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WCW Slamboree 1999 – The “Reliving The War” PPV Review

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WCW Slamboree took place in St. Louis on May 9th 1999. World Championship Wrestling are beginning to seriously slip in the Monday Night War TV ratings, however they still have an incredible roster along with a large (and loyal) fanbase. Their Spring Stampede show was good, but can they follow it up with another good PPV?

The WCW World Championship has been hotly contested ever since DDP won the belt last month. The Slamboree title match has been in question right up until the Nitro before the Pay Per View, but it’s Kevin Nash who faces Dallas Page in the Slamboree main event. Ric Flair faces Roddy Piper with the WCW Presidency up for grabs; if Piper wins, then Ric Flair’s days as President are over and (another) new era will begin for World Championship Wrestling.

A Sting vs Goldberg grudge match also takes place at Slamboree 99. There’s minimal storyline heading into this one, it’s simply a wrestling match to find out which WCW megastar is truly the best. Both competitors get quite the surprise though towards the end of the bout.

This video is part of the Wrestling Bios Reliving The War series.

00:00 – Intro
01:22 – The Horsemen vs Kidman & Myster vs Raven & Saturn
04:14 – Konnan vs Stevie Ray
05:27 – Bam Bam Bigelow vs Brian Knobbs
07:13 – Rick Steiner vs Booker T
09:40 – Charles Robinson vs Gorgeous George
13:04 – Buff Bagwell vs Scott Steiner
15:15 – Ric Flair vs Roddy Piper
19:40 – Sting vs Goldberg
21:47 – DDP vs Kevin Nash
26:24 – Final Thoughts / Credits

