MIKEY GETS A LESSON WITH ME AND MY GOLF! // Piers Ward and Andy Proudman fix Mikey’s Golf Swing

Today, the boys are in California to meet up with the founders of Me & My Golf, Piers Ward and Andy Proudman. With over 20 years of experience and the world’s biggest online golf lesson & swing tips coaching platform, Me & My Golf have one goal and that is to make golf simple.

Check out our video to see how they break down the best way for Mikey to have more success with his irons!



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

if I just say to you now bump look what naturally happens I’m not pulling the arms down they were dropping the club down the last thing we want to do I call it the decapitation move this is a sword and he’s coming down steep he’s chopping his head off now it’s running below the shoulder joints below this joint here so that means now he’s got the club in a perfect spot he’s bumped this way now you can turn as hard as you like bump I mean that’s your aiming square and have just hit that golf shop that’s so good that was nice Definitely be closer all right guys welcome back to the channel absolutely delighted to be down in Southern California with the me my golf boys and Pi great to see you to see you thanks for having us apprciate it how it going man good thank you listen we had a we had a really tough task and we had to draft in the best in the business to get it done Mikey’s golf swing boys we apologize it’s not that bad come on it’s not that b could be better could be better we’re uh Mike’s in a position and you guys have obviously followed uh Mikey’s progress and and where his game’s at kind of would you say you’re stuck you’re at a point where you’re a little bit feel like you’re you canot really making progress and you’re kind of handicap’s just kind of staying where it is and there’s no real no real like advancement to to getting better right now and the Holy Grail is scratch scratch gol yeah and you’re close close yeah but not close enough yeah after today I think what e to do is play more golf on the S you’re already playing you need to get five times a week instead of four I’m in that’s easy you’ll get it done I think what we’re going to do today is going to be massive for you Mikey p is going to be taking control today we’re EXC we like we get so excited about these lessons uh and I can’t wait to sort of just get this underway and just see the changes that he’s going to make here okay let’s get you a few Let’s uh not delay anymore we got full swing in Play so we’re going to get some data from that as well and we’ve had a chat already off camera about what we want to do here a draw is something that you would really quite like isn’t it yeah a little ra to left and you naturally fade it yeah I mean you said to me ear that maybe four Greens in a round is kind of the average that’s nowhere near enough no and it’s actually nowhere short game I can get away with short game’s good yeah I mean I would short game’s good but it’s how well he drives it I mean he put he puts it in play all the time all the time and and good enough length for playing golf course is 67 6800 yards so you just needs a little bit of you know little Direction where they AR think a little bit lost with how to go really sort of hitting more greens what shot shape to dial in picking a Target alignment all of it yeah and it’s a valid point there’s a couple of things here straight away from saying this if you are driving it really well but you struggle with your irons we don’t want to change your irons so it changes your driving and the good thing is for us we really believe that driving is its own discipline you’re tearing up this high it’s very different how you want to approach the ball but then the second thing I would say is this golf swing isn’t that bad it’s not for Greens in regulation if you’re in the Fairway a lot so there’s a few things going on from strategy point of view I’d love to spend some time with you on that and understanding where you should be hitting it on the greens hopefully you’re not going for every flag and hopefully you’re not doing anything too uh too serious in that regard hit me some shots let’s just get you hitting some here we’ve got a red flag down on the Range there um we got Jet we’ got a fire down there something’s going on big old [Music] Target let’s get you getting a few more and the way we’re going to go through this is it’s actually this is exactly the same we would be giv a golf lesson to Mike if you just turned up off the street this is the same process we’ve be going through nothing different to how we would do it normally and the objective is that he’s got to leave here today fully bought into what he’s going to do fully understanding it and we’re not going to promise anything like he’s going to be practicing five times a week are we that we always talk about a few things when we deliver a lesson CIA we want Mikey today said CIA and he just pulled it miles left you got some Secrets sir so we want Clarity so Mikey needs to be he’s not clear at the moment in what he’s thinking about he’s like I don’t really know like you know Clarity yeah Improvement we want you to get better today and then just autonomy we want you to go away knowing exactly what you need to do and if we hit all those three things today you’re going to be happy and you’re going to be hitting it better and more importantly clear like the number one thing is absolutely Clarity in what you do yeah I think one of the reasons I don’t spend time on on the ranges I’ll go to the range and it sounds awful I just don’t know what I’m doing I just hit balls for fun and and then leave and go play so you’re not on your own great