What Nobody Tells You About Arm Position in Golf Swing (Squeeze!)

In this video, you will learn the the arm position move for the utmost consistency.

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I am Nate Manning, founder of ManningGolf. Thank You for visiting my channel where you will learn the easiest swing method you can possibly learn – the Single Plane Swing. I have watched all other youtube golf instruction with all the other swing methods (Stack & Tilt, Alternative Single Plane Swing Methods) that instructors teach, and I can guarantee you this is the easiest swing method to learn. The swing that I teach is customized to each individual.

My goal is to help you find your most repeatable golf swing so you can find your best, most consistent golf swing. That way, golf is just about having fun. Golf can be very hard and frustrating, this is why I teach the simplest swing in golf, the Single Plane Swing.

If you watch my videos, you will be hitting the ball farther, straighter, and more consistently than you ever have. Let’s get Started!


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welcome to Manning golf where I teach the simplest swing method you can possibly learn the single plane swing today I’m going to reveal a simple yet powerful move that can transform your golf game imagine hitting consistent solid powerful golf shots every time you swing sounds great right well the secret lies in what you do with your elbows this is going to make golf so much easier for you and so much more fun if you’ve been struggling with your golf swing this tip could be the game changer you’ve been looking for you’ll want to stick around because this elbow move right here is going to make hitting consistent golf shots second nature so if you’re ready for golf to mean happiness and not frustration let’s do it the secret to hitting consistent golf shots is getting these elbows when you’re setting up to the ball as close together as they can possibly get and then you want to keep them as close together as possible and maintain that same position throughout the whole swing you don’t want to see the separation you want to squeeze these elbows and keep squeezing them the whole swing this is going to simplify your golf swing and make things so much easier for you so many of the greatest ball Strikers use this tip we’re going to squeeze squeeze okay I’m squeezing and now I’m going to keep them close together I’m G to focus on keeping them close together throughout the whole swing and you hit it powerfully I’m I’m sure you heard that that was struck and consistent and powerful and I can do that nine out of 10 times as soon as these elbows get far apart and they don’t stay close together your ability to consistently strike the golf ball gets compromised and your happiness gets compromised so if you focus on keeping these elbows close together your ball striking and your consistency is going to go through the roof and this is a five iron which five iron is typically very hard to hit but you’ll see you’ll start hitting your five iron better now the point of this video is to number one to let you know of this tip but number two to show you how to do it because it’s one thing to tell you the tip but then it’s an entirely other thing if I can get you to understand how to do it and can show you how to implement it in your own game and you can start hitting the ball better because that’s my whole goal here is so for you to start hitting the ball better and start making golf fun and you’re going to want to stick around and listen to what I’m going to have to say because how I’m going to show you how I keep these elbows close together the whole swing is the only way that I’ve actually been able to do this any other way I just no matter how hard I try I cannot keep these elbows close together besides how I’m going to show you in this video so we’re going to accomplish this feat with four Easy Steps step one can you guess step one that’s the obvious one and that is it’s going to be the easiest to get your elbows close together throughout the whole swing if you start with them close together this is a move that Ben Hogan Mo Norman all the greats did when they were setting up to the ball is they started with these elbows as close together as possible cuz if you don’t start with them close together it’s going to be hugely difficult to get them close together in the swing but if you start with them in this position you can maintain it throughout the whole swing and oh my gosh another roped five iron so that is Step One is start with them as close together as possible see I can get them closer I can get them closer boom this is as close together as I can get them you want to squeeze these elbows close together and that’s going to help you hit these solid shots I’m sorry I’m just having too much fun let’s hit another man I am roping it holy crap step two is understanding you actually can get your elbows as close together as possible in 50,000 different positions I can get them this close here here all the way down here I can get him here but you can see boom that’s not going to be easy this isn’t going to be easy there’s a specific way you want to start while also getting these elbows as close together as possible there’s one easy way all the other ways are hard and so in this step two I’m going to show you the exact way hint it’s not going to be your arms hanging straight down as see you can see my elbow flaring and my arms raising and yeah I hit a foot behind that believe it or not I actually was trying to hit the ball solid there so we want to start with our elbows in a position close together where we can keep them close together the whole swing cuz there’s no point in starting with them close together if you’re not going to keep them there so let’s learn the easiest way to be able to do that so my first little tip is you want this lead arm on top of your chest when you’re getting your elbows close together so if this is my tit right here on top of my chest not arm on the side you want the arm on top of your chest because you want your arms to swing in and around you as that is going to be how you keep your elbows close together is this arm is going to stay tucked in the whole swing and you’re going to keep it there and that can keep these elbows close together close keep them close but to swing in and around you like this or in other words your arms