TruBank Des Moines Challenge presented by DGA ft. Fredy Meza

The Des Moines Challenge is here and we are back in the beautiful rolling hills of Pickard Park to play one of the tour favorite courses! A couple new course changes have made a great course even better so watch to the end to see what’s in store for the players this weekend! Thanks to Fredy for joining and helping us break down the course!

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Cheers Y’all
Connor O’Reilly

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what’s up disc golfers we are in the land of corn Iowa that is here in the beautiful Hills at the De Moine challenge I’m joined by Freddy Masa my Lone Star teammate and we’re going to show you guys guys one of my favorite courses on tour picker Park let’s cut to the chase Freddy’s about to show this guy how to throw a drive not even close you good man all right home one par four out of bounds on both sides you got to throw a good drive and the farther you throw it the better chance you have add a birdie here Starship off the tea ah stable Starship you didn’t think that was going to make it but I trust my Starship bro come on where need throw con St or try the Starship see how it’s playing I already throw one oh you already threw it okay yeah I’m going to throw wber I’m going to throw my other Starship just to see how stable it is before I just throw it to the wolves on whole four you what I’m saying oh that’s stable was that newest Starship yeah it’s like the same as the other one one more W and this it what up K thinking all the the grass all the rain all hum coming from the ground bro like I can’t B we thought we were fine leaving Columbia Missouri coming up to Iowa but this humity has followed Freddy and I we are sweating bullets y’all Sweating Bullets it’s like a big Greenhouse out here you got the evaporation happening from all the storms yesterday we had to stay off the course till noon today let it dry out a little bit bit so we see how the footing is throughout what do you think H 370 yeah probably somewhere in that range I’m going to try to go like straight out in the left side by the trees give me outside 30 at least still short yeah play out left for a circle two put here is something you’re going to see a lot this weekend I’m going to play this one with the Wrangler and try to flip it up flat since this drive got down here pretty nice maybe try to sneak into that left side of circle one possibly oh I just needed more height on that one but line was solid we got a gap put 40 verel 60 out see if we can make the first putt do you practice pot I did a little bit earlier but all right let’s see see what ab’s got y’all Sandy what you got AB let’s see if AB can spin us around if so well that man’s exactly what we know he is a filthy animal oh here he comes good easy that makes it an easy forehand Zone all right we got Freddy looking at like a 68 footer time start the round about 2 m inside the circle so Curry range to get it going o pretty close for the first part of the day I get her next time oh we got a little bit of a window y’all got to go Heiser putt but it’s there see if we got the heart might have to like a layout butt here it’s pretty far oh try to give it all to you guys but hey what are you going try forehand like from that angle forehand like kind of horny to forehand I’ll try one it’s a little touchy maybe Penny putter what’s up boy let’s see if I got I was going in I saying for sure oh nice shot all day you definitely you want an opportunity on home one but honestly taking your four is just fine it’s good opportunity to give yourself a clean look anything inside the circle though you had to throw pretty sweet shot one or two all right guys we got whole you here 753 pretty much you want to throw something over stable coming left side throw Heiser uh you want to throw like at least 480 so you can have it not even 480 380 I’m going to try to go left side I don’t see too many people going this way from me I’m going to try try to get in the corner to have a easy shot to the basket yeah Freddy taking the riskier option of the two but kind of playing it to the same Landing Zone yeah right in front of the Drop Zone easy I’ll play the I’ll play the traditional Hiser for you guys I’m going over stable Starship this one is in the uh I don’t know it’s like Alpha style plastic do you know the name of this one I’m not sure I know you threw kind of the Charlie style which is the cosmic I’m not sure the name of this one but these things are really overstable check it out I’m just going to jam it hard and flat right at that high ve grocery sign in the background look for a hefty fade I’m going to hit this thing really hard CU if you throw the right disc you almost can’t go along here that’s not a Starship that’s a warber the Starship is the right disc that’s the furthest up the hill I’ve pushed it yet this week and I what I like about being further up the hill is it opens up those angles into the green gives you more options whether it’s forehand or backhand I’m going to throw one more going to throw W in the right side [Applause] oh Freddy’s thinking now y’all let good shot how far you got we still got 390 to the basket oo when I said 400 from the Drop Zone I’d say that was accurate