Golf Players

Did Paul McBeth Miss His Chance?, Swedish Open Recap, Väinö Mäkelä Goes To Innova | EP 76

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going to talk about on debate night here on Thursday but do you see that this was Hall’s like best shot at winning this year I don’t think so no what tournament do you think is his best shot at winning any of them I don’t think he’s that bad I honestly think that like uh we’ve seen him have some bad tournaments but he what did he take second in uh he take he took second in Nashville I think right is that right yeah sorry I just got a text sorry go ahead took second in Nashville been in contention the last few weeks at a couple of them first rounds um played horrible his last start but going over there listen that guy’s too good man he’s gonna figure it out he’s gonna he’s gonna get it it’s it’s like Ricky it’s the same thing Ricky oh wait wait I think we’re just live s yeah it YouTube Just glitched out on me we haven’t been live this whole time yie yeah oh oh no I just I just got word of that hello welcome to the hello wait what I’m not going to lie you uh okay this won’t be in the podcast so this is just a YouTube and honestly this will probably all be edited out of the YouTube at the final thing but uh spoil alert I don’t really watch chat all that often but I was I was concerned because no one was saying anything about what we were talking about really everyone no one was saying anything about what we were talking about was confused I was like Theseus I was like are these discs not that cool I’m showing all this not a single person said anything about the disc oh my gosh okay so guys we’ve been talking and doing the podcast for 20 minutes 20 minutes we’ve been going for 20 minutes and uh this is gonna be really awkward to have to ask Yulie how his week went but we’re gonna do it again okay we’re curtain’s coming down Silas roll Us in with the music roll Us in with the intro and we’re going live and we’re just gonna do it again because apparently we weren’t live this entire [Music] time what is happening everybody welcome back to tour life you got Brody and Julie here July 2nd baby and boy do we have a show for you tonight we have not talked about any of this stuff so you guys are getting it straight off the dome but tonight we’re gonna be talking a little bit about James Proctor I’m calling him the Proctologist some people hate that nickname we’ll find out whether or not Julie likes it or not taking his first win in over 13 almost 13 years pretty impressive stuff out there in Sweden from the proctologist then we’ll also be diving into Silva winning yet again what does this mean for her how good actually is Silva Inova Scoops up another person Vino Vino is now throwing some Inova plastic and then the president cup voting results for the fan vote are locked in who did we pick who’s going to be representing Team USA who’s going to be representing Team U uh Europe and then we got some nice juicy listener questions to finish off but before we get all to that Julie how’s it going brother good it’s good man and de Mo uh having a good couple days been here a couple days already so got rained out did about 14 holes of the J practice round rain came down dumped on us they told us to get off the course 14 holes in and then now the course is flooded so nobody’s out there bad it’s bad yeah and I did text um I did text Ty who works for the disc golf pro tour and he said that they are all go for tomorrow starting at noon they’re going to reassess the course at noon and go from there I also saw a video today Julie did you see that video of I think cat merch posted it of a snake like devouring a frog by whole cool video yeah oh my gosh insane um SC but yeah a lot of cool stuff that’s going on right now in the Discraft world and what we’re doing so I kind of want to Loop you guys in a little bit so we had a drop the last week or a couple days ago and there’s a couple discs still available so I want to show you these are the new Crystal buzzes with a very cool kind of skeletony Darkhorse design on these there’s a couple colors still left so you guys can go to the team Discraft site and click on my name and go into my shop and uh you can see [Music] these right here some pretty nice ones and then also same kind of style you also have um you also have uh Whatchamacallit you also have the Ezra and Goose disc as well over there I have no idea what’s going on are we live right now s are we good yeah yeah we’re good to go we’re good we’re live okay we are live got some people in the chat trying to troll me right now we’ll move forward we’ll move forward um so Ezra and Goose also has some really cool kind of yeah fossil skeleton like disc as well so go check those out also Missy came out with her Captain Thrasher those look great man and they fly good I I tried a couple of them already I have one in the bag right now for this week that I’ve been throwing they bomb yeah so these are really cool I love The Thrasher so this might make the bag we’ll see very cool Captain Thrasher and then some love to the the OG uh the not OG this would be the the new like uh what are they calling this like the minimalist is that what they call them when they have like their big logo and then they they minimize it down to like a little bit more of a clean look this is our foundation minimalist these look super sweet when you throw them because it’s got like the the circular pattern to them so these are like the crystal Flex oh these might just be Crystal actually do you know for sure stylus these actually might just be Crystal Crystal zones I’m not 100% sure feel like Crystal zones um so we got all those right now also Julie uh me and you will be at the Titan disc golf yep Titan shop y the Y um with a bunch of other Discraft sponsored players on Thursday from 3 to 7 3 to 7 3 to 7 we will be there um on Thursday so go check that out and also if you are coming to De Moine this week you can check these out we will have a 100 vultures the plastic is the jawbreaker Flex glow the jawbreaker Flex go 100 dark wars vultures will be I’m assuming at the tournament and also at the Titan shop as well yeah so there you go I don’t know okay wow all right well we are going to try um full disclosure we went live earlier for 20 minutes of it was recorded so we’re trying to to do this again oh I forgot the factory store also on Discraft will be having a huge sale starting June July 3rd at 3M going through July 7th so make sure you guys check that out as well um all right let’s just jump right into it Swedish open recap here um this went down in Sweden wait did we not get any of the live cam stuff that’s all no sadly wow all right well I I’ve learned a couple things so I’ll be honest I did not know that it was completely bright outside Julie was spot on silus threw up a live cam of Stockholm Sweden and it was it it was like it was daytime out so it’s 2: a.m. over there and we were like hey let’s get proc on and he was like oh it’s dark out there I’m like he might be practicing over there man he might he very well might but yeah we are going to try to get James Proctor back on the podcast he was one of very intellectual very good interview when we had him on um but I just assumed two o’clock in the morning for him to try to come on was probably a tough ask so we’ll try to do that when we’re on the same time zones but we got to talk about it 13 years almost it took him to finally win we had him on we were asking hey man what is it gonna take what do you need and honestly I don’t think if he came on right now we asked him what did you change what I don’t think he’d say anything it’s just he needed the Stars to align he needed everything to kind of work and go his way and he putting on an absolute putting performance this final round absolute putting performance yeah I was special to watch man him coming down the stretch he made like four out of five outside Circle one and they were on the they were on the stripe where when he needed it cuz he had a lot of people chasing him from second and third guard they were pretty close to him so he had to get birdies and uh it was cool to watch him knock those down it seemed like a course where it was really tough to get into C1 like I didn’t see a lot of people just park holes and uh so I think that’s how he really won the tournament and he actually said that in his interview too yeah he was he was 29 of 31 inside the uh c1x so he put it well inside the circle and outside the circle and you nailed it on the head too no one really on Lee card was pushing him all those guys kind of were a little bit on The Struggle Bus if you will and the cards in front of him were playing really well and so even though he had a pretty big lead on the guys on his card these guys that were two three holes ahead of them you know they were they were almost tied they were very close because he had them you know go out and get the birdies to to get there and it it I this is where it’s like I always I wish we could play in thre Sims or in two sims because in this scenario you know someone that’s on third card they could potentially be done with their round and Proctor could still have seven holes left eight holes left and they and now Proctor’s like crap this guy’s beating me by a couple I gotta go out and get it I think I could add a nice wrinkle to disc golf especially on these courses that are so birdy heavy you can have guys in the clubhouse as a leader way earlier and then these leaders have to chase them down I think it’s a cool storyline um the other the other big storyline I want to talk about is just the youth over in Europe um pretty crazy how young some of these guys are out there you had Roland core I believe a 17-year-old Estonian uh shoot a very impressive nine under first round which is one of the best rounds of the week a lot of young talent coming out of uh Europe right yeah yeah it’s actually really cool to see um even when I was in Copenhagen we on lead card we had like two 16 year olds Final Round And I think they finished in the top four honestly so they’re just they’re just young everywhere they’re all really talented yeah very very int and and they are learning all the skills they’re learning how to throw a backhand they’re learning how to throw a forehand the only thing I would say is like their putts are all very similar like very spinny very Speedy which doesn’t translate all the time because if you’re off then you’re going to have a really really bad putting day we’ve seen that from like Simon before right like Simon will go out and putt really really well and then if he’s off by a little bit he can really really struggle the spin putt is kind of a hit or miss putt yeah in a way but uh a lot of young Talent over there and James