Golf Players

Bryson DeChambeau: The Face That Runs The Place

Join Chad Doing and Dwight Jaynes LIVE as we break down the biggest stories of the day!

Today we’ll discuss:

– Bryson DeChambeau winning the US Open, and the Rory’s implosion.
– Game 5 of the NBA Finals
– Oaks Park malfunctions and much, much more

PGA Dave also joins us live at 4:20!

[Music] another epic up and down at Pinehurst for a US Open Championship Bryson Des Shambo now has two man I can’t believe that up and down the last that was uh all World probably the best shot of my life I’m the only person standing in the way of a seventh American winner out of the last eight is Rory mroy putting across a shadow 3 and 1/2 ft slightly down the hill and he’s missed it oh my goodness he’s just saying Bryson here you are do you want this title hey what’s going on my friends Rib City Drive Dwight and Chad Chris burkart is back with us he was with us on Friday out in hillsbor and he’s back in studio today what’s going on my friends you can join us on our uh live stream right now go to and pull up our homepage Rip City radio 620 the links to all of our live shows are right there you can find Dwight Janes on social media at Dwight Janes you’ll find me there at chaden Rip City and we’re with you today we got a lot of goodies to give away today we have five four packs for the uh pre the E pre that’s coming to Portland over at P so we’re going to do that coming up here at about 340 five four packs your chance to go and check out the races and then we have thorns tickets we’ll give away at around 5:13 what’s up Godfather gosh we we are givers Chad I gotta say that we are givers wow that’s a lot of tickets in one day I do aim to please and I know you’re the same way burkard even aims to please so all three of us are in the same boat in that category soers looking forward to the show today uh PGA Dave David Coleman going to join us at 4:20 to relive and break down what we saw yesterday at Pinehurst number two in that phenomenal finish in a battle royale between Bryson Des Shambo and Roy maroy that was riveting television Godfather I played an early round of golf teed off at 6:15 so I got done and had plenty of time to sit back and watch golf and of course I was pulling for Bryson because I think he might be my favorite athlete in the world right now I’m in love with the guy and I love watching him play golf guys that can Bomb It Off the tea and yet he’s developed a very good putting touch and his feel around the greens is incredible but I thought between him and Rory and some of the shots we saw down the stretch and how difficult that course is if you get off into the native area I was just blown away by the tournament and then to see Bryson come up with what he just said was you know the best shot of his career to win it on 18 was awesome what were some of your takeaways as you were watching that I thought it was terrific television well first of all watching his interaction with fans was incredible because so good Chad all I can think of is his turn his turn from heel to baby face was quicker than Ric Flair’s ever was and Ric Flair jumped back and forth all the time between heel and baby face all of a sudden this guy who people were just hating him a couple years ago you know he left for live he was uh you know beefing up to the point where you wondered how he was doing that all these weird ideas about golf that he has now he’s like the most gregarious happy joyful sharing caring person on the golf tour I I can’t remember anybody interacting with fans as well as he is and oh by the way played a great round and had an all-time great shot yesterday yeah my biggest problem with him early on was his attitude and demeanor and that whole situation where he came out and said look I don’t think the camera should be on us at all times when he was having a rough patch through a tournament and he’s got the cameras on him showing all of his faults with his swing and his mess ups and he took big issue with that and my thought was like look man you come out and you choose to be a pro golfer which means that you’re going to make many millions of dollars beyond your wildest dreams and when you choose to do that what comes with that is a lot of public attention and the fact that you’re going to be on television and people are going to be able to watch you play golf they’re going to be there in person they’re going to watch you on TV through The Good the Bad and the Ugly you can’t have it both ways if you want to be a pro golfer then people are going to see everything including the warts when it’s not going well so I thought that whole Act was weird but for me what’s transformed the way I look at Bryson and he talked about this at length yesterday on the Golf Channel and even immediately after the tournament but it’s his YouTube channel and what he said was and I believe it where being on the YouTube channel and being in front of a camera at all times on the YouTube channel filming these different challenges and videos where he has a chance to show his personality and then getting the immediate feedback from viewers and fans who are commenting and so forth I think it’s helped him to understand one how much people appreciate watching what he does but also the people interaction communicating with fans talking with them answering questions and I think it’s helped them develop a new understanding of his role in the game and and the importance of being able to extend the olive branch and communicate with people and when you do that you’re going to create a legion of fans because I think what fans want and it’s been like this ever since I was a kid if you’re an athlete and you’ve got a big name and you just take a couple of minutes to acknowledge your fan base with a fist bump or a high or a fist pump or you you know tip the cap to them it goes a long ways yeah they don’t ask for much no yeah but just to acknowledge that they’re there instead of some of these guys who walk around the course ignoring the people they don’t want to give a fist bump because they’re so laser focused and there Bryson was on the turn in the middle of a championship where he’s leading and he’s taking time to sign a hat and interact with someone with special needs and when I see that I think it’s terrific and what Bryson said he’s learned to do is that he can compartmentalize where when he’s on the course or he steps up in the T box he’s laser focused on the next shot but when he’s in between holes he can take a moment to pause and be able to interact with people and I’m telling you when you do that you’ll become the people’s champ instantly man and this guy if he continues to go down this road he’s going to have a large fan base of people just wanting to see him win and you could feel that yesterday because you had Bryson against Roy a USA against Europe and it made for a great television love him well that attitude Chad serves him well in golf because it’s long been the the it’s been the playground for those stiff Stone yeah uh mum U emotionalist guys who who just don’t acknowledge fans and don’t go out of their way and let’s face it Tiger Woods as popular as he was he didn’t give a lot back to the fans they they they had to take their their good moments when they came and they weren’t very regular and this guy all the time is smiling laughing they’re getting on him and he’s kind of waving back at ad him and they Maddy he he pulled an iron out of his bag and they wanted him to be his driver and they were getting on him and he just held his hand up like don’t worry don’t worry I got this I I got this and it’s just his interaction is so special for golfers I mean you see that a little bit in other sports yeah golf has just been it’s just been populated by all these robots who just don’t seem to understand that they’re in the entertainment business he gets that so good so fun to watch and it’s easy to cheer for a guy like that it’s just amazing two athletes right now that I’m Blown Away by Kyrie Irving in his continued transformation after what we saw in Brooklyn yeah he continues to say and do all the right things yeah props to him and then Bryon to Shambo going from weird guy who was a douche to all of a sudden being the people’s champ you know chat it also shows that what we’ve always said you make a mistake or something just apologize move on yeah change your habits a little bit and they’ll love you again yeah this country’s amazing in that regard and you see these two guys who are just hated by everybody now all of a sudden they’re media Darlings and I mean I hear guys in the media asks about Kyrie all the time and it’s like I don’t know what happened I don’t know but this guy’s great now he’s he’s all together different I think yesterday was also this goes back to what we were talking about a few days ago on the show you should never pick up a golf ball on the course putt everything out because there’s no such thing as a give me yeah no such thing yeah Roy maroy missing two three Footers late in the round and that three and a half footer on 18 look I understand it was in a tough position and there was some movement on that but professional golfers do not miss three and a half Footers when they have a chance to win a championship that was Unreal when I played with my wife she putts those every time I pick him up every time I just go ahead and scoop him up with my putter it’s like yeah that’s good but you know I’m not competing and she knows she competes a lot so she knows she better put those because she’s going to need them later when she’s in some sort of tournament yeah I missed a uh four-footer for par today and I was really bitter and I looked up at the guy I was playing with Arnold and he just kind of laughed and I said dude I roed that and then we got a good chuckle and we moved on to next hole so it happens but that was tough that was really tough to watch because I was watching it on my phone because I was off at the store I was picking up things a lot of stuff going on but I’m watching the tournament I was under the impression when uh Bryson was on the 18th and he got the ball behind the rout I I didn’t realize that Roy had missed his putt so I thought Bryson needed to par out to be able to force the uh playoff right and I’m like great he’s going to blow it right here because he’s in an impossible position and then when he made the Putt and he started fist pumping and going crazy I was like wait what’s going on then they showed the replay I was like oh Roy missed another short one I couldn’t believe it I could not believe it when I saw it I thought it was a replay of 16 but it wasn’t it was 18 yeah no you you missed the first one so wouldn’t you think on the next one there’d be extra care there’d be I know what there was you missed the first one from that and then all of a sudden how golf works it gets in your mind he overthought it the choke comes back into your head yes yes he was thinking about 16 when he was standing there on 18 and then so it was kind of um I don’t know how you see this I don’t know if Roy lost it or if Bryson won it I think it was a little bit of both because Roy opened up the door for sure but then Bryson he really cashed him when he had to because that sand shot out of the bunker on 18 was one of the greatest shots I’ve ever seen I could not believe he got it that close money shot the miracle shot over the tree route right before that I mean you talk about saving par on a ho he saved par big time to win a golf tournament there BL CER par par right there and it was he was probably fortunate that it wound up in good in as good of a position as it did in the bunker yeah although he has said in interviews and even on his live bio it asked him his toughest shot and he said 55 to 60 yard sand shot yeah and that’s almost exactly what he had that’s the hardest shot he has right there we’re gonna ask David about that because most I’ve heard a lot of golfers talk about that that’s the hardest shot in golf is yeah that longer greenside bunker shot from about 50 to 60 yards that’s brutal but he stepped up and did it and then I also heard him talking about this that when he was younger he would go out and place his balls in the most hideous lies possible he would even throw them he would throw them off where he didn’t even know where they were going yes and then he would go up there and just learn how to uh hit and get creative from those different type of positions to prepare him for for those type of moments and obviously it paid off yesterday to be able to get out from underneath that native area as they’re calling it and it was nasty but what a finish I got to say though Chad you’ve been telling me about his YouTube stuff now for a long time you were an early adopter you were in on that pretty quick you know what was it about those that really made you like him how did he win you over just his genuine dialogue and interaction with his guests like he was being real he was not being a phony and I found him to be pretty funny in fact his I now realize that he’s kind of a golf nerd but I appreciate his approach because he’s just trying to use his mind and gather as much information as he can to get better in his swing and what he’s trying to accomplish on the course but most importantly just he’s a funny guy and he’s very real when he’s interacting with these uh um influencers or these different golfers I really enjoyed the one with Paige spiranic I thought those two were great together on the course when they were trying to do their break 50 but he’s just a real dude yeah he’s figured it out and now he’s gonna have a legion of fans folling around wherever he goes now I can’t wait for the Open Championship to get here but his YouTube channel is riveting he’s getting more views on his YouTube channel than Liv golf is for their tournaments by a large number well it’s easier to find his YouTube than it is to find live golf on TV there’s no doubt about that all right we’ll keep things rolling we got some more thoughts on the uh US Open which was terrific yesterday and if you have any thoughts on that 5032 48620 also a Kay Thompson some social media issues we’ll get to as well you got the Rip City Drive [Music] a a he [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] he a [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Applause] [Applause] he [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] he [Applause] [Applause] he a [Music] a [Music] all right Godfather I was coming out of the chiropractic office today and I hear Chad doing and I was like wait what did I do now I thought someone was going to chew me out for something you’re under arrest and it was a gentleman named Chuck Bailey who introduced himself and said hey I listen to you and Dwight all the time and he grew up reading you in the paper and I don’t know how old he was I I always think that people are older than I am and then I realized like I’m basically the same age but he was probably like around 50 or early 50s but I had a chance to meet his son who was a sports director for a TV station down in Laredo Texas so I met him and Son