Golf Players

The Opening Drive – June 21st, 2024

00:00 – Cardinals-6 Giants-5 — MLB did an incredible job with its coverage at Rickwood Field — Stanley Cup Finals Game 6 tonight

19:23 – Willson Contreras returns tomorrow. How should the Cardinals handle their backup catcher situation moving forward?

34:13 – MLB Network host Greg Amsinger talks about the network’s coverage from Rickwood Field and the Cardinals recent stretch of 10-over-.500 baseball

51:22 – TIOLI

1:07:41 – Fresh Take: How did MLB do with the Rickwood game?

1:21:07 – Jay Delsing breaks down what the future could look like for Rory after another heart-breaking loss

1:39:15 – The Fight

1:53:45 – Blues insider Jeremy Rutherford on what the plan is for Buch & how the draft is shaping up for the Blues

2:06:08 – Rush Hour Reset

2:15:00 – We gotta start giving people their flowers before they die…What living players could other sports honor?

9:35:50 – Steve Sarkisian is a !v(I!^@ buffoon…

2:53:20 – Rocc and Roll

drive on 101 [Music] ESPN good morning everyone and welcome to the opening drive on 101 ESPN insane leis where it’s 7:00 your time check brought to you by Clarkson Jewelers an officially licensed Rolex Jeweler Cardinals are coming the are going the Cardinal are coming Cardinal wi again last night hi kids it’s Danny Mack it’s Brook Grimsley it’s Randy carer Matthew Rocko is here happy Friday TGF how we all doing oh I’m doing great especially after that win right now oh that what what a great spectacle last night by MLB too yes that was such a great game we were texting about it last night that was just a huge win for baseball in general great game great presentation atmosphere tributes everything they really hit it out of the park need to do it every year yeah I agree I think they got to find a way to do that every single year and uh it was awesome I thought from the television production side to what you saw in the game how the players were affected by it in positive manner Bob Melvin’s interview in game was you know it it was emotional for him and just hearing the stories and the Back stories of how many of these players and coaches and managers and people around baseball were connected to Willie May’s celebration of his life I just thought it was uh really well done I I don’t think they could have done anything differently in that game to make it any better no I I agree and then the star of the game winds up being an Alabama native uh and Brendan Donovan D baseball and the Cardinal kids I mean the the baby bird right Mason wi has a couple of runs scored goes one for two Burley goes two for three with three runs scored Gorman has a couple of RBI on sack flies Donovan three for four with three RBIs and Palante pitches pretty darn well as the starting pitcher Hy comes on to get the save and the baby birds are rolling 23 and 13 now since Mother’s Day they are they are rolling right now but going back to Andre Palante that’s exactly what you needed out of him honestly I know that you look at that final line and it’s not exciting when you see that but that’s what you needed out of Palante in this situation and sorry Dan but I think Everything’s Relative here with Palante he’s your fifth starter and if I if I can get five in a third and five runs out of Palante he’s fine yeah it was fine I mean it was not great wasn’t awful it’s fine yeah exactly that’s what I expect from him you got endings out of him and that’s what you wanted I thought the bullpen was really good now that’s something that stood out you saw Adam coffen Stein and we we thought well when would he get his feet wet and I had mentioned it yesterday sometimes you just throw somebody in there and it’s major league baseball man you’re you’re up and if you’re up and have a uniform then you’re good enough to play in this league and so they threw him right in there and he had a one two three inning and then Ryan helsley now 25 consecutive saves and he’s rolling I mean they get to the back end of him being fresh and he looked fresh last night that that combination of his fast ball and his slider is devastating and he was it looked to me like he was unhitable last night it seems to me like we expect absolute perfection from closers and I’ve always argued that hey their job is to get the 27th out and he’s gotten the 27th out now 25 times in a row he is he’s exactly what you want as a closer yeah and you shorten these games now if you’re the Cardinals you know the one the one thing that uh wasn’t good about last night I guess there is one thing there’s only one black player in the starting lineups yeah mhm that’s a problem for Major League Baseball and it’s been a problem and I guess if you continue to do these kind of things to expose the game to families and kids you know you hope you have a couple of kids that want to play baseball it it’s been a problem though for Major League Baseball and last night you saw one black player and that was Mason win and you just want to see more you want to see more of these kids uh gravitate at least I do I want to see him play see him play more baseball they’re playing a lot of football and basketball and that’s the popular sports for kids but it it begs the question why aren’t more black kids playing the game of baseball and I I guess there’s a a lot of tentacles to that answer but that was the only bad thing I thought I I just want to see more African-Americans playing the game and that event last night that’s why it was just so important because it’s so long overdue to really highlight and honor the Negro Leagues in that way and just to hear all the stories I mean Bill gon that interview with him 99 years old and he was throwing out the first pitch but also the stories that he was telling I think it was very important for people to hear that Reggie Jackson what an emotional interview that he had with the panel talking about how hard it was and emotional was for him to return back to Alabama because of the stories that he had to go through what he had to actually live through of how the fans were not accepting at that time did you see the Reggie Jackson interview yeah it was pretty Raw O boy it was but it was needed to be said that’s the thing it needed to be said and I’m glad that that he did uh because Bob Gibson dealt with the exact same issues and I can’t imagine ticking off Bob Gibson but they did and he was he he was treated like Reggie Jackson was when he was when the C were in spring training in Florida that happened and they it would be the same sort of thing that you can’t eat here well none of us are going to eat here then we we’ll go elsewhere you can’t stay here well then we’ll and the Cardinals actually wound up buying a hotel right is that was that the case yes so that they could keep the whole team in one place by the way to your point Dan about uh black players in 1985 25% of all Major Leaguers were were black now it’s 6% yeah I I think a lot of it has to do with football and basketball agree I mean those kids kids gravitate toward towards those Sports um it is for me I find it staggering when I go by a park and I’m driving by and I see a baseball field and it’s unoccupied I see that all the time I mean when the last time you drove by by a park and just kids are playing pickup baseball you just don’t see it anymore everything is organized isn’t it yeah pretty much and here’s another part of this is the proliferation of Latin players we didn’t have nearly as many Latin players in 1985 as we have in the major leagues now every team has an academy down somewhere in Latin America and that’s where the investment is being made rather than right here in America uh interesting here the 636 says because in basketball and football they can go from college or High School straight to the pros baseball is a bigger commitment they want a quick payout I don’t know if if you’re 5 years old you’re thinking about that mm I don’t think you’re thinking about your payout at that point I I think you’re just trying to have fun and play games but I think there’s also the expense of playing baseball right as opposed to you you get a basketball and you can find a court yeah it’s kind of like the golf thing when people say though cuz you can find used equipment you can find that when in golf they’ll say well I can’t play golf it’s too expensive you can get a set of clubs for under 100 bucks and put it in a kid’s hands there are ways to do it I just I also think the popularity of the sport has dropped and therefore the popularity among your young kids watching the games has dropped too so their interest has dropped and so you play other sports I I mean I mean I grew up playing a lot of baseball I grew up playing a lot of different sports but we were in the backyard playing whiffle ball stickball corkball all the time I mean literally from sun up to sun down and I just when I go by a park now I just never see kids playing baseball unless it’s organized yeah sorry how much do you think that travel baseball has affected that because we know it’s expensive I hear all the stories of and it’s great because then you get to travel around I get all that stuff but and the competitive nature I think is good too but how expensive travel baseball is how much does that affect things it’s got to affect it a lot I would think and travel hockey affects kids playing hockey maybe I mean it’s an expensive sport that is um yeah I would think that’s a big part of it and uh unfortunately a lot of these kids just aren’t playing the game Cardinals win 65 they are now 37 and 37 as they come home to take on the San Francisco Giants for two more tomorrow and Sunday at the Ballpark and as we mentioned the Cardinals 10 games over 500 since Mother’s Day so what the real Cardinals are they the Cardinals the pre-mother’s day Cardinals are they the 37 and 37 or are they the the 23 and 13 what I kind of think 37 and 37 I think that’s kind of what they are I think 500 is is about what they are if they would fool me and be the team that they’ve been since Mother’s Day I would really like that and it is notable to me that for the most part when the Cardinals are winning games now it’s not because of arado engulf I think that they’re a 500 team but right now because of the way that things are set up with the third Wild card being 500 maybe is enough to get you that spot I think it’s wait and see until you get to the trade deadline and also right now I think they’re 500 but if you had a Tommy Edmond a large n Bar does Jordan Walker come up in the second half uh adding contris will be huge do you add a fifth starter or an or a top-end starter that would add to it do you find Bullpen help then you’re a completely different team then I think you’re well above 500 but right now currently constructed probably a 500 team you’re buying time to get through the fifth starter which they did with Palante you know Kyle Gibson has to miss a start things like that you know it’s they’ve had some some kicks here in the gut but uh getting guys healthy is going to help this team out for sure nine game home stand two against the Giants three against to the Braves and then four against the Cincinnati Reds before we get to July which is pretty amazing and then the Cardinals will go out on the road to Pittsburg and Washington before getting back into inter league play the Stanley Cup finals could conclude tonight in Edmonton the Florida Panthers at the Edmonton Oilers Florida leading the series three games to two after leading it three games to nil you know the Oilers started the season 29 and one and then they won 26 of 32 they’ve been down in two other series I I don’t think you can count them out just yet and they’re going to that place will be going bananas tonight I mean we say that a lot and it’s kind of cliche oh that place will be going no this place will be going nuts tonight in Edmonton I’d love to see a game seven I think it’d be fun for the sport I don’t know I feel like the Panthers might close this out it’s probably just because of Matthew kachuck the way that he just really laid things out in that last game it’s hard to really count against the Panthers and what they’re doing because of kachuck and what he’s doing last 30 minutes of that game the other night it was all Florida I don’t know how the Oilers survived but they did and I guess it’s Conor McDavid back-to-back four-point games and he’s taken his game if he could to another level it’s just been I mean I was reading quotes from other players in the league and they’re like we’ve never even seen him play at this level like we didn’t think he could get to another level and he has he’s been unbelievable and he’s been a playoff monster in the past but he hasn’t taken complete control of a series like this even with the second best player in the league Leon drle on his team he’s still clearly the best guy on the ice and it’s all about being able if you’re Florida to contain uh Conor McDavid you can only hope to contain him Dan Patrick over here thank you yes you only hope you can contain them um I don’t know how you do it how do you I mean McDavid when he’s on the ice he’s the best player in the ice he’s the best player in the world and he’s flying around the ice I mean you can try to smother him they they that was the one thing the Panthers did in the first couple of games it was just waves of the lines coming at you and it was like it looked like the Oilers couldn’t catch their breath and now it just seems like the series has turned a little bit they saw some light got some light out of it and you know they have a chance going into game six tonight so we will have it for you here on 101 ESPN pregame at 6:30 the action at just after 7:00 here on 101 ESPN also uh JJ reck according to WJ which means it’s right is the new head coach of the Lakers never coached before he’s been a TV guy I’m interested to see how this works with a team that has LeBron James and Anthony Davis on it don’t you think uh the immediate pressure would be number one to win but number two how to handle the outgoing years of LeBron y I think that’s a a really interesting sidebar to this you know Jason kid did it had success Steve Nash did it did not M it’ll be U interesting to see how he can you know somehow relate to the players which I’m assuming he could he’s not that far removed but then be a Pat Riley type I mean this is kind of the Lakers going back to the Pat Riley Playbook and bringing a guy like this in is it just more of being a personality hire at this point I could see that apparently they’re going to bring in Stan Van Gundy who’s also a personality hire as his number one assistant which would be pretty cool he better be surrounded by experience and I would assume that they’re going to make that mandate that and I’m sure he wants that to be a part of what’s going to happen here guys that he’s played with in the past raan Rondo apparently is going to be on the staff as well by the way Jeff F Gundy was already hired by Tyron Lewis the Clippers top assistant so maybe you’ll have Jeff and Stan together in LA but if it gets off to a bad start and he’s got no experience La Media Market I mean that that’s that’s a tough job but if it gets off to a bad start you can always blame LeBron right oh that will go over well and he you know what he may take some of the blame with this this being his guy really he wanted him to be hired yeah and they talked W talked about the Lakers hiring an elite coaching staff for JJ reic well you’ve already got the one guy under contract right presumably if if LeBron stays he is part of your Elite coaching staff may may I present a conspiracy theory Sure I like those was was the podcast a laying of road by LeBron James getting getting JJ re in him in a room for 2 months to just say here’s me and this guy talking X’s and O’s and clearly having a rapport about just on the court X’s and O’s on the on the board basketball well feel like it might have been a little bit of a a Long play LeBron says he’s not interested in doing that so he doesn’t get involved in coaching searches okay I wonder what David bat’s doing right now how did Tyron Lou end up coaching the Clippers yeah so uh David blad is not going to be part of this Elite coaching staff is what you’re telling me I’m sure I don’t think Mike Brown despite being a very good defensive coach is going to find his way back either you always think that with LeBron I have to whenever he’s involved with somebody and they wind up as the coach or whenever there’s a coach hired I I presume that he was part of the darham hiring and firing it’s like literally two months out he started talking how do you game plan a for a team with this guy it’s weird it is but he’s the king King James well if you’re going to bring him back I’d want him to have a say in my coach yeah wouldn’t you absolutely because if he’s not happy and not productive then your team isn’t going to be happy and productive 100% all right we’re off and running here on this edition of the opening drive on 101 ESPN next up Wilson Contreras presumably returns for the Cardinals tomorrow how should they handle their backup catcher situation moving forward that’s next on 101 ESPN e e e hey kids there’s a lot going on at schnooks and you need to know about what’s going on with schnooks rewards because it’s pretty awesome schnooks rewards I talk to you about it all the time and what they’re doing right now is making schnooks rewards even better they’ve completely refreshed the program to add more personalized touches with new parks for you now you’ll get personalized savings and they’re basically custom deals on the items that you buy most and you’ll get free freshly baked Donuts on your birthday and a free doughnut every day after the Cardinals hit a home run it’s dingers for donuts Cardinals hit a home run at night you go into schnooks the next morning