was able to get it done we did discuss this a little bit you guys obviously didn’t hear it but we did discuss a little bit like what constitutes a tournament that’s big enough for us to actually like talk about and this is on the disc golf pro tour it is counting as an Elite Series win but I threw the stipulation out that I think you got to have at least half of the top 50 guys in the world in the event at least for us to like really say and really pay attention and really do a deep dive what are your thoughts on that I mean I’m not no I’m not so sure I agree with that not so sure that I agree with that like what number are you saying 10 if you have 10 guys in the top 50 just depends on the story lines I think I think that that’s what more more important like the fact that Proctor won great storyline the fact that you know he held off MC Beth and a few other guys great storyline um we saw Calvin over there I think that’s a story that people are kind of washing over he played awful yep I think he like barely cashed and then you have Ricky who made a nice little comeback from like 80th Place after the first round comes back the fact here’s here’s what I love about Proctor’s win is he did it against two of the top three on the planet including Nicholas that constitutes like a great win in my opinion it’s not like he went over there he had to beat one of those guys they had a bad round he beat three of the top I would say top four in the world right now I think that’s the way they’re ranked it was fairly topheavy stacked it definitely was fairly topheavy stacked yeah to me I I just don’t I I don’t get as much juice and and this is where it’s just it’s just you know it’s just how you feel I don’t get as much juice with the a a tournament like this as I will with like the European open if like the field 100% 100% where I’m at but the fact that he actually took down some Killers I think is good for the resume oh yeah I that’s what I love about Proctor Proctor win yeah I’m not taking I’m not taking any way anything away from the resume all I’m saying is like you don’t see when when it’s a European event and honestly even when it’s a when it’s in the states unless it has a pretty close to full field like 90% 80% full field the amount of chat discussion around the tournament is going to drop and that’s that’s completely understandable completely understandable you have half the people more than half the people staying back to play de Mo yeah and preserve and then you have some guys that went over there so it’s just it you’re not going to get everyone on board with it um but I will say the course was incredibly it looked insane like that to me yeah there’s definitely a couple uh holes where I was like they’re throwing down a road youie might not like that but um and there was a couple holes too where like there was some trees in the middle of the Fairway that defit they were Plinko and OB and stuff I was like man that looks like a a bad ulie kick coming yeah a couple there was a couple holes like that not all of them but there was a couple but watching that I’m looking at that I’m saying like that’s a disc golf course that’s not a disc golf golf course that was put into a park that’s not a golf course that has a disc golf course that that that’s not a a flood plane that they can’t sell so they put a disc golf course in there like that looked like a disc golf course now problems with it you can’t you can’t get a lot of people on there can’t get a lot of people on there and I don’t know I watched a lot of post coverage on it not the greatest like camera angles a lot of times you have no idea what’s going on you can’t see the disc the disc gets lost so tight Corners stuff like that that’s where you really got to get locked in on where your cameras need to be but other than that I liked it I liked it a lot cool course it’ definitely be one that like I would want to play if I was like you know in the area that’s a course that I’m checking off like I need to go play that of course you could be there by probably 2 AM tomorrow night play it really well manicured too it looked good I don’t know what hole it was but they like laid down Turf from the tead all the way to like the Gap area and so it gave this entire um I don’t know it just gave a really nice look instead of the typical dirt and stuff that we normally see so I don’t know I was I was a big fan of it I liked it a lot um obviously the field is going to be very European heavy we’re not going to know a lot of the names over there but that’s fine uh one of the names that we are familiar with Mari uh vilman um he’s someone that I thought he was talking about touring fulltime this year I guess he decided not to do that I thought he am I crazy in thinking that he said something along those lines last year maybe he’s doing the next half I don’t know maybe okay um but he had some great finishes last year and that was a guy that I was like I definitely would love to see this guy get thrown into the mix more in the on you know the state side so we’ll see about that Joey buckets continue to having a great season and also Paul McBeth having a great finish as well but we got discuss it because it’s in the title was was this his best shot did he did he miss out on the opportunity that he needed to get a W under his belt here no I don’t think so I think I think I think this is like uh a Ricky situation Ricky didn’t win the whole entire season until Minnesota we didn’t have question marks with him we were just like oh it’s just a matter of time what’s the difference I would say the difference is Paul’s been a lot more up Paul’s been a lot more up and down sure that would be the only thing is like Ricky if you go to Ricky he uh he got second at chess 10th at Waco 17 at Texas State 12 at Jonesboro not great third at Music City third at Champions Cup fifth at Dynamic trending uh six at OTB third at Portland second at Beaver state so like it a matter time looking at him it’s like he was in the mix enough times where you’re like he’s going to get it where if you go to Paul and you look at what Paul’s done he’s much more up and down so 52nd 64th 22nd 57th those four not even in the mix second at Music City could have gotten it done Champions Cup 10th 27th at DDO 18th at OTB then he was close again seventh at Portland then 43rd 53rd then second so it’s like he’s much more like a couple bad tournaments and then a flash couple bad flash we’re not talking about uh somebody else we’re not talking about a joey bucket or a gav Bop we’re talking about a proven the the most proven winner of Our Generation and I’m not saying that he can’t win because there’s a couple tournaments that I really like him at I like him at Worlds heck he created one of the courses I like him at ledstone he’s had one of or Not ledstone Sorry Leon I okay like him at but I like him at daglo he’s had the best round at that course now obviously the course has changed a little bit but he plays really really good at Deo and then also uh there’s one more course one more tournament that’s coming up that he I like him at European European open Eagle’s not there he wins by 10 yeah so there’s a lot of tournaments still coming up that I like him at and full disclosure it’s not that I’m like not nervous about it am I like when I think about him playing and winning it’s not like I’m like oh for sure type thing because of the track record that’s our job here is be honest yep but with that being said it’s freaking Paul MCB Beth you know what I mean I agree it is it is now would I be completely surprised if he didn’t win this year I wouldn’t be completely surprised but I’d be more surprised if he didn’t win then if he won okay uh Casey to answer your question it is two o’clock over there so out of respect uh we’re gonna have him we’re gonna have don’t worry we’re gonna have James Proctor on again we’re going to do it when it’s not to 2 o’clock in the morning uh for him um all right so we’ll see what happens I mean he again he this tournament kind of was like his season he had a great first round kind of a dud second round and then a great third round like you know he’s kind of up and down figuring it out so we’ll see uh you got Anie you want to talk about him he actually had a great final round shot shot eight under with a bogey and a double so pretty impressive stuff yep uh Dennis auguston one of my favorite lefties love watching this guy play really exciting Lefty uh might have it a legal jump putt though just gonna throw that out there um Roland core we talked about him he finished in seventh very nice uh Bradley Williams was over there finishing in uh eighth and then Ricky finished in 11th which you might think oh that’s not that great the dude was in 80th Place after round one yeah the dude forgot to get how like how to walk after getting off the airplane or something he was nowhere to be seen so he battled back very nicely to get almost a top 10 finish um Eric Oakley yakob both having top 15 finishes James Conrad in the top 20 Vino with the 21 uh top or 21st Place finish uh we’ll talk about him here in a little bit going down to leaderboard a little bit Nicholas very interesting tournament from Nicholas very interesting tournament never really could get it going shot 59 55 57 yeah what I saw was he was getting a lot of bad kicks like double penalties like he was he was off by a little bit and then it was just kicking OB bogey which it seemed like if I were to guess like with Ricky that was the type of course that that could happen to where you could be barely off and then you’re just yeah Bogies are coming out of nowhere 8 OBS that’s tough 80s for like a fairly wooded course like that that’s that’s to scramble that’s a lot of that’s a lot of OBS there a lot of OBS there keep going down here a lot of these names not familiar with gonna be completely honest with you Eagle what are our thoughts on Eagle here we got the European open couple weeks away do we like the form that Eagle’s looking in he finished in 40th Place don’t love it don’t love it but here’s the here’s two under two under three under here’s what I do like about it it’s not like this is the tightest course of all time the European open oh no you know yeah and that’s what I like about it now like uh I think he had a horrible tournament at the PDGA championships that’s the tightest course you could ever play this place looked pretty tight it did and so I want to see him get out of there get into the open be have a little more room to work his discs his new discs and then we’ll what happens okay all right I think uh what is he is he got anything scheduled is he playing the Cal I’m assuming so right gota be if he’s over there y he is playing the Cal open I don’t actually know anything about that course is that an open course