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Responding to OJ Simpson controversy. Really?

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let me get started because I’ve seen social media I mean I’m pretty much on vacation for my day job um worked a lot this year got some time off uh but I’m not going to stop doing my podcast obviously uh not just because I have obligations to ihart uh but also because of my YouTube following and it continues to grow and I appreciate the love and support and I know people expect to hear from me so I don’t mind doing that at all um been taking a lot of heat over the last few days and so that’s where I’m going to start I’m going to start with some criticism I’ve received since I had the audacity the unmitigated Gall to question the BET Awards rational last week and paying tribute to the one and only OJ Simpson during their in Memorial segment the segment honored the likes of Clarence Avant Willie Mays Richard rry Carl Weathers and co-founder of the eisy brothers Mr Rudolph Eisley himself just to name a few people y’all uh but anyway now people in the entertainment Community have taken the social media to comment on what I said about BET’s inclusion of OJ Simpson uh by the way the inclusion of OJ Simpson the guy found liable for double murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman although during the Civil Trial but before I even go any further I just want yall to take a look at just some of the things that I’ve had to deal with over the week over the last few days should say the weekend over the last few days days uh since the 4th of July was yesterday just take a look at this before I respond so you’ll know where I’m coming from you mad cuz BT is celebrating OJ who else going to celebrate him are you [ __ ] stupid he was found innocent in the court of laws the white laws they have these stoes like half hat Sten from James Smith perched up to do their work they put them on national TV they put them on these big stages where they can have a big audience where they the words can have some influence and they use these little monkeys like stepen a Smith to say the things that they can’t say publicly you know I’ll confess sometimes it’s really really hard to not let that other part of this brother out of me you know there’s there’s just certain [ __ ] you don’t say about black people because to Wily D to phas on make no mistake about it I’m not scared not even a little bit but unlike y’all I’m going to remember that y’all are brothers and so I’m not going to go there will he I see that you’ve grown your following on YouTube I think you got about 1 million subscribers I hope everybody continues to listen to your show I hope you continue to grow Cat Williams interview following up Shannon sharp that was fire props to you bro Faison you’ve been around for years The Replacements Players Club you know so many television move television shows and movies you’ve been involved in I wish you nothing but the best willly D I’ll get back to you in a second I’mma attack this one piece at a time so everybody knows where I’m coming from and I’m I’m going to strive to restrain myself from bringing out that dude in me I’m going to strive to do it La just a few days ago rather on this show I believe it was Monday if I remember correctly I brought up the BET Awards um I understand that in recent memory um it’s been a rating success bet is no longer owned by Mr Bob Johnson or black folks for that matter it’s basically being run by Paramount Global CBS Entertainment Group it’s being run by Scott Mills president and CEO of bet Media Group Connie AKA Constance Orlando she’s an award-winning media executive recently named executive VP of specials music programming and music strategy at bet networks and I made sure to highlight that these two black folks for the most part are doing an outstanding job right um and by the way I did it for Tuesday show I apologize Monday show was different that’s when I talked about Will Smith and Usher Tuesday um was when I talked about this OJ stuff so I apologize for the just correcting myself but anyway let me get back to the point while going on about the BET Awards never mind that I was on the phone with my daughter and I made have turn the channel because you have people with their asses out twerking all over the damn place and I didn’t think that was appropriate but that’s just me still didn’t stop me from acknowledging the fact that bet has been widely successful um and they’re doing a great job I just disagreed with them mentioning OJ Simpson in Memorial from what I could tell most of the crowd would agree with me because some of them got grew most of them grew silent appeared to gas um when his picture popped up on the screen as Tia Mori was uh talking about folks who needed to be celebrated because of their contributions and their black excellence and I basically talked about how most people believe he’s a double murderer was he acquitted yes um that is true during a criminal trial he was found guilty during a Civil Trial where he was ordered to pay $33 3.5 million to the Goldman family uh which he probably never did according to numerous reports anyway and that caused the Uproar because I talked about it being inappropriate and I thought it was a bad decision on the part of the BET Awards and that is what has caused this upro so Faison his last name is Love by the way I don’t know if y’all noticed that or not because way he came at me clearly that didn’t look like there was love in the place at all but fa on love he speaks up and he speaks out and you know he’s coming at me and am I stupid respectfully my brother are you I know what the hell I said I stand by it I’m not budging one inch see what people Miss is the trial was televised this ain’t some [ __ ] we read about and then moved on from or we heard about and moved on from The Trial was for eight months there are plethora if not an inordinate amount of people throughout the years in the entertainment world in the comedic world and Beyond in the political Stratosphere in Corporate America at the water coolers regular people talking it doesn’t matter where you go there’s no one on the planet that was devoid of an opinion about o Simpson me having one is not a crime do I think he was guilty yes it was on the proponent of evidence that we ultimately was able to see that I excoriate the jurors for finding him not guilty no cuz I’m a black man and I know what the LAPD was doing and I know all about the Rodney King situation that that had taken place place just a couple of years earlier when he was damn near beaten within an inch of his life I was mad at him when he was sitting up there can we all just get along who the hell wanted to get along with anybody associated with the LAPD or or or supportive of the LAPD was what they with what they were doing to black people we know this when OJ was in the white Bronco being chased during the NBA Finals when the Houston Rockets were going up against the New York Knicks 95 million people witnessed it live it was a ratings Bonanza when he ultimately was found not guilty after Johnny Cochran the late great Johnny