with your schnooks 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catch situation I I don’t know if uh seeing that contrerus when he comes back I don’t know if you just roll him out and say okay every game you’re back in there coming off a broken arm or whatever it was I think you’re going to need a guy that defensively gives you a little Plus Pack there and that would be PES and I think you still can keep Herrera cuz the idea would be then keep three catchers Herrera could be a DH at times PES is truly your backup catcher and then U and then contras is your starter I I guess you keep three maybe not ideal but then for mean would go back down to the minor leagues and that’s you know that’s something I would look forward to if uh if I’m the Cardinals with this whole Wilson cont trayer situation of course you don’t want that injury to happen but it kind of gave you a glimpse possibly into the future of this whole catcher role because we know that Ivon Herrera was supposed to be kind of the air parent that was the whole idea from after y AR Molina but of course you bring in WIS Contreras what happens with wi Wilson contus moving forward because we know that maybe eventually you look at him in a different position but after seeing his absence are do you feel comfortable with that moving forward say that if it’s just PES and Herrera as your catchers I signed him to five years to catch I I think he stays behind the plate and I can understand where people would say well what happens to Goldie then who plays first base and then you know there’s a trickle down effect with all this stuff but pese to me has shown that he’s a major league catcher in terms of how he receives the ball I don’t know if I’d want to watch that every day with him hitting he’s had a good little run here you know I think time will tell with that but contas would be my Catcher And You Got What three more years after this season he’d be my guy and I would think that at least this season and probably next he’ll be your best catcher he’s better defensively than the other two he improved dramatically when he was before he got hurt defensively and we know that he’s going to be the best hitter of the group oh he’s definitely the best hitter of the group and PES is shown that he can hit a little bit but definitely can catch and throw I think that’s the biggest thing is that something I noticed with Herrera he’s been great offensive pretty good offensively what you’re looking for out of him but I think one of his biggest issues is his catching abilities defensively he surrendered I believe 41 stolen bases can’t throw anybody out yeah that’s a big concern that I would have and I don’t know that he’s going to get any better at that that’s the the concern the the impression I get from over there at at Bush Stadium is that he’s really worked hard at it but he just hasn’t gotten any better at it and some people are gifted and some people have that ability and some people just don’t have that ability he doesn’t have a great arm he doesn’t have a great trans ER so you what you see might be what you get from Herrera in terms of throwing people out and so he he might have a future in Major League Baseball and maybe he can get better I don’t know but his future might be as primarily an offensive guy yeah and I think that’s where you have to get creative with the Cardinals in that respect yeah that’s the thing and we already got this text in Herrera is going to be a great trade piece if everyone stays healthy do you look at moving Herrera because I think worst case scenario especially with the c when they’re looking into their future with the catching position is you don’t want two guys that would be two great dh’s and I’m talking about Herrera and contras it’s a good point to 314 unfortunately PES is only batting 120 so although he’s a better at holding Runners on he’s the M odd man out I think Herrera should move to DH well fortunately we’re only talking about the backup and contas by the way was a DH last night and he did catch in his first couple of games back so he’ll be fine not fine but he’ll be you can hide him I a start once a week here or there for p I’m talking about herrer yeah I think so I agree with that and you know what play him against teams that don’t run because some teams just don’t have the athleticism some teams aren’t built to run some teams like to run crazy on a guy like that so yeah you can spot him so that he can be best served because apparently he is pretty good at managing the game behind the plate the the pitchers like throwing to him he apparently has a great relationship with the manager and the the pitching coach so all of those things are in place it’s just a matter of being able to throw guys out who’s quick to the play too that that would be maybe you know sometimes there’s guys that are very familiar with a particular catcher and could be a backup Catcher And they like throwing to that backup catcher that happened in Atlanta with with a few of their their guys but if there’s someone that’s quicker to the plate maybe I might try to team him up with that particular pitcher so would you look at him as a trade piece possibly if you’re the Cardinal but what are you getting back yeah that’s the that’s the big question and it has to be able to help you this season I I believe and again let me point out that I think right now the Cardinals are probably right around the 500 team that being said I think their entire focus should be on 2024 I don’t think they should be thinking about 25 so if you’re looking to I don’t think they’ll sell and if you’re going to try to get a prospect for him wait until the off season keep him around because what happens if conteras goes down again right or PES goes down again you need to have a major league catcher with a little bit of maor League experience and you don’t have anybody down in the minors if you don’t have him around I still think he can improve I I you know I mean at this point it’s been um it’s it’s stuck out like a sore thumb what he’s done defensively but I can’t give up on that bat he can swing the bat talking about Herrera you know I mean that that’s one of the things too is that if he uh if spot him at DH spot him one time a week I think you can get away with that one thing that I do wish with the Y AR Molina because we did get a text about that it would be nice if he would be around to help with the situation with Avon herrer of course I’m not behind closed doors so I’m not completely sure if maybe y or Molina is doing something behind the scenes of working with some of these players but that’s why you need maybe a catching coach or coordinator especially if you had yachty we were so spoiled to have yachty for so many years that when we talk about Avon Herrera and his kind of inability to control the running game it’s because we saw yachi for so long so this team showed up in spring training on Valentine’s Day basically and we have had February to March March to April April to may may to June it’s June 21st we still haven’t seen yachty and I don’t yeah I don’t anticipate that that’s going to be a case this year and if if yachty walks through that door tonight or tomorrow he’s not going to make them automatically better exactly yeah yeah so I I think this is if they’re paying yachty it’s a wasted year yeah I think the the best time to have him at least in my opinion would be that you’d get him in spring training where there’s boots on the ground and there’s a lot of hours to work within the parameters of spring training especially for catchers because they report early it wouldn’t shock me one bit if yachty is on you know Zoom with some of these guys and talking to them I I’d be shocked if he’s not at least talking to them it’s just we haven’t seen him in person I really would be I I think he’s probably done a little bit of that yeah and I just wonder now and it’s fair because he really wasn’t engaged his last last year as a player was completely out last year and now this year you wonder how enthusiastic he is about being around the team it sure doesn’t and I know he they’ve talked about how he’s got personal issues that he’s dealing with out in Puerto Rico but uh it sure doesn’t seem as if since his last year as a player going back to that spring training that he’s really been engaged with the game and well I shouldn’t say with the game with the Cardinals with well with him going down to Puerto Rico too maybe it’s just catching up on family issues and matters it seems like they’ve talked about that and the Cardinals respect that it I just hope that like you said Dan and I’m sure that he is where he has those conversations with those guys behind the scenes because remember Wilson Keras talked about last year how he talked to yachty Via Face Time a lot and helped him through a lot of situations so I hope that’s happening but I agree with you I mean watching yachty you guys saw it over the years yachty during spring training that’s where you really saw that hard work behind the scenes in person and the way that he worked with those catchers that’s something that is really needed I I think asking Ivon Herrera just to improve overnight at the major league level really tough to do especially if you don’t have an organizational catching instructor I just think that it even if that guy was here I’m not sure he improves overnight during no absolutely not but they don’t even have anybody to teach them so that hurts too that’s Dan that’s Brooke I’m Randy it’s the opening drive on 101 ESPN coming up we’re going to head back down to Alabama and Greg aminger who did a great job with MLB Network covering the uh the rickwood game Greg will join us next here on 101 ESPN e e next week we’ve got netw Suite by Oracle incredible business event business grows here it’s Thursday June 27th at the Union Station Hotel downtown St Louis and if you’re a business owner a CEO a CFO an entrepreneur you don’t want to miss it the business grows here event is set up to help you grow your business you can spend the day learning from speakers on stage sharing their wisdom and insights included among those speakers Jamie simonov the founder of ring video doorbell who’s starting a company that’s going to be headquartered right here in St Louis spend the day learning from all of those people and you’ll be able to take notes and meet people that can change the way you look at growing your business apply to attend the business event of the year it’s net sues business grows here and it happens next Thursday it’ll be a day well spent it’s free to attend if you qualify apply today to find out if you do qualify well seats are still available go to online to uh Missouri that’s NE sui t Missouri and enjoy the business event of the Year through Missouri e e e this is Rocky with your sports center update driven by Johnny LOL Chevrolet and Johnny LOL Autoplex the Cardinals yesterday start off their series with a rickwood field game against the Giants and they walk away with a win six to five Andre Palante five in a third Innings pitch seven hits five earned runs three walks five strikeouts and one home run one home run allowed Cardinals will be off today as they travel back to St Louis while they will finish off the three-game series against the Giants with games on Saturday and Sunday also in St Louis this weekend St Louis city faces off against Atlanta they take on Atlanta at 7:30 down at city park on Saturday night that is your sports center update driven by Johnny La Chevrolet and Johnny La Autoplex see them at Chevy together we drive are you kidding me is back from her honeymoon Danny MC Randy character the opening drive on 101 ESPN and Greg aminger and the staff at MLB Network did an amazing job over the last several days a with the passing of Willie Mays and then B with the game at rickwood last night and uh Chris Young and Adam way right were there with Greg and they did a fantastic job as well Greg aminger good morning how you doing sir I doing well Randy I I I really was honored to be part of this historic event and you know what tip the cap to the guys and and and ladies over at Fox Sports I thought they did a tremendous job working with the league to put that tribute to Willie Mays together before the game and that was that was a lot of work a lot of hours of I mean sheer panic because obviously the the date on the calendar was significant by itself honoring the Negro Leagues and all the history of riid field but there was another layer added with the passing of arguably the greatest player of all time so they did a great job and I think everyone celebrated last night just to be part of what was an unforgettable moment in Alabama you are in addition to being a baseball fan you are a baseball romantic I know Adam Wayne right is I don’t know about Chris but I I I want to get your your Goosebump level last night 1 to 10 on the Goosebump meter uh it was a 12 I’m not kidding you look there are things you see um that don’t ever make air and we were having a meeting about our postgame show after we were done with our pregame show and we set it back to the studio in cacus because we had to get off the field so they can get the game ready you know so there was about an hour Studio that we were doing and uh we’re in our talent trailer which you know all about Randy and and we’re we’re with our producers on zoom we’re talking and Chris Young is looking at the ceremony the pregame ceremony that’s taking place and he Sprints out of the meeting like he Sprints out of our meeting as we’re collecting all of our thoughts and game planning for the postgame show he ran and we saw him with all of our cameras we had the back call so a bunch of cameras of fox we had up in our talent trailer we see him run onto the field and he’s got a credential so he could do that he ran onto the field and wanted to be there to watch all of the former Negro League players that were in attendance over a hundred of them walk or be rolled onto the field because they’re such elderly men and he wanted to witness it and then shake their hands as well so to see my colleague who did a great job on the pregame show is talking over the postgame show he stopped what he was doing so he could run onto the field to meet these men that actually played on the oldest baseball field in America 114 years old rickwood field to see what it meant to him and so many of them I mean look we had a moment where I’m not even kidding you we’re live on the air and I of knowwhere Michael Bourne lroy Hawkins Jimmy Rollins Justin Upton Ryan Howard Dexter fer CCE Sabathia they all run up on onto the set and just to see see this joy in Adam Jones this this celebration as Adam said Adam Jones said black Excellence was on display and it was just a wonderful thing to be a part of I will never forget it it was it was a 12 on the scale of 1 to 10 of Goosebumps Greg it was absolutely perfect and great coverage by you guys this week but I wanted to see too is this something that maybe that we could do every single year we were talking about that earlier it seems like it’s just so important and it’s also really important that finally we’re really honoring the Negro Leagues in the way yeah I think Brooke uh what you’re going to see is Major League Baseball kind of collect a handful of domestic venues that matter to the nation and I I I really think there will be another Field of Dreams game down the road who knows when but I wouldn’t be shocked to see five to 10 venues and in 20 years there’s like this domestic tour where people can go ah they’re going to do rickwood in 2029 like I I don’t know you know like we could dream on it and and see it again because when you get a taste of something you would love to experience it again and I thought the atmosphere was incredible uh from all the little details the the the little perch that Joe Davis and John Smoltz did the game from like to see what it looked like in person was was crazy and uh just the the the facility was oozing with history so look would I be shocked if there was another riid game no I would not be do I think it’ll be next year no but I I think Major League Baseball’s on to something here they’ve got a nice little game plan where there these domestic venues that matter to the country are going to be pushed to the Forefront down the line is there one story that uh you heard over the last few days that stood out about Willie Mays for you oh man so many of them that’s a great question um we had Dave Fleming who I know you know Dan one of the great play byplay guys the sport of San Francisco Giants and we had Dave on the pregame show and if you haven’t heard he he was the one that broke the news of Willie’s passing on K&D one of the top radio stations in the country in San Francisco and he couldn’t get it out live on the air he’s up on the set and he goes and I and I I have heard I’ve heard the audio and I said Dave it had to be one of the most emotional moments of your career and he said it was and he feels that he botched it live on our air he said I I actually think I I messed it up my job is is to be a broadcaster and not to be overcome with the I but he said Willie like really was so kind to him cuz he was a young kid when he got that gig as the radio play-by-play guy the Giants and there was one story he shared of Willie wanting him to know that he was welcome to the family so he invited him to his house so here’s a young dayve Fleming going to Willie May’s house and Willie takes him into the garage where apparently this is the first time he’s done this Willie’s got so much like swag people give him so much stuff that they put his name on he’s got like extra ra extras right so Willie is like hey do you play golf and Dave’s like yeah he’s take one of those bags and it’s got Willie May all over it right uh I don’t want to take one of your