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Seconds Out’s Ayman Khan speaks to Jamie Moore who breaks down Anthony Joshua vs Daniel Dubois, Jack Catterall vs Regis Prograis and more.

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hean Khan here 4 seconds out with top trainer Jamie Moore Jamie first of all I apologize I’m not the lovely doul tones of Josh Hart uh but hopefully I’ll do a good just as good as interviews Josh um how’s things with you I’m all right mate how’s my mate Josh yeah Josh is doing well he’s doing well he fineing his feet and he’s flying now so um all because of the assist from yourself because of man but but Teamwork Makes the Dream work that’s exactly yeah and Teamwork Makes the Dream for this one as well to Reg just progr in the opposite corner just speaking to Sam Jones He said this was an easy fight to make it was a 20-minute phone call in terms of it being different to how Josh Taylor was and that was a long arous process talking about the process of getting progr in the opposite corner yeah of course I love that you know I think it’s a sign that when two fighters agree to stuff quickly it’s means that both fight fighters want the fight in equal amounts um it’s not all about the money and um you know there could have been more lucrative fights out there for Jack in terms of what he would get out of it because obviously Regis doesn’t come cheap but um but it was adamant that he wanted the best challenge out there for him he didn’t want want to Mark in time fight because he couldn’t get a world title shot um he could could have been forgiven for taking an easier fight but he’s not done he wanted to uh he wanted to challenge himself and I think it’s it’s not you know I don’t want people to think that we’re overlooking PR it’s not at all is the fact that we’ve got so much confidence in Jack catell just picking up on something that Sam said and it was quite a surprise actually because Josh Taylor and the buildup to both fights said that Jack would never win the world title and coming from Samy said that Regis said that catell isn’t World level that’s two fighters who have been there and done that that are now saying that jack catell won’t get there why do you feel that they come with that well listen the pro in the pudding these Fighters have been Josh Josh t and and reg’s prog both been boxing at World level for a number of years Jack just beat Josh and many people believe and right as I do that I beat him twice and one of them was two and a half years ago so so I believe I’ve always had belief in Jack catell I’ve always known that he was capable of being fighting at this level and um and the proof will be in the pudding after the 24th of August as well you know Regis is a phenomenal fighter and you know Styles make fights and I think that this style is is a great style for Jack what version do you think you’ll be getting of Regis prog off the back of the ha defeat I think before that you got the victory over zarilla it was but um what version do you think you’ll be getting a pro I don’t think you can sort of make any comparisons in style-wise to for to Haney and Jack so so so you can’t really judge or anticipate he’s going to perform in the same sort of ways he did against Han Hane is a proven guy the at the way and you know fighting at that level and for for for a number of years so so you know the questions really are you know what does pror have left you know is was Haney’s performance outstanding or did it flatter him and um you know the facts of the matter is PR’s proven ex- world champion and we could be getting him maybe at the worst time because it could be his Last Chance Saloon so so desperate fighs are always difficult to to overcome but I you know we we we can’t worry about that alls we do is we have confidence in Jack’s ability because he’s in in the form of his career and um and I I still believe he’s getting better I think the lessons what he’s going to take on board from the from the rematch with Josh Taylor you know the way to navigate those 12 rounds in a difficult fight um knowing when to go when to hold off um are going to stand him in such good stead for this fight so um so yeah I think he’s still improving and I think The Best Is Yet To Come what a moment as well to be head Ling at this arena for the first boxing promoted show at the co-op live um I was just asking Sam as well but you’ll know better than I guess Sam will um Jack never comes across as a nervous type of character you can never really read him I guess as well as an interviewer but I wonder just when was the last time he had nerves for a fight I’ve never known him to have nerves he’s cold as ice he really is and uh you know there some Fighters what he just like they Thrive of it you know he’s he’s he actually sort of loves these types of occasions and um and for him to be able to top the bill in such a such an arena in in you know not his hometown as such but as close as it can be to to a big city it’s um it’s such an occasion for us all you know we’re all part of it and um I just