Five experts in different fields will be sharing their wisdom in a series of videos, including renowned sports psychologist Dr Bob Rotella, who has also worked with multiple major champions, and PGA top 50 coach Alex Elliott.

The R&A | The Open | The AIG Women’s Open





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hi I’m Bob Rotella your one Club coach and we’re going to share some thoughts on the mental game to help you with your [Music] game common question that I hear a lot is how do you handle fear that you face on the golf course well first of all that’s really the difference between hitting balls on a practice facility or a driving range from playing golf on a golf course course when you get on a golf course there’s out of bounds there’s water hazards there’s trouble of different kinds in various hazards so I mean fear is a real thing you have to deal with first thing I say to people is it’s impossible to be courageous if it first you weren’t afraid so there’s never been a human being who didn’t have some fear and you’re basically battling hope with fear and you’d like to get to the point where hope rules rather than fear the simplest way I can say it is you’d like to get your eyes and your mind locked into your target or where you want the ball to go when you’re afraid you’re thinking about where you don’t want it to go so I really want people to get their eyes and their mind locked into their target and it doesn’t really matter if the target is some small Target and when I say small Target I want it small enough that you can see it without squinting I don’t want you to have to squint to see it but I want it as small as possible um and ideally if on a t-shot it’d be something up in the air rather than something on the ground so that we can take the ground out of out of your vision it’s fascinating how people think well the reason I’m afraid is because I don’t have a very good swing and I always tell people well how would it help you to think poorly just because you have a mediocre swing in other words you can always think as good as a pro the ball just might not go where you’re looking as frequently as it does with a tour player but you can make up your mind that you’re going to at least get your mind in the right place on every shot and that’s really the key now the next step is to get yourself a really good pre-shot routine that allows you to practice every day getting your mind into where you want the ball to go um and that’s that’s a big key in an Ideal World I’d like your routine to be as short as possible uh in teach ing it you tell people well the first thing is are you going to stand next to the golf ball or behind the ball when you’re preparing for a shot most of the players stand behind the ball so rule number one is don’t ever walk up to the ball until you’ve picked your Club picked your target seen the shot you want clearly in your mind and are totally clear and committed that the ball is going to your target that’s all I want you thinking about is seeing the shot you want step two is now you got to walk from behind the ball up to the ball without getting distracted or wandering or wavering a lot of people do a good job behind the ball and then they mess up walk it into the ball so do the job behind the ball get it clear and committed step two is walking up to the ball staying clear and committed with no wandering or wavering just totally committed to seeing the shot you want step three is over the ball I’d like you to get a really good simple routine with one or two looks one or two Waggles and then go I don’t like a lot of time between the last look at the Target and the start of your swing that’s when a lot of people mess up right when it’s time to start moving their body they want to start thinking I want people to be reacting to the Target or to the picture of the ball flight or the Target and then after you hit it the last part of the routine is to totally accept the shot wherever it goes because you did everything you could possibly do the final thing I’d say about fear is golf is a game of mistakes which was the title of my first book and the reason we wrote that book with that title is because if you play golf you might hit four shots a day that go exactly where you’re looking and so you got to accept the fact that you’re going to miss a lot of shots good players learn to score even though they don’t hit all of their shots uh the way they want them to [Music] so it’s impossible to be courageous without first being afraid so everyone’s dealing with fear and to play golf good you have to get past it second of all you got to get a really good routine behind the ball walking up to the ball and over the ball and then you accept it because you did everything you could do and finally you just want to say I want to play golf with a clear mind and I want to be clear and committed on every shot I play and if I do that I have my best chance of scor in my best hi I’m Phil Kenyan specialist putting coach and in this video I’m going to give you coaching Insight which I know is going to help improve your putting now in particular we’re going to talk about attention where should our attention be during the putting stroke now if you’re working on your mechanics and you’re trying to improve your stroke it’s very easy to get very technically minded uh when you go to the golf course and you’re very much focused internally on how you’re moving the putter now ideally we need to be focused on the target golf is a target based sport but unfortunately we have to look at the ball to help us with our execution but we still want our mind focused on where we want the ball to go so here’s a very simple exercise that you can do to help train what the appropriate focus should be now I’ve got a put here um which I can I can see is a right to left put and I’ve got three small discs now we could use um ball markers we could use tegs what whatever you want to do but what I’m going to do I’m going to place these discs where I think the ball is going to roll through and I’ll place it just slightly to the side so that the the ball wouldn’t hit these discs so I can see where the ball’s going to enter the hole so I’m going to place a disc just to the side there and then I’m going to place the other two where I feel the ball would need to roll by in order to go in now what I can see as I stand behind the ball now I can see this kind of path the ball will take into the hole so I’ve got a really strong visual of essentially my target the where the ball’s going to pass as it enters the hole now when I step in you know I can even have a practice stroke look looking at that path I’m going to align to where I feel need to start the ball and then I’m going to look down that line and then as I come back although my eyes come back to the ball I want my attention to go back to this target so that image of those to the side of those three markers when my eyes come back to the ball I’m going