bag your golf bags he’s like I I got like 14 of those please by all means that’s yours take that to take it to your car right now he’s like wow okay so Willie just wanted everyone that was in the Giants family to know that they were welcome they were loved and he cared about him and for Dave Clemy to say bot it I I had to disagree with him on the air I said look what people want today they want storytellers they want people that actually care and are invested in in the teams and the players they love and for you to react the way you did was human and that’s all we want man we want authenticity in our broadcasters and you did that you were yourself I I I thought that was a wonderful tale as a broadcaster myself what Dave fluming had to experience to break that massive news was uh was really something to listen to Greg the Cardinals with the best record in the National League since Mother’s Day 23 and 13 you had a chance to be around the the ball Club but what did you glean from the Cardinals yeah oi marmal came up on the set I gotta tell you he’s walking around with his chest out that I kind of dig it he’s confident he feels good about his team and the club feels good about themselves they’re getting healthier there are some pieces that aren’t even back yet and they like where they’re at I like where they’re at I I I I still I’m gonna say it once a week every time I’m on the show matter of fact and I saw John mosak and you know we embraced by the way he is I think he can deadlift like 800 pounds now have you seen this guy lately holy smokes moock it looks super more jacked than normal and he he knows that the pitching has actually been uh what they hoped it would be I think this team I’m say once a week is going to win Central I think they have more depth in the organization than the Milwaukee Brewers and the Brewers have hit like Gang Busters to start the year Cardinals have not completely they’re starting to come out of hibernation and I I think team like you said their record since Mother’s Day is reflection how talented they are how they will remain and look should they won more than one game in Miami yeah that’s stunk they lost two of three but they’re both in walk-off fashion I still like where this team’s at and I think they’re going to win the central they believe they’re going to win the Central and Greg to answer your question here we are on June 21st and John mosak has not had a media availability yet this season so no we haven’t you haven’t seen well listen he’s been doing it for a while man and you know he’s he’s got senioritis I mean how much time does he have on what he call the last deal of his career so I look I don’t blame him I he’s rolling up the way he wants to roll up I want to guess when they win the Central Division he’s gonna have a little availability for you guys I would think so I was gonna say maybe he’s be he’s busy with Crossfit and that’s why we haven’t seen him as much Greg but now I’m gonna have to look out for John moso and uh the benching that he’s been doing but I he’s wide he’s wide his back is wide like he’s he looks like if you put pads on him he’d be an outside Lor right now well John MOS like when he has spoken recently it seems like they’re not going to be sellers at the trade deadline if there is something that the Cardinals could add what do you think that they should be adding that’s a I mean I think look Bullpen they’ve been riding their big three hard man kitridge and Romero and helsley I mean at the moment they’re the MV are they not to win all these one- Run games these close nail biters to to to rely on those three for another entire half and expect them to perform at the way they at the level they have I I I think that is just a little bit too lofty uh another legit Bullpen arm is essential for this Cardinal team right now I think everyone wants to point to the rotation every year we have this conversation if you’re like oh man they need another starter they need another starter everyone needs another starter the as Adam way wght said night did a great tape on Andre Palante uh who’s 25 years old and figuring it out and Adam’s been with him since he broke in and now he’s a true competitor on the mound Adam thinks he’s the five he should be the number five starter going forward everyone’s healthy just invest in this kid he loves the funky Herky jerky mechanics over the top of Palante I like Adam way W’s baseball IQ and if he says he’s the perfect fit number five I’m going to agree with him I think it’s a bullpen piece Brooke I think another major weapon out of a bullpen is what the Cardinals will be shopping for hey Greg the Dodgers lose Yamamoto and Bets in the space of 24 hours should there be any concern on the part of Dodger fans absolutely the Dodger fans and more importantly the ownership group of Los Angeles Dodgers the amount of money invested in this product they were expecting I mean they still are and they still could win H they they literally could but Walker ber going back to the ilil hip injury this is not playing out the way we expected it’s just it’s not and look a freak injury to mukie bets heartbreaking what he’s doing going from The Outfield a short stop and after the age of 30 you’ll never see that again ever see that again it’s too bad and I I wanted to see this team you know battle the Philadelphia philes for the best record in the National League but it it seems to me with this injury and to expect Muki Betts to come back and be as great as he was he’s proven everyone wrong before I I just think it’s clear that the Philadelphia Phillies are are two cuts above everyone else in the National League they are the best team in the NL and it’ll be an upset if anyone other than the Phillies go to the World Series just because the the injuries the lack of depth now of the Los Angeles Dodgers you can sell me on Clayton Kershaw and whoever else is coming back off the iil we haven’t seen what they look like yet and we see everything Philadelphia philes have they don’t have a weakness at the moment and I just don’t think there’s any NL Te You can compare to what is playing home games in czon Bank Park right now Greg aminger you guys were awesome at rickwood thanks for your great work thanks for joining us this morning we appreciate it safe travels and have a great weekend all right we’ll do it again next week take care guys all brother thanks take care that’s Greg aminger product of the Lindenwood University native of St Louis Cardinal fan and uh lead anchor for MLB Network and he and Chris Young and Adam Wayne W were terrific as was as he mentioned Fox last night with The rickwood Telecast they really were I mean that was such a great broadcast by so many people and what they’re able to do I’m sorry I’m still tickled over here by the fact of John moso is ripped I guess I did not know that I didn’t either I didn’t either I don’t know what else you say I didn’t know I didn’t I was not expecting that that’s great not yeah I wonder if he’s like got the vshape going you think the vshape I don’t know what to say to that either I’m not sure remember when tiger when tiger was at his best you know I don’t know if he any had any helpers or not but his like from the waist up he was shaped like a V had like a 32in waist and then big broad shoulders could he hit it yeah he could hit it but as far as Mo goes I don’t know I can’t really comment on that no comments coming up we got take it or leave a text in your toi to 314 399 9646 314 399 Yoo Yoo there’s D weekend edition a weekend edition of Yoho with tioli coming your way next on 101 ESPN e e e e e e want to say something put it out there if you like it you can take it if you don’t set it right back get your text into 314 399 9646 and give us your take it or leave it brought to you by Gloria l realy visit Gloria hasthe and start packing that’s my final author take it or leave [Music] it time for toi here on 101 ESPN Dan Brook Matthew and Randy and kids this morning on unsportsman like I I might be doing some ESPN Radio on on ESPN Radio crime here but Dan Graziano was on the unsportsman like show ESPN on ESPN crime yeah might might be I don’t know but Dan graan was trying to compare Jordan love and Trevor Lawrence and Dan graciano said Jordan love has won two playoff games and Trevor Lawrence has won only one take it or leave it you didn’t realize that Urban Meyer was as good of a coach in the NFL as Matt leflour is yeah uh that that would have been a little rough start for old Trevor Lawrence wouldn’t have been that was his first coach coming out of college yeah that makes some sense maybe as to why you weren’t as good early on yeah why you haven’t won as many playoff games as Jordan love is that where I’m going with this yes I yeah you H you nailed it so you’re taking it okay I didn’t hear it but now I’m getting the the gist of this I got it it’s unbelievable yeah and just to say CU you won I mean there’s a lot of factors as to why you win playoff games who you’re playing is part of it you’re throwing to who you’re throw yep your personnel and the package that you’re given by the head coach and offensive coordinator how about this your organization Packers versus Jaguars let’s take the last 10 years for the Packers versus the Jaguars I’ll take the pack yeah too I think so yeah come on Dan sorry little ESPN on ESPN CME feel like I just got yelled at for making all the right points so I’m still a little hyper fixated on this news that Greg aminger just dropped take it or leave John moock joined a CrossFit gym or take a or leave it he joined mentality go you got to go mentality right they’re a great sponsor of 101 ESPN they are and yeah he’s a that’s well done Brooke to tie that into a sponsor of ESPN that is smart smart radio powering through workouts yeah no doubt what’s wrong with you guys Greg Greg is so funny I I always enjoy and look forward to our interviews with him because he will just just drop random tidbits like that by the way if you down in spring training I’m sure you guys saw this if when we got there early to do the uh Morning Show one year I guess multiple years we would record in the morning or just do the morning show but especially like when maeni was manager Mo and meeni would work out hard in the morning yeah MO is a workout Warrior no they they do literally they they’re working out all the time now you did say what was the text from John’s Fitzgerald about getting ripped yeah take it or leave it ridiculous that you guys didn’t know that John mosac was ripped he gets ripped every day on the air ripped on the text line ripped on ripped on the YouTube chat of course he’s ripped it’s true I mean he get ripped everywhere um take it or leave it the Cardinals should continue to push to be on MLB’s Signature Events take it oh yeah take it I think it’s great I I know some fans say well why’ they go to London I I wanted to see him at home why he giving up a home game to go play in rickwood these are great games to be a part of and you want to make yourself a bigger brand and the Cardinals are a massive brand anyway but they’re try to be even bger get more Global um I think it’s a smart thing to do from an organizational standpoint would you say Cardinals Yankees Dodgers maybe Cubs I guess and Braves probably the top five brands in baseball you nailed them oh yeah I think you nailed them yeah if you’re going well if you’re going up north it’d be the Blue Jays right they own Canada it’s amazing exactly it’s it’s unbelievable how widespread that is um but yeah those are the five teams that come to mind for sure and by the way the reason that the Blue Jays are Dan Schulman does a national game every day in Canada the Blue Jays are on Rogers sportset and so when the Blue Jays go to Seattle they’ve always sold out tons of blue jays fans go to the games because they’re up in Vancouver and they’ve always sold out there I didn’t realize that until a couple of years ago but one of the reasons Dan Schulman took that job is because he’ll be able to do the Blue Jays in the world series on TV it’s awesome um the other part is is that the Atlanta Braves had the super station so became such a brand in the South but then Nationwide you’d be able to watch them at night and then in the day you had WGN with the Cubs so you able to watch those Day games and with the Cardinals it was KMOX and then of course with the Yankees and Dodgers the New York Roots yep so when I was in Arkansas that’s how it was is it was split between the Cardinals and cubs because of the radio broadcast just fans you know their parents grandparents listening and then they become fans of those teams it just continued and we we covered a lot of the Cardinals down in Arkansas one of the craziest and I don’t know if I’ve told this on the air before I think I have uh and I don’t know Dan if you did you ever meet Bill Clinton I did yeah I have a ball sign by him I met him personally down at the in the bows of sha Stadium okay he came to our Ballpark and I I don’t know if he was a candidate at the time or if he’d been elected president but Jack Buck introduces me to him and he says oh I hear you after after every game he listens he used to his brother is a massive Cardinals Fan massive Cardinal fan yeah down in Arkansas they would listen and listen to the post game show crazy it’s amazing all right Matthew what do you got for us take it or leave it leaving the leaving the kids with Dad for the weekend is kind of like bringing in a position player to pitch you don’t expect a win you just hope everyone has fun and no one gets hurt it so good totally take it that’s 100% right but you know what those kids are going to have food that they like oh yeah a lot of ice cream a lot of cookies cakes McDonald but then you have to deal with McDonald’s with the repercussions of that there’s a thing going viral right now where somebody was like mad at their babysitter like let their kid like Gorge out on like a a candy essentially and someone’s like and then like that babysit will never get near my kid again everyone’s like um my parents reaction would have been like are they injured anywhere cool here’s 20 bucks see you again next week hey I I would suggest that the parents that are complaining about that Google Todd marinovich Todd marinovich Todd marinovich the robo QB that wound up going to USC yeah and his father and he I think had stated when he was 18 years old going to play USC that he had never had McDonald’s cheeseburger right oh my gosh then he got to LA and he was alone and found out about McDonald’s that’s what I think and other things I was say from the parenting side wouldn’t you guys say that if you’re trying to from kids if you say you can’t have this they’re going to want it more Bingo exactly yeah yeah so and yeah he found he found the wacky weed too he found the devil’s lettuce uhoh yeah you know all the nicknames for that stuff Randy do you want to do the full rundown of them no not right now Todd movich knows them all too or knew them all and then after Todd uh uh Marv marinovich his dad divorced his mom married a 511 or six foot tall ballerina to breed another quarterback his name was M he actually wound up playing college football never played in the NFL but his his father found a mate so that they could make a football player yep that’s weird okay uh take it or leave it there’s a lot there take it or leave it you’ve gone from worrying about the Cardinals this year to worrying about the Cardinals in a few years because where’s the depth in the minor league system I’m old and so I don’t worry about a few years I don’t either worry about now I even as a sports fan I just worry about now yeah I kind of take that though I think that’s that’s I think it’s a fair think it’s a fair worry if you’re a Cardinal fan so you’ve got a 22-year old shortstop you’ve got a 22-year-old superstar outfielder that’s going to come back you’ve got a 27-year-old second baseman you’ve got a 23-year-old DH second baseman I mean what’s the you’ve got Chase Davis you got all these pitchers down at the minor league level the problem that you have with the system is that the system is here Chase Davis hitting over the last month has been a big boost overall to the kind of like when when you view the system cuz when he was he when he was hitting like 125 through May it was like okay that’s not not great but he he has R over June I would say though the fun part about baseball is you talk more about the prospects in baseball than any other Sport and that’s what makes it fun but I’m with you though Randy I if I have to give up prospects to win now I’m winning now me too right now cuz you don’t know when you’re going to get that chance again and especially if you’re in the C situation because Goldie arado getting they not getting any younger no and this storied franchise has not been to a World Series in 11 years which for a lot of franchises that’s not a big deal for this franchise it is take it or leave it Dave Duncan should be in the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame for his playing career coaching career and noting rji Jackson’s comments from last night just being a quality human being take yeah that was a great great Point are we going to play that yes we we should play that at some point what Reggie had to say it was it was inred I mean I was riveted watching U him speak about that and just so raw in the emotions of what he had to say uh Dave Duncan by the way in covering baseball was one of my favorites to be around because number one he is and you can tell by his offspring just a quality human being but uh he was is a great teacher of the game not only for his pitchers and his players but he taught me a lot I I learned a lot from him oh I did too and I was around it all the time and he only came up to me one time and was kind of frustrated on something I