Golf Players

The Opening Drive – July 1st, 2024

Kickstart your morning with Randy Karraker, Brooke Grimsley, and Dan McLaughlin weekdays from 7a-10a! ‘The Opening Drive’ will be your home for all sports talk in the morning on 101 ESPN!

[Music] [Applause] good morning everyone and happy Monday from the opening drive on 101 ESPN in St Louis where at 7:00 your time check brought to you by Clarkson Jewelers and officially licensed Rolex Jeweler Brook Grimsley Matthew Rocko Randy carer Matthew’s trying to mess with my camera we’re on the air Alliance team Studio cam if you want to go to the YouTube and just type in 101 ESPN STL uh uh we are we are on camera and Matthew was just messing with my camera he say he’s just getting there right well because right now I feel like I should pledge allegiance to your shirt right now I’m going I am going pay oh you are we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America but there’s golf balls it’s and te oh I had to look a little bit closer because I thought when I walked in initially I thought it was just an American flag shirt and now I see the true beauty in this it’s very artistic my sister gave this to me for my birthday and so yeah I’m I like this and Brooke I decided because we’re only here for three days this week today tomorrow and Wednesday I’m going to wear a patriotic shirt every single day this week each of the three on this I mean I kind of did maybe if I wear red tomorrow and white on Wednesday then I’m doing something here we’re we’re there but I feel like I have to step up after seeing your shirt today oh okay I like that so we can both be patriotic tomorrow yes 100% we got to send Danny a text we do so he can get coordinated with us I like this idea anyway the Air liines Team Studio cam is on the on the YouTube Brooke Matthew and Randy we have quite a show coming up for you we’re going to talk to chip Cary the TV voice of the Cardinals and my buddy Ken dubinsky he’s from every True Tiger and he knows everything there is to know about nil and what’s going on at missou with their nil and evidently they’re doing pretty darn well they’ve got some new cookies out at schnooks for kind of cookies he’s bringing them in I think they’re going to be some chocolate chip M so delicious yeah and missou players will benefit from the sale of these cookies at schnook so we’re looking forward to that that’s awesome I I love to see one Luther buron the amount of commercials and work that he’s been doing I think that that’s one of the great stories of nil and I would love to talk to him about that today of how he has seen it positively impact players lives because of course we always see what grabs the headlines Randy it’s the big showy stories of oh this player used nil money to get this big thing maybe like a car different like that which they can do whatever they want with it but I want to hear the stories about how this has just positively impacted and changed players lives and truly benefited missou because under normal circumstances Luther Burton would have left after a year or two but the nil especially from his hometown has been a big part of him staying for his entire missou career at the University of Missouri yeah I love those chips that he has yeah have you had them yet uh I have yeah I am not a Hot Chip guy I’m not even like a Doritos guy what I am so Bland like I I like regular chips I like regular potato chips I love Pringles I like Fritos but I’m not a Doritos I’m not a barbecue chip guy I’m I’m really I’m just a flatliner when it comes to chips I’m so I’m not I’m definitely not like the the Hot Chip kind of guy so you just like the plain laay chips I do and I like Ruffles with ridges if I have some some of that Dean’s French onion dip that’s pretty good yeah I play straight with chips I really do no I like anything I love pickle chips that’s one of my favorites I’m a big pickle fan so I I’ve heard that those are very popular yes and are they kind of like uh uh Vin salt and vinegar yeah a little bit but they taste like pickles so I think it’s very fair to call them pickle chips I find them to be delicious usually if I go to Subway or some other you know sandwich shop then I will get the pickle chips first and then I’ve had Spicy Pickle chips good and that’s that’s really I’ll try them I will not try I will not even try flamin’ Hot Cheetos what about you guys really I won’t even try it you’ve never tried them never tried it no why not too flaming hot I didn’t know if it was all the red dye that was also might scaring you off a little bit no I just and it’s not like I don’t like spicy food because I do but spicy chips just aren’t for me it I will say that one they are very spicy two you have to have a napkin nearby wet wipes something like that because you get it all over your fingers and your fingers will be red so I will say yes yeah exactly I you know we need to do a food draft this week too we’re going to yeah we’ll do that on Wednesday we’ll see if we can get we’ll make Wednesday like a lazy as can be we’ll get aminger uh see if you can do Wednesday rather than Thursday Matthew any other lazy things we can do but food drafts like as lazy as we can get but uh anything else anything else that we can do the first time it’s the first time we’ve admitted on air that the drafts are a cop out they are hey I personally work really hard on those and you win you win every time we’ll we’ll get our buddy Mike Johnson we’ll talk Barbecue on Wednesday so yeah we’ll we’ll set that up Cardinals with a split over the weekend I was telling you guys uh that for those that are into the uh the Run differential and I know you usually use run differential for a larger sample size than just a single four game series but the Cardinals lost a 114 so – 7 win one nothing so you’re minus 6 lose 94 so you’re Min – 11 and then win two nothing so you you go two and two and you finish minus n in the Run differential for the the four game series and the Cardinals still remain six and a half behind red hot Milwaukee in the National League central but man Lance Lynn looked great yesterday he really did I I don’t know how the Brewers Honestly though are still pulling this off you talked about this last week about as an organization just how sound they must be because the amount of injuries that they’ve had especially to their starting pitching I don’t know how they’re able to sustain this where they’ve been able to maintain the division lead I figured when they traded Corbin Burns they were dead meat right and then Woodruff is out for the year so Freddy pral to hoich yesterday great yeah they they’ve been getting really good work but I they’ve just got a system there Brooke I think that they’ve got a plan and it’s kind of like the old Cardinal way where there was just a way for them to play ball and they do it and it doesn’t matter who the man maner is and it didn’t when the Cardinals had the organization that they had in the past when when Mike schil and olly were in the miners and whether it was Tony or um or uh Mike maeni up here uh there was a way to play ball for the Cardinals and I think that’s just changed now through attrition through people retiring people getting fired people getting promoted it used to be that pop warner was the triaa manager double a manager was schilt I think in a ball High a was Ali and then low ball was I think Dan bardello and they had good experienced coaches and now I I don’t even know who the minor league coach I mean there’s been Johnson right right he’s he’s been a triple A for a while right but they they have had a group of people that were there for a long time and there was an established way to go about developing a Cardinal player and I think Milwaukee has adopted that so and David Sterns leaves for the Mets they they’ve just got a really good solid organization line communication yeah that helps too yeah it it helps a lot having the manager whether it’s Council or Pat Murphy say okay this is the way we’re going to play ball tell all the minor league people so that he knows exactly what he’s getting when he gets to the major league level when a player gets to the major major league level so going back to run differential because I do think that that is really important I know you asked Greg aminger last week about it and he you know he kind of brush it off a little bit but I think when we’re looking at something okay what could possibly go wrong with this Cardinal team right now because you do have to give them credit they go seven and three on this home standand but with what you’re pointing out that is a big glaring issue what can they even do about that at this point and how does that compare I wonder to past years in Seasons well the the thing is is occasionally and it happened twice in a 4 game series where you got blown out where you didn’t have a chance to win the game I think that’s where run differential really comes in if your run differential is pretty close to even I think you’re all right but the Cardinals I I looked it up last week because bkm ferrario we’re talking about the minus 30 and the Cardinals had three games in April and one in early may they were minus 31 at that time and they had four games at the beginning of the Season where they were uh combined minus 32 so you take those four games and you say okay turn those into 2-1 games then all of a sudden that minus 31 turns into a minus three so I think that’s part of it is especially with the fifth starter as Troublesome as that has been for the Cardinals and then the other part of it is is they don’t blow anybody out the offense isn’t good enough or I won’t say not good enough they don’t have the propensity to blow other teams out the consistency I think is the big factor there I mean I think the red series is a big example of what you’re talking about you saw everything with this red series you have where they were able to shut them out twice but it was just barely and then you have that 11 to four blowout with Miles micheles and then you had this weekend 9 to4 with sunny gray which that concerned me a little bit I don’t know if you’re just going to kind of get these games with him every once in a while but it did worry me a little bit seeing that yeah I think that’s a legitimate concern now and it look I I I think that last year was the outlier for sunny gray and not that he hasn’t pitched really well this year but the big thing that I look at for him is because last year Minnesota was under 500 in the games that he started this year the Cardinals are 10 and five in the games that he started and the way I look at a season is if you’re a pretty average team like I think the Cardinals are and everybody goes 500 except you have two pitchers that wind up 20 the team winds up 20 and 10 in their starts or 21- 11 if you do that then you’re 20 games over 500 Sunny gray can easily he’s 10 and five now the Cardinals could wind up being uh 20 and 10 in his starts same thing could happen with Kyle Gibson then everybody else goes 500 you’re 20 games over 500 and you take your chances that’s the way I look at it so Sunny gray has done everything that I expected him to do he’s actually been better than I thought he would be and I’m going to give him rce for a a day like the other day it was hot it was miserable he he wasn’t getting rocked it wasn’t like they were blowing him up he he he just had a bad day and picturers have that if even Chris Carpenter if you go back and look at Chris Carpenter’s best years every month he would have a blowup game it happens if you have at least just or just one I think that that’s fine and you had the Nolan arado error in that game as well which was very uncharacteristic because remember when earlier on heirs were a huge issue for the Cardinals they actually had gone a pretty good stretch without an air and then you had that happen with Nolan the the person that you’d least expected the very worst time right exactly and that’s what happened there Lance Lynn when you’re talking about expectations going into the season he surpassed that for me at least how do you feel about it yeah I I I figured he would be one of those guys that the team goes 500 in his games and I figured maybe five ER because last year he I think he had a 5.93 last year so for him to accomplish what he’s accomplished so far has exceeded my expectations too I thought yesterday was really important win for the Cardinals he can’t lose three out of four to the Reds and he went out and handled his business in great fashion yeah I’m I’m I’m glad that the Cardinals have him Cardinals are off today and by the way Ali marmal mentioned the other day on Saturday that his Bullpen was on fumes he literally said that so today will be a key day off for the Cardinals all right we want to bring Matthew Rocko into the conversation here because St Louis C now has a n game winless streak they’ve dropped 16 points from winning positions this season and and they they had a 2-n lead on the pitch in Vancouver and then they blow the lead they’re down 4-2 they wind up losing uh four to three what happened and should should an MLS team ever allow four goals well I mean I think that’s less of it because I mean two of the two of the Vancouver girls were a little fluky um the second one was absolutely incredible he he back healed it over his over the back of his head o over St Louis is goalie it was just you don’t the goalie there’s no way he’s thinking the ball’s going to be coming off at that angle so they had two fluky goals and so that was it changes it but still yeah letting up for at any points rough but at the same time you talk about the Cardinal Bullpen being uh stretched pretty thin City’s I mean stretched absolutely paper thin right now um last week on Wednesday they when they had their midweek game last week and they have midweek game this week uh they had a weird thing where they started four fullbacks and one Center back and the back five and they got even weirder on Saturday cuz they started all four fullbacks because they’re just they don’t have center backs right now everyone’s injured so they had to take two of their fullbacks and kick them inside the center backs and that went about as well as you’d think it would um because they let up four goals and so it was it was a bad game and their stretch incredibly thin they they just they need to make it till through the next uh you know two or three weeks but they have you know five more games in that time frame so there’s a lot of Cru you know that’s 15 points available so you got to be able to win some of those games and right now they need to get people healthy and again they’re they have a midweek game this week so it’s it’s not going to get easier with with the schedule congestion so would you put it in the category of frustrating loss or step in the right direction ah frustrating loss and no berky by the way you didn’t play berky either yeah he’s he was nursing a little knee thing that’s not like a problem it’s just they needed to get him a a rest and I wonder I F I wonder if it being a game on Turf factored into that as well yeah that that definitely so so yeah you don’t you don’t want to you don’t want to push him even further again you’re already stretching pretty then I think it’s it’s team fans don’t want to hear this but sometimes you have to put out a roster when you have three games in eight days sometimes you got to put out a roster one of those those games where you just go yeah we’re getting Lil on this game but but it’s so that we can win the other two and I I understand that thought process but I know fans hate that rationality I know a coach will never admit to it but it kind of seems like it couple of other notes this is the first day of NBA and NHL free agency will’ll keep an eye on the blues for you they opened up some cap space this weekend by trading Kevin Hayes and a second round pick to Pitts B so and getting essentially nothing back in return so they basically traded a second round pick to Pittsburgh for cap space which is fine I’m glad they did that drafted a bunch of guys Adam jick on Thursday we talked about him or on Friday we talked about uh the first round and then they took Colin Ralph they took the these guys that I’ve never heard of in the second round uh day two uh Lucas Fischer Andre CA Adam jeo I’m rooting for these guys all to become super super stars and then you will know their names Randy yeah yeah then we will and then in the NBA Paul George agrees with Philadelphia on a four-year deal for $220 million so he will join Tyrese Maxi and Joel embiid and maybe the Sixers will be able to finally get things going we’ll see I I saw that coming in did that break just four hours ago yeah wow I think free agency started yesterday at what 6:00 or something and they’re off and running on NB in NBA free agency so Paul George leaves the Clippers that’s Brooke that’s Matthew I’m Randy coming up three things we love from the weekend here on 101 ESPN e e I know you’re headed to schnooks this week because the 4th of July is on Friday and you got to get ready for that big barbecue don’t forget to download and use the schnooks rewards app because the Rewards Pro program is always great and now it’s even better the schnooks rewards program is getting personal they’ve completely refreshed the program and they’ve had more personalized touches with new perks just for you now you’ll get personalized savings which are basically custom deals on the items that you buy most