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Sheamus reacts to his greatest moments: WWE Retrospective

The Celtic Warrior looks back on 15 years of bangers, including his battles with John Cena, Triple H, Roman Reigns, Gunther and more!
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This is great. I forgot how good this was. >> WWE Tag Team United States champion, Money in the Bank, King of the Ring, Royal Rumble winner. >> Banger after banger after banger. [MUSIC] >> ECW, June 30, 2009. >> The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 272 pounds, Sheamus. >> I remember [BLEEP] myself. I think we got called in that morning to be told that we debut on ECW, and it’s live. So there’s no second chances, no chances of the match being edited if something goes wrong. I had four lines of a promo. [FOREIGN]. I was like a true bit of Gaelic in there cause I studied. I went to two all irish speaking schools in Dublin, and I knew, I was like, I’ll throw that in there. Like put a little melt flavor on it. But the guy who was in there with Oliver John was awesome. >> Sheamus has what you like to call ring presence. >> This Oliver John fella was great. He was so smooth, man. He was awesome in the ring. Yeah, I was nervous, mate. This whole thing is a blur. You think about it, right? You’re waiting your whole life to do this, right? You’re waiting your whole life, the dream is always to be in the WWE, to be a wrestler, WWE wrestler, superstar. And here we are. Like, now you’re standing in the ring, and it’s like you get one chance to make a first impression. The one thing I’ve always done is make sure that everything I do means something. I lay everything in. Ask any of the roster now, it’s probably the thing I pride myself on most. Oliver John was, listen, that guy, I still, to this day, owe him a lot because he was there for everything that night. Everything he did was great. The brogue at that stage was a setup for the Irish course backbreaker. Obviously now the Brogue is, you know, synonymous with Sheamus, the Celtic Warrior. But, yeah, man, as soon as I fell, right, I was like, the relief, the relief that just washed over me at the end of that match. Like, no mess ups. TLC 2009. I was on ECW for maybe a couple of months from June, and then all of a sudden, I get told that I’m moving over to Raw. So I wrestled Jamie Noble my first match on Raw. Not saying I got cocky, but I just wasn’t. I felt like I was starting all over again because it quickly hit me that, like, the fans there didn’t watch ECW. They weren’t aware of ECW. I don’t think Twitter was around, really. So most people in the arena didn’t know who I was. At that time, I was actually told that this is a kind of make or break match for me because if the second match with Jamie didn’t work, there’s a chance that I probably wouldn’t get another opportunity like this again. So all that stuff definitely messed with me a little bit. But when I went into Jamie the second time, we had a different type of match, and that’s where I powerbombed him on the floor, got me a ton of heat. Everybody was talking about how aggressive and brutal. And right after that, then, there was a breakthrough battle royal, and myself and Kofi were fairly new on the Raw roster. It came down to me and him, and I took him out, and then I was off to the races with John and Kofi was off with Randy. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. So I went into that match, I just knew I was gonna have to be on my A game. I was gonna have to bring it, and I did. We beat the crap out of each other. I remember the moment. We’re both on the top rope. The table was there, and John goes through the table and it’s just like the whole thing just feels like a dream where, like, the bell’s ringing. Everybody in the whole arena is stunned. And I have the WWE world heavyweight championship in my hands. And I’m like what the [BLEEP] is going on? [LAUGH] You grow up watching this, right? You grow up being a huge fan. The pinnacle, the crown jewel of the WWE is the WWE world heavyweight Championship. This is the hardest title in the world to win. Here I am, six months in. At the end of it I’m standing there, John’s lying on the ground. I put my foot on his chest, and I hold the WWE title over my head. It’s just like, literally the biggest prize in wrestling. This is insane. Wrestlemania 26. Done the rumble against Randy. I’ve done the elimination chamber where I lost the title. I’m going in with Triple H, a guy who actually was my mentor when I first started at the well. He took me aside, watched all my matches whenever he was on the shows, and he gave me feedback and tried to make it better. He was constantly on me to try and improve, which was fantastic for me because it was fast tracking me to avoid a lot of mistakes you normally would make. And here we are going into a Wrestlemania match, my first Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania 26, Phoenix, Arizona. The biggest thing for me was when I walked out the stage, the noise was deafening. It was so loud. I’ve said this in a lot of interviews. I thought my knees were gonna buckle. I thought I was just gonna, I thought I was gonna turn to jelly and I was literally gonna, like, pass out. I was just so focused and just thinking about the match and thinking about what I’m gonna do. But looking back on that now, I wish I hadn’t had that mindset. I wish I had of, like, being open to having a few mistakes because it kind of takes you out of being in the moment, and being in the moment is about being