said about Chris and it wasn’t anything that was bad I mean he missed a ball or something like that and he was struggling he said just understand he said Chris is putting in all the work and I said I do understand that he said he’s trying his best I said I got you I I said I’m not trying to embarrass him in any kind of way and and Chris chimed up he said I’m just embarrassing myself you know cuz I I then went to Chris and talked to him about he goes oh don’t worry about it he goes I embarrassed myself every night out there he turned it into a great bit I said I’m not trying to embarrass you I just had to point out that you dropped a Fly ball you know and he said to me Chris told me he said every flyball he was absolutely scared to death he said I’m just going to be honest I’m scared to death with a routine flyball one of the great bits ever on this station was drop a couple of balls in the world series and all of a sudden you become a liability right right literally Chris Pratt’s character and Money Ball what what what’s your fear a ball being hit in my general direction the oh well the best was Guerrero though with L sorta right so uh this is a great story Guerero was a a bad a bad Third Base when he wanted to play in the Outfield playing first base here but he was playing third base for Tommy lorta and uh Tommy it was in a team meeting right and Tommy says to him Pete what are you thinking when the batter’s at the plate he’s saying don’t the ball to me and at that time Steve saaks was having a really bad time throwing he said well what else are you think and he says donate the ball sa exactly I think my favorite part of the Jack Clark home run oh was him was him throwing down his glove like a little leager in left field it’s like one of my favorite things to watch he he was like a little leager he was so funny RIS Chapman did that the other night did you see that and then it got caught didn’t it yes yeah it was one of the ones that died died at the warning track which is hilarious routine Fly ball out to deep left Center he’s throwing his glove down like he’s 5 years old and why he had said by the way before that series started he said Tommy and I are going to set a record for most intentional walks in the playoff series and Guerrero didn’t see a pitch during that series and then with a base open and Andy van slake on Deck lorta decides to pitch to Jack incredible it’s one of the one of the things I wonder about like what are you thinking in that spot and then one year on Memorial Day the Dodgers are in town and rajie cober and I are doing an open line at K Lort was listening lorta and Charlie jeta were driving around town so lorta calls in and says he thought we didn’t know what we were talking about he says who was on Deck van slake well what would you have done pitch to Van s or Clark I said I pitch to Van s right you don’t pitch to Jack Clark then so it was fun uh that is uh T thank you very much Matthew thank you coming up here on 101 ESPN we’ve got our fresh take how did MLB do with the rickwood game that’s coming your way here on 101 ESPN e e e e e e e a fresh perspective on today’s top stories this is fresh T presented by lyndenwood University real experience real [Music] success now batting number 24 center fielder Willie Mays tonight in Birmingham a baseball story returns to where it all began with a Say Hey Kid first fell in love with the game Home Birmingham I’ve been telling you all that if there’s any way on Earth my father could come down here that he would well he’s found another way so you already stand to your feet let him hear you he’s listening make all the noise you can really May son last night and the voice of John Miller at the rickwood game that MLB be staged for America on Fox Dan before we move on here can you give us a little John Miller and at number 24 so good and the great Willie ma thank you very much nobody does a better job Miller than Danny ma thank you chip or is your name Tim or Steve whatever he did that to I was up at just to Sidetrack he said uh one time I was up in the booth and he said hey Dan how you doing I said oh great to see you Mr Miller great to be with you and uh how are how are you doing how’s your day how’s your road trip all that stuff great I said uh this is my my partner Brad oh Tim great to see you again just kept going on and Brad of course just kept moving right along with it okay so well we’re done he be a little you know Ecentric so while we have this rabbit hole and he’s awesome Jim John John is one of the greatest people uh the Jimmy the cat Hay story about dinner last night oh so we were he says he comes in and he says you know where’d you guys go to dinner we said oh we went to this place it was like the number one restaurant in in town he’s like oh that place is incredible and he goes to Jim hayes he said uh Jim what did what did you have for dinner he said U why I had Chinese Chinese you’re telling me you’re in this great city of San Francisco and you go have Chinese these guys went went to whatever Barbados and you had Chinese you could have had a seat at one of the great places here in San Francisco and believe me I love Chinese but you could have been at Barbados with Tim and Dan and then he just kept moving him back into a corner and just I mean you could have gone here you could have gone there you he just kept going down the list of all the restaurants he could have gone to John Miller is the absolute best fantastic so funny a couple of big highlights last night Bill gon the oldest living Hall of Famer was throwing out the first pitch and had a chance to be interviewed on Fox once you make up your mind and you see what’s going on know you can’t change it so you adapt to it and make the best of it and that’s what we did we we didn’t worry too much about segregation because when we get to the ballp park we put that uniform on go out and play Come Back change go and that’s the way it was with us we didn’t allow segregation to stop us from playing from uh using our talents and gifts for what we were there for and it was a tremendous blessing to have a gift from God that enable you to be recognized as such you were the first black pitcher for the St Louis Cardinals what does it mean to you to be here tonight seeing the Cardinals play on this field oh it’s it’s a tremendous blessing and uh to be here to see this team play it’s good because it was not like that when I went to the C Ed stank it was the manager and it uh it hadn’t developed yet playing together and being together but uh that’s the way it was with us in I was taught from a young age to know who you are not worry about other people if you can help them just remember who you are and try to do the best you could I had somebody I had to represent that was my mother Bill gon uh the the oldest living Negro League Baseball player and uh 1954 was the year the Cardinals had their first ever uh black player that was Tom Alon and not a lot has been made of that you know he he kind of had a an up and down ride with the St Louis Cardinals and I wish it was more made of that that he was the first black black player for the St Louis Cardinal and going back to Bill gon he’s a reverend too he was a reverend at one point and he’s the oldest living Negro League player served in World War II grew up across the street from Marthur Martin Luther King Jr I mean you talk about a guy that’s got uh you know some history there man it was it was awesome to hear it it was such a great interview and I just couldn’t help but think last night how lucky are we that we are still able to hear story straight from him at 99 years old and he’s still so sharp it was such a touching moment I didn’t know the full kind of pregame activities and what they were going to do and I was surprised to see that where you have Willie McGee helping him out onto the field for the first pitch and that was just such a touching moment and for That interview such a great interview to be able to hear stories from him what they went through regie and I know that we’re going to play that interview as well it’s so important for people to hear these stories and they really just nailed every single aspect of that game I thought the Vintage uniforms are great when fox went back to 1954 on the broadcast in black and white and just the certain CA camera angles that they had I thought the other part that was great that we haven’t even touched upon yet and talked about was BoB Kendrick and BoB Kendrick when he comes on uh from the Negro Leagues baseball Museum which I always say this if you go to Kansas City and watch the Cardinals and the Royals play make a stop there you’re going to learn about history it’s it’s wonderful Yeah couple of quick points number one Tom Alon when uh Gussy Bush bought the team in 1953 bought the Cardinals he was appalled that the Cardinals didn’t have any black players and made it a point by 1954 to have a black player in uniform and we had the chance as young broadcasters and one of the the great good fortunes of my life was to get to know Bob brg very well who who watched Babe Ruth play and Bob brg was good friends with cool Papa Bell and he told me that those guys were every bit as good as the major league players that were playing in the Negro Leagues and Stan and red made a point to include black players which was something that is should be noted and and pointed out with this and uh I’m with you about last night though just a celebration of the sport but also I think a chance to learn and I think you know I I say this all the time you know some of us probably know what happened back then and read about it and talk to some people about it but for our young fans and the kids that have know idea that this stuff happened for them to be educated and watch that last night you don’t think there was some little girl or little boy watching that going now why are they doing this that is why you do this in my opinion so that you have an understanding to teach kids about what the country used to be like and we’re going to play the Reggie Jackson interview at 9:00 in the rush hour reset but if you aren’t as aware of what was going on during this time 40s 50s uh 60s in baseball 70s Hank Aron book was called I Had a Hammer if you get a chance to read I Had a Hammer he prints some of the letters that he received in that book and it is uh jaw-dropping how awful he was treated and he was just one example of one black player that was treated so poorly but it the book is really worthwhile because he he intimated a lot of the same things that bill gson did that I didn’t worry about it I just went out and did my job and Bob Gibson did the same thing I think Dan you brought up a great Point earlier about why it’s so important for the Cardinals to be in big events like this especially historic events because you’re able to learn about some of the Pioneers the players that came through the organization like Bill grion like Kurt flood like Bob Gibson and what they were able to do not only for the Cardinals organization but the way that they changed baseball in general yeah I I just think it’s more even about learning about our country and baseball is a part of it segregation the fact that these black players were not allowed to play Major League Baseball and it’s then you learn about the bigger picture picture of what was going on with our country and I just think that’s so important I really do that’s Dan that’s Brooke and that is today’s fresh take here on 101 ESPN coming up our buddy Jay deling joins us to talk some golf and I’m sure he’s got a little bit to weigh in on from last night as well here on 101 ESPN e e he want you to know about 2060 digital in this fast-paced world of digital Market making connections with your audience and potential customers can be a difficult task but what if there was a place where connections aren’t just made but they’re nurtured for growth enter 2060 digital it’s a sister company of 101 ESPN backed by a 100-year old media Empire and if you are a business owner or marketer and you want 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guys good how did you like the rickwood game last night oh man I thought that from every level it was just so well done I mean especially from the point of the uniforms and and getting to hear as Brooke noted you know interviews and it it it was um I it I got to be honest it touched me way more than I thought it would I I thought it was a great idea they they Fox did a fantastic job but it it was it was really really cool and and it hit me much harder than I thought it would it was such a great event Jay you’re right and just all the storytelling was amazing now I want to get into of course some golf here how do you feel about Team USA with the Olympics oh man to be honest Brooke I’d love to see you know Bryson dambo on it I can’t get enough of him I’d like to see him on any sort of thing um uh USA related I thought um with him wi to US Open the way he won the US Open he completely revamped His image with the the fans with he he’s he’s very much a showman and I think he just kind of got off to such a a weird start with his career and all the crazy um you know gaining weight the thing that that that I I laugh about the most about Bryson because he’s a really smart kid I mean he’s a really really smart guy but what didn’t dawn on him you guys is when he was eating like four steaks a day and ate you know these protein shakes and doing all this stuff he didn’t think about his overall health and then all of a sudden it Dawn on he was like o this is not g to be great from you know maybe when I get over 40 and so you know he kind of pulled it back and it’s it’s great to see him win it was crushing for Rory but it it it was it was great golf as it relates to last night Jay and I’m not sure if you felt like this in watching a baseball game but in terms of golf and I knew we were going to have you on this morning and I was just thinking about like Lee Elder uh Charlie cfer you know some of the first ever black golfers that broke through um do you have any kind of insight on that and and just some of the guys that you played with and some of the things that they went through yeah 100% I mean when when I first got on the PGA tour 1984 when I got my card I was on the Michelob staff and Lee Elder was part of that staff so we got to do a lot of things together and um Lee was really really interesting guy I mean he had seen it all I think he was the first African-American player to play in the Masters um and he um we we would sit down and have a Michelob or two and he would tell stories and and he went the the golfers went through a lot I mean you can imagine with with some of these ly white country clubs around the country and and segregation excuse me it was it was a really really big Challenge and um oddly enough guys we went through a lull on the PGA tour kind of in the when when tiger came out there really weren’t there were really more African-American players on the tour prior to that and what Tiger’s done we went through a couple of different periods on the on the PJ tour this is going to sound crazy but when John Daly got popular and BR John Dy brought a Jack Daniels type crowd out to the golf tournament so what I mean by that is we would see you know so many more um uh just more Blue Collar people going to the golf course following John getting rowdy it just brought a different element to to golf in that sense and then when now the Tiger’s done what he’s done you know Tiger’s made it cool and tiger considers himself multi-racial with his dad being African-American and his mom is from Taiwan and so all of those doors somehow guys have to be open it just it doesn’t make any sense one of the things that drives me crazy it’s a little off the race um uh conversation but they talk about golf being for rich kids and that just it it just pisses me off really because it’s not the case and if that was the case you know I would have never been able to play you can get a set of clubs for your kids for under 100 bucks and they can go down to a mun Golf Course and and play all day for the price to go into a movie so that argument just doesn’t doesn’t fly but to to watch what happened at rickwood I thought everybody did such a great a great job just chronicling it and and some of the conversations were great and it did make me think about Golf and Danny when we had I don’t know if you recall but we had Lee Travino on the show and I said to him you know did you suffer through some of you know some of this racial stuff and he said I really didn’t and he his comment was I felt like Lee and Charlie and those guys pretty much put that to bed for for we golfers to follow and that was not that far um after Lee and Charlie you know so we’re talking about maybe a 10 or 12E span so it was interesting to me yeah hey Jay I don’t know if you put this in I I know you have but I don’t know if you have since last weekend but when you see what happened to Rory I have even a greater appreciation for Tiger Woods winning 15 Majors do you what what tiger did was when you think about what Rory has done with the back-to-back Runners up at at the US Open and his inability to win a major after winning so many early on what tiger did between 1997 and 2008 was just unbelievable as it turns out yeah 100% Randy and it just it what really kills me as I start thinking about what would have happened if tiger could have managed his life better off the course if 2009 and Thanksgiving doesn’t happen we’re talking about a guy who potentially could have 30 majors and 150 tour wins I that’s not out of the question that year in 2009 he won 10 times and in 2010 the US Open was going to be back at Pebble Beach where he routed the field the last time it was played there and the British Open was going to be at St Andrews where he had