so you love those cookies from the best bakery in town at schnooks you buy those a lot you can get a deal on those maybe go back to the Butcher and have that delicious steak that nice ribeye well you can get a deal on that too with schnooks rewards you’ll get personal double points days so you can earn 4% back on your entire Cart Plus you get a free freshly baked doughnut on your birthday pretty cool deal at Snooks so if you’re getting ready for the holiday and you don’t know what to do just walk through their uh their butcher shop area they have delicious burgers fabulous pork steaks fantastic dogs and BRS and you’ll have the perfect Fourth of July setup and if you’re already a member you’ll start seeing these benefits in your Rewards app now if not it’s the perfect time to sign up just download the schnooks rewards app to get started and enjoy your fourth of July barbecue starting at schnooks e e e [Music] three things we loved about the weekend here on 101 ESPN Brooke and Randy Brook is dancing to this music it’s great music it is great what do we got number three so number three for me for this weekend is going to be Ryan Hesley with what he’s been able to do for the Cardinals this season when you were pointing out run differential I’m trying to think about what is the big difference of what is really helping this team secure wins and it all goes back to Ryan Hesley what he’s able to do picked up his 30 30th consecutive save and he’s the first in Major League Baseball to get to that Mark so far this season the fastest excuse me to be able to do that and Ryan Hesley I think is a big reason why the Cardinals one have been able to really Mount this comeback that we’ve seen in the month of June Brook something that I really hadn’t consider but last night I was watching MLB tonight on MLB Network with Matt VES gersan and Yonder Alonzo Matt VES gers made a point that I hadn’t considered what about Ryan Helly for Sai Young this year I think so I don’t think out of the question when you look at what starting pitching is and how starting pitching is performing generally in the National League he’s been the best pitcher in the National League so I’m I’m on board with Ryan hillsley for sa young I think we need to get that thought process out there I think that too he hasn’t had any sort of big well I don’t want to jinx this knock would big issue blow up since I believe it was March the last time that we might have seen that other than that he’s been Rock Solid and you know that when he comes out there when Hell’s Bells happens especially at Bush Stadium you just have that relaxing feeling of okay maybe sometimes it’ll be a little bit worrisome he he likes to make it interesting but then he’s able to get you that win he’s able to seal the victory for the team the hell’s Bell’s entrance by the way is electrifying better at night yes but it’s it’s very cool it is harder to tell during the day isn’t it yeah it is uh Brook mine was and and I love weekends like this I don’t have many weekends like this I played golf and took a bike ride both days Saturday and Sunday I just love being outside and it was a great weekend to be outside kind of warm on Saturday it was yeah I went over to Whitmore and and played over there kind of warm but it was so I uh did the bike in the morning and then golf in the afternoon and then yesterday I did bike in the morning and golf at night and it was just ideal for that like I said warm on Saturday but man what a perfect day yesterday to be outside did you do the ARP no they only do those once a month so we’ll do those I’ll do one of those this month in July happy July by the way oh yes and that feels so weird it is July this year is flown by doesn’t everybody say that yeah it’s halfway through though we’re we’re halfway through the year now oh my gosh January February March April May June yeah we’re we’re halfway home this is all hitting us right now Monday morning straight in your face we’re halfway through the year number two number two for me is Simone biles and her return to the Olympics we know what happened in 2020 where she had to drop out because of mental health reasons and I don’t know if you saw this weekend Randy but Simone biles is back she made her third Olympic Team official yesterday and I always love watching her floor routines her Flor routines are my favorite the triple double that she’s known for of course she is just absolutely amazing I’m so glad that Simone biles is back and we get to see her in the Paris Olympics so that is the number two thing for me this weekend how does somebody jump so high and get so high off the ground without any she she doesn’t have like a trampoline or anything it’s incredible she’s 4 fo8 yeah and she jumps her height she more than her height she jumps more than her height up in the air it’s incredible it is I I just love watching what she was doing and then she also came back with the Taylor Swift song I know a lot of people were pointing out that with the floor routine but I just love watching greatness and the fact that we are able to witness greatness with Simone biles the greatest gymnast that we have ever seen it’s exciting to have her back it is uh and it’ll be great to see her in Paris hopefully she she’s able to get through this and can lead the team to Victory and win her individual competitions as well uh Brooke as you know I prefer a hefty starting pitcher and so Lance Lynn is my favorite even though our guy Kyle Gibson is fantastic but I like Lance Lynn because of his heft and I liked yesterday seeing him out there on a nice warm Sunday afternoon blowing through six innings I don’t know why he didn’t blow through more Innings because he threw only 79 pitches but I just like seeing the big fella rumbling through that Reds lineup like he did yesterday and like you said it I I think that he has exceeded our expectations his earned run average down to 3.59 now he’s 4 and3 on the season I think he’s doing more than most of us expected he would he would do his earned run average is more than two runs a game down from what it was last year with the white sucks and Dodgers and he how old 37 37 yep 37 and the fact that he’s able to improve going to season that says a lot about him I always love your stories too about when he went he to get a little bit skinnier he tried to I guess get more in shape I shouldn’t say skinnier get more in shape and it actually didn’t work out for him so he went back to what worked for him yeah Hefty exactly Hefty is good Hefty Works Hefty is a good thing he’s one of those kids that when his mom took him to buy clothes when he was in grade school kind of like me they bought husky for him the Husky fit still have that husy I don’t think we do anymore I think it’s Politically Incorrect now I see the big and tall store still over in brenwood I don’t know if they have the Husky section because I remember what you’re talking about seeing that there’s nothing wrong with being husky except it’s I I don’t think you can say it text in whatever the what’s the word for Husky now if uh the the text Line open 314 399 9646 that might be it big boned something like that chuny chuny chy all right number one number one for me is you were talking about enjoying the outside this weekend I enjoyed the outside as well it was a beautiful weekend and big news here I grilled for the first time this summer all right proud of you I was nervous I was nervous um did it go well h a little bit I always get I so I did chicken and steak kebobs and I always get really nervous with chicken specifically when I’m cooking that anytime I cook it but on the grill where you can’t see what’s going on and it’s hard to tell I was triple cheing it and then I pulled it off and I was like I’ll just leave it on for like three or four more minutes so we have Mike Johnson coming in this week I’ll definitely need some more tips so I don’t overcook my chicken because on the grill it just it makes me a lot more nervous because if I do it in the oven or on a pan I know TimeWise typically for the piece of chicken how long to cook it thoroughly but for the grill it’s harder for me to tell and know so I was a nervous griller this weekend I’m going to get get you a present that will prevent all nervousness what is that I’m I’m not going to tell you but it’s is a temperature Checker it is okay I should have put that on my wedding gift registry think I would have gotten that for you in a blink yeah they still might yeah so just late one yeah there is it’s it’s it’s it’s still the wedding summer we we have some just real quick uh husky thicki with two Seas R is what the kids say nowadays um let’s see fluffy I like fluffy fluffy is good fluffy yeah okay that’s good I like that a lot get a thermometer yes I will do that I I did not think about that prior I was very confident going into my grilling this weekend that I’d be able to do it and I did I mean they came out great yeah they still came out great good deal uh Brooke my number one which I never thought would wind up on Randy’s things he loved about the weekend I watched an entire WNBA game yesterday I watched the Phoenix Mercury take on the Indiana Fever uh hey Diana terasi reality’s [Music] coming uh Caitlyn Clark within a rebound of becoming the first rookie in WNBA history to have a triple double she was terrific and she gets her play her teammates involved and Indiana right now if the playoffs started today would be in a playoff spot despite the bad start and Caitlyn Clark they woke up the monster big mistake and she’s going to lead that team to the playoffs and once she get once they get through the Olympics and she gets the Olympic rest and maybe a little bit of uh preparation for the second half of the Season that League better look out cuz they they brought the monster out in there they did yeah so it’s I I feel and by the way she and d Diana terasi they were laughing during the game and smiling and yeah I saw the hugs prior yeah so that part of it was good but uh man it’s I think the league is changing and by the way Angel Reese yesterday a double double first WNBA rookie ever to have 10 consecutive double doubles and she’s and she could it looks like maybe even go for the overall WNBA record for like consecutive double doubles and things like that I mean she’s she’s absolutely tearing it apart I mean it’s kind of insane how they’re both how well they’re both doing and by the way uh I think if I’m not mistaken this week the Chicago sky and we’ll have to see if Atlanta has moved the game to the big arena cuz I think the Chicago Sky play in Atlanta where they switched buildings for Indiana and I’m not so sure uh I know angel thinks that angel ree thinks that they’re all coming to the games because of her uh but we’ll we’ll see if if Atlanta has changed buildings here for this week’s game uh I’m I’m checking the regular season schedule here for the I am on this show okay on the opening drive with Brooke Randy and Matthew July 1st 20 you about to make a 2024 my you yeah I’m checking the Chicago Sky WNBA Schedule oh my God at Atlanta tomorrow so we’ll find out if they’ve changed buildings for Angel Reese for tomorrow I finally get to crack open the manila envelope ladies and gentlemen the the WNBA questions are coming to the fight here we go here we go let the floodgates open yes finally all right next up okay July is here what’s our assessment of the Cardinals as we head into the last three months of the season that’s next on 101 ESPN e e e e wouldn’t it be great great to have a sun room at night to watch the red bird stretch run you you’ll be able to set that up August September and you’ll be able to have a great outdoor project from Chesterfield Fen and deck that you’ll love think about turning your deck into a sun room where you can have Windows up and you can open them up during the fall months and during the summer you can close them it can either be air conditioned or you can have a ceiling fan going you can put a TV up in there Chesterfield Fen and deck can do a beautiful job for you set an appointment with chester Feld fence and deck and you can do so by giving them a call at 8003 4054 or finding on them on the web at Chesterfield mention this show mention that Randy sent you and get 48 months interest free financing on your next outdoor project with Chesterfield fence and& deck for the month of July they’ve been in business for 56 years they do fantastic work with fences and decks sun rooms screen rooms pergas and they can change your life and they can enhance the value of your house too get in touch with Chesterfield Fen and deck again Chesterfield fence call 8003 4054 Chesterfield fence and deck the sign you have the very best e e this is Rocky with your sports center update driven by Johnny LOL Chevrolet and Johnny LOL Autoplex the Cardinals get a split from the Reds in a Four game series including a 9-4 loss on Saturday and a two nothing win yesterday two nothing win yesterday courtesy of Lance Lynch strong start six Innings pitch two hits zero earned runs one walk and six strikeouts also over the weekend it was a loss for St Louis city in Vancouver 4 to3 they were up two to nothing after the first 12 minutes where they were then outscored four to nothing across the next 78 minutes of the match St Louis will look to get back in the win column with a game on Wednesday as they host the San Jose Earthquakes at city park that is your sports center update driven by Johnny LOL Chevrolet and Johnny LOL Autoplex see them at Chevy together we drive are you kidding me [Applause] we are here in July now and the Cardinals have played three months of baseball April May and June they’re three games over 500 they’re in second place in their division and they still hold at the moment the top or the the wild card spot a wild card spot in the National League if the playoffs ended today the Padres are a half game ahead of the Cardinals so the Cardinals would be the third wild card team with their record of 43 and 40 as they take on Pittsburgh tomorrow night in Pittsburgh Brook uh I’ve got a couple impressions of the Cardinals so far this season most notable for me is that they had a chance to be so much better and we talked about it before the series that they played against the four bottom teams in all the baseball White Soxs Colorado a and Miami the Cardinals are only eight and eight there are 500 team against teams that have horrific records and are just not playing well this season if the Cardinals would have just done a better job against those four teams they would be perhaps even in the top wild guard spot right now yeah I think that’s the thing is concerning to a lot of people is of course you’re very excited about the position they’re in right now what they’re doing is incredible considering the start that they got off to a 15 and 24 start and they have completely rebounded and on top of that they’ve been able to do this without really your best Nolan arano and Paul Goldman and oh by the way Jordan Walker who is supposed to be a part of this team he’s not even here so he’s not a factor you also had Wilson contras injured for the majority of that stretch when we’re looking at the rebounding portion of this and sometimes you didn’t have the best from some of your pitchers the bullpen has been great but we started to see Ed either yes and Newar and Edmond were out of the picture but we saw the bullpen start to bend a little bit more because of the over usage but I go back to what I said earlier with Ryan Howley him being a big part of this equation of the Su success that the Cardinals have had and being able to re I think that he’s a big part of how they were able to secure a lot of these wins because he had his 30th consecutive save the other day it’s interesting because when you look at the team Donovan’s had a really good year so far no wi has been really good but I I think if I had a vote for yep if I had a vote for uh Team MVP though I think I would go with Helly I think so too because of what he’s been able to do and consistently I think that’s the biggest thing that concerns me is okay this is great what the Cardinals are doing but can they do it consistently and my biggest concern after 3 months of the Season here we’ve gone three months and I don’t think arado and Goldie have been good I I don’t even remember a week where I thought okay it’s going to happen for them like sometimes you see a guy for a week and you say okay he’s going to get hot and then he just falls off and does nothing I don’t even remember that week for those guys where you say okay now he’s hot where a guy hits three home runs drives in 10 during the of a we can carry as a team we haven’t had that and my concern now is because of what happened last year with those two when they regressed my concern is that we’re never going to see that from those so the torch has kind of been passed from those veteran players to I think mainly Donovan and W and burles and hopefully at some point Nolan Gorman will start hitting again and get up to 200 and become a a proficient uh hitter and I don’t know what to expect of Dylan Carlson I really don’t I I think that his chance in St Louis probably has passed to to be a good player especially when you had those injuries with Newar and Edmund that was a chance for him to really seize that role and it’s been more of Michael canani is the one that we’re talking about what he’s been able to do defensively for this team has been huge bran Donovan what