Which President Has the WORST Golf Swing Ever? You Won’t Believe #4!

Which US President Has the WORST Golf Swing? We take a look at 5 Former Presidents golf swings, Donald Trump, John F. Kennedy, Barack Obama, George Bush Jr., and Bill Clinton and see their results.

Discover their golf swing issues and flaws as we play “Golf Swing BINGO!”

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00:00 Introduction
00:56 Barack Obama’s Golf Swing
02:26 George Bush Jr Golf Swing
03:57 John Kennedy Golf Swing
04:41 Bill Clintons Golf Swing
06:40 Donald Trump Golf Swing
07:53 Results for Who is the Worst!

what’s up Lon Golf Academy members and guests and happy 4th of July today we’re going to play a little presidential golf swing Bingo we’re going to take a look at Barack Obama Donald Trump Bill Clinton George Bush and JFK we’re going to look at their gol swings do a quick analysis pair them with our gol swing Bingo flaw chart and come out with a decision of who has the best worst gos sng out of the these five now keep in mind I chose these five just because there is actual video footage of them and this could go on forever and because I value your time we’re only going to stick to five presidents and if you do like this at anytime hit that like share subscribe but other than that let’s go check out the GOL swing flaw Bingo president’s [Music] Edition all right first we have Barack Obama smiling so genuinely with asterisk we’re going to use that word as he gets ready to warm up in Honolulu Hawaii and this was some time ago and I know that his handicap is a 16th did you see that top let’s take a quick replay at that top and let’s put it against a presidential bingo card we’re not going to get too over the top no pun intended for the swing analysis we’re going to keep it very limited today as this is just a Fourth of July special but let’s take a look at that lift that club is coming way outside gets the top plane line pretty good he you see a little loss of spine angle going on and he drops it in the slot but it is slightly steep it catches up pretty good there and what we see with that top is the head is coming out of posture the whole body is lifting up he’s losing his spine angle doesn’t see a lot of shaft humping however but we do see those hands trying to flip and save him does he save it not really he gets a top so balance is pretty decent he is falling back slightly but overall the posture held up but not quite like some people say his term did but overall let’s take a look at this bingo card we do see a slight casting a slight chicken wing we’re going to count that as a whiff ball because it just topped it slight over the top slight flying elbow slight off balance the head lifted impact and also the top ball so not too bad for President Biden I mean Obama but let’s see one of his arch nemeses George Bush take a whiff at it we must stop the terror I call upon all to do everything they can to stop these terrorist Killers thank you now watch this drive hey after that controversial intro we caught the swing windway back we’re going to look at this and compar to a bingo chart and see what is going on here so the top of his swing he does a pretty good job kind of a little bit reverse pivot there at the very top so that’s unfortunately a little X that we’re going to have to put down there these are buckling in not a lot of hip turn he could get the hip turn a little bit more if he wanted to as he comes on he get that weight transfer ball position is decent for this club and he gets to that release point we see him stalling the hips so he is stalling again kind of like that book reading ceremony and as he strikes the golf ball we see those hands get involved the right foot does spin out which means there’s lack of body rotation and weight transfer we see a slight flying elbow there look at that the Crooked left elbow and we come on up and it is kind of balanced but losing a little balance High finish overall pretty decent since we definitely see evidence of that chicken wing on the left side but let’s compare this one to the bingo card of mass destruction so we saw a chicken wing we see Happy Feet little bit of casting going on off balance flying elbow too much knee the grip did look a little strong at the follow through slight head lifted impact and we also saw some body turn issues it is a close race so far now let’s take a look at JFK now J AFK there is no need to put him on slow motion with the lines we can look at this with the eye and we can see this is actually a pretty good go swing and he was known to be a single digit handicapper and I believe it the grip looks nice and neutral it doesn’t seem to go over the top his ball position is slightly forward but we don’t know what typ per shot he’s hitting but I have to be fair so we’re going to think him on that one there’s a slight reverse pivot there’s no real flying elbow he seems like he’s in Balance there’s no chicken wing it doesn’t cast a CL prob he makes a good motion there’s a lot of turn so there’s going to be a little bit of exes going on here so I think it’s safe to say that JFK is out of the running for the worst best golf swing next we have Bill Clinton and shout out to be divor 76 for this video and it looks like it was shot in my neck of the woods we’re going to look at this driver’s swing and we’re going to now take a look at it on the swing analysis machine of Truth to find out what’s going on start out with setup setup looks pretty good the feet are about short with apart the shoulder tilt the hands and the golf ball are pointing in the same direction so that is great no forward press no scooping grip looks slightly weak however so we’re going to dink him on that one and we take a look at the back swing we see a lot of body turn so for somebody his age is doing pretty good gets his hole back towards the target he does not shift over that right brace line so we see some good loading for the unload however we do see that flying right elbow helping get a little bit of distance that might cost him because now he is got a little reverse pivot going on and we see that c shape forming now we come on down impact it gets the weight to the left side maybe a little bit too much and that’s going to cause a little hand scooping and we see that excess weight on the left side pull them off balance so how do we feel when we compare his X’s let’s take a look so for Bill even though the setup look great we’re going to have to give him a weak ding we have great body turn we do have a flying right elbow we see a little reverse pivots we also see some weight distribution issues causing some reverse SE there is a slight chicken wing because of the lean towards the Target and their hands releasing too soon we are going to dig him on off balance and we’ll also give him some Happy Feet points which is a negative here which means his feet are not on the ground but let’s take a look at how he compares to our two leaders Obama and Bush This is looking mighty close Obama with 8 X’s Clinton with seven x’s and bush with 9 X’s although this is the game of Bingo and we see that bush and Clinton are one square away including that bonus to getting bingo so we might have to abide by the Bingo rules but we will take a look at our last contestant Donald Trump so here we have Donald Trump himself Rolling In Style in the live golf event going to show us his golf swing he takes a couple warmer swings as anybody does and we can start to see some issues already but will this hold up will it be the one to take down the two leaders or will we have some sort of playoff use magga red to see that lower body stability we do have the setup to see where his hands are in connection with the center of his chest and it does look pretty good we see that ball position however slightly back so we might have to ding him on that based on that setup it should be well where that green line is but let’s take a look at the back swing we see an immediate shift to the right maybe a little bit too much shift left shoulder gets up which flattens out his shoulder tilt which can cause a lowering of the hands look at that disconnection between the lower body and the upper body but he does r himself out he gets that that lower body over that magga impact line and we see that impact position is pretty close to perfect hands are connected with the chest lower body is driving upper body staying back we see a nice extension we don’t see any sort of flipping and the hands move their way up and we see a nice balanced finish so a few little X’s but let’s just take a look at our bingo card and see what we can do for Donald so we go to our Bingo chart we definitely have to give him a ball position too far back based on that setup we also have to give him some too much knee work but basically that’s all I got for Donald so he seems to be safe for our Bingo challenge so let’s look at the finalists so here is the finalist Obama Clinton and Bush and I know that one of these has more X’s which is Bush but we do have to play the game of bingo so we’re going to eliminate Obama and it’s down to Clinton and Bush it reminds me of the 9s so this is going to be a decision that you have to help me make so let me know in the comments down below I know who I’m voting for but I want you to help me to decide so I hope you enjoy your 4th of July I hope you enjoy this little video to try and get in the spirits of Fourth of July have a safe and happy one and I will see you next time feris and green


  1. It's not just a swing that makes a good golfer.
    Trump is an excellent putter and chipper.
    Obama and Biden suck bad.😂

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