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New Balance Nationals Outdoor | LIVE | June 14, 2024 @ 8:50a EST

Watch Day 2 of New Balance Nationals Outdoor LIVE from Franklin Field in Philadelphia.

The best in high school track & field compete at the Fastest Party on the Planet for a chance to win a national title and celebrate the close of their outdoor season.

Friday, June 14th Schedule of Events – Running Events:
– 8:50 AM EST | Boys | Championship | Decathlon – 110m HH | Final on Time
– 9:05 AM EST | Boys | Middle School | 2 Mile Run | Final on Time
– 9:45 AM EST | Girls | Middle School | 2 Mile Run | Final on Time
– 10:35 AM EST | Boys | Freshman | 2 Mile Run | Final on Time
– 11:15 AM EST | Girls | Freshman | 2 Mile Run | Final on Time
– 12:05 PM EST | Boys | Championship | 1600m SMR | Final on Time
– 12:40 PM EST | Girls | Championship | 1600m SMR | Final on Time
– 1:15 PM EST | Boys | Middle School | 200 Meters | Prelims
– 1:30 PM EST | Girls | Middle School | 200 Meters | Prelims
– 1:45 PM EST | Boys | Championship | 100m Dash | Prelims
– 2:10 PM EST | Girls | Championship | 100m Dash | Prelims
– 2:35 PM EST | Girls | Championship | Heptathlon – 800m | Final on Time
– 3:35 PM EST | Boys | Championship | 400m Hurdles (36″) | Final on Time
– 4:00 PM EST | Boys | Freshman | 400m Hurdles (36″) | Final on Time
– 4:15 PM EST | Girls | Championship | 400m Hurdles (30″) | Final on Time
– 4:40 PM EST | Girls | Freshman | 400m Hurdles (30″) | Final on Time
– 4:55 PM EST | Boys | Championship | 100m Dash | Semi
– 5:05 PM EST | Girls | Championship | 100m Dash | Semi
– 5:20 PM EST | Boys | Championship | Decathlon – 1500m | Final on Time
– 5:30 PM EST | Boys | Championship | 4x800m Relay | Final on Time
– 6:05 PM EST | Girls | Championship | 4x800m Relay | Final on Time
– 6:45 PM EST | Boys | Championship | 4x200m Relay | Final on Time
– 7:10 PM EST | Girls | Championship | 4x200m Relay | Final on Time
– 7:45 PM EST | Boys | Championship | 2 Mile Run | Final on Time
– 8:35 PM EST | Girls | Championship | 2 Mile Run | Final on Time

Friday, June 14th Schedule of Events – Field Events:
– 9:00 AM EST | Girls | Freshman | Pole Vault | Finals
– 9:00 AM EST | Boys | Freshman | Shot Put | Finals
– 10:00 AM EST | Girls | Championship | Heptathlon – Long Jump | Finals
– 10:00 AM EST | Boys | Freshman | High Jump | Finals
– 10:00 AM EST | Boys | Championship | Decathlon – Discus | Finals
– 11:30 AM EST | Girls | Championship | Heptathlon – Javelin | Finals
– 12:00 PM EST | Boys | Middle School | Long Jump | Finals
– 12:00 PM EST | Girls | Middle School | Long Jump | Finals
– 12:30 PM EST | Boys | Championship | Decathlon – Pole Vault | Finals
– 1:00 PM EST | Girls | Freshman | Shot Put | Finals
– 2:00 PM EST | Boys | Championship | Discus | Finals
– 2:00 PM EST | Girls | Freshman | High Jump | Finals
– 3:30 PM EST | Boys | Championship | Decathlon – Javelin | Finals
– 4:00 PM EST | Boys | Middle School | Shot Put | Finals
– 4:00 PM EST | Boys | Freshman | Long Jump | Finals
– 4:00 PM EST | Girls | Freshman | Long Jump | Finals
– 4:30 PM EST | Boys | Freshman | Pole Vault | Finals

he he [Music] [Music] [Applause] B hold for the win [Applause] back for another day of action here in Philadelphia on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania this is the New Balance Nationals Outdoors at Franklin Field again a day two of competition rolls on after a great day of competition from yesterday lots of meat records performing a lot more to come today Keenan gry alongside the great former Texas All-American shity Douglas and you look back at yesterday all the Middle School records that we saw some of the championship records we saw what more can we expect from day two today ready 72 degrees here a little bit of winds out of the West the first event on the track is the men’s de cathlon through five events so far this is their sixth event this will be the men’s 110 hurdles the first section of the hurdles it’s sha Misa of IMG Academy Jay Brown out of Pennsylvania Joseph Pratt of Warriors track and field and right there in lane four is Jay Brown it’ll score 851 points out of that one after running 14 99 so after the first day of competition the kathon Colton Dean LED with 3,795 points was ahead of the competition by 608 point or excuse me was ahead of the competition right around 58 points just ahead of Joseph Pat who just got done competing in that first section of the men’s hurdles Dean won two of the five events yesterday won the 100 in 10.58 scored 956 points then the long jump at 7.15 M to score 850 points so the rest of day for the rest of the cathlon they’ll have the hurdles right here then the discus PVA Javelin and the ever so loved, 1500 at the the end of competition tot there were 12 athletes we’re looking at Shan hrish and then our current leader Colton Dean he’ll be on the outside in Lane six Dean HR even with each other here through the first couple of hurdles as HR now with the slight advantage and Sean HR through 783 points after running 1556 Dean 761 points 5 1575 puts Colton Dean’s total now to 4,556 points so we’s a look ahead just to the action going on here today lots of middle school championship races to come we got the two mile races just right around the corner followed by The Freshman both the boys and girls in that two mile section then our first championship of the day will be the girls Sprint medley or it’s always featuring the Great img’s team purple Track Club Motor City Track Club should we with those threes contesting with each other boy Sprint medley should be a good one as well featur in union Catholic always been a big presence here at New Balance Nationals outdoor and then we’ll see the first rounds of the boys and girls middle school 200 and the first round of the boys and girls 100 meter Championship Florida section three here Athan baz Garrett mcneel and stone stroken C start out of the hurdles nail emerging on the inside in four as well as bansen too but it’ll be mcneel 15 13 80034 points for the junior out of Texas that moves him to second overall just right behind behind Jay Brown of Pennsylvania leaving us one more section here before we move on to the next vent again that’ll be the discus competition and that’s set to take place right around 10 a.m. here on the East Coast AP fourth and final section John bass William fedler Brody Foster and Pierce monye see bass in two fedler in four Foster six and then Mony in eight monkey with 3,345 points bass 330 3,333 Mony on the outside in eight and he’ll produce the fastest time of the day out of the decathlon 1464 894 points and that launches them up to fifth overall after the men’s de cathlon 110 hurdles there you see the results from section 4 894 points 1464 for Pierce Mony John bass 790 points 1550 William fedler 700 running 1629 there’s your overall results after the decathlon 110 hurdles lucky 894 points and after those six events it’s Colton Dean still out front Jay Brown Garrick mcneel in third aan bansen and Pierce monkey for fifth so through six event Serenity lots more to come here on the the cathlon side of things have the dis dis is right around the corner but as again as I mentioned there was so much action that happened yesterday and again we’ll have great a lot more to come today but you know kind of what was the biggest takeaway from yesterday on day one the biggest takeaway from yesterday Kenyan I would say is that these kids did not come to play at all and they made a statement yesterday we saw a couple meet records yesterday and I think that we’re going to see even more today maybe even see a US number one later on today and that’s not hopeful wishing it’s happened before and it might happen again if y’all don’t know who I’m referring to that’s Christian Miller he’s going to be in the prelim of the 100 later on today and he’s run Us number one before um it was just taken away from him a couple weeks ago but we might see it again in some more amazing races but the the Calon once in hurdles I mean it’s so early in the morning in Philly right now but these guys they have so much energy I need some of the energy that they have Christian Miller at one point was not just number one in the United States was also number one in the entire world with his 993 ran just a while back and of course you know the pros are starting to get faster and stronger as the season has progressed and like I said the trials are just right around the corner and everyone’s just preparing for the respective Count’s trials and try to hope they can qualify for this year’s Paris Olympics but I was really impressed with all the middle school athletes yesterday in the in the hundreds and and the 200 or the today the the foreign I should say you know especially Parker CO out of the Bolis High School broke the meat record in the preliminary round and then came back in the final and was able to run 1187 which again you don’t see very many eighth graders running Under 12 seconds but and we and we emphasized this so much the bull school with Coach Joe Lee at the helm they’ve done a phenomenal job for the last however many years it’s been yeah absolutely and part of me wants to be surprised and then the other part to me is like well this is New Balance Nationals Outdoors you know you see the dope boat book bags online and you see the atmosphere there you know they call it the fastest place on the planet so I can’t really act like I’m that shocked that it happened but that is smoking fast for an eighth grader huge C kudos to him for sure yesterday’s one of the big big meet records in the championship side of things on the high school side purple Track Club out of Michigan setting the meet record and the champion girls 4 by mild anchored by none other than Rachel fory who has kind of been under the radar this last track season that we haven’t seen her race as much as we have in the fall but the future Michigan State Spartan ran 4 4193 on her anchor split and actually just ran 203 just this last week in the 800 so it’s nice to see her back in action and of course when you break a meat record it’s always a nice feeling and this team from Michigan has always shown up here at the New Balance national outdoors and has delivered their best effort absolutely and I mean it also helps that they don’t have to travel as far for this um the same case when it was New Balance Nationals indoors when it was in Boston Massachusetts we saw a lot of the athletes you know we saw the Bullis out of Maryland we saw the athletes out of Michigan DC for Archbishop Cara as well so it definitely does help that you don’t have to travel as far because that can be very taxing to sometimes go all the way to the infamous Hayward Field it’s beautiful but it’s really difficult to get there so talking about Christian Miller a little bit you know as a sprinter yourself what is something you’ve seen from him you know obviously last year when he was kind of a rising star at the u20 level got to compete at those US championships at Hayward Field last summer what have you seen from the progression that he’s made this year and like I said he’s ran 993 this year which is ranks one of the top top times not just in the US but also around the world well I actually had a chance to interview Christian Miller at u20s last year and I think the main thing that he was telling me is that he’s from Florida it’s very difficult to get records in Florida and that was always just his goal is to just to beat as many record as he can in Florida to be the fastest one there and he said that was really hard with the amount of competition that he has on a day-to-day basis so many amazing athletes come out of Claremont Florida Miami Florida um Dade County so that was the main thing that he was telling me is that he just has such a competitive State and you know for high schoolers that’s their focus at the moment is to just be the fastest in state and then once you achieved that oh I mean he became the fastest in the world at some point but also his fearlessness and that’s what you get out of these kids a lot you would think that because they’re younger they would be a little bit more timid and more scared but no they have nothing to lose I mean running barely hurts for them at this point um they don’t really have that much lactic acid um and I think that’s what I see at a Christian Miller for sure he runs Fearless like he knows exactly who he is it doesn’t matter that he’s 17 years old 18 years old he’s going to put on a show and go back home perfectly satisfied with his parents and have a good day I think that’s the main thing I’ve seen out of him well speaking of fearless anybody that wants to run a two mile is is taking the step out of the comfort zone and we’ll be racing eight laps around the track here especially these Middle School boys this will be the first of four sections of our Middle School boys Two Mile and to no surprise just like a common theme yesterday the athletes are so nervous that the officials have to tell them to back up a little bit from the start line and it has to take a second time around to get this thing going here so first section of the boys middle school 2 Mile underway there you see the athletes in their hip assignments on the bottom left of your screen see all sorts of athletes from around the country represented here at New Balance Nationals outdoor and that’s the one thing that a lot of the the common theme you you would see for these National meets is all right New Balance Nationals outdoor they’re going to have people from the East Coast Nike outdoor Nationals they’re going to have people from the West Coast well that is the case for in in some circumstances but everyone wants to travel around the country and get new experiences you know everyone talks about wanting to be at Hayward Field and and race there all the time but not very many people get the chance to run at Franklin Field and this is one of the crown jewels in the in the Northeast and the histo the history speaks for itself I mean you see a building like this and it’s like wow you walk in just feels nostalgic it’s it’s it’s older it’s the track the stadium is older as well not like Hayward Field where it’s completely brand new this is a different type of feeling for a lot of these athletes yeah Keenan you really hit the nail on the head out of my 14 years of running I never got a chance to come out to Franklin Field and I always wanted to to feel the energy of the Jamaicans that come out and race at Pin relays I was a relay type of type of girl I really put in more effort on the relay than I did in my individual event um so this is a great honor to get to run at a stadium like this and it has a whole lot of history you’re right it’s not like newer like Hayward Field which is very beautiful in its own right but Franklin Field you can see the history behind it and especially like getting some of these angles it feels like you’re running at an old western house or something I really like it early on through the first lap re tacus of Red Devil black went through 75 seconds through the first quarter mile as the chase pack now strings out into a single file line meet record in this one 93847 set by Ryan Sykes from last year’s meet again that common theme we’re seeing all these young athletes I mean 938 for a freshman boy would be really really good for for a middle school athlete that’s well beyond what we could imagine what they would be running at at this age but again in this day and age of of distance running sprinting jumping throwing it’s not a surprise given the technology and the advancement of training and anything else that really goes into the factor of becoming a great athlete absolutely and I would say another common thing that I’ve been noticing are these distance athletes and we’ll see it with the sprinters as well repeating events I saw a lot of names I recognized from yesterday’s mile we have Luke janky he’s sitting in six right now he was in the mile yesterday Noah pillo also in the mile yesterday he’s in this heat you know you might as well come back for two miles you’ve already done one a lot of these athletes do 3ks up to 5Ks so might as well get the Reps in the one mile might not have gone how anybody would have wanted to yesterday so you have another event to come back and do better I’m glad you think all distance rers want to just go for the mile to the two mile that was certainly not the case for me when I was in high school that was never going to happen the only time I ran two mile was when my coach said you need to do this and as soon as I got done with it he comes over me he asks me how’d you feel about that I look at him I’m like I hatte you for that there’s just an 800600 guy through and through so we’ve gone through three laps now 35268 for Dominic lurel as he’s starting to put some separation between himself and the rest of the field 78 seconds on that last lap but I’m sure you felt that way as a sprinter when it came to racing a particular spritzing event I’m sure if it’s the case if you’re a 100 meter Sprinter you don’t want to run the 400 well you are absolutely correct you know me being a 400 Runner every time he was