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Rob Parker Reveals That NBA Players Are Upset at Lebron, Marcellus Wiley Reveals The Details Of…

Rob Parker Reveals That Many NBA Players Are Upset at Lebron, Marcellus Wiley Reveals The Dirty Details Of The Shannon Sharpe Skip Bayless Fallout.


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hey what’s up everybody want to welcome you to another episode of The Dreamers Pro daily recap where we give you a recap of all of the Hot Topics that we covered that day you can catch them in their long format and also catch it fully streaming for free on Apple podcast so one of the biggest talking points in the NBA right now apart from the NBA draft I mean draft the NBA uh trade de trade yeah my Lord offseason free agency players being traded up and down uh people are still talking about bronny James being drafted by the Lakers is the 55th pick now one person that we didn’t get a chance to hear from rosat Parker from The Odd Couple with himself and Chris brousar one of my favorite shows on uh Fox Sports Radio I think probably Rob had off the last week because I didn’t see him and he had various people filling in for him during his time off so when he came back he was touching on a lot of things he talk about the Paul George move he felt that the Clippers should have moved up no I think that was Chris brousar but they talked about the idea of the Clippers moving off of kawaii Leonard instead they spoke about that U they spoke about Klay Thompson as well deciding not to stay with the Warriors but and but then they moved on to the bronnie James thing right and we had heard from everyone but the person we hadn’t heard from was Rob Parker so I clicked on the show now if you know anything about Rob he’s opinionated he’s not afraid to say what he thinks um and that’s one of the things we like about him agree or disagree uh with him that’s just one of the things we like about him so in this particular episode they’re talking about Brony James and Rob Parker essentially begins to say that how he hated the fact that the Lakers did this but he gave a good reason and the reason is and I’m going to explain it later is he said this is not good for sports right so what we want to do now is want to play exactly what Rob Parker had to say I want you guys to listen to it in its entirety because Chris brousard actually pushes back on him from various occasion and then Rob Parker continues to explain his point so I want you guys to listen to that in its entirety and going to come back uh and React to what they had to say take a listen to these gentlemen here I think this is the worst decision that’s have ever happened in professional sports and I’m dead serious when I say that the worst by a team a player all around every everybody involved in this because it changes what the essence of the game has always been which is about competition Chris this is what we’ve always talked about and the reason why you have an NFL where you have n essentially 99% of the owners are white and yet the league is 70% black meritocracy is what allowed this to be the case they didn’t go out and just fill their teams with people who look like them because they own the team and said I don’t care I’m going to do what I want to do and no one can tell me cuz I own the team it was about the best people went out there played the game and the people who deserve to to get jobs got jobs I heard a lot of people throw around nepotism and there’s plenty of nepotism and I’ve been critical I was the one that threw it around yeah I plenty and I’ve thrown out nepus Chris it’s wrong long we’ve seen it especially in the front office ass front office all that but it ain’t the same as what we’ve seen here as far as on the field someone would have to show me on the field where some guy got his son a spot on a team or some owner put his nephew on oh just take the the the last spot on the roster it doesn’t matter I want you to be on the team because I own the team and and that’s the part I think when LeBron looks at his legacy that he’ll be leaving this sport in a worse place than when he got here and what I mean is he’s opened up a Pandora’s Box now to where I don’t know how you tell people uh not to do what he just did right his his kid by all of the scouts not Rob Parker as a scout all the scouts smaller guard Chris he’s didn’t have a great year in college all this thing he might have made a te might have been able to be on a team as a non-drafted player and worked his way through and all that right could have but this was like no he’s coming to the Lakers get out of the way don’t draft them this is all about LeBron making this happen I remember when Tim TBO went down to Jacksonville people were like what to play a position he had never played he was an older player but Urban Meer oh that’s my nextto neighbor people weren’t with it people throw out the Dallas Cowboys Chris it’s filled with nepotism he has all of his kids in the front office but I could justify a family business where you’re hiring people in your family more so than I can on a team or on a because nepotism no and I’m not saying I’m against nepotism but I’m talking I’m against nepotism what I’m saying is when you play on the field that is supposed to be based on your Merit your ability and not and that’s where someone