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#PackersDaily: Stay safe out there

Aaron chats with Packers fans worldwide about all things Green and Gold prior to the 4th of July holiday.

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[Music] good afternoon Packers fans Aaron negler here with your Packers daily chat coming to you live on the chees head TV social channels it is Wednesday the day before the 4th of July weekend kicks off hope you’re all going to be spending it with folks who allow you to talk some green and gold some Packers wherever you are in this country or indeed this world of ours I will be taking off the next couple days so there won’t be a chat tomorrow on Thursday or on Friday I’ll be back at it on Monday so hope everyone stays safe this Fourth of July holiday hope you have a great time time doing whatever it is you’re doing most of all just stay safe out there it’s just just be smart don’t pull yourself in Andrew corus and have the headlines be about you over the Fourth of July weekend you don’t want that nobody wants that we all want you to have fun in the most safe and responsible way possible that’s my only in treaty to you Packers fans as we head into uh you know the final kind of stretch here of the summer holiday where it’s interesting because the Fourth of July there really kind of like a a almost you know harbinger of Summer to come but for a lot of folks around the football world it’s like the last kind of gasp where you know you blink in a couple weeks it’s the start a training camp so here hoping that uh you get time with friends and family uh before we kind of gear down once training camp kicks off there on July 22nd I for one am very much looking forward to it but I know lots of other people enjoy their quality time in the summer hope you have a good one whatever you’re doing wherever you are hello to everybody in the comments section so good to see everybody chiming in already hello hello uh obviously I got to give a shout out to our good friends over at Ticket King based in Wisconsin since 1992 Ticket King is located across the street from Lambo field on Onida they’re happy to help you find just the right Packers tickets for larger groups single tickets both home and away they partner with local Green Bay businesses for tailgating and bus transportation to the games so you don’t have to worry about driving or parking they’re even open on game day for last minute tickets or possible upgrades they even have a drive-through window if you’re not in Green Bay no problem just use the Ticket King link on the cheese head TV homepage on our app or indeed in the description of this video do it folks you don’t want to utilize Ticket Master StubHub or seat geek none of these National companies use a company based in Wisconsin since the early 90s Ticket King for all your Packers ticket needs what’s up everyone hope you’re all doing well everyone mixing it up already we got Mimsy out here Mimsy haven’t seen you in a while thanks for the Super Chat what’s the nagler beer of the summer high life for me that’s an excellent question I will admit uh in lie of the fact that I cannot get Carri the G out here in New York um I do still tend to stick to Dale’s p l throughout the summer although when it’s a really hot day like that stretch we had a couple weeks ago where it was like 90 every day for basically 10 days straight I do enjoy a Miller High Life that is an ice cold Miller High Life something about it something about it just go goes down right Ed thanks for the Super Chat my heart’s with Germany but my money is with Spain although France might put it together enjoy the games oh Ed tomorrow’s GNA be insane Saturday I’m gonna be a wreck watching England I’m excited and yes I’ve noticed that you’ve not mentioned England and your possible winners there which I understand they have like garbage and it took a miracle for them to get this far so I will most certainly be enjoying the games without question very much looking forward to it Michael says staks and kebabs on the grill tomorrow oh M that sounds lovely that sounds fantastic I am going to be in the city with my girls uh we’re gonna be watching the fireworks they have them on the west side this year for the first time in like over a decade so we will be on the Highline enjoying the fireworks very very exciting stuff cannot wait Ahmad asks do you see another free agent signing between now and Camp I don’t I don’t um would I be surprised no because you’re always looking to kind of turn the roster especially towards the bottom end of it but I do think Brian is gon to stand Pat with what they’ve got and have had through much of the off season if for some reason you know they feel that they can maybe up the floor uh of one of the you know parts of the depth chart whether the bottom of a certain position group what have you maybe they make that kind of signing but I’d be very surprised I think the the roster they have right now is most likely the roster that for the most part will be taken into a training camp now you know could