honest and we need to know that I mean I said to to Mikey a good practice session for me is you hitting 20 balls yeah and knowing exactly what you’re doing on those 20 balls and that’s it you going to do any more than that right and if you have enough evidence that practice is good for you then you might do it a bit more okay look that’s a really nice functional shot yeah you’ve hit it on the target the full swing is saying that your club path was pretty neutral on that one okay that one was one point that was one degree to the right we’ve had one degree to the left two degrees to the left so we’ve had a we’ve had a bit of a mixture around zero but one thing I will say this is actually a really valid point if you’re someone who’s hitting normal shots and you’re either path is right and path is left and it can and it can depend that can be a problem totally because you could have a two-way Miss in your game at least if it was like miles miles left you may have a two-way Miss but at least you have a corridor that you start in the balling you got a different Corridor 100% 100% do me favor just set up to this one okay we’re going to start with this is this this is the key this is the key I I can’t wait it’s going to feel so weird this could be the Catalyst of everything that’s going on here so we can see now and look Ian’s probably going to nod his head as soon as we do this if I drop this alignment stick across your toe line here and you have your feet right Square on so we would go toe lineing this if you step away from that and go and stand where that stick is pointing he knows already yeah it’s going right yeah yeah so you’re aware of this okay so what I’m going to do that bear in mind you’re quite neutral on a club path right when I Square this up what do you think is going to happen to your club path which direction would it go then or should it go oh it should it should go a little bit more should go more left should it let’s see what actually happens as a result yeah so we’re just going to put this in the thing is you don’t really put these down when you play golf do you no you only really do this when you practice so just set yourself up Let me just see how good that is he’s struggle with it he’s always got a problem with his eyes as well because closer look at the look how much closer your left foot is there we go bring that right foot forward and that left foot back so when you look up now you’ll feel like you’re aing miles left yeah 100% okay let’s just hit some shots and just see what actually happens cuz this might be as much as we need this might be enough to for him to figure it out but it’s probably going to go left okay good now if you were aiming right that would have been a good shot and we’ be saying great shot yeah and it’s important that Pier you know what Pierce did then he set your expectation it’s going to go left like this is it is it needs to go left at the moment in order to to create a change yeah which the next thing which is really going to be the the key thing when we go through this but let’s get a few of these until until we until we do an actual change to the motion and actually show you guys exactly what’s going on with the golf swing he’s going to be hitting it left which is fine that can happen you can you can get it back on Target by fading it like that that’s actually a really nice golf shot yeah that was lovely and guys obviously I mean the people who know Mikey and a follow the channel there there’s some places that people maybe logically to to the maybe the untrain mind would go the grip right Mikey’s Mikey’s got some things going on because of the grip you guys said straight away the grips the grip’s the last thing we’re touching here at the moment for sure it wouldn’t be anything we changed at the moment look ultimate Mikey just take your take your grip Mikey yeah so he’s got a strong grip so he’s got a left hand strong he’s got a right hand even stronger that suggests that the club face could get closed and it could get Del lofted but he’s not hitting it too low and he’s not hitting it he’s not hooking it so until he starts doing that then we start looking at it if we go for the desired draw and we start to get a bit of a hook pattern going in there then we may change it but at the moment absolutely not it’s only a problem if he’s causing a problem and definitely not causing a problem okay if anything as well and you’ll see his pattern his golf swing there’s something going on his golf swing that if we change the grip it would make it worse so actually going what we would call Textbook would actually mess him up yeah I Le swore then nice so it’s really interesting that’s got miles left and Andy said nice cuz that’s exactly what he wants to see how was the strike felt great strike was felt great yeah club path was definitely left 6.1 left 6.1 left okay we’re happy with that at the moment it’s like this is what we wanted to see in order to have something else change so this is all falling into the plan at the moment if it had been in the fitting Bay with you guys then and then the the the full swing would have gone that’s perfect or whatever the large one you got it’s perfect and then the ball flight would be like oh that’s backed it up it’s perfect right but the problem is well let’s not go too much into it right now let’s hit a couple more just make sure those Fe that’s it there you go that’s it Andy is the alignment police now yeah and here’s the thing with this right Mike is a great player two handicap absolutely this could easily we could easily say right Mikey don’t want you to do anything else yeah go away and practice your alignment for two months your golf swing would improve