would have to show me where owner and owners have done this in the past cuz I can’t find it I can’t find where they put somebody on a team because they own the team or they wanted to help out their kid if if was essentially nepotism no but he didn’t make the team but he got a try out but I’m talking about Andy Reid’s kids Bill bich check’s kids did he put them on a team or he go hey you can work your way up get broken in half I mean they’re not even remotely like bri here’s where I I mean I disagree with you overall uh and there are players it’s not just front office and coaching staff where we’ve seen this fases an Deo think he’s much of a player wait but wait a minute the difference the okay but was he who was who drafted him I don’t know who drafted him but he’s got a contract now with the Bucks because Giannis is on the bucks no but the Knicks drafted him and and let me say this Chris I’m glad you brought that up that came after giannis’s first year when he averaged six points and four rebounds so it wasn’t as if he was a big star and they knew it he Giannis didn’t even block him yet when the Knicks drafted his brother so that that’s not where yianis still on the team no but I’m talking about he was a he was drafted originally by the Knicks after Giannis didn’t have a big year so Giannis had no play he he couldn’t tell the Knicks to draft his brother he averaged six points his rookie year it’s possible that Brony would have got drafted cuz here’s the thing you you brought up I mean I’m told four teams were interested so you heard you heard heard what Rob Parker had to say his basic point and one of the points that he brought up was the fact that Sports is supposed to be about Merit meaning because if you listen carefully Chris brousar was giving him multiple various examples of where nepotism has take place within all of Sports NFL uh um uh in the NBA but what Rob was saying was this he said for instance the owner of the most valuable sport franchise in the world in the Dallas Cowboys if Jerry Jones decides to give his kids uh positions within the organization yes that is nepotism and they just got those positions because their father owns a team he said that but in sports sports is supposed to be based off of the Merit based off of the fact that look your abilities are getting you to wherever place you’re going to be in your career it should be based on your abilities your accomplishments whatever it is that to ultimately determine how far you go in your career or at the very least whether or not you get drafted into the NBA and that is a fundamental difference because Sports seems to be one of those things that is a a meritocracy right you can’t talk your way into having great results or great production the results speak for themselves that’s an interesting point but then if you listen carefully Chris brousard then pushed back he said but look at this situation with the uh what is it the with the Milwaukee Bucks and thanasis an TMO Yiannis an tmo’s brother and then Rob Parker brought up another good point which was he was like I understand what you’re saying but the issue I’m having with your argument or at least this example is that thanes was already drafted before he got to the Milwaukee Bucks so he already made it into the NBA now some people say well he’s Jumbo’s brother with the name whatever whatever regardless of that you still got to be good enough you still got to be good enough and he was already on an NBA team in the case of Brony he was never on any other NBA team and a lot of people speculated that bronnie may have not may have not been ready for this particular draft now is this saying that we know what Bron is going to turn into because of his no we don’t know look at Isaiah Thomas right not the the Hall of Famer but the other Isaiah Thomas he came into the NBA at his size he was doing amazing things you saw what he was doing uh for the Boston Celtics and he was even shorter or he is even shorter than Brony James so no one is putting a cap on Bron’s uh uh uh uh possibilities going into the future however I think the main point that Rob Parker was speaking to was Sports is supposed to be based on Merit and he is not certain that this situation had anything to do with Merit uh Rob Parker made his made his return back into the sports media space I think he was away for about a week or so because I hadn’t been hearing him on FOX Sports radio but he made his return I think yesterday and one of the shows that they discussed himself and Chris brousard was this story surrounding the Lakers drafting LeBron’s first son Brony James and it’s brought in a mixed bag of emotions and opinions some people are for it some people are against it I know some people that are pro the nepotism some people are against it right I heard you can hear people like Adrian wowski Stephen A Smith I think Ryan Clark they’re all for it if you listen to other people like bman Jones and others they’re against it right everyone has a different opinion so as I was listening to Rob Parker discussed this they got to a particular point in the conversation between himself and Chris brard and he revealed some information that I was unaware of right and the information essentially was Rob Parker said that he had spent some time talking to various other former NBA players and what he said was a lot