call all right second shot I’m going to try to put it close to the basket we still got 4un to get it to the basket to get a chance to get it ready I’m going to throw my off of vanet you’ve ever seen Freddy play this is his most thrown disc little look here but that’s the safe Miss yeah like I said I’m high enough on the hill and I kind of got to this flat zone of the runup so pretty advantageous spot to be pick your poison I’m going forehand warm it up use the more open side of the Gap here and the slope Falls away to the left so the forehand can kind of dive into that slope for you Alpha tombstone hung on to that thing yeah we’re uh we’re in the jungle that’s what that is we’re in the jungle in the jungle a little strong there it’s okay we still in pars we can get it Bry now a lot of players you might think they’re out of position but I’ve learned my lesson about counting Freddy out you know I’m not going to do it till I see the disc at the ground you still want to try to make it biry you know that oh my God y’all my life flashed before my eyes if there’s a will there’s a way you know what they say Nice Shot PA ofar is to start Conor from the jungle and a mandatory tick cheick we’re good nice plot if you’re a big sweaty guy like me or if you’re just a small sweaty person big sweaty person doesn’t matter what size you are sweat towels crucial part of the kit during summer at least for me they start us off with two power power fours on the first two holes and then we get here into the woods on hole three you got some downward elevation change a gently left to right moving shape here plays well for a straight backhand that turns a little bit or a nice forehand you do have the water looming on the right side as it slops away down to that water through the Gap and I love that they cleared this Gap out a little bit from last year it was kind of a luck shot now there’s a Pure Line there and you got to love it last year used to be more trees Connor yeah there was like double the trees on the Gap there so you kind of so that tree looks like there used like yeah that tree was there and there was at least five more trees between us and the basket in the center yeah in the back in the middle kind of and a little bit of both so you saying so it was a little more lucky now it’s like there’s kind of a pure line now or there definitely is a Pure Line now so you’re saying it’s a chance this one also kind of uh for a par three really shows you if a player prefers backhand or forehand cuz they’re both pretty Equitable here me and Freddy been leaning backhands though Benny Penny style you know how we do it but oh day thank you if you see this jersey and you like it you can pick it up at gorilla or if you see this disc and you like it you can get that at lonar tell them Freddy or you can get Freddy’s mad cat or Walker at Lone Star disc as well so go check them out use code Clover 20 to save on me and Freddy’s disc and you’ll get extra lucky I’m not going to need to get lucky on this hole but later on the course it’s going to come in handy for me I promise all right Tour series Penny putter really trying to go flat here any turn is kind of a bonus for me try to hit that dirt spot there right before the Gap get the little anti- jump we just throw it dead straight and hit the other dirt spot oh I got the latest drift on that maybe it’s finally starting to get beat up a little bit getting sleepy now it’s good Freddy’s been calling it my horny my horny Penny since it’s fading like a horny toad that time it flew more like a penny putter I’m going to throw my T Benny oh just kidding a Benny might as well be Freddy just ped the line y’all IND C1 got to love it think that’s a line little touches like the bridge here are part of what make this course more beautiful and better every year plus the pond is at historical Heights we’ve never seen it this High yesterday we came and check it checked it out and we saw all kind of wildlife muskrats snakes eating bullfrogs there were what else we have insects you don’t even want to evern learn about in your life now most people would think this is a death putt but it’s not death if you just see success out of the out of the hand you don’t got to think about the death give me that oh hey birdie time thank you thank you hi Connor I see you I see you put the pressure on Freddy let’s see if he can knock it down he said oh what pressure basket tried to give it to me I didn’t want that good stick give him his putt whole four how epic is it Freddy tell him about it all whole four guys we got like 470 over the water but this hope play more like 520 if you got 520 definitely you can go straight to the water straight at it over those trees to the basket oh like me I’m going to try to go high and going to the short basket I already lost you this yeah I think at the part of that this hole that like Freddy said makes it play longer is probably just the mental tension of a long water shot like this knowing that if you mess up your disc probably gone all right let’s see how to flly this Conor Riley stamp Alpha being it you want anything with that stamp I got a number of molds hit me up on Instagram or comment on this video and hopefully we can get you some Freddy Park in the shore basket wanted to do I got this Starship