also won already and I promise you as he was looking forward to 2010 before the whole debacle is that he’s thinking I’m GNA I’m going to knock at least two more Majors off at least two are you worried about not worried about but tigers or Rory’s 35 now and once you get past 35 it’s hard to win Majors he’s certainly not going to do what I think I expected him to do but do you think now with what’s happened are are you worried about him winning another major I am I think I think these you know what what happened to him gosh it’s it’s almost been 15 years ago but what he did at Augusta with a four shot lead on Sunday and then a one shot lead going to the back n and wind up finishing 15th for the for the for the championship that year are big time scars Randy and what happened on Sunday it’s that’s a that’s that’s just as bad and I don’t know how you bury that and the Indi and I did some research actually Danny you did the research and talked about how difficult it is for anybody to win major championship after the the age of 31 I think Arnold Palmer never won after 31 I think Tom Watson I think won at 33 um Ernie elves never did there’s a long long list of guys that never won another major championship after the the the age of 35 and so he’s got history up against him as well it it was brutal to You Know Jack Nicholas said at the memorial on air that he thought Rory could win more if he could button up some of his concentration and not go through these lapses and I got to tell you guys him missing a 30-inch putt on on the 16th old with relatively no break now listen they’re all tough but the way he’d been putting it it it what Jack said I think was spot on I don’t think Rory I think it was more more mental that he just had some sort of breakdown and then to to to to have the on 18 you guys that put on 18 is about as difficult as you can get even though it was only what 3′ n in long that ball breaks at least a c I got a kick out of smiley caufman who said he got behind it and said it’s not outside the hole and I’m like in what Universe you know that putt broke so much as soon as Rory hit it it was moving to the right so it was they did him a little disservice with with saying it was you know inside left because when when a put’s inside the hole you can pretty much hit it hard and kind of take some of the guess work out of it Rory had to put that thing at least a cup left in the Hole uh who do you guys have on the show on Sunday we’ve got Steve welding who was um um wedling sorry he is a uhy um director here in town and does a ton of stuff for junior golf and um we had on Monday the catty scota College um event at Norwood and it was about the Evan scholarship Randy where there’s you guys there’s all of these scholarships for boys and girls if you caddy you can get your college paid for and so we Steve was um hosting at uh at Norwood we did that we also have Jerome Harris on he’s a founder of urban golf STL which is a uh inner city program where he’s got Danny what did he say 250 or 300 uh City kidss doing uh golf camps this yeah it was over 300 he told us yeah it was just it was just fantastic and then we have Adam Betts who is just the greatest who has family golf and learning center down in Kirkwood and Adam is a great supporter of the show and golf and so we got those three guys on this week good and by the way I don’t know if you guys heard this Scotty Sheffer shows up at The Travelers and he’s a huge Dallas sports fan and The Travelers is in Connecticut in New England and somebody comes up and asks Scotty to sign a Boston Celtics hat he said no I’m I’m not signning a Boston Celtics hat so good for him when I saw that I I I actually thought it was going to be some sort of picture of him you know from the from the PGA in handcuffs or something and I would be curious to see if he’d sign that as well but no no no Boston gear no way all right Jay have a great weekend thanks for your time we appreciate it you guys too thanks so much it’s our buddy Jay Delon here on the opening drive on 101 ESPN can I have a proud dad moment and a little brag moment here uh my daughter yesterday at a two-day event she is 17 won the St Louis Jr Invitational for all the girls here in St Louis so she won the event Jay helps her by the way I should mention Jay as her coach so that that doesn’t hurt either you know she’s got like Jay on speed I said do do you realize that he is a 30-year PGA Tour player and you got him on speed di yeah but it’s just Jay I mean it’s just it’s not Mr delsing it’s not it’s just well Jay can get out there and help me I said okay well just give Jay a call I guess that’s awesome yeah so she won that I’m very proud of her congratulations proud thank absolutely coming up next we’ve got the fight here on 101 ESPN Matthew do we need a fighter on this Friday yeah we need a fight her on this Friday you won you won I think in uh I think it was the extra extra time uh yesterday the uh the bonus question I’m blanking I’m blanking on with the actual terminologies right now no I beat up the kids yesterday oh oh that’s what it was yeah you beat up kids that was mean very proud of it too kind of peacock a little bit afterwards uh oh Dan the machines turn it off we need to go to break it’s 8:33 oh no Randy no so just text in and maybe Matthew will pick you to fight me next time 101 ESPN e 94 in St Louis today 96 tomorrow it’ll be 96 on Monday too so the heat is here and if you haven’t had your air conditioner check out by Hoffman Brothers yet you need to call Hoffman Brothers or text them at 314 664311 to set up your appointment or you can hop online at Hoffman it’s an independent American standard heating and air conditioning dealer and their friendly and knowledgeable texts are going to come out and make sure that your air conditioner is good to go for the summer months because there’s nothing worse than having your air conditioner go out in St Louis during the summer months right so make sure that you get that all taken care of and they will make sure that you are cool and comfortable for the summer that’s what they’re all about at Hoffman Brothers is making sure that your family is 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five strikeouts and a home run allowed Cardinals again back in Action this weekend also in action this weekend in St Louis at city park St Louis city is back in Action again Saturday night 7:30 start facing off against Atlanta FC that is your sports center update brought to you by salga Heating and Cooling an independent American standard heating and air conditioning dealer welcome back to the opening drive Brook Dan and Rocko here and it is time for the fight and our fighter today is Brett Brett how are you doing I’m good and you oh I’m I’m doing great I could hear you when Rio called I could hear you I could hear the excitement and now I’m hearing the excitement once again you’re ready to face Randy this Fray for this Friday huh yeah I got my son with me I being a what’s his name his name is Elliot hi Elliot hi hi all right brenon Elliott are you ready to face Randy in the fight yeah yeah yeah okay we’ll get started with question number one last night the Cardinals wore jerseys commemorating the St Louis Stars prior to being called the Stars the team shared the same name as which national league club is it the Reds the Giants or the robins let’s go to Robins following his 14 loss campaign in 2007 the Cardinals traded Anthony Reyes at the 2008 deadline to which American League team was it the minute Minnesota Twins the Texas Rangers or the Cleveland Indians let’s go the twins all right final answer there Brett and Elliot yes okay good job here’s question three the only home runs that P holes hit across the 2011 World Series were his three in game three who was the other Cardinal hitter who homered three times in that series is it Lance burkman David freeze or Alan Craig what year was this 2011 let’s go burkeman okay and who was the only Cardinals pitcher to win a game in both the 1985 and 1987 World Series was it John tutor Bob forsche or Danny Cox uh B for okay tell Elliot to give Brad a little trouble how do you guys feel you trouble tonight yeah he’s going to have to give you a little trouble it’s going to be tough let’s see how Randy does uh in the fight I actually Dan I actually used to coach your son in soccer is that right which one Luke well thanks for coaching him he had the uh he had an amazing goal he scored from almost half field during a game last second hit off the crossbar hit off the goalie back and went in I remember that goal the game well thanks for being his coach I appreciate it he better have been respectful to you oh he was all right good well thank you coach Brett you have a guy that uh Randy first of all say good morning to Brett good morning coach Brett how you doing so he Co I’m good and you great thanks we have found out he has coach my son he’s excited to face you in the fight right and his son Elliot is with him helping in this competition good morning Brett and Elliot all right good morning good morning Elliot awesome you ready for question number one Randy I’m ready last night the Cardinals wore jerseys commemorating the St Louis Stars prior to being called the Stars the team shared the same name as which national league club I believe they were the Giants if I’m not mistaken I’ll go with the Giants gigantes following his 14 lost camp campaign in 2007 the Cardinals traded Anthony Reyes at the 2008 deadline to which American League team Anthony Reus at the 2008 deadline it just feels white socky who did we get in ‘ 08 um Dan I I think I’m going to go with the white socks just because it’s top of mine for it just popped into my head white socks but I have no no idea who we would have gotten in that trade but I’ll say white socks you know why I bet you went white socks you’re thinking of the uh game in 07 in which he had a one hitter maybe until Jim to hit that home run down the right field line I when Anthony Rey’s name pops up I think white socks all right white socks it is okay we’ll do it all right ready for three the only home runs that P holes hit across the 2011 World Series were his three in game three who was the other Cardinal hitter who homered three times in that Series 2011 World Series who hit three home runs I am going to uh utilize the name did Alan Craig hit three he may have uh holiday got hurt in 2011 so he didn’t even play gamees S I don’t think Matt was that hot it wasn’t Yan I don’t think burkeman hit three uh I I’m I uh well 2011 he hit three did freeze hit three he was a World Series MVP uh I I guess I I I’ll go with the I’ll go with David free oh it’s my turn yeah sorry Rand you’re supposed to say come on Daniel let’s go Daniel let’s let’s go all right question four you ready ready all right who is the only Cardinals pitcher to win a game in both the 1985 and 1987 World Series well let’s see uh John tutor was with both teams uh Danny Cox was with both team I’ll do the lifeline here just in case well you got two of them John tutor Bob forsche or Danny Cox uh let’s see fore we would have won at home so let me uh tutor would have pitched on the road exclusively you know I’m going to go with fory cuz I’m thinking in 1987 we won three games and they were all here uh and Danny have pitched in relief Danny could have no I’m going to uh this this should be a lot easier than it is uh I think I’ll I’ll go with Danny Final Answer final answer all right Matthew do your thing please this is a very very close fight but we do have an outright winner no need for the tiebreaker today does Randy carer for the second day in a row Vanquish a a fighter with their child playing Randy or word choice or do we finally get some justice for the childr of St Louis with a victory here for Brett and Elliot ring that Bell the winner and still champion of the fight Randy carer the fight is presented by Golf Discount of St Louis with the most experienced Club fitters in town why shop anywhere else and oh no he’s going to unload the children of St Louis just rattled right now just taking L’s and we’re it’s summer vacation too so they can hear this Randy I’m sorry BR Elliot I’m sorry Bron Elliot you fell today in Randy carer it was very well done I mean it was very very tough fight today Randy carer only beat you by one he beat you one well I beat Randy last I hit a jack last time I played him a few years ago go keep keep rolling with that one let’s go through the questions and answers this was a tricky one today last night the Cardinals wore jerseys commemorating the St Louis Stars prior to being called the Stars they were in fact called the St Louis Giants good job Randy that was the one we got correct today following the 14 loss campaign in 2007 the Cardinals traded Anthony Reyes at the deadline to the Cleveland Indians only home runs that pools hit across the 2011 World Series were his three ingame three the other Cardinal who homered three times in that series was in fact Alan Craig and the only Cardinals pitcher to win a game in both the 1985 and 1987 World Series was John tutor Randy he won two in 1985 and then him Danny Cox and Bob forsche each won a game against the twins so we have three of the four pitchers who won games in those two World Series for the Cardinals who won the other game in 1985 just tutor one two of them uh 1985 tutor one two and uh Danny did not win uh he because he lost game six uh did w win win Ken Daly oh okay Ken Dy got the other win so those four the four wins for the Cardinals the the pitchers were John tutor Bob Forest Danny Cox and then Ken Dy so a one win for Randy carer in the fight today Brett and Elliot thank you so much for joining the fight and thank you so much for joining the show thank you guys have a great weekend bye Elliot and BR overthought I I I knew alen Craig I should have just stuck with that 408 says that a boy Randy no participation trophies allowed Dan I was worried about which one you’re going to read there I know there’s a couple others there’s there’s a couple others that we can’t oh we can’t no Randy Randy we we have to get to Jeremy Rutherford okay let’s do he’s coming up next one has F it’s time for a DraftKings at Casino Queen Redbird report on 101 ESPN Brook Grimley here for your red bird report in Birmingham Alabama last night the Cardinals beat the Giants 6 to5 in the Negro League’s tribute game at rickwood field Alabama native Brenan Donovan had three hits including a two-run homer Andre Palante pitched into the sixth inning he gave up a game tying three-run Homer in the third then left two Runners on base in the six and was charged with those two runs after both runs scored while Andrew kitridge was on the mound Adam coffen Stein worked a onew 38th inning in his major league debut Ryan Hesley allowed a leadoff walk in a two- out single in the ninth before nailing down his 25th consecutive save setting a franchise record the Cardinals and Giants will have the day off today before resuming the series on Saturday at Bush Stadium miles michelas will be set to oppose former Cardinal Jordan Hicks the Redbird report is presented by DraftKings at Casino Queen play Stay D at DraftKings at Casino Queen e hey you can have a great lunch today at the Fenton Bar and Grill their menu is absolutely fantastic if you’re in the mood for a great burger they have great Burgers there they have wonderful salads and wraps if you want something a little bit cooler and of course you have to start with the best trash wings that you’ll ever have at the Fenton Bar and Grill stop by tomorrow night if you like country music Ricky Cole is going to be at the Fenton Bar and Grill you can learn more by going to Fenton bar and or checking out their Facebook page but tomorrow night 7 o’clock at the Fenton Bar and Grill Ricky Cole an up and cominging Superstar is going to be performing and you will absolutely love it and by the way while you’re there you can enjoy some of their hard work and logger at Fenton bar grill it’s their own beer and you can enjoy some of the great spirits and the best bartenders in town they have such a fantastic staff both Kelly’s say hi to Megan say hi to Casey the whole group there is absolutely fun and absolutely wonderful you love the service at the Fenton Bar and Grill learn more by going to Fenton bar and just two minutes away from the soccer park and when you go tell them Randy sent you e e contractor [Music] welcome back to the opening drive on 101 ESPN in St Louis Brook Dan and Randy and we head to the celebrity line and our Blues Insider Jeremy Rutherford from the Athletics joins us good morning sir how you doing good morning good morning and congratulations Brooke Haven had a chance to say that to you on your wedding and I want to wish you many years celebrated number 21 wedding anniversary number 21 the other day my wife wife and I woke up in bed and uh said happy anniversary 21 years and I said it only feels like 15 minutes underwater well done hear me well okay outside of that do you have any marriage advice for me I think I’ll say that for Uncle Randy he’s he’s better at that stuff actually my my advice is for for David and that is that Brooke is always right even when she’s she’s right yes that’s the best if I do have one bit of advice it would be be out on the road with an NHL team for most of that 21 years all right J.R let’s talk you have a great piece about how Alexander Steen worked his way up to being the Blues next general manager I want you to go back to when Doug Armstrong knew that this is a guy that could potentially be that guy yeah for sure and and I think that uh when they hired Alexander Ste last June and they announced that his title was European Player Development consultant I I remember looking at that email Shak in my head going now do what like this guy uh just drips hockey I guess