Ledo but I was telling Chuck about how and I know you probably hate it when I say this but when I was at Prairie High School I would go to the old uh Library get off the Oregon in the morning off the wooden stick before the internet and read you and Carrie to get caught up on the NBA stuff yeah I I’m just looking I’m still looking for all those folks who used to read me when the the paper was delivered to the old folks home yes and they wanted to read what the young guy had to say in the paper I I don’t run into many of those guys anymore those days are past yeah but Chuck it was nice to meet you and your son my friend thank you for listening we appreciate that you know going back to the Bryson YouTube channel real quick I I don’t understand why more athletes don’t utilize social media to their advantage the great thing is about you know social media for guy like Bryson is that he can control the message so if you put out a bunch of cool videos and one of my favorites is when he takes the Walmart Starter Set it’s a kid set so he’s got like a driver a seven iron a pitching wedge and a Putter and they’re all short they’re all short and he’s out there just striping the ball straight down the Fairway and he was talking about the driver he’s like I can’t swing it too hard because I’m afraid I’m going to snap the shaft yeah but he was still hitting the ball pure and that just goes to show you that if your swing is good you can hit any type of club that someone puts in your hand if your swing is bad you can get the newest clubs on the market it won’t make that much of a difference but he gets a chance to go out there and they’ll go on a competition with someone and they get a chance to talk openly about different things or what I’ve noticed is a lot of people ask Bryson about his clubs about how he’s designing them you know why he does some of the things that he does I was blown away I didn’t know anything about this I’d never heard him talk about it in one of his videos but what he was talking about uh over the weekend about soaking his golf balls in EPs and salts to make sure that they’re balanced properly like that is taking it to a level of nerdery that I’ve never heard before wait a second you soak your golf balls Bryson do we even know if that really works or is that just like an old wives tail or something well it could be a wives tail but he said that it was something that they did like way back in the day so this is like a trick Bryson’s one of those guys where if someone did something and he thinks it might help him yeah he’s going to try it he’s going to try it why not yeah and golf balls were a lot different in the old days than they are now but you know it’s funny you say try something people are saying that the live golf tour that’s his laboratory he just uses that to experiment and try things he doesn’t he’s not winning a lot of love LIF tournaments but he gets ready for the majors with all the stuff he experiments with in the live tour which he’s got the money now with all the money they gave him to join that’s a perfect scenario for him yes so I think you know he’s going to continue to do his channel and I just think for athletes if you peel back the curtain a little bit and showcase some of these different things that you enjoy and the people you like to interact with that you can grow fans because that’s what people want they just want some type of interaction and the fact that Bryson gives that to him is great but what I love about his game yesterday he did not drive the ball well at all the shot on 18 off the is a perfect example he overdrew it into the native area but the fact that he was able to grind and utilize his short game and be smart with his shot selection with he and his caddy that’s a sign of a guy who is making progress because he was able to win a tournament and make big shots on a day when he didn’t have his Big Driver G and that’s cool man I’d like to see somebody do a special on his social media team just to find out how many people he has on there he’s got he’s got to have an audio guy at least one camera probably two or three if he’s out on a golf course you know taping stuff for the for the channel yeah and then you know the other social media things like on X and Instagram and all that he’s probably got people doing that but Chris burkart’s an expert social media expert I mean no he’s one of the best yeah well berky what do you think about his social media team how many people does that take do you think and you should be trying to get on it by the way uh he any good athlete especially if they’re doing it like him you got a whole team man you think you think he can go out there and film and edit and make sure cameras are in the right place I mean you saw some of the work we got done uh with a skeleton crew at times you know two three people he probably has that at minimum because it’s on such a big platform I mean the quality that some of these athletes are putting out is incredible and to what you said Chad I’ve never understood it as someone who does social media and has for for a lot of my career like there’s a there’s money to be made and B it’s just free average ising at this point and you can go and you can turn yourself around you can turn your image around very quickly uh and you can just get a massive following yeah think about what you could do like uh let’s take Dame for example if he were to have a video and take people behind the scenes in his Studio when he’s making a song or putting music together that whole process and how that works I think that would be fascinating just pick your athlete like Aaron judge I’m a big fan of his I think he’s awesome but I would like to see him at home hanging out with his doxin he’s got two wiener dogs I have wiener dog I would like to see what type of different things he does with his animals I just there’s so many different ways you could go with it and I know there’s a market for it because if I’m tuning in to check out Bryson who I didn’t like before and now I think he’s great how many other athletes that I like would I want to take time to check out if they’re putting out content that you know that that interest me I just think it’s a good idea well Dame has a guy you know that I think and you know who he is he’s been fairly fairly prominent on social media for a while he’s used him for a long time and he does a good job but I would think now he’s probably got more than that because he’s very active on Instagram and a lot of that is video work and I’m pretty sure that guy’s not doing that video for him and the video Work takes editing that’s the other thing you know it’s not just shooting that thing I can shoot it with with an iPhone which it gets you a pretty good picture and all but in terms of editing that and making it look good and getting everything right it takes an expert like Chris BART to handle stuff like that well one of the guys I mean look at what the Kelsey Brothers have done taking that podcast filming it getting it into you know chewable Clips they have expanded their fan base outside of football like there’s a lot of families and and a lot of people who don’t watch the NFL but like them their personalities and follow him on social well Travis would be a good example he’s a chief I’m a Bronco fan so I’ve always naturally just hated on the guy and thought he was douchy I admire him for his greatness but after I started watching the Pod with him and his brother and the way they interact I got to admit it I like Travis CH now that’s a cool guy M he pretty cool and his brother Jason is just unbelievable so yeah those two together because they’ve opened themselves up and you get a chance to see what they’re really about MH I like them it works yeah I just think there’s a lot of athletes out there that could use this like even athletes who are going through a a rehab process no one knows how alone you are and what that process is like if you were to open yourself up about what you’re thinking what you’re going through some of the work you’re doing it would help fans to understand the GR GR in the process of coming back from an injury can you imagine what it would have done for Aaron Rogers through that whole rehab if he’d have shown people how hard he was working all the stuff you know and he’s got a decent sense of humor too a little laughing along the way that would have been perfect really perfect for him or why not take the cameras with you on your Darkness Retreat yeah or to wherever it is that you’re going because if you open yourself up a lot of people have never been to a Darkness retreat but if you let people see what it’s about and why you do it and you express yourself in that way you might find that more people support you and have a better understanding of why you’re taking those Pathways that a lot of people would consider unnatural and the great thing about video is you addit it sure there’s going to be a lot of stuff you don’t want people to see cut it out who cares you just slice that part of it out and you edit all the good parts you can make yourself look any way you want through great editing on stuff like that they’re nuts not to be doing it crazy the other thing they you mentioned and I noticed this too the network yesterday don’t you think they could have done a better job of explaining who pain Stewart was and what he brought to the US Open yeah I know they had something during the opening of the show and I think his son spoke about it that’s all fine and good but then you on the air for hours after that and you keep bringing up Payne Stewart many times in the context of just saying his first name which is pain I had people asking me what are they talking about with all this pain who’s in pain what is pain is that a company what is that actually we had people asking me that and it’s like you got to every once in a while maybe even once an hour because of the way people tune back and forth you got to explain this stuff because pay Stewart his story is very interesting and tragic yeah pay Stewart and I just recently went back and watched those two US opens the the one where he had the ball that land in the divot ended up losing the championship in the following year at Pinehurst which was amazing uh Payne Stewart won the PGA Championship in 89 he won the US Open in 91 and 99 his best finish at the Masters he tied for eight in 1986 but that story a lot of people may not know because of you know that was 25 years ago but shortly after he won that US Open Godfather on October 25th of 1999 he was killed in the crash of a Lear jet flying from his home in Orlando Florida to Texas for the year- ending tournament the Tour Championship held at Champions golf club in Houston uh National Transportation safety board investigators concluded that the aircraft failed to pressurized and that all on board were incapacitated by hypoxia as the aircraft passed uh to the west of Gainesville Florida the aircraft continued flying on autopilot until it ran out of fuel and crashed into a field uh in South Dakota and a lot of people don’t know that story it was amazing and I remember the time they’re tracking the plane and I mean he’s trying to go from Florida to Texas and the plane crashed in South Dakota yeah so you can see it went off course almost immediately they couldn’t pressurize the cabin apparently no warning buzzer it was a Lear Jet and those are pretty well made you would assume there would have been some warning so that at least one person could have get gotten an oxygen mask on but that stuff happens quick that pressurization I guess and he was very close to a number of tour players and at the time oh they were devastated devastated by the tragic loss of pay but the parallels between him and Bryson are are interesting because Payne was a different type of Personality uh he was also very um uh energetic on the golf course which was great they both went to the same school so the connections that were there with what Bryson was accomplishing uh this past weekendu wasn’t it think go yeah SMU and Chad he was so well known for wearing those knickers every I mean the NFL knickers yes remember back to him wearing knickers and wherever the tournament was he would get the colors of the closest NFL team he had to deal with the NFL and he’d wear those knickers and socks to match the football team it’s pretty amazing all right we’ll get back to the golf PGA Dave David Coleman is going to join us coming up at 420 all right Klay Thompson Golden State Warriors has unfollowed the team on social media Draymond came out on his podcast and thought it was hilarious what do you think’s going on here is it is it a negotiating Ploy from clay I think so I I think unfollowing somebody on Twitter is a very passive AG aggressive way of doing business but it doesn’t really mean anything you know he’s not going out and saying hey I’m not coming back to those guys he he’s just unfollowing their that’s how Millennials settle scores now God I think so yes it’s a new way of negotiating and uh he’s you know it’s a it’s a sad thing Chad cuz he wants like Max money and he’s still a valuable player you know he’s worth a guy that’s doing what he’s doing that’s 20 million a year maybe 22 25 cap going up a little bit it’s a little more than that maybe but not Max stuff and somebody might give him that but the Warriors can’t afford to he’s just not the same player because of injury no he’s not and the Warriors will pay more for him than what they should because of what he’s meant to the franchise right but it’s a dicey situation would you bring him back if you’re the Warriors would you bring him back or would you just let him go I’d love to bring him back at the right price but I I just don’t think you can let him hold the whole franchise for ransom in a deal like that and they’ve they’ve paid enough enough tax over the last few years they’ve paid a ton of tax I mean Joe lob is been real good about spending when he’s got a winning team he’s not going to have a championship team this year and there’s no reason to get up over the tax line again yeah so I don’t think there’s any issues between clay and the team we like Klay Thompson he’s great yeah he’s a terrific player he’s been a terrific player I like the way he handles himself this is just negotiating play he’s trying to get paid and I get it man he’s coming up on the end he knows this is going to be his last chance to get super paid so he’s going to do whatever he can and he and his agents to get as much money as possible and that’s understandable everybody says Orlando wants him and he would make sense for them he he would be the shooter they need from the outside they can use a a wing another guard if the money’s Clos do you think he chooses the Warriors I think he’d stay if the money was close but if it’s not close he would jump ship to take one final payday yeah anybody who’s won the Championships he’s won with those players that’s a pretty special bond I don’t think he’s anxious to go but he’s he’s got it in his head that he’s worth more money than they’re offering there are worse teams you could go to than