because your body starts reacting to your alignment without any cues from us but we’re going to give you those cues but that’s that’s what would happen we we react to certain things and if all you did was this yeah your body is going to find a way to get that ball to Target and it would move in a a better way that makes sense we’re going to give you more than that today because we we we don’t want to wait six two two three months he like I think he’s looking a bit worri I mean I can come back no problem okay let’s go one more again beautiful love that crisp strike yeah and again gone left that’s okay gone left with the flight’s nice all right so let’s just go through what we’re seeing in Mikey’s golf swing obviously we know he’s aiming to the right we can see when he’s taking taking the club back he actually takes the club back really quite nicely I know he gets a little bit narrow at the top and that’s something Ian you spoke about with him before but from here we can see that Mike is really good at rotating so he rotates aggressively throws the club over the top of the plane and that’s what’s going to be causing that club path to go to the left now if we look at this front on view again we said he’s very good at rotating but he’s not very good at moving laterally towards the target so we actually use Sports box to show off here how much he’s moving towards the target and we can see Mike is only moving 2.2 in towards the target we want at least four to 6 in so we need a lot more movement that way into this lead side and a very simple thing that we do when we’re um videoing somebody as a line from the outside of the Hill upwards we call that the impact line a vertical line we can see that as he’s swinging down his lead shoulder is staying back of that line ideally we’d want that lead shoulder getting up onto that line so what we need to do we need to create a little bit more movement this way as opposed to lots of rotation that kind of make sense yeah we’ve seen this we’ve seen this so much recently a lot of lessons recently anyone who aims to the right has this move in order to try and get it back on target which means this hip goes back upper body goes over soon as you square square them up the whole body sequences in a great way cuz now you can actually drive the lower body and sequence the swing whereas when you aim right there’s no way you’re going to drive because then you’re going to start to pour some inconsistency exactly this so imagine this again I’ll just show you if I’m aiming well right 40 yards right sometimes you’re aiming if I’m doing that now I have no reason to shift and shallow that club because if I do it’s just going miles right you got to play a load of hook yeah in order to do that so you kind of have to spin and rotate over the top but at least now when you’re aiming square or even slightly open I’m okay with that you’re now having an excuse to move you’re given permission to move towards a Target and that’s going to be the key for you can we get you moving like this supp like this does that make sense yeah totally okay let’s get you in here so just when I say does it make sense as well have you got any instances where you’re feeling this on the golf course that you’re not moving toward the target or yeah I mean the last couple weeks I’ve been playing and I’d hit a shot and goes to the right and then I would almost try to like force myself over and thinking why how can I not get to the left side so almost like an afterthought almost totally okay perfect okay so tell what we’re going to do you’ll see if you ever watch any of our videos this thing gets out the way for a b and I want you to feel it I want you to get a sensation of what this is like so I’m going to manhandle you a little bit okay and and he’s going to the alignment police make sure it’s good so I’m going to manhandle you a bit I want you to give me a sensation of what you feel you’re doing in your goal swing to do this yeah and I want you whatever his words are whatever his words are are really important in this in this instance I can tell you what I want you to do but you got to feel it right so do back normal back swing the what I want to feel from from here is that we delay the Turning of the Torso and start moving that way okay and then swing through okay let’s see if you can do that a few times by yourself so swing to the top delay move and then swing through okay one thing that’ll help you with this as well Mikey you might feel the balance start to go yeah fraction wi stance what tends to happen is that the stance goes narrow cuz it’s easier to rotate that it the outside of the heels now are just a bit wider than the hips encourage you to shift the weight now could actually let’s just flare this left foot out a little bit more as well that’s good again think of this if we’re Square on here or even pointed this way and you’re moving this way it’s like no I don’t want to go it’ll push you back this way so at least this way it’s again giving you permission to move good just delay a little bit longer with those arms at the top it almost is like you I don’t want to put too many words in your mouth but they’re kind of delayed at the top yeah yeah and then you move the body and then you swing down so move then swing I can being mindful of that width that looks good now so you’re you know when you’re doing the pause there to to sort of collect yourself really nice in the hand width you’re pushing those hands further away and that would be a beautiful drill to actually stop at the top and then hit right it’s a possibility good and again help you out again on this one I like what I’m saying looks like a golfer boys dangerously close hold