of former NBA players are upset that LeBron forced the Lakers to draft his son bronnie James for the simple reason that they wanted to make uh headlines and I was like wow we really got to touch on this so so what we want to do now is want to play what Rob Parker had to say I want you guys to listen to it it’s not that long listen to what he had to say uh and then want to come back and react to his comments take a listen to what Rob had to say here the whole process feels bad doesn’t feel good I feel bad for bronnie from the stpoint of where people will look at him where if this was on his own Merit Chris and and I’m saying on his own Merit and anybody drafted him and he worked his way through or whatever work through it it was I think he would have had a better situation or better chance without having people wear this on him that the only reason he’s there is his dad and people aren’t going to say it a lot of people aren’t going to say it publicly because LeBron still has power and has a big name and a lot of guys but I talked to a lot of former players who just to me said that this doesn’t feel right on the way that this was handled all the conversation about it everybody knew told you this months ago that he was going to the Lakers there was no doubt in my mind at all we both said yeah yeah how this was going to play out and that’s the part that that I I’m talking about when I look at the uh down the road and and the way we look at it did bronny get in strictly and we don’t and and you know you’re guess you’re guessing I’m guessing you think maybe it was just all on Brony and and it was all merited and there’s nothing funny about it I definitely nepotism played a role there is no question but I my thing is I I I don’t want to hear the nepotism card played when people and maybe you like you said you said you’ve been critical that’s fine but I don’t want to hear from people that haven’t said anything about the nepotism that is rampant in professional sports front office is a performance business as well uh coaching staff is a performance business as well and if if that Rob you know the league and the NFL and Major League Baseball nepotism is rampant rampant and so I don’t want to hear when it’s oh a player flexed his muscles well the the the owners and the GM’s been flexing their muscles left and right I disag what made Steve bich qualified to be a defensive coach with with the uh Patriots he’s out of the league now now he’s coaching in college yeah the difference here is when we talk about earning a spot on the roster and players knowing whether or not someone truly Bel belongs on a team and that that’s the difference here and I’m with you I said it before and I’ve said it before who’s the coach I always talk about with the chief who was the golf player I’m talking about Todd uh Haley Todd Todd Haley Todd Haley I’ve said it a million times Chris you’ve heard me on this show that’s an example I’m like look if y’all going to cut out neosis then cut it out then yeah so you heard what he had to say about former NBA players being upset with it I don’t think it’s just former NBA players I think there players in every single sport uh that that are not that are not happy with this as I said before there’s some that are all four right and I gave you some examples of people uh that see absolutely nothing wrong uh with this where do I land on this look um as a parent and I’m sure some of you watching this show are also parents uh you want the best for your kids right you want the best for your kids you want to ensure that you give them every opportunity that you can and they have a leg up in life if they can right to go go on and live a better life than you I think that’s what all parents want um so a lot of us feel that way however um there’s some of us out here that also want our kids to earn it now what do I mean by that earning it in the sense that look you put in the work and you deserve to be here you deserve to be here now coming from my culture as um ebos it really comes down to the the the the parent but generally ebos are very industrious people right most of them are entrepreneurs most of them if I can look at my family now I can tell you they’re multiple millionaires I’m not talking about like me I’m talking about like uncles multiple guys they’re multiple guys that have business multiple I it’s it’s more than five right it’s a lot because they’re very industrious people and in our culture it’s like some of them may come from wealthy homes but that doesn’t mean you’re promised a damn thing you got to go out there and earn it if you listen to a player like Shaq Shaq reminds me of an EO dad Shaq is like look I’m rich ain’t no we rich I’m rich you got to go out there and earn it now I can give you some uh uh uh stipping or whatever uh allowance but don’t be expecting nothing remarkable from me you got to go out there and earn it whereas there other people whether or not their kids are qualified or not they’re going to do every single thing that they can to ensure they have the best seed in life so really it all comes down to how you see and how you view uh parenting here’s what I think I think that a kid will have more satisfaction for whatever they earn if they 100% earned it number one number two they they will respect that thing more but if you just simply give it to