1 I think on the screen here if we keep the shot right there yeah you’re going to see Jamie neelon come right by in the background in the Mercury’s coffee as what I’m going to expect it’s going to be a pretty happy J Michael Kelly I think he I think he’d take that start the final wow oh conversation with M get conversation there with the crew chief and of course Angela is right there with the requisite bottle of water and we will keep an eye down on the dock and Andrea uh or excuse me Erica I know can hear us and she will jump in as soon as she grabs J Michael Kelly our fourth boat The u40 Bucket List racing in Dustin Eckles has returned so four went out four came back another good heat of racing and that start was Dynamite yes absolutely I had there a couple of teams called the drivers rep there I don’t know what’s going on yeah we don’t know there’s been a couple of teams I don’t know if that was that little uh issue here at the start and I don’t mean the start of the heat I mean pulling out on the race course exactly so I think Erica is going to have uh JMK here in just a moment let’s throw it to Erica Al Reed with J Michael Kelly Erica take it away thanks so much Brad a similar story told here in heat2 but this time with the U1 out front Mike what a race here again from the race before the race to the checkers what was the Difference Maker for you in this one as you found your way to the front uh just a good start again you know I uh it helps when you’re leading the pack up to you know at the start so I gave myself a little bit of cushion was able to run a little harder on that inside Lane in there uh you know I I kind of gave myself a little bit of a buffer um during the Milling period so I didn’t have to really run in Lane one so that that helped um but tell you what it it was super rough out there uh got a pounding headache my arm hurts so I got to suck it up and uh but man I can’t say enough about the beacon electric guys Beacon Plumbing guys darl Vanessa thank you um Campbell brothers and of course all the all these guys there’s a lot of guys here working on these things hurting themselves had one go to the hospital the other day so uh yeah just thanks to them and um thanks for continuing to work hard and make these things run better and better each time we go out and you told me earlier that the boat is down on power but have you found it because it seemed like you did in that one uh I think it’s getting there I I still think it’s down on power but that’s why we’re fighting as hard as we are for an inside Lane um you know so the guys will keep working they’ll find some more speeding these things and uh you know it it doesn’t end here you know it’ll keep on going so uh just really happy with the overall performance of our my race boat Cory’s starting to pick up uh this week in twoo so um the hard work’s paying off it is indeed and that was on full display in that one so congratulations we look forward to seeing you back out there tomorrow yes thank you hope everybody’s enjoying and uh there a lot of a lot of great racing ahead of us absolutely guys back to you thank you very much Erica alri Jean theoret I saw you watching that interview there we saw the smile on jmk’s face and I wanted to bring up something to you that he mentioned there and the process never stops the idea is to have the boat get better every single time you run you’re looking for that perfect race boat about 4:00 tomorrow afternoon yeah the thing that’s it’s it’s so different you know you never know the water conditions what it’s going to be like tomorrow so you’re trying to set up for today but tomorrow can be different you know water can be nicer it can be rougher but of course you know they’re trying to find tun it all the time so we had two Heats of H1 unlimited racing every one of our boats at least I think and this has got to be a big thing for race teams that when you get to Saturday night if you can head to the hotel and out to dinner with the team and your boat is totally intact Bren yeah nothing’s broken nobody has to stay up all night and thrash that’s got to be a good feeling it’s it’s very good it’s very good and I think that’s what we’ve got all of our boats started all of our boats came back they came back under their own power you’ve got two of them there on the sling and we saw some good racing there was some people me included that expected a kind of a rebound weekend here for strong racing after not their best showing in Guntersville yes it’s only day one but the two strong boats look pretty good well you know they worked all week you know because they they were very unhappy after Gunnersville and especially Corey and and I think Cory has really bounced back now his confidence will come back and I’m sure they’re smiling all them are smiling tonight what I want to see tomorrow morning we only saw one heat today out of the 991 the Goodman real estate and Andrew Tate we know that boat is a rocket uh but they showed up with a third place finish in their first heat so you know they’ll be talking over dinner tonight about what they’re going to do Mike Hansen’s not the guy to just stand Pat yeah Mike Hansen is going to work on that thing great and make sure everything’s a top one notch for tomorrow and uh you know I’m sure that Andrew is going to be fighting for Lane tomorrow and trying to get some 400 points out there so we just got it in our a that everything was clean on the water everything was clean on the water so that’s a good thing now we just have to wait for the boats to go through Tech inspection and we’ll have that type of information as soon as we get it and we’ll pass it along on the H1 unlimited live stream but jean theoret this has been a lot of fun I really appreciate you coming up here that’s my pleasure yeah we’re going to do it again tomorrow we’re going to do it four times we’re going to do three prelims and a final and great it gets pretty crowded up here and we get the governor and all his people up here and uh but you and I got a pretty Choice spot yeah we got a privilege spot yes we do John theoret thank you very much let’s do it again tomorrow well thank you for having me on yeah anytime my friend any time Jean theoret he’s going to head down to uh Scott and Shannon