there be the odd you know uh undrafted free agent signing that type of signing I could see but some significant move I’d be very very surprised as many Danes say soccer is 22 guys and a ball and in the end Germany wins they’ve looked phenomenal this tournament that’s for sure uhse we got who will develop into tackle four tackle four MC Knight MC Knight ain’t happy with three tackles he wants tackle four um I know that the prevailing wisdom or kind of the I would think the leader in the clubhouse would be uh Caleb Jones I think you know they’ve obviously put time and work into him both him and Tuda but for me I think Jones is the guy if he’s able to hit the ground running and camp and pick up where he left off two summers ago last summer he was really curtail by injury but the fact that the Packers have kept him around would suggest that they think there’s a possibility there for you know a legit player to emerge so yeah I think you know that’s certainly one of the battles that’s going to be fun watching a camp but um yeah my money is on Caleb Jones Matthew asks is this year’s Packers team a dangerous team uh yes I believe it is I believe it is a team that can beat you or will be a team that can beat you in a lot of different ways I think they’ll be able to button it up and run the football I think they’ll be able to spread it out throw it around the yard I think they’re going to be very multiple on defense and the fact that Halley is a firsttime NFL coordinator should allow him to really maybe not surprise teams from week to week but really kind of roll through coverages without you know the benefit of his opponents having any kind of tendency Work video wise play calling wise things of that nature that should help halfly in his first year especially considering he does have a decent amount of talent at his disposal so um but yeah I think dangerous is a good word for this team no doubt oh Matthew what’s up whilst I don’t want to mention the Euros come on England what a mess I was on Sunday Monday’s hangover is an alltime bad Mrs Matthew was delighted with my Shenanigans Go Pack Go I mean it was Bleak there for about 90 minutes and then miracles happen that’s why I always say what do I always say a lot of ball game left Joe thanks for the Super Chat liberate us MNT from bur halter on Independence Day I saw the big uh fan group has called for his firing you know I well for all the good that does I mean I remember back in the day chees head TV calling for the firing of Jim Bates like anyone cares what we have to say right like you’re a fan group like get it together but yeah could I see it happening it’s a possibility that’d be some cold ass business but it is a cold ass business so possibly we shall see Joey what’s up man thanks for the Super Chat I would love to see CP rotate as a standup Edge you know it’s funny because we talked a bit about that with Walker last year and we did see it every once in a while but it certainly wasn’t something that was on offer on the regular right but I could see it I could see them wanting to utilize his physicality out there or like especially his burst and speed my worry would be now this would obviously have to be in really obvious passing situations because I don’t love the idea of him sitting out there um on a down where they might be able to run the the football and because they would most certainly look right at him and try and run right at him but you know like obviously you’re in the NFL your job is to do what’s asked of you if you’re out there you got to do everything you can in your power to make it work but I just don’t think that’s a great idea if the run is still in play that would be my one kind of caveat there Jim I’ll take the over sportscasters love a good cliche they do indeed um Ahmad asks are the rookies invest it’s all on the same page on defense now that there is a new DC in town or are some parts of the old scheme reutilized well there won’t be parts of the old scheme um they won’t be utilizing anything out of Joe Barry’s playbooks or anything like that but there are certainly going to be Concepts that are familiar to the vets and even some of the rookies given you know some football things certainly carry over especially when you’re talking defense and coverages and cover two cover three uh two man cover one things of that nature that’s kind of universal football parlance now what will change is what is asked of you pre- snap and your post Snap Rules and Things that you’re asked to do as far as alignment and you know then that is all very very very rudimentary stuff and then they’ll get into deeper parts of the Playbook that really kind of play off of those Tendencies and combine some of them and you know even to the point where you’re trying to marry what you’re doing coverage wise with what’s going on pressure-wise and trying to make sure both of those are married and in sync I do think yeah they’re going to be in a good spot to begin but you got to have live reps and you’re not going to get any until you get to kind of the pre-season games but even