Cochran had said if the glove don’t fit you must a quit 150 million people watched so this ain’t a typical oh this man got off but I know he’s guilty but I don’t know a damn thing I just have an opinion no we saw it we watched the trial and based on a preponderance of evidence I believe he was guilty because we watched it on television just like we watched Mark Ferman plead the fifth when confronted about his racist rhetoric in the past we saw an idiotic detective get exposed for carrying OJ a v OJ’s blood in his pocket outside of the police precinct there was plenty of reasons to find him not guilty innocent another matter so you can have your opinion fa on I can have mine what’s the problem what’s wrong with that do y’all know that less than 10 years later I think it was seven years later to be exact after OJ Simpson was acquitted Robert Blake AKA Beretta remember him the star Beretta in the 70s longtime actor he was in the movie The Money Train he was the bad guy was the boss for Wesley Snipes and Woody harlson that robit Blake Beretta he was on trial for killing his wife he was also acquitted he also lost a civil suit that ordered him to pay $30 million it bankrupted him and he didn’t have a pension from starting in the NFL like OJ did so he just fell by the wayside he was considered a pariah everybody believed he was guilty and we didn’t even see the whole trial in its entirety because the judge wouldn’t allow to trial on a daily basis to be aired because she thought it would Prejudice the jury based on how folks thought the jury was prejudiced during the OJ trial so opening comments closing arguments and the verdict were televised but not the day-to-day ongoing of the trial I bring that up to say usually when you are indicted on murder charges and there’s a preponderance of evidence against you whether you’re found not guilty or not a lot of people usually think you’re guilty it’s not a crime we ain’t the ones that committed the crime I’m not the one that did it faon that wasn’t me and you’re talking about the BET Awards and me bringing up some and you act like I’m out of pocket well where were you last year when the Oscars were taking place in 2023 a month after Robert Blake AKA Beretta had passed away he passed away and then Jimmy Kimmel who was mcing the Oscars said this put this quote up on the screen for me y’all please so everybody can see it for themselves this is what Jimmy Kimmel was quoted as saying you can go back you can Google it you can YouTube it you can see it for yourself Jimmy Kimmel spoke on this at the Oscars and what did Jimmy Kimmel say just three days after Beretta Robert Blake had passed away on March 9th he was a butt of jokes by Jimmy Kimmel at the Academy Awards on Sunday night quote if you think Robert Blake should be part of the in memorian Montage the Oscars hope qubed text give me a Blake give me a Blake to the number on your screen except there was no number on the screen just Blake the face appeared in neither the Montage nor the extended online tribute to those who died that year so he wasn’t honored which brings me to my point they actually didn’t show his face give me a blak wouldn’t mention him wouldn’t show him not guilty on a criminal trial found guilty Civil Trial sound familiar Oscars said we ain’t honoring him we not talking about him we’re not celebrating him we’re not mentioning with the other individuals who are so more worthy than somebody that in their eyes likely killed their wife so me turning around and saying yo the BET Awards what are you doing lisis goset Jr phenomenal actor Clarence Avant move in Shaker Mr Eisley himself how about Bill Cobbs and Ron cus Jones how about those great actors and the great work that they did why would I want that fa on God forbid what if you passed away do I want you mention in the same breath as somebody who’s widely considered to be an individual that got away with double murder I didn’t sit up there and say crucify the man I didn’t say talk about him like he’s a like he’s garbage I didn’t say any of those things what I said is he doesn’t need to be honored he doesn’t need to be mentioned in Memorial with other people who weren’t accused of what he was accused of and for that I’m getting all of that and on top of all where do they find you where do they make you you you so so now my blackness comes into play so let me get this straight I’m a sellout I’m a no good you know what but the dude that was accused of m double murder who which by the way wasn’t my major point my major point was he didn’t want any association with black people until he was indicted on double murder charges he didn’t give a [ __ ] about us I’m not black I’m OJ he said that Jay-Z got it on the 444 album what are you talking about I’m not black emoj okay we all know it you in an uproar or caught up in your feelings you’re supposed to be a funny man you’re supposed to be making people laugh you’re supposed to be sitting up there and entertaining us and all of this stuff and you got your face all cringed up looking like you ready to go polistic over OJ OJ that that’s why that’s go that’s what got you all all all ruffled OJ that’s what you want to stand on you want to stick up for OJ I’m not talking about you just your take your take is trash you should be embarrassed over being angry at such a thing you really really should somebody like cam or mace got something to say man that’s fine OJ was working on their show I understand that what what what what what’s on your mind don’t bother answering and don’t worry about it because I ain’t going to pay attention to you after I finish talking about this I’m not going back and forth with you I got better things to do with my time and damn it when you on another television show or another movie I’m don’t watch cuz I actually like you I like your work and I ain’t rooting for nothing against you I’m just talking about this point that’s why you pissed over OJ really need to look at yourself bro really do willly deep Ghetto Boys I like to getto boys there’s certain things I’m I love God and I’m a brother so you know I try to have a forgiving nature and when I don’t want to forgive somebody I don’t engage in Vengeance and all of this other stuff I just don’t mess with them I don’t talk to him it’s all right you know so Willie D and I probably never speak in life and that’s cool don’t know him never met him if I did I’m sorry I don’t recall doue that’s one of the names you called me you called me a monkey if you wondering why I closed my eyes just now it’s because I did a quick prayer and not getting your ass and I won’t you see a lot of times people look and they look at certain people and they think you’re supposed to be scared or whatever you know and um it’s not whether you can win or lose in a fight it’s not whether you can get harmed or not it’s what you’re willing to get harmed for I’m not going to engage in the back and forth and I’m not going to incite anything I’m not going to do that with anybody but especially my brothers so I’ll be as respectful and as calm as I possibly can be was that really called for willly D what am I wrong about and if I’m wrong and you have the