are going to want to swing you around you uniquely like this back and through you can see they want to go in and around they don’t want to lift up and that is going to keep them close together so you can see though when I’m swinging around me right here look at where my arms are with my elbows close together this arm is on top of my chest so what would happen if I started with my arms on the side of my chest so this is on top but I’m going to go on the side of my chest watch what’s going to happen I’m going to try to I’m going to try to make the same swing yeah my arms just lift straight up and my elbows get far apart and it felt really I did hit the ball somewhat solid there but that was a slice so what’s going to happen is your chest is going to get in the way and your arms are going to want to go to the moon and then these elbows are going to start to separate so if we want to swing in and around us we need to get this arm on top of our chest so you can’t see my finger anymore and so this is gonna help us swing in and around us keeping these elbows close together the whole swing where we can hit the ball solid you can hear it that was struck that that’s fun right there that’s fun and so the next step with this is how are we getting this arm on top of our chest how are we doing that do you want to just instead of having your arm on the side just put it on top okay let’s see no no there’s a specific way you want to put your arm on top of your chest and so if it’s on the side of your chest just hanging straight down like this on the side what you want to do is get your arm on top of your chest by rotating don’t just do this with your shoulder rotate your arm to get it on top of your chest and then you can square up up the club with your forearm and there’s a reason for that and that reason is you want this arm in the right rotation because how it’s going to naturally swing around you is rotate it all the way this way that’s how it’s going to swing in and around you actually up a little bit higher on top of your chest so look how it wants to swing in and around this arm isn’t in this rotation it’s rotated this way and that’s how you can swing in and around you and in and around you keeps these elbows close together keeps this arm tucked in and keeps everything consistent in your swing so in and around in and around so if we don’t start there it wants to go up in separation but on top of your chest in the right rotation in and around and these elbows stay very close together and as you can see that’s consistency in the swing and the third thing you need to do to make sure you’re keeping these elbows close together is while this arm’s on top of the chest in that rotation you don’t want to just try to get these elbows close together like this because look at how my arm is going to want to swing from this position straight up that’s a lift we don’t ever want to lift our arms we want to swing this club around us like if I just start getting into the Rhythm Swing Swing Swing you’ll notice my arms work around me and they don’t lift so you want to put your arms in the correct position where they’re not going to lift they swing around you so they swing around you you turn and they swing around you and just run into the ball very easily and consistently so with your arm in this position here rotate on top of the chest we don’t want to just put our right arm over we want to get these elbows close together in the correct way by tucking in in this Trail arm tuck it in get these elbows close together and then rotate this forearm over to make sure you don’t hook it because if you grip it like this you’re just going to release our Lan hook you want to get that forearm over and then grip it where you can back and through so now we’re in the correct position elbows close together and all these little steps I know they might be a little bit detailed but you’ll see if you try this out with your swing this is going to be the easiest way to swing your arms in and around you and keep these elbows close together so arm tucked in arm tucked in and it stays tucked in the whole swing this arm swings in and around like you’re doing this motion boom you can tuck in your arm and put it against this arm and pull it against your chest in and around that’s the motion you want in the swing so going to keep the trail arm tucked in I’m going to swing in and around and another good shot there’s two more steps that I would say you need to do to consistently keep these elbows squeezed together the whole swing where it doesn’t feel impossible to do it because point of this video was I want to show you the tip but I want to show you all the things you need to do to know how to do it I don’t want to just give you the tip and watch you struggle I want to give you the tip and you know exactly how to do it and you can watch this video back and know how to do this because I wouldn’t be doing my job right if I didn’t tell you all the things that I know on how you need to do this and so the third thing you need to do is turn correctly if you don’t get a good turn you can forget it these these elbows are going to fly far apart so fast like you’ve never seen so if I don’t get a good turn turn and I’m trying to squeeze my arms are going to fly to the moon and the elbows are going to get far apart so how can we get a good turn well a quick way I can show you on how to get a good turn is first just get a full turn standing straight up and down so 90 Dees standing straight up and down and now bend it over bend it over with your upper body and then you bend the hips a little bit more and you’ll notice if you go to the ball here and you get a full turn straight up and down and then bend over you’re going to feel oh my gosh I have way more turn there than I normally do because hitting this tiny golf ball is really hard but what you don’t need to do is focus on hitting the golf ball you need to focus on getting a good turn because a good turn is what’s going to let you swing around you and the club run into the ball so it’s opposite once you stop trying to hit the ball because once I hit trying to hit the ball I’m not getting this full turn around me that you can get and that’s what you need to have this smooth motion like if I have this dumbbell see it’s swinging it’s just swinging around me in and around me on its swing plane I’m not focusing on hitting golf ball I’m just focusing on