or or what I’m assuming it’s probably have no no clue yeah it is a cool name I like the name kro kro um but yeah he finished in 40th Place and then we scroll down a little bit more just above The Cash Line sits Calvin heberg who really had some win again is he ever really had some interesting rounds here he shot 57 56 62 and I know there was some people saying that you know he played the course blind his flight got in like really early um I get it but that doesn’t really make sense of why he had his worst round third like I could see if it was flipped if he went 62 57 56 but his worst round was his last round so a real thing man sometimes it hits you a day after oh I know no I’m serious yeah I’m not kidding I’ve got videos of me falling asleep at dinner uh with Kelsey just literally like falling asleep just because of how jet lag is you got the trick of staying up the entire day of the flight getting there staying up that day going to bed good sleep maybe he’s not a fly guy maybe he’s not a fly guy maybe like I love flying brush over my huge tip to the world though no that’s a great that’s what I’m saying though I’m I’m on your tip like I when I go when I go uh west to east I basically load up and know I’m pulling an all nighter and I’m just doing a movie marathon yeah movie marathon I love it but maybe great movie by the way maybe he’s not movie marathon guy what movie did you watch Ride On Prime it’s really good ride watch it yeah I just watched I just watched Ready or Not that movie was wild that is a crazy movie that movie was wild had me on the edge of my seat that was anyways I I pulled us off track there for a sec but no we’re good we’re coming back we’re coming back um BR back so we’ll see he he has the cast Streak still alive 47 events so Still Still rocking it 47 events I think he’s playing the CCO open as well uh but let’s move on here to a little bit of the FP unless you have anything else for n no okay FP let’s talk about Silva now someone maybe you can go back and find this clip I think it was right after we played the tournament the Blue Ridge Blue Ridge championships up in Tennessee I want to say Mary in North Carolina North Carolina very close um I think on that during that podcast that week I think I said watch out for Silva because I was out there practicing putting and she was out there practicing putting and I was like that person doesn’t putt like the people would Putt in fpo right like she’s having no problem getting the disc to from 30 feet now obviously the fpo has gotten better this I think was like two years ago the foo definitely has gotten better yeah um the range is getting longer and longer and longer yeah you’re seeing that for sure but she now is the best putter statistically in Foo number one putter inside of c1x very impressive stuff narrowly beating out own beating out own by uh 0 1% or 0.01 it’s probably something something close so it’s very very close but we got to talk about the dominance that Silva’s had these last couple of weeks because we haven’t seen a fun take on this too so go ahead I got a fun take when you’re done we haven’t seen this type of dominance in quite some time time uh the disc golf pro tour put out a graphic I didn’t realize this was all in the month of June here all in the month of June she went first at the Norway open uh June 2nd first at the hola open June 9th first at the T turku open June 16th first at the Ale open June 23rd first at the Swedish open June 30th I mean that is some impressive stuff and also can we quickly [Applause] the trophies ulie trophies look good put them back up there s for the people these trophies look incredible shout out to all the trophies absolutely love she looked like she won some good events right there bro oh with the trophies yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re not you’re not taking that home and like hiding it in your pocket or throwing it in your garage because you’re you’re you’re embarassed to show people no yeah all right so all right what’s your take let’s hear this is what I think I think I was worried about this happening I really was Kristen leaves people gain confidence win tournaments Kristen comes back is she gonna be as dominant Silva has all this momentum Kristen taking time off Missy winning these tournaments own winning tournaments okay so a couple things to kind of squash that I I don’t couple things first one we had Holland on we won the beaver State fling and we were kind of like all right like what are your thoughts like is this the one that you needed I’m pretty sure it was the very next week she could have won at preserve and didn’t so like I okay what I’m saying is like I think if she would have won that then I would have been like all right we we got to watch out for Holland right now because listen listen I don’t think there’s I don’t think there’s been a killer created why Kristen isn’t is that’s what you’re wondering has there been a creat I’m not saying I’m saying Killers I’m saying the field now has confidence that anybody can win at any time and this is the way that it works in sports yes yes you think you do actually though Julie I really do I’m sitting here telling put yourself in their shoes though Julie put yourself in your shoe their shoes I don’t think you going home and winning a couple a tiers you all of a sudden pop they’re winning they’re winning Elite series events against against Missy against own who have beaten evina yes I agree yes I agree then he takes his time off right it’s not like it’s not like she she is just being lazy right she unfortunate circumstances she takes time off and now all of a sudden everybody’s eating and when when people get to eatting they get confidence listen no I agree they definitely have more confidence they definitely have more confidence I agree with you while she’s gone Holland gets her first win yes Ella gets her first win yes um Silva win yes like that does that happen if she’s there maybe not but that when you get your first win for the most part we see this on the tour all the time you win again sometimes but yes for the most part there are there are different circumstances that happen to where that doesn’t happen I I am a glowing representation of that but I don’t think you can look at that and just say like that is per fact because like do you are are you thinking James Proctor is gonna win again this year I wouldn’t be surprised and I don’t think anybody would be it’s like I no that’s not the question that’s not the question I wouldn’t be surpris if he wins again this year but would you you think he’s going to win I wouldn’t bet I wouldn’t bet on it of course not no but but would I bet on Nicholas winning again but Nicholas is like a top five player in the world I’m just saying but would that have happened if he never had won this season and then he goes to the European open and he wins would we be more surprised yes yeah I agree with you I agree with you because he’s done it he goes to the European open and wins we’re not going to be as surprised if he had not done that and then that’s his first win big time surprise how about this how about this Kristen coming back is going to come back into a much more difficult field than when saying I agree with that what I the thing the point I was trying to make is I think I think yeah all these ladies in their back of their head and it’s the same way that would happen on the mpo back in their mind back in their brain whatever you want to say they’re all thinking what what if Christen was here very deep down subconsciously that’s coming in that that has to go go across your mind and now like the Terminator dude out there I don’t think she cares about anything she’s Stone Cold killer I I agree I think she’s awesome I think she’s I I literally told people about her before anyone was talking about her I agree with you all I’m saying is that is that’s the part that I think you have to somehow push down and get out to really surpass because that thought has to come up that thought has to come up I’m just saying man you can’t let everybody eat you can’t do it it’s not good we’ll see yeah we’ll see hey I mean I’m GNA be tuning in so what goes down uh I believe it’s the croal open that a bunch of them are all going to be at I believe Paige is going to be there yeah um I think evina I don’t know what the chat’s talking about right now but the chat’s going wild on us Julie or maybe they just going maybe they’re just going wild on me I don’t know um I think I think by opening the chat we got we got some trolls in the chat are they on my side or your side what what’s the consensus uh typically probably on my side this guy said this is why Paige said Brody doesn’t watch Foo oh they’re coming after you dang I don’t but I don’t know what I said for that yeah not sure R says he loves us both thanks R here’s what I’m going to say I agree with you but I also agree with myself I agree that they’re thinking that in the back of their mind but I also think one getting a win you’re also thinking it’s okay I can do it I beat these people they’ve beat her I can do this I agree it definitely helps the only thing I would say is if someone would have gone on an absolute like Sila’s the one that’s the most Darkhorse one of all because she’s gone on absolute tear if someone went on if Paige would have ratted off a couple in a row but right now like everyone’s beating everyone it’s kind of back it’s kind of back to but that’s what I’m saying it’s the whole field Kristen is going to come back into a pool full of hungry Killers now who have a taste of blood and that is a more dangerous place to go to than when she was here before and she was keeping everybody Under Wraps that’s all I’m saying I that’s what I think now am I gonna be surprised if she comes and wins by 10 no she’s that great just saying don’t be surprised if she comes back and it’s a little tougher and a little closer down the stretch because now everybody’s got a little more confidence people are getting better people are going on winning streaks page one Ella one Holland one I I don’t think this hear me out on this take hear me out on this take evina hear me out on this take I think we have a lot of good Woods disc offers oh in fo okay and I think we have a lot of good Open disc offers in FP I think Kristen and own but own gets a little bit of a knock because she doesn’t have the distance but I think those two are really the only two complete and consistent disc golfers I mean Silva just won five in a row I yeah but Silva also lost to Kristen by 12 at Jonesboro which was the last open long course that she played at Kristen won that right yeah yeah but guess what Silva got 10 but she lost by 12 to Christ she lost by she lost by 12 Kristen goes away everybody gains confidence do you