there hold there bump I’m really delaying you then go isn’t it crazy though as well that two handicap we’re going well we just got to aim a little bit further left you know where most golfers are diving into the weeds first you know trying to get external rotation or flexion or extension of this and that it’s like let’s just aim a little bit left and let’s get you to move your body in a slightly different way it doesn’t need to be that hard and most golfers are making it way too complicated I’ve always thought Mikey’s had a lot of the harder stuff to learn really nice sequence really nice flow you know this the go swing when we look at it has has has great time to it and he he Blends it all really really well it’s just a little bit of this structure that has just been lacking some cause and effect with the aim and you and you play so much so you’re going to you’re going to fiddle your way through that but looking at the way this structure is coming together it looks really good yeah cool like it keep going so again wide stance flare the left foot aiming Square from there swing to the top we delay we delay off you go move move move now go all right good what did what I asked you earlier what was what is your feeling for that I I like the the pause thing makes a ton of sense I know it’s very very simple but uh as soon as I get there it helps me kind of trigger myself to get the left leg see see how easy it is for him to rotate I mean he’s he’s focusing on doing this and this is still firing out is I’m never going to have to tell you to rotate more I don’t think which is great let’s try and blend this a little bit now it’s kind of like we’ve drawn this beautiful outline of the Mona Lisa something beautiful but it’s a bit dot to dot let’s see if we can smooth the edges out a little bit and see if we can get it so there’s going to almost be a delay at the top yeah but it’ll almost be just a delay with your arms as the rest of your body is moving yeah okay as the best players do you know they see you guys you see the best players and they kind of their arms are still kind of finishing off and their lower body is already starting yeah the race back toward the target lay the arms and move the body oh lovely what we’ll what what we’ll start to see with this is that we’re going to compress the golf ball in a different way so you hit the go you hit down by steepness of the of the plane yeah but you hang back with this what what this is going to do it’s going to shallow you out from a plane perspective but you’ll compress it with a weight shift you’ll move your low point this way with the weight shift and that’s going to be a very different feel so you’re going to get shallower but more compression cuz your body’s more over here that makes sense you’re getting four degrees down by swinging over the top right not by as says true compression okay kind of what everybody wants I think isn’t it is the the discipline you’ve got to keep these feet aiming left this is I’m halfway through going am I doing it right am I doing it lose kid the ball’s not there yeah exactly are we’re not going to hit a ball today the end of the video in about three minutes well done you’ve improved go slightly wider again let’s go slightly wider again this is a 79 as well so this is all good good so all I would say to you now let’s just play a little game so this is your target so set up to this Target and I want you to do the delay for me but keep the flow but I want you to swing the club back towards me on the way through you’re going to delay but you’re going to swing out towards it if you can hit a divot hit me with it kind hoping he didn’t hit the divot there andy make sure that was good if we could get the path on that one is going to be 10 degrees to the right okay from aiming left yeah same again you you’re aimed at my hand but you’re swinging at my chest delay delay delay not bad actually pretty good we’re going hit a ball doing that okay EX stand over here yeah say I’ve got full trust in you Mikey it’s appear I don’t trust yet he stood over there and all I want you to do with this as well on a TEEG to start with this is a process we have to go through I can’t just say to you do this straight away we have to go through this process so I don’t care where this ball goes but I would like the path to be more to the right and I would like for you to shift better okay we were probably between 5 and eight path left yeah be interesting to see I want to make sure that we’re actually good on the alignment here yeah you get that Andy um okay so now you’re square up it interesting to see if we can get this path closer to again well actually if we want to play a draw we need to get it to the right so or’s at the top bump there she is there she is okay yeah we create something different straight away just quickly tell have a look at the launch monitor the full swing what’s it saying at the top six to the the right yeah 1.6 to the right straight away beautiful again it it’s really important when you’re actually working at your goal swing and you’re changing your goal swing that you set an expectation of what you’re trying to achieve when you do a change it’s not about trying to create great shots straight away it’s about understanding what you’re trying to change and actually make a difference that way and sometimes you need to accept that it might be different when you play me and him are always wanting to get golfers better straight away not like shows month why would you go to the doctors and say yeah you know you want to get better straight away guarantee though if you just practice this alignment for the next two months you’re going to be a better golfer okay good stop