like well you know you could do an 800 this off seon just just get one in absolutely not and any of the 100 Runners all of my teammates they never wanted to hop in the 4×4 I did not know that that was the same for distance Runners I did you know you guys don’t get the messenger but I did think that all distance Runners did not mind going up I always assume they all ran cross country and they’ve all went a lot higher than this race at two mile you know they do 3ks and 5Ks but you’re right they might go down to 800s and want to stay there as well and this might just be their coach just throwing them INE I know for a fact an 800 guide is not thrilled when he finds out the fact that he has to run a 10K during cross country at the Collegiate level the only reason that he would go to that college is just to run the 800 but then his coach says hey we want you to join the cross country team and get the experience of just or just more base training under your belt so let’s throw you into a 10K or an 8K and every time you see the look on their face when they have to do that there just it’s Priceless and no nobody at the 800 level wants to do something like that well you know if you have the stamina you might as well and it looks like Dominic lurel does he’s actually out of North Carolina representing Without Limits triangle you know yesterday Keenan and I we were talking about some of our favorite track and field Club names don’t get too hurt in the comments it’s just people are getting pretty creative and I I’ve been liking them lately 51474 through that first mile so little over halfway through and lurel have some company now right there in second will get a better look as they head down the home straightway so two packs have developed lurel now being accompanied believe that’s domic Johnson of St John Striders and then that’s Max cervinski and Samuel young sitting in third and fourth for that’s Young’s out of New Hampshire and then shinsky from Michigan and it’s an early morning too for these kids I mean it’s right now it’s 9:00 here on the east coast and the preparation for to run at 2 miles as hard as you can around the track me a lot of these kids probably had to get up at 6:00 in the morning get breakfast in them get enough good energy in them and get a nice ShakeOut going that’s asking a lot out of a middle school athlete that especially when these kids probably need 9 10 hours of sleep every night absolutely and what all goes into the preparation of the distance Runner race day because I never used to eat a lot before the 400 because I was so nervous but you with an event like this you have to and the warmup for it is so much longer than the race sometimes um so what what what goes into the preparation well at least from my point of view I’ve never had a race this early in the morning I’ve raced around 10:00 11 a.m. and for me I I didn’t have to race as much or as far because I just did the 816 so I usually would go with the the classic peanut butter toast in the morning and maybe some cereal just to fuel me giveing me some carbohydrates and obviously the peanut butter was with some protein but it was enough to I feel like I could be full but also like I can digest it a little bit and be ready to go and have some energy going into my race and then obviously for for people that are warming up it really depends on like what race you’re doing I mean if you’re doing the 800 you probably can get away with maybe doing a seven maybe like maybe a mile maybe a mile and a half of warmup if you’re in the two mes you probably can do around two two and a half miles just to get your legs moving a little bit and a lot of those also is when you throw it with the running there’s there’s the the strides The Surge so that adds another about 200 300 met of running again that’s just to get the legs turn over and ready to go in the morning as we see lurel kind of throwing a surge of himself actually as Johnson just moving ahead of lurel about maybe separating by 15 20 M as we’re coming up on to one more lap remaining this is the penultimate 100 right here for Johnson and looking at the time just surpassing 9 [Music] minutes just as sixth grader as you just heard from St John striders 7850 right at the Bell lap and these look smooth this entire time especially on that last lap no hesitation to move right to the front ahead of Laurel no hesitation at all he’s used to being in the front of races we were speaking about you know athletes going up to the 3K and the 5K if you’re in this two mile and domic Johnson is one of those athletes out of St John Striders comes out of Florida won a 3K before he has a 3K PR of 1015 1500 PR as well of 450 so that kick is kicking Keenan he did not hesitate to take the lead and to separate himself very confident racer here these last couple of laps and takes one look over his shoulder just surpassing 953 through 3,000 M it ran pretty even through the middle portion of this race lots of 80 second splits but he’ll be cruising through this last 880 yards 78 seconds on that last lap and crosses the line 1034 as he closes in 75 seconds two 13 or excuse me 223 for that last 800 if I do my math correctly I’m not sure exactly actually just trying to see if I can do my math correctly I actually has 233 on that last 800 not two 223 that’d be a very very fast time for for for a sixth grader to run that even for an 800 I just always get so shocked how are they still walking this is this is what distance Runners do for living we’re not like sprinters where we just collapse to the ground immediately after just running 100 meters we we we’re tough at that way not saying that sprinters aren’t tough but we got to go through eight laps of pure pain for for races like this are you calling sprinters dramatic the shoe fits it makes for it makes for TV I’ll say that athletes like you know Noah AI Shaker Richardson Fred Curley they they like to you know get the attention they like people wanting to have their eyes on them and watching them do what they do and you know distance Runners are well at least from yaka Binger britson and Josh Kur perspective they they do like the attention but with distance Runners they just go about their business and kind of just do their own thing you’re right you’re not wrong I think what I always found so funny about distance Runners is that they would have workouts after the meet and I would always get so shocked like why are you guys running you just raced relax for a lot of those athletes like this is threshold type work they’re doing after and the only time you really see those athletes that are doing the workouts after the meet are the Elite level athletes the pros the Collegian athletes rarely you’re going to see a high schooler or a middle school athlete do a workout after they complete a race now that being said I would was able to catch before I came to Franklin Field this week I was able to catch uh the Brooks PR invitation and saw this high this middle schooler just got done running the mile and as soon as he got done with the mile he started doing more laps around the track and what’s funny enough is this this young man actually had a really good 10k race not too long ago in the state of Washington and he has his own YouTube page as well he’s great this content for people to watch him do workouts watch him what he eat his his nutrition like what what he’s fueling himself with to make sure he’s running good times and the social media aspect of track and field has taken this by storm basically you look at all the social media influencers the content creators it’s a new era I know definitely all the old people that were that working in the the industry of newspaper and journalism they’re wondering is this going to be the new takeover is like are this is this what’s do this what journalism is going to look like in the future it for sure is the new takeover I mean it started happening in 2020 just athletes just started to post you got famous and viral a lot quicker than you did all of the other years but back to your point even about you saw him just continuously running so I need I need to reiterate that maybe it’s not necessarily workouts that I see them doing maybe it’s just because the cool down is just so long and I don’t expect that what you’re going to get out of a sprinter is maybe a lap to cool down what I’ve seen out of distance Runners y’all will probably do another mile to cool down and I consider that a workout and for for for some when you look at it that way sometimes depending on how your race goes it might dictate how your cooldown goes now if your if your race is great PR you ran awesome perfect let’s go do five 10 minutes of cool down that being said if it doesn’t go well then they might be out there running frustration so they might be three to four miles trying to get that out of their system so they can totally forget about it and try to move on but it just really depends on on the runner themselves and you know for Middle distance people like I said usually 5 to 10 minutes and at least that’s what I would do when I was when I was competing I would just go 5 10 minutes and then just call it for the day and also if I had another event I had to make it a quick turn around and go get right off my feet immediately cuz I knew if I just stood up uh lactic would kick in I need I would be tired for the next race and I just I wouldn’t race as well for the next competition I perhaps had maybe in an hour or so and I’m sure that that’s the same that applies for sprinters when you have the 100 in the morning then you realize okay two hours later after racing as fast as I could I got the 200 to do no I got to do this twice as much like I did in the 100 so you have to be able to rest yourself and be mentally prepared but also physically [Music] prepared yeah you’re absolutely right and that’s why I’m loving the content creation I’ve been seeing from athletes lately because people don’t know that track and fi Runners do things like that so the blogging is what puts everybody in their shoes like here’s what I have to do like can you even walk a mile in my shoes probably not and one of my favorite um distance content creators is coach Bennett I see him on Instagram and he just keeps going and going and going he’s a global head coach and he just inspires people to just get out there and you know run and that’s we’re seeing right here with these athletes just three laps through coming up Kaden mauy Ryan wilinsky Adam tiller Christian Estep plenty of athletes still going through the first 12200 m and then some around 35209 Kaden mauy of Devil’s Track Club then tiller of ASL London willinsky out of North Carolina and gruner in that top four lead [Music] pack so Serenity if if they were to change the roles if you were from a sprinter to a distance Runner what event would you choose I know you sounded like you showed some interest in the 800 because you’re a 400 meter Runner but if you had to choose mile 2 mile or 5K o um the options are not good the options are just not good um I never said they were good it’s just the only options okay I would say a mile so I actually have well not anymore so let me not lie but after my track career at Texas I did take up running the mile sometimes trail running is not my favorite um it’s too hilly I feel like I got shin splints in week one so I would just go to the treadmill but then it’s just so boring because you’re just looking straight the whole time so I did I did do a good mile don’t ask me my time Keenan because I will not expose myself like that is it faster or slower than these middle [Music] schoolers slower a lot slower 51010 to that first 669 M for Adam tiller of ASL London he leads the way then Dan dla of Pennsylvania sits right there actually dla now in into the front for the very first time the native from Pennsylvania in seventh grader Oliver gruner in that mix as well so all these athletes starting to string out now after the first couple of laps and developing the second half of the race here you see just four Racers well ahead of the rest of the field the cola tiller gruner right back there in fourth is Kaden malry 7695 for dla it’s actually the younger brother of former All-American here at New Balance outdoor Nationals Brian dla now races at pen State University just completed his freshman campaign for the nitty lions and if he’s anything like his brother he’ll be definitely fast by the time he’s in high school brother before he went to Penn State this year ran 40414 in the mile 81868 in the 3K then 1426 for the 5 km race so the running is definitely in the family and perhaps could see the same thing from his younger brother Dan when he gets to the high school level and I spoke about just running together sometimes helps a little bit but look at this surge all of a sudden looks like that’s Oliver gruner from Seven lunch running club you know sometimes when you get so focused on the opponent next to you you always have that one to just come and take it Oliver gruner said he’s had enough here on the penultimate lap as he looks over his shoulder and maybe it was a bit of a too early of a move you can see the fatigue starting to set in as both tiller and dla start to chase him down once more now just right on the heels of Bruner with less than 500 meters to go and D Cola now back out front 50 me left the cola gruner tiller and gruner continues to fight back nothing stopping him here right at the Bell lap 7558 for Oliver gruner and pling some cat and mouse here between him and dla does Daka have enough here to make another surging catch up to him on the backstretch as gruner continuing to build that lead the the Gap has now grown to 20 M between the eighth and seventh grader there’s a gut lead change from gruner he’s out of we weren’t sure if he was going to keep it at first but now he has distanced himself from D Cola as he’s coming around the last 100 still within Striking Distance the last 50 m or so but it will be enough for gruner to hold on as he starts to go to the arms and throws that surge in one last time and it’ll be enough for Oliver gruner to take section two in 10676 Dan DEA 10863 72 second last lap for Oliver gruner after trading laps back and forth with Dan deola he takes Section two this Middle School boys Two Mile and we’re going to start to see these Heats get faster so you want to put up a pretty solid and command end in time so that you can possibly rank in the top eight when all the Heats have gone but that could be pretty difficult to do when you’re in one of the first couple of Heats and again top six will be on the award stand so a lot of these boys will have to await what comes next from the next two sections there’ll be two more remaining yeah no one’s reach that meet record time of 93847 but as these races progressively get faster could see someone try to dip under that time I was set last at this meet there you see the results from section two runer D Cola walking with there chatting it up nice little sportsmanship between the two as gruner takes the win almost two seconds ahead of D Cola in section two and something else about this level you see a lot of the same athletes that you have run against before especially when you’re at this level in terms of New Balance Nationals and you are high class athletes which is all all of these athletes that this meet and especially coming from Pennsylvania like dla has and gruner coming from out of Maryland I’m sure they have seen each other before I know that feeling as well steping on the line is like you again you didn’t miss your flight got to deal with you over and over again throughout the year do you ever have an athlete yourself that’s like I’m seeing you every meet I’m sick and tired of racing against you but I know I’m going to beat you I absolutely did and the last part was debatable just coming from Georgia it was very difficult to ever have any break because you dealt with athletes like Aaliyah Abrams McKenzie Dore and I guess me and it was difficult because you could just never get a break you can never just cruise through the rounds because they were always on you obviously Candace Hill came out of Georgia as well so it was always pretty difficult for sure you can only imagine what it’s like on the boys side especially when you have to deal with someone like will suner who had just dominated the high school scene he was also great in his freshman year at Georgia now running professionally that’s an athlete it’s just like dang like I know I I don’t want to have to tow the line with him but I know he’s going to make me better as an athlete too and obviously I mean he’s a 145 kid he’s done really well at the 800 but he’s also done really well at the 400 so it’s just the allaround athleticism from him has probably really shaped a lot of the athletes in the state of Georgia yeah it absolutely has and ug in general has been getting so many commits ever since they got coach Carol down there in Athens Georgia they have Christian Miller that is committed there ad Deja HJ as well is committed there so a lot of great athletes about to come through Georgia we saw Lena Herby Elijah got one as well that