#WCW #Wrestling

[Music] yeah we going to ro we going to we let it po Go Let It Go X going give it to you he going give it to you X going give it to you he going give it we going to rock we going to roll do we let it pop Don’t Let It Go X going give it to you he going give it to you X going to give it welcome to slamy 9th of May 199 99 from St Louis Missouri WCW have had a rough couple of weeks on Monday night but the card they’ve put together here doesn’t look too bad at all just over 20,000 fans are in the tww do to see DDP Defenders World title against Kevin Nash we’re also going to find out who’s in charge of WCW and president Ric Flair battles Ry Piper and we’ve got sting versus Goldberg in a one-on-one match for absolutely no reason whatsoever pay-per-view bu are done significantly tonight we’ve got 195,000 fans tuning in which is still a respectable number but it’s over 50,000 less than spring Stampede and nearly 200,000 less than Super Brawl 9 WCW need to get a little Goodwill back if they want those numbers to increase so let’s get started and we’ll see how well they did as always thank you for being here and thank you for taking the time out of your day to watch another pay-per-view review from the relive in the war series we open up with what should be an excellent tag team match Champions Rey Mysterio and Kidman versus de minko and Chris Beno versus Raven and Perry saern on Nitro the horsemen have been the aggressors with Dean and Chris turn and Hill Raven and saern have also switched it up to become baby faces and everyone just loves Mysterio and Kidman so there’s nothing new there this is a triple threat tag match first fall to a finish former flock teammates Kidman and sodon work together to take out the horsemen first of all but Perry ends up close Landing Kidman before dumping him out of the ring with a belly the belly suplex that looked pretty rough didn’t it a Horseman sucks champ breaks out in the arena as m go goes to work on Saturn but Dean and Chris aren’t affected by the audience as they hit a drop kick and suplex combo on Billy Kidman good stuff here from the horsemen Mysterio and Raven then get involved with Ry and presson with his flashy offense the alliance between the baby faces pretty much ends when Kidman and Beno team up to take out Raven but benois goes after Kidman seconds later there are no friends in this triple threat match and Kidman finds that out the hard way Kidman Firs back with a BK bomb but he narrowly misses a top R Splash Raven has to break up across face attempt and Saturn takes the disguise with a frog Splash to beno’s back the referee’s lost control here his guys begin coming in and out of the ring Ray hits a fantastic moon salt after getting launched at the top turnbuckle Saturn launches himself over the top rope to take out a bunch of his opponents there’s a diving headbutt right there from Chris benois while the other competitors were out of the ring and from this point on the horsemen dominate the match with the referee just allowing anyone to get in the ring whenever they please the horsemen even make GL of this when malano makes a legal tag no one really cares Billy Kidman far up gets the crowd back into the match but Saturn’s right there to put a stop to any kind of momentum Beno then takes advantage with a few German suplexes and luk someone was finally able to par bomb Billy Kidman never thought I’d see it but there you go Kidman performs a drop kick before we go back to how we started with Billy and Sor working together we then get the tag Champs in cred favorites getting in a ton of offense with Ray pulling off a few assisted Hurrican Runners but when he tries to do this on Perry Saturn he ends up getting par bombed pretty hard and Kidman has to pick up the slack our match ends when AR Anderson gets involved and Saturn takes a spine Buster fans want to boo the horsemen but they also can’t help cheering for able a we then go back to 1997 when we see someone wearing a sting mask and this guy stops Kidman from hitting the shooting star press this allows Raven to hit Billy with a drip and even flow DDT the referee isn’t sure if he should check on Saturn who’s in the Texas clover leaf but he decides instead to come kman shoulders to the m and we have new tag team Champions Raven and Saturn win The slamber Opening match the guy who helped Raven and Saturn it was Chris Canyon Canyon’s back in WCW and clearly he’s still aligned with Raven NW black and white leader Stevie Ray took on Kanan next we’ve got minimal storyline heading into this one with the NW single outk dog for absolutely no reason at all and we even had Kevin OSH coming out to help Kanan last week so it’s all terribly BAS care Kevin Nash is still in the red and black wolf pack as is Scotty Steiner and Hulk Hogan but even Steiner and Nash have shared some words recently and no one really knows what’s going on it’s an absolute mess this match wasn’t very good either and that’s because it was a typical nwob team affair with Horus and Vincent helping Stevie out from Bell to Bell when Conan got the upper hand the NWO guys were right there to put K dog in his place so Conan’s friend Ray Mysterio ended up coming out to help even the odds after taking care of horse and Vincent Ray performed a Seated senton on Steve Ray conand then rolls Stevie up and K Dog picks up a win the match was incredibly short there was practically no buildup the payoff wasn’t good and it felt more like a waste of time Conan and Stevie Ray are great wrestlers it’s a shame the WCW riding team couldn’t come up with something a bit better backstage DDP and bamb Bam bigo have a little meeting that was instigated by the world champion we don’t know what’s being said here but mikt reminds everyone that these two have something in common they’re both from the Jersey Shore area bigo then comes out for his hardore match against bran Nos and again there’s no real reason for these guys to fight each other basically a few guys have been arguing about who the