and stop and go hey again the move looks decent here it’s still going to be a little bit that one is definitely going to be a little bit 3° you’ve gone from eight to three yeah that’s good marginal gain yeah you’ll be there that’ll that’ll just keep just keep getting better that will okay if the lesson finished now and you just said to a family member what you working at and saying well look all of the is I’ve squared myself up and I’ve delayed my turn so I can bump more and move more okay that would be the way I would describe it yeah okay same on the shot so if we get you to swing to the top if I just say to you now bump look what naturally happens I’m not pulling the arms down they were dropping the club down the last thing we want to do I call it a decapitation move this is a sword and he’s coming down steep he’s chopping his head off now it’s running below the shoulder joints below this joint here so that means now he’s got the club in a perfect spot he’s bumped this way now you can turn as hard as you like you can do what you good at right okay and just rip it from there yeah yeah make sense yeah okay get a do that move together again that was really good and he has the ball forward as well when the ball’s forward a lot it’s harder to get the path to the right we know that I’m happy I’m happy with that though stay there a look at him a little wide back swing for him bump bump beautiful and then turn through okay all right let’s hit one stop at the top again stop at top for a good time bump I mean that’s you’re aiming square and have just hit that golf shot that’s so good ni that was nice definitely going to be closer you could be playing golf this way by the way 0.2 we’re getting there well you he a get any better than that yeah that’s there no that’s great it just needs to be more yeah it’s so good well done let’s keep going we’re inhaling a lot of smoke here guys there’s been a fire down there at the moment so it’s looking look a little dodgy on the camera it’s because there’s a there’s a load of smoke coming in here who’s saying off camera is the uh there’s a bit of an orange glow now the video it’s obviously the Ginger hair all right let’s go again same feeling that if you can do that practice swing on this shot that’d be brilliant even if you got to hit it 110 yards okay that’s fine give me give me the move you a little too far left there that’s it that’s it just keep the keep the feet equidistant from that stick didn’t quite get the pause the top I mean these are golden golf shots one thing I will say about Mikey is he’s a really quick learner pierce with these with with changes whatever kind of he’s he’s trying to change you’ll see him the next week and he’ll kind of have it you know he’ll he’ll be pretty much most most of the way there it doesn’t take even though he doesn’t practice an awful lot I’m not sure if it’s mental reps or what it is that you do but you you get there really quickly yeah do do you how much do you love golf yeah so sometimes when you love golf enough and you told something you think is going to really help you yeah you think about it a lot totally and that’s a lot better than waiting two weeks before your next practice to then think about it you know you almost I’m a great believer in how much this can affect things how strong that is okay let’s let’s hit some shots now we’re going to test you a little bit last one was a little bit that way but no pausing at the top now right well I say no pausing not stopping but it might feel as though they’re hanging up there a bit longer as we’re then moving toward the target that makes sense yeah yeah totally getting closer and closer go shots getting closer and closer I know what he’s going to do in a minute as well and I think it’ll be I think it’ be brilliant that’s the right next to you that’s I think so definitely yeah cuz look how close that is the good thing is now again I say this a lot to Golfers when they’re on a lesson if the lesson were to stop now we’re good because we’ve got what we want so are you comfortable that you aiming left was causing you to spin causing you to swing over the top and not allowing you to move yeah yeah yeah now you’re aiming squarer you’ve now got permission to move here so you got to figure out a way in your practice swings the drill stopping at the top or just your practice swings of going I’m just going to move this way so you have this move toward the target yeah okay that you’ve got all of that what I want you to do now is we’re going to bring the golf course and functional shots to your practice okay because I think you do a lot of playing this is where this is going to really help you in this instance Co so I’m going to put an alignment stick on your target line and I want you to start the golf ball I want you to start the golf ball right of this alignment stick and and this is this is a great Point here what the reason Pi is doing this is pi has given Mikey some internal cues with which is get to the top let’s feel the hips let’s delay the body let’s get the club working this way what he’s now doing he’s going let’s have an external Focus which is really where the ball’s going to start and it’s amazing how the body will organize the movement to create the shot we often talk about this KL Morris who’s a great um psychologist and he talks about um does the shot create the swing or the swing create the shot now it sounds quite complex that does but what Piers is doing now he’s trying to to get the shot to organize the swing and most golfers out there are just focusing on well I need to do this I need to get the club in here when actually we’re going the other way around and going well I tell you what let’s