hear what I’m saying though I’m talking about like I don’t know if she has the distance to be able to compete at the open courses what saying I think own has showed us that that really is is it’s a small factor but it’s not the it’s not a humongous Factor excuse me she lost by 19 sorry she lost by 19 to Chris that’s old news Brody she’s a winner now she’s she’s just okay I’m just I’m just throwing it out there like do you do you like Isaac Robinson on on the golf course or do you like him in the woods I like Isaac Robinson everywhere I think where do you like him more where do you like him more I’ll take him in the woods yes that that’s my point that’s all I’m saying is uh I I still think we’ll see we’ll see what happens I’m EXC I’m basically comes down to this I I’m excited because I’m gonna see if this if this translates the way that I think it’s going to be and that I hope it’s going to be because I want to see a tight field I don’t want to see somebody just running away with it yes yes like that I like that but but if someone went on a tear I think it would it would be a little more scary for Kristen is what I’m saying if like Paige was beating Everyone by five while she was gone we’re not agreeing we’re not agreeing with that I’m saying because one person I don’t care about one person I’m saying everybody’s eating right now everybody’s confidence is through the roof that means you have to worry about 10 people who just won instead of the one person on a tear I mean do you think Ella’s confidence is through the roof yeah I do she won yes after she won she’s gotten 10th 14th seventh and third I don’t care that that that doesn’t mean much to me okay all right I think we’ll agree to disagree I think it’s I think it would be scarier for Kristen to come back to someone that was dominating in her p in her place I don’t want to go through the wins that Silva had let’s go through them you want me to go through them yeah let’s check it out okay um I already did this just go through the elite ones no go through the elite the elite don’t do the silver no the silver ones are tough okay so she’s got two Elite ones ones that are important yep Elite the one she just won the one that she just won is legit I I think it’s legit in my mind weird wow why no I I think it’s legit yeah tell me those names yeah tell me the one that she just won is legit and I think the elite the other one turku open is legit she beat evina by two she beat Hanna by three and she beat he Heidi by seven and then fifth place was five over par so there was four girls in the field that were under par and then the rest were overp par I mean the fields the fields are definitely weaker like she’s having in these events right here she’s having to play a couple she’s having to beat a couple people yeah right so and this is what it boils down to this is what’s great for FPL right now is the croal open might be one of the most Anti anticipated Foo events in quite some time that’s our job here Build It Up that’s our job Chris’s back Ella Hansen’s there Silva’s there Paige is there Heidi is there don’t forget about Anakin she’s there right also won this year yes so’s eating bro yes yes and then the European open I’m really hoping the European open is gonna be well attended for Foo let’s see D more are more people coming over for that evina Missy Hannah Ella Sarah Hokum Rebecca Cox that’s another person that’s been playing really phenomenal gonna win soon I think yeah I think so too so H it it drops off pretty significantly after that so European open is going to be like there’s going to be like seven people eight people 10 10 people 1 two 3 four five six seven eight nine 10 people European open will have 10 people um but hey it’s getting it’s getting more interesting it’s getting more interesting and that’s what that’s what we like to see that’s what we like to see um all right let’s see here what else what else uh oh I gotta give a shout out also to um oh let’s throw up those putting stats real quick T we did talk about a little bit so these are the top putting uh putting stats for FBO right here we got um Silva at 82.6 oh she’s up by 04 excuse me 04 over own at 82.2 then you have Lisa fakas at 80.6 H Holland Hanley at 80.1 and then Stacy kefir Valerie Christen and lucky all right there ranging this 2024 uh statistics for 2024 so um I do want to give a quick shout out though do want to give a quick shout out to uh Maria eldie Christen or christar daughter I believe is the correct thing she was the uh sole player we talked about a little bit already on Iceland sole player from Iceland representing the FBO in the FBO uh field um she was also rocking like a sick like her jersey with her just full last name on the back very cool and uh she’s got like a really it’s it remind me a little bit like Ganon Burr like a very like stabby putt I saw some of those putts man they were they were pretty cool yeah it was from Deep yeah yeah so we just need we just somehow we need more people playing in more events because you see these flashes of people they pop on we see them for one event and then they’re gone we need to somehow figure out a way and again I guess it just comes down to a monetary thing a money thing right so um all right you ready to jump into a little DMC preview here Julie let’s go hey wait before we go shout out to my boy mapus yes on the wall I’m at his house right now he let me use his little Studio back here so he’s thrown about 700 feet behind me wa what I made that up but oh I didn’t know if he was like a distance guy we’ll say is I like that Mr mapus all right let’s talk about the true Bank the mo challenge presented by DGA that’s going down this week course is underwater Julie said there was a basket that is completely submerged so it might be a slopfest out there boys it might be a slopfest um looks good moving forward kind of this is hopefully we need to get to dry out a little bit yeah this is one of my favorite tournaments um I’m definitely not going to miss this one I’m going to be up there tomorrow couple reasons why I like this tournament they do a lot of things right a lot of things right first one being a lot of the OB is distinguished by long grass they cut the fairways they don’t cut the OB so looking at it visually from a player from a spectator from um watching it live you can see this is where players are trying to throw it this is where players aren’t trying to throw it love that second thing the people of De Moine show up to this tournament every year absolutely show up to this tournament every year hole five is absolutely electric great hole great environment then you have whole 18 I don’t know what it’s going to look like this year youie maybe you can discuss that a little bit haven’t seen it new design new design on 17 and 18 suppos Ganon I play with Ganon today he helped the design and he said 17’s harder than 18 and they’re the two hardest holes in the course okay um well we’re going to talk about 17 here in a second uh but 18 they they put up those bleachers and those bleachers were always full even if you had an early tea time there was still 20 30 40 people in those bleachers as you’re finishing uh de Mo really does show up for this tournament and that really makes it special for the players as well so I absolutely love it um they got rid of the hole that we all thought was the worst hole in the course hole 16 that hole just never really fit it also wasn’t a great hold down the stretch because you could have a bad kick kick you out of bounds on a blind shot I didn’t love it they heard the player feedback they got rid of it they’ve added like you said whole 17 last year’s whole 17 is now going to be this year’s whole 16 and then two new holes 17 18 so they do great jobs obviously Ganon is kind of right there as well helping with the course design as well but I absolutely love this course Julie what are your thoughts on it played it today and I was saying it the whole round one of my favorite courses I think it’s one of my favorite courses period really now it’s just it’s fun it’s a fun it’s a fun play it’s a fun round yeah I don’t know I there’s not a hole out there that I go wow this is horrible I think it used to be 16 it’s gone now and I haven’t played 17 18 so I have to wait but I like the holes I just think it’s a nice flow I like the islands what is it like whole six or something that Island hole up the hill epic really cool design with the big logs that’s seven seven seven yeah oh Seven’s sick Seven’s great and then Eight’s amazing yep Nine’s very n fun yeah you go on and on and on and it’s like it’s still it’s it provides you with a whole new challenge the next one like this blind shot into a really tight Fairway I mean it’s just yeah I don’t know the the challenge they do a good a really good job of working you from left to right to right to left to straight it’s not the same shot every team for being for being like a quote unquote like open course they do have a lot of different um shots off the te and there’s a lot of a lot of lot of tournaments really we play where you’re kind of like if I lived here like if I lived in this town would I go play this course a lot a lot of the answer is no a lot of courses on tour the answer is for me answer is no like yeah I’ll play it maybe once a week maybe every other week but like if I live in De Mo or in near the area I’m probably playing that course three to four times a week like it does it just wouldn’t get boring it’s it’s a it’s a fun challenge it’s a fun fun challenge very fair as well uh except for maybe whole 17 which we’ll jump into right now so let’s talk about this whole 17 Julie people are listening and his name might be Ganon B cuz I said when he was on the Pod I was talking about Force carries we need more Force carries we need more forced carries and by golly look what they did to whole 17 here they gave us a forced carry now I think some people are not understanding why Force carries are so good Force carries are not gr they they matter nothing they matter nothing if you throw a good t-shot if you throw a good t-shot this Force carry means pretty much nothing yep the force carry is all about well what if you’re a little bit out of position on your t-shot now it’s not just throw the disc as far as I can and get it as close as I can to the basket it now is should I actually like just jump Putt and layup or like you got to think what you’re trying to do here yeah um also they did make the island the state of Iowa I don’t really care that to me is kind of like a whatever they’re GNA probably talk about it on the Drone great cool non story for me don’t care one or the other I’m focused on the force carry and I absolutely love it on this hole I don’t know yet I gotta play it I can’t I cannot give uh yes I like it no