Orlando they got for they’re one of those clubs in the league with the uh shiny young roster that you know what you can go there and and be a part of something special in the Eastern Conference he’s got a better chance to win with them than he does with the Warriors doesn’t he yes because the Eastern Conference is weaker and the roster with their youth they’re more balanced yeah the magic will be a playoff Factor again next year no question about it with or without clay and and the Warriors I think are a playin team if that yeah yeah in the Western Conference at the top it’s tough you got a number of teams to get through and the problem the Warriors have the same issue the Lakers do they have a couple of nice pieces they just don’t have the ability to improve because of their salary cap situation and the lack of assets yeah huh well my guess is he’ll wind up in Golden State they’ll find a way to you think come to a number that we’ll get it done that would be good I’d be happy for him if that what happens I’d be happy for the Warriors too I don’t care if they’re over the cap what do I care I don’t think Joe lob’s going to overpay for him though like there’ll be a line drawn it’s like we’re not going to go over this number it’s just a matter of how much Orlando would want him at that point yeah H oh well at that stage in your career if you can get paid or get one more payday why not go for it as if he hasn’t made enough money already well you know how human beings work yes they never think like that it’s like never enough It’s never enough always need more what’s the next payday how are we going to get that that’s the way people roll all right we’ll keep things rolling here on the show when we come back we had a weird stat last night in Major League Baseball and also hard times for the Dodgers with the injuries so we’ll talk some diamond and a very good showing from a guest that we had on the show on Friday absolutely the Diamondbacks might know what they’re doing Godfather yeah I think they do all right we’ll come back you got the Rip City drive with Dwight and Chad [Music] he [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] w [Applause] w [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] n [Music] [Music] w [Music] yeah Godfather I don’t think pain Stewart’s wife ever remarried after losing pain and I was just reading something where she said hey I just don’t think I’ll ever find another pain steart he was a Rolls-Royce and so she’s just put her life into her family and her kids and yeah she’s an A+ tennis player so you should hook her up with Nancy and they could go out there and challenge one another that’s a tough situation right there I feel sad for her really I I know it left a huge void void in her life and you would hope that maybe she could find someone who could fill at least part of that void but you know you live your life the way you want to live it that’s the way he chose all right last night Red Sox get nine stolen bases against the Yankees yeah how does that happen well there’s a lot of factors in today’s game chat all the catchers are catching on one knee now so their Mobility isn’t good in terms of blocking balls but it’s also harder for them to get up out of their stance and throw to the base and it’s also um some of them are trying to throw from the knees now and you got to have a great arm to do do that and a lot of guys don’t the other factor is you know pitchers are limited now in the big leagues you can only throw to first base or any base three times on the third time if you don’t pick them off it’s a Bo and the guy gets to go to the next base so base runners are taking full advantage of that plus the bases are bigger you get there a fraction of a second sooner because they’re larger all these factors play in I think once teams realize the of doing this even though everybody’s playing for the long ball you’re going to see stolen base records falling uh more and more I would assume all right according to what I’m looking at here nine is the record that’s the Red Sox record well it says here the Red Sox are only the ninth team to steal as many as nine bases in a game since the start of the live ball era yeah the record I think is 13 set in like 1909 and then several modern teams have stolen 12 including two great stolen base teams the Cardinals when Whitey hog was there and then the Oakland A’s stole a lot of bases where did you see those numbers at so nine is not the record no it’s it’s the Red Sox team record but not the overall record no but what I’m seeing here the red so teams have done that but that doesn’t mean somebody hasn’t done more I know but I’ve been looking all over for the record and I can’t find one spot where it clearly says this is the number of bases I just Googled MLB stolen base record by team so you got to learn how to use the internet Chad sometimes the young guys don’t really understand or you could be less of a pain in the ass and tell me exactly what the records are Chris burkart did you not try to look it up burkart did you hear me tell him when we’re in that room Chris be honest yes yes I did thank you oh when you guys were busy talking about non-show related material and I’m trying to write on the board no we were talking about the St you you guys were having a conversation I was writing on the board about what though about the stolen Bas record that’s show content you guys were talking I was riding on the board record dude let me tell you how this goes I ride on the board and then Dwight and Chris Venture off into wrestling and various conversations I’m not saying that’s wrong there was no wrestling not today how often do you guys talk about wrestling I don’t know but oh yeah we never talk about wrestling ever occasionally yeah how often you talk about the Broncos you talk about what you like so who holds the record in the LI ball era for most stolen bases in the game the Cardinals no it was who did I say Chris it was like 1905 no the live ball era starting in oh live ball was uh Oakland Oakland and then St Louis and then Oakland again it was like 13122 I think okay but still nine is a significant number of stolen bases to give up ridiculous I don’t know if anybody stolen nine in a game in quite a while because you know there was that time Chad you remember it when stolen bases were a thing back when myy wills and and Ricky Henderson those guys were stealing bases like crazy back when guys thought bunting was a good idea exactly and they weren’t trying to hit as many home runs now that you’re trying to hit home runs you don’t want guys thrown out on the bases you want that to be a three-run homer not a two-run homer I think if you try to bunt you should be an automatic out thank get rid of the bunt what a waste of time that is well nobody ever paid see it I can guarantee you that but a lot of the oldtimers oh I miss them not these kids can’t even butt well no of course not let me get this straight you’re going to give up an out just so you can advance a runner are you a dummy how about doing it in the ninth anyone you only got three outs left and you’re going to sacrifice one of them to put a guy on second with one out freaking idiot instead of giving three guys a chance to hit you’re going to just give two guys a chance to it hey judge I need you to do me a favor and front this guy over to Second well the college coach is really have it crazy when George Horton was coaching at Oregon he had big leag guys playing in his infield batting third and fourth if the first two guys got on in the first inning I guarantee you the next guy was going to bun even though he was hitting 350 with a few home runs ridiculous it was crazy it’s total nonsense all right other issues the Dodgers in one weekend have now lost Yamamoto he’s got a rotator cuff situation and Muki Betts goes down with a fractured left hand surgery is not going to be required but there’s no timetable for his return which is a problem um I think they’re going to start out by moving Otani into the leadoff spot that’s amazing so my question for you is this can the Dodgers do enough to keep the position they need at the top of the West so that when their guys come back they’re going to be fine come postseason time because it would seem to me that yeah it’s going to be a little tough to deal without Muki bets probably your best player most versatile player but just being healthy come postseason time yeah pitching staff everything else what else matters that that’s that’s the big deal for them because they’re they’re going to be fine first of all they still have all stars up and down their lineup and and honestly look neither one is going to retire surgery Dave Roberts said yesterday thought both would be back before the end of the season so they’re not that concerned in fact in some cases giving a guy a rest in the middle of the Year isn’t a bad thing yeah they’ll come back fresher they’ll especially a pitcher he’s proba going to have more innings in him in the postseason than he would have normally the only thing that’s kind of funny is moving I I think moving Otani to hit lead off when he’s one of the best power hitters in the game and I know the Braves have done that with aunia I didn’t like it then either because you’re you’re going to say he’s going to hit a lot of bases empty home runs because not only is he leading off the game if he hits one there of course the bases are empty yeah but during the game the lineup rotates around he’s now hitting behind the number eight guy and the number nine guy in your order and they’re flat out not going to get on base as much as your guys would if he were hitting cleanup well maybe Dave Roberts can teach otan how to bunt so he can get on base so Freddy Freeman can knock him in or maybe Dave Roberts knows more about lineups than I do which is yeah I guess that’s possible yes or Dave Roberts is just given the lineup by Andrew Friedman before every game and then doesn’t get to make any choices throughout the course of the game that’s even more possible yes I think all right so real quick just taking a look at the standings Yankees one and a half games in front of Baltimore what do you think about that race in the east in the a man I think that’s going to be a great race I think actually Baltimore has the better team they’re deeper their position players are better they’re not getting the same kind of pitching that the Yankees are getting right now man the Yankees pitching has really stunned me much better than I thought and they don’t even have Garrett Cole back as soon as Garrett Cole gets back they’re pitching is going to be lights out man his season debuts on Wednesday how about the Mariners eight and a half games up in the AL West ridiculous ridiculous and and I all it’s going to do is is tell the front office you know we’re so far ahead at the allar do anything we don’t need to make a deal heck no we don’t need to reinforce anything everything’s just fine I bet you they’re not going to win that division by that many they I think it’s close by the end of the season Rangers will make a run atam I don’t know if Houston’s got it in him anymore but the Rangers will and what on God’s green earth is going on in Cleveland they got 44 wins already I’ll tell you what’s going on is Step Quan is going on last time I checked he’s hitting about 390 and he doesn’t have enough at bats to qualify because he missed a month of the season with hamstring by the end of the season though he’s going to be close to the number of played appearances you need to qualify for the batting title all right when we come back Dwight and I will discuss Caitlyn V Angel ree the latest uh round we saw yesterday in the WNBA [Music] he [Music] he n [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] w [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right four o’clock chat here NBA finals tonight Celtics looking for their 18th Championship the Mavericks are hoping to force a game six back in Big D that tip off will be at 5:30 on ABC Boston favored by six and a half in game five from baseball mukie Betts has been placed on the iil suffered a broken left hand over the weekend no timetable for his return and the Dodgers pitcher Yamamoto has been placed on the 15-day iil with a rotator cuff issue gar Cole is going to make his Yankees season debut coming up on Wednesday from the NFL on Tik Tok Brandon IU told his former Sun Devil’s teammate Jaden Daniels the 49ers don’t want him back and from the NBA Hawks JM Landry field says the Hawks plan to keep their number one pick our draft coverage will start next Wednesday at 3 with the Rib City Drive and then continue on with blazer broadcasting at 4:30 throughout the night finishing up with Joe cronin’s press conference all right I suck and I forgot to offer up our Portland e tickets yes so I want to do that right now the 2024 hand cook Portland e PR which is coming up at P we have five four packs to give away for the race and you and I have both marveled at the speed in which these electric cars can travel Godfather and quietly they’re very quiet that’s true I can be out there on the golf course when the race is going on and not have a lot of yeah do you hear them have you been out there in the day they raced yeah all the time yeah there’s motorcycles out there all the time no I mean that when the EC cars race no I have not it would be interesting to see if you hear them it can’t be worse than the uh the motorcycles or the cars yeah I know it’s terrible what kind of car did you get in when you ripped around that track it was like one of those uh NASCAR kind of I I don’t know did the door open it was a stock car no you had to go in through the window oh gosh there’s got to be a picture or a video of you trying to get in through Dukes of Hazard style I hope that I burn them all but was it the General Lee I’m just trying to picture you like bow and Luke Duke trying to leap through a window no I’m the guy that was paralyzed with fear when the guy spun out on the infield trying to show me how fast he could go seriously that was a joke he thought he was really cool he was going to show me how fast and we’re going around the curve and I thought to myself you he ain’t G to make this and my fear was hitting the wall yeah yeah yeah so instead he turned into the infield we did a we kind of spun around which would you rather do spin around like that again ripping around P or get stuck upside down on a ride at Oaks Park you know I’d almost take the ride because Chad being in one of those cars between the fumes of the gasoline and the fumes of the oil and the fumes from the burnt tires yeah I was sick for two hours after that yeah it’s nasty man smells nasty all right well let’s give away these four packs right now we have five of them so we’ll take uh callers 1 2 3 45 1 through 5 callers 1 through 5 call now 5032 48620 5032 48620 first five callers through we’ll get a four pack of tickets to the E PR race coming up at P the 2024 hand cook Portland eix which is coming up at P 503 248062 is your telephone number 50324 180620 is your telephone number call now for your four pack of