king of Hardcore really is with hack Raven and Bam Bam Bigalow all making claims that they’re the best when it comes to extreme wrestling bran kns just decided to show up again on Nitro and he won the right to face big load United slamy so whoever wins this match will be the Undisputed king of Hardcore or something it’s all trash can and tray shots at the beginning of the match nothing groundbreaking not all Big L performs his diving headbutt and Bradon replies with a chair shot to the back the two head to the outside where they fight at the ring steps and they use trash canids and bacon trays to do more damage it is fun watching these guys throw weapons at each other not going to lie but you can tell there’s no Direction here I think they both know how the match is going to end and that’s about it knobs jumps into the bounciest piece of wood I’ve ever seen in my life before going back to trash can shots Bam Bam seemingly had enough and he cracks the nasty boy skull in half with a steel chair the two head up the ramp and straight to the area where a monitor falls on Brian’s head they then begin fighting in the curtained off part of the arena and I never thought showing this side of the curtain was a good idea the arena looked great up until this point but now we can see that half the venue was actually tapered off and it kind of kills the illusion a bit brand knobs uses a ladder to great effect before setting Bam Bam up on a merch table the payoff looks pretty terrible When Brad knobs jumps and even the commentators say it look like crop so Bam Bam gets up he suplexes knobs through the table and Bam Bam wins this hardcore match Bigalow is the king of Hardcore Tony Shani says this was a really remarkable match and I disagree I disagree wholeheartedly Rick Steiner isn’t happy with Booker T getting help from Stevie Ray even though Booker hasn’t been asking for any kind of help and this is our story behind Booker T versus Rick Steiner it’s lamoree don’t worry it will make sense later on Booker’s putting his TV title up for grabs in this one-on-one match and you know a Booker versus Stevie Ray match would have made way more sense and it would have been way more interesting the Conan match should have been scrapped in favor of giving us a long battle between the brothers of Harlem heat but no that’s asking too much at this point the two shove each other around at the opening bell and stanner Strikes first with an overhead belly to belly followed by two stanner lines Booker’s forced to take a timeout and when the match resumes Booker’s finally able to go on offense with a hook kick right to Rick Steiner’s neck the Challenger then has a rough fall when Booker lands a spin and back kick Rick’s now forced to take a short time out before the two go at it again Booker performs a body slam followed by a back elbow and there we go a chin lock at slamber e99 Rick decides to do a little damage on the outside before apply a chin lock of his Zone Steiner shows he’s a chin lock Pro when he also incorporates the bottom rope into the move making it one of the most deadliest of deadly chin locks known to man Booker’s being stun pretty badly here and Rick gets vicious in the corner though the TV Chom is able to get an opening and he delivers a suplex to the Challenger it must be said the crowd is absolutely dead for this match and I too kind of want the show to move on to its next bout this has been quite slow and Booker in particular is much better when working a faster Pace match case in point there’s Chen loock number two from Rick the crowd aren’t even paying attention anymore and when Booker clocks wreck with a forearm there’s still no reaction finally an ax kick followed by a spinner Rooney bring the crowd back into it Booker performs a spine Buster followed by the heat seeker but then Big Pop of pump shs up and Scotty St helps his brother Booker gets distracted but he does not lose the match instead he’s able to throw Rick into Scot and Rick then takes a hard and S kick surprisingly though Rick kicks out of the follow-up cover again Scott gets involved by tripping Booker T up this leads the Rick performing a Steiner bulldog and just like that we have a new TV champion are the stanner brothers back together well we don’t know Rick goes backstage looking for his brother afterwards and he tells Buff Bagwell that Scott just screwed around during his match buff says he hasn’t seen Scott around and Rick wishes buff good luck for his match against Scott later on you can see this coming a mile off can’t you watch your back buff daddy referee Charles Robinson little nich himself is going to face the Macho Man Randy Savage’s new valet Gorgeous George next to slamy if George wins then Randy Salvage gets reinstated and he’s allowed to compete in WCW on a full-time basis look at charge Robinson styling Improv fighing like his hero Ric Flair I think everyone knows this but Ric Flair really was Robinson’s hero Charles is a DieHard Ric Flair fan and I’m sure he was having the time of his life right here Ric Flair grabs a microphone and amongst the Cabo he tells Medusa he’s always wanted her to ride Space Mountain Miss Madness can come along too if she likes but Lil nich is going to take care of Gorgeous George Char says he’s going to put George in the figure four and afterwards George is going to ride the little Space Mountain but Savage says that’s not not going to happen Macho thinks his valet is going to kick Lil n’s ass tonight at slamy the Bell Rings The Two Circle the ring and what follows is a ton of time wasting though it’s some of the most entertaining time wasting you’ll ever see in your life charge Robinson’s in full flare mode and even Rick himself gets a kick out of Robinson’s mannerisms he’s trying his best God love him George avoids a lock up and Robinson gets frustrated George then applies a rist lock while charge was busy with Randy Savage and the two competitors then trade multiple RIS locks and Hammer loocks I’m seeing more actual wrestling