to focus back on that image in my mind’s eye although I’m looking at the ball I can see that image and as I connect with that image and then going to pull the trigger make the stroke ball passes through that and into the hole so when I do that well there’s a real freedom to my stroke I really feel connected to my Target and that’s going to allow my mechanics to come through like I say it’s so easy when you’re working on improving your Technique to become perfectionistic perfectionistic about your stroke well really we want to try and be reactionary and this is a great um practice drill to help build a really strong image that you can then try and connect to to develop that awareness of where your attention is obviously after doing this several times what you then need to do is to practice reading a put and even just try and find a blemish that the ball would roll through um a point on the cup where there’s some discoloration or a blemish focus on those points weon connect to those points and [Music] hit hi I’m Alex Elliot I’m here with one club I’m going to show you exactly how you should be gripping the golf club now there’s a few things we need to look out for is the club in our fingers and how many Knuckles are we showing on our glove hand I’ve also got a few little tricks that you can use on the Range just to make sure you’ve got it dialed in all the time let’s talk about hand placement to start with so let’s make sure we got this club in our fingers now I like to get it lined up here at the base now a great way of doing this is grab that Golf Club in your non-love hand straight up in the sky like this tilt it slightly away I would guess somewhere around a 45° angle you’re then going to place it in there like that right at the base of those fingers and really make sure this meaty padded part of our hand is sitting on top now the first little trick I can’t claim this one Ben Hogan all the fingers off apart from our first we should be able to keep the club there if it falls it’s too much in the Palm so we’re really making sure we’re looking for the club in the fingers and that meaty part of our hand on top now the second point this knuckle placement as you’re looking down at this golf club and have a look at this from sort of my player cam perspective I’m a big advocate of having two and a half Knuckles on gole of hand so one two and just be able to as you’re peeking down be able to see a little bit of that third another little checkpoint crease in your thumb on your first finger pointing into your right shoulder all we then have to do with our right hand is blend that in so come have a look at this here we’ve got those fingers on here and in the fingers again right in the base blending it in now I like to interlock this golf club but I don’t mind if you baseball I don’t mind if you overlap do what’s comfortable for you the main thing is it’s in the fingers and again this crease right here points into our right shoulder this is exactly what we’re looking for so in terms of hand placement that’s all you need to know and think about this logically your grip is your only point of contact with that Golf Club so we better make sure we get it right right let’s have a look at a few of these tricks we can do here now I just placed a golf club on the ground we driver this is going to be good anyway it’s going to help you with ball position but so we’ve calibrated your grip to your Club face follow it in this order place your Club slap bang up against the shaft of your golf club you’ll notice now looking down on this from my perspective the top edge of the club is running parallel to the golf club go through the order now of clubbing the fingers how many Knuckles can you see on both hands and it’s now calibrated there’s no Point getting a good grip and your Club face pointing over here there’s no point or over here so follow that simple routine Club down in the fingers check your knuckles on your glove hand first non glove hand on walk into your shot and you can practice this no matter if you’re doing it with an iron you could use the edge of the range mat or with a driver or a fairy wood or a hybrid use the golf club on the ground to make sure the club’s Square before you place your hands on and obviously you’ll have so much more control you won’t even realize and hopefully you get some control just like that with your irons and with your driver take this information to the golf course but first don’t forget to refine it down the range just to make sure you’re comfortable with it because changing your grip it’s not an easy thing but once you get it right we start in some good shot hi I’m Hannah Davis and I am your one Club short game coach in today’s lesson I’m going to be talking you through what shots to play what club to choose so let’s start first of all you come up to the green I want to get that ball on the green as quickly as possible and rolling because you’ve got to play percentage golf if you can put the ball always put it first but let’s have a look at this situation we’ve got three flags on the green playing from the same spots this is going to be three different shots I’m going to play so first of all grab your most lofted Club because we’re going to be going for this first flag as you can see there’s so much more rough before the green so I want to get the ball in the air as long as possible and then along along the ground because we want to ideally land it on the green so 58° 60° this would be ideal for this shot it’s going to be in the air about 2/3 and roll about 1/3 okay so first shot there second shot we’re going to go for the flag over here now moving on there’s a lot more green to work with so we can get this ball on the ground and rolling more because the reason for this is if you land the ball on the green you have a bit more of an idea of how the ball is going to react where if you’re Landing it on the roof or the Fringe it could take a hard bounce it could take a soft bounce we’re just wanting to sort of work with something that you know is going to be a bit more reliable so I’ve got a pitching wedge in my hand here and it’s because a pitching wedge for me is going to go in the air halfway and roll halfway which is ideal for this shot again there’s a lot more green we can work with her so landed it halfway and it’s rolled halfway final shot now this is the shot where we have got the most green to work with so we can go on the ratio of 1/3 in the air 2/3 roll so I’m going to go for a less lofted Club so we can play a little bit more of a chip and run so the club I’ve got here is an eight iron because that is going to be releasing out a lot more we’re going to be just chipping it just over the trouble in front of us and then it will be releasing out on the green so you’ve got to think of it a little bit more like a putt so the Green’s moving left to right here and we’ll just let the club do the work for us

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