tickets for the Portland e pre rce 503 248 0620 tiger represent Richfield fire away with your calls we need there we go 5032 48620 I’m trying to think of some of those other uh little Podunk towns that I’ve been to S Donald Aurora it’s not Donald exit it’s the Donald Aurora exit yes I know you know you come from a small town when your town is mixed up with another town off if5 with some random exit yeah but they do have like three or four truck stops there so Newberg 5032 48620 if you’d like a four pack of tickets for the Portland e pre rce you can fire away with your phone calls right now all right godfa let’s turn our attention to the WNBA we saw once again yesterday with Caitlyn Clark and Angel ree CLK Hammer three Sky players coming over the official is pointing to this to his head here and I think they’re going to look at this the foul I believe to Angel Reese yep across the head and they will go to the monitor to review this one all right you saw the play it was definitely a hard foul on Angel Reese where she went up to try and block Caitlyn’s shot and she swiped across with her arm and put some oom into it but the problem is she missed the ball and just clocked Caitlyn’s Dome and she went crashing down to the floor yeah I I I think earlier when we were talking about Chris parkart have the right call it’s the it’s the textbook flagrant one foul where you’re making a basketball play but it’s extreme contact to the head and so it’s a flagrant one not a flagrant two where you get kicked out it’s just a flagrant one shoot the free throws then possession of the ball after that I didn’t find it anything too too egregious ch and given its Angel Reese which is she she’s playing the heavy she she’s she’s playing the role of Draymond Green in that league right now that’s what she wants to be I think and it might be a good role for her that’s okay well I found the hip check that she took a couple of weeks ago to be much more egregious yeah than saw a basketball play you’re right when you go out of your way to just knock someone over yeah non basketball play away from the action when they’re not looking yeah that’s problem after the game here’s what Angel ree had to say for inside I mean I think we were playing really hard um I think we went up really strong a lot of times and we didn’t get a lot of calls and going back at looking at the film I’ve seen a lot of calls that weren’t made I guess some people got a special whistle but special whistle she’s talking about Caitlyn Clark right there no of course that’s Angel ree here’s Caitlyn Clark take a listen to this I think you know what she’s done with her platform has been absolutely incredible and you know she has an entire fan base that has supported her and what what she did at um you know Maryland and then LSU like obviously I’ve played her for a very long time and she’s been a tremendous player so you know it’s been fun getting to compete against I think it’s been really good for the game like people just love seeing great matchups um but also at the same time like people tune in for these matchups but then they get to see how amazing these teams are and then they find new players to support and continue to come back for them too so I think that’s another benefit of it honestly I don’t think she’s getting enough credit for handling the media the way that she has as a rookie in the WNBA fresh out of college and the controversy that she’s created she hasn’t she’s not the reason why but just her being in the league as a rookie and being a superstar and everyone else taking exception trying to use her to further their platform and she handles herself with Grace in every situation I I’ve got to wonder she mentioned yesterday about how important her dad is to her you know on Father’s Day I wonder if he’s worked with her a lot over the years especially in preparation for this moment to where she’s able to handle herself like this you’d have to think that it comes from him you really would I mean cuz she is so rooted in that in that behavior it had to come I think at a young age yeah and she’s so good at it and you know it’s funny that League wanted more eyeballs the problem for them is that a lot of these eyeballs haven’t spent a lot of time watching professional basketball because that that foul you see that every night in the NBA all the time yeah they’re trying to block a shot they don’t get to the ball but they get to somebody’s head and yeah it’s a flagrant foul okay you just move on nobody even gets mad about it you know unless somebody takes a nasty fall after that or something but that’s not not what happened here and and I I just think people just haven’t seen enough of this game yet to understand yeah it’s the women’s game they they make hard fouls just like the men’s game okay get used to it okay it’s part of it yeah yeah I respect what both players are trying to do I think Kaylin Clark is improving and she’s handling her business and I like the way she deals with the media and I think Angel ree is a very good basketball player Superior rebounder an enforcer and she knows exactly what she wants to be and she’s going about it in that way which I think is interesting now on top of that I do believe that there’s a real jealousy that exists within the league right now with Caitlyn Clark because she’s a rookie she hasn’t gone of the grind she hasn’t proven herself yet as a WNBA player and yet she’s got more Fanfare endorsement opportunities and she’s going to be much richer than any other lady in the league because of who she is yeah and they can’t stand it it drives them crazy that she would be afforded so many opportunities when she just started out her career they hate that the jealousy is real I also think race plays a part of it there’s a lot of different things going on but in the end I think any media attention is good so I think this is good for the league because it’s bringing eyeballs and I got to be honest with you now I liked it in college and I like the fact that Angel’s going out of her way to make sure that her and Angel her and kayin continue to be an item and that Showdown I think Angel knows what she’s doing she’s gonna get more eyeballs on her in being the villain against Caitlyn Clark I I find it entertaining I do well she has figured out what her niche in the league is going to be and she’s a great rebounder particularly on the offensive boards and the way you get that way is by being tough because on the offensive boards you got to keep people away from you so that you can not only get the rebound but put it back up and in yeah so she creates Space by being that nasty rebounder that you really don’t want to get all that close to because you might catch a stray elbow here and there and she’s playing that role to Perfection I mean that’s that’s the kind of I mean that’s Charles Oakley that’s the way Oakley was that that’s the way so many other guys in the league lamb beer people did want to get close to those guys because they’re afraid she’s figured out that’s a pretty good rule for me I can do this because she frankly doesn’t have a lot of the basketball skills that other players in that League have but she can be Maurice Lucas maybe she can be that person who is respected as a tough person and a rebounder I know that they’ll never admit it publicly but don’t you think the other ladies in the WNBA they like the fact that when they play Indiana they’re in front of a out crowd yeah and they get the attention and there’s more Focus like they’re getting eyeballs and more focus on their game than than they’ve ever had before yeah and I used to think you know are they having trouble making the connection between big crowds and Caitlyn Clark I mean she is the reason and everybody knows it but then I thought of this and I thought well they understand it but they think these are the crowds they should have been playing in front of all along they deserve this and in their minds that’s what they think now maybe they’re right I don’t know it’s still not a game I spend a lot of time tuning in for and and once the NBA season’s over it’ll be mostly baseball for me I’ll watch some WNBA games but I I probably won’t seek it out Chad you’ll probably watch more than I will I I I’m not totally attracted to their game yet but what I’m wondering is for the people who do tune in are they going to tune in to the games that Caitlyn Clark is playing is that going to be their primary viewing for these ancillary fans yeah I think a lot of them will now the hope of the league will be you’ll see it and you’ll like it enough that you’ll start seeking out the good teams the good players and then you’ll be a fan of those I think Caitlyn says something along those lines where and this is a great approach from her that she’s hoping that with more people tuning in to the fever games that they’ll not just for her but they’ll start to discover other people on her team that they’ll take interest in and then from there you start to cheer on and root for other players as well and there are a couple of pretty good teams in that League you know Vegas is still good Connecticut is good New York with Sabrina Minnesota’s been good yeah the Liberty are very good so there’s teams to watch for sure it’s just that the bad teams are bad there’s a real difference there well I know that right now I think Indiana’s like right at the very bottom that right today as of today I think they’d be a playoff team as like the very bottom seat a lot of teams get into their playoffs I think the wnb I think would love to see Caitlyn Clark in the postseason I would guess yeah they might get some favorable officiating along the way too if you see the extender sent over to the WNBA would that be funny oh God watch the extender get called over and all of a sudden he pops up into a Indiana WNBA game and you know what’s going on what’s Scott Foster doing in WNBA game for well I’ll figure it out yeah we got to make sure this team we got to make sure Caitlin gets into the postseason oh God get Scott on the phone yeah and make sure it’s a five game series instead of three game all right when we come back we’ll uh dive into what we saw yesterday is that the best shot that PJ DAV has ever seen David Coleman will join us to break down Bryson’s win at the US Open m m [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] o m [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] w w [Applause] a [Music] and the only person standing in the way of a seventh American winner out of the last eight is Rory mroy putting across a shadow three and 1/2 ft slightly down the hill and he’s missed it oh my goodness he’s just saying Bryson here you are do you want this title another epic up and down at Pinehurst for a US Open Championship Bryson D Shambo now has two man I can’t believe that up and down the last that was uh all World probably the best shot of my life all right US Open Champion Bryson to Shambo make that two major championships for Bryson both us opens and joining us right now to recap is our PJ Insider David Coleman PJ DAV it’s great to have you back my friend that shot by Bryson how good was that oh my God guys that was incredible that shot uh you know a 50 or 55 Yard bunker shot whatever it was I mean that’s one of the hardest shots you could have in golf because number one you don’t have it that much you don’t practice it that much and then just the Precision you need with that I mean honestly I to me it would be like an NFL team you know in the Super Bowl needing to convert like a third and long to ice the game you know maybe a third and 25 and you you know you pull it off you know uh so that’s what it felt like it was uh it was a great shot that he hit you know under those circumstances and uh you know he’s the kind of guy that he’s such a unique guy that he practices all these different shots with his YouTube channel and just who he is I mean I mean I think he’s experimented so much that I think that says a lot about him I think it says a lot to the average golfer bye Dave you there David yeah okay we lost you for a second you got me yeah we do let’s try it we’ll try out one more question see what happens uh we all knew that Bryson was kind of a changed person but even knowing that were you surprised at what you saw from his energy and just the way he carried himself with the fans and all the Charisma he showed did that surprise you even now all right why don’t you put him on hold and we’ll try to get reconnected that phone connection felt a lot like Roy tried to putt on the 18th green yesterday yes oh my gosh it’s like come on man I’m excited about Bryson’s Championship I’m excited about the sandshot in 18 I’m excited about what went down yesterday I’m excited about the energy and everything he brought to the course and then the phone connections which are going to kill me it’s going to kill me one day Godfather one day I’m just not going to show up and people are going to be like where’s chat and you’ll be like well he just had it enough with the cell phone that one last cell phone I don’t understand me explain this to me real quick why is it that we can send a rocket into space with passengers but they can’t find cell phones that can connect I drive down the I5 Corridor I hit hazeldell it’s like oops can’t talk to anyone you can’t figure this out by now all right PJ Dave is back my friend what do you think about this transformation of Bry and D Shambo with the energy and the enthusiasm and the interaction with fans yeah it’s something else Chad I mean you know the biggest thing I think I’ve seen with Bryson is uh you know I I think him going over to live and getting that guaranteed money kind of freed him up actually I think you know the the thing when he was playing on on the PGA tour I think he felt a pressure to like always be you know not only the number one player in the world but you to stay out there and to be relevant and I think when he got that guaranteed money he was able to do other things with this YouTube channel the long drive contest um you know and then go out and experiment on social media with you know like some of these different things that he’s done that are really unique trying to play golf with a ball from 20 years ago playing with Pimon clubs all these different things so I think now people are seeing that and they’re saying hey this is really cool this is really unique this is really fun and this is awesome so now they’re you know saying that hey if if he if he’s doing this out in the world like why don’t we try this so I think he’s connected with people because he’s just being a regular person in a lot of ways you know Dave you foreshadowed this for us last week when we had you on I asked you about Rory and you said well I want to see him down the stretch with the pressure on him what he does what the the heck happened to him on 16 and 18 with those short putts I think it was just nerves white that just got you know I think the pressure of the moment and I think you know understanding that I’m In the Heat of battle um I’m not only just playing you know to be the best player in the world but I’m trying to break