here than what I would in a David Flair match and that’s no exaggeration look we even get a Full Nelson from George followed by a snap M the fans go crazy as does Lil Niche so George pushes Charles in the rig and again the crowd pops it’s a complete opposite reaction when compared to Booker T versus Rick staner Ric Flair and Macho then get in the ring for a stair down Rick gets out and he hands Robinson in a steal chair Miss Madness tries to take the chair away but she ends up taking a cheap shot followed by a body slam from L nich charge then argues with Johnny Boone in the ring and the referee shoves Robinson down to the m all the wild Gorgeous George tends to miss Madness on the outside the match proceeds with Robinson choking George on the ring ropes and on the mat George fires back with a few knife edge chops in the corner and my God Robinson goes up and over the top turnbuckle just like Ric Flair and he also gets launched off the top rope in typical flare fashion I was just wondering if Charles was going to do the flare flop and yeah there it is after a Clos line got to give it to both of these guys right here it’s fantastic stuff Asia tries to get involved but Medusa stops her from doing any damage and as flare and Medusa argue on the outside charge tries to apply a knee bar submission but George keeps pushing him away George then takes a knee breaker that did look quite painful and now it’s time to end it once and for all charge locks in the figure four and I am so impressed with how good charge has been tonight unfortunately though the move gets reversed and Ric Flair has to intervene so here comes the Macho Man to get Rick out of the ring and to also give Lil nich a low blow Savage puts Charles in position for the elbow drop and George leaps off the second rope with the move that’s going to score a pinfall victory tonight at slamy George defeats Robinson in a match that surely surpassed everyone’s expectations and yeah I had fun with this one it was a comedy match the bar was very low but fair Jews the both Charles and Gorgeous George I’m sure they were both very happy with how this turned out Randy Savage has been reinstated and it’s it’s only a matter of time before Macho goes for the World Heavyweight Championship next up Scotty stanner defends his us title against Buff Bagwell Bagwell turned baby face about a month ago when he’s been getting some good crowd support stanner meanwhile has been splitting his focus a little between both buff Daddy and Diamond Dallas Page Bagwell called buff nothing more than a male stripper a guy no one wanted in the original NWO but buff has a chance to shut Scotty up while also winning his first singles Championship Bagwell doesn’t even give Scot a chance to remove his us title as he goes in for the kill a swinging neck breaker puts the champ down and Scott replies with not one but two low blows that will teach you for trying to pull a fast one on big Popa pump in the crowd boost stanner as he slams Bagwell into the corner we go to the outside where stanner calls a fan a piece of [ __ ] and all the fan can do is smile big POA pump yeah you better smile Scott continues to talk trash to fans while taking a break every now and then to do some damage to his opponent back in the ring Bagwell gets hung up in a trio wo and Scott chokes his opponent out his Buff’s chances of winning this thing get less and less likely Scott puts a Target on bagwell’s neck remembering that his old friend had some pretty serious neck issues not too long ago and we also see some par moves from Scott including a double underhood par bomb and a belly to belly suplex big POA pump decides he’s had enough he grabs a steel chair for the kill shot but buff whacks the chair into Scotty’s face and bag whells in with a Chance a buff champ breaks out as Bagwell fires up on the US champ and the crowd pops for a few drop kicks from buff Daddy but the refer gets taken out when Scott pulls him in for a clothes line Rick stanner then gets in the ring and he tells buff to go up for the Blockbuster and when Bagwell turns his back on the dogf face Gremlin he ends up taking a chair shot the stanner brothers are back on good terms it seems and we’ve now got a h rck stanner in WCW Rick wakes the referee up as Scott appli as a ster recliner and Scott successfully retains his us Championship the crowd don’t like it the commentators don’t like it but it’s going to be interesting seeing the stanner brothers together again if WCW don’t [ __ ] can the reunion after just a few weeks Bagwell gets beaten up after the Bell the sters celebrate while Buffs L out in the middle of the ring and while the match itself was nothing special the ending does make me interested in seeing where this goes tomorrow night on Nitro Rod Piper takes on President Ric Flair next the winner of this one will take control of WCW on a full-time basis hyper recently had Ric Flair committed to a mental institution saying the nature boy was a danger to himself the folks he works with and WCW as a whole and Piper was also able to go rck into having this match where Flair could easily lose his position as WCW president throughout this presidency Rick Flair has turned Hill I know it’s a common reoccurrence in WCW not is and seeing as Piper likes to show up and disappear again quite a lot in WCW it’s really hard for fans to truly get behind one competitor over the other it’s this lack of Forward Thinking and lack of foresight that’s been hurting WCW on the Monday Night War recently nonetheless we’ve got two Bonafide Legends competing in the ring tonight and fans in St Louis aren’t going to Care much about tomorrow or the week after Rick calls little N Out the referee the match Flair fires Johnny Boone on the spot and Johnny looks the piper for answers Boon has no choice though he must leave the ring Rick trash talks Piper and this leads the piper smacking Rick in the face and after taking a few chops in the corner and a back body drop the Nature Boy decides it’s time to go