he’s been able to do at the plate but also defensively the plays he made in left field this weekend those were spectacular and huge for the Cardinals and I wonder and we we’re going to talk about this coming up at 8:00 what happens when the Cardinals get guys back the other thing about the first three months of the Season Brook that I look at and I hope that they can replicate the first three months in the last three months is the the veteran starting pitching 34 35 36 37 year old starting pitchers can they maintain for the course of the summer months and continue to a stay healthy first and foremost but B pitch reasonably effectively because the Cardinals I think for all of us have surprised us with the quality of they’re starting pitching not that it has been to the level of the Phillies but with what we we expected relative to what the expectations were my opinion is and this was my belief before the season my opinion is is that the starting pitching has been better than I thought it would be I would also like to see more secured of what exactly they’re going to do with the fifth spot in the starting rotation is it going to be Andre Palante Matthew lior how many more starts because I believe that he does deserve another start so maybe Sol ifying that role moving forward did you kind of get an inkling now that maybe Gorgon grao might be ready too over the weekend yeah I know they sent him down but that’s just the Memphis shuttle that that you see totally but if if Plante blows up for two consecutive games and you want to keep lior in the in the bullpen I see I have no problem with giving grao an opportunity he’s been really good in the month of June for Memphis he pitched really well on Saturday it wouldn’t break my heart at all to see him get an opportunity to be that guy because the Cardinals looked at him after 22 as a potential front of the rotation starter and maybe he maybe that light bulb has gone on above his head and maybe he’s kind of figured things out and he has now the mental capacity in addition to the physical capacity to be that guy yeah I think that you have to give him a chance we’ve been asking for that right he’s 24 years old so you have to know what you have with him I guess when I’m assessing this team right now I give them a lot of credit for what they’ve been able to do with all the things that we’ve listed I do still have some concerns you pointed out Nolan Gorman being one of them I’m worried about what you do with him specifically I think his batting average is like in the sub 200s currently is he just looks lost at the plate right now so what do you do with Nolan Gorman moving forward and the Run differential thing that you pointed out I think that that’s a big concern as well I think that that’s something that is like a big glaring Spotlight on this team and I don’t know exactly how you fix that I look this up to see how many playoff teams with negative run differentials there have been 11 teams have made the playoffs with a negative run differential what’s interesting is that you actually saw two recently with the Marlins last year A minus 57 run differential and the Diamondbacks with a minus 15 run differential last year Brooke I think that’s a great point that the game has changed so much that you can you can go to the World Series with a minus run differential for this Cardinal team specifically minus 40 on the season minus 26 in seven games against Milwaukee one and six and minus 26 run differential against the Brewers so that’s something that has to be fixed they played half of their games against the Brewers for the season and if you’re going to compete for the division title you have to turn that around you’re one and six against them you’re six and a half games behind so in the second half of the Season you’re going to have to go six and one against them and turn around that run differential because Milwaukee has absolutely dominated the Cardinals in the first half of the season so now after assessing the first half half of the season with the Cardinals what do you think this team does really well that makes you believe when it comes to them making the playoffs their Bullpen has been terrific it alarms me when the manager says the bullpen is on fumes hopefully they can straighten out some of those issues and get more people pitching but I I do like the game plan even though they’re on fumes I I’ve always enjoyed the game plan get a lead after six then you have three guys to close it down seventh eth and ninth inning I love krid Romero hle I think the bullpen has been great and I do think and this is the biggest thing because I think this might be a long-term thing that’s happened in the first half of the season I think the torch has been passed to burlson Donovan and win I think this is a Young Person’s team now I think they’re the key players on this team now if they hope to win and I think it’s going to be that way for a long time you need to see the consistent hitting of course but the fact that you have the baby birds really taking things over if you look at last year Nolan arado and Paul gold Schmid they were also starting this decline at the plate but the difference was is that you really didn’t have any other guys stepping up and taking things over maybe you would have one guy for a little bit of a stretch but the fact that you have as the as the guys you mentioned Alec burlson Mason W Brendan Donovan really stepping up consistently during the stretch that’s something that I think really showcases the difference between last year and this year and their best all-around player right now is Brendan Donovan oh and he’s also their leader so he’s got to become the face of the franchise in my opinion he’s he he offensively defensively he their best guy uh he’s OB obviously accepted a leadership role in that clubhouse that nobody else was taking in terms of welcoming people to the ball club and in terms of being a spokesman for the team I think the Cardinals on the field and off need to start selling Brendan Donovan as the face of the franchise that’s a guy you can’t get rid of no no he’s the guy right now he’s if you need something big to happen in a game he seems to to always be in the middle of it that’s Brooke I’m Randy coming up on 101 PN it’s time for take it or leave it get your text in to the Air Comfort Service text line 314 399 9646 314 399 Yoo we’ve got to next for you on 101 ESPN e e e e e it’s time for take it or leave it want to say something put it out there if you like it you can take it if you don’t set it right back get your text into 314 39 9 9646 and give us your take it or leave it brought to you by Gloria Lou realy visit Gloria has the and start packing that’s my final author take it or leave [Music] it the text line is open 314 399 9646 314 399 Yoo all right Brook Zack Wilson Zach Wilson quarterback for the Broncos now oh no where is this going he’s engaged to Nicollet Delano his model girlfriend yeah uh take it or leave it this is depression time for all of Zack Wilson’s mom’s friends oh Randy no no I knew as soon as you said Zack Wilson I knew where this was going so I’m going to have to leave it who knows I maybe all that stuff was just rumors from the first place oh there’s no way oh yes that we don’t come up social media rumor that’s got to be real nobody would just make that up 100% have you have you met the internet lately they make a lot of things up I honest I honestly thought there was a Kyle filipowski joke coming oh too soon Rocko too soon that’s what I would have told the girlfriend too oh no much okay well let’s let’s go over to mine which is way more PG than what you guys just listed so Trevor rosenal holds the Cardinal record for saves in a single season with 48 take it or leave it Ryan Hesley will surpass that Mark this season I’m going to take it I’m going to say he gets 20 more and gets to 50 he is currently on Pace for 59 saves wow that’d be the I think the alltime record 62 I was just looking at by krod if I’m not mistaken that right uh Francisco Rodriguez yes in 2008 you were correct okay well hopefully that wasn’t a trivia question I think I’ve used every possible permutation of questions about saves in the MLB and Cardinals career saves I I don’t think I think I’ve used every single like possible potential save question I don’t think I have any left in me you know the record burn for two two three months the record before Bruce Suter got here and had 36 saves uh well he I think he had 25 in 1981 in the strike season but the record before that had only been 22 by The Mad Hungarian wow is that crazy yeah I actually think I did a trivia question around that like like how crazy it was how like who was like the first Cardinal ever broke 30 stage or something like that they they would have won a lot more in the 70s with better bullpens Al was really the only guy they had and then Mark latel after they traded out for Mark latel all right Matthew what you got on the text line take it or leave at the 76ers are now legit contenders with the Paul George signing I’m going to leave that uh you’re going to leave it because in be uh that’s part of it now you got two guys that are hurt a lot uh playoff P would be great but I don’t know it’s uh I I think Paul George is is past his prime unfortunately so I’m going to I’m going to leave that playoff p is pass his prime yes ohe but if the thing is if they can keep him healthy quite a statement there but if they keep he and embiid healthy oh I don’t know we got a chance I guess and Maxis are their most important player just just in case their feet in cement yeah really he’s 34 past his prime playoff P yeah he is no take it or leave it George Springer is a perfect fit for the Cardinals ship out Edmond for him oh my God who says no first Randy well here’s the thing about George Springer who’s I think he’s got three years left at a ridic ulous amount of money he has a 640 he has a 643 Ops and he’s slugging 34 his one his batting average is bottom five in baseball 214 honestly I honestly expected some I I expect I was say I was like I’m pretty sure there’s a one in front of his batting average it actually isn’t but he’s George Springer is slugging 341 I mean he’s essentially no Nolan Gorman right now 132nd right now in batting average not that that makes any difference he’s an outfield nor noan Gman what do you want yeah I don’t think I think that uh that’s I don’t I don’t think that’s the answer what did you say that Ops was 6 something 340 oh Ops 643 130th in baseball in Ops yeah no I don’t I don’t think that and by the way his contract is prohibitive too let me get that contract for you here uh so no I I don’t think he fits what the Cardinals are looking for here uh so a hard Le I thought what you said before what if what if Gorman could play right field um although George Springer can run and he’s been a world champion he’s been a good player strike out rate isn’t as egregious as as Gorman as ieg I’m being fous he has 50 strikeouts to Gorman’s Gorman’s going to have 200 strikeouts yes he is uh so Springer this year is making 24.1 million and he’s got 24.1 left next year in the year after that too God uh no thanks uh take it to leave it pan will be a blue for the fourth time I’m going to take it I’m going to dream and hope and say yes really I’m going to take it oh so with the Kevin Hay’s money moving a little bit you’re getting a little excited for that I’m going to have to leave it I don’t know if the wounds have healed on Pan’s side with the way that all that went I remember I went to that press conference in season press conference where pan stated that he really wanted to stay here in St Louis his kids play hockey here and as soon as the news came that he was of course not staying in St Louis you could tell that things were not going to go well and he was pretty he’s a very vocal person you Michelle and you had him um had him on the show and he really is vocal about his opinions of things you could tell just based off what he was saying he was hurt by the process so two things here number one randomly many years ago I was at Target and I bought a blues 91 Stam Coast T-shirt oh I see what you’re doing here take it or leave it you’d do three and 27 for Stam Coast no I just where I I don’t know how you find 9 million well next year you don’t have BCI okay now Mr carer wait a second little a little you know a little like hidden take a little a little like M kind popped up and down little whacka mle take from Randy carer there went for one and the other one popped out uh stamp Co 40 goals 41 assists in his age 33 season still good yeah he is yep year before that 34 and 50 year before that 42 and 64 year before that he was hurt had 34 points in 38 games uh I I think he’s still got it yeah but is that the guy you want KY to learn from who would you rather would you rather have as your number two Center bavage or Stam Coast oh 100% Stam Coast but doesn’t that kind of go against what army has been talking about when when he’s talking about new additions and staying in that very young age range yep but how much that’s a great Point Matthew made how much could a winner like that benefit a young group that’s coming along like this it would be huge uh take it or leave it in the next 365 days the Cardinals extend Brendan Donovan by the way he does have three more years before he hits free agency in 2028 I’m taking it think it’s a good time I’m going to say they extend on ofan they should mhm I don’t you believe that they should do that yeah 100% yep they’ve done it with Paul D young in the past they’ve done it with they’ve done it witht Carpenter they’ve done it with Alan Craig yeah I think that’s a guy that as a matter of fact I would go to all three of the kids I’d go to Donovan burles and win and offer them extensions 100% take it or leave it among the players who have left Colton Wong is the only recent Cardinal to hit his Peak with The Cardinals what about Ros Rena my he doing this year by the way terrible but he did hit a home run yesterday so you’re saying we won the trade no I’m kidding oh Matthew lior if we just did it on like a season by season basis then maybe we could take that approach with it uh who peeed with the Cardinals yeah I’ll take it oh by the way I I was doing this earlier Miss Diaz oh there there you go you also with the I don’t think I I had this on the air because I was doing some research this morning so yesterday elur Montero was DFA by the Colorado Rockies mhm the players that the Colorado Rockies received from the Cardinals in exchange for Nolan arado Tony Loi was traded to Tampa and released by the Rays last year he’s out of baseball Matteo Gil was released by the Rockies as he’s now in the Mets organization floating between double A and high a three years after the deal was made Jake Summers is a 27-year-old double a pitcher for Colorado 27y old doublea pitcher for Colorado on ter as we mentioned df8 and Austin gber is one in five with an earned run average approaching five so I would say the Cardinals even with the struggles that are in Auto this year won that trade yeah I mean that was that trade was a no-brainer it was on the Cardinal part of course and apparently the Rockies had no brain when they made it I don’t know what the rocky plan is sometimes no they don’t either that’s the problem they just they just go they just kind of go with the flow a little bit honestly I forgot that Austin Gomer was there I thought for some reason in my mind maybe it’s a Mandela effect I thought went to Japan at some point oh wow yeah I I don’t think he has uh and I think they still have if I’m not mistaken I think theota Hudson’s still in their rotation too oh yeah so they’ve got some uh he peaked with the Cardinals right 16 wins yeah so we’ll go with that I’ll leave it then take it or leave it giving up on Carlson the same season that Walker stuck in stuck in the miners has you really worried about how this might go in the future I’ll take that oh yeah that’s I believe that’s a take it from Brooke based on the noise and the content yeah yeah makes me sad it’s hard to get positive about it considering just how bright and shiny everything was this time last year and how you know it’s not right now no it’s just not not good at all thank you Matthew thank you Randy and thank you very much for your text we do appreciate them coming up the Cardinals expect to have both Lars nbar and Tommy Edmund back by the allstar break according to poo so what does that mean for the guys who are playing the Outfield now that’s next down 101 ESPN e e hey there’s an incredible opportunity for you if you’re in the workforce and you want to enhance your education and enhance your place in your company go to Lindenwood online affordable indry relevant online programs perfect for working adults they have 35 Plus fully online programs taught 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Linden wood puts students first they promise a transformative experience through personalized support Innovative teaching and empowering self-discovery inspiring Learners to explore their talents and passions and realize their true potential and their online program is one of the best it allows you to advance your career with flexible accessible online learning as we mentioned 35 industry relevant degree programs and options for military students as well learn more at online. e e e presented by lyndenwood University real experience real [Music] success it’s 805 in