capability to articulate what I’m wrong about why couldn’t you just say that why do I have to be called out of my name like that how do you think that helps us when you say such things about another black man on my worst day I would never call you that I would never call anybody that including somebody I hate and we all know who that is it’s not you w I don’t know you I’m not talking about you everybody know who I’m talking about when I talk about somebody I despise I wouldn’t even call him that so that’s so out of pocket it’s so juvenile it’s so call for is so excessive maybe you should look in the mirror and ask yourself does it apply more to me or you I ain’t never call no black person that and more importantly I don’t treat black people that way just because they disagree with my take now I just gave you examples and terms of OJ’s situation being televised we saw what we saw in terms of the evidence we understood why he was found not guilty in a criminal trial as a member of the OJ team called Douglas who worked under Johnny Cochran came on this show not once but twice to explain so we got that then we have to get to the point where I was not really talking about OJ in terms of being acquitted on the murder charges I’m talking about all the things that came associated with him not to mention the fact that he did not want to be a part of our community when we talk about sellouts and stuff like that who was a bigger one when it came to our community than OJ he wanted nothing to do with us nothing and made that very very clear until he was indicted on double murder charges and Johnny Cochran tipped him off to what he needed to do in order to ingratiate himself with our community and Elevate the level of support that was needed as they turned it into an issue of race when we all know it was really about Fame because as Chris Rock once noted in his standup comedy if OJ was a bus driver his ass would have been in jail so it was more about Fame in a lot of people’s eyes than it was about race what I was pointing out was OJ didn’t want anything to do with us he had no use for us but yet when he gets indicted and that same community that he embraced so much that he treated like family wanted nothing to do with him he came our way looking for support from us as black people and my point is that is the reason along with everything else why the BET Awards should not have honored him with their in memorium segment particularly with those other great great names up there who were never blemished with such accusations along with a flagrant and open desire to disassociate themselves from their very Community like OJ did if you disagree with that I get that say so where the monkey come from where the stoe comes from bro I’ve been on national TV fighting on behalf of black people for over 25 years you can chirp and talk all you want to I got Clips I got evidence when you sit up there you look at my career and the black folks that I’ve extended a helping hand to and what I do for our community what I strive to do for our community how I always try to watch our backs to say something like that about me bro I’ll never talk to you you in life and you don’t ever have to talk to me but I will tell you this if you disagreed all you had to do was call me i’ have came on your show and we would have had a discussion and I’d have put my facts up against yours and then boom we would have reached whatever conclusion we reached you didn’t have to go here but you see that’s what a lot of people are doing these days everybody else disagree with each other it’s Jewish folks disagreeing about this Israeli Palestinian conflict disagreeing amongst themselves it’s other folks disagreeing with stuff like that it’s white folks disagreeing with stuff like that it’s it’s it’s Latinos and others disagreeing borders and all of this other stuff we got an election coming up where there’s a clear divide amongst the left and the right and all of this other stuff the only people that call one another out our names that denigrates in such excessive fashion where you don’t even feel the need to have a conversation is us I wish you well bro I truly truly do you do what you do I’m going to do what I do I meant every word that I said about La about OJ he ain’t want [ __ ] to do with us we should not have wanted anything to do with him for that BET awards that doesn’t take away from the great works Scott Mills and Connie oando and bet have been doing for years I disagree with that decision that’s all it doesn’t excoriate them it doesn’t denigrate them I disagree with that decision anybody that disagrees with my decision I respect it I ain’t I ain’t hurt by that I respect respect it I understand it I’ll listen to the content of what people who are worthy of being listened to have to say and I’ll take it with the seriousness it deserves and see what points they have and what points they don’t what I’m not going to do is waste my time Beyond this point listening to two cats that disagreed with me and decided to attack me as a man and as a black man over O J Simpson over OJ Simpson stooge I can’t have my own opinions I got to be put the demands got to have me out there I got to be put out there that’s the reason well you got a YouTube channel who you think opens YouTube where you getting your money from at least to some degree when you express yourself fa on when you working in Hollywood who paying you I’m the only one working for the man y’all ain’t it’s just black dollars eminate from everywhere and that’s what’s paying you and nobody else is putting nothing in your pocket huh don’t get me started if you want me to I can detail where you getting your money from specifically but I won’t do that we all live in America we know what we got to deal with we know the trials and tribulations we know the Mind fields we know the potholes we know the obstacles but that don’t mean that opinions are bought and paid for I have my own perspectives I have my own beliefs don’t blame the white man or anybody else for what I feel I feel what the hell I feel and I say what the hell I mean and that is that I hope you understand that hope you get it but if not that’s on you it’s a sad sad day I’ve as a as a trained journalist we’re not here to be liked we’re not here to make friends we here to call it like we see it that’s our job and that’s what we’re supposed to do even though I’m a personality now and I do commentary and all of the other stuff the fabric of my profession is journalism that’s how I got into this business journalist for nearly 30 years but my point is and last point about this I don’t care about being liked I understand I understand that people gonna disagree but I want Willie D and Faison to know especially Willie D more than Faison you you called me a monkey and a stouge over OJ Simpson who didn’t give two shits about you nor anyone from our community until it was expedient and convenient for him to do so that’s why you did that to this brother you don’t know at all I expect a lot of things in my life I never in my wildest dreams believed that I’d have folks turning against me because of O J Simpson it’s a sad day but I’ll get over it