I don’t apparently is a very poking hope off the tea and I hate it that kind of sucks but uh the the premise though Juliet the premise though is still there it is also up a hill yes it is up aill and kind of a little poke and hope to get to The Landing Zone but the premise is still there of where I think you are going to have a lot of um I think you are GNA have a lot of interesting decisions down the down the stretch yeah you know hey man I don’t know I don’t know you can put a hat on a cactus it doesn’t it’s still cactus that is true we’ll see I mean we’ll both play it tomorrow we’ll get we’ll get our little Intel on what we think of it but I I do like just seeing the force carries more um baby steps I don’t I don’t love the fact that we have a drop zone for a par four I don’t think that’s ever necessary a lot of the Drop Zones have moved I like that because a lot of them were putts yep they’ve move to where no more putting yep so I I like that too um but this drop zone at least isn’t a putt it looks like you ascend so you go to 190 ft if you miss that then you actually go to a putt so it’s baby steps it’s B and you go home because your turn it’s over yeah yeah you’re done uh the cob man says you say we need to make courses harder that some are too easy this was a fan question on Twitter how would you make De Moine more difficult without completely rearranging holes keeping a similar flow to 2023 don’t just say Mor OB be specific so the easiest thing and it sounds like they might have done this the easiest thing to make it harder right away in the first five holes okay I wouldn’t change hole one at all hole one’s awesome I wouldn’t change hole two hole two is awesome I wouldn’t change whole three whole three is awesome whole four I wouldn’t make um any of that inbounds on the left so that all like short left far left that’s all OB so I would literally where you see the trees right now you see one two three four left to right anything left of that um pretty much anything left of that fpo basket yeah is OB and then there would the Drop Zone would be like um I would Advance all the way to like the water’s edge and that’s the drop zone so right there that hole is way more challenging because right now the way the way that hole set up the worst you’re taking out that hes a four you throw a b you lay up your your drop your jump putt but it looks like did they change the drop zone or it still behind map’s really small it’s a different Drop Zone I believe the Drop Zone I believe the Drop Zone changed to uh somewhere else okay yeah oh okay so it’s a little chipper okay so again baby steps I don’t love it but it’s definitely better than the putt so baby steps um so I would do that with that hole and then the next hole stylist just to go I’m not going through the Go the whole course but the next hole I would also just have the Drop Zone if you go in the water you just the drop zone now is the Foo basket which it’s pretty close wait is that what it is now or not the FP basket the fpo t is it it’s close to that yeah all right perfect it’s not that putt like it used to be all right well I might not have to do anything because it looks like they did make it harder and I love it absolutely they brought they brought in the OB a little tighter on two as well made that a little bit tougher uh on the far in side okay on the side yeah I like it I like it um again it’s not we’re not trying to make people score not be able to score 12 under par or anything like that it’s just when you throw a bad shot you got to be punished you gotta be punished yeah um all right let’s talk about Vino here Vino makes some moves and he signs with Inova now a couple things have come out about this sign with Inova um most of this is from grip locked if you guys haven’t go subscribe to grip locked on YouTube their podcast comes out every Monday so Hunter got um got this from a translation uh he did an interview and they translated it and this is kind of like all from the trans translation this is what he got so might not be exactly word for word but this is what he got the first thing that I thought was very interesting he he claims that this deal has been in the makings for six months Yulie a long time I don’t know if I’m buying that I don’t think I’m selling that doesn’t to me that sounds like it was like a uh hey no this is something that I’ve been thinking about you working with Innova for a while deals don’t take six months to to get done in disc golf they sometimes take six minutes like you can get a deal very quickly in disc golf so I don’t know what that was I don’t know if that was to try to separate himself from Kevin to be like oh no no no like this was my decision I’ve been thinking about this all along but um it was that was an interesting thing second thing is he says that his biggest motivation um to to leave Prodigy and go to Inova was he needed motiv ation to change he needs something to motivate him and he feels like a a change in the disc that he’s throwing is exactly what he needed which is again very interesting but we heard something very similar when Simon left when Simon left dmania and went to MVP he just said I needed some change I needed to mix it up I need to do something different um so we’ll see maybe there is a little bit of a spark a little bit of fire from Vino here in the next couple weeks throwing some new discs uh this new deal now is through 2027 so I believe this is a 4-year deal so ending through 2024 2025 2026 and 2027 and then when asked about financially how this looks he says it’s a much better deal and he’s able to eat fancy pasta nice hey man so I like that answer I think he’s happy I think he’s happy um I think this is actually a bril move by Ino just by them not having dmania anymore Vino’s a massive guy in Europe massive is Ina is Ina just gonna buy Prodigy that also might be true I don’t know prodig is weird though because they’re separate there’s two different companies there’s pry Europe and there’s pry in the states so just buy them maybe I don’t know I don’t know we’ll see um but yeah that that’s what went down but shout out to Vino he’s got a great YouTube channel great YouTube following big Instagram too you guys if you guys don’t follow Vino give a give a little shout out to voo okay let’s talk about the fan vote the fan vote has come in for the 2024 Presidents Cup and the results are Paul McBeth for the United States team and Albert Tom for the Europe team thoughts on the results here Julie well I love that they picked Albert there’s I think there’s a lot of killers on there I don’t know I was looking at it I I I don’t know man yeah Jessie Jessie Nan was was a big Contender yep yes he might I guess he’d probably get the captain’s pick if I were if I were to guess looking at that he probably will now yeah yeah um no I wasn’t surprised honestly I wasn’t surprised with who got with who got I thought yes he would have gotten the I thought Europe should have showed up for wait Bo wait Bo makes a good point why was I as an American allowed to vote for Europe that that’s a good point you could essentially sabotage the other team maybe wait wait a second did they not see this through they could have done that to us too though uh we outweigh them there’s way more American disc golfers than European disc golfers yeah something to think in the future we could have easily sabotaged him why didn’t we do that maros made a good point too maros sent a question on Twitter he says what was the thought process behind not even putting Anthony berill as an option for the American team I I asked this yeah I asked this question and because I was surprised that he wasn’t on there and he just didn’t have the world ranking it was it was from a certain timeline that they use I don’t know the stipulations I feel like here’s here’s something now that I’m the captain like I don’t think they can just kick me out so I’m gonna ask you this question why does Europe get to make all the rules for the President’s Cup team your point I don’t like that I don’t like how I don’t like how UC is making all the rules is there a committee like what’s going on I don’t know how it all works I’m out of line here no there should be a third party that is bip partial is that the right word by partisan I don’t know political stuff I don’t know either this is the President’s Cup for not running for president so it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter but why is he getting these rules like if it’s a fan vote put our best players on there let us fan vote on there don’t put any players on there it’s all it’s everybody it’s a fan vote put in whoever you want which I don’t think there should be a fan vote for the President’s Cup I think it should be earned I don’t I honestly don’t think I don’t think I think you should have I think you should have two captains picks I 100% agree but anyways moving forward I thought that was weird that and was left off of there because of a rule that they put the rankings at a certain time it’s like oh are we just going to wait for the rankings to make sense and be like Oh yeah this looks good yeah it’s it’s it’s how they like they fudge the statistics and they’re like this guy was 27 of two from or 27 of 31 from three but they like only pick a certain time period to make it look good I also don’t like how it was last year like they’re using statistics from last year that’s how these guys is one of our top three guys of course I’m gonna pick him it’s no it’s like it’s no like I think you I think you would get stabbed in the back if you did it but um as we’re as we move forward like how is it not what you’ve done this season leading up to the President’s Cup you know what I mean like how is that not a real thing that’s crazy to me yeah but anyways it is it is what it is we have we have the team and our team’s looking really good um what else you got on it I’m here yeah no I think I mean we can we can throw it up here um where hey you see I see I got my eye on you buddy I don’t know man I agree I agree with you um so let’s just do a little uh Fillin the blank because we don’t have I don’t know if they put a graphic up maybe stus you can find it um but they have the teams with like question marks at the bottom of for the for the fan vote so we can we can let’s just go across the board here real quick across the board and chat fill in too as we go down on who you’re taking captain sepo or Julie I’m going I’m going you you I’m going you here Julie I think you got I I think you have more team experience than sepo I’m going I’m going you here for Advantage Advantage USA do you just want me to go so you’re you’re impartial here yeah yeah I can’t go here all right I’ll go down um next one Kristen or own I’m going Kristen evina or Missy don’t love this course