Rick wants no part of Ry Piper double A reminds Flair that this match is for control of WCW so Rick slowly makes his way back to the ring and the match resumes with Piper spitting at Rick and totally missing his Target good shot Rody the two lock up flare takes more chops and Ry throws a ton of punches that would make Muhammad Ali blush one flare flop later and we’re not on the outside where you guessed it more chops and Sue dirty tactics are on top as Piper pokes flare in the eyes and the Nature Boy replies with a low blue charge Robinson then tells Piper off for being a bad boy and Rick then decides to throw Piper out of the ring where Aron Anderson gets in a few cheap shots we get more chops more punches more chops oh here comes Asia and Ry takes another low blow but the hot rod kicks out of the follow-up cover and we are right back to punches from flare chops from Piper there’s another backdrop from Ry right there and like what the [ __ ] is this we are well over halfway through the match and we’ve had two backdrops punches chops L blow and eye pokes you can certainly respect these guys for their pro wrestling pedigree and how they help shape the wrestling industry but this is terrible absolutely terrible and what’s worse this is the main story heading into slamboree this was built up even more than the word title match we go to the outside briefly where the ring post and guard reil gets utilized at least it’s something different back inside the ring the two competitors bump into each other and Ricks first to get up the Nature Boy then starts working over the leg while getting some assistance from AR Anderson and thank God flare applies the figure four piper doesn’t give up and steady he reverses Flair’s finisher and so Rick sends Piper back to the outside this time Rod’s able to take care of Aron Anderson and I’m genuinely surprised at this Sunset flip right here well done Piper I’m not surprised that Flair’s pissed the asset and exposed immediately afterwards though Piper covers flare multiple times but charge gets conveniently distracted by the enforcer so Piper throws Rick off the top rope and it’s no flare getting locked in the figure four our match ends when AR Anderson interferes to break up the hold Ry puts double A in a sleeper hold and when Flair tries to intervene he too gets put in a sleeper Asia breaks up the sleeper on flare and for her trouble she gets a kiss and she too gets put to sleep and when Charles Robinson puts his hand on Piper little n ends up getting punched in the face flare hits Piper with a foreign object that we don’t actually see but whatever it was it was enough to knock Piper out and flare winds via pinfall Eric bishof then walks down to the ring we haven’t seen Eric inside a wrestling Arena since he helped Hogan back to the locker room at Spring stamped and bishof says Piper’s actually the winner of this match every one saw Flair Chade and so Rody gets awarded the victory tonight thing is Bishoff has no par remember he lost the Ric Flair and he gave up any Authority he has in the company so this right here makes absolutely no sense at all Piper fires Ric Flair while the Nature Boy screams and a few kids sitting at the front row and Piper then thanks Eric bishof for doing the right thing who would have thought it a bad match here at slamy though you see flare and Piper on the card and you get these ideas in your head of how the match is going to be but but this wasn’t a good performance from either man and what’s even more shocking these two are going to have another pay-per-view match in WCW very very soon like other matches on this card sting versus Goldberg has absolutely no buildup the very small amount of heat we’ve got here was a quick scuffle on Nitro this past week but the commentators are building this up as the best versus the best the ultimate baby face clash in world championship wrestling just two dudes who want to win a wrestling match that’s what we’ve got here and things don’t start too well when this happens the two go at it again and Goldberg performs his signature parcam before dumping the stinger out of the ring the icon takes his sweet time before getting back inside the ropes but this time sting takes control with a drop kick and it’s Goldberg now getting dumped out of the ring the crowd’s kind of 50/50 here as Goldberg slowly makes his way back inside he doesn’t give a clean break at the ropes and sting Falls victim to a fireman’s carry followed by an armar submission the Stinger makes it to the ropes and Goldberg releases the hold and this back and forth match continues with sting performing a face Buster followed by a drop kick to the knee Goldberg’s wearing a knee brace tonight and Sting’s going to try and Zone in a little on the body part but his attempt at a Boston crab fails and he decides to get a little more vicious with a few kicks sting changes game plan he suplexes Goldberg and Billy boy no sails it Goldberg fires back with his single arm suplex and we also see a swinging neck breaker although I’m not sure sting knew which way to fall here but sting does know when to move when Goldberg tries to spear him and we see a diving clothes line from the Icon stings feeling it he lines up a stinger Splash and oh oh that was good that was good this is the end of our match ladies and gents because look who’s back his Excellency Bret Hart has returned to WCW and he’s here to beat the crap out of Goldberg with his steel chair Brad hits Goldberg on the head and he goes after Goldberg’s knee too before leaving the ring and here comes Rick and Scott stanner to Feast on the carcasses of these two Fallen WCW baby faces Rick and Scott beat stinging Goldberg up pretty badly it’s clear they want to make a statement tonight and going after these two is a great way to reestablish themselves but the crowd aren’t happy with how all this turned out good to see Brett back good to see the standers being so dominant fans were robbed of a clean finish though and while this is standard Fair