This Tip Makes Hitting DRIVER A LOT EASIER

Impact has a huge part to play in how you hit your driver, the distance you hit your driver and if you can square the club face. Using this simple driver lesson that I know for a FACT you haven’t seen illustrated like this before (which makes it so much easier to understand) you can quickly add yards and hit driver a lot easier. By starting the golf club 45 degrees at impact everything just seems to click into place, your body sequence is much more productive, you will hit the golf ball further, and straighter and your handicap may even reduce as a result.

So grab your driver, start in this new impact position at 45 degrees and get ready to watch a higher straighter ball flight. So many golfers always ask me how to hit driver longer, how to hit driver straighter, hit driver further, hit driver longer, hit driver further, square the club face – this video answers all of these!

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this is after we’ve applied this beautiful hit finishing just inside that tree what a difference I’ve become super addicted with using these and I’ll be honest with you it makes hitting driver a lot easier and I know you are going to be really really addicted to using them also it’s about that position at the top right have a look at this blue little fuzzy I’m going to call it fuzzy wire we need to understand where does it need to point does it need to point more to the sky does it need to point more down towards us and what correlation does that have to us actually then controlling that club face into impact cuz we want it we know this look at that there that is pointing directly to Target now to make that happen more often which is why this becomes addictive this position at the top is crucial let’s crack on so this is exactly how I’ve set up my blue fuzzy wire look how it’s created a right angle between the top edge of the driver and where it is pointing so it’s literally showing that that club face is nice and square that’s how I want you to set it up now you don’t need this ball down here this is just for me to show you and you go ah that makes it a lot easier just some reason with the ball being a lot bigger it makes it a lot easier so I’m going to address the big ball to start with just to make it a lot easier we now need to get in tune with where this blue wire needs to point at the top so if we swing top of the back swing now and this is absolutely crucial right here we need to understand that we have to avoid the wire pointing down to the ground so that position right here now this is really really crucial because if I swing down now and don’t do anything where does my WI a point it points so far off to the right so far off to the right that’s why you’d hit big slices that’s why the ball would travel higher that’s why you’d have to stand up into impact why you’d really have to make all those compensatory movements in order to just try and get the go ball to go straight so it’ have to be a sort of like this little flick of the hands you’d have to really compromise AB absolutely everything which is power consistency and and the big thing control control so we’ve established we don’t want that blue wire to point down to the ground so I want you to have a Comm a look at this here if I turn here for you that’s what we’re trying to avoid come on look at that there where that blue wire is pointing so therefore then the club face is hanging down behind the shaft this is another key area just to of really look at there can you see how the club face is hanging down on this side of the shaft here okay we’ve really got to avoid that really got to avoid that it require as I keep saying so many compensatory movements in order just to hit the golf ball straight so where do we want this blue wire and you know what this just becomes such a good visual cuz you’ll swing back in a second come back to the golf ball and be like oh the blue wire Point straight and that’s why my lessons say this gets so addictive with driver now have a look at this here I’m now going to have the idea of pointing that blue wire over my head over my head that’s here look where that’s pointing now so it’s not directly up to the sky that would be sort of too far the opposite way but it’s pointing over my head and now the club face is sitting on this side of the shaft not this side but this side look that’s what I’m trying to get now in a second I’ll tell you what I’m feeling to do that but more importantly I just need to show you when I come down to the golf ball now like watch me in the down swing now watch this if I come down and release this club a little bit where’s that blue wire now pointing straight back to Target look at that but more importantly right I’m actually able to turn better I’m able to stay in posture better I’m able to deliver power and not lose control so let’s do a comparison now of what we do want to see what we don’t want to see on the right hand side is exactly what we do want to see look how I can stay in posture I can deliver that blue line all the way pointing to Target very easily and deliver power whereas on the other side of the screen you you can really see how I’m having to flick my hands stand up make so many compensatory movements just I say this just to make some sort of contact and attempt to hit the Gul ball straight let’s now address how we actually get that control and the position of the good at the top to make the down swing so much easier so you can look at this right however I move my left hand has a real big correlation between what actually the blue wire does so being really closed being being really open or being nice and square how do we get an understanding of what needs to happen well this is what I want you to do I want you to grab your golf club just in your lead hand to begin with make some takeaways because very often we all start to falter in this first foot here which then makes the top of the Swing all out of whack all out of whack so I want you to make some takeaways now where you try and keep the blue wire pointing at the golf ball or to the ground for as long as possible if I compromise that really quickly look how that’s compromis at the top we lose it all don’t we we absolutely lose everything so I wanted to focus on keeping that blue wire at the golf ball and then to the ground as long as possible from here just try and keep the left wrist nice and flat look what I’ve done I’ve created a nice relationship which comes back to this point here what I can make a repeatable point so my advice for you here to train this into your golf game to make impact addictive is just use the visual of the blue and Time After Time Boom practice that boom practice that and then when you get a bit more comfortable onehanded get both hands on Boom practice that not here just there set and keep the wrist flat to the top so we just practice in that that that that and don’t think too complicated about this the The Addictive thing is you’re making the gulf swing again a visual Improvement okay and what I mean by a visual Improvement you’re working to a visual queue you’re not working to a technical jargon which is absolute rubbish in my opinion because how on Earth are you going to hit the golf ball you’re working to a visual that you can go ah yeah you know what I know what to do here okay so the beauty of this is you can hit some shots away so let’s hit this one away right here on the golf course 100% have a few Waggles get the blue to the ground obviously you can’t use this in competition but you can when you’re practicing look at that shot beautiful hit finishing just inside that tree what a difference now when you start striking the golf ball better you also actually want to match the golf ball that you’re using so I’m actually experimenting with the vice tour at the minute but you might want to try a different Vice to add to that they got a promotion throughout the whole of July which means when you spend over $100 you get a free Vice cap don’t miss out on it and also thanks so much for watching today’s free simple golf


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