for Missy and I love this course for evina but Missy could do it um I I got we might not lose a point I’ll tell you that much I got I got it well here’s the thing ‘s not going Owen’s not gonna be there okay well who who’s the who’s the second Ella okay so I’m taking Kristen over Ella I’m taking evina uh One V one I’m taking Missy over evina I’m taking Missy over evina 1 V one I think you throw Ella out there maybe she can Shock the World against Kristen but I think we go if we go one1 in FP I think we’re off to a good start um Simon Calvin I’m taking Calvin Nicholas Ganon taking Ganon Ricky Vino I’m taking Ricky Eagle yakob I’m taking Eagle Paul Albert I’m taking Paul hey we’re looking good we’re looking pretty good they really honestly their team right now and again they can use this if they want I think their team really only has one auto win like they only have Kristen’s the only one I look at that team sure can Simon beat any of those guys yes can Nicholas beat any of those guys yes but that’s I think that’s where it stops for me yeah so they’re gonna have their hands full Julie I know that I know you’re GNA come prepared you’re gonna get the team ready to go um I’ve never actually G I’ve gone to the European open I think twice and both times I’ve watched it not live I’ve watched it uh it’s cool it’s a fun watch I think I think I’m gonna watch this one live Julie I think I’ll be on the grounds I think I’ll be I’ll be stalking I’ll be stalking the prey out there uh Actually I don’t even know if I’m going there I’m not even qualify for yourp open take that back I’m watching live I’m rooting you on on my phone Julie I was in a different atmosphere you you qualify this weekend you’re going uh yes yes if I qualify this weekend I’ll go yes I qualify this weekend you have my word I’ll go I’ll buy a flight I’ll go over there um give me plus 2500 odds on that all right let’s go with the next story here and that is tarmo Thompson set an absolutely insane record he completed the longest disc golf hole ever and this is this statist these stats are going to blow your mind here 3866 miles 1,258 throws all in 23 hours and 23 minutes I mean it’s kind of mind-blowing dude I don’t think 23 hours yes this is this is the list of all the stuff that he used uh this was his post he said what is needed to play 6222 km long round of disc golf one exceptionally foolish idea um juli oh he has a ulie too who is helpful with advice and support for carrying out foolishness 23 hours and 23 minutes 1,200 1,258 throws 74 kilm of walking 98,000 steps three blisters four lost dis that’s actually really impressive he threw over 1,200 throws and he only lost four disc uh 10 lers of water three packs of beef jerky a bottle of mosquito repellent Three Bananas two bottles of sport drink and I don’t know what that is or or old Rex morning burger and coffee I guess that’s some sort of restaurant or something over there um it was one hole guys it was one hole he just played he he basically listened to tour life and was like like when we were talking about why do we play 18 holes why don’t we just play one hole I think that was actually debate night we made a funny joke about that and he said you know what by golly I’m GNA go out and do that myself so some impressive stuff there um did you see this Adam shot this is the first negative shot I’ve ever seen in disc golf really oh my you’ve seen this before seen plenty of I’ve done this plenty of times you had a disc go backwards technically behind the TX yeah one time I tried to throw a thumber in a final nine event went behind me settle down flew backwards room I was going over like this little ditch in Oregon and it went why also does this always happen with big germ why is Big germ always involved in these videos he’s always in them like whenever there’s something he’s got that goofy energy man I don’t know man like he’s literally like looking at him being like I I’m so sorry I’m trying not to laugh right now he’s always involved in this so funny see like a ace or something he’s a ace guy yeah he’s always there if something crazy happens on camera he’s always there um but man that that’s uh that that was I mean at least he parted he parted he got up and down from there there you go maybe it was an easier angle better better shot better a shot um all right we don’t have any wild stories this week but if you guys have a wild story send it into our intern David wild Story Tour uh a couple listener questions to finish this off here here we go this is from uh this is from Jers from Jers is it better for the sport to have multiple a tiers each week rather than one tournament that every big player plays we got to see wins this week from Proctor Gooseman and plenty of others who just don’t get enough coverage no one big tournament I’m with you on that um this is unfortunately a individual sport you want to see the best compete against the best now there is some a lore there is some of lore of uh you know someone over in Japan that has the highest rating ever comes over the United States to play there’s some allore of like oh let’s see what happens right what he’s got but the majority of the time you want to see the best people spreading it out amongst a bunch of tournaments is not the play is that great for like locals yeah big time sure like having yeah but you don’t want to have tournaments where you’re like oh 20 of the top 40 guys aren’t there you gota you gotta try to have as many of the people as you possibly can at the tournament um and then obviously the majors that’s where everyone shows up and now that’s even more special uh Jason wants to know did Paul just lose oh we already answered that um Andrew he wants to know is urban disc off a yay or a nay I don’t know that shot Goose through was nuts you know I’m talking about that warehouse shot was disgusting this is what I’ll have to say Urban disc golf with a frisbee is gay in public areas Urban disc golf with a disc in public areas is a nay damage lot of damage damage I mean if you do end up hitting someone a disc golf disc is going to hurt a lot more than a frisbee um yeah I love playing Urban disc golf with a frisbee I would feel very I would not feel as comfortable doing it with the disc is he talking about like the urban Disc Golf Channel or talk he didn’t capitalize disc golf so I’m assuming it’s just literally are you a fan of playing Urban disc golf which I am but I like doing it with a frisbee yeah I’m a fan sure I like disc golf Ron says most dis golfers can’t throw a frisbee for crap that is the truth dude bro why don’t an ouncers know the distance to the pin from common Landing zones rough spots or landmarks on The Fairway seems like they’re always guessing it would only take an hour to walk the course with a rangefinder and take notes ulie you got this one uh typically they do know I don’t think it’s very often that they don’t and if they don’t it’s because I think our distances are so important to know the exact distance for us because we throw the same disc so many different ways like like in golf I feel like you’re wanting to know an average distance they’re trying to hit in an area where they’re like their nineiron goes however far like what are they hitting I think that’s more important in golf to know like what how far did they hit their nine iron okay where are they you hear you hear you hear what I’m saying or am I oh I’m listen oh I’m Miss listening you’re just listening I’m Miss listening it look like you stalled on my screen no no no I’m listening I’m listen I’m I’m listening to where you’re going with this okay I think in golf when they’re talking online they have a rough estimate and the commentators walk and they have notes and everything but it’s you have to be a lot more precise in golf right so like nine iron goes this far seven iron goes this far they know their clubs and everything and that’s typically how the language that they speak in dis golf there’s a lot of guessing going on because I don’t think a lot of players even know how far they are some people don’t have rang fighers some people do you know what I mean like there’s no markings on the course so I don’t think it’s like G to be real accurate in the first place and being off by three four feet in our game is a lot different than being off by yards in like golf that makes sense yeah there’s uh there’s a little bit and this is where like some people go back and forth should that be a skill should should being able to gauge your distance be a skill and um if you think that then you’re like anti- Rangefinder you’re anti- you know uh distance on the course but then that’s where you really have to if we are going to remove the rangefinder if we are going to say hey we’re not going to put any markings on the course to let you know how far away you are or anything like that when you’re off the te then you really got to crack down on time cu will be people doing like weird stuff to like walk distances off and all that stuff um but um yeah I am a big fan of getting rid of the rangefinder during the tournament I think it should be a skill to know your distances without the rangefinder I think you should be able to have it in practice of course and be able to mark distances and get a good feel for some holes but I I think that day will come and I I always get like a lot of people being oh surpris because you’re sponsored by Bush now that doesn’t get rid of the rangefinder you’re still going to need it for distances to be able to mark and be a good disc golfer practice yeah and also like when you’re not playing on tour like it’s still very useful yeah a lot of I need I need a rangefinder a lot of a lot of courses too like the teads are incorrect if I’m playing if I’m playing a new course I rarely will ever just go off of the teapad and be like oh yep I I trust that yeah um all right couple questions here left Shay wants to know what are your thoughts on how the disc golf network is putting the EUR is putting the European open I don’t mind that it’s paywalled but in order to watch it it’s so cumbersome instead of a standalone pay-per-view option like they previously offered you have to upgrade your plan which if you bought a yearly plan cancels the plan and credits your account the pro rated def difference if you do the monthly Pro option then you have to downgrade the plan after the event if you go yearly again you have to pay off the balance it costs roughly $7 extra plus all the hassles to watch the European open and maybe some other Pro content if I want to use the full month please give me a $10 onetime purchase for the event I will pay the extra $3 for Less content just to watch without jumping through all those Hoops that sounds terrible here’s the thing I’m with this guy 100% because if I showed up to watch