start the ball right of this let’s bend it back and your body has got to organize the movements in order to produce that and it’s going to organize the movement in probably a good way yeah isn’t this isn’t this interesting completely because if we asked all of your audience and all our audience in the comments describe how you should play a draw yeah they’ll answer it like an AM goal right whereas if you ask Aaron Ry who we coach Colin morau Dustin I mean Dustin Johnson got absolute pelters from saying how do you play a fade and he says well you hit a fade you start you just hit a fade but what he’s saying is actually really clever he’s saying make sure it fades and all I need to do is start it left and for you as the better you get as golfers and we’ve been so lucky to spend time with these golfers they keep it so simple they’re not thinking about positions that much a few are Justin roses and a few other guys are it works for him for the majority it’s like Target as Andy says let the let the shot organize the swing right okay just yeah yeah so all we’re going to do now in this one is you’re literally going to get hit shots now and I want the ball starting here and curving back towards the target yeah get getting to shot that’s it love this now he’s getting into his course mode and this is where he can start to make some uh some this is where we’re going to see him go holy this is that’s that’s a different feeling can can you on this one make sure and guarantee you get that delay in your transition still yeah from the rotation just make sure you still move to the Target okay I don’t know whether it started left or right but it’s a beautiful golf shot a good shot it’s going to be really close to zero on the club path I’m sure of that but by the way this is great and because of your grip the way it is with it being slightly strong we you have got to be careful playing a draw cuz you might find that it actually turns into a hook real quick so this might be this this might be it one or two de left might be exactly where you should be hope you heard that okay we got a he plane fly interesting to see what see if you can get this path right ball starting right and bending back swing to the top and stop okay bump to the Target you delaying now swing through okay straight into the shot same sort of Feeling Again ball starting right okay that was nice nice face is just a fraction open face made it start right yeah the move there was very very different okay still a little l so we we can yeah you’re just manipulating that face a little bit yeah good though I actually like that it’s very Darren Clark on the way through like that which is good I’ll take it see an Open Championship sure why not he definitely likes a few get us that’s for P there you go so delay delay delay delay delay delay push and move there we go I don’t know pick it up sometimes doesn’t pick it up when you hit the stick that was nice I think maybe when you go in the course as well one thing you might have to catch is that width of stance just to not kind of finding yourself back into a really Comfort comfortable Zone do you know what I do with a lot of people stay there just on that because this is really important M used to be a met but it’s a yard roller apparently these days live in America but measure how far away that’s actually an awesome this is I I mean the best players I coach I know how wide their stance is when they’re hitting their best I know how far from the golf ball they standing these are so simple things we don’t do videos on this because no one’s going to watch it because they’re like well done you know how far you stand from the wall but it’s so important and for you if you just knew how wide your stance was with a S9 that would be good so go wide okay outside oh probably piss if I turn it that way around yeah 24 Ines to the outside of that foot from the outside of this so if you got a 24 in wide stance we’re good okay you can hit this one smooth transition nice I me how hard did you hit that not very hard okay delayed at the top lay go it’s not bad it’s still he does when he does his still too much rotation when he’s hitting that compared to the practice s it’s going to be a couple left who left come on you got this and you were eight left at the start one eight left so this is still great you’re still like six degrees difference here and you put this over a month of practice it’ll it’ll be it’ll be there I I think if you this would be my only concern would be if you got really good at this right now and drawing it today yeah I I would actually be more concerned than I am right now because I think in two months time you’d be going Pier what have you done I’m now hooking it and I think you could go that way and we’d have to be careful and also this Lees a few elements and components that are going to be good for your driver yeah okay but let’s let’s still see for the sake of this video if we can get it through if you were two degrees left from this alignment you’re still playing really nice gol you’re still playing really nice golf cuz the face is really stable through the ball yeah not not a bad place to be they lay at the top bump the target I think that number might might be quite good I think the face was just yeah there about 3° left as Andy said has said a few times look you’re doing this from aiming Square now you were probably aiming the amount right you were aiming was probably relative to 8 degrees difference in club path right okay on this one we’re going to hit it and we’re just going to go real slow no stopping yeah okay still looks rotation to me that did yeah interesting Cody just come have a quick look at this though we’ll definitely