How to swing from inside to out?

cuz I didn’t get I didn’t get a club face time enough to get square cuz I go slow if I go fast then it’ll go straight if I go slow it’s going to be like this and it’s going to go to the right see what I’m saying yeah so now watch me go fast she now I H my natural draw put it went straight DW to the left but you got to go fast too because if I look you swing on the ark you swing on the ark Club goes like this then it comes back this way but if you slow your Club down it’s going to be open see how open it is now it’s going to go over that way so you got to keep that speed going so to get back like this and go you see what I’m saying so you swing on Arc right but the arc got to be constant motion so to get by Straight if you don’t it’s not going to get straight it’s going to go to the right okay the swing is there you just got to speed your hands up you know what I mean right so cuz all you all you’re doing is going like this you’re going all the way around so basically what you do is you can hold the club out like this right I tell you the easy way the easy way for you to learn this is what you need to do right you ready mhm so this is going to be the ball the ball is going to be sitting right here right so what we’re going to do now we’re going to train our hands right so we going to take the club back and we going swing out to the right take the club back swing out to the right see it take the club back swing out to the right right cuz this is what you doing you taking the club back and you swinging this right so what you want to do is you want to take the club back see what I’m saying you see so you swinging Inside Out you swinging outside in Inside Out is I’m coming from here this is the inside I’m coming here and I’m going that way you going this way you need to go that way right so this hand this hand in the gos one this is when you got a glove on the reason why you got a glove on it so you can control the club that’s why the glove is on your left hand that’s why the glove is on his right hand cuz you got to control the club with this hand right this hand right here only thing this hand does in the golf swing is skip rocks on water right you ready skip rocks on water you know how skip rocks on water you got to skip rocks like that right so watch this skip Rock on water that’s all your right hand is doing just giveing rocks on water so you take the club B with his hand you pull it down right here and you skip right to the water all the way with your right hand take it back with his hand pull it down the here skip rocks some water with the other that’s how they work together so when you take them back it be like this all I try to help I’m trying to simplify it for you because

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