roam roam the streets of Georgia UJ was not my my school of choice but it was a fantastic school just did not want to stay in Georgia well and we’re on the topic of SEC schools your school is making that change this fall to from the Big 12 to the SEC for an opportunity like that and you kind of see the new age of Collegian track and field and the only reason why teams are changing conferences or because of the football level that’s that’s the the huge Money Maker right now but when you see Texas Oklahoma move to the SEC or like Oregon Washington moved to the Big 10 does that change really anything from the track and field perspect I know the conference championships ramp up but really from a regional aspect they’re still going to compete with their the respective teams and either the east region or the west region yeah it definitely does change doesn’t necessarily change regionals but it’s just conferences and your schedule in general throughout the year it gets pretty difficult and that you have to adjust things like workouts you have to adjust how often you might compete because it’s all gas no break all of the time and I know a lot of the times when I was competing I was just competing against my teammates all the time because we were going to smaller meets in Texas and well we were our own competition but in the SEC you get competition constantly going to those meets in Florida those meets in Kentucky and that could get very difficult you might not open as quickly because you don’t want to get blown out um you might not race as often because it feels like every race is the SEC final or Nationals final Texas really didn’t get much competition we would Breeze through conference but they wouldn’t really get much competition until regionals and then Nationals so it definitely does change a lot of things got lead Trio here as we’re back in the boys middle school two mile that’s James Gage Camden Shields and jayen Diaz there’s three across now here as we’ve gone three laps through this race but to your point about and obviously Texas has dominated the Big 12 there there’s no question about that coach Flo has developed a program that continues to win Big 12 Conference championships and also do well at the national level with that being said now they’re making the shift to arguably one of the best conferences in America when it comes from a Sprint from a sprinting perspective especially when you look at what the Arkansas women just did in the 400 and the 4×4 you realize now gez I mean I have kids that are running 50 seconds and that’s really good but now I got to have kids that are running 49 seconds 48 seconds because that’s the standard that Arkansas has set in the SEC absolutely so to have to race against those athletes on a daily basis can be very difficult because like I said you might just want to open up have your season opener and then Here Comes nikesha price from Arkansas running a 48 and it’s like whoa whoa slow down this is just an Invitational meet and sometimes it does kind of um hurt your confidence I would talk to my SEC friend and they were saying well we never really get confidence boosters because we’re just getting beat down all the time you know at Texas and dealing with Big 12 competitors you get confidence boosters you’re winning everything you’re leaving meets feeling good you get to slowly progress at your own pace you’re not feeling the pressure and it’s not that the Big 12 is not a great conference either I’m just basing the fact on it seems like every single year at the team level granted I know Texas Tech had a really good indoor season the last couple of years on on the men’s side but from Team perspective it’s really been the sec’s turn Florida was a threee this year Arkansas just completely dominated and even then I think a second place team was Florida so it would have been an SEC team and perhaps could have been a sweep of the SEC teams had Florida gone and completed that on the women’s side absolutely I think every conference has its own level of difficulty I think just because Texas has been in in it for so long they kind of know how to gauge it and they know how to design their schedule so that it’s not the most difficult that they have to deal with on a day-to-day basis um meaning that you’ll have a couple of competitors to give you a run for your money even beat you of course beat me plenty of times but just to the level of SEC yeah I mean you have a time like 50 flat getting I think I want to say it was six at Nationals that’s that’s difficult so we saw them all bunched up there was eight at one point single file but Shields and Diaz decided to step away from them and make it a Twan race here with three laps remaining it went through 506 and some change on that first mile so the pace is much faster than we saw in the previous section as they continue to make their way down the backstretch and battle the heat to even though it’s early in the morning it’s around 75° which for a distance runers it’s it’s kind of a happy medium depending on where you grew up if you grew up in the South where it’s humid and warm this is nothing if you grow up in the northwest or in the maybe a little bit in the Northeast this is a little bit challenging you have to deal with I know during the Northeast during the summer times the humidity is awful but as you can see right here 79 degrees this humidity 69% the wind’s picking up too so it feels like 82 degrees as well out there it’s not necessarily cool for some of these distance Runners and I know sprinters love the heat it’s not always the case for distance Runners I mean when you have to run for that long I completely understand why it’s not the best to be running in humidity especially as stiffest Texas but I have to shout out lot running club here they are out of the Maryland area and like we were talking about earlier just covid-19 obviously was absolutely horrendous but these kids it was even worse for them because you know kids they’re bouncing off of the walls during the summertime and all of a sudden life just stops and they have nothing to do so Seven Locks running club came into fluish that way when covid-19 happened and it just wanted to get athletes out of the house and head coach Laura heimin just she pretty much just decided to create her own youth running club and look at what is done so far 2020 was not that long ago it was only four years ago and we’ve seen so many of the Seven Locks Runners here on this National stage today for a lot of these kids that were I guess you could call them pandemic kids that were all stuck in there they it really came out of that P pmic and have just exploded on the track and field scene it’s not just right here we see it at the high school the professional level and everybody at all different levels are excelling as Camden Shields now separates himself from jayen Diaz here on the Bell lap it’s about 20 M separating those two 7771 with less than 400 m remaining as the eighth grader from HP distance continues that build that lead here as we hit the backstretch and unless jayen Diaz decides to make a move now there’s no way he’s going to be able to catch Shields here in the end Shields out of Indianapolis Indiana getting a whole lot of love right now just with the Indiana Fever home of Caitlyn Clark now it’s amazing to see how much Indie has really blown up I was actually just in Indiana it was a very beautiful state Indianapolis even better they have Indie 500 so many events there that you don’t really realize and he looks very strong right now down into the home straightway he goes and it’s been pretty much a wire to wire run for Camden Shields as he’ll take section two and actually just be a little bit slower than that second section as he hits to the track so maybe we distance Runners are tired when they’re when they’re done because Camden Shields is already to the track uh similar to might what you see from someone that runs a 400 meters after running 45 seconds or even 49 seconds on the women’s side well camam Shields he has a 3200 PR of 1029 so he was really pushing this pace for himself he really wanted to run away essentially from New Balance National well something to be proud of and 107 that is a time to be proud of for sure so take your time getting up Camden I understand 101 1730 went 506 the first mile then closed in 51 so a little bit of the humidity and heat decided to play a factor in the end of this race as you can see the aftermath of Camden right on the track and the results there for section three leaves us with one more section remaining the determine a champion in this Middle School boys two mile there see Oliver gruner currently still in the lead 10676 with one final section remaining in that meet record time 93847 by Ryan Sykes from last year and in this heat we have Ro Newberry from I’m better than that he won the mile yesterday 43364 just shy of the meat record he has a 2 Mile PR of 1044 we were talking about how much we love that name I’m better than that is out of Denton Texas so he’s used to this heat and can only imagine this race is going to be fast for him especially after running 434 yesterday in that race in that mile especially if we’re going to do some calculations there if he’s running around 434 we should see him in sub 10 potential there you see right there in the green in neon blue take to the leader Leon here through the first 250 M and I spoke about these athletes knowing how it feels to take that lead knowing how it feels to win I think that that gets so slept on sometimes of course you want to know how it feels to win but that’s so important at this level because you don’t want the athletes to freak out you need to some athletes need to learn how to gauge where they’re at even while being in the lead some athletes like to sit on the Pacers heel but these are kids they have no Pacers and you see roll Newberry he is just not letting anybody take this out any faster than him he’s won AA Junior Olympics at 12 years old and he won the 3K so he knows how to win races like I said he won the mile yesterday so he’s trying to come away with two goals today we’ll see if he could do it Newberry channeling his inner yakob Binga brinon as he’s the pace Setter now as yakob has said multiple times when he’s ran in his races for just coming off and just saw an official decided to stick his zarm out with the water bottle and collide with Newberry but nothing to move out of the way so hopefully he’s not distraught or anything from that incident it was just a nice little light tap from the official didn’t even realize he was there but you know from the from the start this this kid has set the tone and really no one’s tried to go with him and if they if they’ve tried to they might pay the end the price in the end just right around 880 yards 216 for the first half mile that rais 2617 so right now he’s actually running much faster than what he did in the mile yesterday he’s right on 432 mile Pace I don’t expect that to last here for all eight laps but as you’ve mentioned multiple times this a national championship and those that come to this meet they like to do things that are unexpected and we we mentioned about peing at the right time of the air maybe this is Newberry peing at the right time of the year absolutely and I can recall when I ran at New Balance back when it was held in North Carolina I want to say it was at NC State I just went out as fast as I could I didn’t care if I felt lactic acid because I knew I was going to get a PR out of it and I did get us well number one out of it so that’s what a lot of these athletes are deciding to do I mean this is National why not that’s what you really have to ask yourself why not go out this hard that’s 6995 just a second slower from his last lap at 68 seconds but all by himself the heat the humidity not slowing this young man and down just an eighth again from the I’m better than that track club and his has looks smooth this entire race you can just see it in his form just relaxed able to just drive the arms and really just stay controlled this entire time even without anybody near him and he’s only in eighth grade but he has so much range he’s run the 8005 3K but on this level that is what you do you run all these events see which one sticks the most see which one you feel the most comfortable in and I would say Newberry seems so comfortable in his lead right now the same way he was in the mile yesterday so hopefully he’s able to keep it but it looks like he just continues to increase he knows exactly what he came here to do out of the state of Texas which for the last couple years we’re starting to see some really good distance Runners developed from out of that the Lone Star State and especially on the girls side the first one that comes to mind is Elizabeth leechman who has so far this year set the Indoor national record in the in the 5000 I believe also the outdoor record in the 3200 it’s had one of the best seasons we’ve seen in a long time from sophomore Runners and to put in perspective and and I don’t know if I know CU you ran at the University of Texas I don’t know how well know you were for like the the all the high school stuff there but Elizabeth has ran 1525 this year for 5,000 m and she’s 15-year-old high school girl so something’s in the water in Texas right now oh something has been in the water in Texas there’s just so many areas of training yeah don’t get me wrong like Sprint side yes but distance side it’s like wow it’s really exploded no you’re absolutely correct you don’t see it as you didn’t see it as much before I know especially for our distance Runners at Texas they would always go up to Colorado for the altitude training or go down to New Mexico for the altitude training they would never stay in Texas because it was too hot to train um they would always try to go before the sun would even come up but it was just very very difficult for them so yeah you’re absolutely right but distance running in Texas is for sure making a surge we’re seeing a nice race develop here and yesterday this young man ran 433 in the mile he just went through 436 for the first of his two miles here today so right on track to see maybe he can dip under 10 or 9 minutes too if we can see an eighth eighth grader dip under 9 minutes that’d be an incredible effort too wouldn’t see very many middle schoolers able to accomplish that let alone you wouldn’t see very many high schoolers accomplish that this in this day and age and right now when you talk about the the barriers in in school track everyone’s always talking about the the sub four minute mile that’s the huge one well and this is my in my opinion I believe the two mile is becoming an even more popular event at the high school level because we’re starting to see kids break 9 Minutes in the 3200 or the true 2 Mile and that’s becoming a new standard you know 9 Minutes used to be that barrier back then where it’s like wow that was that was a rarity to see high school kids run that well this year at the Arcadia Invitational we saw 27 kids kids break 850 I mean to put into that perspective that’s a lot of kids that are running that fast of times and a lot more kids are running in the 830s the 840s it wouldn’t shock me to see a middle schooler running sub n and I think we’re about to maybe perhaps see that right here with rule Newberry I agree I just think across the track and field Community things are just continuously getting faster we see it Sprints the fact that these girls like adja HJ is even running a 223 is insane to me running 24 was a big deal back then so yeah you were for sure starting to see it with distance Runners especially coming out of random enough but especially coming out of Tennessee I see a lot of the distance Runners coming out of there as well but Texas is for sure making a surge as Ro Newberry is headed into that Bell lap and he is not letting up Kenan keep a look on the clock folks 80573 would need to run a 55 last lap but don’t think he’s able to accomplish that but he is well under the meat record time of 9:38 was just 69 seconds on that last lap and it’s just looks smooth the entire time again won the mile yesterday in 433 trying to complete the double today here in the two mile and could do it in record setting fashion he probably was unhappy about the fact that he was not able to beat the meat record yesterday in the boys Mile and he is taking that anger right out here in the TW Mile and has just dominated this race from start to finish rule Newberry out of the state of Texas is going to run away with this middle school boy two mile again keeping a look at the clock and he destroys that meat record of 938 and it’s 9170 for rule Newberry 65 seconds on that last lap I mean you said it correct he was .06 off of that record you know if I’m not going to get a record don’t let me be that close and he looked to be pretty mad at that 911 for new meet record for Newberry I know his parents are going to be so proud when I was doing my research I kept seeing just pictures of Ro and his parents supporting him at every single meet and these are the stages you do it on and he can now say that he’s a