St Louis your time check brought to you by Clark Jewelers an officially licensed Rolex Jeweler Brooke and Randy with you and Chip Cary mentioned on the TV broadcast yesterday that at a season ticket holders event yesterday John moock mentioned that both Lars nbar and Tommy Edmund are expected back before the allstar break which is amazing for Edmond when you consider that it’s July 1st and we’re less than two weeks away from the All-Star break but that’s what he said so we are going to uh we’re going to run with it I just like how you said that’s what he said because we we’ve had so many setbacks with Tommy Edmund Tommy Edmond great guy by the way and I do believe that when he is there when he’s available that he can be a huge asset to this team it’s just the availability is the biggest Factor there he’s continued to have so many setbacks in this journey with his wrist issues and then you had the sprain ankle the other day so I guess we’ll see what it looks like when he comes back here and he’s he’s back from the sprained ankle apparently it was not Ser quick so so he’s doing okay by the way we aren’t going to include Jordan ER in this discussion he was 0 for four yesterday did not have a great weekend batting 255 with a 713 Ops but when Edmund and uh Newar return Brooke the Cardinals are getting reasonably good work out of Donovan and left seani who’s hitting better now in center and Alec burles so with two additions two starters from before spring training returning what happens and who sits when Edmund and Lars nbar return you know I do not want to see C sit and I’m just going to go ahead and throw that out there I think that he is saving a lot of runs for the Cardinals pitchers currently right now what we’ve seen from him defensively has been huge for this team and I don’t want to see him phased out of this equation so actually my big question is maybe what do you do with Nolan Gorman because Nolan Gorman is struggling we’ve talked about it there’s no way to around this we know that he’s shaky but at this point with the Peaks valleys of the season for him he has been in a very deep valley and he is not really working his way out of it you’ve seen him you saw him this past weekend does he look lost at the plate to you he does look lost at the place and plate and I think the Cardinals would be better served and he would probably be better better served just like Jordan Walker to be doing it at Memphis and that opens up a spot for Donovan at second base and that’s where I’m going with this is that with Nolan Gorman the the struggles that he’s continued to have 109 strikeouts by the way that he has on the season send him down so that he can get better and that helps you figure out this whole situation with Lars Nar and Tommy Edmond coming back and you can have Tommy Edmond get some work at second so I think it plays out really well you’ve you’ve nailed it here so you’ve got an outfield of n barani Burleson you’ve got Donovan at second and then Tommy Edmund becomes your super utility guy if Aron needs a day off if win needs a day off if Donovan needs a day off if the outfielders need a day off Tommy Edmund is your Super Sub I think that’s a great way to do it in fact I can’t think of a better way for the Cardinals to handle this situation and maybe they can fix Nolan Gorman because he’s a guy with obviously tremendous potential but he’s on Bas to strike out more than 200 times this season and you just I I know the players don’t care about strikeouts anymore and the analytics people don’t care about strikeouts but I think even the an analytics people might agree that when you’re hitting less than 200 and you aren’t putting the ball in play you have less of a chance to get a hit when you never touched to the baseball I think that letting him have some time in the minors will be huge and beneficial to him my concern is how long it’s taken Jordan Walker to really get to where they need him to be I was expecting him honestly Randy to be back by now 26 was my day well yeah because it was bobblehead today or night for him and so I was expecting him to be back from what I’m understanding and hearing it’s his numbers have to go up by quite a bit he he went two for six on Friday then 0 for8 over the weekend so it’s really not happening for Jordan Walker I’m not so sure that the Cardinals and Jordan Walker are on the same page in regards to his advancement and what what he’s doing and what they want him to do I I think well let me say this I’m I’m alarmed by his lack of progress and their lack of enjoyment for what he is doing in terms of what they they want him to do so I I’m that’s why I left him out of the equation because I don’t think that he’s part of the equation I also don’t believe honestly is the All-Star Game on the 13th when’s the All-Star Game whatever it is I don’t think there’s a chance in hell Tommy Edmund can rebound and Rehab it’s on the 16 15th or 16th 16th 16th so today’s July 1st if he would go out for a rehab today they would be really rushing him if they to get him back by the 13th or whatever he should go down for 20 days he’s got to have his full complement of games because he hasn’t played since last September so if they’re going to be responsible with Tommy Edmond they need to send him down and get him all the games that he’s allowed to get before they bring him back can put him in a major league uniform 100% it’s almost like he needs another spring training again because of how much time that he has missed it’s been setback after setback for him and with Lars Nar by the way the way they’re handling his return is that he is going to be in Springfield today I believe yes and play seven innings in the Outfield and then once he hits nine innings consecutively he will be back with St Louis and I would think that would be by the end of the week mhm so uh I I have no problem with that lineup then you want be your right fielder uh yeah bur and left and him and right I’m fine with that by the way that is a very heavy left-handed lineup but you’re you’re taking out Gorman basically and putting another left-handed hitter in there so you’ve got your right-handed hitters on the infield with arnado Goldie in win and contrerus behind the plate and then uh and siani in center and then lefties in Left Right second and DH so who is your DH in this scenario by the way the way did you already say you have you have burlon and left right yes wasn’t contr and then P behind the plate I’m good with that yeah okay or Wilson’s behind the plate and you can you know I don’t know feels like it feel feels like you can still put carp in there feels like there’s still a way to get feels like there’s still probably a way to get Burly a day at DH and let him rest his legs so like there’s yeah let him rest his legs so he’s not playing you know running out there every game if you if somebody would have told you at the beginning of the Season that Michael canani would be your center fielder and that there’d be no way that you would move him out of that position what would you have said no chance be like who by the way how next home stand Cardinals Michael we have to start playing the NFL films Raiders music when you as your walk up music that’s his great uncle I know so we got to get that going I don’t even know what is walk song is but everybody everybody would remember if it’s uh the the is it the the the Winter Wind or whatever for the Raiders song NFL films Raiders song so we’ll play it for you a little bit later we’ll do it during the rush hour reset coming up next year on 101 ESPN should the Cardinals shake up the rotation following the success of Liberator that’ll be next on 101 ESPN cover 101 ESPN is presented by and law injury lawyers get ‘s got to say it let it be you use the mic drop feature in the 101 ESPN app search the 101 ESPN app now in the app store or Google Play St Louis by state summers are hot humid and can be deadly heat can even fry an egg on a sidewalk for many seniors and the disabled income goes to rent medicine and groceries often with nothing left to pay utility bills please help seniors keep the air on and let’s check on neighbors cool down St can also help Missouri and Illinois qualified neighbors with utility bills get help give help at cooldown I want you to know about what you can do with together Credit Union they are absolutely fantastic here 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rotation recently last start for uh Andre Palante he was terrific Liberator was outstanding in his emergency start a couple of days ago and then you get a strong performance the other day from Gordon grao and the question becomes should the Cardinals actually settle on a fifth starter or should they go with a hot hand and maybe the matchup if you have a predominantly left-handed hitting lineup might Liberator be a better option or Palante who has great reverse splits and with gpo’s stuff and he pitched really well the other day and apparently gained some confidence should Gro get an opportunity would you try to I would try to find a guy but I’m basically having an audition in July for that fifth starter spot Brooke I think that you have to especially when you’re going into the trade deadline see what you have with these guys I think that Matthew lior that last start uh start excuse me was impressive and I think that with Libby it’s the way that the scheduling finally worked out for him I think the start prior to that he was thrust into that position because of what happened with Kyle Gibson I mean he was notified what was it 15 minutes prior it was just it was very quickly prior to the game Gibson had the or Kyle Gibson had the bad back exactly and he didn’t have it for a week back was longer than like 15 minutes and so I think that maybe giving Matthew Liberator a proper timeline because you know know pitchers starting pitchers too they’re they have to have their routine and I think the scheduling matters a lot for them and so with Libby I think he deserves another start and you are kind of auditioning these guys to see what they can give you I’m glad that they finally brought up Gordon grao I’m excited to see what exactly he has going on and what he has available for him because you need to he’s 24 years old you need to know what you have with him he looks like he has the stuff 4-0 with a 2.05 in August not in August in June for Memphis and then he comes up throws four and a third coming out of the bullpen four and a third he struck out four walked two allowed three hits in those four and a third and allowed one earned run and for me he he showed the stuff had the ability has the ability uh to be the kind of guy the Cardinals want at the front of the rotation with the the strike out the the swing and Miss stuff so he’s worth a look liberator clearly is look worth a look based on his last start on Thursday and then Palante who would have thought that Palante and Lynn would have been the guys that gave you the great starts at the end of this home stand against Cincinnati 100% we have someone from the 314 that said I was so wrong about Palante I thought he would have gotten rocked by now I think I wasn’t expecting that from Palante this season here’s the thing about Palante and that’s why Randy you you talking about maybe making it a matchup based thing jumps out to me because when you look at Andre Palante uh last six starts uh and this includes um five starts in June and then his last start in may uh zero earned runs six earned runs zero earned runs one earned run five earned runs zero earned runs so clear like it’s literally you’re getting you’re either getting a fantastic quality start with zero or one ear runs or he’s getting shellacked for six runs across either three or five innings and so clearly I think there’s a way to Target DeAndre pilante starts instead of just saying you are the fifth starter if you think more strategic with it and then maybe go to a liberator and maybe you bring up maybe maybe graph becomes like a piggyback guy I’m not sure clearly though I just don’t I think you have to change things up a little bit because yes Palante is good in moments but he does have a blowup game usually right after he has a good one question here so Jason on the YouTube chat brings this up do not give Libby another start because of the quote that you brought up earlier that maral said that the bullpen is on fumes don’t fall for it we saw these spot performances from Libby last season so that is interesting because you do have that comment from OE maral where he admits that the bullpen is on fumes so how do you also make sure that the bullpen is secured in this situation while you are auditioning guys what I would do is take the guy that has the most ability and I believe that’s Liberator and put him in the rotation it’s not like Andre Palante is never pitched out of the pen and has reverse splits if you need two and A3 3 and a third four and a third out of Palante coming out of the bullpen he can do that too I would like to see my most talented guys in the rotation and I believe that Liberator is more talented than Palante I think that Liberator gives you a better opportunity to get deep into games he threw six Innings the other night how many pitches did he throw in that uh six in performance or it was it was it was over 80 wasn’t it yeah it was uh 85 85 so six Innings 85 pitches I just and and we don’t have many starters who are throwing past 80 pitches by no we don’t not anymore yeah so I that’s why I would choose Liberator but I don’t disagree with the premise though that he needs to earn that position to keep that position and if you have Palante and grao providing competition there’s nothing better than competition uhuh and if Matthew Liberator knows okay there’s a guy right behind me that could take this job I believe that that will benefit him but he’s the guy that I think has the best chance to be a front of the rotation starter of of that group right now grao might wind up being that guy but I think at for this year for 2024 if you need a guy to pitch in the playoffs I I would go with him now would he pitch it’s an interesting thing and we’re still only halfway through the season but if we get to the playoffs it’s probably gray Gibson you keep michelas in there right mhm and Lynn those four are going to be your four starting pitchers in the playoffs and with Andre Palante too the right job and position in the bullpen I think is another key part would you put him in high leverage situations like we saw with him last season or do you see him more as a middle relief guy I think he has moved beyond the Holy Trinity and I I think that was that was a cursed that was a cursed group it was so yeah I would have no problem putting him in a leverage situation in the in the sixth inning my seventh is pretty well locked down though when I’m in the lead after six I’m going as long as they are not on fumes krid Romero and helsley those are going to be my three we’re getting a lot of questions about if the bullpen is on fumes why did olly take out Lance Lynn yesterday I believe he was at 79 pitches yep yeah I wondered that myself and even though the bullpen and maybe he wasn’t talking about the the big three in particular I wondered that myself but he was comfortable enough with those three with a one- nothing lead by the way to give them the opportunity and like I said if the thing is you win 95 if you’re going to be a 90 91 92 95 win team and those guys come out of the bullpen 60 65 times for the seventh eth and n9th they should be able to do that but they do need a break and I thought it was interesting yesterday that he didn’t go another inning with Lynn but it worked for him so Ali knew what he had available to him on the day and I always go back to the old Tony larusa line never forget that I know more about this team than you do and Ali clearly does because it worked out that’s the thing is that it worked out so hindsight is 2020 in that situation I do find it interesting that a lot of pitchers are being with the Cardinals are being kept around that 80 pitch mark I think another part here with what we’re talking about where your auditioning guys trying to figure out that fifth starter role is that you do need to be able to audition guys that means that the other starters have to remain healthy because then you would be thrusting one of those young players into that position where maybe they would falter and now you have that kind of flexibility because of Health with the other starters the rotation that you can audition these guys a little bit more to know what you have going into the trade deadline right and that’s important you everybody else knows too what what you have if you decide to to move somebody Brooke one thing about the Cardinals that I’ve always admired under MO is that they do play the long game and we’re sitting here halfway through the season with Mike Liss at 35 Gibson at 36 gray at 34 Lynn at 37 I guarantee you that another 15 pitches yesterday wouldn’t have felt like a big deal but if you add 15 pitches for five consecutive starts all of a sudden you’re at 60 more pitches on the season there’s a finite number of pitches in an arm each year maybe what the Cardinals are thinking is with their seasoned starting rotation that it will benefit them in August and September to preserve those arms in June and July I think that’s the key I think that’s the big key right there is that you have to keep those guys Healthy Look Around