this is one way to get him back in the organization especially because he was uh basant in Europe living back in Sweden so that was a chance to get his feet wet Randy in the last year he’s been a part of meetings he’s been a part of uh scouting players for the blues and the part to answer your question that touched me in terms of when Doug Armstrong knew is he said that I made several trips to Europe uh in the last year and each time I would meet up with Alex and the more I talk to him the more I just knew that he was cut out for this role so you know because they’re uh they’ve had the three first round draft picks last year because uh you know they’re really focusing on the future a lot of trips to Europe were made by Doug Armstrong and and uh you have any personal time with Alexander Stein I think it’s just obvious that this is what he’s meant to do Jr I know they talked to you last week about buich but is there any updates on how you think that the blues are approaching this off season no but it’s a no updates but it’s an interesting situation especially after what doug Armstrong said last week he said that I’m gonna talk to B nich’s Camp which is Agent Todd diamond and and tell him about what I think the next two years look like and then Alex will explain to him the vision beyond that so that’s the situation the blues are going to be in with this GM and waiting Arrangement and I I think this is going to be I don’t want to say difficult because uh you know Doug and Alex are going to have constant communication and talk and try to be on the same page as much as possible but even Doug admitted last week that sometimes they’re not going to be in lockstep on on where they see things so you know not saying that this is the situation but what if Doug would love to have pavl bunevich the next two years but it just doesn’t make sense termwise for Alex beyond that uh you know I think those are the crossroads that they’re going to encounter when they have these types of discussions Jeremy how about the role of Brian Elliot moving forward moose yeah moose yeah yeah text him a couple days ago we’re going to catch up and have a conversation and have a story at the athletic probably after the draft draft coming up next week that’s kind of what’s taking over the headlines here uh but uh hopefully a chance soon to talk to Brian Elliott uh but the one text he did say he just felt like it was going to be a great fit you know I go back to when Brian Elliott came to St Louis guys he was on a two-way deal making less than a million and wanted he play another eight nine years in the league I mean that is just phenomenal and the one thing that I want to talk to him about hopefully we can have in the article is what makes a good goaltending coach like he’s going to be in charge of the prospects he’s going to go out and look at uh at uh you know just the guys that are available on the draft and help the blues and and I want to know you know you can have a good goal tender who played a long time in the NHL but what does he go out and see in a young golender uh that can help the organization when it goes to pick at the draft or decide whether to promote a guy once he’s within the organization so hopefully we can address some of that with moose too Jr last year Doug Armstrong was on the verge of being able to pull off a a splash move if they would have been able to get sanheim if Krug would have agreed to the deal that would have been a splash trade uh what scale of 1 to 10 the the odds of the Blues Making a Splash move like that this off season well I thought it was interesting yesterday the blues put out a tweet and it said hey next week is the draft but that’s also a big window for trades or the blues foreshadowing something that could happen next week also guys last year when they sign signed Scott perovich to a one year contract it was the next day that the news broke about the the Tory Krug uh potential trade to Philadelphia that of course didn’t happen what happened a couple days ago Scott perovich signed a contract another one-year deal so is is some is something coming they do have their seven defensemen but I just can’t see Doug Armstrong sticking with the same defense as they had into uh into the season so you know one to 10 what what what’s the uh probability of a trade happen you know it seems like every time you think there’s something going to happen it doesn’t but I would say pretty high this offseason Randy I would think that you know a seven would probably put it at a good number in terms of what we could expect to see uh this week this next weekend what’s the strength of the draft overall Jr and then if the blues do not move up or move down what what direction do they need to go in in terms of trying to supplant maybe some of the weaknesses that they have in their organization yeah Dan so I don’t think it’s one of the deeper drafts Doug Armstrong had an interesting comment the other day though he said he probably feels like a lot of general manager that if you have the 10th pick there are nine great players if you have the 16th pick there are 15 great players and you know I think that’s the situation a little bit this year because I’ve done a couple mock drafts with the athletic staff and I’ve picked for the blues at number 16 and it does feel like come 12 13 you know that’s when uh most of the elite slash above average players fall off the board so if the blues want to I think there’s going to be an opportunity to trade up uh into perhaps like the number P area I think New Jersey picks around there and they’ve said that they’d be willing to move their pick but at what cost the one thing is I think the blues need more defensemen in their system young defensive prospects and this draft is a little deeper at defense I think you can find a really good one at 10 12 13 14 potentially even when the blues draft at 16 but they’re going to have to wait and see how that unfolds Jeremy ruford is always quality information we appreciate it we advise everybody to subscribe to the athletic and read your quality information there thanks so much for the time and have a great weekend thanks guys talk to you later thank you that is Jeremy ruford our Blues Insider from the athletic next up we’re going to hear the Reggie Jackson interview last night on Fox as we bring you the rush hour reset here on 101 ESPN shop Macy’s and save big with our lowest prices of the Season like 40 to 60% off shoes Handbags and accessories for any occasion and bras pajamas and more Essentials and get your backyard ready for summer hosting with 20 to 60% off outdoor furniture you need now plus download the app for even more lowest prices of the Season today at Macy’s savings off already reduced prices exclusions apply [Music] no one knows the importance of a great assist more than Lowe’s and Leo Messi that’s why we’ve teamed up to give MVP’s Pro rewards members 10 times the points when Messi makes an assist during conable Copa America USA 2024 activate this offer starting June 20th so when Messi assists you score shop the day after an assist to earn those extra points not an MVP’s Pro Rewards member join today [Music] the choice of a lawyer is an 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new bookie today at circusp start betting like a pro from anywhere in [Music] Illinois Clement Ford presents things you probably don’t know number one the first person convicted of speeding was going 8 m per hour and number two people that want to pay more for their new Ford shop elsewhere people that want to pay less shop Clement Ford hey Dad what was your first summer job I was busting tables I hope that paid better than my first summer job what job being a radio Talent oh [Music] boy live from the car shield studio this is the opening drive on WE recapping the biggest Sports stories of the day on the opening drive with a rush hour reset [Music] the Cardinals with a very rare Friday off after playing last night in Birmingham coming home today and will’ll take on the San Francisco Giants tomorrow and Sunday Cardinals win last night 65 over the Giants in the uh rickwood field game and last night before the game one of the people that was interviewed was Reggie Jackson the Hall of Famer Mr October who started his professional career in Birmingham and was part of the panel on Fox and this is the way that interview unfolded fortunately I had a manager and I had players on the team that helped me get through it but I wouldn’t wish it on anybody people said to me today I spoke and they said you think you’re a better person you think you you you won when you played here and conquered I said you know I would never wanted to do it want to do it again I walked into restaurants and they would point at me and said can’t eat here I would go to a hotel and they say the can’t stay here we went to Charlie Finley’s Country Club for a welcome home dinner and they pointed me out with the nword he can’t come in here Finley marched the whole team out had it not been for Raleigh fingers Johnny mcnamar Dave Duncan Joe and Sharon Rudy I slept on their couch three four nights a week for about a two month and a half finally they were threatened that they would burn apartment complex down unless I got out I wouldn’t wish it on anyone the year I came here Bull Connor was the sheriff the year before and they took Bas B League Baseball out of here cuz in 1963 the clan murdered four black girls children in 11 12 14 years old at a church here and never got indicted it it was they were from the clan Life Magazine did a story on them like you were being honored had it not been for a white manager and Rudy fingers and Duncan and Lee Meyers I would have never made it I was too physically violent I was ready to physically fight some I’d have got killed here cuz I’d have beat someone’s ass and they you have saw me in an oak tree somewhere wow mhm it’s gut-wrenching it’s from the heart it’s in the moment and uh I I was watching the pregame show and I was kind of walking around it I was doing that when the minute that he started talking I stopped and I would imagine that was the reaction across the country when he popped up on your TV and you listen to that it was such a powerful message and Powerful story and that’s what I was saying too with Bill gree and Reggie Jackson we’re so lucky that we’re able to hear the stories directly from them somebody texted in earlier and I thought this is a great point reading the books is one thing but to actually hear that person tell their own story with their own words the emotion behind it that is something that really hits a lot of people and that was just such a great presentation they did yesterday by Major League Baseball the Cardinals and Giants everything I mean from the beginning of the game to the end it was powerful the entire time and we’ve heard the stories about Jackie Robinson and about Henry Aaron and Reggie Jackson and Bob Gibson it took a lot of restraint for those men to not lash out and respond to what was happening to them to uh like Reggie Jackson said I I could have wound up beating somebody’s butt and that’s really I can’t imagine how difficult that must do when you’re you’re being attacked like that on a regular basis mced a lot of nights we called them evenings with the Cardinals and Bob Gibson was on a couple of those that I did and it was very similar to it reminded me listening to Reggie Jackson of the stories that Bob Gibson would tell during that night it was an intimate setting this happened to be on national television with Reggie Jackson but still as impactful as any is to Brook’s point it’s one thing to read about it but when you hear it come from their mouths it’s it’s impactful it really is and this is something that happened almost 60 years ago and it’s still so fresh in his mind yep it was it’s hard to listen to It’s hard I’m glad we listen to it but it’s hard to listen to someone having to go through that for sure by the way someone’s asking is the Dave Duncan or the Duncan it referred to is at the Cardinals Dave Duncan the answer is yes it is yep that’s Dave Duncan who played with the Oakland A’s and played with Reggie and obviously was a longtime coach here in St Louis and won a couple of World Series with those A’s teams in the 70s yep that’s Dan that’s Brooke I’m Randy coming up here on 101 ESPN Willie May passed away before they had the opportunity to honor him last night what can we do to honor the Living Legends that we have in our country that’s next time 101 ESPN for e e hey everyone it’s Brooke here and this year we decided it was time to make a major upgrade to our home by updating our bathroom we have this house in you City it’s over a hundred years old and we love it but we never exactly loved our main bathroom so we decided it was time to make a big change and we reached out to one of our great sponsors here of 101 ESPN and that is em Granite em granite’s team visited our house for a free consultation and they came up with a vision of how to really transform our bathroom my favorite part of working with em Granite was stopping by their amazing showroom to explore their large selection of instock Custom Countertops all of their cabinet options Jen was the one who has been working with us and she is fantastic she came up with so many great ideas that really fit within our budget and I’m happy to report that our bathroom is done and it looks incredible and that’s because of em Granite they’ve been doing that for over 20 years turning Visions into realities so schedule your free consultation by calling 314- 64593 or go online at EMG or stop by their showroom today and make sure you mention that I sent you e I think it’s a great idea that baseball at least is going to consider having Willie Mays as their logo Jerry West who just passed away was the logo for the NBA the NBA’s MVP trophy is named the Michael Jordan trophy their clutch player of the year is called the Jerry West trophy their defensive player of the year is the Akim alajawan trophy they also have the John havich trophy for the Sixth Man of the Year in the NBA I think they do a magnificent job heck the NHL has retired number 99 for the entire league I I I think overall Sports does a really good job of honoring those that are still with us whether it’s on a national level like that or the Cardinals Hall of Fame recognizing the best that we’ve had do you think that we do a good enough job in recognizing the people that are the history of the game I think so in a lot of ways especially the ways that you mentioned there but I’m thinking about last night specifically with what we saw what baseball did to really highlight and pay tribute to the Negro Leagues which is something that was really needed and they did such a good job of that I mean that was a huge event of course it was about a baseball game as well but it was mostly about the history everything that you learned throughout it I would like to see more leagues do things like that how do you guys feel about that I would look at uh maybe May 6th of every year where every team would wear a Negro Leagues baseball uniform and call it Willie Mayday that was his birthday Willie Mayday around Major League Baseball and maybe every team whether or not a team played in that particular City there’s got to be some connection to just about every town in America with a Negro League’s affiliation of some sort maybe it’s a grandfather that played for the team or whatever you know what I mean there’s got to be something with the team that you come up with or the closest team that was near Big League City uh but most of them did have uh some type of affiliation so I would do like a Willie May Day around Major League Baseball I think that’s something that would they would look at too I think one of the problems that the NFL has is that they don’t really appreciate those who helped build the league into what it was what it is and the league in the 1960s 1970s isn’t wasn’t close to what it is now I do think the NFL like last night could do a good job of and I don’t maybe you do it on a Monday night maybe you do it on a Sunday night before the games but honor those who helped build the league into what it is they do a lot now for the military which I love to see I think they do a lot for that and then some of the events that come up within the time frame of the schedule that are celebrated not just League wide but worldwide or at least among our nation um but I’m with you I don’t hear a lot about the former players all that much unless you’re watching some type of retrospective on a player or a team but you don’t have a specific day that’s carved out for an individual right or even a group for they have a player that delivers the Lombardi trophy to the Super Bowl champions but it’s one person every year maybe it would be a good idea in the Dog Days some sometime and I know they do their breast cancer awareness uh month but they could do a thing in October or November where they honor those how much was Dick buckus honored by the NFL before he passed away were you you honor those guys who helped build the league for you Jim Brown another one of those examples that I think the NFL could do especially with the the issues that they have because those players feel un unappreciated anyway I think it’d be a smart thing for the NFL to show their appreciation for those players that would be my one thing is just kind of looking back in the past those players that really helped pave the way and that’s what was so beautiful about yesterday with what major league baseball did what about Kenny Washington with the NFL yeah highlighting him doing more about his history and how he really changed things for the NFL and really broke down barriers and the the Rams and there were two franchises the Rams and the Cleveland Browns that really did they