think that you know ri’s prog against Jack CLE at this point in his career on an occasion like this he’s all wrong for Regis this is all about Jack setting himself up into making himself into that position where he can fight for the world title and and and rightly so he’s earned it you know the last two and a half years have been um have been really tough for him tough two and a half years but I wonder would this be the start of the headline the big shows the Arenas in Manchester not just a one and done thing not just a thing where you set up in the UK and then you go off to America and win the world titles you feel that Jack can have longevity here yeah I think you obviously the the rematch with Josh Taylor because of the controversy for the first fight was you know that’s why sold so well um but now we have to get Jack performing in arenas like this against the right opposition and that’s part of the reason why PR gra was the right opponent because um because you can’t come to an arena like this at the stage of Jack’s career that he’s at with the wrong opponent you can’t do it you know it takes two to tango and um and PR gr’s been there he’s got he’s got history with British Fighters and we’ve got um we’ve got a job to do on a big stage and and and like I say Jack thrives off it get your thoughts on a couple of things first all keeping with the theme of itself um akob FZ and Kane Baker got pulled very late in the day on the Birmingham card uh it’s been now come out that there was some irregular betting activity I believe was was caused the fight to be pulled from the promoter side what can you say about that situation and it moving forward there’s not a lot I can say about it because there’s an inquir going on but what I will say is that you know I found out about it so on the day of the fight and um I I let the people know who who needed be let know involved and we we decided that the fight has to be pulled there was no questions about it because there’s there’s no way I would be involved in anything like that and until the um the inquir is done and sort of the the truth comes out in in what actually happened then I’ll make some decision moving forward on what we have to do but um but there was no question that the fight was going to take place once I sort of got that information on board I’m unfamiliar with this process completely but can you tell me if is either fighter allowed to fight until this is done so they can’t I’m not quite sure to be honest I don’t know what what the situ situation is with K Baker but from what I can gather that the boxing board um I’ve suspended everyone’s license pending an Inquirer until they find out what has actually gone on and taking place so um I’m I’m interested to know myself very enough we’ll move on I just want to get your thoughts on a couple of things at the top of the tree first of all we got AJ BSW coming on very soon I just wonder who you favor in that fight um see I I realiz like the fight I think D Bo’s improved a hell of a lot over the last couple of years you know he’s been in there with some quality operators and win or lose you you always learn from them for type of fights and and he’s a young heavyweight you know 26 is young for a heavyweight and for him to have been in the type of fights he’s been in he’s going to G to have got better um I just feel like he’s getting AJ all at the wrong time I think AJ is probably in the F of his career and he went through that period where he was so experienced but he was a little bit sort of G not gun shy but hesitant a little bit when he when he was boxing and he still had some good wins in there um and obviously he had the two usk losses um and it feels like from what everyone was asking him for from him was like you know just let your hands go and just just go in there and do what you can do we know you can do he’s sort of gone back to that now and he’s got other the legends on board he’s much more experienced but it seems like he’s gone back to the sort of sort of the beginning of his career and he’s gone a little bit more gungho and and he’s letting his hands go a bit more and that’s the exciting AJ we’ve all wanted to see for a long time so I think DUIs is certainly going to be part of the heavyweight pitcher moving forward but in this instance I think it’s just a little bit too soon for him and I think he’s getting AJ at the wrong time you had to work with a fighter who had a family member so prominent in their Corner in this case it be standed by his father in this corner who’s really willing on and Daniel seems to draw Confidence from that but have you ever had that experience where you know family members kind of been been there so prominently I’ve not to be honest you know I mean obviously um a lot of people who who who have coached have had close relationships with family members and sometimes they’ve come to the gym and stuff but I’ve never had anybody who’s even been remotely close to sort of Crossing that line of being involved in the coaching or or in a corner or even in the changing rooms so um