rainy and the U1 the Miss Mercury coffe team with whom he visits what a privilege and a pleasure to have that gentleman on the pipes with me he’s a fun guy I’ve known him for a long time and he’s the consumate gentleman and certainly a champion and not only a champion on the H1 unlimited side but we could talk for days about his Grand Prix resume somebody was telling me last night that if you walk through the crowd in Valleyfield Quebec where they have the Valleyfield Riata he is a legend and he literally can’t go 10 15 steps without being stopped by people he is John theoret so good racing I like the new format it’s so far so far it seems to work we got pretty close on that score up start I wasn’t sure if maybe somebody was going to jump and have to be told to move to the outside they did not and that start for that particular was mighty close Mighty close but it all came through clean on the water so now it’s just a matter of tech inspection I’m going to do my best to stay here with it until we get at least the tech inspection report on jmk’s ride but the heat was clean on the water that’s the first step so our boats have are returning to the trailers I see the U1 Mercury’s coffee is just about back on their trailer but either way it is a very very good day for strong racing both the U1 and the un9 showed very strong today each of them scored 700 points today at least on the water each boat taking a first and a second and each boat taking a first and a second to each other so they swap spots they started in the same Lanes in the first heat as they did in the second heat but you heard Jean theoret say but the big difference was the boat speed and the start that JMK had in that second heat he was right on the button we talked earlier about one of the aspects that H1 unlim H1 unlimited wanted to affect with this new start procedure was getting the boats bunched up at the start I’m not sure you’re going to see a better four booat start than we just had that time they were all together they were all wide open and it was a great shot when they came across start finish so close we kind of held our breath but it turned out they were all legal still monitoring the H1 side of things that I would expect we might get some feedback starting here very shortly I’m going to see if we have a schedule so we just heard again in our ears that the driver’s representative has been called we don’t know what that’s about if I was a batting man and I’m not sure that I am a batting man I would think the topic of discussion might be how the boats exited the pit area at the start that got a little dicey it got a little tight and a couple of boats got a long drink of water so we’ll see how that plays out that’s nothing official that’s only supposition on my part there’s a reason I am an announcer and not a referee because uh I don’t make those kind of calls the guys standing to my left do and there’s three of them and I understand right now that our Erica Al Reed has caught up with Cory Peabody our second place finisher on the water Corey you absolutely absolutely thanks so much Brad yes here with our second place finish Cory B PE Cory one two finishes on the day a great effort considering where we were a week ago so are you happy with what you got out of yourself in the boat here today yeah I’m plenty happy the team did a great job and there’s beacon on both boats so it’s a win no matter what we went one two you know first and second heat today so I couldn’t be happier I’m happy for Beacon Plumbing happy for Beacon electric Cliffy engineering all all our teams so it’s great great time and uh it’s going to be nice to get our feet down and uh watch the fireworks tonight absolutely and any change in the game plan going into tomorrow is there anything that you’re looking for more in the boat or maybe you as a driver or same game plan given some success today well we’ll see what we get out of the tech truck with this and you know see where we’re at there um so I can’t really answer that right now but uh happy to get one too and hopefully we can do it all again tomorrow look forward to seeing you back out there thanks so much all right thank you touch off thank you very much Erica nice interview there with Cory Peabody and Cory’s very happy but like Jeff alayor Jordan bear just to my right we were all waiting for Tech inspection and and waiting for something to come through there from H1 I’m getting a shake of the head in the wrong direction from Tana moriset Tana says it in such a way that she says it like it’s her fault now now she only I know we’re all looking at Tana like come on get us the answer she’s waiting just like we are she will pass it along the moment she has it but a good good day here at the 2024 Madison rata the race for the Indiana Governor’s Cup we had good racing on the prid side we had a very good final heat on the prite side our grand prix boats put on a very very good show they were loud and proud and they’ll be ready to go again tomorrow and our H1 unlimited hydroplanes did not disappoint I thought the show was very very good Madison Indiana you’ve now had an an opportunity to see our new start procedure and it worked today I think it did what it was intended to do which was Bunch the boats up at the start not have to worry about an 80 mph Rule and keep the racing on the water and that’s where we wanted it that’s where we got it we’ll see what comes of the discussion with the driers rep but for right now everything looked pretty good from here we’ll just find out what the tech inspection looks like the first day of racing the second day of the Madison rata is in the books I do not have a schedule in front of me for tomorrow we will talk about that schedule as soon as I get it shoved to me and tana may not know if who’s cleared the tech inspection but I think she’s got a schedule it’s got changes to it and she’s not sure it’s right but it might be close let’s take a look at it anyway let’s see what we’ve got so tomorrow it appears years now this is definitely subject to change because as you know at unlimited hydroplane races or even Grand Prix races the schedule you get handed is outdated before it spits out the end of the printer these things change a lot but right now it is looking like we