this drought of not winning a major in 10 years and uh you know I think that got into his mind and then I think the reality of it is is that you know this is Legacy type stuff for a guy like him you know now a lot of people are going to look at him and say well what if you know he wins all these tournaments on the PJ tour like he won a quail how and he looked like he was so dominant and he looked like he was you know just impossible to stop he wins you know all these other tournaments he’s won the FedEx Cup playoffs but why can’t he win a major and I think that the enormity of the moment just came you know just got to him and I think the reality is is like you know when when you’re in a tournament like that on a golf course you don’t know as well I think that is definitely a factor too so I think there’s no question that uh not having all the knowledge and then I think he had gotten a lousy break earlier in the day on five and I think that could have changed things a little bit I mean that look like maybe an eagle or birdie at worst and he makes bogey there so I think there are a few things that played into it but I think mostly just in his mind I think it the pressure of the moment really got to him I have to follow up with that with you Dave you know after the tournament he left he was out of there ch had time to 9 minutes he was off the course and in his car and out of the parking lot can that stay with a guy for longer than just a week or a month or a season even what’s going to happen with that do you think he carries it around for a long time um yeah I think it’s good that he’s taking a break I I saw there was something on social media this afternoon that said he’s going to be taking a break and uh I think he’s not going to show up on uh on the PJ tour at least till the Scottish open so I think that’s a good thing um I think it’s bothering him right now for sure I mean there’s no doubt I mean look at uh you look at all the things you know he’s gone through the last few years with his you know personal stuff with his divorce and obviously he was the face of the PJ tour that J Monahan and all the people um you know on the tour basically trotted out they’re like hey Rory go defend us from the Saudis and then they end up doing this back room deal behind his back so I think Rory’s had a lot on his plates and I think it’s all kind of caught up with him so I think at the end of the day um you know it’s a very tough situation for him I mean obviously talent wise he’s probably one of the most talented players if not the most talented player on the tour but you know I think the problem is is like you know when you don’t win these tournaments you don’t come through in the clutch it’s GNA EA you no matter how good of a player you are we’re talking with David Coleman PJ Dave here on the Rip City Drive what do you think it said about Bryson’s game that he won a tournament on a final round on a day when he didn’t have his driver going oh it says a ton Chad I mean there’s no doubt I mean Bryson is a guy that uh you know can win um you know even even in the toughest moments uh it shows that he’s got a a lot of mental fortitude it shows his short game has come a long way um from where it was a couple years ago where he was really bulked up and you could see that basically he was trying to overpower corses and he can still do that but now he’s got more touch around the greens he’s a much better wedge player and I think you know with these different irons he’s got he’s much more dialed in with his distance control than he was a few years ago so I think that all says that you know all this work he’s put in off the course to get these irons exactly what he wanted really shows that he’s in in the right place and we’re seeing it I mean he definitely could have won the PGA and he won at Pinehurst and you know I mean he’s had wins on the LIF tour and and I think right now Bryson outside of Scotty Sheffer is one of the best players in the world okay what do you think this has done for the live tour and do you think it could have any impact at all on on some sort of merger I mean they need him on the PGA tour right now yeah oh there’s no doubt um they certainly do Dwight I I think uh for Liv I think it’s gonna get some people to watch for sure I think there’s more of a curiosity now um to see what Bryson does in the next tournament um you know leading up to the Open Championship but I think uh reality you know to be honest with you I think um you know I think the PG tour’s got to figure out can we merge somehow we live and can we do this and get this done so we don’t have this lingering because I feel like the longer this keeps lingering like is it ever going to happen his golf always going to be fractured because I think they need to figure out a way to get these guys all together more than just four times a year if they can do that I think they’ve got a great chance of really s you know growing the game even more because I think right now it’s just too divided and like no one knows what heck’s going on hey Dave what you think about some of the lies that the guys had in the native area there at Pinehurst number two um I think that’s the beauty of that course Chad I think that’s the thing about that course you know it’s a type course where you know you can get in a lot of trouble um you know if you get if you get a bad Break um it’s kind of like being in you know you we’ve used to seeing over the years at the US Open where you know it’s five six inch rough and obviously with that kind of rough um you know makes the course so much more difficult but I think at least they had a chance to play out of it in certain spots but I think in other spots it it really punished you so I think it was almost like it was fair because you got you saw some guys took advantage of it and then there were times where hey you know you got a bad break so I think it it was Democratic in the way that they set it up because hey you know it was luck of the draw but at least it wasn’t so brutal where you had to take a wedge out every time and just chop at it to get it back in play David looking ahead you mentioned the Open Championship how do you see that now you you think it’s G to open with uh with Bryson being the favorite um I don’t know yeah that’s an interesting one because I want to say they’re going back to the course uh where mikkelson and uh Henrik Stenson had that great duel uh like I want say a little bit less than 10 years ago so I don’t know it just depends on how the course plays um Bryson’s definitely going to be one of the favorites what is his game plan going to be there is he gonna try to hit irons off all the te’s is he going to try to you know just overpower the court so that’s going to be an interesting thing the way he plays because the one thing about open championships is really dictated by the weather and I think the one thing is that if the weather’s good I think Bryson’s got a heck of a chance because he can really get up and and overpower a golf course but you know I mean if he’s get if if the weather’s not great I mean who knows who could win I mean that’s the challenge with with those lyns courses over there the ball has to be hit more along the ground it’s so different than what see in America um because it’s you know the conditions are firmer faster and you’re really trying to avoid those bunkers because those bunkers are almost like hazards or you know penalty areas because you know if you get in one of those it might take you a couple shots to get out if you have a bad lie all right PJ Dave David Coleman here on the Rip City Drive we love you man thanks for your Insight and your time and we look forward to the future when we get a chance to talk to you about the Open Championship you’re the best thanks again guys I appreciate it and yeah it was a really compelling tournament and uh yeah I think I think golf’s in a really good place right now and let’s hope uh you know these guys like I I’ve always said the sooner they get back together they can all play together it’s only for the betterment of the game no question about it thanks Dave we appreciate it there’s David Coleman PJ Dave here on the Rip City Drive big props to Chris burkart for resetting that phone connection because I about to have an aneurism but I you mean that wasn’t an aneurism yeah good gracious that stuff drives me crazy but he’s right because the reason why yesterday’s tournament was so awesome is because you had two super super stars in Bryson and Roy going head-to-head MH it wasn’t about Liv or PGA it was about two greats fighting for a championship and that’s why we need those two groups together yeah because then we can have that on a regular basis no question Chad it it’s hurting the game right now we don’t get to see those live guys enough and finding them on television you forget what channel they’re on what time they’re on they’re only playing three rounds so yeah they’re they’re just harder to find and people aren’t going to look that hard for him and I miss watching DJ I’m I miss watching Michelson all these guys and some of them are over the hill I understand that Bryson’s not though he’s in his prime and it’s G to be a shame to miss that well and what sucks is I’m not going to watch live tournaments so I’m stuck to Bryson four times a year playing the majors yeah and then his YouTube channel I need more Bryson in tournaments that matter it’d be great to see him in the memorial or some of these other tournaments yeah hopefully they’ll figure it out out pretty soon but we’ll see how things shake out in the open Championship my guess would be that Sheffer will probably be the favorite going into the Open Championship and then Bryson will be right there behind him yeah well sheffler was not to be seen this weekend no that course if you’re not on point at pioner number two it will eat you alive I mean there were guys who hit good shots and were penalized for it because it rolled off the front of the green right into a sand trap that’s not annoying or anything well wait a I was on the green why is my ball in the Trap some of those shots were right near the they just rolled right past the pin and ended up 40 yards away Ah that’s crazy all right Rip City drive with Dwight and Chad I I want to play something for you Godfather uh no one knows because I think they chose yesterday to’ be the time but Tom Brady made his uh Fox analyst debut yesterday for the UFL Championship I didn’t hear it okay think about it you had Father’s Day US Open going on yeah the ch games Clark and Angel ree trying to kill each other were they hiding Tom Brady from the public is that the idea my guess is if he’s going to make his debut you don’t know exactly how it’s going to go why not put him in a situation where he can get some reps and get used to being on a hot mic and a camera without all the eyeballs on him right it’s not a bad idea yeah but take a listen this just a brief little uh section of conversation that he has so let’s take a listen we decided to bring in a little instant offense you know him you love him Tom Brady legendary quarterback just had his number retired I can’t go down there on the field anymore what you about you can’t play anymore he’s joining us here at Fox Sports I’m sure you have heard as analyst this fall can’t wait to see him so far what are your impressions of this early going championship game sometimes teams can be a little bit tight it looks like it may be right here they’re all a little different you get into these games and there’s a lot of Defense out there right now you see defense can go out there and play with a lot of energy but someone’s got to get the ball down the field and try to open this field up a little it’s a lot of horizontal passes and the defenses are swarming and trying to punch the ball out so make them defend every blade of grass that’s what we say and and and as a quarterback sometimes you just got to go to your play caller you say hey give me something you know like let me go attack here on this series let’s get a play flight going let’s get a safety down and try to get this ball down the scene you know Tom he had a bunch of green grass I know he ran on the previous play he probably gets the line to gain there Adrien Martinez if he just takes off he had a lot of space he’s been running so well all season long got out of the pocket with the vision there and had a pretty good shot maybe to get those four yards was that a result of taking a big hit on the previous play I don’t know you get out of there for me I don’t know I never took any of those big hits out of the pocket maybe a couple kind ofed I never did no I was stuck in the pocket trying to read the coverage well this is this is what’s so fascinating is is someone’s got to come out here and just break the ice you know obviously you were involved in so many Super Bowls is is there a moment that you can remember all right there you go I I thought he was fine I thought he was fine and from what I’ve seen in some of the recent interviews that he’s done and he’s popping up more and more on different shows and so forth he’s been pretty critical of quarterback play and oh some things that are going on in the game oh good that’s given me hopes that he’s not going to shy away from yeah speaking his mind that’s what we want to hear from him and if he does that if he’s willing to criticize when criticism is necessary praise when that’s necessary if he’s willing to be real with his comments and not worry about hurting people’s feelings because we do live in the feeling generation as we all know I think he’s going to be fine cuz no one really knows more about the quarterback position than that guy he’s got a lot to share a lot of insight be valuable you don’t you think you have to figure that he’s going to be as well prepared as anybody sitting down in that Booth there’s no way that he’s going to sit down and not be overprepared yeah that’s just by Nature that’s how he operates uhhuh and he won’t be coed out like Tony Romo so that’s a good thing or whatever he’s on caffeine or cocaine or whatever that is Coca-Cola you said didn’t you I think that’s what you said I don’t know we got to ask Jim N like how do you do it man how do you put up with Tony Romo getting all crazy in the booth and talking over you all the time it does get a little crazy settle down Tony yeah it’s not even relevant Tony but you see that that’s why Aman is so good at his job because when people like he loses his mind sometimes when when people are doing dum dum things out there great players who are really good at what they did they don’t understand stupidity and so I love anman when you can hear the angst in his voice with what he’s seeing MH and I hope that Tom Brady’s the same way hey pman does a pretty good job too of sort of masking it once in a while where he kind of talks in generalities well you know he’s talking about that guy right down there in the field doing that that’s what we need how do you think Tom Brady’s gonna do in the booth burkart you think he’s gonna be good or is he gonna be vanilla and me I think a guy like