Driver yips fixed w/ Andy Morris PGA on Instagram

I wanted to share this simple video and concept that helped me get out of a driving funk my previous two rounds and get me back to a 50% FIR round.

One thing to note—Driver Only. Anyway, my stock shape is a draw, stock miss is a hook, and seldomly a slight push. Previous rounds I was over-fading and some slicing, which is not my typical miss. Beyond frustrated I kept working at the range to try and fix this—nothing helped.

Stumbled on this drill and did it twice at range sessions before my next round. It works and it definitely helped me identify my issue—the “flick” or release—I wasn’t doing that until past the ball and just was leaving my face open through impact. The drills feels a bit weird but it helped immensely and I was very pleased to see straighter flight, draws, and even some hooks; taking the left-side out of the equation once again (lefty).

On a side note—I am a dominate righty, so my hand does the work. This drill really helped my left (bottom) hand get a bit more active to help control the clubface. I will warn you—it was bizarre with the irons shots for a second after trying this, so I went to a 8i shot, driver shot back and forth to get the correct feeling with my irons again.

Helped me out, may help someone else too.

by iKevtron

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