aware of everything that’s around you. Like 8000 people, people screaming. And if I could go back and tell myself one thing, it would be like, the hell with that. If you mess up, you mess up. It don’t matter. Just enjoy that moment that you’re in there. I always really feel like, let’s be honest, dude, my first Wrestlemania match, Triple H. Can you imagine how many people backstage are so jealous? I’d already been WWE champion, and here I have my first Mania with Hunter, it’s crazy. And to think this is almost about 15 years ago, it’s insane. Extreme Rules 2010. I’m on a roll. I’m literally on a roll. I’m about to go in with Triple H again for the second time. Again, another guy who’s at the top of the game, a legend, already legend status at that stage. I just feel like I’m on cloud nine. I just feel invincible. And going into this was a street fight and I don’t think I’d had any street fights in WWE at the time. So this is another match that was new, was fresh, and the day was kind of hectic because the pay per view started was me versus Triple H opening the show. And obviously the camera cuts back and I’m beating the [BLEEP] out of Triple H. And so the thing was, will the match happen or not? And then I went out there and I was like, call the match off. I’ve won, Triple H ain’t gonna make it out. And then of course he comes out. So he’s already on the back foot after injuring him. Again, lots of weapons, lots of fun. Those kendo sticks suck. But that was so fun. The match was so fun. It was just, it was the best. And it was like, the Mania, pressure’s off, right? So you’re just finishing the story here. And it just felt one of the funnest matches I’ve ever had. It was great. My first kind of street fight in there with Triple H, and we just beat the [BLEEP] out of each other. It was awesome. I put him out for a while. Wrestlemania 27. We were taking off Mania. We were like, we had Mania stolen away from us at 27, and we’re like, nah, nah, that’s not right. This is when I realized first, everything is kind of like this, it’s like a curve. And I was like, I went here really quickly, but now I’m coming down the curve, but then I’m like, I don’t want to be coming down the curve. And Bryan was a perfect opponent for me because we were both really hungry. We were both willing to do whatever it took to steal the show on live events when there’s no cameras there and also on TV. So we were devastated that we missed out on Wrestlemania 27 in Atlanta. Now you got to think about it, right? I have a main spot with Triple H, right, at 26. And now I’ve gone from wrestling Daniel Bryan at 27, that gets turned into a pre show match, that gets turned into a battle royal. So, like, that just didn’t it. That just went. Went nowhere, so I just felt all the air gone. It was probably one of the most disappointing WrestleManias for me. One of the lowest points of my career, because here I was last year, here I was this year, and I’ve got no control over it. So me and Brian are going out there to try and do what we can, but you’re on the pre-show, the arena’s still filling up. So it’s just I don’t think we ever really got into it, and it was such a blow for both of us. And I remember coming back through the corridor, and Cena was there, and I said watch this, John, next year I’ll be back, next year, I promise you. But to me, this is forgettable. >> SummerSlam 2011. >> Whenever I wrestled, Brian obviously was like, I was the power, he was a speed. Now I gotta be the speed in this one. People do not realize how strong Mark is. This is the start of the ten beats here, that’s when I started doing it. I had to bring the fight to Mark, I was hoping that I could wear him down a little bit. But just I knew it was gonna take a lot of punishment, so that was always a thing. But it was definitely weird, man. It was weird in the beginning when the people were behind me, cuz people had been just hating on me for such a long time. It was strange, but it was great. I embraced it, I went with it, and it was cool. It was cool to have the crowd chant your name, and kids paint their faces with orange makeup, or paint the beard on their face, dye their hair red for live events. This thing here, by the way, watch that. He hit me so hard on that post that my actual heel hit the back of my head. So my whole body just literally wrapped around like a rubber band, and that sucked as well. And I think LA Knight’s sitting down there somewhere. [LAUGH] He’s somewhere there, I know he is. Mark was a great opponent for me. He was bigger, and he was stronger, he was an imposing threat to you. And Mark was definitely that. I think Mark went on to win the World Title after that against Randy, so. >> Wrestlemania 28. >> It was fast. [LAUGH] It was a moment, right, it was a WrestleMania moment. >> Man. >> A Brogue Kick by Sheamus. >> A lot of people were pissed. And actually, if you look at the career, it turned a lot of people against me. But it was what it was, it was a moment that people still talk about to this day. Would we have liked to go out there and have a banger of a match? Absolutely, we know we could do all these things. We know we could tear the place down, but we just weren’t in that position to do that. But also gave Brian a lot of sympathy, which ultimately led to him going to WrestleMania 30 and becoming Undisputed Heavyweight Champion. My two sisters there, my dad was there, were in Miami, Florida, it was unbelievable. I think this was their first WrestleMania that they came to, and they just had an unbelievable time. And it was the first