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thanks for watching guys this is a really important video for all golfers to see because I’m here with kill gerich yep that’s right and uh he’s from sensor Edge he has this new product very new that I guarantee almost nobody has used yet in a golf context that’s watching this video and he has really been able to with this special grip sensor that can show where and how hard you’re squeezing the grip throughout the whole swing and now he’s measured this on many many regular players and many many Pros across a lot of different sports baseball Cricket golf other things too also into like industry and Military and other things like that but he’s found some fact and fiction about what’s going on with rotational Sports and golf in particular tell us what we have here what are we looking at uh this this is an example of uh a grip sensor applied over the baseball bat yeah and it shows what’s happening with my grip pressure dynamically and it also measures the orientation of the of the object instrumented yep and that is very simple concept so whatever is happening you squeezing it you see the color you see the graph reaction and that is the main point uh how you get an objective information on what’s happening in between your hands and the object you touching this is really cool I’m going to try it for a second sure yeah absolutely yeah you see the picture oh yeah and you can see kind of and you of where my exactly yes and what are the two the colors left hand right hand or top of grip yeah so I I this one is like a demo piece so I divided it into like lead hand and Trail hand areas but in in real shots we’re going to record uh we do it dynamically so like you showing us how you hold it and we adapt software to your specifics of of your G that’s cool which is important technically okay so let’s talk about a few of the adages because the only thing I’ve ever really heard about grip pressure specifically for golf was that you want to hold the club like a baby bird tight enough that you don’t let the bird go but not so tight that you kill it all right so would you say this is a fact fiction or just really pretty useless it is fiction uh you need to kill a bird you need to kill the bird at one point yes okay so bird will die after each shot for sure okay uh if you doing like really fast and uh a good swim but at the same time people are different and again you need to understand I’m not a coach sure I’m just collecting information I know how to make a device but I’m not playing golf formally so I I I can judge on specifics of a person’s patterns yep but yes I see some differences between uh Pro players and uh how we call it amateurs or like recreational players so yeah there are differences and there are obvious mistakes that’s for sure so in general though like when you’re looking at um a pattern of a lot of like elite players how many pounds are they squeezing like if I had like one of those wrist things and if you squeeze it really good I think I can get it to you mean like your dynamer yeah yeah yeah okay so how how hard do they squeeze how hard are good people are different your hands are different and your lead and tail hands are different that’s for sure sometimes see like we work a lot with uh baseball pro players with major league organizations and we see a lot of differences uh in grip pattern just because of the shape of the knob of the bat so that plays a huge it it’s a huge thing to to think about when you fit in a bat to a specific player sometimes we have players it’s it’s it’s it’s easier to talk about baseball players cuz they have obvious problems like injuries like pinky being overstressed against the knob so they trying to hold it differently they try to apply exclude pinky finger from the equation how they swing right and usually coaches not able to see that immediately and players eager to play and they saying couch I’m ready to play I I want to be in that game but in reality his swing changed heavily cuz he excluded that damaged Pinky and he’s swinging now differently CU there is a correlation and we see that between how you holding the whatever Golf Club baseball bat and how your body is moving during the swing so that is crazy thing to see how how hard are the hard the stronger your hands yeah the better for you okay that is uh my opinion again I’m I’m not a coach every time I’m saying something I’m not a coach do not listen to me okay the harder you can squeeze the object the more range you have yep like that dynamic range so not necessarily that you need to squeeze it super hard but to have that ability to you need to have that ability to squeeze it hard if you want to bring the club to a position at speed and if you over squeezed over stressed your wrist by squeezing it hard then you technically locked your wrist and since you locked your wrist you yes you can accelerate the whatever cab B whatever but you can’t normally control the angle you need to control so technically you leading your brain is compensating that inability to to control the wrist and changing the way how your body is turning and moving and that is changing how you uh transferring your weight during the swing so that’s all important back to uh strong players would P pull like what up to 70 kilos maximum I guess okay roughly different story okay so if you strong enough you can squeeze object hard you have more abilities to play Within that range well what are some of the other things that you’ve heard golf pros or other people in the golf space say about grip and grip pressure that has either lined up or not lined up with what you’ve found not a lot of people really able to measure this because we are the only company on this planet to make this right and it was a lot of attempts to make it everyone failed yeah we have it as a product right now we Supply certain players coaches and researchers and teams uh Major League organizations for sure they they really want to see what’s happening there yeah and uh they all if you’re talking about baseball they all extremely secretive they they really don’t want to disclose what’s happening there uh goer is much more open and uh some resar is going to be published really soon uh people going to present during the Scientific golf Congress of golf uh some researches I hope going to be published during uh the TPI Summit and definitely we’re going to show these devices at PJ uh TR trol sure so that is uh the situation right now some stuff uh is obvious so there are certain patterns how people swing with golf clubs it’s hard to say that there is is a universal good pattern for a swing yeah cuz what I would love to be able to interview you about to say like this is the way that bad players swing and this is the way the good players swing so just start swinging like a good player it’s a huge it’s a huge mix of uh obvious and nonobvious mistakes people do and sometimes people do things effectively just naturally uhhuh for whatever reason some people able to control it’s it’s that’s also about uh how your brain is uh your reaction time let’s call it so you commending your hands to do something and then you unable to do that on a specific moment of time so you either late or early so how you talking to your brain okay how your brain is talking to your muscles it’s interesting story and different people uh would have different abilities to to have that conversation so how do you see a golf coach using this to help somebody get better uh first of all we providing objective information that is very important part because whatever people