  1. When you wake and the first thing you think about is inline with what a prostitute thinks about her pimp, how can anymore benefit from that mindset?? I think about making my bosses money and THEN, how I can get some of it?? That's "PIMPS and Hoes. A dog sitting by the dinner table HOPING for a snack from it's "MASTER"……

  2. Stephen A! Brotha please! Stop it! Stop the nonsense my brotha! “He was acquitted of all charges brought!” “Acquitted keyword!” However, the issue with this is that anytime we are “acquitted” of something we should be first to support “our people”🤷🏽‍♂️. White people all think where guilty because the color of our skin, this ain’t “he say she say, this is historical, and something that has forever been apart of our history.”🤷🏽‍♂️ Notice how they supported Trump even though he was found guilty of all “33 charges.” White people of a history of standing behind each other guilty or not guilty🤷🏽‍♂️. Let’s take the case against Emmitt Teal, notice how they stood behind those white men when it was clear as day that they were guilty. 🤷🏽‍♂️ My point Stephen A is when someone such as OJ has gone through all the things he had to go through to be acquitted from his imaged being tarnished to being ridiculed on a daily basis, even though he was acquitted……..we should at least do our part to stand behind that brotha 💯. And let’s be honest the “civil case” against OJ was completely unfair and was very discriminatory! They were looking for any and everything to tie OJ to that murder, even though he “was acquitted of all charges.”🤷🏽‍♂️ I could go on and on about the OJ case but let’s be real, everything about the OJ case was racial! Let’s think about the numerous upon numerous, innocent black men that have been lynched throughout history for simply just being in the wrong place at the wrong time🤷🏽‍♂️. Let that sink in my brotha Stephen A but still got love for ya 💯