two-time national champion Gordon Smith Graham Hamill as the pelaton now coming in you see eight Racers on that 10-minute barrier which again for for middle schoolers that’s their own barrier compared to the high school where it’s 9 minutes so for them to break 10 minutes during this time of the day especially how warm it is and you can see some of them just completely done after that race and hopefully we’ll get a look at Newberry over there and just how well he ran that and again put in perspective how dominant that race really was I mean was pretty even split throughout the entire time 68 69 the slowest laps were at the mile split at 70 seconds and then the lap after that that was also at 70 seconds but really just tremendous racing from this young man and the state of Texas you’ll be in for a r Treat for the next four years when he reaches the high school level this could be the next star in the making right here and newberry’s actually entered in the 800 as well hopefully we can see a triple out of him walking away with all the bling from New Balance Nationals there you see the results populating on the lower left hand of your screen again that 9117 stands out the most a meat record smashes at time of 938 by 27 seconds and for you math nerds out there averaging five 435 for both those miles again he only ran 433 yesterday in the true mile so we did just enough to have enough energy for today but the fact of the matter is that he can run 911 for two miles he is certainly in 420 mid 420 type of shape for the true mile and we’ll see and we’ll see him in the 800 tomorrow early in the morning again at 9:30 a.m. these kids just don’t get tired Kenan there we see section one of four getting underway for these girls the mute record in this event we scroll down the list here and check it out 10535 also set last year by Caitlyn EP from Without Limits we see our early leader believe Celia mayor is out front early on so so it’s tough act to follow after those that boys race but hopefully we’ll see another great race from these girls right here so it’s 8288 for that’s actually Isabella Suarez out of New Jersey Suarez just 5 Seconds ahead of Brady petta of New England Elite so now you understand the excitement of distance running I know you’re a track and field nerd and I’m sure you’re well reversed in in the Sprints and the hurdles but when you look at a performance like that you got to think wow if that’s what we’re going to get here to start day one you can only imagine what we can get for the rest of the day oh absolutely and the distance Runners just continue to get better and better as the year goes on I just continue to get so surprised with it I actually got to witness the new 10K world record at pre earlier and that was beatric shabet out of Kenya so I have been this distance nerd and speaking of just records I’m still stuck on R Newberry setting that new TW mile record he got the win in the mile yesterday and we’re actually going to hear from him from Kate V Buskirk is down on the field with the winner well I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing this young man twice now in two days rule Newbury another win here at New Balance Nationals and a new National Record in the 3200 you said this was your favorite event how did it feel it felt good I started getting a little tired after the on the last two laps by I push through you sure did you closed in 70 that is a blazing fast finish and you still have the 800 how are you feeling about that tomorrow I’m excited for tomorrow I’m hoping to get a PR what’s your PR 203 203 all right folks you got to come back and cheer them on tomorrow rule Newberry double winner here at New Balance Nationals coming back for a triple tomorrow congratulations you just heard from Royal Newberry right there looking to complete the Triple Crown tomorrow not very many middle school athletes could say they’ve done that let alone in a national championship meet and that’s an athlete right there that is looking to potentially dip under two minutes as well he said his lifetime best in the 800 was 203 as he chatted with Kate Van Buskirk but I after watching that performance it would not Shock me to see that young man just run away with the field although the 800 is a different beast when it comes to Middle distance running and it’s like I said totally different from what it the the the two mile is it’s it’s a different strategy it’s I mean you you obviously you’re a sprinter you thought about potentially running the 800 I mean that’s just racing two laps as fast as you can around the track compared to a relatively difficult Pace you would do for a two mile the 800 is without a doubt a Sprint seeing these athletes run insane times like AJ Wilson Raven Rogers a Thing mo it’s been absolutely insane and even Donovan brazer for the men’s 800 he was just a Powerhouse so yeah it’s for sure a Sprint now Keenan I can’t even call it middle distance anymore you see Suarez now in the company of Gideon Bradford or excuse me that’s Celia Mayer from New York New Jersey and New York one two as they approach the first mile of this Middle School race p after an early lead developed by Suarez Celia Mayer now right just behind her separated by a strides length as they gone through the first mile 5 5471 for Suarez and the mayor 5 5523 she’s starting to get some company from Celia mayor now I mean she’s had it the whole time but now she was right on her shoulder still contemplating if she wants to pass now or should she wait sometimes just putting the pressure on the athletes is actually a lot better than just going ahead and passing them just staying right there on their heill which is exactly what mayor is doing and Suarez is probably glad that someone is right there and was able to go with her even from the gun I mean it took a while through obviously the first mile but now that there’s some company it might feel a little bit easier again a relative term especially when it’s 80 when it feels like 82° out at 9:52 in the morning here that being said it’s Al always nice to have a running buddy by your side and you know these two girl these two girls are going to be pushing each other back and forth as mayor now takes over the lead for the first time and can Suarez try to hang on with her and just again just r on the heels but when you have a when you have a Pack like that and even if it’s just two people with each other it’s still going to help feel like it’s a little bit easier than it actually is seems like they just switched positions there even down on the track not just in first and second Celia May decided to take that inside part of Lane one pushing Isabella sorz to the outside of Lane one so they kind of just pivot each other there but she’s just going to stay right there on her Hill she’s like we can switch places but I’m not going anywhere the fatigue starting to set in as the rest of the pack now running them down you see five other girls just right behind them and it’s actually a quartet of Without Limits triangle athletes NAA M Devon Jaylen Alexander pton rice and jennife helr in company now with mayor and Suarez then Gideon Bradford is among those as well representing cozy Elite as we’ll see another lead change this will be Jaylen Alexander now moving on to the outside just ahead of Suarez along with her teammate mahab Deen and a little bit of a trip up right there you saw some jostling of the feet all trying to set themselves up here as they have two laps remaining 91 91 for Alexander as the pace begins to ramp up here with less than two to go and we spoke about having running buddies looks like there’s four Without Limits triangle runners in this race so they’re used to running with each other they know each other’s styles that trip up was a little bit scary for them but they were able to bounce back and recover quick see the two teammates together out front then the other two just right behind Suarez in that third and excuse me fourth and fifth position just less than 600 now Alexander mahadevan one two respectively as they run by which apparently the steeple chase there is known as Emma’s Splash Zone in New Balance Nationals I know New Balance Nationals uh at least for Emma Coburn she is a new balanced athlete but it’s just that was the first time I saw that and I was just like all right yeah if you if you’ve done pretty well at the the steeple chase level at the world championships and the Olympic level I guess you could have the steeple pit the water barrier of that matter named after you what a privilege that is I mean if if you’ve done as much as Emma Coburn you know yeah sure she should have a couple things named after her it’s not like she’s won a World Championship or multiple time US champion in in the steeple chase perhap will go down as one of the greatest steeple Chasers not just in US history but also world history for what she’s accomplished and hopefully these girls trying to rewrite record books themselves as they continue their running career and Alexander trying to look for a win here at New Balance Nationals and solidify her Legacy as a winner here as Jaylen Alexander 200 M remaining in this one was 9025 seconds on that last lap and could we see a one two three sweep you saw another Without Limits triangle athlet sitting there in third that was jennif V hridge but it’s the Alexander show here in the last two laps and then her teammate mahad Devon sits there in second as Jaylen Alexander looking to complete a trio sweep of without limit triangle teammates as she’ll cross the line in sub2 effort then her teammate in second and then here comes the third with Without Limits triangle athlete that was jennife HR and then a fourth so it’s a super sweep similar to the Arkansas women in the 400 at the NCAA championships pton rice finishing fourth overall so Without Limits triangle 1 through four in this first section of the middle school girls 2 Mile and Without Limits triangle is out of triangle North Carolina I don’t think I’ve ever heard of triangle North Carolina I kind of want to fact Teck myself but I think another one of the clubs just made for the athletes to just get out into the community run you can’t run anymore and come out here on these levels and compete that was great to see from them for sure they’re all matching love that too so the four girls going one through four and call it the super sweep for Without Limits triangle all led by Jaylen Alexander in 1156 82 then her teammate Leia mahadevan 1159 76 two Under 12 and then jfy HR and pton rice in 1208 1212 there you see Emma Splash Zone right there and the there and the results on the left side of your screen and one of my favorite distance events is the is the steeple chase and I never got to do it myself I tried to convince my coach I was like I want to do this event I want to try it I think it’d be fun and he looks at me he’s like no not a chance if you trip on one of those barriers you are going to cost your career and be done with running and I looked at him I’m like you’re right I am a clumsy Runner I do not want to do that I mean the idea of you putting fun in steeple chase in the same sentence is very hard for me to grasp well for me it would be fun probably for the first couple of barriers and then I realized what did I get myself into and especially even for a 2K steeple which is what the high schoolers run compared to 3K which is what the the collegan in the pros run that’s another th000 kilomet of going over barriers and you have to to go through five barriers total when you’re on the track I believe and that’s just a lot for the legs and and sometimes like during practices a lot of these high schools they don’t have steeple pits they don’t have a water barrier so what do they use they use hurdles and hurdles they can actually move steeple barrier if you hit that thing that is not moving at all whatsoever seems like a hurts and I will say we had something at Texas for one of our practices I want to say it when we came back from spring break so we decided to do something fun the coaches facilitated it also we could switch events but obviously they were really nervous about it because they didn’t want anybody to get hurt but it was moderated events so instead of the 3K steeple chase they had like the 800 Steeple Chase and I participated in said 800 steeple chase it was not fun I did not know that the pit was as steep as it was and that there was a rhythm to it so I got like full body water it it was very difficult I didn’t realize that you’re supposed to like jump to the outside you’re supposed to like barely splash the water I pretty much went for a swim when when it comes to the water water barrier and you I’ve never ran the steeple chase before um it’s personally you’re not supposed to put both feet in into the water you’re supposed to jump right out of the steeple Pit by pushing off the barrier and just one foot down and then your other lead leg leads leads you through and and Carries you through from a momentum perspective and then that’s why when you run the steeple it’s it’s it could be taxing because you want to stop immediately you want to be able to let your legs are just so gassed out especially after going over so many barriers you just want to stop there for for a second and again it’s it’s really just a momentum thing when it when it comes to the Bears if you can create momentum throughout the Ste Chase it’s a lot easier to race not saying you won’t get fatigued during the race but it’s much easier when you when you have great form and a constant movement over the hurdles and Persistence of just pushing off the barrier so another Without Limits triangle athlete looking to see if he this yeah go ahead Serenity yeah I was just going to say Without Limits triangle once again making an appearance and I know she just saw her teammates do really well in the last Heat I know that probably gives her some motivation Without Limits is out of North Carolina so there is a triangle in North Carolina but it’s a triangle Park in North Carolina so that makes sense with the name of the track Club because I’m guessing they run in this park a lot and they are coached by coach Jos Estep and they’re really representing out here today and I know they always love traveling with a big team I know I used to love that when I ran as well getting to stay in the hotel and go out there and compete get the cool new balance bags and the gear as well hopefully Amelia Can Come Away with something today also so is the the park itself is an actual triangle is what you’re saying you know it’s one of those things in my opinion that they call it a triangle but who actually knows if it’s shaped like a triangle but that is the name of the part B if we’re going to go if we’re going to go based off the definition of a triangle does it have three sides and does it have three corners that’s a great question Triangle Park in North Carolina see I have my for those that tuning in right now we want we want you all to check this out now at Triangle Park in North Carolina and maybe have a poll here with us to determine whether this is an actual triangle or not I know we’re not actually keeping a poll but if you’re able to look this up and see it make sure to tell us at and see what Tri if it actually is a triangle Park and we’re we’re C me and sheny are curious now that especially after sheny just brought it up guess you could call it a triangle Research Triangle it’s a it’s a odd-shaped triangle but yeah it is a triangle I’ll I’ll give it to them Keenan limits Without Limits triangles athlete Amilia KY sits in second just right behind Petra Rundle or excuse me that is Lucille no that is grundle Petra grundle from Virginia with the bright color top I believe that’s pink and blue she’s wearing you know a lot of these athletes also with their uniforms and I know a lot of them are Club teams they they bring a unique taste of uniforms into this you’ll see like like an uniform like this one it’s very bright very colorful you can see it but then you also see like the basic ones like just a a a tank top in the case for clly right here in her Without Limits triangle teammates I know from a sprinter perspective you guys always want to be Flash and you want to be able to show out your uniforms sometimes distance Runners they don’t really care about the uniform they just want to have something and that’s good enough for to to run in oh on the contrary Kenan this is New Balance Nationals I know that everybody used to bring out all the stops at New Balance they would go to the New Balance store and they would get something special especially when you’re not traveling with such a large team you could technically wear whatever you want and I would go get you know I would go get me a nice new balance uniform and I would have the arm sleeves everything fancy because this was the meat to really showcase your outfits as much as your talent and I know parents are just like well that doesn’t really matter as long as you run fast but it does matter especially for a meet like this well in that case you want to run fast but also look good too oh absolutely Amilia Clues creating separation