major league baseball right now how many pitching injuries are we seeing specifically with starting pitchers across the league all over the place look at the Dodgers the Dodgers have a number one rotation on the iil right now and they’re really aside from yeah aside from Kershaw who by the way suffered a setback with his shoulder injury uh they’re not older guys so you have to be concerned and not concerned but you have to be uh cognizant of the their age and what they are able to do for you at the end of a really long season because the most important part of the season is be August and September I think the other important part too is in Lance ly’s postgame I wanted to bring this up that he didn’t say that he wanted to be pulled after 80 pitches but it seems like that’s just the process of what they’re doing because you have to keep these guys healthy yeah so I I have no problem with that as long as you win the game and they did yeah seven and three on the home stand that we we still need for kitridge Romero helsley we don’t have the HDH like the Royals had with Herrera Wade Davis and Holland when they were winning the World Series but we need to come up with a better name than the big three for the big three yeah cuz that’s already taken obviously we got to Workshop this we’ve been talking about this for a while we we really need to Workshop this kitridge Romero helsley 3014 399 9646 3014 399 yo coming up we’ve got the fight Matthew do we need a fighter uh yeah you beat young Sheldon on on uh Friday oh I did I beat young Sheldon beat up a kid sorry oh and that’s going to be a drop isn’t it sorry uh if you’d like to participate in the fight 314 399 9646 314 399 Yoo with your name of the word fight and maybe you’ll fight me next on 101 ESPN it’s time for a DraftKings at Casino Queen Redbird report on 101 ESPN BR Grimsley here for your red bird report the Cardinals go s and three on the home stand after shutting out the Reds to nothing yesterday lanin and the bullpen combined in a two-hitter Lynn allowing just two hits while walking one and striking out six in six Innings Andrew kitridge JoJo Romero and Ryan Helly closed out the last three Innings with Hesley converting his 30th consecutive save to extend his team record Mason wi went two for four with an RBI double and Pedro P has went three for four and scored a run the Cardinals will have the day off before hitting the road to face the Pirates on Tuesday the Redbird report is presented by Draft Kings at Casino Queen play St died at at tra Kings at Casino Queen e e hey don’t forget there’s a big time soccer match tonight and it’ll be available to you at the Fenton Bar and Grill so if you are into international soccer you need to head on over to the Fenton bar grill the match starts tonight at 8:00 St Louis time and you’ll absolutely love the food at the Fenton Bar and Grill when you stop by for the soccer make sure that you also enjoy some of the trash Wings best trash wings that you’ll ever have enjoy them with some of the Signature Golden sauce that they have there or you can also just have it with some ranch and you’ll absolutely love it but uh there’s some great things happening at Fenton Barn Grill they’ve got a great group of people you’ll love visiting with Megan and Kelly and the other Kelly and Casey during the course of the day and you love all the food they have they have great Burgers salads wraps it’s a wonderful place to go it’s only 2 minutes from the soccer park on ruter Road in Fenton you can learn more at Fenton bar I like to stop by and say hi and so uh if you want to watch the USA in Uruguay tonight check it out at the Fenton Barn Grill on ruer Road in Fenton huge soccer fans it’ll be a lot of fun for you enjoy it at the Fenton Barn Grill and tell them Randy send you e e e this is Rocky with your sports center update brought to you by salga Heating and Cooling the Cardinals over the weekend finished off a split of their four game series with the Reds two games a piece they go s and three over their 10-game home stand they will be off today for being back in action on Tuesday also in action over the weekend it was St Louis city they were across the border facing off against the Vancouver wi pick caps and they fall 4 to3 after a two nothing lead leads to them giving up four straight across the next 78 minutes they are now on nine straight winless streak and we’ll try to change that on Wednesday as they host the San Jose Earthquakes at city park that is your sports center update brought to you by s Heating and Cooling an independent Aman stand heating and air conditioning dealer a fight in the Red Corner Average Joe listner and in the blue Corner the Undisputed king of morning drive please welcome Randy [Applause] carer welcome back to the opening drive Brook Rocko Randy here and it is time for the fight and our fighter today is Nathan Nathan how are you doing I’m doing good good Brooke how about you I’m doing great is this your first time facing Randy in the fight uh it’s my first excuse me first time fighting Randy but you beat me 4 to three about 6 months ago and CD Beat Me 3 to one a year ago oh but now you’re facing Mega mine so we’ll see how this goes I’m hoping no grapes are bacon uh die Dr Pepper fine though I was trying to see if he actually left did you see the grapes leave with him in the room today I did not see any grapes unfortunately I’m sorry I’m I’m not sure what’s going on exactly I I can’t say confirm or deny whether or not there is the presence of grapes okay so you never know Nathan you never know you ready for question number one I’m ready okay I think everyone in St Louis will be happy to wish Nelson Cruz a happy birthday while we will always remember him for falling to the Cardinals in the 2011 World Series Cruz was also a part of the Rangers 2010 World Series loss who did they lose to in that series was it the Giants the Phillies or the Dodgers 2010 philes Dodgers oh I know it’s not the Dodgers uh because they didn’t win till 20120 um what was the other two you said the um what was the three answers Giants Phillies or [Music] Dodgers I gotta go with the Giants that’s just the that’s the top of my head the era that sounds about right they pretty much dominated around the time we did in 11 so I’ll go Giants all right Paul George has made another big move joining the 76 earlier today his move to the Clippers is one of the biggest trades in NBA history and are revolved around which player who has since gone on to be an all NBA first teamer and MVP finalist was that Luca donic Devin Booker or Shay gilis Alexander sorry Ro can you repeat that question one more time no problem Paul George made a big move to the signing with the Clippers earlier today his trade to the clip Sor sorry signing with the 76ers earlier today excuse me his trade to the Clippers is one of the biggest trades in NBA history and it revolved around which player who has since gone on to be an all NBA first teamer and MVP finalist was that Luca donic Devin Booker or sheay gilis Alexander I mean I feel like Luca is a trick answer but at the same time it’s the only one that really makes sense um I’m sure there’s people yelling at me on the radio as usual but I’m going to have to go with Luka they always yell you get over it a little bit we we’re we’re kind of used to it Nathan at this point either people are clapping or they’re you know smacking themselves in the forehead like come on Nate always it’s always easier when you’re playing in your car but then when you get into this situation it’s tougher you ready for three question number three I am okay which Chicago native picked off Bears quarterback re Rex Grossman and returned it for a touchdown in the Colts Super Bowl 41 Victory is it Marlon Jackson Kelvin Hayden or Bob Sanders nice question Rocko thank you um I’m just glad it’s not WNBA yet unless no next week um repeat the answers for me it is Marlon Jackson Kelvin Hayden or Bob Sanders The Only Name I even know in there is Bob Sanders and that’s I mean I know NFL but that that one’s just kind of like I’m going to go with my gut and say Bob Sanders oh like a Randy answer all right who is the only active player in Major League Baseball to lead a league in batting average three or more times is that Charlie Blackman Luis arise or Jose Altuve Altuve final answer all right we’ll double check our score we’ll bring in Randy carer how are you feeling this time around Nathan uh not great but 5050 oh you never know you never know it’s Monday it’s a holiday week pins on oh and there’s grapes Rocko is admiring Randy’s shirt which everybody should go on to YouTube and check out today he’s going patriotic all week which we’re only here for three days I didn’t realize that the the stars were actually golf balls I noticed I noticed the te’s inside of the the red stripes on the America on the flag but I hadn’t noticed I hadn’t picked up that the stars on the uh on the field of blue were actually golf balls it’s a fantastic t-shirt Randy thank oh Allegiance turn on the Right microphone will help okay good say hi to Nathan Randy Nathan good morning how are you I’m great Randy how about yourself good you excited about the fourth oh I’m always excited about the fourth Independence Day the movie and Independence Day just in general barbecue eating contest hello well I mean that but but uh what Joey chestnut’s not in it disappointing very disappointing I guess he got bought out by a um vegan vegan company yeah weird boo all right you ready to face Nathan in the fight yeah Nathan thanks for listening thanks for playing absolutely Randy it’s been a long time coming it’s a pleasure to talk with you looking forward to it question number one I think everyone in St Louis will be happy to wish Nelson Cruz a happy birthday while we will always remember him for folling to the Cardinals in the 2011 World Series Cruz was also a part of the Rangers 2010 World Series loss who did they lose to in that series oh who did they the 2010 World Series the Rangers oh man um was it the Pirates oh stop it that’s rude that’s just rude to a whole city okay it was the San Francisco Giants Cody Ross Aaron Row for about him oh my my God l kane Jonathan Sanchez it was a pretty good group the rookie Madison bum Garner 20 years old uh pretty good richelia at shortstop uh uh the old pirate uh second baseman Freddy Sanchez shouts to hmel who uh loved matain yeah oh yeah and then don’t forget big Panda over at third base oh God and and the the extraordinarily weird Aubrey Huff at first God that is such a weird roster all right here we go uh Randy number two uh Paul George has made another big move joining the 76ers earlier today his move to the Clippers was one of the biggest trades in NBA history and it revolved around which player who has since gone on to be an all NBA first teamer and MVP finalist so his trade to the Clippers from revolved around which player who has since gone on to be an all NBA first teamer and MVP finalist it’s got to be uh I didn’t realize this but the I guess it is Shay gilgas Alexander right it’s I would think let’s just Lifeline I’m pretty sure that’s it let’s do it is it luga donic no Devin Booker or Shay guildas Alexander I will go with Shay Final Answer final answer all right ready for the question number three I forgot that we were on three I I was thinking we were towards the end there you you went through an entire roster earlier so it threw me off a little bit okay which Chicago native picked off Bears quarterback Rex Grossman and returned it for a touchdown in the cold Super Bowl 41 victory uh Super Bowl 41 who did have that return for them I’m going to go with Antoine be but I’m not sure I’ll just go with him all right and who is the only active player in Major League Baseball to lead a league in batting average three or more times active player that has led a league National or American three times three or more times right yes so I think arise is only LED twice last year with the Marlins and the year before that with Minnesota uh let’s see um it’s not a cardinal uh cards Cubs Brewers Pirates um red doers Giants Padres um I don’t think Manny has do Giants Padres Rockies Dbacks um Braves they don’t have any um Braves Mets Marlins gats Phillies this should be pretty obvious I would think Yankees Red Sox Orioles Ray jaas um huh okay should be a big money player uh this kind of weird uh that I don’t have it yet um A’s angels I don’t think Mike tro but maybe uh A’s Angels Astros Altuve think I’ll go with Jose Altuve this was a very very close fight inches away from a tiebreaker being needed but no we have an outright winner and is it Nathan who is looking for his first Victory against Randy and his first time going up against Randy or does Randy carer walk away with a win on a short week to start it off ring that Bell the winner and still champion of the fight Randy carer the fight is presented by Golf Discount of St Louis with the most experience Club fitters in town why shop anywhere else just win baby I’m sorry Nathan but Randy carer eventually he’ll get there and he got you there three to2 he beat you in the fight today yeah he he he just he he I thought maybe using the the lifeline despite the fact that he knew the answer on number two was going to come back to bite him and and it almost did but he was able to leg it out and get number four and that’s the one that got you it’s okay it was a it was an honor to fight and uh I appreciate that it kind of took a second because I was like maybe he won’t get to the Astros he hasn’t said Astros he hasn’t said Astros okay you’re right about that you both got that one right let’s go through the questions and answers everyone STL happy to wish Nelson Cruz a happy birthday he lost the world’s serers in 2011 to the Cardinals and he also lost in 2010 to the Giants as they would kick off their even year uh I call it a curse I’m sure they call his good luck charm oh and that was the the baseball version a fear the beard with Brian Wilson by the way yeah it’s another good one uh Paul George another big move today he joined the 76ers on a free agent contract but it was a trade that was his last big move and that was when he was traded from the Oklahoma City Thunder and you are 100% correct Randy it was Shay gilders Alexander that they traded for him that trade by the way Shay gild is Alexander Danilo um yes sorry excuse me Shay gild Alexander Danilo galinari and one two three four five six seven eight first round picks and Shay gilders Alexander has gone on to again finished second in MVP voting and be an NBA first teamer now twice for the Oklahoma City Thunder pretty good not a bad trade for the Oklahoma City Thunder in the grand scheme of things uh not great for the Los Angeles Clippers have they ever done that in their history uh which Chicago native picked off Bears quarterback Rex Gman returned it for a touchdown in the Colts Super Bowl 41 Victory he was also a rookie that year his first pick and touchdown it was Kelvin Hayden who actually picked it off for the Colts again the Chicago native and the only active player in Major League Baseball to lead a league in batting average three or more times it is in fact Jose Altuve all for the Astros in the American League and the only person in the last 10 years who’s also done three times he recently retired Miguel Cabrera four different times in the in the American League so two Altuve now holds the record with three so a 3-2 win for Randy carer in the fight today thank you again Nathan for joining the fight and joining the show Absolutely thanks Rock and uh you all have a good day and uh Brooke I’m really happy for your honeymoon and marriage and uh I’m glad Randy doesn’t have to give you countdown anymore thank you so much Nathan thank you Nathan it was making me really anxious and nervous Randy I think you enjoyed that somebody said that should have been a clock violation I can only go through the team so fast oh people always say that with you and and the timing of it that’s maybe I should start with the American League West all the time but the thing is is that you’re already starting without the options so you have to think through it I did not think that you were going to be able to pull out the Altuve answer I was surpris CU you were going through I was like oh well he hasn’t gotten there yet and then of course in Randy style you figured it out at the end I’m glad that I did mega mind that I won yeah so somebody on the text line by the way says great shirt Randy so thank you I I’m liking this shirt I’m glad that you’re liking it you’re getting a lot of compliments on this shirt it’s a great shirt it is you can get one at the Missouri Baptist Hospital gift shop that’s so Random that’s where you got it at and my sister gave it to me she runs the gift shop over there oh nice yeah so so yeah birthday present from her so cool I’m glad you like it so step up my shirt game for this week yes we need you to be patriotic like me because I was going to just do the blue and then red tomorrow and then maybe white but I just I feel like after seeing your shirt you’re getting lots of compliments I need to step up my game let’s do it yes okay we’ll be American coming up here on 101 ESPN as we head down the stretch of this 8:00 hour we’re going to talk to chip Cary chip is next time 101 ESPN for e e e e e e [Music] Brook and Randy with you the opening drive on 101 ESPN we go to the celebrity line and your TV voice of the St Louis Cardinals