them or use your connections to open all the doors in life then that thing that they got they may not appreciate it because they themselves didn’t really really have to sweat for it and that’s the difference there’s a difference difference between spending daddy’s money that he gave to you versus your money that you earned is two totally different things why because if you’re spending Daddy’s Money you may not think twice you may not think twice but if you’re spending your own money before you spend it frivolously you’ll think damn I actually have to work hard to make that money so I got to think twice before I spend It ultimately this comes down to how you how we as people view the world I’m not saying one person is right or the other person is wrong it just comes down to your world view and really there’s no right answer in all of this really it all depends on how you see things and I’m no one to sit up here and tell a parent how to raise their child it’s up to them if LeBron thought that he was doing the best uh for his kids as a father um and that’s the way he saw it 100% power to him I have no right to tell him how to raise his children all doing is discussing it because these are public figures and it relates to basketball and sports and all of that that’s why we’re discussing it it has nothing no one is here saying he should have done this or not it’s up to him is his children he can do whatever if LeBron wants to give his kids $3 million a month it is his money he can do whatever the hell he wants to do right I believe everyone has a right to their own opinion they can live the life the way that they um that they want to see it so these are just my thoughts on it yesterday we did a show about a recent sitdown that Shannon sharp had on Cam Newton’s uh podcast and during this sit down he talked about a bunch of thing they talked about life they talked about dating they talked about a bunch of things but inevitably Cam Newton was going to ask him about the infamous Fallout between himself uh and Skip Bor right and when it came time for Shannon sharp to respond to Cam Newton’s comments I thought he gave very very mature response and we said this yesterday on yesterday’s show if you didn’t see it just go check it out we published it um yesterday so what happened I came across my man marcelos W friend of the channel marcelos W’s uh a show that he dropped was it yesterday on the past 24 hours reacting to this very uh audio that we did yesterday now if you know anything about marcelis marcelis is in a very unique position because he’s in the independent space he used to work in big media and he’s a former athlete so he has a very robust perspective on all of these things he can speak from an athlete standpoint he can speak from the independence standpoint and he can also speak as someone that was working on TV and all of that right so that’s why whenever we get him on the show we like marceles give us the information man give us the details like this what this what we want to hear right this we want to hear the details right lot a lot of that’s what we love right so I was listening to him and he reacted to the comments but what what interesting was he took us behind the curtains to explain all of the politics that was happening behind the scenes surrounding the Fallout between skip bis and Shannon sharp and the network choosing sides and all and these are things I would not have known had he not uh uh uh uh said it on his show so these are the comments that we want to focus in on so what we want to do now is want to play exactly what he had to say on his show I want you guys to listen to it and then we’re going to come back and react to it take a listen to that Shannon sharp is sharp I mean this is how you play the game a ton of May in there uh inserted some comments that you know were pointed at Fox management and pointed at skip bis but did it without getting dirty that’s what’s so dope that’s what lets you know he’s next level um respect to him for saying that the first thing that caught my attention was if somebody else would have said what skip said I wouldn’t have tripped I wouldn’t have even been mad at it but skip said it now my first thought was like damn but if you really cool with somebody and they say something foul I know why it triggers us I know because we’re so invested in them they invested in us they know so much how you going to go there but you ever heard somebody say uh don’t mix business with pleasure don’t mix business with family all that stuff I’ve always looked at that the opposite way like dog if we so cool so close we supposed to be able to go in here and really give each other the business punches thrown punches attack let’s go let’s beat each other up so we can sharpen our knives right know how they always say when you play against your brother you’re gonna go harder I always thought that when I was and this is my mistake cuz I’m like skip more than that more than Shannon it sound like an this moment if we boys we going at it like you going to think we hate each other and we don’t but if we ate boys then you going to think oh are they cool cuz I’m not going to give you all of me cuz I don’t know you like that anyway y’all beat that up in the comments I just think of it differently but I understand what Shannon said because he flipped it at the