see a difference here I mean no that was three look at this look at this now yeah so you can see what you’re doing to the ground you are busting the ground you are pushing into here now so you are now definitely putting more like normally you’d be coming back this way right you’d be sort of spinning back but now you can see as you’re swinging down now you’re pushing into the ground this way more which is actually just causing the ground to break up okay which is good yeah but you’re doing that more in your practice swings and the stopping at tops it’s not quite there in the actual shot okay think about this as well the more you know the more that you move to the left every time you move left it’s going to make you hit more down and as you hit more down the path goes more right so the more you rotate and stay behind it the more the path’s going to go left okay so the more you do this not only does it shallow you out as you shift left it again pushes the path right because your attack angle are going to go steeper so everything is moving you in the right direction here oh oh there there’s a shot and there’s there’s a shot draw don’t think I’ve ever said that in a video before here we go 36 3.6 to the right Ian’s over there texting his misses um nowhere near the video he just hit the best shots of his life the viewers could see it and he wasn’t there he wasn’t there right let’s I don’t believe it happened it happened we’re done too late now you’ve missed it just as well it was on camera watch this look at this now that’s look at the left leg Yeah we go disappear yeah yeah but you can see the club now the club is underneath the seam of your right shoulder yeah he was not like that before and I always I’d say look at the club there there nice boom that’s get As Good As It Gets that’s the money spot right there that’s absolutely on plane for us we would call that as as a two-dimensional plane you’re beautifully on plane but the win then we know that was 3.6 to the right and that golf ball it is Darren Clark through it is it’s Darren Clark keep that Darren the thing is the fact that you’ve got a Clark through swing is going to mean that you won’t hit it to the left yeah Clark is so stable with his face like I don’t see that you you’re going to have a problem with turning it over uh let’s record let’s record another one yeah yeah do that that’s good because we can get that in video that’s actually quite it’s quite good fun that you weren’t there actually really good so you are now you were 2.2 Ines before now 4 point five Ines on the way down so you’ve now you’ve moved another couple of inches which is exactly that last was 4.5 yeah Mikey phenomenal if we think about what we’ve gone from we’ve gone from aiming miles right we’ve gone from there spinning and hanging on that back foot getting short of that impact line and having a a number which was pretty neutral on there but in reality as soon as we aimed you square we could see that you were 8 degrees left with your Club p on average so we squared you up we can see that we’ve got a wider stance we flared the left foot out we can now see from here you’ve now got a permission to move to the Target and you’ve gone from 2.2 in of hip sway towards the target when you were spinning now when you were spinning now you’re driving 4.5 in on that shot there that’s doubled the amount of hip sway you’ve took eight degrees off your club path to the left all from aiming square and just having the permission to move and the good thing is the drill we gave you you don’t need to practice a lot you could just do that as a practice swing and then hit the shot when you play golf practice swing do that when you play golf and I really like where you’re living at the moment on one degree left I think that’s a real nice place no I appreciate it thank you Legend thank you sir clarky clarky is the the name all right guys um as we hope with all of these videos you saw a little bit of something for yourself to take away in there I loved the structure I loved the the setup station that the boys gave you um you know there was there was some things to help you realize why you’re doing what you’re doing really take you walk you through that to really understand it I think you do truly understand why you moving that way now for sure I think the biggest takeaway is you know you want to go practice and hit some balls and you have a an idea of what to do rather than just show up and not not pay attention so yeah it’s good you’ve got a test coming yeah I know tomorrow morning remember 24 in with the stand 2 feet 2 feet there we go I’ll be at TPI at 3 in the morning yeah that was good buty guys really appreciate having the boys with us on the channel this is going to be the first of three we have you on the channel so we we’re going to focus on Mikey today we thought that’ be a great way for us to bring some of the the comments I guess you guys have been you know in in the nicest possible way trying to say to Mikey like are you working in some stuff you really weren’t working in some stuff so we thought this would be a perfect opportunity to bring that to the channel so you guys can see a little bit of what the boys bring on their Channel on your Channel all the time I think it would be great to revisit this later down the line and go right that’s your accountability to practice and then we go okay how is it how’s it working yeah totally yeah well you’ve got some markers you obviously sport box you’ve got a sports box account I mean there there’s there’s accountability when you’re aw no excuses no excus no excuses fantastic okay guys hope you really enjoyed that stay tuned for more and we’ll see you again soon [Music]