on ble Sports chip Cary is with us now after the Cardinal split against Cincinnati over the weekend chip good morning how are you I’m doing well guys how are you good and uh an early happy Fourth of July for you yeah Independence Day is right around the corner we get to spend it in two cities which is going to be kind of fun we start in Pittsburgh finish in DC and maybe we’ll get to see the fireworks at the Washington Monument before sun goes down that’d be fun I was gonna say you have to be able to see the fireworks somewhere yeah I hope so my favorite trip all time was when I was first starting out in the business I was with the Braves and we flew from east to west had a late afternoon game and then as we flew West the sun was going down so we got to see all the fireworks shows across the country on a clear night from above that was pretty like summer flowers blooming all across the prair that was kind of cool I don’t think we’ll get to Washington in time for that we’ll have to wait for the sun to go down but it should be a fun trip and an important one to the Cardinals coming up for sure we were talking about this earlier it’s expected that Lars Newar will be rejoining the team soon once he gets settled back down in the miners and then Tommy Edmund maybe as well how do you think that the Cardinals will handle that situation moving forward especially with how well Donovan canani and burlson have been doing I think very happily I I think it’s obvious that those two guys are an important and integral part of the ball Club they haven’t been here much of the year uh certainly in the case of Tommy hasn’t had a single game with the Cardinals in regular season play n’s missed about a quarter of the season if not more than that uh those are two really important pieces they’re two really good players who add another element of dynamism to an offense that at times has p played in fits and starts and look it’s not up to me to determine how they make some changes or if they make changes but usually as it happens in our sport those things tend to work themselves out and uh right now with the importance of these games right before the break a divisional series with uh the Pirates certainly in the Cubs right before the break if you hit you’re going to play and uh the Cardinals offense as we saw against Cincinnati was dog tired and uh that they split was really really impressive and had a great homeand and when those new guys come back they’ll certainly provide a much needed jolt I think chip how about Michael canani hitting 344 over the last couple of weeks with a 957 Ops yeah he’s he’s really been an impressive player I shudder to think where the Cardinals would have been without him my old partner in Atlanta Joe Simpson played with the Dodgers and uh there their system always believed if a guy had athleticism and had uh you know four the five tools uh in the baseball toolkit they could teach him how to hit and I think we’re seeing that with with canani his swing is looking a lot better it’s a lot flatter yeah he strikes out every now and then but when he puts the ball in play he is a threat because his speed puts so much pressure on opposing defenses so uh that’s just icing on top of the the guy’s been a godsend defensively the Cardinals had one of the worst defensive outfields in the major leagues last year they’ve had one of the best this year so can’s really done an amazing job and it’s fun to watch him do his thing how do you think the Cardinals are going to handle this fifth spot in the starting rotation obviously right now it seems like we’re doing an audition process with Andre Palante and Matthew Liberto how do you think that they will handle it moving forward I’m guessing for now it’s pilon’s job Liberator start was a spot start it was an impressive one that’s to be sure uh but yeah you know that’s that’s obviously the the the the elephant in the room who’s going to claim that spot and run with it and take it over and out of that position Ali has said look we want consistency we can’t go into every fifth day not knowing if we’re getting five innings six Innings or two innings out of that out of that spot and I think Palante by and large has done a pretty solid job of of giving the Cardinals five innings and then anything else on top of that is is gravy Liberator was spectacular against the Braves he’s done that before he did it against Tampa Bay last year the stuff is in there he’s still a very young man as is Palante and it’s always good to have a healthy competition between those two but my guess is with the body of work that Palante is going to be the guy going for but that’s just a guess of course the Cardinals have been one of the great stories in baseball right now especially in the National League with the way that they rebounded after starting off 15 and 24 the way that they’ve looked here recently now going into into July what do this team do specifically well that makes you believe that they could be playoff contenders the pitch uh I think I’ve said to you guys before I think we over complicate the game if you pitch you have a chance to win if you don’t you don’t look just compare the pitching stabs of the 2023 Cardinals to the one that we’re watching in 2024 the game’s over usually when you have the lead after six uh the starters have been consistent enough uh to to give you a chance for your offense to get some things done look we’d like to see ronado and goldi pick up the slack we’re halfway through the season now it’s time to go for them the young guys offensively have really done an amazing job of of taking that torch and carrying it Forward themselves and you mentioned brend Donovan Alex burles Mason wi uh Herrera PES those guys have really carried this team and deserve a lot more credit I think than they’re getting for what’s happened so far in 2024 um and then I think they’ve put themselves in a position where Mo in the front office will add to the team and I said this on the broadcast yesterday that the the two weeks before the All-Star break and the week after is really an important time for every professional sports team their teams that are so dreading the the the rest of the season that they just want to get the first half over with this is an opportunity for the Cardinals to really put the hammer down against Pittsburgh and Washington two teams that are going to give you some fight Kansas City which is having a great year and the Cubs right before the All-Star break and then you go to Atlanta and Pittsburgh right after if you can have a solid three-week run that really sets you up great for the trade deadline and what we hopefully be a playoff Run for the Cardinals in 2024 and that starts again tomorrow night Chim Cary with us on 101 ESPN what were your impressions of Gordon grao on Saturday really impressive uh wasn’t uh the moment wasn’t too big for him he showed a nice three- pitch mix he got the ball on the ground uh you know he worked at a nice Pace uh his mom and dad were Overjoyed watching him do his thing which is always fun uh he showed strikeout stuff uh you know he he pitched like you H that a guy like him would pitch like when he came up from the minor leagues the Cardinals Bullpen was running on fumes they really really needed him to step up and give Innings and he did just that finished the game uh started by Sunny gray and that rest of the guys and I think you saw how well that reflected in yesterday’s game when krid Romero and helsley came in and put out the fire in a two nothing win so little victories like that individually and collectively really add up over the course of the long year and we’ve had a bunch of them so I was really happy for Gordon and I know he’ll be back here at some point this year you just mentioned kitridge Romero and Hesley and we’re a nickname show we are really big on the nicknames here we were actually talking about this earlier we need a really good nickname for that Trio can you help us please I like the Terminators I like the Terminators because they come in the game’s over by and large especially hle is on this impressive 30 for30 run uh Romero’s been great in whatever role he’s been assigned uh you know krid at least in recent days he’ll give up a hit here and there he give up a walk you know like the Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger you know some of the pieces fly off the body but you can’t destroy him you know but these three guys have been great and fun to watch and uh that’s a great security blanket that Oli didn’t have last year and uh I think our manager is showing he can run a game he can run a bullpen you give him the toys he’ll know how to play with him and he’s done that very very well this year because the guys he trusts with those High lever situations have have come through for him couple of other things for chip Carrey number one we remember that 85 season the Cardinals did not lose a game that they LED after eight Innings until game six of the World Series with the deninger call this year’s team is now 39 and0 when they lead after eight Innings I was watching Matt vasker and yand Alonzo last night on MLB tonight MLB Network and Matt brought up the idea of Ryan Hesley for Sai Young I hadn’t really considered that but why not yeah it depends on you know which starter in the League’s having an an awesome season uh you know who’s having that standout year but you know you can make the case uh the Cardinals would not be where they are without Ryan Hesley being a available he’s available because the role has been much more uh clearly defined for him and he’s comfortable with it and he’s embraced it which means he’s more available to pitch uh and he can prepare better for what he knows is going to be the last inning of the game um and and you know that’s that’s really important the game is managed from the ninth inning forward you figure okay I’ve got Hy for the ninth today Romero’s down so it’s got to be kitridge and then Fernandez and then you figure out what your starter is going to do and you you try to figure out where you get three or four or five outs in the middle of the Innings or the middle of the ball game I should say but uh Ryan’s done a great job uh really really happy for him uh he’s done super work and and thanks for putting 39 uh for 39 out in the universe Randy because I means just jinxed everybody hey one last thing uh pretty much everybody that’s a baseball fan in St Louis has has gone to Wrigley but in talking to broadcasters they say the two best places are Pittsburgh and San Francisco to watch a game tell us tell Cardinal fans why they need to get to PNC Park uh it’s beautiful the view is spectacular they’ve finally finished the repairs on the Clemente bridge and you know just the the golden Bridges crossing the uh I guess gu it’s the alagan river uh as you look across to see the skyline of Pittsburgh downtown Pittsburgh is much improved they’ve really done a wonderful job of of of shops and restaurants and things to do and it’s a vibrant young scene beautiful scenery great great place to exercise and go walk and and and and uh pass time along the river with all the wildlife and the like uh the only negative of PNC Park from broadcaster standpoint is uh you need to stuff cotton in your nose because you’re way up high on the roof it’s a you the players look like tiny little ants but it does give you a beautiful view of a great great City and a place is very very proud of their baseball Heritage so it’s always a treat to go there uh even though we are going to probably have the inevitable rain delay at least once yeah no doubt about it we will be tuned in tomorrow night and then Wednesday and then Thursday 4th of July at 11:30 St Lewis game so you guys can get to the nation’s capital uh Chip have a great trip have a happy Fourth of July and we’ll talk to you soon happy Independence Day guys I we’ll see you soon thanks again thank you take care that’s our buddy chip Cary he is the TV voice of the Cardinals on balet Sports always fun to talk to him I have not been to PNC Park but I’ve seen so many beautiful photos of it have you been lot of yellow yeah I like that makes sense is there a favorite Park that you’ve been to for me it’s Oracle Park in San Francisco I that’s my favorite you walk in there and you smell those garlic fries frying yeah delicious yeah but uh Wrigley is fun for a I wouldn’t want to go to 20 games at Wrigley but Wrigley is cool for a weekend way is cool for a weekend but you got to remember these Parks were built in 1912 1914 and people were so much smaller then for somebody who 6’2 it’s not very comfortable the first time that I went to Wrigley I was like Wow people were smaller back then weren’t they like what did they do seeing like a I don’t know what do you think was like a crazy height back then 64 oh was yeah probably yeah so this the example that Randy uh always uses about Jim Brown being bigger than the guards I mean if you were you Jim Brown was 62 230 and that and people were like this is the biggest person we’ve ever seen yeah right it’s a monster where did he come from I I do like the uh press area at Wrigley that’s pretty cool especially when they open up the windows yeah yeah so that’s pretty cool that’s Brooke I’m Randy coming up we’ve got the rush hour reset here on the opening drive on 101 ESPN e e e e e e we’re recapping the biggest Sports stories of the day on the opening drive with a rush hour reset [Music] 908 in St Louis time check brought to you by Clarkson Jewelers an officially licensed Rolex Jeweler the Cardinals are off today before starting a three- game series in Pittsburgh tomorrow a 540 start St Louis time uh 5:40 tonight tomorrow night and then 11:35 in the morning on Thursday before the Cardinals head to the nation’s capital for uh four game series and the Cardinals split with Cincinnati over the weekend you’d like to take three of four from Cincinnati but they got hammered in a couple of games and that’s going to happen with the 2024 Cardinals it’s just kind of who they are yeah you you would like to see them take care of business but the fact that you came away from the home stand seven and three I think that’s huge in itself and it speaks a lot to the progression that we’ve continued to see for the Cardinals now can they continue it in July and take care of business against a lot of the other teams that you face so you have I believe they will face the Pirates Nationals and Royals next that what you said I’m looking at the Brewers right now who are the Cardinals are six and a half games back of the division lead which the Brewers somehow still have and the Brewers have the Rockies Dodgers and Pirates so Brewers are pretty darn good though I know I I still can’t figure out how they’re able to pull this off currently yeah but they lead the division by six and A2 and the Cardinals now in the second or in the third wild card spot too the Padres with all of their injuries are just playing great under Mike schil and it’s so classic shty right to have his team doesn’t matter who’s playing they’re playing good clean baseball and they’re going to be in the playoffs even though they’re missing Joe Musgrove they’re missing UD darish they’ve missed Machado they’ve missed tatis for a lot of time this year even though they’re missing their main guys they’re still performing at a really good level and turning it back to the Cardinals I think that’s one of the big things with the success that they’ve had is they’ve had a lot of other injuries with lar being out with tommmy Edmond being out Jordan Walker not being here being a factor even in the discussion of what they’re able to do wilas injured during the majority of their comeback after that 15 and 24 start to the season the fact that they were able to pull this off you have to give a lot of credit one to what the starting rotation has been able to provide but also the baby birds and what they’ve been able to do the fact that they have been able to step up in this position and really take things over it’s the passing of the torch that we’re talking about you need need Goldie and arnado to step up of course so we’re not giving up a pass in any way but the fact that these guys are really becoming the story here I think that’s the biggest takeaway from the first half half of the season for me what do you think they need what do you think they could be I that’s not the question I don’t think they need AR I think they’ve shown they don’t need Aron a engg to be great to be a good team to be a great team they need those guys to step up but I think they are what they are and I I think they can be a playoff team with those guys continuing to do what they’re doing which is not an awful lot yeah and I think Hy is a big part of the story as well 30th consecutive saves he’s on Pace for I believe I had this earlier what is it 59 saves for this season the pace y yeah the fact that he’s been able to pull this off as well I think that shows the progression that you’ve seen from Hesley from last year and giving him that just that Ro you know they went into the season said you’re the closer we didn’t know how exactly that was going to play out but I think giving guys defined roles really pays off basketball a big mourning for the Philadelphia 76ers they have spent $416 million on players this morning they give Paul George a fouryear $212 million deal and then Tyrese Maxi signs a 4year $24 million extension so those two will combine with Joel embiid to lose to