from her and grundo is 55033 through that first mile you can see her teammates on the corner right there just on the opposite end of the track cheering her on trying to make it another sweep or at least keep the sweep going and make it one through five for Without Limits triangle we’re coming up to two laps remaining excuse me three laps remaining and I beg your partner there actually is two laps remaining here for this girl’s two mile no three laps we have a little miscalculation on the live results so 72157 at a little over 2 kilomet for Amelia clly the sixth grader from North Carolina cl’s brother actually run the one and two mile as well Gavin clly of course he runs for wol triangle so they have a pretty deep team out here see clly now moving up into second position is Petra grundle or excuse me that is Elanor Jen Katherine azaris mave heck in the top five as Amilia continues to run by herself and can see fatigue moving her head to side to side trying to fight this heat get through it these last couple of laps run in the field just the sixth grader just ahead of all the seventh and eighth graders here two laps remaining try to hold her own here 9319 so slowing down here the last couple of laps and each lap has progressively gotten slower as Katherine AAR is in second position and then Elanor Jen out of New Jersey in third and Petra grundell still right behind in fourth and it has to be pretty tough for these athletes yeah we’ve seen a couple of them repeat such as Amelia KY she was in the one mile yesterday she ran 53593 but I think I would have rathered my events be switched like I would have wanted to do the two mile yesterday and the one mile today so it could just feel shorter even though it’s just mental obviously it is shorter but it’s a mental case of course but going up right after having the one mile yesterday I feel like it can be pretty tough well not not every kid has doubled back from these races either some of them this this may be their first event and unlike the case for Newberry who who won both events yesterday we may not see somebody win both events especially if they’re coming off fresh into this two mile race and didn’t race that mile yesterday in the case of a lot of these athletes they are doubling back and Amelia clly is one of them believe she ran in the mile yesterday and now will’ll be challenged by Katherine azaris on this final lap that Gap is shrinking here about 10 almost 15 MERS now as aar’s Keys down on her on the last lap kly azaris and KY can feel the presence of aari she knows she’s right behind her she’s trying to give every ounce of energy left here with less than 300 M to go now aari’s reaping up now with less than 200 me to go and it’s aar’s now onto the moving onto the outside right on the heels Al though patiently waiting maybe we’ll wait to go around the turn and then slingshot herself into the home straightway but there’s the stride opening up for zaris and she takes over now here as it’s 150 remaining Katherine AAR is the seventh grader representing speed skills waited patiently throughout the race and will deliver some closing speed in the final stretches and will win section two and right to the track rightfully so 7777 on that last lap for fastest split of the day and it was actually 13 seconds faster than her slowest split so she closed strong over that last lap Katherine azaris she was just being so patient in her run as well she’s out of New Jersey she’s actually the cross country state champion as of last year so she knows how to win hopefully her time withstands we have a couple more Heats to go but she looked so strong that last 50 I have no idea how anybody could finish that strong after running two miles but shout out to Katherine there you go Catherine Zar is 1146 64 that puts her up into second or first overall with two sections remaining there winner of our Middle School girls two M section two now the compiled results isar is again moving up to that first position overall just ahead of Amelia clly excuse me that section two results and then these are the overall standings there four girls under 12 minutes so far as we’re halfway through now as section three gets underway now there you see the athletes in their hip assignments so we go down the list of competitors in this field time beat after that section to 11 4664 and that meat record still stands at 10535 K that’s Haley manini early out front the eighth grader from from Valley Blaze leads everyone through in around 80 seconds it’s 8.65 seconds you also have cor Conley a kinetic from up in New York better known as Saratoga Springs great distance program up there in New York sad Krueger of New Jersey sits in third Grace love of Seven Locks RC and then Nora Schmidt so five girls in that lead pack with the rest of the chase group hunting them down I think the biggest concern I always had with distance running do you think they forget what number they’re on how can you not for reason why they have a lap counter the three there there’s a reason they have a lap counter for those races and sometimes officials will tell them how many laps and especially when people are starting to lap each other they will that’s when it gets chaos when people are lapping each other that’s when it does become crazy and especially during indoor season when you when you have athletes so far ahead of the rest of the field then but also makes a question as to why some of the athletes are in that field but also wonder is this athlete that dominant that they’re lapping them twice in this in this race and sometimes that’s not the case in in an indoor track race but it is the case sometimes when they when they are on a 200 meter Bank track that you are lapped and then the officials start to get cranky and realize geez now I got to keep track of all right you have one lap to go all right you got three laps to go all right you got two laps then it just becomes total chaos and yes sometimes the athletes do forget how many laps they do have remaining and yes it does boil down to them to know that but also it’s the official’s job to let them know that as well so it’s it’s it’s a two-parter if you will that just sounds horrible Kenan the fact that you’re running so long to the point where you forget what lap you’re on do you even remember that you’re in pain I heard that eventually your legs do just go numb but sometimes it’s not even in my legs it’s in my for distance racing they do and that’s when lactic starts to kick in within those last however many meters or so and for some athletes like it kicks in probably with two laps remaining and then well you really can’t do anything about that you just have to fight to the end and hope for the best and whether that means you you run slower than you expect or you just accept the time that you you’re going to run because distance run running it’s some people have a very they have a LoveHate relationship and it and when you’re running at your best you love it so much that’s why they call it runers high for a reason when you’re when you’re running so much and you’re having the success you’re loving it now when you’re not having the success it is not fun it is a lot of pain and and suffering if you will if you want to call it that it’s it’s a it’s a it’s a there’s so many different factors that obviously go into distance running like I said you can either love it you can hate it and when you have your really good days cherish those days because sometimes it’s a rarity when you really get those days because a lot of the bad days that those happen more often than you think and it makes you question why you run this sport sometimes I question why I still run to this day cuz some of the runs that I’ve been having I’m like why am I still doing this I don’t need to be doing this I could be doing so many different things heck I could just be walking if I really wanted to but the matter of the fact is I love this I love this running thing it’s fun and when you do have your breakthrough and you feel good it’s always a great feeling plus one thing my mom always told me when I was in high school is you can never feel as worse after a run you really can’t and that same probably goes for any type of workouts like you can never feel as worse as possible so there anyone out there you feel like you’re just in a slump or you’re dealing with with some things go out there go exercise it’s really a good thing for everyone to do don’t be just sitting on your butt at home and worrying about whatever’s going on with life go out there clear your mind because really once you’re done with your exercise you feel like you actually accomplished something for the day you’re absolutely right now will I go out for a run probably not but that was a very encouraging speech Keenan I’m I’m not mile though no no and that and that’s the thing like just remember that people like whatever you do for workouts is not here I’m not I’m not preaching the choir I’m not here to give a seminar by any means I’m just say in my pce here because I’ve just heard this over and over again like just running is is a LoveHate relationship sport I’m sure that’s the same way with sprinting like geez like I’m sure you’ve read like 11 seconds gosh I can’t even break 11 seconds like what am I doing wrong I’m doing everything right in my sport I just can’t have this breakthrough well when you have that breakthrough the first time it’s is it’s the best feeling in the world and a lot of these athletes get to experience that but it takes time takes time for them to to really get to that part but it’s all part of the process and everyone has to remember that I’m sure you were told that by coach Flo when you were at Texas heck even back when you were in high school and middle school I was told lots of things by coach Flo yeah yeah I think I think we could sum it up to that to put your best foot forward with a couple four letter words in there no I’m just kidding but yeah you’re absolutely correct it does make you feel better um and I mean it keeps you healthy keeps you active and then you never stop that’s what I’ve noticed you just never stopped we’re going to have Carrie tson on the broadcast later on I mean she’s an Olympian and before some of the broadcast that she’s done that I’ve worked with her with and she just goes out for a run before we’re about to go on air and I’m going on a walk to Starbucks um but she just continues to run with Carrie would you expect anything less like you said she was a former Olympian herself and is still running if you’re able if honestly if you can still run at that age that is a great accomplishment regardless of how slow you think you might run or not as fast as you were when you were in your 20s and your 30s you’re able to still do that that’s an accomplishment in itself and you know athletes like sad KR Krueger who’s just been running away from this competition for the last couple of laps she’s having herself a day she’s probably feeling really good about herself right now with the lead that she’s built upon still two laps remaining but at this point it’s really just been sad Krueger for the last couple laps in New Jersey native just an eighth grader has really picked up the pace after running a couple of 80 second splits now she just ran 79 and that was an 82 right there but she’s in all by herself and no one really chase her down yeah she has a mile PR of 530 and she is for sure starting to separate herself she’s taking little baby steps but that’s exactly what you need to run away from this field right now it’s working for her she’s about to lap a competitor I want to say for the first time today and I always like to see the way the distance races just eventually start to separate themselves how it starts in the beginning is never How It Ends in the end more more of a cross country type of race there’s more of a cross country type of race at the beginning when you have that many athletes in one field I mean shot I remember watching the the Pack 12 10K championships and seemed like if you had a 10K time you could just enter the field and run I believe there was at least 40 women racing in that on the track in in the 10,000 and it was like watching a cross country race from the start and the fact of the matter is that they were lapping each other and officials were having to keep track now granted not all of them finish sometimes distance Runners do drop out of races but when you have that many racers on the track that is a lot to keep track of as Krueger now hits the Bell lap here and we finish things off here in section three 8685 for Krueger just 5 Seconds ahead of Colby McCullum M though she can smell blood in the water here on this last lap just 5 Seconds as I said separating the two here as they make their way down the backstretch Krueger McCullum that lead for Krueger decreasing here as we got 200 M left now here on this backstretch and Krueger can see on the clock she can see McCullum now trying to move on the inside but now it’s McCullum swinging wide as she turns on the kick here and it’s 150 me years AG go for the North Carolina native 1146 64 is the time to beat and she’ll be well under that and it’ll be close to a up 1110 effort it’s Kobe McCullum with a strong second half she’ll oh did not cross the line just stepped right off the track thought she crossed the line but then steps right back out into the track a little bit of a scary finish right there again like most of these athletes they’re not running on the outside in lane four although probably she assumed that Two Mile Line back there was where she finished off at rather than where the numbers are at and when you’re so tired your vision is blurring you know I’m sure it was just a simple mistake that a lot of the athletes are doing as you can see and now the officials are trying trying to get them to run through the line oh no it seems pretty tough for them seems like they right there on the right right side of your screen the lap counter is right they’re at the mile Mark so it’s probably confusing athletes as to why they think that’s the Finish Line because typically when the lap counter is at is at the finish line so that’s perhaps causing some confusion so not necessarily maybe it’s I wouldn’t say it’s the Racer’s fault that they think that’s the Finish Line it might be where the officials have placed the lap counter at absolutely and like I was saying you know they’re finishing a two mile right now the only thing they’re thinking of is being done finished so they’re not able to pick up on what the officials are saying right now they’re like I am coming through the line but no like not that one the other one and it’s like oh man I’ve already broken my momentum so it’s is for sure pretty tough I’ve actually run a whole 4×4 and I think I was I was second leg so I ran the whole thing in Lane seven and I was supposed to cross over and my mom was telling me everybody in the stands was telling me to get over and I just didn’t because I couldn’t hear anything so I know it’s pretty tough for these athletes hopefully they can figure out a way to just move the lap counter I hope this was high school when you when you did that too and not not when you were at high school and not the University of Texas and if it was you know things happen um it’s hard coach Flo coach Flo probably might have used a few words or two oh my bags would have been packed but I’m curious though I mean during the time when you were at Texas that seemed like it was a golden era of sprinting at the University of Texas I mean correct me if I’m wrong oh Keenan you know I could say it was more like the silver error because they won nationals the year I was out so um that that cut me pretty deep but just the the amount of talent that has gone through that program I mean we’re talking Julian Alfred um I think it’s pronounced rashidat Adel Rashida Adel yeah I mean I was their host when they came to Texas and I just know coach Flo wanted them so bad and they were nervous because you know coming from St Lucia like Juju is and then rashita coming all the way from Ireland it’s pretty tough but you know I like to say that I was a pretty good host and they came to Texas and you see how well they’re doing now so you you so we could always just talk about Coach Flo but really you’re the driving force for them to come to the University of Texas precisely no I’m just kidding section four of four getting underway the last Middle School girls TW mile race of the day will still have the Freshman boys and girls two mile races to follow but this will be the last Middle School distance race of the day in the time of beat after watching Kobe McCullum run 11946 that moved her to first overall we see another Without Limits triangle athlete that’s Kaitlin Estep she’s the one that holds the meat record in this event after running last year 1050 just an eighth grader from North Carolina as they go single file now used to winning Caitlyn she won the two mile and the one mile last year I mean she has the national lead right now of 10398 she’s coached by her parent over at without limit Track Club so definitely it could be pretty tough getting