him first time out he’s going to play it safe once he gets in a Groove there might be no stopping him he’s obviously smart so just once he realize you’re just talking he’ll be good so what you’re saying is we just need a little patience see how I did nice work burkart the Open Championship is going to be at Royal trun yeah whever that is have you ever been over there in Scotland uh no I haven’t yet no we were looking into that too uh what the Open Championship yeah well hold on we’ll get to that later we haven’t talked about that yet on the show we got a surprise for you your white called me all excited last night you do have a good wife I will say that yeah the best Nancy is The Good Wife there’s no question okay the 152nd open it’s been around 152 years that’s a long time do you think there were guys like Bryson pumping uh their fist and yelling at the crowd 152 years ago no no the 152nd open returns to Scotland where Royal TR Golf Club will host the open sometimes referred to as a British Open oh yeah I know that you morons it’s it’s in South asire airshire yeah how do you pronounce that Godfather AER probably AER yeah it’s on it’s on the coast isn’t it it it’s probably another one of those Scottish courses right on the ocean where the wind’s whipping in and it’s the middle of the summer and people are bundled up in coats and scarves do you like Guns and Roses little not my favorite but not my top 10 let’s put it that way oh yeah you sent me the top top 10 bands of all time according to Rolling Stone yeah they’re always misguided like they got a lot right and then it’s like where that radio head in the top 10 radio head do you think radio head is a top 10 group of all time Burkhart they don’t even sniff the top 10 I don’t know where that came from No it’s it’s because it’s not it’s rubbish is what it is yeah I guess you’re trying to spark controversy by doing something like that because everybody knows I mean what who what idiot would do that it’s like when people try to get cute and act like the Beatles aren’t great yeah that bothers me yeah like they don’t have to be your favorite but at least acknowledge greatness morons best part about them is educating the young youngins on how literally music you hear today is influenced by The Beatles that’s my point exactly they influenced an entire generation of artists and Beyond it’s incredible all right we’ll keep things rolling here on the Rib City Drive Dwight and Chad with you we have a four packet tickets for the Thorns to give away that we’ll do coming up at about 513 [Music] a a he [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] a [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] he [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey what’s going on my friends it’s now 4:48 little improv update for you as we get ready for the NBA finals which is coming up tonight tip off at 5:30 on ABC the Boston Celtics looking to secure their 18th World Championship the Mavericks looking to force a game six which will be back in Dallas Boston favored by six and a half couple of notes from baseball mookie bets is on the I suffered a broken hand over the weekend as did Yamamoto he’s on the 15-day I with a rotator cuff issue no timetable to return for either one of those guys and garri Cole will make his season debut for the Yankees coming up oned Wednesday we got more of the Rip City drive with Dwight and Shad coming at you right now that was the old 448 update huh Chad whatever it takes yeah it scared the crap out of me because my brain is programmed for certain sounds at certain times I’m like wait what and then burkart’s like well if you want to do one right now you can so I just went with it all right so the Godfather called me up last night excited because apparently his wife Nancy wants to go to the US Open next year which is down in La so Oakmont is in Los Angeles I had no idea I didn’t know where Oakmont was it’s a story course they’ve had major events there before I didn’t know it was in La it’s it’s in actually Glendale which is near Pasadena actually not far from Dodgers Stadium most likely and uh so I’m sitting there watching the end of yesterday’s golf tournament and she’s messing around on her phone like she often does when we’re watching TV you know checking emails and texts and all that stuff and all of a sudden she’s we’re going next year I said where US Open what yeah it’s said Oakmont and uh I thought I’d see what the tickets were and if we could get any and she because she’s attended the US Open when it was up in by Seattle you know just a few years ago she gets early reservation for tickets so she got two tickets for Saturday and Sunday at the US Open VIP section covered breakfast lunch and dinner I think right there undercover I guess 18th hole I think but uh we’re going that’s good now the only other thing you need to make the trip perfect would be the Dodgers playing a home series during that time frame and she’s a Dodger fan and uh so she said well let’s not make any reservations for planes or hotels until we see the Dodger schedule and they’ll they’ll undoubtedly be home the week before the tournament or the week after the tournament and we’ll fix it up that way we’ll either go to the games the week after or the week before so we’re going to see we’ll make it a week week vacation and we’ll see some Dodger games do a few other things well the great thing about the US Open being in La is that it’s much easier to get to from Portland yeah much more affordable too you can get down there absolutely obviously hotel costs are not going to be good in LA or any of the other big cities but yeah the flights will be cheap because you can get down there for a very affordable cost and we both know our way around down there a little bit it’ be a lot easier even though the traffic’s a nightmare but uh yeah we’re thinking about other things to do while we’re down there and there’s plenty of that well hopefully you’ll get another battle with Rory and Bryson down the stretch you can enjoy that on the final day what did they say the last four or the last five were one stroke victories it’s been like four or five in a row that have gone down to one stroke I would like to have seen a playoff yeah me too would have been fun two holes aggregate scoring right yep that’s unusual yeah I feel like Rory would have crumbled under that pressure too if he had gotten into a playoff with Bryson but that would have been awesome he would have been missing tapin gosh oh that poor guy he miss a three and a half footer on the 18th he missed a three and a half footer there’s no gimmies in golf people three and a half footer yeah that’s tough yeah and that’s because the putt from 16 was probably looming large in his mind at the time yeah that one was a ABS that one was easier than the one on 18 that one was terrible yeah I just don’t I know everyone says I know that the the one 18 was hard because it was you know moving away from but I mean when you’re a pro yeah I know those should be gimmies they were all season for him he never missed those yeah they until it counted yeah until it counted but that’s what happens man when you need to make something like that the spinter tightens up a little bit you start to think and then boom Chad don’t you think everybody who’s ever played golf could identify with that because when you put just a little pressure like oh I’ve never broken 80 before I’ve never broken a hundred before whatever it is you put that pressure on yourself that putt gets harder and one thing Bryson did say yesterday is that he loves those moments for the pressure he was getting off on having to make big pressure putts and shots in the moment you could see it on his face face he was relishing those shots boy the look on his face after he hit the bunker shot I mean you could see how he told he said last night that if he had that shot to do a 100 times he probably gets it up in that spot like four out of a 100 yeah I’ll tell you when he jumped down into the bunker though he didn’t waste a lot of time it looked to me like he knows what he’s doing here he’s got a plan for this shot may not work the way he wants it but he knows what he’s going to do all right we’ll come back and when we do we’ll take a look at game five coming up tonight here in about 35 minutes Celtics and Mavericks can Dallas force a game six [Music] he a [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I n [Music] all right I’m back five o’clock Chad here checking the major league scoreboard right now bottom of the third in Pittsburgh Pirates on top of the Reds four to one Phillies lead the Padres 3 R in Philadelphia bottom of five and in Miami right now the Cardinals on top of the Marlins one zip top of six Red Sox lead the Jays 4-1 and the Tigers and Braves are scoreless in the third NBA finals coming up tonight this just in christops porzingis has been cleared and is expected to play tonight Celtics and Mavericks will tip off coming up in 30 minutes from Boston Celtics favored by 6 and a half one win away Boston is from their 18th Championship if Dallas gets a win they’ll force a game six back in Big D more the Rip City drive with Dwight and sha coming at you next we got a four pack of tickets for the Portland Thorns to give away coming up here in 13 minutes e now you saw this guy live in Maui yeah I saw him twice once here and once in Maui unbelievable so good I’m serious so good boy burkart bringing out some of the goodies today do you feel like we feel I’m trying to see if I can find that message that you sent over to me let’s take a look at this here is the top 10 bands of all time and this is according to Rolling Stone so the doors are at number 10 The Velvet Underground at nine Nirvana at 8 radio head at seven seriously that’s a travesty yeah the who at number six Leed Zeppelin at five Pink Floyd at four yeah and then you two at three we could do without you two and I think you two both agree with me right I know Chad agrees with me Chris what about you two I mean at number three number three is a stretch I don’t think they’re top 10 bad to tell you the truth that’s absolute garbage now the top two are well you really can’t dispute it the Beatles at one and Rolling Stones at number two yeah yeah do you concur with that burkart I think Leed zin’s too low on that list myself I do too Chris I would say three I’d put him at three I’d put him i’ put can’t let Ze be ahead of uh the Rolling Stones I’d put them ahead of the stones but I know everyone loves the stones I’m just not I don’t dispute their greatness and I do not dispute that they are a top 10 band of all time but Leed Zeppelin was unique onto itself in terms of what they created yeah I’d put him ahead I’d put him at two I think the Beatles are number one yeah the Beatles are one and the reality is is that m Marney and lenen did not write a bad song I don’t even know how it’s possible but they didn’t and more importantly if you want to go beyond the music that they made and they were significant in terms of number ones and record sales the whole shebang but the influence that they had over so many different artists and so many people that wanted to pursue music after they heard the Beatles they were mind blown and they’re like I want to do that that speaks to itself amazing yeah that it it is quite incredible but also on that list too like I know controversial but like had Kurt coob not had the story that he had is nirvana talked about as much as they are like musically they were they were good but they weren’t great they gave us uh they gave us you know the Foo Fighters in the long run they there with Dave Gro who I think is one of the greatest musicians of his time but as a band is that’s debatable too The Velvet Underground yeah is that with or without Nico do you remember Velvet Underground niik sang with him but Velvet Underground also featured Lou Reed he was in Velvet Underground I believe I mean also like if you really want to get down to it because everyone talks about like setts and this that like a top 10 band that no one talks about is Judas Priest because every single metal band that you talk to oh who’s your influence Metallica who’s your Mo biggest influence uh yeah Judas Priest without a doubt them and Sabbath like they influenced an entire genre and created offshoots musical influence matters that’s annoying thanks a lot Rolling Stone radio head top 10 I think I’d put Foo Fighters in there ahead of You2 or radio head I don’t care about the Foo Fighters either I just know that You2 is not number three all time that’s absurd you got you two ahead of Leed Zeppelin and Pink Floyd are you kidding me yeah that’s a joke whoever wrote that list was like well you two sold out the sphere in Vegas Le Zeppelin never did that what’s the guy’s name boner it was it Bono whatever the guy’s name is I know that he knows the name he’s a very likable guy yeah is it boner I think putting you two there is a political statement I do you ever see that episa South Park with h Bono where where he uh he is the record holder for the world’s largest uh poop and they come to find out that he’s not the record holder he’s the record that’s good I just didn’t watch a lot of South Park episodes my favorite would be the uh the smug episode oh that’s a good one that’s a good one yeah all right there you go so whatever Rolling Stone every time I read their list I I have to look at them and then I get annoyed at some of their decisions with their list well I think they’re releasing lists like this because nobody reads the magazine anymore used to be they were big time but you never hear about them anymore well how many people read magazines now or go shopping for magazine well they’re online now so I don’t know how that works out all right NBA finals tonight Godfather um first off there was a lot of uh probably fake outrage but people frustrated with the Celtics performance in game four getting blown out by Dallas yeah I’m not concerned about it whatsoever because the game meant absolutely nothing when you win game three to go up 3 0 and put a strangle hold on the series you’re naturally at least in my mind at what I’ve seen you take your foot off the gas my guess is you’re going to see a totally different Celtic team tonight that’d be my guess well you will because porzingis is going to play apparently that makes a big difference big difference I hope he can walk after the game but they’re going to use him apparently but we’ve seen this before where teams get up three 0 they take their foot off the gas and they come back home and finish off the series I do you expect Boston to win tonight yeah I do how much of a key is Kyrie for Dallas and what they’re trying to accomplish tonight I don’t believe they could win the game without him having a good game they’ve got to have him Luca is not enough to beat them they’ll play well at home especially with porzingis there their defense will be back to where it was before so Kyrie you better show up how concerned would you be for Boston let’s say that Dallas goes out and pulls off the upset tonight and forces a game six with the status