The Best Tip to Shallow the Driver Golf Swing

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hey golfers Tony mcmahen the founder of smart Golf Academy here today we’re going to talk about how to hit your driver a little straighter something very simple for you so if you are someone who hits slices or Fades this is going to be a good tip for you and it’s going to help you to get a little bit more efficiency out of your swing and hit the ball a little straighter but before we get to that we would love it if you give us a like and a subscribe to the channel that would really help us to put out some great content we’d love it even more if you drop us a message let us know what’s missing out of your game or what you would like to improve on to help you enjoy the game more and maybe we can make a video that’s going to help you do exactly that so now without further Ado to the driver if you’re someone that hits your driver and you can’t control it let’s say you’re right-handed and you hit those big Fades and those big slices and you just can’t seem to figure it out I’m going to give you kind of a general tip here but there’s a good chance that you’re steep when you swing so steep would be when you take the club back you’re kind of swinging it up in the air and the shaft is going up and you’re you’re getting the club very high in a position here and then when you start down you’re very steep on the downswing because from here you’re trying to go straight to the golf ball that makes you steep your angle is steep into it and that gives you a lot of Sid spin there are three things that are always present when you hit a fade there is an open Club face an out in path and of course a steep swing what we want is a more shallow swing so here’s the picture if you’re you have imagination or your visual type person I want to give you a picture if you were going to swing your golf club in a room I’m six feet tall if I want to swing my golf club in a room that only has seven to eight foot tall ceilings I would have to swing it considerably flatter so I’m creating a picture of that in my mind and I’m watching the club go back when I say more shallow I mean I want the shaft more parallel of course it won’t be completely parallel but more parallel to the ground so now I’m in a 7ot tall room that’s pretty pretty flat right there and then on the other side of me match that angle pretty flat on both sides what does that do for us that gives us a chance to attack the golf ball with an inside out path a more Square Club face and the opposite of steep but more shallow if we can get that club face a little more square and our path a little better we’re going to see some really good things simple drill before you hit the ball if you go to the range to practice or maybe even when you’re playing let you’re playing uh competitive and partners know what you’re doing here but you’re going to set up you’re going to get the club about 6 to8 inches off the ground and you’re going to swing very flat okay shaft is around my right shoulder height wise and then I’m going to swing it’s around my left shoulder I’m going to do that a few times here here some of you may even notice that you turn a little bit more when you swing a little bit flatter because that’s helping you to get more torso rotation always a good thing okay one more time nice and flat and nice and flat now you’re ready to hit the ball so again as I set up I’m thinking I’m in my seven foot tall ceiling go ahead and swing back nice and shallow perfect right down the middle so if you want to improve your ball flight if you want to improve the direction of your ball flight more specifically and get rid of that big curve to the right think about swinging a little flatter just Envision yourself in a room that has very low ceilings and you’re going to swing flatter underneath that ceiling and you just want to give yourself an opportunity to swing more shallow rather than more steep for more tips like these go to smart golf go to the Online Academy we’re going to make you a better player

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