coached by your own parent um but you see her right there in the front she’s one of the taller athletes but there must must be a lot of pressure for these athletes as well we always think like oh well they’re the meat record holder they’re the national leader so oh they’re fine but now you go on the track thinking that I’m the national leader and that can be pretty tough all bunched up here through the second lap and and lots of jostling lots of positioning trying to be found no athlete wants to get boxed in although for a two- mile race you don’t have to worry about getting boxed in unless you’re around a pack of four or five girls but with a two mile race it strings out eventually so again a lot of these girls trying to find position early on which is key to run racing a good two mile and put themselves in a good position but you can if once everything starts to string out then you can find positioning again and be able to settle into that pace there you see Estep right there in second just right ahead right behind I should say of Sawyer Nicholson the seventh grader saw her race in the mile yesterday for the Durham dragons Athletics they’ve gone through 880 yards in round [Music] 24388 a faster split than that first lap in 8170 right and it looks like that Sydney Johnson that just took the lead we have lots of talent in this last Heat she ran a PR at 502 at the end of May and she won the Middle School girls one mile just yesterday and she’s out of St John’s Florida but she’s getting that pressure as well from Caitlyn Estep who is the meat record holder and Caitlyn just ran 451 in the mile just on Wednesday up in Seattle so lots of talent in this race it looks like Sawyer Nicholson is dropping back now she set the record at 11 years old and the 5K just last year so this is a St race a competitive race as you mentioned an athlete that just competed at the Brooks PR Invitational has made the Trek back over here to the Northeast and I’ll I’ll give her credit too for to put herself in a position I can only imagine she probably cuz the race was on Wednesday had a flight on Thursday probably got back really late yesterday and then had to wake up this morning with the time change to race this this two miles so uh props to for her for for doing that it’s not an easy task and it’s certainly asking a lot out of a middle school athlete absolutely and we have a native Leah Navaro sitting in fifth right now is always really good to be on your home track getting a represent she’s on that looks like the outside Lane right now see right there with the white top in the black shorts mov up on the inside she’s currently now in sixth position as it’s Johnson a step SC AI King and Friedan then Navaro all separated by less than a second 52638 through the first mile so much faster race than what we saw in the first couple of sections a really competitive start to this race unlike again unlike the other ones where we saw them string out and then at the end it was was a close battle but it’s turning out to be a competitive fight here in the second half of the race absolutely and scapa tii she was actually second in the mile yesterday so like we were saying these athletes just continuously repeating and not just repeating they ran great races yesterday especially in this heat and they’re really trying to run great races today looks like it’s one two and three right now for Johnson a step in scapa tishi two packs three girls in each of them all led by Johnson a step and scapa and there as well Fiona King Jen Fryman and Leah Navaro in that second Chase pack going be first Chase pack 8126 for Estep as the battle begins now here with three laps remaining they go single file now as scavi the Michigan native just a seventh grader trying to make some decisions here looked like she was about to move onto the outside but now remains on the inside rail steps record time 10535 set last year after running the first Mile in 526 that puts her around 1054 1055 for a predicting [Music] time Caitlyn still positioning herself out front with Johnson and scapa right there now it’s two laps remaining it’s 8205 a little bit slower than the last couple of laps if we [Music] 81s we’re just at the point where it’s like who’s going to take it seems like Alexandra got a little tripped up by that rail but she was able to recover really well hopefully we don’t have the same problem like we just had in the last Heat where they didn’t know where to stop but these girls are experienced they go from eighth grade to seventh grade with scapa who’s in third right now but it’s all a step but I know she feels Sydney Johnson right behind her and you hit the nail right on the coffin right there with the experience piece even though they’re still in Middle School these girls have been Racing for the last couple of years or just running in general and it shows out there they don’t look like rookies they look like seasonal veterans and now scapa with an aggressive move now on the outside trying to move past the me record holder as she goes out into lane two and now under the shoulders of his step it’s like they’re going into the last 100 meters of this rate but his step responds back as it’s one more lap remaining for the meat record holder 93178 a 82 second split needs to run faster than 79 seconds to beat her meat record and The Surge is on now from Caitlyn EST step as she hits the backstretch and Caitlyn played that so well she started to feel Alexandra but she pushed her to Lane too and that can break all of your momentum especially in these longer races that’s tiresome to you know try to pass and then you end up getting pushed out and now she’s turning on the Jets and Alexandra does not look like she’s going to be able to respond this is the meat record holder so like we were saying before she has plenty of experience the afterburners are kicking in here as she surpassed 1020 heading into the home straightway Caitlyn EST steep an eighth grader from North Carolina representing Without Limits [Music] triangle and she will be well under her meat record time of 1050 will be close to sub 1040 as she crosses the line with her hands up hands on her hips mission accomplished she wins in 104305 over Alexander scapa and Sydney Johnson that was a great run from Caitlyn I mean the fact that she just ran up in Seattle on Wednesday and she won the one mile out there and to come back and break her record in this two mile it just speaks to her experience experience does not always have to come with years of running sometimes it could just come with the level of competitiveness that you have and that is for sure Caitlyn a step out of Without Limits triangle out of North Carolina scapa also under that meat record time finishing second in 10 4965 Johnson under 11 minutes along with Jennifer Friedan then Leah Navaro close to Breaking 11 minutes at 11139 but that’s a second win for Without Limits triangle out of the two of the four sections that were contest here in the middle school girls Two Mile and Caitlyn steep back-to-back Champion also back-to-back meet record holder with her 10435 effort right now your screen you could see I was K Ben buerk I mean is great athlete to Great athlete Kate she’s a Canadian Olympian so to get to talk to these young athletes because this is where it all starts and she’s feeling pretty good about her race as she should I mean she just set another meet record so we have now seen two meet records Keenan for the boys and now for the girls so what type of day are we going to have sets up the pressure now for the Freshman boys especially after watching an eighth grader just run 911 for the true two mile the meat record in this freshman boy two mile is actually slower now than that Middle School mile Middle School two mile it’s actually set back in last year by Andrew Wright of keso Central ran 92581 so can expect potentially a maybe a sub nine effort and and after watching an eighth grader these boys hopefully are motivated and well they want to run faster than an eighth grader they want to say they’re slower than a middle school athlete for sure I mean they put the pressure on them I know just watching the races that always that’s what always made me pretty nervous so for these athletes to just see these races hopefully they’re encouraged now they see what type of day is going to be I know they’ve just been waiting around all day in this heat it doesn’t even look like there’s a cloud in the sky Keenan but it could be pretty tough for distance Runners hopefully they’re staying cool out there jinking plenty of water and ready to get after it because these Heats are not letting up first of four sections early leader Cameron Varner of frog leg Track Club 7203 at that lap followed by Aiden heog and then G gilam GUI Aiden Frey of Wisconsin so all single file now as we’ve hit one and a half laps through this race Ken you toss to Kate whenever it’s time you see Varner H bong Elliott Julian migu fry the amilio just looking about 880 yards through that race just six laps remaining remains believe that’s hin bog out front and as this race continues on we actually get a chance to talk with Kaitlin as step as she is now with Kaitlyn van buser on the infield to speak with our champion and meet record holder Caitlyn Estep so hold off on that just a second just get right back to the action here out on the the track right there and now we’ll hear from with another here Caitlyn Eep from car North Carolina defending her national title from last year in the two mile congratulations Caitlyn how did it feel to come back and win again I was so glad to be able to come back it’s just such a treat I’m so glad for all those girls who are in my heat and just pushed me to get a better time and improve myself well and you’re not done so last year one mile and two mile champ this year two mile champ and you’re coming back for the 800 tomorrow and spoiler alert folks possibly the 3,000 met 2,000 meter steeple chase as well what are you most excited about I’m really excited about the steeple but that should just be like I’m trying new things see if I’m good at it or not but I am also excited for the 800 to get like a better time and have fun with that well we’ve got Emma’s Splash Zone in the background you’re going to see Caitlyn eastep back on track over the next couple of days give it up for our winner of our Middle School girls two mile Caitlyn Eep we appreciate Kate Van buerk catching up with eastep there after a meat record performance of 1043 an interesting combination that she’s going to be running the 800 and the 2,000 meter steeple chase first time she’s going to try that Steeple Chase and you know like I said if if you haven’t done that before at least in Middle School High School level it’s a bit of a shock to the legs when you go over those barriers and I would like to reiterate Kenan distance Runners love to run because oh my goodness is this not enough for her she just came from Seattle and won the mile now she came back here in the two mile and then Steeple Chase 800 that’s so taxing on the legs but hey this is the time to do it these kids are young she’s only in eighth grade they don’t feel the amount of pain you feel you know when you get into college and you become older so I mean more power to where I cannot wait to see her now her resume just continues to get longer and longer through that first mile is 45444 for Aiden fry who moves now into fourth quick Pace early on you see Alden Hall of Lexington Elite Track Club now out front and there’s Varner again a frog leg Track Club then fry in the bright yellow top sitting in second yil Mani moves up into third 7562 on that last lap so three laps remaining here as they’ve gone through two [Music] kilometers ISR 187 the Cameron Varner and Fry you see Cunningham right behind fry in third and then Guam Mani in fourth position there two laps remaining now here in this first section of the Freshman boys two mile you see Cunningham fry trying to run down Varner and the trio now together here with less than 700 met remaining again at this point of the race they’re thinking about tactics and moves and what could happen in a lot of shoving and pushing right there with 600 meters to go now again it’s even though I said early on the positioning thing is a difficult thing early on to find that throughout the race but even then when it’s when it race close like this it can be difficult too and you just saw athletes a little bit kind of shoving each other and trying to find that position and like I said it’s taxing towards the end too when you’re when you’ve ran seven and a half laps I mean you got to do what you got to do Ken it’s tough Barner at the Bell lap with fry and Cunningham Cunningham trying to respond back after that little trip up on the curve on the backstretch and then now Cunningham for the first time will go into the lead and Fry trying to respond with him and just right on the heels 7726 on that last lap and for both fry and Cunningham is actually 76 seconds that was Varner that ran the 72 77 second split as fry now moves onto the inside but Cunningham positioning himself just ahead of fry stride for stride they go here and now fry tries to move on the outside but Cunningham responds back once more into the final turn they go Cunningham fry fry now onto the outside it’s Cunningham fry will be Cunningham first across the line and it’ll be a sub 10et for for both those athletes it’s Aiden fry night 52 and then Cunningham 95255 was actually fry right at the line it looked like Cunningham had the position right there on the inside but fry able to get his torso across the line first and take section one talk about a kick from Aiden fry and Scott cunning him they just kept matching each other’s energy usually when one athlete has the kick then the other one just either can’t respond but he decided to go with him and that is a fierce heat one well the meat record is 925 so obviously that was not done but sub 10 for heat one is for sure stiff and there goes those final results from section one of the boys to mile The Freshman division so the kids are getting older here they’re in nth grade and we spoke about some of these athletes traveling from all over the world all the way to New Balance Nationals and Aiden fry is a perfect example of that all the way from Wisconsin as we head into section two and if you’re just now joining us on the broadcast I’m Serenity Douglas joined by Keenan gray we’re at Franklin Field Stadium home of pin relays and now home to New Balance Nationals Outdoors it’s the fastest party on the planet so many great events that we’ve already seen we’ve seen a meat record two meat records actually but now we’re heading into section two out of four for the Freshman boys two mile now this is a final so each heat will continue to get faster it’s pretty ideal conditions for these athletes it can be pretty tough in taxing on the distance Runners but it doesn’t seem like there’s a cloud in the sky right now in Philly but I know that it could be 10 times hotter down on the track so I will not doubt to see a lot of water getting placed on the track for these athletes especially in the sprinting events when they have to put their hands and knees down on the track in the blocks and this is Isaac Wharton from Alabama we saw him race with his twin brother yesterday in the mile looks like it’s just him today leading the pack first lap 11392 some pushing and shoving going on I mean but this is distance running look at how jumbled up they are everybody trying to fight for their spot some people just trying to Pace I mean there’s elbows there’s people getting spiked but now there’s looks like there’s a lead change Isaac Wharton has dropped to second place as we’re coming around the home stretch in this second lap so Isaac Wharton doubling back from the mile yesterday wearing the shades in the same exact uniform with the blue shoes don’t see his brother Elijah in the mix in this race as he currently sits in third and that’s Oliver Layman of bobcat Track Club out front after two laps Layman Wharton Newman CA Sam Hill Jonas Yanks of West Springfield Track Club you see 10 boys single file now three more joining that lead pack for a lot of these athletes it’s their last race of the outdoor track season in preparation now for the cross country season that’s that’s another sport that’s really taken off by storm the last couple of years and especially at the high school level we seen some great races over the years at Nike Cross Nationals the Foot Locker meets and even the respective state championship levels and the younger generation continue to get faster and faster only going to make this sport interesting as the years go by and that must be tough Kenan to go from cross country to indoor season into outdoor and you kind of just fade right back into cross country because cross country season starts around August September and that’s when a lot of Junior Olympics is I mean this meet is in June right now so it’s continuous running year round well and cross and honestly to be to completely honest with you shity cross country doesn’t start in August it starts when the last day