I put my favorite cheap Amazon golf ball up against the Titleist ProV1 in the simulator and dive deep into the stats.

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Check out my on-course test of the Legato 3085 vs Titleist ProV1:

Golf Ball Addict’s Review:





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what is the difference between a lowbudget value ball and a very high-priced premium ball in 2024 I believe the differences have shrunk so much that maybe they’re even non-existent and maybe just maybe the cheaper ball can win out in this corner I’ve got the Legato 3085 for $29.99 a dozen sometimes even for $24.99 if you catch it on a sale on Amazon in this corner I’ve got the Titleist Pro one this ball is going to be had for $54.99 a dozen MSRP which means this ball is about half the price both three-piece balls the compression numbers very similar I’ll put the stats here up on screen you can see the dimples all that good stuff but what matters is the stats out on course I took this ball out recently and I think it goes toe-to-toe with the Prov V1 but we’re going to put the Legato to the test here with a driver with a six iron and with a nine iron we’re going to look at all the stats we’re going to dive a little bit deeper and see if it can compete before I get started I do want to give a shout out to another channel here on YouTube Apparently after watching my review golf ball addict his channel took a look at the Legato he was very impressed with what he saw I’m going to leave a link to that review down below as well and I’m also going to ask you if you’d like to see head-to-head comparisons like this and if you like to save money please do hit subscribe to let’s play through I am always searching for a great deal and I do think this is the best ball that I’ve found in 2024 let’s get to work all right first Club up is going to be a nineiron I’ve got a flag set out here at 140 yards we’ll see if that works for us I might be hitting it a little shorter might be hitting it a little longer we’ll find out first up is the Legato very good strike there maybe a little left of targets drawn in there and we land right about at 140 I’d say and it rolled out to 145 very good result Shot Two Shot Two I hit a little bit thin but I think it’s still going to be okay oh we landed just in front there right side of the green spin maybe down just a tad there well it’s about the same about 7,000 I think the first shot was 7100 shot three much better contact there going to be very similar to that first shot looks like we’re going to land left side of the GR green we’ll be checking all these stats here in just a second I’m going to take two more shots it all looks about the same right now except for that second shot those are like robot swings right there all left side of the green last one then we’re going to switch to the prov1 straighten it out there a little better this probably coming right down the right side just next to the pin I’m going to try to match swing speed all that as much as humanly possible here first shot here with the prov1 looked very similar to three out of five shots there with the Legato quick look at the spin numbers yeah 6954 just about the same we’ll look at Peak height and all that that’ll be informative here as we go shot two slight little pull there very slight pull is very consistent right now with this N9 iron again look there on the right at how tight the dispersion is between these shots shot three okay we made a little of adjustment there it’s going to be probably right side of the green just in front rolling on kind of similar to that what was it second lato something like that the feel at impact by the way nearly nearly identical maybe just a touch firmer with the Legato it’s going to be in that grouping of balls all very close last one here with the title list oh yeah it’s going to be funny to watch where all these balls finished and I’m going to be very interested to see the stats here uh first off we want to make sure we’re getting Apples to Apples in terms of uh swing speed and that was within less than a mile hour so 80.8 there with the Legato 79.6 mph Club head speed with the prov1 so just a little bit less in terms of ball speed it’s about the same there too 102.6 to 102 in terms of total spin as you can see within 40 RPM of each other 6860 with the Legato 6900 even with the Prov V1 both of those had one kind of thin shot the rest was all pretty good contact so I would say very comparable there in terms of peak height this is going to be something that interests a lot of people as you can see you got an extra 3 ft of height or one yard difference there 29 to 28 in the lat’s favor in terms of carry exact same 137 to 137 total 143 to 142 which is basically for all intents and purposes the same I mean you tell me looking at nineiron if you could blindfold me let me hit a shot with whatever ball and just end up in the Fairway I really couldn’t tell you which ball I was hitting they are that close and again the price is not close let’s move on here to I think we’ll go six iron I’m going to move the flag back to about 175 and then we’ll test these two balls we’ll go prov1 first this time good strike maybe ever so slightly towards the toe but it’s going to be a pretty good shot I think that hit the green about 170 so as expected it rolled out to 177 by the way backside of that green Club head speed was 85 back been 4904 we’ll see how that progresses caught that one a bit fat I’m a m mortal guys that’s going to happen from time to time if you’re a m moral to hit that subscribe button we’ll throw that shot on if we need to but it did land on the green there it finished on the green just landed just a little bit short and rolled up shot three better there maybe ever so slightly thin but again hit the green I’m very picky as you can probably hear and I want you to know exactly where I hit the ball cuz I want to know exactly where I hit the ball so that when we’re comparing we’re getting Apples to Apples here but my contact with the six iron not going to as good as with a nine iron except for maybe that shot that was pretty darn good caught that flush hit the right side of the green one more another good one maybe push just a touch but in terms of stats we’ll have a good number there landed just in front right of the green and rolled up I hit five for five there we’re going to switch over to the Legato oh good strike there that was middle of the club face felt good interestingly enough you know I thought the nine iron was maybe a little firmer feeling with that first six iron at least I mean may be where I caught it in the club that it felt pretty pretty compressed and nice buttery feel to it shot two another good one again maybe just ever so slightly thin but I’m being picky I’m being very very picky third shot similar I i’ say to that fifth Titleist pushed Just a Touch very similar result just landed just in front of the green rolled up on there I’m not a robot but I play one on YouTube shot four oh that’s a good