the European open and I have to go through all these crazy little Hoops I’m not doing it I’m not doing it I’m not doing doing it that seems a little sus Marco says why are we paying it all good point too um yeah I mean if anything this seems like almost they’re trying to get people to buy into a higher uh program of higher status on their platform and then hopefully forget to downgrade or we all know this like this is have you ever have you ever tried to um cancel your gym membership impossible they make it nearly impossible to the point of where you’re like it’s only in no you can’t do it unless Jim’s here yep Jim’s the only one that can sign up well when’s he here and then you’re like it’s only $7 a month it’s not I guess whatever I’ll just keep it going like to me this kind of seems a little bit like that of where they’re just making it so hard or they’re making it hard enough to where some people are just like whatever I’ll just keep it I don’t even want to change it whatever looks like you’re going to be listening to me the next day yep uh Ste discs final question here AFC North final standings AFC North final standings and this is actually a great question I don’t know if this guy watches my car Channel or not because I talked about this I never have known AFC NFC NFC South N I don’t know any I never knew any of that that I’m not really familiar with a lot of it yeah and so now I’m starting to study obviously because we’re we’re opening a lot more and you know I’m trying to be more knowledgeable in that um so I’ve actually been studying my AFC NFC so I actually knew the teams off this one which is kind of cool um with that being H I’ll go after you I know because we do have we do have a Steelers fan in here we also have a Justin Fields fan I love Justin Fields Ohio State let’s go uh okay I think this is going to be Burrow’s year I’m going Bengals number one I think the Ravens are G be really good I’m going Ravens number two then I’m going Steelers and Browns what up he you like that I’m going Steelers Brown is a is a big Steelers fan too ERS are missing the Playoffs because they they take way too long they take way there you go they take way too long to put Justin fields at quarterback they take way too long they don’t put Justin fields at quarterback until I’m G be completely honest about this I think for sure the Ravens are are just gonna absolutely dominate this division okay I don’t trust Joe burrow as far as his health seems like he’s made of glass did you see did you see the back jacket did you see his back his back looks like it’s in pretty good shape right now I don’t care okay that I don’t care how big your back is those other guys are bigger and they hit really hard just saying his back is looking nice right now I’m gonna go Ravens win the division I think running away okay and then I think Pitts are you talking are you talking like what like 14 and three yeah okay yeah I think I when are they going to 18 games I know Ravens let me finish Ravens run away Steelers right there oh my gosh right there what like no like in the Wild Card hunt like usual okay with the Browns and with the uh and with the Bengals oh you think all three of those are gonna be roughly like close same yeah okay barely having winning record type deal that’s what I think and of course Pittsburgh edges them out we go in the we win and then all of a sudden boom boom boom who do you want who do you want to be your starting quarterback Jackson freaking unfortunately sprains his big toe he’s out we win who do you want to be your starting quarterback who do I want Patrick Mahomes that’s currently on your roster oh currently on the roster uh I’m gonna go I want to see how Russ does who do I I want to see how Russ does I’ve always had I’ve always been a big Russ fan how many weeks you given him three weeks tops all right tops if he doesn’t have a winning record after three weeks chip him put Justin in there yeah that’s the way I feel about it yeah for sure I don’t know Russ is an interesting charact I mean I I’ll never forget I was at the game that went viral when he’s on the sideline with his helmet on even though they literally told him you are not playing this game he’s literally on the sideline with his helmet on walking up the field I I mean he’s an interesting cookie he’s an interesting cookie I’ll say that all right um this week in Foundation guys big thing going down this Friday at 5:00 pm Eastern on Foundation we have the Darkhorse Aon Dark Horse a Aon is happening this Friday at 5:00 P PM Eastern what is this great question this is an ESP Flex jawbreaker Zone very very nice so what we’re doing okay there’s Five Steps step one got to buy a disc step two you have to capture an ace throwing said disc step three you have to post that video of you throwing an ace with said dis on a social media platform tagging Foundation disc golf you have to do that before the end of the month so you have all of July plenty of time top five Aces will receive a prize now one of those there might be some people being like broy I’m terrible at disc golf there’s no chance I’m ever going to make a sick Ace I get one dark course pick so Hunter and Trevor they’re going to pick the top four aces so those are going to be the most impressive the coolest I get one Darkhorse one so I’m telling you right now it’s not going to be one of the top five impressive okay it doesn’t have to be a sick you know scuber from 90 feet or whatever come up with something creative come up with something cool come up with something funny I might very well pick you now from there those five that get picked go into a fan vote we send it to the people man of the people we send it to the people yeah whoever wins from the fan vote is gonna take home to go on the President’s Cup team yeah exactly you now are thrown into the President’s Cup and you’re playing Simon round one um 8:30 tea time in the morning uh Grand Prize winner because all all five get prizes but the grand prize is going to be a grip bag filled to the gills with discs goodies merch all sorts of stuff that sounds awesome that’s going down this whole month um now strategy strategy find a buddy buy buy a handful of these find a buddy and then set up parallel with one another have two cameras one filming this way one filming that way just like kind of cornhole just like horseshoes one guy throws four five down he makes it great if he misses it then the other guy throws four or five down now if you’re doing this solo Doo respect because that means you’re basically having to walk down to the hole pick up the disc walk back do it again so respect but if you can find a partner jie you can H first try bam one and done I mean that electric that would be actually electric for sure um if someone if someone cites the Preamble if someone cites uh recites the Preamble and then immediately without cuts makes an ace there’s a very good chance I’d pick you as a Darkhorse pick W there’s what if there’s aund of those that’s great that’s I mean that’ be incredible but I mean do you know how hard it is to recite the Preamble I think people are going to give up really quickly that’s like that’s like 45 seconds right could get that freaking Dark Horse pick though get pick uh all right house cing what do we got here uh winner of the I I guess there was two trivas two Edwin early trivas because we wer we weren’t live so the people were getting rowdy so Edwin I think took it upon himself to just throw another giveaway up to try to get the the chat in in line because people were getting rowdy that we hadn’t started for 20 minutes um so I don’t know who ended up winning maybe those names will throw up here in a second but congratulations to our two Edwin early trivia winners Brian H and Christian R shout out to Brian H and Christian R congratulations guy um all right syus where we at tour life crew merch uh this is not part of tour life crew but this is a man of the people shirt here man of the people still available on Foundation dis all right where are we at on the tour life uh tour tour lifee crew merch here guys we did it we did it we’re at 518 we made it very nice um 20 should we do a giveaway then Julie yeah all right so come uh me and Yulie will sign one of these Aon discs or we’ll sign something together maybe we’ll do a vulture and uh you said you had a raptor coming out what you what did you have yeah cap waps with the you big Yuli stamp just right on the top of look sick maybe me and ulie will both sign that and we’ll do a little YouTube giveaway for you guys uh we’ll get we’ll maybe have that be in an upcoming thing for over 500 next mileston stylus 750 750 items oh that’s a big number but 750 got us to 500 so you know impressive stuff we get there we get there we get there that’s crazy so thank you guys stuff um all right uh anything else did we miss anything chat did we miss anything I think we pretty much talked about everything Julie you got anything syus you got anything man nope it’s kind of a slow week in disc golf but you know it is what it is it’s going to start ramping up here couple events before the European open the next major and uh there is going to be a big one man I have a feeling finish championships this coming week too I think right is that right Pro said yeah he said he’s going to um he’s going to cadd oh I think they’re doing a dual Simo cast what I think they said yeah I heard about that I think they’re doing happening at the same time uh uh thoughts on Stokely buying Ching I have no idea what that is what’s Ching the disc off company did you talk about the hamus clip of him yelling at the competitor on the card in front of it no but doesn’t surprise me either probably it was slow probably was like hey hurry it up I’m guessing probably get the people going yeah’s in on that he likes that it’s a disc golf company is what it is Ching shout out to stok we got we gotta get stokeley on here at some point big Stokes got get stokeley all right folks uh that’s going to do it for us tonight we appreciate you hanging in with us um I got to figure out whether or not I’m keeping in all this beginning stuff or not the Mojo Jojo we’ll figure it out but appreciate you guys thank you guys so much uh we’ll be in De Moine tune in disc golf network uh fre on Friday you got the Jes practice round coming out me and I think Ezra is still going to film a practice round I don’t know he just texted me they just postponed practice to noon for tomorrow yeah we already knew that EZ come on I know I’m gonna have to call Ezra I guess and we’ll have to figure it out but um yeah appreciate you guys thank you so much fun one chat appreciate you whether you’re supporting of the show you just came in here to troll keeping it spicy as always I love it we’ll see you you guys in the next one