preseason games aren’t full complete you know balls to the wall kind of speed ferocity that you get in the regular season so I I think and I’ve said this a couple times I think you’re going to live with the few mistakes early a few miscommunications early because you have a new coordinator and a new scheme but also because you have a lot of Youth on that side of the ball so I think that’s inevitable Cheeto happy fourth suck at England succinct and to the point as always Cheeto Steve Anthony thanks for the Super Chat man shears nags and cheese heads and iced Jin and tonic is hard to beat when it’s 90 plus beer-wise I’ve been hitting easy ipas steo is a Veno guy by Nature a little voo would be Kino can we get a wine glass and cocktail Emoji oh we should do that yes Steve I think we can I think that’s a really good idea here on the old cheese head TV account I’ll I’ll get right on that I will talk to Young Tower herck to have those included it’s a really good idea Jon sovich what’s up hope you have a great Fourth Man great to uh great to see you in the uh in the mix here oh Brandy will lefl change his willingness to go for it on fourth down if he has a defense he can rely on I don’t think so I think most of his calls to go for it have very little to do with how he feels about his defense I think it’s much more about how he feels it’s advantageous and almost always correct to go for it on fourth down in lots of instances now obviously if it’s like fourth and 22 in your own end no you don’t want to go for it but more often than that going for it on offense is the right call and I’m not saying every single time but more often than not it it is and I think he has Supreme confidence in both his ability to come up with the right play call but also his guys to you know execute certainly from what we saw second half of last season I don’t think for a moment that that his tendency to want to go for it on fourth down is going to change I think like I said more often than not he’s made the right call to go for it sometimes you can quibble with the play calls sometimes bad execution but the idea of going for it is almost always correct I have zero issues with that and I don’t think he will either Matthew thanks again man you got to go one nil down with a minute to play to win 2-1 in extra time can’t wait for the NFL season now though Bullard will ball this year I’m so excited to watch Bullard fly around the field at Ray nitki field I want to see his speed and athleticism and physicality uh I hope it pops off the field the way he’s been described and what you’ve seen on his college tape here’s hoping we shall see uh complicated fella the Sunday Ticket lawsuit will this cause a major crack in the shields choke hold on their prosperity not for a long time if it ever does um I would deeply H highly encourage you to check out my chat with Andrew Brandt here on the YouTube channel regarding this very subject um there’s a long way to go very long way to go and even if we get to the point where there is some kind of breakup of their ability to utilize the distribution model that is Sunday Ticket we’re still a ways away from them having to really kind of drastically change uh any of their distribution models um but we’ll we’ll we’ll see how it plays out but it’s going to be Years yet you know between you know everything that Andrew talked about with uh you know the fact that the judge could vacate the verdict essentially um they have obviously the NFL will appeal to the Circuit Court which traditionally historically has been very very very favorable to the league um and then hell they could even get it to the Supreme Court which they probably would if they lost in the circuit court so and that’ll take forever so it’s going to be a long time before there’s a res resolution here Danny what’s going on man thanks for the Super Chat I guess now that we are on the verge of training camp I should come out of hibernation see you at upcoming happy hours soon well it’s about time Danny kid thanks for being a care the G Club member appreciate you man and speaking of happy hour man we had like almost 40 people on happy hour last night you got you all a bunch of die hards up in here I absolutely love it my girlfriend was like who is coming on a happy hour to talk about the Packers in early July and I’m like die hards that’s who they just don’t understand man they just don’t get us absolutely love it U Matthew says we won’t take three quarterbacks surely to the 53 so the training camp battle between Pratt and Clifford is going to be massive absolutely going to be a battle to watch something that um Billy and I talked about on last week’s carry the G radio that is one of for me one of the highlights I’m going to be watching day in and day out um excited to see uh who Rises to the occasion and who wins out that spot because I’m with you I’d be very very surprised if they took three quarterbacks on the 53 uh most hated what’s up I actually made it last night gotta work out early I saw you most hated I saw you lurking without your camera on you lurker I get