end he said because I protected skip that’s why I was waiting for that protection in that moment the protection of I can talk about Tod Brady the goat and obviously your idol and you ain’t going to set trip on me but you did and when you did it made me realize oh this love ain’t Mutual like I thought it was cuz either we going to beat each other up the same or we going to chill and P you know sit here and pull punches the same you know and practice we both going 80% oh we go we both going 100 what we doing like we on the same page and that let Shannon know they weren’t on the same page now from that point w Shannon stepped in it and not him the situation stepped in it because long story short skip bis was known as The Rain Maker as he just said made Stephen A so you know he come to Fox get all the money got the most money over there everything he wanted the show everything skip wanted he got skip had his own dude appointed to his show no other show had their own dude pointed like everybody else had production staff and workers employees but his own dude to make sure I’m a liaison between upstairs and you real talk so skip got car blanch red carpet everywhere he go and then this show to make it Fox was like all right skip I think it took him three interviews or so they said they kept going Shannon Shannon and Skip kept going Shannon Shannon Fox was kind of like all right all right you want to do it you want to do it we trusting you cuz this what you do skip gets his way and y’all know what happened as the show started to evolve like skip got to a point where it seemed like he hit his Apex it seemed like he hit his top point and Shannon Didn’t Have No Ceilings Lil Wayne No Ceilings Shannon just kept going and going and pass skip be real okay but here’s the problem Fox got a policy and Fox’s policy started when Chris Carter if y’all remember Chris Carter Hall of Famer bang bang and Nick Wright remember when Nick Wright first started Chris Carter first things first back in the days Chris Carter used to come I mean he played the big Joker almost every argument like bro what are you talking about I mean talking down undressing them EX ET right so behind the scenes it was interpreted from Fox management that they hated each other remember I’m the type and many other skip is the type and I think Shannon too to agree him with oo hey we gonna go there you gonna think we mad at each other n we good Shannon with Stephen A oh they go at it oh we good so maybe it’s just skipp and Channon never were good because they couldn’t go at it the same level but once that happened with Chris Carter and it happened with Nick Wright oh Fox is going to be like we making choices around him so you heard what marcelus had to say he gave an Insight that I did not even consider and the Insight he gave was where the network stood in all of this meaning the issues between Shannon and uh skip if you guys remember skip was the one that recruited Shane and sharp to FS1 we remembered that which means that skip had more power at the network which means that the network was always going to side with SK baales and I think Shannon sharp understood that and if you had if you go back and listen to the way Shannon was talking and things he was doing you can pretty much tell this is what I understood about Shannon sharp he may see the show I don’t know okay if Shannon sharp she sees the show which I 100% doubt but if he does see this show we I said it what two years ago you can go back and look at the videos I said Shannon sharp is going to make more money uh in the next five years than he ever did as an NFL player I said that we have multiple shows of that Shannon is great I disagree with almost every single thing he has to say with the Michael Jordan LeBron I think those comments are just ridiculous I come on backing off of that but I always said this if you go back and listen to Shannon during that period even when those exchanges took place on TV if you if you pay close attention Shannon always found a way to reign in his emotions he would always kind of catch himself even with the last one with the Tom Brady back and forth when people wanted him I don’t know what people what did y’all want Shannon sharp to do to reach across the desk and snatch SK Bellis and what punch him like that’s what y’all wanted Shannon sharp to do that would have made you so you got Shannon Sharp’s best interest in heart and that’s what you want him to do Shane and sharp showed great restraint from time to time but if you go back and look at it I personally believe and I don’t know this I believe Shannon was willing to do whatever it took to keep that job I also know now we all know now that it wasn’t his decision to leave which means that Shannon would have found a way to make it work he would have and he said it on MAR occasion he goes he I think another show we produced he’s like you don’t just throw away you gave the analogy of a marriage you don’t invest all of this and you just throw it away for nothing because you think about all the time and effort and everything that you invested in it but what I think Shannon was unaware of and it was something that pissed me off it really did and I said it I don’t think Shannon realized how how bright his star really was that was my issue with him I don’t think he realized how bright his star