Golf Babe

Girls On The Run Golf Tournament 2024 | Sponsored by Strike Visuals

#golftournament #tradeshows #event


Girls On The Run Golf Tournament 2024 | Sponsored by Strike Visuals

We had the amazing opportunity to attend this year’s Girls On The Run Golf Tournament at the Mountain Dell Golf Course in Salt Lake City.

This event was filled with amazing vendors helping Girls On The Run raise funds for an amazing cause.

Meeting with all the vendors was a great opportunity to help network with companies in our local area.

If your company is interested in custom printed displays, please feel free to visit our website at:

Custom Trade Show Displays | Tents, Flags, Inflatable Arch, & Table Covers

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey good morning strikes out here at the girls on the run golf tournament this morning so we’ve got set up a tent back back wall table cover flags and some other items here sponsoring this golf tournament for Girls on the Run great opportunity great uh thing they’ve got going on and we’ve got a dart board set up uh we just created a dart wall out of our back wall of our tent with drone darts to win prizes uh different swag items some hats splatter bottles as well as you can uh win yourself a a printed table cover flag or even a tent for your business so let’s go play some golf [Music] hey y’all this is Sher Hansen past president on the board of directors I’ve been serving for girls on the run now for almost 8 years here in Utah today we’re at mountaindale golf course for our fourth annual golf tournament raising funds to support girls in our program why I choose Girls on the Run to support it’s cuz I think it’s very important that our young girls learn the skills they need now before they grow up and have to [Music] utilize um so my name is Ivy denan I’m the program director for girls on the rad um so I just handle everything program wise so we’re an after school program for thirr through 8th grade girls and our program is 8 weeks long and it teaches the girls a variety of life skills empowerment skills um character development skills um and all with the mission of making them more happy healthy and confident so our season ends with a 5k at Sugar House Park um and that’s what the girls are training for during the 8 weeks but it’s so much more than running so we’re giving them the tools to increase their self-confidence to believe in themselves and to help them find their voice and the program is all volunteer-led um so every season we do a fall season and a spring season and we’re led by Volunteers in the community sometimes our coaches are moms teachers um you don’t have to be a runner to be a coach so we’re really thankful for our volunteers and for today um our golf tournament is just to help raise funds for our program for our scholarship fund um we never turn a girl away for inability to pay so a big part of our program is fundraising um so we do events throughout the year just to help our scholarship F we give shoes to any girls that need um [Music] hey guys we’re shi’s marketing team we’re out here at girls on the run we’re so excited to be here and support the girls and be here at this beautiful golf course we love everything that Girls on the Run does for the community and we’re just glad to be a part of it hi my name is Elina Gomez I’m the groups account executive for the Utah Grizzlies we are the ECHL hockey team out here in uh West Valley Utah where we are stationed in the Maverick Center we’re really happy working with girls on the run um they are a nonprofit that I hold near and dear to my heart think building strong girls and making sure girls have the opportunities available for them are one of the most important things we can do for our community so we’re really happy to be out here today we look forward to working with girls on the run in the future and making sure that anything that they need they know they have a helping hand in the community so we are from which is Bank of Montreal and um we are a whole sponsor for Girls on the Run tournament and it is this is one of our favorite events to come to cuz we just really believe in the event and uh we’re super excited to be here so thanks for letting us come my name is Brian funk I work with the Moab Brewery here in Utah and I am the sales events and promotions coordinator for the state [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi my name’s Tyler Rio I’m with young Power Sports at Leighton uh we also have a team out here as well and we are sponsoring the Ho in-one [Music] shop he everyone I’m Miranda and I’m Mary and we’re here supporting girls on the ride we’re here with the agency Salt Lake City and we’re here level up your real estate experience my name is Andrew agner I am the world long drive champion last year in the Amer Division and now the 45th night Pro in the world uh I chose to be here at Girls on the Run cuz they’re doing amazing things uh for these young girls teaching them confidence through running um as well as camaraderie and we’re supporting scholarships and and providing equipment uh for these girls to give them that opportunity it’s really awesome and we’re hitting 400 yard drives today on this hole uh just to do that for the players so excited to be here and be back in the future so we are Grand TR Global advisers and we are a mutual fund Investment Company um that does global Equity I work on a research team Indiana is our office manager and we support girls in the run because we love supporting local charities we think their mission of empowering girls to live healthy active and social Lifestyles is great and we’re just happy to be part of it oh [Music] no

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