it Nick thanks for checking out the stream on X fun happy fun happy hour yesterday yeah it was a good time really good conversations if you guys haven’t jumped in yet you really should it’s a lot of fun like I said it is nothing but Die Hard Packers fans each and every week it’s a really really good time Kenneth says tour to France alltime stage wins record set today Kenneth I really I kid I kid about the biking and the cycling and the tart of France I’m I’m very excited sir it is the day before America’s birthday how dare you bring up some French bike race I kid I kid Dennis I will be surprised if the NFL ends up paying that 14 billion uh yeah Kevin thanks for checking out the stream on Facebook what do you think that the time frame between implementing the new defensive scheme and the players somewhat mastering it on the field I think it’s going to be very similar to what we saw play out last year on the offensive side of the ball you know I think we’re going to see some real rough patches early we’re going to see some exciting stuff as well but I think week seven eight around that time should be when it starts to kind of really look like they’re on the same page everyone knows what’s expected down in and down out I will kind of leave open the possibility that maybe happens sooner than that maybe quicker than that because of the nature of defensive football being you know a little bit more reactionary a little bit more SE ball get ball rather than having to get you know all these intricate timings down that you do on offense but you still have a lot of different types of calls and things that have to work in concert together and I just think it will take you know a month maybe even two months before we’re like really seeing a cohesive esve defense that is really kind of firing on all cylinders which to me you know that’s fine I I I do not doubt for a moment that they’re not out there expecting that or preaching that in any way shape or form they want it right from the kickoff of week one but it’s the nature of the Beast especially when you have so many young players playing what looks like is going to be pretty prominent roles you know I just think it’s foolish to think that it’s just going to gel right away right off right out of the gate so now we got talk about French food in the uh chat so that’s always fun the French helped us in the revolution yeah yeah they did but then they were sneaky during World War II you know South France very very very sneaky I don’t like talking about the French they’re not my people um Danny between building a house in this economy and quiet offseason not complaining there’s been no need for my hot takes yeah is kind of refreshing to have an offseason that’s not dominated by drama from one certain individual it’s nice to just be excited about the team and the prospects for the team heading into the season now I know there’s been a lot of chatter online about Jordan Love’s potential contract extension but but uh still for the most part it’s been a welcome change of pace in that regard let’s just say that fogs what’s up man have a great fourth and weekend nags thank you brother back at you back at it to everybody um I really I really appreciate everybody coming out here every day during the depths of the off season you know you guys keep it fun and interesting and you guys keep me on my toes as far as what you ask about and the topics we hit um I really do appreciate each and every one of you make chees head TV part of your Packers routine because God knows there is a ton on offer out there and the fact that chees head TV is utilized in any way shape or form in connection with your love for the Green Bay Packers means the world to me so thank you so much um I am going to get going I appreciate each and every one of you tuning in checking in like I said no chats the next couple days Thursday and Friday I’m going to be off so I’ll be back at it here on the channel on Monday afternoon refreshed and ready to go please stay safe over the Fourth of July holiday and over the weekend have a good time wherever you are crack open a cold one talk to some Packers and tell everyone in your life that you love that you love them please do that for me um all right everybody I’m GNA take off thank you so much please do me a monster favor hit like on the channel on the video subscribe to the channel and then tell your friends and tell your family cheese head TV we are devoted to Green Bay Packers fans worldwide thanks a lot everybody have a great weekend go pack go [Music]


  1. Loving the 💩 talking on the french 😂😂. They eat weird things. They smell. Paris smells. They cant win a war without Americas help (yea i know the helped us against Britain in the Revolution)

  2. One of my fondest memories is the smell throughout the whole city of Sheboygan on the 4th of July. The whole city smells like a Brat.

  3. Think the Defense will end up okay early building up better as season goes along BUT the OLine will need some adjustment..Man up guys

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