swinging this weight around me in balance and so I’m here here I’m not facing the ball I’m turned open in the back swing so if you focus on trying to hit the ball these hips aren’t going to open these hips you need to get a full hip turn if I don’t fully turn my hips you can see I cannot I’m stuck if I turn my hips an inch more and get a full hip turn now I can get a full upper body turn so it’s this kind of correct sequence of motion that you need in the swing and you could practice it with a weight and then another thing you can do is just literally get a club and focus on never lifting your arms and swinging around you back and through and notice that you’re focusing on swinging the club around you and keeping your elbows close together and now try to replicate that when you’re hitting the ball so you’re not trying to hit the ball you’re trying to swing around you keeping your elbows close together so lose track of the ball focus on what you’re doing instead so I’m not going to focus on the ball and focus on getting a nice quality turn and my hips are really open in fact they’re fully opened if I stand up I’d get a full Turn full turn but it’s a little bit less because I’m B over because as you bend over more and more you can get less and less of a full turn but this is what you’re going to want to do to hit quality BL golf shots and keep these elbows squeezed together and really the culprit here is your hips your hips aren’t opening especially as you get older your hips get tight you can’t open these hips and so then you’re you’re still facing the golf ball and so if I try to keep these elbows squeezed together without a full hip turn I’m swinging hip high but as soon as I open my hips I can keep the same position look how far back I can get your hips just aren’t opening they’re not opening so what I would have you do is there’s a couple things I’ll give you a couple tips here but this is a great drill so you can drop this foot back open those hips and keep these elbows squeezed together if you haven’t felt your elbows squeezed together before you’re really going to feel it right here you’re going to be able to keep them close together and go back and hit the ball and you’re going to be like oh my gosh it’s my hips I haven’t been turning right I didn’t turn right for my first 5 Years playing golf I was just trying to hit the ball but trying to hit the ball is where you’re going wrong go you know so good turn here good turn good shot hit it a little bit off the toe though now step four and this is the final step on keeping your elbows close together the only way to keep my elbows close together is if this lead arm is straight watch what happens if I bend it look how far apart these elbows are getting see far close far close not this arm but this arm the lead arm needs to stay straight as soon as you bend the lead arm you’re going to lose your ability to consistently hit great golf shots we want consistent powerful and easy that’s a Straight Lead arm so if I focus on keeping my lead arm straight and a good turn these elbows are going to get close together but like I was showing you without getting the full turn correctly is if you don’t get a good full turn these arms are keep going and your arms likely to bend so this is directly related to getting a full turn because if you don’t get a nice good turn your arms aren’t going to stop here they’re going to keep going your arms are going to bend and your elbows are going to get far apart and then from here you’re not going to be consistent so you need that good turn but once you get the good turn you could still bend your arm you need to focus on keeping it straight because it’s going to straighten the swing and it’s going to straighten differently every single time time but we want to focus on keeping it straight because that’s how we’re going to be consistent we can keep these elbows squeezed together squeeze the whole swing and that’s how we’re consistent so those are the four things that I would do to squeeze these elbows together so that’s the tip squeeze the elbows together and those are the four steps you need to do to actually be able to do that without getting so frustrated and it’s the same thing with every Club you’ve been seeing me hit five iron this whole time which is not an easy Club to hit now I’m going to go to a wedge same thing squeeze these elbows got the wedge squeeze good strike and so with driver it’s the same thing you want to squeeze these elbows close together Me Maybe back up a little bit don’t want to hit the net so I’m going to focus on squeezing these elbows and this really helps with driver because driver if you don’t do this it gets really hard so I’m going to focus on squeezing my elbows close together with driver and I’m going to keep them squeezed the whole time back and through I know y’all want to see me rip one I just got this net uh two days ago um 70 bucks seems to be doing good let’s see if this uh net can handle a 300 yard drive back yall up a little bit all right I backed y way up we’re going to take a rip at it with driver so elbows close together same thing with driver except it’s on a te squeeze these elbows close together the whole time there we go consistency same thing with every Club you want to squeeze these elbows together but I hope you found some helpful tips in this video this is really a key to consistency for me um if you’re new to the channel I teach the single plane swing method and that is how I showed you how to squeeze those elbows in the right position that’s fundamental one of the single plane swing that I teach setting up on your unique swing plane you also learned a little bit about fundamental two and that’s turning correctly and fundamental four which is keeping your lead arm straight there’s also fundamental three of keeping your weight centered over the ball to make sure you get quality contact and I teach that over at Manning and you can see that in the description of this video it goes step by step a full course to customize your swing to these fundamentals and there are tons of drills on how to customize it to your swing and feel this correctly but anyways I hope you found some helpful tips in this video on keeping those elbows close together for consistent contact in the golf swing and happiness and not frustration and I hope the rest of your day goes well


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