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Jordan Spieth frustrated with Round 1 showing at John Deere Classic | Golf Central | Golf Channel

Jordan Spieth reacts to his performance not living up to his own expectations on the first day of the 2024 John Deere Classic. #GolfChannel #GolfCentral
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Jordan Spieth frustrated with Round 1 showing at John Deere Classic | Golf Central | Golf Channel

today Jordan spe recorded his first competitive round here at the John Deere Classic in nine years he said he was hoping to recapture some of the youthful exuberance and excitement that he had when he played here as a teenager in hopes of getting back in the winter Circle but he got off to a tough start to his day he began his round on the back nine and bogied his second hole of the day he said after his round that he felt like he played the difficult holes well and the easier holes more poorly and when I spoke to him he echoed some of the same frustrations that he’s felt throughout this season we dodged the rain and it was just a very getable golf course and I just got off to a poor start um I was one over through five and um so the first first five last six holes you know playing that 11 stretch at two over you kind of can’t do that here you lose some ground as far as um you know staying with the rest of the field but um the years I won I opened was 70 and 71 so I’ve improved on that but um uh yeah I mean overall obviously um I was looking to get a few more and um looked like I had it going for a little and and um unfortunately couldn’t get him to drop coming in you described your season sometimes as frustrating certainly a test of your patience what was the biggest challenge for you out there today um I think just uh you know i’ play the hole and I’d be like man I we’ve been playing a lot of difficult golf courses and I was like wow I really probably should have taken that right at the pin CU you can just land it by it and stick it there and um I felt like I was playing pretty safe to start the round and then I I started to attack a little bit more and um but I think I just kind of got a little bit behind it to start and um so tomorrow we got some some 15 to 20 M hour wins so it’s it’s a good thing for me I think to try to go make up some ground you heard spe mention there the challenging conditions he’s expecting for the second round with wins uh expected to pick up tomorrow but uh you know he says that he thinks he’ll need a round of probably four or five under just to stay in the tournament of course he said this before uh a round of 59 was shot here on day one uh but spe says he’s gotten off to worst starts even here at the John Deere classic and burko he said that he’s pretty confident he’ll be able to turn things around starting here tomorrow


  1. I'm constantly amazed by the generosity of spirit and willingness to help others in this community. It's heartening.🍒

  2. This dude is the Guy who did not shake Playing partner Brandon Graces African Caddies Hand after the US Open held in Seattle about 6-7 years ago, Grace shook Speiths Caddies hand but Speith ignored The black African caddy, seen it on TV after i recorded the tournament because i had to work, watched it 10 times to see if it was an accident, nope he did not want to touch that black Africans hand, no way to spin it, i know its hard to swallow and the Racist jokes will come, but the jokes are to distract from what happened, i even emailed his sponsor Under Armour and told em im never buying your brand.

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