have an open testing session tomorrow morning at 900 a.m. and again these times for those of you listening on our H1 unlimited YouTube channel these our eastern daylight time so at 9:00 tomorrow morning the course will open for testing for an hour then at 9:45 we’re going to have Opening Ceremonies those will take place here at the start Finish Line right behind the Overlook and then we go prite racing with their heat one for Sunday that comes up at 10:00 and then H1 unlimited heat 3 is set to go at 10:30 then we go Grand Prix 3A Grand P Prix 3B then H1 unlimited heat four then we take a break and then it’s Grand Prix pro light unlimited light and we build toward a final so right now now the schedule I have begins at 9:00 eastern daylight time with open testing followed by Opening Ceremonies at 9:45 all subject to change but I’m thinking with the opening ceremonies there that may not move because we’ll have a number of dignitaries that will be here and it’s always a fun time here at the Madison rata during opening ceremony so if you’re here on site and I know there’s a lot of people that are watching the live stream that are on site because I ran into a lot of them when we broke away for lunch if you want to come down here we’d love to have you for the pageantry that is the 2024 Madison rata I’m going to step away from the microphone I’m going to go over and see if I can’t squeeze this information out but I’m not going to be able to affect that but I’ll come back I will come back the moment I know if any or all of our boats have cleared Tech inspection Brad loose for Erica Al re on the 2024 H1 unlimited coverage of the 2024 Madison rata and the Indiana Governor’s Cup stand by I’ll be right back e Brad loose again here on start Finish Line we have just been advised by H1 unlimited tan moriset gave us the word that the UN n the beacon Plumbing Cory Peabody’s ride has cleared Tech inspection do not know yet about the U1 J Michael Kelly’s ride as I said typically they will do them in order but somehow we got Cory Peabody’s number up here first so the UN and Cory Peabody the beacon Plumbing has cleared Tech inspection I’ll step away as soon as I get another boat I will advise everyone stand by e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e welcome back to the start Finish Line Tower here on the Ohio River it is the 2024 Madison rata and the Indiana Governor’s Cup we have been standing by for quite some time now for official and final results from our Heat 2 of H1s unlimited racing on the water it was J Michael Kelly coming home first and second place going to teammate Corey Peabody in Beacon plumbing and third place went to bucket list racing and Dustin Eckles that checked that fourth place and third place going to the Mis but we have had a change as the Black Box the data acquisition system aboard the U1 the Beacon electric J Michael Kelly’s ride came back empty there was no data on the Black Box they went through it went into the box no data was recorded for the heat by rule in the rule book the letter of the law if there is no data in the data acquisition system and if it comes back empty it is a dsq a disqualification so unfortunately U1 the beacon electric and J Michael Kelly has been disqualified from their victory in H1 unlimited heat to therefore our winner is un9 Beacon Plumbing Cory Peabody he now comes home in first place second place goes to the U1 Miss Jamie neelon driving that one third place to bucket list racing and Dustin Eckles unfortunately a disqualification no points would be assigned to the U1 Beacon electric and J Michael Kelly a tough break they drove a beautiful race Mike nailed a start on an inside Lane and held off everybody it was a very impressive run unfortunately there was no data in the quote unquote Black Box the data acquisition box that they take out of the boats we started to wonder if maybe something was up when we got that the second place boat then third place then the fourth place boat had all cleared uh but we didn’t get any information with regards to our first place finisher in the end that’s what it turned out to be per rule to the letter of the law in the rule book if there’s no data in the data acquisition system it is a disqualification tough break for down there in strong racing but J Michael Kelly Beacon electric gets the dsq first place goes to Beacon Plumbing Cory Peabody he’ll come home with 400 points in that one so it was a very good day for Cory here he got two first place finishes Miss Jamie nilson he will come home in second place that’s going to be 300 points and 225 points to Dustin Eckles and bucket list RAC ing the u40 that is official that is final that’s the way it will go in the books and that will bring to conclusion day two of three here of the 2024 Madison rata the Indiana Governor’s Cup my name is Brad loose we’ve been sitting here on the tower awaiting a final and official decision from our officials we have it with that we will sign off until tomorrow morning the gates will open I believe at 8:00 but at 9:00 we will have boats on the water with an open testing section then at close to 10:00 tomorrow morning we will have our Opening Ceremonies and we will go to town on day three of three a good day of racing here on the water you do not want to miss it tomorrow when we culminate the 2024 Madison rata and the Indiana Governor’s Cup for Erica all read the entire H1 unlimited live stream staff this is Brad Lou saying so long from Madison Indiana we’ll see you tomorrow morning good night everybody for for


  1. I've never heard of a "black box" not recording data. How does that happen, and has it happened before?

  2. Which ever crew member that was in charge of putting the black box in the U1 Beacon Electric needs there powers condemned cause that was ridiculous. Plus the U9 is back baby.

  3. Where are the spotter’s guides with driver/spotter radio frequencies? Come on H1/Hydrotown Group…. If you want to draw interest, you got to do all the little things right. No live chat, sound issues, video freezes, missing rules and only 5 boats in Madison. Very disappointing. Brad and Jeff in Madison are doing great though, thank you both for your broadcasting efforts!

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