one there too right side of the green spin number 5225 again kind of where we are seeming to live might be up just a little higher here at the six iron we’ll find out we look at the stats last shot I was actually trying to hit one a little off the toe cuz I wanted to match the first prov1 but I hit it pretty good all right landed just in front rolled right up to our distance there of 170 that looked great guys let’s take a look at the stats five shots with each 10 for 10 on the green that’s impressive for this Mir moral all right again we’ll start with Club head speed now this time it’s the opposite by uh about a mile and a half the prov1 was A Little Bit Stronger in terms of Club head speed 84.3 to 82.8 we’ll keep that in mind as we look at the rest of the stats here ball speed though with the Legato probably because it was slightly better contact overall again maybe this one outlier here which I said I may throw out so you know what I’ll tell you what I am going to throw that one out because again I want to be fair those swings were also consistent but we’re going to just throw one of these out so I’ll throw out the first one just for for Giggles so we have we’re looking at four shots each all right I disabled two of those shots all right so now if we we look at the ball speed prov1 is beating it by 1.2 mph so we’ll keep that in mind in terms of spin here 5237 to 5393 so we’re getting a little more spin overall with the Legato even this shot which was a pretty good shot with the prov1 maybe just slightly toeside uh 4975 everything else you know good looking number very consistent there with the Legato up to 5500 though so on good strikes you’re getting a little bit more see these these two right here you’re getting just a little bit more spin with the Legato in terms of peak height interestingly enough the prov1 Has It by 3 ft or 31 y to 30 yard in this test in terms of distance the prov1 also wins out 165 to 162 but you got to remember Club head speed down 1.2 mph there once we deleted those two shots and in terms of where they finished 171 to 174 in the Prov v1’s favor so with that little extra Club head speed you get a little extra distance overall though again tell me about how close these balls are now a lot of people a lot of people are going to want to know especially about driver we losing yards on the driver with this ball that’s again about half the price well let’s find out we’re going to hit five Swings with each this time we’ll go with the Legato first all right I’ve set a flag out there at 300 yards I don’t think we’re going to get close to that but hey we can always dream right good strike there look at that nice Rising High trajectory little baby draw that’s what I like to see it carried about 240 and that one rolled to 256 very nice ah pretty good one again nice little draw on it very normal looking drive for me all right Club head speed just so you know is about 102 there again I’m going to try to keep my club speed consistent as much as possible here ball speed was 141 the spin 2900 there carried 233 roll out to 251 shot three another pretty good one that one squeak out to 261 I would say those three drives very characteristic of what I normally do so I think we’ve got enough in terms of a test sample for me to switch over to the Titleist oh another good one dialed in baby I think yesterday when I played I hit 13 out of 14 Fairways it was a great day for me driving the ball so I’ve got this club dialed in pretty well Club at speed 104 there Back Spin was 2500 it carried 237 shot two another good one just like my second Legato I’m getting really picky here I hit both of those just slightly high on the club face just a touch but again very similar to where I hit that Legato second one third and final shot here pushed it but I think again the stats should be good push it just a ton but it is drawn all in all again three great swings well okay okay maybe not great but you know again beer boort good good swings now this is fascinating because if we again look look here the Legato has the Titleist covered all right now to keep things Fair we’re going to hit a couple more shots here with the Legato again I really want to make sure I am matching swing speed smash Factor all sorts of stats here so shot four with a Legato decent maybe a little bit off the toe and that’s why we’re getting that ball to turn over a little bit more we didn’t quite get the same type of distance we were getting from those other three shots and that’s totally fine cuz again we want the average here Fifth and final shot here with the Legato oh I definitely hit that one a little higher up on the club face but I did that with a couple of the Prov v1s as well so I think we’re just going to have to live with that all right we’re switching back to the prov1 oh good strike caught that one dead center you can feel it with both of these balls when you do that roll out to that one car 232 it roll down to 254 Fifth and final shot with our Prov huh kind of like the one I hit with the Legato little off the toe there so again hopefully we got a Good Apples to Apples comparison all right let’s first look at Club head speed and here we’ve got a pretty close comparison 102.6 to 102.3 we’ve got an outlier here in the fifth shot but again the overall average is uh very very close3 mph slightly in the lat’s favor in terms of efficiency 1.36 to 135 so again overall average wise this is going to be great in terms of Apples to Apples now that3 ball speed was accentuated here by the golf ball itself 139.7 to 138.5 so 1.2 mph is what that translated to you’re seeing more spin here for sure again with a big time outlier of 3824 here and if I were to get rid of that let’s just see it’s a lot closer but still spin is going to be higher there with the Legato so if you need more spin if you need to get the ball up in the air a little bit longer this could be a really good ball for you again people with swing speeds like mine 95 to 105 somewhere in there I think you may actually squeak on a few more yards here with this Legato ball because of that spin in terms of the peak height you’re also getting a little higher launch well this one’s a lot more considerable three yards High higher launch that’s 9 full feet 35 to 32 yards in the Legato favor in terms of carry well we’re within a yard there 229 to 230 this one’s in the Prov v1’s favor and in terms of total yards 247 to 251 again if I were to throw out this real outlier here look at that now we’re 235 to 230 254 to 251 so that swing could be a big difference but we’re going to keep it in and either way one way or the other I got to say these Legato balls you can see it for yourself perform incredibly well as good if not better than the Prov ons what do you think Down Below have you tried these I know a lot of people since the last video have actually gone out and bought a box of these things if you’ve played them let me know down below I’m really interested and I’ll catch you back here next time on another edition of let’s play through