of porzingis being questionable the rest of the way is that a concern yeah I would think so if he plays to tonight you better win CU I think they’re putting all their eggs in one basket finish it tonight end it and move on to the St because if you don’t finish it tonight you’re probably looking at a game seven and nobody wants that game seven especially if they were up 3 0 and have the prospect of becoming the first team to blow that uh that’s pressure I don’t know if that team can withstand the other thing I’m wondering too with Dallas are we going to see the same type of intensity defensively that they had in game four at home on the road in Boston tonight for game five and then the shot making that we saw in game four will they have anything remotely close to that because it’s easy to get that at home with the emotion can you match that in Boston yeah I I just you know some of these teams can do that you saw Minnesota they didn’t want to get swept so they just they threw everything out there in one game and they got their win and that was it you know they they didn’t have it for the next game I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the way down is wouldn’t surprise me at all you know I can’t believe this you pointed it out to me but for the Celtics in the last 38 years the Celtics have one Championship that’s the one they got back in ‘ 08 with Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen but in the last 38 years the Marlins in baseball and the Cowboys have more championships than do the Boston Celtics that’s incredible isn’t it and look at the Yankees too they had the great run at the end of the 90s into the early 2000s with Joe Tori and they won another championship in 09 but since 09 they haven’t won a title in 15 years it feels to me like sometimes the Celtics and the Yankees get so much love for all the past success without any real focus on the current Squad that’s weird to me I totally agree with you Chad I don’t get it it’s like that brand has such power that people it’s like the Lakers in a way that Laker brand isn’t what it used used to be I’m sorry Magic’s not walking through that door anytime soon they’ve lost their magic and it’s not the same well the Cowboys are in the same boat 29 years absolutely old jera he’s selling a lot of pepsicola but he not winning any titles do they sell Pepsi at at their Stadium he’s a guy that isn’t didn’t did I think it’s Pepsi he didn’t he sue the league so that he could get his own deal everybody else has is tied into Coke I think but he wants all his own stuff there and he’s sued to get it I believe it was Pepsi that’s pathetic yeah what same thing the Yankees got the Cowboys and the Yankees both offer Pepsi as their beverage of choice I should probably check that to make sure but that’s what I’m thinking sometimes my memory fails well a lot of times I’ve thought something and find out like oh I’m totally wrong that’s not exactly how I went down yeah you’re right oh my gosh that’s amazing but yeah the cel uh living off a lot of love from what took place in the past but tonight if they win it it will give them their 18th Championship which would move them ahead of the Lakers for the most in NBA history Pepsi come on man be better than that especially if you’re a Diet Coke drinker you know like I know that Diet Pepsi is undrinkable it’s a hideous beverage it is what you find out about the Cowboys nothing uh Jerry’s too busy right now trying to deal with this uh Sunday Ticket lawsuit instead of his beverage of choice yeah I think everybody who owns a team in the NFL is a little bit concerned about that the lawsuit the NFL’s involved in that nobody really knows anything about well because they’ve been screwing people I’ve been part of that that’s been screwed for years and years by the NFL driving up the price of Sunday Ticket yeah why not just offer the package you said the major league package used to just have a setup where you could choose one team team and say Hey I want all their games so if you wanted all the Braves games you could just watch that the first year or two that they had that package that was the way it could be yes yeah the Dallas Cowboys uh Pepsi holds a longstanding partnership with the NFL and has an endorsement deal with the cowboys a’t that nice the official Cola of Texas stadium yeah a 10 year deal 20 million yeah they got all the teams now you can’t go to an NFL game and not I mean you got to drink a Pepsi to go to an NFL game no they have Coke it at the Broncos games are you sure 100% well it says all 32 teams have it this is AD age too advertising age I’m just telling you I went to a Bronco game last year and drank a Diet Coke oh okay this is September of 2013 I’ll bet the I’ll bet that they got Coke since then and jera is still the only one with Pepsi Jared doing his own thing he does that you talk about I mean is he the most he’s the most powerful guy in the league who do you think the most powerful owner is in the league burkart is it jera it it’s Jerry what about craft he’s got to be up there but somehow I think he’s a little he’s a little more reluctant to exercise his power unlike Jara who’s gonna he’s going to show you how powerful he is all the time well I can tell you which owner I like to hear talk more than the other that’s jera yeah for sure I want audio of him rambling off at this trial it’s too bad Steve Jones isn’t he could have gotten him on just to talk with with listeners out in scapoose and cambi what are the odds that he used the reference glory hole in the trial today is that possible no no I think he’s been warned about that you act like it’s not even possible with Jerry no I don’t I don’t I think he’s been warned on that one I think he could say other really dumb stuff it does make me mad that you can’t just say I want all the Bronco games no you got to get all them yeah you got to buy them all why can’t you just buy the one team and forget about those other teams like there are some crap teams in in the NFL why would I I don’t want the Carolina Panther games you losers yeah whatever all right when we come back we got to talk about specialized coaching and how it’s helping the NBA and how it could be vital with the draft this year we’ll explain it next [Music] a a [Music] h [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] he a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] w [Applause] w [Applause] [Applause] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] n [Applause] [Applause] all right Godfather after 24 hours of Silence um Roy mroy has posted a message oh really he says yesterday was a tough day probably the toughest I’ve had in my nearly 17 years as a professional golfer firstly I’d like to congratulate Bryson he is a worthy champion in exactly what professional golf needs right now I think we can all agree on that as I reflect on my week I’ll Ru a few things over the course of the tournament mostly the two Miss putts on 16 and 18 on the final day but as I always try to do I’ll look at the positives of the week that far outweigh the negatives as I said at the start of the tournament I feel closer to winning my next major championship than I ever have the one word that I would describe my career as is resilient I’ve shown my resilience over and over again in the last 17 years and I will again I’m going to take a few weeks away from the game to process everything and build myself back up for my defense of the Genesis Scottish open and the open at Royal trune see you in Scotland so there you go and I have I mean did you have an issue with him taking off like I I understand why he took off yeah because that was a brutal loss it was but I’m also one of those guys where it’s like you’re the face of the PGA and you make many millions of dollars to do what you do you should probably hang out for a few questions no matter how uncomfortable you might be yeah there’s that thing too where if you’re going to be there when you win you better be there when you lose and somebody has has to congratulate the winner and it’s going to be you you’re the guy that should be there shaking his hand and Bryson did not take off right away after the PGA Championship loss to Xander shafley he stayed he congratulated him yeah and he admitted yesterday that that stuck in his craw man he wanted this Championship badly because he came so close to the PGA but I get it for Rory that was it’s one thing to lose a championship because someone is just better than you but when you lose because you missed a couple of three Footers like that’s tough to swallow yeah he blew it he at least blew a chance to be in a playoff to have an opportunity to win the championship he probably knew as soon as he missed that putt on 18 he was done yeah he probably just knew it so there’s the latest from uh Rory and hey take a little bit of time off reset your Dome go back to work on your game and get ready for you know the big tournament on your Turf and hopefully he’ll have a good showing it’d be a great comeback story if he bounced back and won the open it’d be huge it’s been 10 years since he’s won a major that’s crazy with a guy with that much talent oh remember back to that time people were Pro in all kinds of he was being talked about as a guy that had a chance to win the most Majors all right let’s shift Focus for a moment the NBA draft is coming up next week Wednesday and Thursday the NBA was kind enough to extend the draft to two days which is wonderful yeah um well the the big question about this draft and I think we all know this if you follow the NBA is that it’s not considered a talent-rich draft in fact many experts think it’s one of the weakest drafts of all time and part of that comes from the fact that you don’t have a lot of guys near the top who are terrific Shooters now you sent over a piece of me from uh Henry Abbott who’s been covering the NBA for a long time and he focused in on three-point shooting and how it’s commonly one of the easiest things to improve with young college players coming into the NBA that you can take these guys you can work with them and get some improvement at the three-point line but then he zeroed in on Oklahoma City who has got a unique shooting coach or as you call him Godfather a shot doctor and his name’s chip England and this is a guy that’s been doing this for quite some time but he used the example of Chad holgren and namely Jaylen Williams who came in to the NBA not as a good three-point shooter he was poor in college and now he’s top 10 among the best in the NBA at three-point shooting and that’s what the work that the Thunder have of this shot doctor what do you think about chip England and the work he’s doing with the Thunder well we saw when he was with San Antonio Sam presty was then a young general manager with San Antonio and he got him he got chip away from Denver where he had done good work and he brought him into San Antonio and there was an almost immediate uptick in their three-point shooting and then he he he got him to follow him to Seattle when you know the the Thunder were in Seattle for that brief time and uh then he followed him to O to OKC and he’s just had he’s had wonderful uh progress and and results here’s the best way to tell you about it Shay gilas Alexander is not known as an outside shooter in fact that’s been his Achilles heel but last season he shot 35.3% from three which people think well that’s kind of mediocre but it’s in the same neighborhood as Damen Lillard Anthony Edwards and Jaylen brown guys who shoot a lot of them shoot right around 35 to 37 unless you’re name is Steph Curry you know then you can still get up around 40 but when you shoot a lot of them percentage tends to go down a little bit so you think about him shooting 35.3 that’s decent that’s okay how many of his teammates do you think shot more than that made more than 35.3% how many 11 11 guys on that team shot above 35.3% and that’s incredible and you talk talk about Jaylen Williams and Isaiah Joe and guys like that who were never known as big-time Shooters they became Shooters there he’s got some Secrets he has the secret sauce and and I I I wish I could tell you what it is but honestly Chad there are definitely shooting fundamentals that every shot doctor will teach you and it’s just like baseball you could have any batting stance you want but by the time you get your bat to the ball almost every good hitter looks alike by that time he’s gotten to a launch position that is the best and and with shooting it’s the same way you can start off all funny with the wrong foot and everything else but when you get up to the top of your shot it’s almost always the same with all good Shooters it’s the great follow through that goose neck follow through and and it’s presenting the ball in the same way in a triple uh Triple Threat position it’s interesting you mentioned that golfers are the same way yeah they all have their own sequence but when they get to impact position they have the same Basics that are being applied to make sure they get you know proper striking yeah very interesting to me so is this a guy and you know Henry obviously the guy’s not going to share all of his secrets and Henry didn’t share exactly what he does but my guess is is this a combination of well let me start with this do the Thunder draft anyone like do you think the shot doctor can work with anyone or is he helping in terms of watching film and saying hey I think this guy’s got some mechanics I can work with or does he take anyone I would guess Chad that you don’t just take anyone there are certain guys that are probably beyond help and they don’t want to touch those guys and and guys who have they’ve already been told these guys resist coaching if you won’t take coaching you can’t be helped and and that’s the thing and and I think his secret SAU look they take athletes who can defend and do everything but you and there’s a bunch of those guys in this draft that you look at him and and Chris is following one uh uh what’s his name Chris Cody yeah I like Cody Williams out of Colorado right and he’s known for being great at everything he can defend he works his tail off he’s a good teammate he can do everything but he’s just a very pedestrian shooter now if you could teach that guy to shoot and it’s it’s like Jaylen Williams who’s the same way now he’s projected as a Max contract guy because they taught him how to shoot he could do everything else and and a lot of these things these guys can do like defend you really can’t teach that so if you can just learn how to teach shooting you can create much better players than what you drafted so um that’s his thing and and I’ve always said I’ve watched him a little bit before games and what I see is he not only stresses those basic fundamentals but he has special drills based on what a player is doing wrong in his setup or his delivery or his follow through that emphasize those weak spots so he can get to those weak spots with players and work on those and have a player know what it is who can work on it himself because that shot doctor can’t be with you all the time you’re going to