on Nyro you expect more on a pay-per-view show our main event features Kevin Nash getting a word title shot against Diamond Dallas Page Nash got this opportunity through some wheeling and dealing with Ric Flair but at that point in time Nash was a Halo or a twinner at least and since then it appears that Nash has gone completely baby face but honestly who knows at this point it can all change again next week DDP lost the belt on an episode of nitro and won it back again the same night he’s been a two-time WCW Champion within the space of one month so it’s been quite an interesting couple of weeks for Dallas Page Nash said he wants to win this for Hogan he wants to get revenge for page inur in Hollywood at Spring stamped so let’s see if he can get the job done slamy 99 World Heavyweight Championship Diamond dollar page versus Kevin nsh it’s time for the main event EDP tells Nash she’s going to feel the bang while big sexy tells his opponent to suck it great start page tries to end it immediately with a Diamond Cutter but Nash avoids it and Dallas gets sent to the outside paage then ducks a few hay makers from big cev but he doesn’t avoid a knee strike and when Dallas starts acting up on the apron nsh runs into him with another knee strike DP really needs to get his act together page gets dropped on the guard reil before Nash brings it back in the ring for even more knee strikes careful there big man and Nash feels it’s necessary to tidy up his eyebrows a little before lining up DDP for a back elbow Big K super confident tonight no doubt about it DDP avoids snake eyes and Nash takes a few punches to the face Kev has to shove doll away when the champ goes up for some mounted punches but paage gets in a low blue and the referee doesn’t see a thing I think paig beats his opponent to the mod before cutting off a turnbuckle p W Nick Patrick investigates Paige hits Nash with a microphone but this isn’t enough the end of match Dallas argues with the referee and he took his eye off Nash for just a moment and this turns out to be a costly mistake Dallas gets his head rocked off that exposed turnbuckle both men struggle to get to their feet afterwards we get a fist fight between champion and Challenger and Dallas gets the better a Big C nsh gets sent to the outside and Dallas makes fun of big sexy before lining up a baseball slide paig manages to knock Nash down and on the outside Dallas takes k out with a Diamond Cutter PID then covers K on the outside and padrick reminds the champ that this isn’t the false count anywhere match of course Paige really knew this wasn’t the false count anywhere match but it’s still a spot that makes the champ look a bit dumb Nash gets tossed into the ring Paige makes the cover while using the ropes and Kev kicks out this isn’t going well for Dallas at all DDP hits a few low elbow drops and Paige is way too busy playing up to the audience he’s getting more and more arrogant as the match goes on he starts working over the leg and he begins utilizing the ring post to his advantage and Dallas wants to injur Nash right here just like he did to Hogan at Spring stomped but Kev pushes Dallas away back in the ring DDP gets more arrogant as he punches and kicks his opponent Dallas wants Nash to stand up to take more punishment so big sexy obliges and Kev starts fighting back DDP takes a running knee followed by a corner clothes line Nash then hits Snake Eyes on the exposed turnbuckle and after hitting the big boot good big sexy signals for the jack knife we could be seeing a new word Champion here DDP takes Na’s finisher But Here Comes Randy Savage the once again give DDP the assist this has been happening frequently on Nitro and it makes no sense seeing his Macho Man’s a baby face in the Gorgeous George storyline yet he’s acting like a he by helping DDP the ref calls for a DQ as Macho hits Nash with the world championship belt and then Eric bishof walks back down along with double D Doug Dillinger bishof tells Randy to get away from The Ring before instructing Nick Patrick to restart the match Eric says he doesn’t care what Ted Turner or Harvey Schiller says this match must continue so we go back to the ring where DDP takes advantage once again and instead of firing on all cylinders things get slowed way down with both men Trad and sleeper holes Paige gets out with a jawbreaker before going out to grab a chair but Dallas ends up hitting himself when the chair bounces off the top rope Paige makes up for his Mistake by hitting a low blow but Nash kicks out of two and our match ends with Nash performing a big boot and Dallas takes another shot with that chair the big man delivers is jack knife par bomb and Kevin Ash becomes a two-time WCW word heavyweight champion as far as Kevin Ash matches go this wasn’t bad but generally speaking it wasn’t a great nor memorable main event I kind of feel bad for DDP too because he didn’t get a great run with that word Heavyweight Championship but there you have it DDP does the J O at the ppv named slamber not a good show here from w bcw at all and I had real High Hopes when looking at the card on paper the tag team opener had no control Rick Steiner versus Booker T almost sent the crowd to sleep Piper versus flare barely passed as a wrestling match and the word title match really isn’t worth revisiting I’m going into these post spring stamped WCW shows with a lot of hope everyone says there’s no good WCW pay-per-views left and I really want to prove that statement wrong as we move forward but I can’t say slamber 99 is a good event and so this one unfortunately does not come recommended honestly Charles Robinson was probably the most entertaining thing about this event still thank you for watching and I hope you enjoyed another WCW Pay-Per-View review and the relive in the war series there’s no Nitro next week due to the NBA Playoffs so the next episode of relive in the war will feature an unopposed episode of Raw thank you so so much for watching guys and please take care [Music] he