were cutting edge and set the stage for what the NFL is now by bringing African-American players into the league I uh I don’t know if you could do this because of how the numbers are used strategically in the game of football but to my knowledge no league-wide number has been retired correct you know I I don’t know if you could do that just because every number as a significance to the position you play which would make it a little bit tougher I guess to do that but if there was one that would be retired I’m not sure which direction you go there’ probably be a few that come to mind but that’d be something to think about too League wide retirement of certain numbers yeah and the the problem is that that I would and I thought about this it’s a great thought but it seems like all of the NFL’s best players have been in the last 25 years seems that way right you’ve got Brady You’ve Got Rice you’ve got uh EMT Smith or or Walter Peyton and Walter Peyton’s already honored with man of the year uh you had Lawrence Taylor you had Reggie White you had Aaron Donald Rod Woodson Deion Sanders it seems like uh most of the the real greats in the NFL and part of this is because of the rules changes that have allowed offense to become what it has but it seems like they’re in the last 25 30 years would you look at Jim Brown I I think it just because of the impact he made on social you know his social conscience as well I think though there because of his legal issues I think there might be blowback I think you need a more Pristine from a legal standpoint player maybe buckus is that guy Walter pton you had the Walter pton man of the year but would you retire that number i’ maybe look at it just because of his impact made off the field to even honor him even more I think this is a great text from the 314 the game last night just reminded me of how historic basball is compared to other sports baseball really is our country’s PassTime I know a lot of people say that in a negative negative way about baseball but really I think last night highlighted it in a very positive way about how baseball really is a huge part of American History baseball until the 70s owned the day until the NFL became what it is baseball was our national sport Y and then football came around and became a behemoth and college football college sports you can’t Overlook that too college sports and the what that is done I’ll even take it further college baseball and what that’s now starting to become and how it’s getting bigger and bigger and bigger I don’t know if you guys watch The College World Series I love it I mean you looked at that 10 years ago and I I used to do a lot of the Super Regional games and they were big for those particular schools but they were always the schools that you thought would be there that put a premium on investing in their baseball program and now every school is starting to do that to where there’s money being invested not every but a lot of schools that you wouldn’t think about are starting to invest in their baseball programs right Brooke to your point thinking about this as we’re we’re going through this what other sport do we have where somebody says the best player I ever saw or the best player ever played in the 50s football basketball Hockey baseball soccer baseball’s the only one to that point baseball’s history lends itself to players whether you played in you were Joe demaggio in the 30s or 40s or sh Otani now people that are roughly the same size you know skinny guys in the NFL when Jim Brown was a running back at 235 he was bigger than most of the guards that he was running behind they were 220 225 now an NFL guard you can’t play unless you’re 300 so the the players now athletically are better and the numerically they’re better I don’t think we can go back and say Johnny Unitus was the best player ever I I agree I’m going to go back to college baseball kind of interesting I was looking at at The rosters the other day with Florida and Texas A&M I don’t think there was a starting player that was under 6’1 it’s amazing and they were all at least 215 pounds the game is so changed I was watching NC State and they had a relever that came out in the first or second inning he had 10 strikeouts and he’s he’s pitching in the ninth and throwing 96 yep and he’s a of injured 5year senior and he was Dynamic and I’m thinking oh man this guy’s got to be high on the draft list and he’s a fifth year senior that probably is not going to get drafted yeah he’s going to be playing in you know South Dakota in some Independent League and hopes to catch on I I thought one of the cool things about last night too is that the dimensions of the field have not changed you know if you look at the NBA the Advent of the three-point line NFL eh but baseball the dimensions are still 60 feet 6 in the bases are still the same length now the the thing that was cool when they talked about the walls being brought in and then the Babe Ruth home run going 300 mil cuz it caught a train and it didn’t get off you know for 300 miles or whatever but that that part of it was cool too how they showed the dimensions of the field rock is laughing right now I’m not sure why oh not about us a text no but to your point too I think Kyle Gibson talked about this but then understanding they they also brought this up during the broadcast about the impact that it will have on the community and I think this is another reason why Major League Baseball should continue these events because you have what they’re doing to the stadiums renovating and the additions it makes but also what that does for the community and we’re talking about growing baseball that’s something that we always talk about with the sport how can you get kids to really want to join back in things like that and really impacting the communities that you go to I think is another big part of it I think you you hit the nail on the head though it’s gotten so specialized soccer specialized with team travel um if you’re going to be really an elite player baseball is the same way basketball you have the aaou teams it’s just really specialized and you just I just look outside you just don’t see a lot of kids playing the game and it’s unfortunate but you just don’t somebody said earlier it’s become too professional with travel ball and that’s what it should be about Dan you were talking about when you’re younger you could just go out and play in your backyard which I know that kids still do and that’s kind of an instrumental part of growing up is you know going and playing catch with your father but at the same time it’s also got to the point where it’s like okay well now you have this very strict schedule on top of your schoolwork with travel ball and they’re traveling every single week in my cousin has three boys and they all play baseball and hockey which I mean she has no time whatsoever she’s running them around and I’m sure you guys understand this as well it’s just so expensive and then it puts too much pressure especially on a young kid where it should be the emphasis is about the sport and having fun rather than all that other stuff that comes with it well and the other part of this is that even major league baseball players prefer to play video games than to play bring yeah the video games are every and that’s what a lot of kids are doing you know they they get ready for that isolated practice that they’re going to have and instead of going out in the backyard they’re on a video game I I think this is interesting we kind of talked about this off the air the 314 says what does last night do for Barry Bond’s Legacy I don’t know if it’s his legacy but what does it do now that he’s back on an MLB broadcast I in in watching it I felt different I felt little differently about him not to take away with all the the inuendo around him but does it does it lessen things a little bit that he was a part of this and you saw maybe a little different side of him maybe for fans it’s not going to help with the writers there’s the problem he’s out of the Hall of Fame I don’t think the writers reflect the general feeling among Baseball fans in the public most of the people I talk to think he should be in the Hall of Fame but I think the writers want to be this gatekeeper uh and refuse to look at everything look at the all du respect to Randy Johnson who starts throwing harder when they’re 38 years years old right and he pitched till he was 44 everybody says I think everybody under on that A’s team is Under Suspicion and that would include a guy who played effectively till he was 42 and played until he was 44 in in Ricky Henderson how how can we say I think he should be under suspicion I’m not saying he did or didn’t but how can the writers suspect bonds Clemens whomever keep Maguire Maguire admitted but bonds and Clemens were pretty vement in saying that they weren’t why do we suspect certain guys yet were willing to put Bagwell in Vio or Bagwell in Pat in the Hall of Fame that’s why I’m putting them all in me too I’m putting them all in I think so too I think that you just kind of have it’s the steroid era right and maybe you put that little as on there where people can understand the history when we’re talking about history and learning things where you kind of educate people more on the history of what was going on during that time because he definitely wasn’t the only player that was a part of that but he was also a big part of History even if you are doing substances you still have to be able to go out and do what he did and that’s just pure talent right did you feel differently though to the original point of watching bonds take the Hall of Fame out of it and the the steroid stuff did you feel differently about them after watching last night at all I did too a little bit but he softened it for me he made an effort to be a Richard he really did over the course of his career yes he did and I saw it firsthand so did I and so it’s he didn’t seem like that last night that’s what what I mean yeah and I think it may have surprised a little fans some of the fans with a little bit with how he acted how he behaved you know he was on his best behavior I guess Randall it’s it’s good and maybe he’s just grown and matured and softened a little bit I wonder you know and Major League Baseball had him back as a hitting coach that’s the other thing I mean he was back in the game after he played he was a hitting coach with Miami which a lot of people forgot yeah and you can be a great hitting coach you can be a great you can be the best hitting coach well you can be the best hitter of all time you can be a pretty good hitting coach doesn’t mean you’re going to be be able to make Dexter Fowler hit I saw him no F have to stray I saw um Barry do a exhibition down in Miami I was at the Ballpark early and he was talking to season ticket holders it was incredible watching him do his I mean you talk about a guy that knows hitting yeah these guys no hitting man and it’s just but when you’re the best hitter in the game or the best home run hitter sometimes it doesn’t Translate to Dexter F or Randy or brook or Dan it just doesn’t it just doesn’t that’s Dan that’s Brook sorry Barry or sorry Dexter I guess oh yes say sorry to to Dexter yeah uh next up this according to Matthew Rocko Steve sarkeesian is a blanking buffoon we’ll tell you why next on 101 ESPN e e hey attention business owners and CEOs and CFOs here’s something you don’t want to miss next Thursday June 27th at the Union Station Hotel downtown business grows here the business event of the year in St Louis and it’s an opportunity for you to learn how to better grow your business you’re going to learn from a half dozen speakers and those include Jamie simov the founder of ring video doorbell everybody here is going to leave you with actionable strategies and tips that you can apply to your business take notes and learn about what’s going on in the business world and how you can spin your business forward and you can change the way you look at business today apply to attend the business event of the year it’s net sweets business grows here it happens Thursday June 27th and it’ll be a day well spent at the Union Station Hotel free to attend if you qualify apply today to find out if you do while seats are still available go online to Missouri that’s netset NE TSI Missouri e e hey everyone it’s Rook here and I want to tell you why I love the Missouri Athletic Club it’s because they’re really helping me stick to my big goals for this year one of my big goals was to get into better shape I work out twice a week with Christine and she’s my personal trainer over at the West location and I always look forward to it I’ve noticed huge results also the other reason is because I’m getting back into the sport that I played my entire life and that is tennis it’s been so great working out with Scott over there and it’s also helped my pickle ball game which I greatly appreciate and they always provide such a wonderful experience that’s why I love my Mac e this is Rocky with your sports center update driven by Johnny LOL Chevrolet and Johnny LOL Autoplex Cardinals are off today yesterday they won the rickwood field game six to5 over the Giants they will continue the series with games two and three on Saturday and Sunday in St Louis this weekend at city park at St Louis city SC hosting Atlanta FC that’s a 7:30 kickoff for that game and also over the weekend tonight I should say the NHL Stanley Cup Finals game six as Edmonton tries to force a very unlikely game seven Florida and Edmonton you can catch the game right here on 101 ESPN pregame starts at 6:30 that is your sports center update driven by Johnny LOF Chevrolet and Johnny LOL Autoplex see them at Chevy together we drive are you kidding me [Music] there a word that I love it’s disingenuous and disingenuous according to means lacking in frankness cander or sincerity falsely or hypocritically in in ingenuous uh insincere uh I guess right now if you go to and you put in the word disingenuous Steve keian picture shows up next to it uh stepen Steve a little bit disingenuous uh in talking to Joel clatt on the Joel clatt podcast about nil and the transfer portal and everything that goes along with that if you lead with nil to get a young man to come to your school then a year from now what’s he going to ask about first nil and so our our kind of perspective on this and our approach to this is we’ve got an amazing product here the history and tradition of Texas football is Second To None the education the quality of education at UT is incredible the coaching staff we have the development of our players the City of Austin all these things that we’re talking about that’s why I want you to come to University of Texas nil doesn’t come up that should be the last reason to choose to go to a school whether it’s Texas or any other school because if and then if you take players predicated off of nil that you want them so bad that you’re willing to go to whatever length and whatever degree to get that kid from an nil perspective of course that’s what he’s going to talk about the very next year when you bring him into your office and so we tried to create a culture that is a little bit different that way that is Steve sarkeesian being disingenuous and my followup so full of it man my followup would have been if I if I were Joel clatt would have been how did Ryan Wingo wind up as a member of the Texas Longhorns yeah how did you get your contract yeah that’s the other I mean so then I guess the coaches shouldn’t be jumping they shouldn’t be getting paid the money that they get paid I mean it’s so hypocritical it’s ridiculous and by the way they just signed I believe a fourstar quarterback Bell to a $9.2 million nil deal but can I present this to you guys maybe a little bit differently okay sure Brook so of course the message and the mess are you ready okay so of course the message and the messenger is not great in this situation for obvious reasons and it’s Texas I am not a Texas fan as you guys know horns down so I’m not defending him whatsoever but is he necessarily wrong in what he’s saying because overall fit Player Development and playing time opportunities still matter even in the nil era they matter to the school and maybe to the coaches but not to the players play like Nick sain said when he quit the reason before Congress he said we always used to have players over at our house for a breakfast uh potential recruits and we would talk to them about about becoming better men and leaders and Miss Terry came up to him this year after they did it and she said what are we doing here and he said what are you talking about she said all they talk about is money all they talk about is nil money and it struck him yeah it’s not about becoming a better person it’s not be even becoming about being a champion or being an NFL player it’s about what can I get right now and that’s what all the players are asking for I I had a coach tell me that a player’s dad called him and said hey I can deliver my son to you if you’ll give him starters money and uh the coach said well I can’t give him starters money because I can’t promise that he’s going to be a starter but the the dad is calling and that’s the first thing that he’s asking about do you blame him no I don’t either I I you know it’s it’s hypocritical because if you said to this individual let’s say you had some five-star recruit and he’s got a chance to go to Texas or go to Miami and Miami says we got a million dollars Texas says 500,000 where do you think he’s going to go you go where the money is right especially if you’re from the inner city if if you’re an East St Louis football player and you’ve never you’ve had to wonder where you’re going to get your next meal and your family has and and your housing situation has been bad and you’ve