so no it’s pretty unique but I think I remember watching a video once and it was sort of saying like there’s there’s a lot of success been shown in sort of F and some relationships you know Joe Kaki for instance he’s one of the greatest fighter ever um T Fimo ha you know there a lot of Fighters around who who work with with the dads so so you know over the years I remember years and years ago people talking about with Joe Kaki saying I’m not sure whether it’s a good thing you know family is too close and may maybe R here in Cotton wool a little bit um I don’t know I think it’s the opposite way I think you’re probably a little bit more harder on on on your your own kids then you would be with anybody else so um maybe that’s the reason why they they turn out a little bit special so so I think DB’s doing everything what he’s doing he’s doing right and he’s had a few setbacks but he’s learned from it he’s come back better and fair play to him some might see that as a distraction I wonder what you made of the back and forth between Joshua and KL fru is that a distraction heading into the fights look as a bit of tongue and Che and we all enjoy it but um f is back in his sou joshu is back in his sou they never seem to will they ever be on the same page listen I think both guys in their own mind will be right and and that’s a lot of the time in in life these things happen and you know there there’s no right or wrong there there’s one person’s version the other person’s version and the truth is somewhere in the middle and that’s what it’ll be um I don’t think you’ll ever get at this stage in AJ’s career something like that will never take his Focus away from a fight it’s a little bit of a spot it is what it is the amount of attention he must get um every single day of his life you know a little spot with car won’t won’t um won’t distract his attention away from his fight note certainly not this stage of his career how do you feel about having we’ve had Crown now on dispute heavyweight champion but now because of the ibf way and look it has its own merits and it’s got to be followed but because of the ibf rules that’s had to be stripped or vacated in this case from usyk and now another champion is round um so we have two champions in the heavyweight division now do you recognize it that way well I just think that everybody recognizes for what it is and and the ibf are doing themselves no favors because in all honesty if if they had the sport in mind then they would be wanting to be part of an Undisputed champion and and keep the belts together for for the Integrity of the sport um PE people are always going to fight for vacant titles if they can because financially it’s G it’s going to be it’s going to be more um of an incentive for them plus The Prestige of be being able to call yourself a world champion even though you know as time goes on people will forget about how the circumstances came came around and in 30 years time when he’s showing his Grand grandkids he’s got a world title B on his manal piece it won’t make a difference to anyone but um but you know I would love for us to get to the stage and I’ve got a feeling as time progresses now with sort of turkey Al Shake involved and the way he’s trying to navigate the sport and get everyone involved on the same page we might get to the stage where we have one world champion and what what a day that’ll be if we do get to that stage um I don’t think it’ll be sort of imminent but hopefully over the next sort of 10 years we can start making progress and people have spoke about for years the UFC type style sort of thing and I I tend to agree with it I would love to be able to get to that stage where you have one world champion and will it take away opportunities for Fighters it will but by by the way by the way it looks for what turkey Al Shake’s doing is Fighters are still going to be financially rewarded for taking hard fights anyway so the only implication will be you won’t have numerous world champions but you’ll still have a lot of Fighters who are earning good money for being involved in good fights which is a good thing so you know I feel like the Sport’s moving forward in the right direction and you know when you’ve got Eddie ear and Frank Warren working together you know the sport is moving in the right direction well hopefully that stage will be set the stage is set for August 24th Jack catell versus reg progo leaving the final word with you what happens on that night Jack cell wins emphatically and he shows everybody why he’s the number one 140 pound fighter in the world and hopefully by the end of the year Eddie can get in that well Jamie pleasure thanks for being Che us out [Music]


  1. AJ TO WIN 🏆 BY KO 😝😝

    DANIEL & F UP HIS EYE 👁 👌🏾


    GAME OVER 🎮 🥊🥊 🤣🤣

  2. I think josh lost the 1st but definitely won the 2nd fight,I had to turn off the commentary because even when jack was being hit square in the face, the commentators were up his bum!!. AJ will smash DDD-flop,clean in 1 or 2 rounds

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