the Celtic next year in the Conference Finals why would you say that Randy they’re spending all this money it means something right yeah well doesn’t that guarantee championships oh yeah absolutely those teams that spend a lot of money like this year’s uh Golden State Warriors and the Lakers yeah they they spent all that money and uh yeah they’re they’re going to be it worked out for them didn’t it it is yeah about by the way LeBron being the friendly nice guy that he is telling the Lakers look I will sign for less if you go out and sign another big time player and he’s given them a list of players that they can go get and then he would sign for less than the max but if they don’t go get that player then he wants the max I mean when you but you have all the power you get to call the shots huh yeah and Chris Paul is on his way to San Antonio the the Warriors wave Chris Paul yesterday and he’s going to play with wemi for next season not postseason because he doesn’t do that he’ll be there for the the regular season Ry is taking shots at everybody this NBA yeah yeah so uh one other note by the way baseball note and we kind of talked last week about the the WAN sto trade between San Diego and Washington a couple of years ago James Wood the number three Prospect in baseball expected to make his major league debut tonight against the Mets he’s been called up by Washington and the Cardinals presumably will see him this weekend and Nolan man and uh Dylan Carlson who Washington wanted if the Cardinals were going to get Wan sto apparently will play some a little bit against those guys a little bit but we discussed it earlier I’m very interested to see that when Lars Newar comes back because he’ll be coming back first in the situation with edman and N I’m interested to see if they would send Gorman down just so that he can get a little bit more confident maybe get back to himself and the miners I would think that would be a good idea on their part smart yeah by the Cardinals that’s Brooke I’m Randy and that is today’s Rush Hour reset coming up mou’s nil program is going great and we’re going to talk to Ken dubinsky from every True Tiger next on 101 ESPN e e e e e e e [Music] we have an idea for your dessert for the 4th of July weekend it’s a snacking with the crew cookies with missou players on the cover and uh our friend keninsky of hyack sourcing joins us here on 101 ESPN he’s promoting these fantastic cookies and Brooke is actually going to try them on the air to give you a review right now Ken uh good good good to see you how you doing I’m doing great appreciate you guys having me on I’m very nervous now as as we’re the taste test we start with so if you want to start with you have two boxes which the boxes look great by the way because they feature missou football players I know I see Luther buron Brady cook on there North Fleet is on there as well and so there’s two different boxes and so I have a mini is this cookies and cream yeah chocolate cream and then oatmeal raisin cor with the good raisins yes okay so I will start with and believe me I am a sweets connoisseur so I will give you a real review right here well we’ve gotten a good response so far so I certainly hope it continues here it’s kind of rud well this is ASMR I was going to say it’s kind of rude for me crunching on air but this the kids these days like ASMR so what’s that I don’t ask me what it stands for but it’s you know what I’m talking about TR to be really hip though where it’s about the sounds like people like sounds of things there’s YouTube channels I can explain uh ASMR but I I’ll just give you the dictionary definition it’s uh autonomous sensory Meridian respond so essentially it’s weird kind of it’s just like weird noises that kind of like make you happy it’s like people like hearing certain noises okay so uh so we’ve got oatmeal raisin cookies and we’ve got uh bite-sized chocolate cream cookies that feature missou players on the cover and you by the way you put the two boxes together and there you’ve got the Cotton Bowl trophy which is very cool how does this work in terms of so the cookies are produced they are packaged they are sold at schnooks and then how do how does it work that all of this winds up all the the the proceeds from these winds up in the hands of players yeah so um it this has been really a fun one we’re trying to do some unique things with it like you said we got the the two boxes that are on the Shelf next to each other kind of combined to form one uh cohesive pattern uh we’ve got seven top players on and uh to answer your question you know we we build money into the the cost model basically to um be able to compensate the players for their nil and then um you know we’re still at a a good value at the uh at the store still significantly less than than most branded items and and again it’s a a great opportunity for Tiger fans and other fans to support missou and taking care of offensive lineman by the way which is pretty cool that’s important they can probably eat their share of cookies too I would think so but you got Meo you’ve got uh Kaden green who is the transfer from Oklahoma Connor toson and then the tight end Brett norle on the cover of one and then Brady cook mookie Cooper and Luther B all local guys by the way all local guys on the two boxes yeah all seven are are Missouri state of Missouri players all coming back this year we actually added as you mentioned earlier Kaden green uh who’s a transfer from Oklahoma is going to have a real impact this year so we say more to come in 24 and and it’s just it was such a magical season um and we wanted to again I want to give Jason Reed credit schnooks category manager he had the idea to do the commemorative item and and kind of it we want it to be a Keepsake too so we made the boxes such that that hopefully fans will keep them on their mantel and and remind them of a great season and and not to sell this one short cuz we’re hoping for even bigger things in 24 they are delicious by the way I have demolished the cookies that you handed over to me I think that’s the best way to describe what I just did with those cookies and they’re fantastic would be really good with some ice cream maybe even some Andy’s ice cream look I’m doing some cross tiger track ice cream how about how’s that for a nice sale yeah very nice sale and also you brought in my favorite chips these are the Luther bur chips that you have and I love the flavor of them honey barbecue Ranch it’s just so great to see the support that you guys have done for local athletes and Luther buron seeing his progression and growth with nil I think is such a great story one thing I wanted to ask you about is how have you seeing nil positively impact the lives of players it really has it’s it’s really just a whole different angle for something that is only really today is actually the third anniversary of nil being a thing wow uh July 1 of 21 and let me make sure I did my math right yes and but it it really has so it you know kids college kids previous to that could never make money I mean they could make the scholarship and that was it and you know so you know Lawrence Bowers tells a story that you know he could never go home he could never have his parents come up and see him play so um it just takes you know there’s a lot of pressures on a college athlete college student in in general but also a college athlete and it takes one of those pressures off it and lets them do some nice things and again depending on the level and certainly some are making more than others but I think it definitely is something that you know for them and their families in some cases it’s life-changing this is a competitive Marketplace because even though it’s not supposed to be a competitive Marketplace a kid is supposed to go to school and then benefit from nil but the reality of the situation people know uh what they’re going to get from a competitive standpoint do you have any idea how missou is doing relative to the other SEC schools I think extremely well I know extremely well I know um I did see uh and again there’s a lot of stuff on the internet but I did see one table that of the all the schools their nil value is third in the conference and that’s the new conference with Texas there as well uh I think it’s Texas Alabama missou in terms of nil funding and how they got that I’m not sure but um missou is very dedicated I think um coach drink uh and Coach Gates really dove into it right away realized what it was got ahead of it um you know there’s groups like ml that I think you know I’ve seen you at some events it’s a a fundraising group for St Louis kids to keep St Louis kids here and and um also the way the the M Missouri legislature with the new law that went into place now the fundraising is done within tiger scholarship fund and and the tiger fund under that so gives a great opportunity for all tiger fans to donate and really know that they’re having a real impact um uh in in the recruiting and and helping get the right players you were talking about just the excitement surrounding this football team right now which of course just helps missou in general talk about the buzz around missou Athletics currently it’s really incredible I mean I’ve been a missou fan my whole life went to school there growing up and everything um I don’t I I said this the other day I think as much as there were great years during the Gary pinkle years I think there is more anticipation and excitement for this year than any year I’ve seen I agree part of that might be the fact that the the playoff now is 12 teams so whereas I think in those years I can’t remember if it was two or four teams but now there’s a you know not only a realistic I mean Beyond realistic chance that they make the playoff if they do what they’re what they’re hoping to do so and then it’s you know one and done all all bets are off so it’s it’s a chance to really do things that uh maybe haven’t been done in the past and and again with um you know college football as a whole is just at such a different level now excitement one other thing from me this is keninsky of hyack sourcing and the new snacking with the crew cookies are out to benefit the nil program at the University of Missouri and you can get these cookies at schnooks you and I had a chance to play with a couple of the missou assistant basketball coaches a couple of weeks ago and I was struck uh Charlton young said hey we’re going to win a championship here in the next four years with a top five recruiting class top 10 transfer portal class and these are people that have been around winning before they convinced that they are in the right place and have the right resources to win a championship basketball-wise at missou absolutely and these talk about National Championship and and they are focused on that Dennis said that uh coach Gates numerous times last year said you know even the first year when everybody said boy what a what a great success it was well we didn’t hit our goal our goal is the national championship so um I think they’ve got the right attitude for that they’ve got a tremendous recruiting class and a tremendous transfer class coming in and I think obviously last year was very disappoint pointing and um for everybody but they were close and I think this year they they’re going to use that to their benefit and um I think they’ve got players that probably fit their system really well um and I think they really like the character of The Players we talked about that while we were all together and um I’m excited uh coach Gates is such a a great presence and great for the program and I just think uh some great things uh are coming there and and a number of other sports as well as as Brook said I mean for the University of Missouri overall I mean you got you got softball that had a great run into the Super Regionals you got gymnastics that had a great run um wrestling is always one of the top five to 10 teams um and that’s another thing with the program I hate to throw another pitch in here but we got the new uh pizza at schnooks the fourth Pizza in the series uh we’ve got a gymnast a baseball a softball and a wrestler on there so we’re trying on the pizza yeah that’s now available at schnooks as well so we’re trying to really spread spread things out and get to the some of the the uh Olympic sports as well and um and I do have a scoop for you here okay I like this yes first time uh we are going to come out with a 9o Luther Burton chip for the new football beautiful so a family family siiz bag that uh we’ve been looking at for a while and uh he is as everybody knows I mean he is picked as the number one wide receiver in the country uh in NFL mock drafts he is top five top 10 in the country in you know in the draft so he’s he’s get setting up to have a huge year and we we thought uh having a much uh a huge bag would be fitting for that so uh we’ll have that uh when the football season comes around sounds great and if people want to contribute it’s easy to contribute to Missouri and nil with the Luther burden chips with the snack and with the crew cookies and Brook says they’re fantastic she’s given them an I know I know that you have to try them out too Randy but they are fantastic and and the piz and more to come right yeah we’ve got uh ice cream tiger tracks ice cream which has gotten a great response is in the the stores uh the cookies obviously the two flavors of Luther’s chips the original honey barbecue red hot ripet and and the ranch that you guys just had this morning as well uh with the honey barbecue and hot um we’ve got um candies coming out we’ve got coffee coming out so going to keep we we’ve had a fun run here with this and um just going to keep keep it rolling thank you sir appreciate you stopping by have a great Independence Day week and we’re going to have these for dessert on the 4th well I was going to say breakfast the Champions I’m already starting out with them this morning good thanks for having me I really app you got it Kenny good to see you Ken from Hy stack sourcing with us on 101 ESPN coming up the blues traded Kevin Hayes what are they going to do with that money that’s next on 101 ESPN e e e e e hey everyone it’s Brook here for Universal Windows Direct the heat has arrived and it’s only going to get hotter from here do not cool off the outside this year go call my guys over a Universal Windows Direct while we’re all excited for it to get warmer outside I know one thing that you’re probably not excited for I know that I’m not excited for it is that upcoming Energy bill that’s where Universal Windows come comes in handy their Windows feature super spacer technology which helps keep the edge of the glass warmer holds the window seal longer and makes the windows last up to five times longer than other Windows systems so your windows from Universal perform better and they last longer schedule your free inome estimate today and for every two windows you buy get the next two for free plus 0% financing for 60 months that’s three years restrictions apply Universal Windows Direct backs it all up with a true lifetime warranty as long as you own the home and a 20-year warranty to the next homeowner mention my name and get an additional $250 off your next project go to that’s like me you’ll be saying I love my windows e e this is Rocky with your sports center update driven by Johnny L Chevrolet and Johnny L Autoplex the Cardinals off today after a split of their four game series against the Reds over the weekend also over the weekend St Louis city SC faced off against the Vancouver White Caps they jumped out to an early two- nothing lead but didn’t really matter much as they were outscored four to nothing over the next 78 minutes and they fall for a final score of 4 to3 they are now on a nine straight game winless streak and they’ll try to snap that on Wednesday when they host the San Jose Earthquakes at city park also this morning in some breaking news Paul George Signs a contract with the 76ers for about 220 million and they followed that up by resigning one of their Stars Tyrese Maxi to a $200 million extension that is your sports center update driven by Johnny La Chevrolet and Johnny LOL Autoplex see them at Chevy together we drive are you kidding me [Music] to breaking news that Matthew Rocko neglected to provide to you a 9 o bag of Luther burden chips will soon be available in stores near you wow right now you can only get the 2 and 1/2 oz bag the 9 oz bag is coming your way yeah Matthew why did you leave why did you leave that out excuse you I’m so I’m so sorry guys that’s I’m just I looking the mirror on this one I’m sorry mstep BK and Ferrari are going to be a blues Prospect camp today and tomorrow over the centin Ice Center and then we’re going to air the blues Prospect scrimmage on Wednesday or no tomorrow tomorrow we’re going to have the prospect scrimmage at 6:00 here on 101 ESPN Alex ferrario and Joey Vitali we’ll bring that to you and and so you’ll have an opportunity to hear that by the way the fast lane and the Riz show have their annual Home Run Derby coming up and we think Brooke is going to be involved we just don’t know how uh the r show from 1057 the point at this year softball home run derby taking on the fast lane hosted by the Ofallon Hoots on July 27th the car Shield field in oallen MO a fast pitch Home Run Derby that night featuring Rick anel Brian Jordan and more MLB alums U general admission tickets on sale now for just 