time I got to show my family hey, this is what we do, and they were blown away. Cuz the reason I started watching wrestling is because my dad used to work out in a gym in Dublin. I remember he brought back WrestleMania 3 on two VHS tapes, and I remember sitting there watching it. And all me mates come in, we must have watched it about ten times over the two or three weeks. And to be able to show him and then see me in the ring at that time, he just said it was bit quick, wasn’t it? [LAUGH] >> Extreme Rules 2012. >> Me and Brian, we just knew each other so well as well. It was just so easy, it was awesome. We just absolutely brutalized each other. We shared the same idea where it was we could bring punishment now and we give it back to each other and there wouldn’t be any issues afterwards. It was always like we went out for the match, and we did whatever we could for the match, we brought it every single time. That room with him really was like, okay, let’s go to war. So he basically gave away a fall because he just wanted just to hurt me, put me out of commission. Those kicks, every one there would fire you up. People could watch, they could say that nobody could. There you go, straight in first, working the arm over so I couldn’t make it, so I couldn’t finish the match. Smart, it was just really, really smart psychology. Smart stuff, great story. Still one of my favorite matches ever. >> Hell in a Cell 2012. >> People were saying it was one of the matches on the show that nobody really weren’t expecting anything from. But this match just clicked, and we just got everybody in the arena hooked. Everything that could possibly go right, went right, we brought a physical side to it. People loved it, it just flowed. I think it’s one of Show’s favorite matches of his career, which is incredible to say considering the career that Show had. With him it was just so easy, he could just one chop and he can rip your head off. The Brogue, the knockout punch that we both kicked out of. And then the last thing, he sidestepped me and punched me again, it was great. I remember getting phone calls after the match. I remember actually even being in the locker room afterwards and getting phone calls and texts, and people were just like, that was awesome, that was awesome. To me that’s still one of the matches, people still underrate it but I loved every bit about this match, it was awesome. >> TLC 2015. >> This is definitely a hard-hitting match. Roman had been handpicked to be the face of The Company, and I think he went on a run in the Rumble a couple years back and people were all about him. They loved him, he was spearing everybody, crowd were well behind him. And then I think a year or two later, he was just undefeatable Roman, super Roman. I remember The Rock came after he won the Rumble. The Rock came out and all that, and they booed him out of the building. The crowd had obviously changed direction, they felt like, this guy’s been shoved down our throats. Until he met me, who had more heat than anybody in the world, more heat than the entire Sahara Desert. And I went out there, and they absolutely hated me. And for the first time, we turned the crowd in Roman’s favor, and we just literally beat the dog crap out of each other, it was great. I think there’s a scene here where he just puts me through a whole lot of bleeding tables and chairs. I love that stuff, man. I love it, man, it’s great, you know what I mean, it’s just a total bar brawl. At the end he didn’t win obviously, which again just had people still get behind him. But I was there and I knew what Roman was going through, and I was like, you know what? We’re gonna get them behind you. I’m gonna do everything I possibly can to make sure you flip the crowd in your favor. And we did, and people are all about him after this. Still one of my proudest moments. Again, they were hot as hell, it was great. They booed me so much when I took the title, they really wanted to see Roman win. And definitely that match is really special to me, and I actually won that one. [LAUGH] That was one of the ones I won that I like. Normally I don’t like the ones I win, but I like that one. >> Clash of Champions 2016. >> I felt that I was in the bad books with the company. So after the Roman stuff, I felt I just went down the pecking order again. After everything I’d done, I thought I elevated Rome to a point where, and I didn’t do it on my own, we did it together. But there was really nothing coming my way as a character. So Cesaro had just come back as well from an injury, and he was hopped to heel us in the beginning, but then he was in the same position. We got an opportunity to do a best of seven, someone pitched it. We started off on a pre-show, SummerSlam I think it was. We went in there, we killed it, we did our match. I won the first one, took the shoulder out. And it was a solid match, but there wasn’t really that much hype about it. And then we go to Indianapolis, and then we tear the bleeding house down. Everything, anything, we absolutely knocked the crap out of each other. So much so that when this whole thing started, people were saying we don’t want to see this match again, we’ve already seen it. They’d be like, let them fight, let them fight. People were screaming for the match that ended in a stalemate to keep going, to keep going. They wanted to see it, they wanna see it. And then we were off to the races, man. Bro, he brought back, he saved me, it brought me back to life. I brought back my passion, reinvented myself again. I thought I fell out so