saying you like I I I hold it lighter you you can’t trust right because they are not able for example to realize how they doing with a specific hand in a specific phase of a swim uh that is number one so you get in this information and you sure that information is honest uh certain mistakes are visible so you can easily correct them uh my personal understanding again I’m not a coach but my personal understanding that if you have information about person’s uh sequence and you see how grip pressure is correlating with that sequence plus you have information about ground reaction forces and you see how all this correlates you kind of you have all the variables in the equation and now you can think what you need to change in that specific player situation yeah cuz you don’t want to change everything right you you you want to to find something which would bring him to a more effective situation rather than you kind of building something from scratch with that person one thing I wanted to to see here is that something that we were talking about before is that I’ve seen a lot of studies like when you ask chat GPT or whatever like the highest correlations to lower handicap and the uh ability to squeeze really hard seems to be uh well correlated with lower handicaps but then you were telling me not only the ability to squeeze really hard but it’s like uh how quickly you can impulse like like see your your ramp like how quickly you can go all the way to what would be your max yeah that one what do you call that like impulse impulsive Str strength test strength test impulsive impulse strength test it’s it’s it’s extremely important how you squeezing it in in what period of time you can reach your maximum cuz some of the best players they they take it back and then they’re only at that full impulse or that full squeeze for like a small bit of time and then they have to get like fully soft again yeah okay yeah that’s one of the ability that ability to be able to go all the way Max with something and then all the way relax with something yeah but you just did it very slow compared to real so like when when you use it let’s get back to dynamometers with dynamometer you squeeze it for seconds yeah yeah different animal right so like we’re talking about really fast activation and then really fast release okay so uh what what should we do now should we get out the golf stuff or yeah let’s let’s uh take couple cops and do maybe couple shots sure yeah let’s do it okay K gets more into this in the next video that we’re putting out so hit the Subscribe button but before we end I wanted to give some hard data on this video about one of the big differences between pros and amateurs so the red line here is the amount of pressure on the grip the amount basically of squeeze on the grip the red line is the lead hand like the left hand we’ll just say for a right-handed golfer and the green line is the right hand so the first thing that we see in this data is that every player he says squeezes the lead hand way more than the trail hand and he thinks that the lead hand and what happens in the lead hand is way more important than what happens in the trail hand but what I wanted to talk about here is kind of the steepness of this graph and when a golfer puts the most squeeze on the grip and then starts letting off of it so if you look at that yellow line there so that’s horizontal so this is the top of the back swing is the green line there and the yellow line is basically P5 right there so what I want you to look at is do you see how that at from P5 where the yellow line is right there where it is there that’s kind of like for pros for a lot of Pros that’s the mo the point at which they’re squeezing it the most the grip the most then and this is what’s important it starts to fall and get lower all the way through impact and then it comes back back up usually a little bit now what regular players will do is that from the top to that P5 location it’s getting tighter that’s normal but then it continues to get tighter to and through impact they are squeezing it more and more and more and more all the way through impact rather than letting off of it here’s so that’s one pro here’s another Pro there and I think the next big thing in golfin instruction is going to be your grip Force pattern and how it how it matches your ground force pattern so that’s a pro see it drops off right after P5 here’s another Pro never gets any more than it is at P5 and then it starts to drop off towards impact and here’s a third Pro these are like they he blurred out he it comes with video but he blurred out the video CU he didn’t want to say who it is but like major Champions here’s another uh tour pro they they drop out even before P5 but the main thing is I think that you don’t want to ever get more than what you had at P5 and then a drop off all the way to inex so P5 they are squeezing this grip actually right before P5 they’re doing 105% of what they could maximally squeeze the grip they’re doing more than they are able to statically which is crazy but then by impact it’s the way down to 84% actually 69% so it’s dropped a lot all right now here’s my swing and this is something that I’m going to work on and I started to see uh results really fast see there’s P5 and this is a good example because this is like really bad there’s P5 and then I keep squeezing the grip all the way to P6 and Beyond before I start to let off of it and I have a bunch of swings on here but here’s another example where P5 happens and I continue in my downswing to squeeze the grip even more and more and more before I finally let off of it same thing here and then something that carrill said was that he doesn’t usually see and then he thinks it’s it’s probably some kind of mental problem is that I after the ball is hit and gone I then do this kind of res squeeze see that red line going way up in the left hand and he said he hasn’t really ever seen that and there’s no use for it and it could uh lead to some issues he likes he said the right hand is basically exactly how it should be but that left hand I’m putting too too much squeeze for too long and then I do a res squeeze right after I hit so if I go all the way near the end you can see I’ve lowered the res squeeze and it’s starting to get a little better and then the shot the ball flight started to come down and the consistency went up see that one res squeezed really tight all right so that’s just something I wanted to make you aware of that when we’re looking at these Pros they are letting off the gas of the squeeze much earlier than reg they’re probably squeezing harder in transition than regular players but then they’re letting off the gas of the squeeze much earlier than regular players regular players would have that red line going up up up all the way through impact whereas these Pros they’re squeezing very hard during transition to about what is they’re calling P5 but then from then on they are uh like basically like softening their grip quite a lot from P5 all the way uh through impact his software is going to have some better things to visualize this but I think this alone is going to be a really big Improvement in golf instruction when people can see what they’re doing to the GP all right Krill has the golf club set up so it’s a it’s a golf club oh it’s actually thinner than I thought it would be it’s totally normal size totally standard we can we we can do any size there Mike you can see he’s got all he’s got the software going so if I squeeze it can we see anything yeah yeah we can oh okay yeah I see it’s over there