  3. The Robert Blake analogy was horrible because the average black don’t care about Robert Blake or the oscars. It’s just not about OJ but more a black man was found innocent with a black man representing him. And you wonder why blacks never are able to stand together smh.

  4. Saying OJ ran back to the black community is what Stephen A does on a daily basis between his day job and his podcast. And stop saying as a journalist you call it like you see it. You call it the way they tell you to see it..

  5. In other words Stephen A is saying don't upset master or you'll be in a whole heap of trouble. He'll do anything to please them.

  6. I Jus Don't Understand How Someone Worse Case Scenario Had Momentary Insanity Can Be Hated Soo much. She Sent the Man A sex tape. It's A Line Between Love And Hate. Then he served did Massive Jail time on a petty crime and was on your RIVALS SHOWand now u hate OJ 😮

  7. This dude is so concerned about what white folks say and do. We all don't operate like you and worry about white gazes.

  8. SAS said nothing but FACTS Black people are too emotional over race…No one owe you anything get beyond your skin color and stop being cry babies

  9. They're right about you 1000percent you are a total embarrassment to us. You are not a brother you are our enemy and we need to cancel you that should be the campagne you did Kwame brown the same you got at A.I and I was done with you definitely with Kyrie while he was with Brooklyn. The new movement is to cancel you.

  10. Stephen you are WRONG SIR. BEYOND WRONG. this man was charged and faced by a court of law and found not guilty. you have NO RIGHT to condemn him.

  11. SAS has black face on 😂 we all know this 🤡 hates black. Max told us years ago. Them people going to let you go one day just remember that. Look at brother Love right now.

  12. Willie D is a bozo for not being able to convey his message without name calling. Same for Cam

  13. Still you are playing a joker game i don’t need to listen your packet anymore you are not the real man in this age still you still supporting these people excuses lazy people
    Keep follow your excuses

  14. Hope people keep following you negativity you guys are keep judging others but don’t judge yourself that called excuses right good luck Smith

  15. ESPN has made millions off of OJ. SAS has spoken on OJ plenty of times. So what's the problem with remembering him in his death? Remembering is not the same as celebrating him. It's just acknowledgement acknowledgement

  16. Let me say this everybody has the right to their own opinions and views everybody there's a difference between opinions and facts Steven A mostly has opinions but he doesn't have facts he's also a puppet but he's been a puppet and he's going to stay a puppet for the hybrid Albion Europeans

  17. Stephen A, you have a right to your opinion, but OJ was found not guilty by a jury of 12 people. To this day, I'm still not convinced he did it. My opinion!!! OJ was an outstanding athlete who died and deserves to be honored.

