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Why Golf Shots Go Left And How To Fix It

Why Golf Shots Go Left And How To Fix It

Alistair Davies golf Uk Top 50 Golf Coach shares with you the reason why golf shots curve left too much and finish left of the target.
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Thanks for watching the video Why Golf Shots Go Left And How To Fix It

00:00 why you hit hooks and pushes
00:30 lets talk club face and flipping
01:00 stop curvature first
01:18 heel beats toe to stop left shots
02:08 the pivot causing hooks
02:40 wipe the wall
02:50 alex noren
03:40 dynamic balance and swing path
04:10 lateral seperation
04:20 chris como axe throw
05:30 arms down golf drill
06:40 Butch Harmon Box drill

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if you’re the golfer there hits Hooks and pushes you need to watch this so the hook shot is really destructive and it generally plagues probably let’s say the better golfers it tends to be a fault that happens when the club face tends to close down too much and generally we swing the club Too Much from the inside now the reason why I say that’s for a better golfer’s fault cuz more better players tend to hit from the inside so it does plague all golfers but the big issue in it is this face this club face is closing down too early either through too much Club face rotation or the Leever is breaking down and the club flipping through impact now the flipping through impact can also cause contact issues as well and when you strike it well you’ll have quite a high trajectory obviously if we’re wrapping it more like this the the ball flight would be a little lower and stronger both are really painful it’s key that we try and fix curvature first so when we’re hitting go shots it’s key that we try and get this club face more open through this hitting area so a couple of ways I try and get golfers to do this is to try and really focus on the heel beating the toe as we go through impact so trying to keep that relationship as we go through impact as much as they can when we hit the hook shots this toe is overtaking so the more we can keep this heel beating the toe conceptually the more we can improve improve the club face control through that Hitting Zone which is only very small so trying to get the feeling of that heel beating the toe that one was beautiful so lovely flight really felt like I held it off more than normal it’s a great feel for me to have because I tend to turn my hands over too much of anything so just that heel beating toe was a great way of me thinking about the club face now obviously we’d want to look at why this club face is closing down too much and it can be caused by the club face being open earlier in the golf swing and then that’s trying to close it down to stop the ball going right it can be caused by the pivot being really quiet Through The Hitting Zone so the hands then become more dominant so we definitely want to feel when we’re hitting shots when we are getting rid of the hooks so we want to feel that the body is actively moving and the hands are really more passive that’s a secret let me share with you one other concept that’s going to help this then we get stuck into some real drill type stuff to change the ball flight so one of the other great Concepts I like golers to think about is what I call wiping the wall and if we imagine we have a wall here the feeling is almost the club head hitting the wall at the same time as the hands and then going up the wall so kind of this kind of look and if you imagine the Alex noran type swing you’ll see him do these kind of practice swings a lot he’s also working on getting the upper body on top a lot more and again the more we do that the more we throw the club out stops the club getting behind us and that’s tilting too much this way which is again very much a hook and a push fault so we’re very much trying to feel that we could get this golf club up that wall passively to keep that club face as Square as we possibly can that one didn’t strike as well but definitely didn’t get that club face closing which is the key thing to what we’re trying to do in this video when it comes to swing path we’ve already talked about it a little bit when the body tends to work back with a dynamic balance the path will tend to go right a hand path will tend to go right and then the hands get more active instinctively cuz we obviously don’t want to hit the ball 40 50 yards right so we then start to flip the club and that then causes obviously great shots cuz we’re hit nice draws on a Target but then we’ll hit a lot of these Hooks and we’ll hit a lots of these wild blocks and we can hit really dramatically bad strikes fat and thin so what we want to try and do is make sure this club basically comes and the phrase will be out in front of us more and the pression the compression comes from not tilting back too much we do want the lower half to lead there is separation then the shoulder would compress then the shoulder widens and the club wants to feel feel like it’s out in front of us more here I hear Chris Coma talk about kind of throwing an axe down on the ground here and I think that’s a great way of thinking about how the arm should move from the top that they’re going to move kind of out in front and ideally for me a little bit more forward so when we’re throwing the ax it’s not kind of unloading too quickly that’s also a fault a lot of golfers suffer with but it’s kind of the arms moving this way as they go forward for me so it’s kind of start starting with the arms feeling to throw the axe but we don’t let the wrists let the axe go too early for me now if you’re the golfer that has like lows of lag then you can throw the axe obviously a lot more realistically that way but for a lot of the golfers we want the arms to feel like the elbows in front of the hip and I’m going to share with you two things now that work really much on getting these arms and elbows in the right place to be that consistent great ball striker with straight ball flights so drill number one I like for this is basically alignment Rod through the belt loops I’m trying to feel it we get the arms down in front of that Rod so the elbows in front of this Rod so the hips don’t rotate and the arms drop back too much we’re feeling that the synchronization between the arms and body is done right so in the back swing hip depth arm speed feeling that we stay closed almost like the Justin Rose feels so the arms can get down and then we would turn and these in almost sink up see how these rods sink up that’s a great feel of getting those arms in the right place and then rotating through the golf ball so the hands become more passive that’s the feels get rid of the rod keep the rod through the belt loops and go ahead and make a swing and again feel like the elbow wouldn’t hit the rod and it felt more spacy it felt like I had a lot more room which is exactly what we want from this exercise let’s show you one last thing that’s going to make a difference so one of the the classics uh Butch Harmon used to do this all the time I’ve seen loads of videos of Butch doing this with players and clawed his son get a club box you can use a Serial box or you know a dozen ball box or whatever you’ve got but essentially what I’m doing is putting it just slightly away from where the shaft would rest so in the down swing now if I came too much from that inside I would hit this box so again what this is doing is getting the path of the club to be more neutral if you like more right in front and stopping this getting that kind of drop kick look that gives us that big kind of raging hook so we’re trying to feel all the time this is in front of us and as we go through the swing again I’m trying to keep that club face so almost squares up with the end of the box so I’m really trying to feel that the arms are using the sexy words in front of me and the club face is very square and passive so don’t be scared if you hit the Box you’re going to learn from the failure that’s the idea but we will want to feel that can I get my arm string now to be in front of that box and keep the club face as passive as possible and that one there just a tiny little fade really kind of Spacey feel compared to my normal swing and that’s nice because I definitely feel I could have more space and the arms could be out in front of me more so for me if I practice with that with those feels I’m probably take the pace down to like 80% of my normal swing and just start to feel I got that motion that movement the hooks and pushes would disappear immediately if you’re new to the Channel please click like And subscribe and I hope to see you back here real soon


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