much. But the hard way was the best outcome you could possibly have. We didn’t hold anything back because we needed this opportunity to remind people what we could do. >> Roadblock, End of the Line, 2016. >> Foley makes us a Tag Team, that was a title match we get. But the great thing about it was we still hated each other, right? So it wasn’t like, we’re now a Tag Team, now we’re buddy, buddy, no, no, no. It was great. We lean so far into that. He go up on the corner, they cheer him. I go up, they boo me. We had so much fun. New Day, obviously broken the biggest record in Tag Team history. So everything was right, man. I think people were ready to see us. I think we were getting a lot of popularity as well as the Tag Team cuz of the dynamic between the two of us. One thing I didn’t realize, like, how close, you just inherit a brother and rather than be out for yourself, you’re out for the team. Ultimately it wasn’t about me or him, or what was better for me or better for him, it was ultimately was best for us or for the bar. And like that, we end up wearing kilts, jackets, I ended up wearing the tearaway suit. That was unbelievable. >> Clash of the Castle, 2022. >> Gunther can definitely give it out, but he can also take it. And that was the thing for me as well. I could take it all day, and I can definitely give it as well. Right across the river from Dublin, man, we tore it down, we broke, we beat the absolute living dog crap out of each other. I’d been around the block a while at that stage, and I just didn’t know what to expect. And when I saw the whole crowd just get behind me, just incredible. The physicality in this match was insane. We didn’t hold back. It was awesome and chemistry right away was there. It was there, off the chart. When I saw him, I’d seen what he’d done, I knew, and we were gonna kill it. We left it all out there, brother. It was one of the best matches of my career, mate. That was one of the highlights of my career. And then at the end, after, of course, you know what I mean, the crowd just gave the flowers. It was awesome. I was buzzing for weeks after. >> Extreme Rules, 2022. >> Beat dawn enraged. Obviously, I was trying to get them established, too. They’re under my wing, and it gave us all a great opportunity to showcase what they could do as well. It was definitely something we wanted to do. And Extreme Rules, definitely. Especially after the faster castle thing. It was fun, man. We had such a fun time working those guys. I just wanted to try and get them to the next level. What I learned with Cesaro, it was that it’s about the group, it’s not about the individual, so. But they’re deadly, man. They’re great. Love traveling with those guys. The two little brothers. Banger era. Banger era. Yeah. That was great night, man. That was a great night for us. >> WrestleMania 39. >> For one of the best WrestleMania matches of all time, man. Let’s be honest. Obviously, the IC Title was the one thing I’m still chasing, but obviously to that point where Drew kinda interfered and put himself in the match. But, yeah, again, nothing comes close to the physicality. And look, everything is laid in. Everything is physical. People see it, and it’s like, we literally just beat the crap out of each other. There’s always pressure. You always wanna go out there and steal the show. I mean, it just is what it is. But these are the two awesome fellas who I knew would bring it just from the cray reacts itself. I kinda knew. I knew we killed it. I just was so happy with that match. That was probably one of my favorite WrestleMania match of all time. >> SmackDown, August 18th, 2023. >> We were in Toronto, his last deal, he brought the idea to me. I was on board cuz Ed’s one of the first people I spoke to when I was thinking about becoming a wrestler. Something happened to me in there where my neck got messed up, which obviously led to me being out for a long time. So during this whole process here, I’m kinda going through a lot of pain, but still one of my favorite, favorite moments, man, this was awesome. The Toronto crowd were crazy. It was fun. It was great. And to see him go out, be his last opponent here in WWE after an incredible 25 year career. Like, I’m going on my 15, he’s under ten on top of that, so that’ll tell you, but that was awesome. Great. I loved every minute of it. >> Bella, Sacha. Sacha, Bella. Yeah, you are. Yeah, you are. >> We’re glad you’re back. >> Sometimes when I look at that stuff, I feel like I’m looking at someone else’s life, because sometimes it feels like it happened like 20 years ago, and other times it feels like it only happened last year. If you told me when I first started I’d be sitting here talking about a 15 year career, I’d probably say that that’s awesome. That’s job done, 15 years on the main roster. I’m stubborn, and I still feel like every time I go out there, I’ve got a lot to prove. I can’t go out there and not give my heart and soul for what I do. I’ve had this career because I’ve left it all out there. I just think that for me, I love this. I love stepping out there. I get nervous every single time I go out there, even after 15 years, because it means so much to me. I’ve dedicated my life to this. I’ve left my family at home because of this. Was it worth it? Absolutely. I’ve loved every minute I’ve had in the ring, and every minute more I will have in the ring. But guess what? I still have a lot left in me. I’ll still go out there. I’ll put my heart and soul into every single second I have in that ring, because that’s what I do. See you at 30.