been in a crime ridden area and I don’t want to there’s a lot of areas like that East St Louis is just one that’s that’s near us but how can you not want to improve the lot of your family he’s so full of it in that statement I mean how can you possibly say that and again what what clatt could have done is is pointed because they were in like the auditorium you could have pointed him in like well two weeks ago not liter literally two weeks ago outside there when you guys brought in a group of recruits you guys lined up a half dozen Lamborghinis to walk your recruits past and when you want when and when you convinced Isaiah bond to leave uh kayn dore’s Washington quad because Ken deor left to come to Texas um he showed up to Austin in a Lamborghini and after he signed with you he walked out with a Ford Bronco so I sure you don’t want it to be the front-facing thing but it is literally the most forward-facing thing of your organization over the last month two months six months well I just I look at like the athletic department not even the head coaches that that would be my my number one thing I’m not worried about scheduling I’m not worried about who my next coach would be I’m worried about where my next dollar is coming from to pay kids yes I think that that’s the thing is that we are in the nil era and then you add the transfer portal to that as well that’s another layer to this conversation of yeah they can even go in your situation that you presented with Miami and Texas maybe the money is less in Texas but you go to Miami who knows maybe you’re there for a year or two then transfer transfer your final years maybe to Texas if you’re thinking about the NFL and the thing is is that coming from him it’s hilarious because we just talked about that money that this quarterback is going to get in nil deals like nearly $10 million I mean Texas just has an insane amount of money that they pour into their college sports but at the same time do you guys kind of hate the conversation around nil in this way where it is kind of scaring off some of the great coaches like Nick Sabin because of what has happened with college it’s free agency and it’s the reality now and you have to embrace it and you like drit has totally embraced it he’s that’s where I’m at he’s enjoying both sides of it yeah it is what it is now yeah you know you you got to deal with it and if you don’t like it get out yeah by the way this I guess is a jaded view I don’t think here’s my perception I don’t think school has anything to do with this do are players really going to school I’ve been wondering another Point yeah like how they getting the grades I mean they are professional athletes it’s a minor league system getting ready to go play pro football right so are you going to school yeah so I guess you take classes online if you want and they figure out a way to get you grade I don’t know I don’t know how it works that’s probably it take something quick online or have somebody take a quick one for you online it’s just you know it’s worth of what 30 grand for for that person I don’t want to hear about an eligibility issue I don’t either no no yeah the GPA probably doesn’t matter as much anymore so now you think with young players when they’re looking at schools when they’re doing the rankings is it nil and then it’s fit and possibly NFL development and then after that how successful the program is or how do you think the ranking system goes with the majority of players if we could ask the college football players right now right cuz Brady Cook’s family is going to be a little bit different right right than most but yeah I I would say for the average player it probably is because money equals respect so the player is going to think okay this is the school that offered me the most money therefore this is the school that respects me the most I would say it’s money first and then for generally speaking if not for like 75% of them I’d say money first and then uh NFL ready yep you know can you can you make me an NFL player can I go play for Nick Sabin he’s going to make me an NFL star or an NFL player I should just say then that that would be the two things for me and at some point when you have a $9.2 million player at Texas if Texas is in the 12 team playoff and somebody’s already determined to be a top five pick in the NFL draft they’re going to foro the playoff they I don’t think winning is going to be a big factor here either that’s been one of my concerns is you can expand the playoffs but at that point time I I guess still because games mean something the kids will stay on the field but at that point you’ve already built up what 10 10 weeks worth of tape mhm yeah do I really need to play in this Everybody Knows by then exactly do you get criticized though for stepping away I wouldn’t I wouldn’t criticize that individual mcff did it I mean i’ I’d step away certainly for a meaningless bowl game I’m not I wouldn’t play in it but if I’m a player do I play in the college football playoff I think they would want to but I I bet they get some advice for some of them to say don’t do it right or get a huge insurance policy yes from the through and four and this is a great point the athletes are playing the sport they play to make money why would they not take that money as soon as possible the coaches are coaching to make money we all have bills to pay which is fair because how few players I know that we we see the NFL draft every single year but how few players actually make it in the NFL staying in the NFL the average career I believe in the NFL currently is three and a half years so that money is not guaranteed and how many stories have we seen of college players who were supposed to be big and then end up not doing much in college and then they’re not going to make money after that in the NFL or even make it to the NFL we we can all agree that the players should be getting paid as much as they can right take the money as much as you get if if my kid were headed to college I would say follow the money period show me the money yeah it’s it’s the it’s the weirdest thing to me that like when we s off like non-athletes to college it’s like hey you’re an adult now go get a job and do adult things and but athletes it’s like we’re going to treat you with kid gloves for the next three years years because you are a special thing and and we don’t want you to be we don’t want you to make any money and you’re not going off into the real world yet we’re controlling everything you do it’s the weirdest thing we do to college athletes I’ve never understood it and the reality is though it is a job that’s what I’m saying teaching treating them trying to teach them like that it’s it hasn’t been a job this entire time has been the laughable part of it from the NCAA but then we don’t teach them how to handle millions of dollars when they enter the pros either now at least they have an idea as to how to handle a million dollars good thing that’s a great Point Randy I I wonder if you know like the the NFL has a symposium or whatever it is when they bring in the rookies it’s gone the the rookie Symposium is gone now right I wonder if College needs to implement that at each school to have somebody that oversees maybe they have a couple roles with nil but one of the nil things is let’s teach you how to budget properly or how to save your money how to build up the money how to build up equity in this I mean all that stuff that that’s a good point Jeff fiser is a scoundrel he lied about the Rams moving but one good thing he did was before every rookie could sign his rookie contract he made them go through a financial responsibility course sure that’s smart to do I think that that’s really important because that was my biggest concern with nil when it started is there’s going to be opportunists we know that it happens all the time we hear those horror stories not just in football in general we know the NFL stories we know all the different ones that have happened but in sports where people who make a lot of money somebody is an opportunist they come in and they take advantage of the situation either their manager even family members will take advantage of of athletes and the money that they’re making that was my big concern with nil is the opportunist who will come in and try to take advantage I I don’t know if this is opportunist but I’m going to take a minute and I know we got to get to a break I heard the reason that the rock hasn’t been to St Louis for a battle Hawks game is because he has 20 people on his payroll and it costs him $5 million a day to travel he’s got chefs he’s got personal trainers he’s got public publicists he’s got attorneys he’s got 20 people and to get them to travel with food and lodging and being on the private plane and all the everything that goes in to being the Rock It costs $5 million a day to move him from one place to another but I see him everywhere he’s in a lot of movies well he’s yeah he’s still traveling that movie’s paying him yeah the movie he’s he injured an ankle his current movie so that he couldn’t come to our one of our games he could come championship game yeah he was making a movie and injured an ankle he’s making a movie about being a UFC guy I think so uh anyway shoot that thing up and get here man that that was the thing he didn’t he didn’t want to fly to St Louis and spend what 10 million bucks to be here for a couple of days hey if Tom Brady can come to St Louis The Rock can come to St Louis well and Danny Garcia was here and Kurt Warner well Kurt Warner she’s been here several times yeah so uh but anyway so that’s the Rock’s excuse if you want to know it and that leads into rock and roll next e e e e change things up with your daily fantasy today with Underdog fantasy and their newest game pick them Champions you just pick two to five players from at least two different teams select higher or lower on the player stat and once your entry is ready you pick your entry fee you’re going to be entering the game alongside other underdogs as long as you hit your entries you’re walking away with your winnings just like we did yesterday and because we walked away yesterday with some winnings thanks to the golf we’re going to keep on rolling with some golf picks we’re going to go lower again with our boy Scotty Sheffer we’re going to go lower than 66 Strokes for Sheffer we’re going to go lower than D Strokes for Ricky Fowler and right now if you log on to Underdog fantasy they have a little bonus putting up for the WNBA so I’m going to add again to my entry with a little Caitlyn Clark higher than 0.5 points so I’m going to try to win me some money this weekend you can do the exact same thing Underdog is super easy to play and even easier to get started you just go to their easy to use mobile app or Underdog sign up with the promo code R and Underdog will give you a mystery special pick to using your first pick of entry and a deposit offer you take those first two golf picks you can add your mystery special pick and you’re going to up your odds just like that that’s underdog fantasy promo code R to claim your new customer special of a mystery player pick and your deposit offer must be 18 plus in president state where under fantasy operates terms apply con with your play co gamble visit I want to rock en [Music] roll let’s rock let’s rock [Music] today it is time for rock and roll here on 101 ESPN Matthew what do you got for us uh contrary to what some of the textures might say I I try not to lie too much on this show not too much uh not too much um and I’ve mentioned a name the potential new St Louis City player and uh got confirmed yesterday so Marshall hardle is going uh is coming to City on July 18th and he had been traded earlier from the Sharks to the uh to the Knight golden knights right it’s hockey is that Thomas hurdle you’re saying oh or Tomas hle I should say mind Marcel hardle is a an attacking midfielder from Germany so they they now have three players that are coming over on July 18th which obviously uh does nothing for them this weekend but they have three now three players coming over on July 18th this was confirmed from Manuel vth over at transfer market yesterday afternoon um it was also confirmed that they had to pay 350,000 K in uh General allocation money to Columbus Crew for the discovery rights because the MLS has this thing where if you’re a team you can just call dibs on a player who doesn’t play for you and if another team wants to sign him they have to pay you to sign him pay you mhm cuz you call dibs on the player I like that and so right now a fantasy leag so right now St Louis has dibs on on Josh sergeant so if if Sergeant doesn’t want to come back home uh some team will have to pay city to actually be able to sign in you just s text I it’s I’m sure it’s I’m sure there’s actually a system of like a memo through the league office the paperwork gets finalized and so on and so forth I’m sure it’s actually not as stupid as I want to make it sound but you cannot pay me enough money to stop referring to Discovery rides in the MLS as simply a team calling dibs on a player because it’s the dumbest thing in the world and the MLS needs to be made fun of for their stupid roster rules and so therefore I’m going to walk around on on radio and say you can call dibs on a player in the in MLS and therefore other teams can’t sign him unless they pay you for it it’s the dumbest rule in the world and the league should be roundly mocked for it I like the dibs idea it’s it’s very child yeah the Cardinals were like hey I’m sorry Los Angeles we actually called dibs on shotani you’re gonna have to give us like 50 million for it my bad yeah oops oh how’d that happen anyway it’s a dumb rule but anyhow uh City will have a new player coming in on July 18th and city is playing Atlanta f see on Saturday and I’ll tell you this right now I’m not feeling good about the game Randy why not I just I is there any reason for me to be confident in City right now oh they don’t score they don’t win even when they win they draw no you’re right seven games without a uh win for them so far three games without a goal scored the last time they scored was as Danny said uh the other day almost a month ago the very beginning of the month when they faced off a 3-3 match against in Miami so you’re going to have to score some goals to actually win and I’m not not feeling very confident they’re going to do it right now is this team going to make the playoffs that we did get a text earlier somebody said it kind of feels like at this point St Louis City’s out of the playoff race um they’re six points out of the ninth spot uh the way the MLS Playoffs work it’s the top nine teams technically make the playoffs because nine and eight then have a uh playoff for the eighth spot so you’re six points behind the ninth spot which is technically two games because three points per game so you’re not out of it yet you certainly can make a run for it but I mean the new guys go on a roll yeah but that’s you’re you’re going to lock in three or four more you’re going to lock in three more League games before that I think and then you’re and here’s the thing we just talked about acclamation with Bradley R Phillips on Wednesday when are fine they can get here on July 18th they can start practicing with the team on July 18th but when are they actually going to be able to play full games true when does mbappe start oh City yeah uh 2042 darn it somebody from the that make him uh 2042 what is it 2024 this year that would be 18 years from now he would be 44 oh he’s 25 so 43 oh he’s still he’ll still be really somebody was mad that I called him 26 yesterday and they like hey he’s 25 oh okay okay from the 3 and four what’s next calling shotgun I like that idea if we could put we could put cdsc in front shotgun an awesome job gives back rule too I like that by the way Monday Morning Show uh got to tell you guys we’re wh More Country Club for the fors of Honor Golf Tournament we’ll be broadcasting live from Whitmore I can’t wait is that what they call it it be fun I’m I’m assuming that you guys will be golfing uh or no I will be golfing afterwards yes but not during the show I will not okay well good we should tell everyone that Randy is uh a part of that organization too you have a a big role in that organiz to be on the board yes of full good stuff it’s great stuff so looking forward to that on Monday and uh otherwise the weekend I’m I’m going for a bike ride this weekend I think it’s going to be 96 tomorrow so I’m going to go in for a bik right in the morning do the Oilers force game seven uh yes they do no I’m going with Panthers getting it done get her done okay and then the game seven if necessary with would would be Monday night I believe yeah Monday night great job today by producer audio video engineer the one the only Matthew Rocky thank you pleasure uh Brook did you have fun today yes congratulations getting uh uh getting back to St Louis and on the weekend but congratulations on your wedding and your honeymoon but it’s great to have you back thank you I’m glad to be back once again I told you guys yesterday picking you guys over Croatia any time we appreciate that’s presented you have issues big big book winking into the air quotes around this Daniel you’re awesome oh you’re the best Randall and uh what it pleasure pleasure we have a balloon party coming up tmac and Ajax or t-x on next week uh TX out today TX might be out next week yes he is the Josh in experience coming up for you and then he’ll be followed by our friends BK and ferrario and Tanner until two and then the fast lane from 2: to 6 we thank you all for tuning in texting in and being a part of the show so uh don’t just have a great weekend have an American weekend bring yes

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