15 bucks brought to you by Swiss Air Heating and Cooling faster house and zwickle light get all the details Brooke at 101 oh are you saying to me because I my question was what day is it because I forgot you said I’m involved but what day is it yeah I was like uh wait a minute I forgot when when I said I was going to do this I forgot CD reached out to me I was surprised honestly that he reached out to me because I added little to no value last year other than just being there with my presence and so I don’t think added much value whatsoever um you beat I you beat learn didn’t you I I maybe by just like one home but that’s all you have to do you just it’s that’s that’s they even out the teams away so all you have to do is you just got to beat learn and you are quite literally helping out the team I’m going to just pull the female card I was not expecting to be hitting from the same area that the guys were and so I mean there was absolutely no chance I was going to launch that thing out of there well you did a good job all right so the blues traded Kevin Hayes Blues have not done this historically one of the things they do in the NHL is that they’ll make a trade for cap space so you give a player who has a bigger salary and you give a pick to a team the blues gave a second round pick to Pittsburgh essentially to take on Kevin Hayes salary Now Kevin Hayes before the he’s been a decent player in the past he was did not fit what the blues wanted he’s slow uh and he just wasn’t what the blues needed at that point so they did free up $3.5 million in cap space the question now becomes with the blues having cap space available what do they do with it in free agency here I have no idea what they do with it actually no I I am very interested to see because I keep seeing conflicting reports on really how the blues are approaching free agency of course the talks will continue with Pablo bich will we have an answer with that today I want to know what bvic is looking for do you would you do maybe five years eight aav I would do that yeah I I if I could years would do that I wonder now when he gets into free agency I don’t know that he’s going to do much better than that maybe somebody will go six I would be really surprised if somebody would sign him through his age 38 season I couldn’t see that and so I’m very curious maybe that frees up some space with that whole situation with PA buich but I don’t really know where they go other than that now that they have freed up extra space Stam Coast you brought him up but I think he’d be out of that price range if you were also adding bage I yeah I don’t think that you can have both Butch navic and Stam Co yeah on your team I think you’d have to find a way to move but navic this coming season the other part of it is as JR told us on Friday he had heard that the blues had asked both Krug and Faulk to consider waving their no trade Clauses and I think that’s the biggest thing the blues need to do it’s they they need to add sure but before they add they have to subtract because you’ve got 6.5 million a year invested in Krug Faulk Paro and then another Hefty sum invested in Nick Ley one of those players will have to go if the blues want to get what they need defensively of course you always have to look at the different trade rumors and but I feel like Elliott fredman carries pretty good weight when it comes to trade rumors so he doesn’t just put things out there without having some sort of information and he put out recently in his article a few teams say that St is sending signals that they are trying they are going to try some free agent swings so maybe I don’t know what that could be I can’t imagine that Steven Stam Co would fit the mold you you mentioned this earlier Brooke all that U Armstrong has talked about is the the 25 to 28 year old player the player in his prime I know a lot of people have brought up the idea of an offer sheet and perhaps somebody would be willing to sign here and maybe the Blues could catch a team where they didn’t have the cap room to keep somebody I could see an offer sheet I I would actually be kind of stunned if they pleasantly stunned mind you if they could pull off a deal with a guy like Stam Co if I’m Stam Co I don’t want to go to a team that didn’t make the playoffs last year I’m I’m I’m in it to win it again he’s already signed and worked for less money with Tampa than he could have gotten on the free agent uh free agent Market because a he wanted to win and B he was loyal to the lightning and like the idea of not having the sales tax the the income tax in Florida I would think that he would at his age and by the way he scored 40 goals last year he would want to go to a place I would think that had a better chance at least outwardly to win a cup than the blues do I could see that and I just think that I can’t see it working out it seems like just reading the different stories and with what others are reporting who are close to the situation that they are going to work out some sort of deal with pble bunich I just still think that there are some questions surrounding defensively What doug Armstrong can do to really switch things around the Tory Krug and Justin faul situation is very interesting are you able to move those guys but at the same time I wonder with Claude Julian and bringing him in one you need that veteran presence and that experience on your coaching bench side of things but do you also think it’s a way of he has that familiarity with Tory Krug that maybe he could get the most out of Tory Krug krug’s best years were under juliia now Krug was a lot younger of course at that point yeah so I don’t know if age plays a role in the decline of his play but I just don’t think that with the way teams are winning generally and that’s with big rugged defensemen I don’t think the blues can win with the group they have if you don’t have that 63 64 210 220 pound defenseman to play a key role I don’t think you can win these days and the blues have Paro to be that guy but we’re talking about a guy on the back end who has a little nasty who has some sandpaper to his game and pero is not that guy I think they need that guy and I just don’t think he’s on the roster right now at least from an established veteran presence I saw some trade rumor where they were saying they would move col Paro and I there’s actually I read that to you yesterday do you remember that yeah or not yesterday I think it was yesterday it was over the weekend it was over the weekend I sent that over at at some point I was like why in the world would they move col Paro no he’s he’s the fulcrum of their defense they need to have him but then they need another guy if they were convinced that Joel Edmonson was healthy I think that’d be a nice signing for the blues and by the way he’s working out with Braden Chen in Vancouver I know he’s very good friends with Alexander Steen so maybe they go that direction but I think getting that that big rugged guy the long stick the long arms is important for the Blues in and Justin faul the injury setbacks that he had last year that’s that’s something that concerns me and I wonder if the blues would move a guy like that or Krug if they would have to retain salary I can’t imagine that they wouldn’t because all due respect to those guys they’ve been really good players in the past really good but I don’t think they’re $6 and a. half million dollar players now no I was a little disappointed because when I saw the the fact they were trading a second round pick for cap relief I was like all right somebody bit on Krueger Fulk this is this is fantastic it’s Kevin and then it was Kevin Hayes I was like I mean I it’s the same well not what I wanted because I I really I thought kind of in the same vein as the buyouts I I think that DG has really avoided trading draft picks to get rid of salary cap like in dead dead bad cap numbers so he finally bit the bullet on that one which tells me he will not be doing a buyout because he’s not going to bite the bullet on both of those in the same offseason no way in hell but I’m just a little disappointed that it ended up being Haz because it felt like even worst case scenario you could give him 10 minutes on the ice and it wouldn’t necessarily hurt the team as opposed to the Blue Line you’re literally hitting a point where it’s like the six guys you have are not the best six guys you have but you have to play them so we got to figure this out right and up front by the way and I had this issue with the Blues last year and they can make changes there’s a long time to go before the opener but they got tisher I guess it’s pronounced tisher the center that they acquired over the weekend if your third line is him buluk and toropchenko to me that looks like a fourth line I still don’t think the blues have a third line now am I good with right now Thomas Kyu Shen on your first line bvit hit center with neighbors and sad as my second line yeah I’m okay with that but then to share buluk tchenko is my third and then you have to wait how’s uh I’m okay with that as a third line to me that feels like a fourth line I mean you got a young hopefully you know you got a young centerman who’s supposed to be a top six guy you know moving up in in bald du that’s torp chenko I think has proven that while he you know he’s a very good fourth ler but he can be a an average to above average third liner I think he he’s playing better and I think to share the way that Armstrong talks about and we can play we can actually play the the the the clip here from to share uh Armstrong talking about to share it sounds like he they’re positive about his upside to the point where him being a third liner in the same way as baluk is a guy who has potential top six skill doesn’t seem like it’s the worst thing to have him be a third liner he feels like a young Noel lari to me oh okay that doesn’t sound like a bad thir and then you have you said buluk is another factor in the situation and then dorski do we see him at he’s got a chance he’s got a chance I’m I’m not taking him for granted that he’s going to be here you’ve got Dean you’ve got naub you’ve got alexandrov do you have any idea Matthew how uh the knee of Oscar sist is good is he gonna be ready for the season yeah he’s feeling good okay good Insider scoop right here yeah on the open this is where you come from we we did break two stories today that with Oscar Sunkist and then the 9 out bag and by the way another bulletin apparently official this from uh the official blues uh PA man Tom Calhoun okay uh texi at texi at Tei really texi at yeah okay sure you said okay sure because yeah sure there’s an r and there not Tex Tex Tex so [Music] T so uh God blessed where’s he from yeah I gotta find this out now uh from New York right the old the the old Yankee Yankee first baseman’s son Mark texad okay yeah okay he’s French I was like how are we getting how are we getting how are we getting a t how are we getting texad from teex i e r and I knew it had to be somebody French we’re so American now how how do they turn in R into a t i I have no idea this is America because I feel like they turned T’s into just like open-ended like uh yeah so like so come on France I’m bad at other langu or French Canada France French Canada what was it again French Canada no no I’m saying how do you say the guy’s name oh tat teat tat yeah I’m going to go tesat because of mar to Shar I don’t like that one bit we’ll just we’ll just say well no take a well we we’ll get there we’ll get there yeah we we’ll get we will because we’ll come up with our own pronunciation if we need to coming up we’ve got rock and roll here on 101 ESPN e e e e e e hey do you want to improve your business a great way to do it is through good social media quality digital and being able to get your company at the front page of a search engine you can do all of that with 2060 digital 2060 digital is a sister company of 101 espm backed by 100-year-old 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offended by this because it’s auto correct it is so started with Tex e at te XE at then a so I figured text the A and then text at and then a and then driving and then at and then a and then autocorrect kept changing it to T I meant to text a y texi at a not at sorry Randy texy a texi a is so that’s that’s where we’re Landing with this tea tea thank you much we we’ve all been there before where you’re driving and trying to text or send a you know voice text and it always corrects into something weird and then it goes ahead and sends it and then you’re like no don’t do that and then it sends that I the other day I don’t think you guys noticed this in the group chat speaking of voice to text I was I actually was in the group chat texting you guys but then I stopped because a song that I really liked was playing on the radio so I I started singing it but then it sent it to you guys and I was in the car with David and I was like oh no no no no and I like quickly deleted it so I don’t think you guys ever saw it no we never did what song was it do you remember um it’s this new Chapel Rowan song she’s from Missouri actually and it’s called Pink Pony Club so I was singing that it spelled it out in the voice text you should send those no when I found out that when I found out they from Missouri I was like oh how about that yeah we really know how to repress him and then turn them out oh it’s great so if tell me I’m wrong you go to the free zoo in St Louis over the course of the next couple days and go to Big Cat Country and start yelling at one of the particular cats and it doesn’t turn its head it might be a de leopard oh you know what Randy Randy you you went into the lab and you worked on that joke construction after last week and you came out with a better joke and you know what nicely done thank you appreciate it I feel sorry for Greg Warren for the phone call he unfortunately probably got to help you there but right and 101 ESPN is your chance to score a pair of tickets to see the other DEA leopard along with journey with Cheap Trick this Saturday July 6th at Bush Stadium tickets for de leopard journey and Cheap Trick at Bush are on sale now you can get all the concert details at 101 but you can text in right now to 314 399 9646 314 399 9646 314 399 Yoo for your chance to win free tickets to the show and Matthew do you have a question I do it’s a good one too I really should have save this one for the fight but I just thought of it it’s really good I’m going to use it anyway okay since the year 2000 there is an NL club that has had eight different players win the batting title what club is that since the year 2000 One National League club has had eight different players win the NL batting title which team is it did they have it’s fun but it’s it’s easy if you think about it but it’s also a fun one did they have the National League batting champion last year giving you any clues this is for the people not giving you any clues what else do we have in Rock and Roll by the way the cookies the missou cookies are absolutely delicious Brook on a scale of 1 to 10 where we going here ooh that’s tough because the answer no by the way to to your your clue your clue searching question the answer is no h I give them a 8.9 good deal they’re they’re really good they’re good I like them I’m I’m I’m I love the little mini ones cuz it makes me feel like I’m kind of healthy you know cuz they’re small yeah little right even if I eat 20 of them we don’t really have time for anything from Rock and Roll we we got to give away these tickets and then get out of here okay it’s almost okay fine we need some correct answers from the people right now so because so far right now we’re a few we’re getting some texts in and no one has guessed correctly so far which I’m honestly talked about Randy was thinking that the guest would have been the Miami Marlins I guess but Randy by my count right now working really quickly I’m counting only one two three I’m counting only three different Marlins to have won the National League batting title since 2000 Lisa rise last year D strange Gordon in 2015 and Hanley RZ in 2009 those are the only Marlins since 2000 to win a batting title okay we actually do now finally have the correct answer so we’re going to say one of them is our winner and I’m going to tell everyone it’s the Colorado Rockies they had different players Helton Larry Walker Matt holiday Carlos Gonzalez Michael Kad Justin morau DJ lahu and Charlie Blackman have all won the NL batting title while playing for the Colorado Rockies since 2000 that makes a tremendous amount of sense doesn’t it though yep uh do we have a balloon party with T-Mac and Ajax coming up yes I figured if ever there was a weak T-Mac was going to take off this would be it yes I’m just saying doesn’t this make sense it yeah it kind of does but he they’ll be here and then we have bam for they’re over at the centin I center for the blues Prospect camp and then the fast lane coming your way from 2: until 6 tonight uh great job today by our producer audio video engineer the one the only Matthew Rocko thank you sir pleasure uh Brooke did you have fun today yes and Brooke is holding up the two set boxes of cookies you can see the B the Cotton Bowl trophy yeah M you here we go uh we thank you for tuning in texting in and being a part of the show for all of us until tomorrow morning at 700 have a great meet Monday St Louis e

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