The Control Center of Your Golf Swing

#SinglePlaneAcademy #ToddGraves

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There are certain things in the golf swing that are dealbreakers. One of those things is how the pelvis moves during the swing.

If you incorrectly move your pelvis I have found that this is one of the most devastating problems that affects many golfers. Learn to control the pelvis correctly and you can add power and speed and simplify your swing.

In this video, I discussed the important movement of the sacrum, what I call the control center of the golf swing.

About the single plane swing

The Single Plane golf swing is not a quick fix golf technique. It is a system, beginning at address, that simplifies the most important moment of the golf swing – impact.

Starting at address on two planes where the arms hang straight down at address, the Conventional golf swing is complicated. Because the arms are hanging straight down, a conventional golfer must lift the body into impact creating stress on the back.

This upward movement to accommodate the two planes is unnecessary.

The Single Plane Golf swing simplifies the golf swing by eliminating the need for the upward movement by starting and impacting on the same plane.

hey we’re going to talk about what I consider the control center of the golf swing hey it’s Todd welcome to the channel today okay if you ask me the question what do I think is the most detrial thing I see happen in a golf swing and screws up more golf swings than anything it’s improper use of the pelvis and we’re going to explain that and I’m going to talk today about what I call the control center because if we get control of the acum in the golf swing which is the connection between the Torso and the pelvis you can do a lot of great things with your ball striking so the control center and here’s what happens and I see this all the time when I when I’m working with students is when they have good pelvis movement they can position their upper body to deliver the golf club very effectively and efficiently into the golf ball but when you mess up the movement of the pelvis it creates a chain reaction and what happens is if I move the pelvis properly everything above it the Torso the shoulders the hands the arms everything gets out of position and so you have this what I call control center it’s right here in your sacrum right here where the your spine connects to the pelvis if we get control of that and move it correctly the upper body can function tilt and rotate and the hands and arms can then as a consequence effectively strike this golf ball let’s look at the motion of a golf swing you kind of understand this because what you want to see is a very stable lower body and the legs do this the legs and feet feet are very important in this process too they stabilize the lower body but they have a slight tilt to them and you look look up position see how I’m tilted and so when I take the club back you’ll notice that I’m bracing around this leg and when I do this it’s moving the lower body believe it or not that sacrum gets a slight forward movement to it so my lower body has actually moved slightly that direction and then you’ll notice when I transition and start coming down it stays forward and then it rotates and because of that look at my tilt to my body I can maintain the tilt on my body come down and correctly strike the golf ball now if you’re studying this spine movement and if if you watch look at Mo here on this video you’re watching Mo and you see the spine movement I’ll draw a line on it and you can see when he takes it back that this area stays in a forward position and you look at the tilt of his body in this so the sacrum area becomes your basically key point to being able to move the upper body correctly now what I see happen a lot in swings and and you’ve got to check this because because once you do this incorrectly in the swing the whole swing gets very disrupted if you’re in if you’re set up even if you have a perfect setup and you make what we call pelvis shift if the pelvis shifts this way too much and the sacrum goes backwards that direction you can no longer engage the lower body first because what happens now is your body gets reverse tilted you probably heard that term before but when I’m reverse tilted at the top what happens is when I try to move lower body first the upper body has nothing else to do it has to go this direction and then you come over the top and slice it if you’re a slicer this is a big deal because you’re above the plane line we must make sure that we’re working on the inside of this leg in the back swing that’s pushing that sacrum in a forward Direction so you watch the back of my body here and you see it pushes that sacrum it’s like it’s kind like this it’s like my butt gets pushed that way a little bit as I go back that keeps my body in the proper tilt but most importantly as I come down see how I can move this part of my body in that direction and this can stay back this is the number one thing I see and this is this is where I see a lot of people have problems so I’m going to hit a driver here and and if you look at really the tilt of my body you see this nice tilt of my body as I as I make the swing you’ll see me stay in my tilt and engage that first see how I can go first in the down swing that’s what we call a transition I can transition if I hit the position correctly watch this and so because of that you see that that and that’s what you see in all good ball Strikers is their ability to transition first stabilize that that stabilizes first and then release the club and deliver the club and that happened in the back swing I didn’t do I didn’t I didn’t shift this way and then try to fix it I stabilized it in the back swing I controlled it and then I can move it forward forward in the transition that’s the ideal way to do it you need to check your transition check your lower body movement but check it in the back swing because that’s where it all starts because that’s the control center of your swing I hope that helps give you a little idea of how to transition better add more power to the swing and get you on plane hey if you want to know more about the single plane swing and learn more about what we do join me at single plan there’s free instruction in there and I’m in there every day with students talking about the simple single plane swing [Music] [Music]


  1. Mi sto godendo moltissimo l'allenamento mentale fornito da questa discussione. È come una palestra per il cervello.💚

  2. 3:28 – And that butt push (behind us & towards the target) is exactly what we see the biggest hitters doing on the PGA tour. Hogan was notorious for doing this in his younger days. Sammy Snead did this to a lesser degree than Hogan. Many in Hogan/Sneads era did this move nearly every time. If you watch Cameron champ, he exaggerates this move and of course pounds the ball a mile! Cameron also maintains very good pelvis depth until the very end and only then does he thrust his pelvis (loses depth) at the target . Extremely effective way to properly position the pelvis. The other thing I would say is, most amateurs don't understand, at address, the need to have the abdominals slightly taunt during most of the swing. This stablizes the lower back and prevents injury. It's difficult to play high level golf with good pelvis depth, but have a loose core.

  3. 4:04 – About two or three frames in pause mode, we can see as Todd's hands reach about ear height his pelvis begins to move towards the target and MOST importantly his hands CONTINUE higher and further into his backswing during those 2 or 3 frames. This provides an opportunity for what's about to come next – LOADING THE SHAFT! All the work as been done mostly at that point and he just unwinds his lower body and the upper body follows behind. Todd still has a great swing even as he gets a little older. The only thing I noticed that has changed just a bit, is Todd's upper thoracic is lifting up about 1 inch during the backswing. Not a big deal. The lead arm coming up and across the chest is extending the thoracic just a bit. Probably not worth changing at this point, since he hitting the ball very solid.

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