  1. These are great, I was playing the TP5x, but these are about the same and half the price. Side not if you auto ship you will get A even better price with Amazon

  2. Bought a box of Legato yellow and played them after your first video about them. Always liked the Wilson Triad, or the Callaway Chrome Soft. Thought these were the best balls to play. Triads price has inched up and Chrome Soft was always a premium priced ball. Really enjoyed the Legato balls over the last 5 rounds. Price is great as well at $26 a dozen! I’m ordering them again when I need to replenish my ball inventory! Thanks for the comparison!

  3. Something to keep in mind when it’s time to replace the stock. My only question would be durability. I tend to play a ball til I lose it so I may go through a dozen balls in a month (playing twice a week). Sometimes I lose even less. So to me a ball holding up for 18 plus holes is important.

  4. Dang it. I been hooked on Vice and Srixon. Now I gotta try something else. Great comparative video!

  5. I really enjoy your comparison. I'd like to compare Maltby irons To the best big brand iron in the same category

  6. I appreciate the effort that you put into this review. I will probably give these balls a try. My problem with all these cheaper balls has been durability. If you have to discard the ball after the first bunker shot, then they are not really cheaper.

  7. Been playing the Legato off and mostly on for just over a year now.
    I'd highly recommend these to anyone looking to play a three piece ball. Especially for a budget price.
    Caveat is they are every bit as durable as the PV1.
    They definitely play well in windy conditions as well due to a "hot off the face" boring flight that holds it's line quite good. Go for it!

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