  18. When is someone else in the position of being tried in a court of law it's easy to pass judgemen anybody can put their opinion I want to know what somebody does and committing a crime but if the court system find this man not guilty what can we do some of us turn to vigilantes with verbal words someone's physically become vigilantes but that's not Justice
    There are white men that tryed for the same crimes in this country and it's a double standard when it comes down to the court of law
    It is amazing how some of our black people forget their history to the ones that know their history in this country on how we are treated in a court of law we can sit here all day and say this man was guilty but the courts found him not guilty
    Stephen A just because you in position and have the platform to speak your opinion which is your right doesn't mean do you speak for all of us as a black race sometimes man you just go to far don't let your money blind you to what's the reality in this world for a black man

  19. It's gonna be so funny when it's reported that Stephen A. Smith resigned with Disney/ESPN for $18Million which is far less than what he wants, while Pat McAfee is making way more money than him, even though he's been with ESPN less and does less work 😂

  20. I believe O.J. Simpson was INNOCENT based on evidence not reported on TV. There's a lot the (corrupt) "Powers That Be" tried hiding from us by putting it in reading material, new papers, etc. because they know most people don't read, and a lot that didn't make sense in the case. They said the ONLY bruise/cut on O.J's. body was a cut on his finger they claim came from allegedly unaliving Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman, but they also say he was wearing leather gloves while allegedly committing that crime, if that's true why didn't the gloves have a cut in them at the same location as the cut on his finger?

    Also, they don't tell us that Ron Goldman was a KARATE black belt/expert and when you look at his autopsy pictures he had deep cuts and bruises on his knuckles and blood under his finger nail, blood that possibly belonged to the killer/killers, which proves he put up a great fight for his life; when you look at OJ Simpson's mugshot he did not look like he was in a life or death fight with a martial art expert; OJ Simpson isn't a fighter, so he should've had cuts and bruises on his face from Ron punching, kicking, AND SCRATCHING HIM.

    Ron Goldman also allegedly sold cocaine and had a LARGE criminal police record and was an LAPD INFORMANT… A SNITCH, and the restaurant he worked at, The Mezzaluna Restaurant in Brentwood, was known to be a mob front for dealing drugs.

    Nicole Simpson not only frequented the Mezzaluna, but she was allegedly dating one of the executives named Keith Zlomsowitch, and she allegedly had a serious drug problem and was in drug debt with the mob. Both Nicole Simpson AND Ron Goldman made several separate trips to Aspen, Colorado where The Mezzaluna Restaurant had their headquarters… I don't don't believe in coincidences, an alleged drug dealer who was a simple waiter, and a drug abuser who dating a powerful man in a drug front making trips to Aspen, Colorado where the drug front is headquartered at?

    People have come out to say when Nicole was alive she would throw drug fueled parties, that was allegedly supplied by her boyfriend at the time that was staying with her, Keith Zlomsowithch. Other people who worked for The Mezzaluna Restaurant in Brentwood were murdered shortly after Ron Goldman.

    The Los Angeles Times not only reported that the Bruno Magli shoe photo is a fraud, according to expert witnesses; they also reported that OJ Simpson sued the Brown family for the phone records that would PROVE that Nicole Simpson was on the phone with her mother while O.J. Simpson was either being driven to the airport or on his flight to Chicago, but the Brown family fought to keep those phone records sealed and the Judge ruled in their favor… Why would the Brown family and the Judge not want the phone records admitted into evidence, if it could prove OJ's innocence and that the real killer/s of there daughter are still out there?

    Lastly, Nicole Simpson befriended and hired a serial killer named Glen Rogers to do work in her home; after he was caught by law enforcement, he confessed to unaliving Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson.

    I have three theories about who committed the murders: 1. It was whoever Ron Goldman was snitching on (possibly Mezzaluna) they stalked him back to Nicole Simpson home when he was allegedly dropping off her "glasses" where they killed him and Nicole, Nicole was at the wrong place at the wrong time. 2. The mob went to Nicoles home to settle her debt by taking her life, and Ron was as the wrong place at the wrong time. 3. Glen Rogers really did commit the murders, and Ron was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

    One thing I'm almost certain of is O.J. Simpson did not kill those people.

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