of track is over with I mean yes those athletes are basically they have their little rest afterwards they probably take a week off or so but once that week is done in around June July it’s it’s back to the work because they they it’s it’s a different transition you’re different type of racing longer racing because you are running 5Ks or 2 and a half mile races early on in this season but it’s this is a sport and distance running that for that matter is it’s a year round sport it’s I mean you we talk about this day and age a lot of one sport athletes where they’re playing their basketball year round they’re playing football year round volleyball baseball in the case of running you’re doing it year round but you’re doing it in three different seasons now depending on if indoor is offered for you in in your state or that’s that’s something you can do or travel well for then yeah you are running in three seasons year round and so it’s it’s very taxing sport but it also has its rewards as I’ve said if you have your highs you have your highs and you have your lows you have your lows but really I mean this is this to be a distance Runner it’s not an easy task whatsoever that sounds so tough I only a week off they have no time to really enjoy go to the pool I’ll say this some take a week off some might take two weeks off it’s mostly the elite level athletes that will that take that time off really just to rest their bodies to give them break like and when when I say they’re they’re resting some of them they some of them will actually rest like they will take time off of running they’ll get off their feet they won’t do anything for some of them resting means well I’m going to go run three times a week but it’s going to be like 2 to three miles and for them that’s nothing compared to what they’ve run five six miles a day five six days a week for them if they just go run three days a week and it’s it’s two miles that’s perfectly fine for them and I mean they’re they’re young enough where they can recover us not saying we’re old we take a little bit longer to recover when it when it comes to exercise we’re old Keenan say it for what it is we are old compared to these athlet at least yes yes and I’m but I’m also not a former Division 1 Collegian athlete like yourself so I I’m I’ve basically I just get tired from the start I didn’t have that opportunity to go beat at the the Collegiate level you know I tried to leave the D1 stuff behind me because it just feels like it was so long ago and there’s just so many amazing athletes like in my event nikesha price just went 48 my little bitty 51 means nothing now Keenan and and a 51 is a very respectable time too like that’s a very good time for a Collegian athlete but like you said these Arkansas women have set a new tone for for what’s to come these next the next generation of sprinters at Arkansas and they’re just going to keep coming in too I mean I just saw an eighth grade the are they run 53 seconds for a 400 they’re just going to keep on coming through and it’s going to get faster and faster and as I tell you 53 seconds to look on your face it’s just Priceless I know everyone can’t see it but you just she’s shocked right now I was very shocked because what do you mean eighth grade that’s that’s the time that Texas recruited me with a 53 I can’t believe that an eighth grader ran that but since we’re watching distance you know Isaac Wharton just took the lead but what’s the distance school like what’s distance you at at this point right well it’s a relative term because there’s so many different events and I can get back to you on that as we try to finish up the lap here you see Isaac Wharton taking the lead and now starting to stride away from the rest of the field 71 seconds on that last lap for Wharton as he tries to give Alabama a win here in section two all by he his lone self here in the last 200 m a smart consistent race ranging around 75 seconds 73 seconds for the first six laps and now open up that lead here on the last 440 yards and will cruise to an easy win as he crosses the line in 94531 then just to follow him is Timothy classin of Delaware in 948 54 James Dempsey 95125 Trey Bailey 95207 you count the amount of athletes under 10 minutes in this race and it looks like the nine nine athletes under 10 minutes out of section two these freshman two miles have been a lot faster like you were saying before I mean they just saw how fast those middle schoolers were going so they were like okay let’s let’s let’s show them who’s really boss here we see so many young athletes running faster than some of the Vets nowadays in track and field I know that confuses some non-rack Fanatics because how can a high schooler have the world lead well I mean that’s trk and and the reason that Christian Miller had that world lead is as we’re referencing him right now is because he’s he’s had a season that started back in November December when he’s getting ready for indoor season a lot of these athletes that are profession at the professional level they’re not starting their Seasons probably until about February maybe late January because that because they they were they really approach the indoor season more as a buildup especially for this year being a a certain Olympic year they they see it as a buildup to for the outdoor season so they can they can run fast times and you know I was I I talked to Christian Coleman and I asked him was like what’s your progression like throughout the season and it’s really just kind of a step by step thing you you want to take it one race in a time because we we as track fans we’re greedy we want to see the Fast Times early and we’re wondering like why is this high schooler running faster than the pros right now well there’s a progress there’s a progression throughout the season and you’re necessarily not going to run 98 99 right out of the gate you could run 10 seconds and it’s like all right that’s a starting point that’s great this is where we’re at whether it was my the start out of the blocks whether it was my finish or whether it was halfway through there’s so many things to kind of just dial in with that with that race because even though it’s 100 meters there’s so many different things going on and I’m sure you can elaborate that as a sprinter no absolutely there are and I mean to your point these kids are starting their season so much sooner than a lot of the professional athletes so I mean I’m pretty sure I know when you ask Christian Coman at pre in the preon at at the press conference and a lot of the answers from these high class professional athletes is we know in a peak we’ve done this we are experienced especially an athlete like Christian Coleman is so experienced he knows exactly when to drop the 98 or exactly when to drop the 99 a lot of people just think that oh he can’t do it right right now because he’s not fast enough they know exactly when to Peak and they’re definitely not racing as much at all um but I think with distance running I don’t know if I see a whole lot of the younger kids really beating the Vets the Vets are here to stay for sure like nobody’s passing the lower mirrors right now nobody’s passing the thing moves right now so it can be pretty difficult for them but I have seen a couple of Young phenoms making the making a statement I mean Addie Wy she’s so young and I mean this is where it starts essentially and I’ll give you an example Satie Englehart who we’re going to be seeing here this weekend at New Balance Nationals she has a qualifier for the the Olympic trials and is going to be competing with the lights of Nikki hiltz El St Pierre stclair Johnson I mean just to just to name a few athletes that have ran at the global stage ran at the Olympics before World Class athletes and rightfully so s uh sings earned that spot with her now how is she gonna Fair against those athletes I have no idea I don’t expect her to make the Olympic team but I expect her to be competitive and put her best effort out there I mean she’s already ran 408 for A500 this year which I believe is just a couple of seconds off of the all-time best for High School prep athletes that being said I we could see something special at the Olympic trials and distance running is different in the sense of the fact that it’s when it when it comes to those Olympic trials racing it’s more strategic type of racing and if you don’t have enough of that under your belt then you’re gonna you’re going to have some issues and I saw it last year with Simeon bbom when he was racing in the 1500 at the trials and he probably just went there thinking well I have this amazing kick I can keep up with these guys well sure you can but at the same time can you be smart and tactical about how you race and can you be smart when to make a move are you going to go here because there’s a lot of Mind Games that they play with distance running and you also see it in the two mes two mile races as well we’ll see it eventually here so many guys in the field right now with within each other but as soon as we get down to the fifth and sixth lap seven lap then we really star to see the separation because that’s when the tactics start to to build up I mean and you’re absolutely correct we can see some of these young athletes make a statement possibly at Olympic Tri and make a statement when sometimes they get into a pro meet at things like pre or other meets like that but then you have to know how to go through the rounds and the Olympic trials is one of the most competitive races meets for Team USA it’s so difficult to make Team USA because there’s three rounds and that is just so taxing on the body um I know for all of the distance races it’s not all of them are three rounds but especially on the sprinting side there’s three rounds so a lot of the athletes are fighting to even get through that and then they fought to get through it great is fantastic you just came off of a Collegiate season maybe even if a high schooler makes it that’s that’s amazing but then now you got to go do it again at the Olympics when that might have just been everything they had which was those three rounds at trials that’s Graham Goodell a black knight Elite as we’ve gone through the first mile now we’ll see the split 44860 then Preston Johnson in second then right behind in third believe that’s Memphis Martin out of Indiana as there six boys now pulling away from the rest of the field as I said once those races start to dwindle then the Real Racing begins and and the tactics start to come in but to your point about you know the Collegian athletes competing into the Olympic trial season or the the world championship team I just I just remember going back to 2022 and Abby Steiner ran 57 races between her Collegiate season and then what she did at the world championships as well as the trials I mean as a sprinter and I’m starting to was like how are these sprinters getting so tired a after just running 200 100 400 meters now I’m just thinking with my my distance brain right now but but you guys are running so hard and so fast that it really does take so much out of the body no absolutely 57 races is nothing to play with and I mean you got to call it for what it is you have to try out for a Team USA whether it be worlds whether you try to go into a diamond League to get sponsorships running those 57 races and being the Collegiate record holder isn’t enough unfortunately in our in our sport for it to get money from that so have to go and make those teams and take it from some of those professional athletes so that the sponsorships can know that you can do this looking at Memphis Martin out of Indiana wearing hip five he moves to the lead Lakeland Jersey and the Freshman from Indiana just ahead of Quaker Valley’s Jonah monise we saw him in the mile yesterday he opens up his lead about five seven meters ahead of mon there’s the Argin vat of tiger Elite and third then Preston Johnson out of Iowa in fourth and then Tyson leel from Connecticut sits in fifth but the three starting to break away here the last couple of laps here as it’s less than 800 to go Memphis Martin has a mile PR of 43391 3200 at 939 I mean in sitting in second right behind him Quaker Valley is a native you know we keep saying that those those matter a lot since we’re at their track as well but right they don’t really start to even out until the final lap even sometimes the last 100 if somebody wants to make a late surge as well now Tyson leel joins the the lead pack right there in fourth as they go single file here coming up onto one lap remaining here in section two no sorry it’s going be section three of this boy’s two mile to beat 94531 by Isaac Wharton out of section two and now it’s leel into second and sees some opening maybe on the inside Lane and almost trips up right there with Memphis Martin but there goes leel now onto the outside with positioning and the going into the headwind you can see the banners flying right there and a strong move right here as he goes to the arms and the legs and opens up the stride now hitting the backstretch Tyson leel out of Connecticut leaned forward letting the momentum carry him here in the last 200 meters trying to fight off this headwind as well as the charge from Arin bat and Jonah montin as they head into the home straightway now one last push montin is given everything he has here in the last 100 meters same with leel it’ll be close and I believe leel will have just enough to get the win and he moves to first overall 9 3486 believe just a sec nope 8 seconds off of the meat record held by Andrew Wright a very good effort in the end Tyson leel 6323 on that last lap he was sitting in that third position for about three laps so he knew exactly who he was hunting down but such a commanding run for him out of Connecticut you know earlier we were speaking about this is the era of vloggers and a lot of these young athletes they like to document their runs and Tyson leel is actually one of those athletes he has a YouTube channel just documenting some of his runs hopefully to inspire some other athletes or maybe scare some people off from doing track because it could be a tough one hopefully he’ll put this one in his blog that was a commanding lead for him as y’all can see the section three final results on the left side of your screen there the amount of athletes under 940 you see three of them in t now then the sub 10 performances keep coming in and 934 takes the win for Tyson leel strong second half close that last 800 M or so in 24 71 seconds and 6323 rocking the shades too on this bright sunny day here in Philadelphia glad to have you all tuned in here this is the 2024 Nike Nationals out or excuse me Nike New Balance Nationals outdoor championships apologize for that one folks New Balance national outdoor championships here at Franklin Field in Philadelphia Kenra alongside Serenity Douglas it’s been so fun so far here in the City of Brotherly Love and the fight will continue on throughout the day of course we’ll have the call for the morning session here and early afternoon session and then then Tom fer and krie tson will have the championship portion of competitions later on this evening we actually have a native in this field Jackson warfel he was fourth in the one mile in New Balance Nationals indoors just this year up in Boston Massachusetts he has a PR of 915 and the 3200 and that was just in May so he’s going to be looking to lower that he’s wearing hip one we should be seeing him pretty soon so fourth and final section the time to beat 934 and that meat record is 92581 and we’ve yet to see any of these athletes run faster than the middle schooler that ran 911 and R Newberry from the Middle School two mile race 6834 in the first lap for Kamari ronfeld out of Michigan another interesting uniform we see a square which I can only assume that’s that’s what it the the the club team is I couldn’t imagine what what else it could be ronfeld Warfield Jackson Warfield of penridge Track Club Calvin sites of Indiana in third will pongonis out of Wisconsin and fourth then Brock Yoder out of methon Track Club and it’s 21836 at the first quarter portion of this race six laps remaining for ronfeld and the rest of the crew as he continues the lead here coming up onto one kilometer so still Kamari reld from Michigan no shift in positioning it still is ronfeld then warfel sights in third and that’s will pongonis with the striped purple jersey now in fifth along with Campbell cus out of North Carolina who now moves on to the outside puts himself into second perhaps now into the lead for the first time right next to ronfeld Keenan on what level would you say these athletes begin to get Pacers well the thing is I’m not a fan of Pacers by any means whatsoever that being said honestly I mean I’ve I’ve seen Middle School races that happen what did Pacers do to you I I like an honest race I don’t need I don’t want somebody leading us through I want the racers to go out there and tell and go do what they need to do they don’t need somebody to lead them through a race this is my hot take and anybody else out there does not like it they can come talk to me about