really was so when Stephen A Smith said that he was reaching out to him and throwing him a Lifeline I was sitting here and we have shows about it saying who in their right mind wouldn’t reach out to Shannon you would have to be on you would have to be on something what network wouldn’t want Shannon sharp you would have to be crazy you really would who wouldn’t want Shan so when Stephen A Smith said like I’m throwing you a lifeline and Shannon sh like man appreciate it bro I’m looking at Shannon I’m like yo bro one could make an argument that you are on the level of Stephen A Smith quite literally we could make an argument of that and thus far if you combine the independent Space versus what he’s doing on television we can make an argument that Shannon sharp is the biggest thing in sports you you could legitimately make that argument legitimately him and Stephen A Smith in the independent space is nothing to even discuss Shannon sharp is Top Dog then you have the Pat mcafe and a few others he the top guy so I didn’t like the fact that he was feeling like you know like man thank you thank you like bro no you you are who you are you are who you are back to what marcelus had to say if you listen to marceles basically he explained the office the office Politics the office politics that look FS1 wasn’t going to go against skip bis and he was 100% right uh Paul georgees recently signed a 4-year Max contract with the Philadelphia 76ers of $200 million good for him but as you also know Paul George for the last what four years had been a Los Angeles Clipper right um and in those Four Seasons it’s just been it was it was just utter disappointment they only made one Western Conference Finals but for the most part it wasn’t it was just to it was it was it was it was it was it was a total failure the partnership between himself uh and kawhai um Leonard so throughout the offseason we were hearing towards the end of the playoffs that Paul George and the Clippers were been been negotiating but they couldn’t come to an agreement Clippers wanted to give Paul George three years Paul George wanted four years and ultimately what ended up happening was the Clippers decided that look all we got for you is three years right and uh if you’re not going to take the three years then um my friend uh you may have to go ahead and kick those rocks so that’s what Paul George did he kicked a rock that was worth about $200 million and now he’s a Philadelphia 76er and he is on another and he’s on a championship Contender as you guys know Paul George has a podcast right with one of uh with two of his friends and Jackie long and the other friend Dallas uh Rutherford now I’ve seen a bunch of their shows Dallas Rutherford has made it clear that he is a staunch Paul George supporter I think on One show I said I think I heard him say he only attends Clippers home games if Paul George is playing if he’s not playing he’s not attending so he’s a real friend right real friend well it looks like this morning he decid yesterday he decided to take a shot at uh at um at the Kawaii Leonard and the Clippers and we got the pictures here from Hoops alert who was able to basically screen grab the conversation that he was having uh on Twitter so those are the comments that we actually want to get into now so let’s go ahead and get into them now so this is from Hoops alert and if you look at the thumb the image it goes it’s a story Paul George podcast partner isn’t a fan of the Clippers not paying Paul George Dallas Rutherford he says Philly another person says you best turn off them comments they coming for for you pause I’m warning you and then he responds huh LOL then he goes Clipper fans uh who hate PG I’m telling you they hate you and Jackie because of that podcast then he goes Clippers suck anyway LOL and then he goes the switch up is nuts wow and then he responds it’s a joke but I do think they are crazy for not paying what him uh paying him uh what they paid Kawai right so that’s what your man had to say there what are my thoughts first of all we all wish we have friends like this right I do but we all wish we have friends like to come out there and just be ready to you know defend you no matter what that’s a fantastic thing so Paul George has a real friend there right so that’s the first thing he does he also said he wishes they paid him like Kawai look here’s the reality both Paul George and kawhai Leonard are injury-prone but if they’re healthy 100% healthy Kawai is the better player I don’t think anyone disputes that even Paul George has said it himself so Kawai Leonard being paid more if we’re just looking at it from a talent standpoint accomplishment standpoint I think is a no-brainer that the Clippers should pay kawh L more money than they paid Paul George but I get his point I get his point I entirely get his point to me I think the Clippers had come to the realization that this group wasn’t going to work anymore I’m also hearing they’re going to trade Russell Westbrook I hope they do right I don’t think that core players was going to work anymore and I think the Clippers realize that I don’t see the Clippers winning the championship anytime soon uh but at the same hand I understand Dallas defending his friend because that’s what a friend is supposed to do and Paul George looks to have a good friend uh in Dallas so