  1. The versatility of sheamus that he single handedly sky rocketed roman reigns career in 2015 when the rock was not able to put him over. You can't disagree roman fans

  2. WWE Roman Reigns (2015) 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  3. I cried tears of joy the night of TLC 2009 when Sheamus won the WWE championship. Its a night I'll never forget.

  4. Honestly, sheamus winning the ic championship will feel bigger than him winning another world championship at this point.

  5. Absolutely have nothing but respect for Sheamus, he definitely deserved to be world champion multiple times. I hope Triple H, decides to let him have a decent run with the Intercontinental championship for real.

  6. Personally I never liked Daniel Bryan, I became a huge fan of Sheamus after he destroyed DB that quick lol

  7. I was in the crowd for Sheamus' triple threat match at Wrestlemania 39!! My first WWE live event, and goddamn was that match amazing to experience! 🔥🔥

  8. How did this man never get the IC Title in his whole 15 year career??? Give this guy the IC Title already

  9. Man the Bar was super underrated. Such a great Tag Team and I wish they had better Tag Team Title runs

  10. Thought I was the only one noticed Sheamus CONSISTENTLY put on hard-hitting matches! One of the most epic theme songs I've ever heard – "Written In My Face" by Sean Jenness! All of his moves look brutal, that Ladder/TLC Match with John Morrison is a CLASSIC – one of the BEST WWE ever put on… Dude is criminally underrated… If Sheamus doesn't get that Intercontinental Championship, it would truly be a "shameful thing!"

  11. I really hope Sheamus will get at least one short run with IC title… Sheamus was my favorite ever since I started watching wrestling and the dude earned all the success he has. He is future hall of famer for sure.

  12. Sheamus has always been the real one. He is so so good. I miss cesaro though. His techniques with his superhuman strength was unmatched.

  13. As a kid i hated sheamus, just shows how great he was right from the start. Hes one of my favs now. He honestly delivers banger after banger. Definitely a future HoFer 💚🤍🧡

  14. Congratulations to Sheamus on his 15th anniversary career in the WWE now give Sheamus the Intercontinental Championship NOW WWE

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