  1. when we talk about paul we talking about loosing his shot of winning. then we talk about brodie we ask when will he win lol

  2. I hope Vaino is clearing 100k a year. Not only does he deserve it but it's expensive to be on the other side of the traveling equation. US players only have to visit europe once a year while Europeans are often flying back and forth 2, 3 even 4 times, and having to spend their money in a more expensive country.

  3. Sooo awesome that McBeth came on and finally cleared the air with Brody! Hopefully that dark Luna idea can come to market now.
    Great first 20 min y’all! Hate so many people missed it.

  4. 44:16 dude, that's exactly why DGPT expanding to Europe can do. Europe needs a good tour that's viable to play on it's own, and this has not been the case.

  5. Brodie is such an imbecile. Some of the things he says, the few that are vaguely coherent, are painful to listen to. Just auditory evidence of a mouth breather's mentality.

  6. Not sure anybody else had said it but I think it's cool as hell that hole 17's island is in the shape of Iowa

  7. The only thing Kristin is worried about is if she is fully healed and being a little rusty. She doesn't care what the other women are doing.

  8. Wow… Three minutes of Väinös deal, and more or less you concluded that it is bullshit what he says about the process.
    Just watching the finnish interview gives the facts. And the truth is as boring like Simons MVP move. Prodigy USA has it's own drama.

  9. We gotta get Uli a better mic for the road. Sounds like he's talking through a tin can lol c'mon dudes

  10. Why aren't we interviewing all the players on the lead card after the tournament? Maybe the hot player on the chase card as well?
    Would make fit great content….
    Other sports interview some of the other contenders….
    You guys ramp it up for us!

  11. I’m not watching the European open because I pay yearly and I’m not jumping through the hoops to upgrade for one event

  12. Brody trying to tell a Master of his class that he's wrong about disc golf 😂. Been around for a long time and knows and has seen when people win they get momentum. Brody disagrees with first hand experiences lol

  13. Anyone else wonder why Brodie gets so many signature discs yet someone like Ben Callaway gets so few? Ben is obviously a much superior golfer…

  14. Typical viewpoint of someone who doesn't watch football enough. No shot the Browns finish last Brodie. We aren't the Browns of old

  15. Have anyone even considered that the European players don’t want to squeese their entire season into just a couple weeks to accomodate to the american players? That maybe they don’t want or not is able to go to USA to tour because of VISA issues and it’s too expensive. But they still want to compete against the best in the European field outside their own country. And if the protour adjust to just a couple weeks the European countries is going to say ”we don’t like this, let’s have our own tour” (which is what they did before this year and last) Not everything evolves around american players. There is an entire world of discgolfers outside USA that seems to be forgotten. It feels like a bit selfcentered thinking to not even consider that fact. Yes, its more money in USA but it is also very expensive to travel there for an entire season.

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