  1. See the sad part about it is both cases whether it be Rob Barker or Chris nepotism is nepotism that's what it is you can't have degrees of it and try to make one nepotism lesser than the other know it both are nepotism.

  2. Rob Parker is the worst that's ever happened to sports writing. He has always hated on LeBron and Tom Brady always wishing that every season will be it. But those two legends have always proved him wrong. Rob Parker has not one athletic gene in his body. FACTS

  3. Mac MaClung isnt ready for the NBA yet, but the NBA brought him up to compete in the ALL STAR DUNK CONTEST…..

  4. Rob Parker should be thanking the Lakers and Bronny for giving him this to talk about. This guy is trash and cris broussard is only there to support Parker because he is no good at what he does. He says he feels bad for Bronny for what he got drafted in the 2nd rd already got a 7mil rookie contract and gets to make history playing with his dad. This is a job and is is so wrong for a father to get his son a job where he works at. This is a job. It's obvious America is it's who you know not what you know. Parker just doesn't like LeBron.

  5. Laker fans should not buy tickets and only watch highlights 🤷🏾‍♂️…..and if they do attend make sure they BOO loudly!!! And it’s NOT because of nepotism…It’s because how much they are lying..How does a 55th pick get a guaranteed contract!!!??? JJ saying Bronny EARNED this!!??? 🤦🏾‍♂️…. Just sad !!

  6. Y’all know all teams make moves knowing where they want to get players. That brother could have quite well initiated getting his brother on the team. It’s always something when it comes to LeBron. However he got Brony on the team what anyone else has to say doesn’t matter. Jealous former players really don’t matter mad they can’t get there kids on the team

  7. Caitlyn Clark isn’t about competition. They wanted her on the Olympic team! Giannis brother wouldn’t be in the league without him.Bronny wasn’t a McDonalds all American? Lebron has made the league so much money, that’s the least they could do!

    And hopefully anyone who has a problem are not the same people who say Caitlyn is growing the game. Bronny will do the same!

  8. It's the owners fault. They don't have to sign LeBron. Don't blame the player, they don't own the team.

  9. The day, eight years ago the discussion of LeBron and his son possibly playing together I knew the NBA and LeBron were going to try to make this happen. It was a joke then and it’s definitely a joke now. The obvious scripting and manipulation of the sport today is already obvious and bad enough as it is but this is really terrible. 💯

  10. This world is not based on merit. That is pie in the sky thinking. Just look around, open your eyes and you can see it everyday. So stop it, you would do the same.

  11. Black people hate themselves soooo bad , we don’t realize when we making a big step forward ….. Nepotism has always been apart of sports ….🤷🏿‍♂️🫵🏿🤡s

  12. So nobody gonna say anything about giannis and his brother ain't no way he would have made a NBA team without his brother being giannis

  13. Lmao, America does this throughout the country. In everything!!! People are delusional to think the Bush's both were president's because of talent. Yall really have to stop! #Chief's

  14. Chiefs, not one son… but two fucking sons!!!! Yall can shut up at anytime!!! Jealousy is a weak emotion, you men have to over come that! ✌🏾😴

  15. I'll say this, I've seen nepotism in high school and college when playing basketball. So it's no surprise to see it on the pro level.

  16. Igbo people in America that fled their homeland do okay, but as far as black people in America and the world at large FBA’s pave the way. No disrespect.

  17. That whining voice was kinda ok when he had sort of integrity. Since he with Klutch he lost his mind capping for Lebron and I can’t take the whining now. Odd Couple cancelled in my home. Done with these media mercenaries that lie to the public’s face for a check.

  18. Broussard just trying to stay in players good graces.
    No performance in front office like on the basketball court. That is a totally lame argument.

  19. Rob Parker has been lost all credibility ! They all have . These media personalities all have an agenda to follow & that’s diss the black athlete. It doesn’t doesn’t matter what they do positive or negative. It’s a bash fest no matter what … even if it’s something so innocent like comparing them to each other ( who’s better than who) ? Or should I say pitting them against each other, you know like dogs ! We need our own leagues & media if we want to be respected.

  20. Labron James is not even top 10 never was never will be .All his money will never achieve that for him. To use his son like this is putred.

  21. Bronny averaged 4 points in college and at 18 has already had a heart attack, who would waste a draft pick on him except the team his daddy runs.

  22. OMG all of us would and some do give our kids jobs if we owned a business. It’s the worst comparison ever. Lebron is a player he doesn’t own the team. if he said bronny is going be hired to a big position at Klutch sports none of us would care. But that’s not the case this dude took someone’s spot PERIOD.
    When you die who are you leaving your stuff too.?? Your kids, especially if you own a business.

    Ownership vs Employee

  23. Love Rob Parker, he’s one of my favorite radio personalities/columnist. I do wonder why Isaiah Thomas didn’t come at him about names like he did SAS.

  24. The Hate is Real! Rob Parker is a joke! Nepotism happens in every industry, and people are upset when it happens in basketball. Stop the BS. Players and coaches mentioned that the kid can hoop. People hate Lebron, so they hate the opportunities that he can create for his children.

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