  1. The Sting/Golberg match labeled as “The Best vs The Best” was a disrespectful to Sting Goldberg was hot garbage in the ring 🤦🏽‍♂️

  2. it kinda feels like since there was no Nitro this week, they just put a bunch of Nitro content on the PPV

  3. "Konnan and Stevie Ray are great wrestlers". Sorry mate, that's your credibility gone right down the toilet!😆😉

  4. Yeah i didn't know that about Charles Robinson until i saw Season 1 Episode 9 of WWE's Most Wanted Treasures which was about finding that iconic Butterfly Robe that Flair wore to the ring at Royal Rumble 1992 and Flair had no idea where it was but it turned out that he had given it to Charles Robinson decades prior and they wanted him to give it to the WWE to put in their fan museum but it would still belong to Charles Robinson and it broke my heart to watch him cry when giving it up because of just how much Robinson really admired and looked-up to Flair. Its a great episode and one you really should watch if you have the time because it really shows you a bond that Flair and Robinson had and still have to this very day.

  5. Nash vs DDP was good, two guys works as a tweeners and heels in one match. Definetely worth revisiting for everyone who's favourite wrstlers are NOT Zayn and Owens.
    Also non of the matches were longer than 18 minutes, and none of them was worse than 40 minutes sleepwalking by Roman Reigns and others.

  6. Im impressed with Charles Robinson's performance, he did a hell of a job i think, its pretty cool he got too be his favorite wrestler in front of his favorite wrestler.. I mean that's pretty huge, especially when you are the Flair..

  7. How many turns did Kevin Nash do in WCW? I assume he turned face for the first time in 98, heel again after the Jan. 4th 1999 episode of Nitro, here he's a face again, then he turns back heel to align himself with Sid and Macho…? Has anyone kept up with this?

  8. In my head as the main event got under way, I thought this match is ending one of two ways, Nash wins the belt or there’s a run in DQ finish and we ended up getting both unfortunately. DDP deserved a longer run

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