  1. Very interesting. Can't wait to hear the research results on this. Been waiting for such a product for a while in fact. not that I can justify it but interested in research papers.

  2. “Super Speed Golf” has highlighted a correlation between golf grip strength and clubhead speed with higher grip strength associated with long drive competitors .
    They sell a thicker grip trainer which supposedly will help a golfer train a stronger grip

  3. The drill that Scott Stallings gave Brendon is the best overall golf drill I've ever tried. Increases my speed by a lot, gets weight shift back to lead side and gets hip turn going before hands. I've tried a lot of other stuff and nothing comes close to producing the results of that drill.

  4. Interesting about your chart vs the pros. You had an episode with a long driver who said the top of his backswing was when his hands were about hip high on the takeaway. From there and up to top, his momentum was changing directions, which would increase his need to grip it harder to change direction. On the down, the shoulder throw teaching from TGM is verified. A swinger only swings from top to P5, then the club throws out around the corner from the weight of the head. I'd be interested to hear Lee Deitrick's (sp) take on this info. Further, I'd like him to use the info to help you with it. So, we just learned it isn't the knuckle flow stuff, or whatever, that was. It's a shoulder throw. Hands aren't doing it. They are hanging on.

  5. This is really interesting! I've been asking some people these questions. I really want to know the force profile through the swing for pros vs. amateurs. This starts answering those questions. Great stuff!

  6. The difference between lead and trail forces is incorrect.
    In an overlap grip, the trail hand is covering and "gripping" the thumb of the lead hand, applying force OVER the lead hand, and essentially only 2 fingers of the trail hand are "gripping" the shaft (because the trail thumb and forefinger are applying almost no grip, at least for skilled players).
    How does this device compensate for the fact that much, if not most, of the trail hand gripping force occurs OVER the lead hand thumb ?

    Can we see a graph of a baseball swing, where the lead and trail hands do not overlap ?
    I would suspect that the forces are much more equivalent.

  7. So this data shows that pros are swinging toward the ground and then letting the club freewheel through impact, as I've been saying for years now.

  8. One guess I have is that in P5 position the pros are manipulating the club face (snapping) into hitting position where they release the pressure to increase speed. What do you think???? 🤔

  9. The "baby bird" analogy is just for setup. You don't want to be standing there squeezing the club like Homer choking Bart, but you need to have good grip pressure during the transition from your backswing into your downswing.

  10. Maybe just me but not a fan of the AI generated pictures added in, really jarring and takes me out of the good material and info being covered in the video. They're more distracting than helpful

  11. I'm thinking Pro's tighter grip on the way down is what allows/helps the wrists to maintain the angle as opposed to the angle breaking too soon and losing the speed created when the angle releases

  12. This is so interesting. I have found that relaxing around P5 /right thigh I get better shots but my brain still wants to kill the ball.

    I think I can get this right but the hardest part is how the grip pressure works in transition so as not to cast the club.

    Perhaps a good drill for this is the one where you have a pile of towels or a blanket and you actually let the club go as it hits the rolled up blankets. I have seen a couple of videos where some people have found it makes a big difference to their swing

  13. Brendon, for me, the less grip pressure, the faster I can transfer body angular momentum to the club. Of course, this is my intention, not necessarily what I am actually doing. What are pros actually thinking throughout the swing? Are they figuring out when to hold on to the club for dear life, or just reacting? As always, intentions not apparent. Thanks for your inquiries!

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