I just put in for this hole so I’m going to go no guts no glory try to get it there oh I need to go uh it’s going to be there but it’s just a little safe you know what that’s a long bid we’ll take it all right guys that’s what I landed here by the short T box I mean a short basket probably got like what do you think 90 yeah right in that range 90 out so I’m going to try to make it birdie so try to play safe in the left side kind of baby an it oh look at him trus in that late fade of the blue bonnet well done little bonus I might throw that one honestly maybe if it’s headwind I’ll throw the Starship there more stable bro it’s crazy yeah all right Starship was a little bit stalled out but still anywhere inside Circle too feels like you did a solid job on the te here try to give it a bid do it oh get D tickle them chains got to want it got to want it PA of pars is going to beat the course average on this hole although oh no Conor some of those scores towards the top we’ll get some birdies Conor get it for missed though dang come on Freddy doesn’t have faith in me hole 5 is the same island hole as years past but the Drop Zone rules have gotten switched up to make it a little bit more diabolical if you miss you got to proceed to the fpo drop or the FP has your first drop zone you miss from there then you go to the putting drop zone so little more importance of sticking this one rather than just uh entertaining all the fans that are sitting in the stance here I’m going Tupac Cabra hang it out right cover you need to go Go baby go that did feel soft out of the hand but amazing dis selection I got to say baby I’m not going to lie yall said he said FR said he’s got to go I believed him I was like oh no it’s so short all right guys going to throw a CH car I’m going to try to get a beny up there o Fredy going to flex his muscles on me sorry for this terrible camera glare off of that Moss layer you guys but it is affecting our eyes as well oh Freddy beautiful yeah love the confidence PA of putts here on the fifth oh yeah Freddy oh oh no bro football you know what he called it football we’re going to go back to the old rules where that’s a warning and so I’m just going to reput and I’m going to take my birdie that used to be the rules can you believe it you throw I think so y’all roast me in the comments if I’m wrong there’s a big foot on the right side of whole threes Gap and then you get here to six and you got the caution Bigfoot mating area sign they got a thing for bigfoots out here in De Mo I wonder if Jay Yeti raing has any uh say on that whole six guys we got a 633 you want to throw something no I got a lot of people is going to go for four hands big forand in the left side get like at least three 350 so I can have a shot for second I’m going I’m going on a Starship I tried to get it like flop and turn over give me a shot for 400 the second shot looks pretty that one looks solid yeah oh thank you good shot by Freddy faded out down there in a pretty optimal Landing Zone push it I can’t spy you dry I’m taking the Fairway driver approach here it’ll just hold a easy gentle turn for me disc of choice prototype Alpha Wrangler key lime pie y’all seen this thing fly a time or two am I good okay put it up high over that whole seven basket out in the distance let it run plenty height should get back to Flat at the least Nice Shot thanks Freddy you going to have a nice for hand for that all right guys that’s where landed my first shot so the second shot is going to be like kind of like blind shot I’m going to throw M cap to the right side kind of Spiker oh looks like I hit a tree coming a little short probably 60 40 out all right I am very pinched right I’m going to go Spike Heiser chupacabra see if we can finesse this angle that’s going to be a putt hopefully all right I’m going to fetal crowd’s position Annie Annie look nice shot it’s good we’ll take part from there cor put in the woods it’s me I hit this tree right yeah you hit that last one come on just give it to me two Ines player B play B he don’t want to make it either got it one one H par camera [Music] skill what he stole my chains y’all Y seen it we have arrived to the platform T of the hexagon home hole seven kind of sketchy Turf not going to lie I don’t love this hopefully we can get this redone it always gets matted with mud and I don’t know not the best especially when it’s wet but good conditions right now so we’ll take advantage of it everything not inside the hexagon of wood chips is Hazard so take it where it lies with an extra stroke I’m going Pokeball Wrangler little hint to turn out of the hand make sure to really get on it cuz it says 345 on that t- sign but it’s going to play 400 and if you ever look up and see that flag with zero win what a lucky shot that’s a code Clover 20 Freddy if you buy your disc right now lard use that code you’ll get skips like I just got for pretty looks that’s a lucky shot lucky I eat aish right going try y I don’t throw that far so I I throw like Conor so I’m going to throw one of my bay with my stamp so we I can make it up there I have a trouble with this hole so I still need to figure out how to get it couple holes Freddy’s still finding his angles on but he looks like he found one there woo okay yeah just cleared it let’s good