need your thousand shots a day and 900 of them will be out of sight of your shot doctor so you have to learn what to do without him what what are the majority of NBA teams doing or what’s been the general approach by teams when it comes to working with players when it comes to Improvement on three-point shooting or other you know basic items to their game yeah uh Henry’s made some good points about that too and there’s reasons that that a lot of NBA teams don’t do this uh one of them is that assistant coaches don’t want to mess with stars who can get them fired so they don’t want to go near those guys and suggest anything or talk to them cuz those guys have the power to get them fired if they don’t like what they’re teaching them that then there’s a shortage of of shot coaching Talent there are not that many chip englands around who know that secret to to helping players and and it’s you know it’s hard for those guys to earn a player’s trust because you’re actually asking them to remake their shot and and they figure I’ve gotten to the NBA with this shot why should I change now so you’re going to have to make that argument with them too but then um I think what a lot of teams are doing now and I’ll read this directly from Henry because he knows what he’s talking about most players are assigned to one assistant coach which means the best shooting coach at any team probably gets to coach only a handful of players and I’ve seen the Blazers do this they take their assistance and they assign them two or three or four players usually guys who play the same position you got the power forwards you got the point guards you got the centers all that stuff well your shooting coach is one of those guys most likely so he’s only working with that group of three or four players that’s a mistake that that really is mistake because the guys need shooting help they cover a vast array of positions including even centers you know and we we’ve talked about the one Center in this draft SAR who appears to be able to do everything but if you could teach him to make threes then you really have some I just don’t understand why more teams don’t go out to try to find a specific shot doctor to help with our club the other issue too could be that a lot of players have their own workout guy yeah their own specialized coach right yeah and some of those guys are shooting coaches I think because players have have made improvements in that and and Damen Lillard’s a good example there’s no question his guy is a shot doctor to a degree because Damien has become a really good shooter with the prevalence of three-point shooting in the NBA it would just seem to me that yeah what what is more important than anything else you can work with guys on right now it’s shooting look at the Boston Celtics they throw all those Shooters out there against you that’s tough no no doubt and even in this upcoming draft like it’s the consensus is is a weak draft but the consensus is is also that Alexander SAR is probably going to go number one yeah you like his game don’t you because of his size but he can defend on all three levels he appear and he can run the floor very well yeah there’s good video of him if anybody wants to take a look there’s good stuff out there right now of him on YouTube you can search it out it’s easy to find and you’ll see he’s very mobile guy he’s a shot blocker he’s athletic I I think he’s a possible guy if he could add some offense to his game which apparently he doesn’t have much because every time I see video It Doesn’t include a lot of offense from him it includes him at the defensive end which is good enough to make some teams better I will say that I could see why the Blazers would want to get up and get him he he could be a player in the league a long time well I’m telling you what if I’m a player I would try to add a shot doctor onto my team to make sure that I’m continuing to work on those fundamentals you’re talking about because if you can make threes even at 35% you become a a much greater value to your Club MH yeah and it and it helps your driving game your dribble drives because now they have to come out and play you you have more room to operate well we talk about that with Scoot a lot right yeah absolutely it’s what he needs because if that shot becomes you know the real deal to where he’s a threat from downtown and guys have to come out on him then he can blow by him off the bounds yeah and this Summer’s going to tell a real tale for him he he needs to improve his shooting and if he comes back even at 35% for the season he’ll be tough to deal with I I would guess too A lot of these franchises I mean we’re seeing a lot of change because you’re getting younger Minds in the game but you know how sports are you know it’s a lot of old school thought that goes into coaching and drills and the whole shebang absolutely so it’s hard for a lot of these older guys who have been around for a long time to Branch out and try something new yeah yeah old front office guys and old coaches they both have trouble making changes there’s teams still trying to play inside out in the NBA and if you have a good enough inside game and you saw Minnesota make some inroads this year playing those two bigs at the same time but it’s difficult in t today’s games because you’re stacking up your two-point baskets against the other guy’s three-point baskets and that’s that’s a tough game to win I wonder how effective would a guy like Shaq be in today’s NBA he’d be effective because you know you’d have to dedicate you’d have to double team him cuz he would make enough he would make enough shots inside that he’d kill anybody one-on-one you’d have to double him and that would open up your three-point Shooters you can still there just aren’t many good post players like that around now I mean he would be a real unicorn in today’s game but wouldn’t he have issues defensively because he would be defending a traditional post of course and you’d have to make your choice you know what are you going to do with him defensively and I think what you’d have to do is play a lot more zone defense and keep him down around the Baseline and around the bottom of the lanee so that he didn’t have to wander out there and defend cuz you you’d put him in a million picking rolles and wear him out that would be a challenge but I just think he was so good at the post it’s just you know sabonis would be your ideal guy now because he could make three e but he could also really take people down low and punish them in the post you know we were talking about a social media team for these athletes like if I was one of the elite level NBA players I’m instantly hiring a chef I’m getting a shot doctor like I’m just going to pay all these guys to be on my staff to make sure that every single detail of my game is being looked at examined so that I can go to work to make sure I’m continuing to improve I don’t see how you cannot do that nowadays they have nutritional nutritionalist as well as chefs in a lot of cases and I think more and more players have personal chefs that’s very common well Channing fry um I mean he wasn’t an elite NBA player but even he had a chef yeah because he said that that way he could he didn’t have to worry about that aspect of his life Chef could take care of the food he could work out and focus on his game yeah and the chef would make sure that he got all of the different nutrients that he needed every day I just think that’s genius yeah shot doctor could be the same thing well and let’s face it they’ve all yeah all of them really even the minimum salary guys have enough to get their own shf even if it’s on a limited basis come in twice a week put meals away from me pre or whatever you need to do and I’ll I’ll pull them out every day but they can get one at least on a limited basis well you need to do some digging to find out what the secret sauce is like how did this shot doctor uncover the details that he needs to teach and maybe a lot of guys know but it’s hard to put it into words yeah to explain it in the way these players can latch on that’s that’s a big part of it Chad is not only knowing it but being able to teach it and then have the drill work and all of that stuff to to put it into practice you you know it’s like anything else you can know how to do something but being able to teach someone else to do it that could be tricky all right we’ll come back high fives and the one thing you don’t want to see if you’re a parent I can tell you that much yeah your child stuck upside down hanging way up in the air for an extended period of time 50 feet up yeah yikes [Music] oh he is go [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a e [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] n [Applause] he [Music] oh [Music] all right Burke car we’ll start with you do you have any high fives you would like to hand out gosh that’s a great question but uh you know I’m gonna give my high five out to I’m gonna give it out to you guys for letting me come in the studio today you didn’t you know post me up at home all by my lonesome and I miss you guys you deserve a high five now and then thank you all right Godfather high fives you want to hand out yeah I’m GNA give mine to Chris burkard for coming into the studio today it’s nice to see a smiling face all right and I’m going to give one out to Bryson dambo for winning the US Open I knew that was that sand shot at 18 was worth a high five I saw that Chad and I couldn’t believe it that was so good that was a great great final round it’s nice to settle in and watch something where you’re like oh this is good so many big holes I mean the entire back was just awesome and I was happy too because Patrick Klay couldn’t quite get over the hump I was rooting actively against him yeah the slow play GL guys you always have to root against all right this story here is crazy um my daughter loves going to Oaks Park I’ve taken her there many of times but this happened over the weekend uh Portland firefighters rescued dozens of people trapped upside down on a ride at Oaks Park on Friday afternoon Riders on the atmosphere ride said they were stuck for around 25 to 30 minutes but it felt like hours Oaks part said 28 Riders were suspended upside down when the ride stopped at around 2:55 p.m. staff immediately initiated emergency procedures and called 911 at around 3:25 p.m. Portland firearm rescue said the ride had been manually lowered and all Riders were evacuated and medically evaluated quote one Rider with pre-existing medical conditions was transported to the hospital for further evaluation at an abundance of caution uh Portland teens Daniel Allen and Jordan Harding were at Oaks Park celebrating their High School graduation atmosphere was the ride they were on they went on first when they arrived quote I was excited to go on Allan said when you get stuck up there I don’t think you’re so excited anymore the two were among the people left dangling upside down as the ride malfunction atmosphere is a black and blue pendulum that swings from side to side and is intended to stop upside down but only momentarily before swinging back to its resting position Harding said when they stayed upside down for longer than a few seconds they realized something was wrong quote we were just freaking out people were crying they were just putting into the universe what they wanted to say for their last words quote I’m not even religious and I said a prayer I don’t think I didn’t think I was going to live to see right now the teen said hanging upside down for that long was a hard and terrifying experience that position is just so uncomfortably physically Harding said 25 minutes my entire waist below was asleep my daughter loves that ride I honestly didn’t know they had a ride that aggressive down at Oaks they used to have some pretty kind of mild rides they had something called The Mad Mouse for years which was a kind of lowprofile roller coaster where they built the car so it looked like they were going off the edge yeah every time they turned but I used to ride that a lot as a kid and it was a fun ride but something that high up in the air no thanks I I’m not interested park that’s pretty scary being up that high upside down too nonetheless it’d be one thing to get stuck in a roller coaster where you’re sitting upright but upside down I think they had one down at one of those California amusement parks on the roller coasters that do the loop and they were caught on the top of the loop upside down uhhuh no thanks on that cuz those the roller coasters often they have a bar that goes across but some of them don’t even have a a seat belt you know they just have that bar yeah I that I don’t know well that’s a good thing about atmosphere is that you have the seat belt and you got that harness that comes over the top of your shoulders oh you have that too you’re secure yeah so she rides that ride she loves it my daughter is fearless I wow one of my great accomplishments as a father is that at an early age I put her in some uh scary situations like with roller coasters and rides and stuff like that because I didn’t want her to be a a softy and so what I’ve done is I’ve turned her into a a crazy person where she wants the more fear the better oh gosh she’s trying to get me to take her skydiving and I’m like honey oh no said I did it once I said I would do it with you but I said you have to get your mom to say yes and of course that’s never going to happen so yeah that is that but what we did is like down at Six Flags that we used to go to down at Vallejo all the time when she was younger one of the coolest rides of all time they had this uh they called it the uh the Sky Coaster and what you do is they they you you get into this uh like um they strap you into this uh like suit like this big suit that you put on and they hook up these uh you know like bungee wires to you and then they slowly like escort you up to the very top and it’s way up in the air and then when you get up there you have to pull this uh it’s like a uh you pull this little cord it’s like a rip cord you pull it and it releases you and you you freeall down until the wire catches and you go through the air and she did that at like at a young age like 5 years old does a parachute come out or something on that one no you’re just no you’re just swinging through the air at a very rapid rate of speed and it was great the look on her face was that of pure fear and pleasure all at once it was did you do it too we did it together it was a tandem deal oh my yeah but because I did that now she has no fear see that’s like the one they always have down here at the Rose Festival that slingshot thing that shoots you up in the a let’s do that together no way you’re getting me on that come on let’s do it together impossible all right well bye back tomorrow Rip City Drive at 3 Justin Myers will have Rip City mornings at 6 big thanks to my man Chris burkart have a good night enjoy the game and we’ll talk to you tomorrow [Music] to the top number 12 number 1 we’re going to see number 12 13

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