  1. Keep your back to the target for longer on the way down, or feel the shoulders stay squarer for longer r

  2. A suggestion. If you are focusing on club path for the lesson. When you overlay the full swing tiles you should include club path.

  3. Great work Mikey and the boys of Me and my golf! All the support and greetings from Finland.

  4. Such a good video and nice to see some legit golf coaching that is not overly technical but highly relevant. There is a lot from this lesson that could apply to anyone who has played golf for a long time but doesn't understand why you don't get any better. Just committing to consistent check-ins on proper alignment will have a positive effect – no matter what the other flaws are that need to be addressed. I've learned that I should not go see a golf coach for additional lessons until I've gotten my alignment sorted as he's going to start there anyway so much more effective and to the point when I don't need to spend half the lesson on alignment. Per the coaches other point, being able to do this work on my own has created much more independence and ability to sort out loads more issues on my own.

  5. WOOOOO!!!!!!! I've got the same problem with my swing! only i suffer with early extension, and i keep thinning the ball. This will definitely help my swing for sure! I'm so happy for you mikey! I can't wait to hear all the great shots you've made! We definitely need to see another course vlog after this swing fix! Cheers my friend!

  6. Watch out Fraz….a new swing and the confidence from it, and Clarkey will be flaming them like the Human Torch. Nice job Piers, and the new DC.

  7. Great lesson and totally relatable for many of us slightly over the top players. I really like how they went step by step to get to that final swing path and creating more ball compression too! Will any of this carry over towards your driver swing too, or totally separate moves?

  8. Great job Mikey! with all the nonstop instruction chatter being thrown at you you did a wonderful job trying to stay focused and processing what you needed to do. Wonderful lesson but I've got to say… do those 2 ever shut up? lol I train horses and we always try to give instruction, let them try and then leave them alone to let them "soak" mentally slow down and process the new information. Something those 2 might try

  9. Great lesson from Andy and Piers. Wondering if Ian's brain was melting during this lesson with all the S&T hate in the TXG videos. If you focus on the caddy view during the lesson, you can see it is standard procedure talked about extensively from Andy and Mike. There is no lateral shifting off the ball on the backswing, and a large shallowing component is the lateral bump towards the target to initiate the downswing. Did the lesson hurt your worldview of the golf swing or even your feelings, Ian? 🙂

  10. Fantastic video. Nice work Mikey. This is exactly what i am working on a this moment. Weight shift and hip movement toward the target. Thank you for helping me in my golf swing.

  11. Mikey lookin smoooooth with that pause drill. I'm talkin George Clooney smooth. That's pretty damn smooth.

  12. I tell you what, these Mikey swing videos are some of the best content. Way to be open Mike, great stuff for viewers and hopefully also your golf game

  13. Nice video from an educational perspective and congrats Mikey. Golf instruction can be so complicated and technical but the boys from MeandMyGolf made it simple and concise. Well done and Thank you! Good luck getting to scratch Mikey.

  14. Perfect video, I've always hit a draw but get guilty of the feet aiming more right of target, which mentally stops the forward weight shift and turns my draw into a duck hook.
    I've been working on this drill at the range until my left leg is sore 😂
    The accuracy and ease of power required for the shot you want is mind blowing when you get it right is a blissful feeling 😊

  15. Great video as usual. I can really relate, as I have the same problem. My issue is a left hip replacement that makes it difficult to move towards the target. Any advice on how I can compensate would be greatly appreciated.

  16. Great work. Love that the guys didn’t go straight to the grip. Had this happen and my swing was a train wreck for a month. All I could think about was the grip. The guys talked more about feel and not strictly mechanics. Outstanding instructors. Mikey, you also have a great instructor with Ian that knows your swing better than anyone. Please do a trade with him. You listen to his instruction at home. In exchange, he has to listen to you and play the clubs you fit him with!!!! 🙂 Thanks again. You guys make it fun for us.

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