we’re both putting that’s what we want all right Freddy and I both inside Circle one here one two three Freddy out by a disc or two maybe H it’s okay we’re going to take a same score there you go all right pair of three Downs for Freddy and I so far we’ve waited the Bogies taking the birdies where we can get them I think uh both of us wouldn’t be too mad with a score like this to start feeling it out you know we could be hotter but at the same time we’re in control keeping it in bounds that’s what it’s about all right guys8 580 straight down we got a little right to left wi I’m going to try to go straight out to the basket I’m going to throw off of B it see if I can get a bir in this hole and I’m going to take advantage of this lower wind I’m going to play my howler get out of the way cuz Freddy solid line there that was a good shot this is a new distance driver from gorilla got some great distance potential see if I can finesse the angle with this touch of right to left Freddy was talking about oo that’s a lot more like it come on hey neighbor right there hanging with Freddy just a bit of a lower line you know two ways to get get there all right classic classic put off couple meters out for myself Freddy a little bit closer there is a bit of a drop off behind the basket so if you’re going to run this one you got to run it with conviction no let’s go yellow rose oh all right nice birie so now I need to follow that yeah whether you want to put with yellow rose or Blues on it I think they’re both great options wow and apparently the basket likes the Yellow Rose better even though Freddy that’s brutal centered that putt that was rude he deserves it what do y all think okay does Freddy deserve that putt to stay are y’all one of those people who thinks that that was a bad putt by Freddy I think that was not a good catch that’s my opinion y’all let us know in the comments hole nine very unique hole it’s one of those holes you’re not going to be able to practice at your local course unless you just happen to have this hill front shot like this as well cresting over this hill that maybe Rises a solid 40 ft in the first like 80t of the flight it kind of gently slopes out still goes up all the way to the basket says 305 honestly it’s going to play somewhere in the range of like 370 powerwise and because of that I’m going Trinity popping it flat trusting it all the way to the basket what I like to see is a little bit of turn out of my hand like that and then if I see it coming back left I know it’s not going to be too far right cuz this one does choke down on the basket without a bounds on all sides that should be C1 though I like that one huh I like it 370 up here huh all right I’m going to throw F I’m going to try to force a little bit ride try to put in the center Freddy with the skip shot C two baby you know what this is one of those holes where being a tall guy isn’t a bad thing you know my my release is maybe a couple inches taller than Freddy’s that’s not fair ooo that’s thing be yeah that’s a solid one that’s what I tried to do I’m going say that one’s about 22 ft huge shout out to the de Mo Crew putting in this staircase here cuz when inclement weather climbing that hill was pretty hard and just having the Rope you know it was helpful but uh the stairs what a touch and here we go as we get up here you guys see the continued slope of this one and the slope never shows truly on camera so I always encourage yall show down to get out in person there you can see look at that tea box literally down there in a pit I’ve never seen a hole quite like it get up here beautiful hilly Meadow Freddy taking some of those local mulberries that we discovered they have tons of out here and these are the good variety I think the red mulberries that are a lot more sweet and tasty than I think the white variety that’s Source super sour Freddy Freddy got to learn how to pick them come on baby woo all right here was Freddy’s shot that contacted the ground quick still got an outside look fade woo almost to be honest I thought mine would be either on the short or the right side the way it flew but just like I said you do want to see a little bit of turn on this flight otherwise you might find yourself too far left coner get it up oh you don’t want to get another shro I was dialed in on those short baskets that I was putting on this morning and now I forgot that I got to raise it up come that’s a good excuse if you’re still watching this video and you haven’t already hit that subscribe button tell me in the comments what do I need to do to get you to subscribe cuz I’d love to do it whatever it is whether it’s beat this guy make him jump in the swampy water on whole five or him beat me you you know I don’t care whatever entertains you guys that’s what I want see this SCE if you want to or if you want to support Freddy and myself the description below is going to have all the ways to do that be able to purchase Freddy’s Tour series and mine we’ll see you on the back n it’s going to be out soon that’s right check it out


  1. I would love to get some discs with that CO stamp.
    Great seeing both of you again
    Different throwing and playing styles.
    Big putting Freddie. What a nice putt.

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