Tips for Your Greenside Chips | Mass Golf Lab

Here are some tips for your chipping! 🏌️‍♂️ In this video, our instructor, Andrew Gildea, shares expert tips and techniques to help you find how to properly set up for greenside chipping. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to fine-tune your swing, watch now and start understanding your game!

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how we doing guys Andrew here from Mass golf Lab at Old Scotland links today we’re talking about a simple greens side chip what can you do to be a little bit more effective around the greens and get that ball up and down every [Music] time so the way I like to talk about green side chipping with people is that let’s start by looking at it as a formula so if you take the golf ball here let’s walk through how do you set up to the ball what’s the formula that we have to follow each and every time time first let’s talk about ball position I want this ball to be lined up with your right toe you can see that my feet are nice and narrow I don’t have a wide stance here nice and narrow helps us turn through things a little bit better and I’m also going to just open my stance a little bit so drop this left foot back just uh call it about an inch back of where the right foot is so that my stance is open towards the target the most important thing on all things greens side chipping is I want your weight to be over on your left hand side so ball position is over on the the right side or your Trail side rather and the weight is on your front foot now as we set up you can see I’ll have a little bit of shaft Lean Forward I like to tell people that your grip is pointing towards your left pocket so ball position back weight forward Gip pointing towards your left pocket and I’d love to see that club face just a little bit open not too open but just let’s call it about 10° open there so if we set up ball position back weight forward Club face a little bit open from here we’re just going to be taking what I’d like to call a long putter swing we’re not trying to use our wrists a lot here we’re keeping everything pretty stable as long as you’re set up in this position and we take a nice long cutter SP that ball is going to pop out and roll over towards the hole now you can see that the one I hit went up a little bit higher that’s cuz I’m using a 60° heater if you follow the same formula with a pitching wedge a 9 iron and 8 iron it’s going to still be effective you just need to understand that the ball will not go quite as high up in the air and will roll out significantly more if you decide to try and use this formula when chipping what you want to try and understand is how far is the ball going to fly versus how far is it going to roll if you’re using just a normal sandwich near the green I like to tell people people a 1/3 2/3 Rule and it’s a little overs simplistic but let’s try and think about the ball flying about a third of the way to the hole and it rolling for the second 2/3 to get there so if I’m going to this hole in the distance here uh I’m going to try and land it about a third of the way let’s walk through that setup again so it’s ball position on your right foot weight onto your left foot grip pointing towards your left pocket stance is just uh a little bit more narrow and slightly open and we take that long putter swing I carried that one a little bit further than I would have liked uh let’s try one more so again we walk through the setup we’ve got ball position on the right weight on the left stance is narrow and slightly open Club face slightly open and we’re going to take this nice long putter swing and try and land it about a third of the way there now you can see how that ball landed about a third of the way there and rolls out the rest of the way towards the hole so if you’re using that uh Sand Wedge let’s try the 1/3 2/3 rule if you switch it to a pitching wedge a nineiron obviously the ball will not fly quite as far but it’s going to roll significantly longer so if you want to work on that green side chipping come on down to Old Scotland links use our short Game Area work together with us to really get those chips dialed in so you can get up and down every time

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