it but Pacers okay Kenan have somewhat ruined the sport a little bit and and and you know just making races honest because the thing is with Pacers is they only race for two laps if it’s a mile race at least maybe maybe a kilometer of a race they’re not stick around the entire race for me if you’re if you’re stepping on the line you’re there to run all four all eight all 12 and a half all 25 laps you’re there to race you don’t need a Pacer to set the tone whatsoever again that’s just that’s another topic for another conversation but I can step off my soap box now we have a race in ourselves right now unfolding who which does not have a Pacer by any means 44042 through the first mile for Campbell cus Kamar pH I’m not saying you hit a nerve Serenity but you might have hit a nerve a little bit I did I didn’t even realize o i mean I’ve always loved distance drama I was living for the yakob inor Bron and Josh Kerr drama and I can’t remember who said it to which but I’m pretty sure it was Josh to yakob he was saying I don’t need a Pacer to run fast he he needs to Pacer so I think I did just step into that argument a little bit I didn’t realize that you know using a Pacer wasn’t an honest race well to some at least so do you feel the same about the Pacer lights I I yes I do I think it helps to some extent I I know that the pace lights are not r i mean technically you’re racing it’s like I wouldn’t compare it racing against the clock because you can’t see the clock the entire time you can see the lights right by your feet as you’re folling around them and you’re running alongside them so I think to to some degree and and this is what I like about Franklin Field they don’t have Pace lights this is this is an old school track they they they old school facility it’s great they keep things that the sport like obviously used to be way back in the day where they just kept everything honest so again I’m not a huge fan of the pace lights I’m not a huge fan of the Pacers and I I think once it comes like you never because you never see that the world championship of the Olympic level you sometimes see it at meets like at sound running or at you do there there’s a Pacer at the Olympics there’s no Pacers at the Olympics because if that were the case then they’ be they you have to qualify for the Olympics like they’re not just going to bring in a r they’re not going to bring in a random person just to go Pace the race now they will for Diamond League races they’ll do that but because there’s certain events where you have to qualify it like I I guess then like if zor PES are out there that wants to qualify for us I just I think from from that standpoint it they like I said they want to keep things on it they they they don’t want to have anybody just all right I just got to run two laps and call it good for the day like that’s that you’re not there to do that you’re there you’re there to win gold medal you’re win there to win Pride for your country in that RAC is again we’re talking about something that’s just getting on my nerves right now wow I I had well you know there’s actually a live chat for New Balance Nationals Outdoors YouTube channel so I am interested to hear you guys put me on game are pce like do they make it a dishonest race I had no idea I just kind of looked at it like it was helping some people really like Pacers yeah some don’t but this is actually very interesting to me now thank you Ken for sparking this conversation I know and I think it does help a lot of people but I just also know that there are some people out there like myself that just they don’t like it and we just want to have an honest race from the start stay in the entire race and like we have right here no one has dropped out of this race so far and we’re beaten a great race develop here in the last 440 yard between will pongonis Calvin sites and Kamari ronell as sit now moves into the lead for I think it was the second time he’s taken over here as they hit the backstretch but ronfeld with the response here now as they hit the backstretch setting us up here for an interesting 250 m in this final section of the Freshman boys two mile sites rodf and P Honis pongonis starting to slip away from the top two so the battle between sites and ronfeld is on here in less than 150 meters to go ronfeld tries to swing onto the outside s fights him off he also swings wide for [Music] positioning and it’s going to be a meat record for SES and just a little bit faster than what we saw in the Middle School race nine 1058 R Newberry I believe would have gotten the either second or third in this freshman boys M two- mile race as ronfeld finishes 91134 but Calvin SES with an impressive 58.6 second last 440 yards gets the job done and wins The Freshman boys two mil car2 insanely fast there definitely would have wished to Indiana he still another believe there go Calvin sights 91058 for the win cling again 58 seconds on that last lap Mari ronfeld finishes second overall 9134 just smashes the meat record by 15 seconds over Andrew Wright I think we need a meat record counter so I want to say well at least you and I on the broadcast that’s all I can really keep track of right now you and I have seen four we saw it in the Middle School two mile the girls and boys so that’s two now we saw in the Freshman boys two miles so maybe maybe we’re at three right now and then you go back to yesterday when we saw the the the Middle School hundreds as well with the with with the Bullis athlete uh and the girls race who also lowered that to 1187 so the first section of the girls freshman two mile getting underway here and those just tuning in just Calvin sights just won the Freshman boys two mile in a meat record fashion 91058 which is just a second faster than what we saw from the Middle School boys TW mile rener winner ran in 911 again this is the first section of four throughout what’s again what’s been a really good day of competition so far and this is only just the early afternoon portion of the day or morning rather since it is 11:30 here in Philadelphia and we’ll actually hear from our winner from the Middle School two boys mile from Kate Van Buskirk as he’s with Calvin sits she’s with Calvin sits here with Kelvin sits won the mile yesterday wins the two mile here today this is your first time at New Balance National you’ve had a pretty successful outing and your first time at Franklin Field how did it feel out there today it uh feels great to be a part of New Balance especially the first time being here just uh get out and run have some good competition and just run for fun well you were really pushed today you had two guys with you right to the end when did you know you had it um about 400 meters left I felt I still had a pretty good cake left and I knew I was going to give it my all amazing well again you’re not done looking for the Triple tomorrow or on Sunday in the 800 how are you feeling about that uh I feel pretty good I feel a complished already but it’d be great to add another one well incredible performance again come back and cheer him on on Sunday folks Calvin sights winner of the Freshman boys two mile appreciate hearing from Calvin sites and again we we talked about it a lot of these athletes are going to be doubling back and no surprise given how much time and rest there is between some of these events and I know it’s a about 48 hour turnaround for him to to go race on Sunday but that for for distance ring at least that’s enough time to recover and and and process what you just ran and then but also feel yourself get the ice bath and come back later and run another great race on Sunday yeah and speaking of that our leader right now Ali gallinger from good night Track Club out of Michigan she’ll be racing in the 4X 800 later on nice little relay action for her as well seen so many repeats as well about 2519 through the first two laps that’s Lucy stow and Ali Gallagher Lauren kosc McKenzie lyer Izzy meth and Dominic Cameron the lead meat record in this one 10501 so about the same as what we saw from or at least the the previous record for that matter in the middle school girls it was also 1050 and then saw EP lowered that to 1043 up now in the five laps remaining so now we have a new leader that’s knife kidle out of Pennsylvania just ahead of Gallagher then another Pennsylvania and kosc in third Kenzie Saints Track Club sits in fourth and then meth to round out that top five position seven girls here they go single file so relatively comfortable Pace early on for our Front Runners as they approach the first mile as Kyle leads the way through the first mile just around 542 543 it’s actually 54183 8742 on that last split for kidle and now a new leader up front Noah Nia Stone of Baron’s Track Club ad of Maryland takes a look at her watch just ahead of the field so you know we were talking Keenan earlier about how certain sprinting events affect your events so like the 100 and the 200 can be a benefit to the four translate that into distance terms does running a 800 help with the 2 Mile does running a 5k help with something such as the two mile as well absolutely when it comes to closing finishes and you want that finishing kick at 800 and I know a lot of distance runners or at least longer distance Runners don’t like running the 800 but it will help them out in the long term because when you when you have to close that last 800 especially in a longer distance race like the 2 m or the 5K you have to find a way to be able to pick it up with those two laps remaining or sometimes you three laps remaining and as difficult as it can be for some distance Runners that don’t have necessar a kick running an 800 from time to time does help benefit them um instead of having to do like you know intervals multiple times at practice over and over again so yes I I think when it comes along the lines of like you said when it when you are a 400 meter Runner it’s yeah it’s a good thing to run to 100 and 200 because then you know even though it’s different types of racing you know how like What fast is like but also how you’re able to to close and and hold that strength within the last few meters of that race okay but I’m sure a lot of them don’t like it having to no I said I didn’t necessarily say they liked it by any means but uh it’s sometimes it’s like I said you have to do things you don’t like and I’m sure that was the way for sprinters and hurdlers so we see now another lead change that’s Dominic Cameron of the OA high school or excuse me that’s actually Adelaide Ryan just ahead of stoan has put about 8 n meters just ahead of stoan Gallagher McKenzie licker Izzy meth and then KN kidle all in that lead pack as the six remain in contention for that top SP just a little under 600 M remaining see the first group now going to three girls the first Chase pack to to three and then just right behind the second Chase pack is at two they go through the penultimate straight away and into the Bell lap Cameron stoan and liquer right at the Bell lap just Sur passing 10 minutes 8587 for Cameron Serge thrown in right at the Bell lap for Cameron AS stoan and McKenzie liquer representing stats Track Club look for a response as they hit the backstretch now liard moves into second Cameron looking at the clock to see where everyone else is at it takes one look over her shoulder McKenzie liquor closing in though with less than 150 to go [Music] as Cameron tries to fend off liquor here in the end and it’ll be just enough for Dominique Cameron to take section one going AC cross the line in 11208 11208 112 224 and then nian 11253 I kidle 11257 and then Izzy meth rounding out that top five 1129 just dipping under 11:30 all right it’s interesting to see that even for the Freshman girls too mile like the record is 1050 01 the middle school girls to my record was 1050 35 I mean before today so it just speaks to the level of competitiveness that this field definitely does have hopefully we’re able to see that record come down because in middle school that record came down and like we were saying earlier you don’t want the younger kids to be faster so well it’s a common theme we’ve seen throughout this well I guess the first couple days here at New Balance Nationals and just well I guess just the entire track season for that matter I mean like kids are just getting faster the the training’s better the the the shoes are better the track is better the nutrition’s better there’s so many different factors there’s really not just one thing that really stands out for all these athletes and why they’re improving and I’m sure it speaks volume to what also in the Sprints as well I’m sure what what was Quantified as a great time a couple years ago is like a little bit slower than what we’re used to this day and age [Music] there we go now section two one more remaining after this one and the time to beat will be from that latest section of 11208 by Dominique Cameron see Lexi colum Emily McDonald Isabella Willard Kate rusi Josephine CIS and on the on your screen right now the list of athletes competing Ashlin no Caroline Shirley Emma Brown Nila chinelli Sienna pegas Olivia atiger milia Medan Layla Downing and then Teresa Albertson also just right around the corner at the top of the hour our first championship race of the day will be the boy Sprint medley 1600 meter sprint medley of 200 200 400 and 800 we’ll see eight sections of that on the boys side and then the girls will follow and there will be nine sections there 8.09 on the first lap from nose and then Lexi colomb of Indiana so no of Pennsylvania and call bomb of Indiana one two in the early stages sitting right back in that well I was just going to say sit right back in that next next pack is Olivia ainger Kat dushi Teresa Albertson Emily McDonald Josephine cus so we gone through now two laps continues to be no and colomb with one two of six laps remaining Ashlin no she’s a native so it definitely helps to be on her home track but obviously she’s a fresh now but when she was a eighth grader she broke three different records she broke the 1600 in 2019 the 3200 and then she also had an alltime 3200 meter record dating back to 1995 so I know we spoke about just experience earlier sometimes experience is not an age it’s about the level of athleticism that you have and that you bring to the sport continuously and just running at such a high class sometimes that that can speak to your experience as well over just how old you are and just the amount of years that you have under your belt just racing it’s it’s really the racing is the big experience thing for a lot of these athletes and for most of them at least in the Freshman Middle School portion they don’t have a ton of racing under their belt unless they started competing when they were seven8 years old then that then yeah that is the case they have racing under their belt but also they’re still seven8 years old I’m not going to expect a seven eight-year-old to be smarter than a 15 16y old when it when it comes to racing the 100 the 200 that’s that’s never going to be the case I mean like I said there there this you’re comparing an elementary kid to a a high schooler or a middle schooler to a college athlete there’s so so many different factors but I to your point Ser I think it’s correct if like if you have the racing underneath your belt then yeah you you’re you’re an experienced racer but it’s just the I think the age does have some factor in just the development of of kids just getting older and uh being smart about how they go about races absolutely I I can agree with that it’s just I’ve seen athletes let’s take Christian Coleman for example it’s not like you know he’s in his 30s or anything but he has been through the era of running against the Usain boats and the Andre degrass all the way up until running against the Christian Millers so it feels like he has so much range and now he’s considered one of the Vets but he’s still so young I would even go as far to say like Grant Holloway is becoming one of the Vets because I mean he hasn’t lost a race but he’s still only 26 years old um but he’s not he was he’s hopefully going to be racing to the point where he’s Aries mir’s age but sometimes times just the amount of racing you have under your belt as to the experience you have how many times you get out of the just simply getting out of the state in racing as to the amount of experience you have as well exposure but yeah of course age is always ative halfway through now Caroline Shirley of Franklin Regional 5 3877 at the first mile then Teresa Albertson in second Olivia ainger col bomb now back into fourth and then Emily McDonald in the top five so a new ordered here as we head into the second half of the race was 8654 on that last lap back toback 86 second laps by Shirley as she continues to be challenged by Teresa Albertson and ainger another 86 surely three consecutive laps of consistent running Shirley Albertson is col bomb in McDonald and actually it’s Josephine cus from sna Park Track Club in that fifth position less than three laps remaining Caroline Shirley also another native there’s been a lot of the Phil natives in the longer fields from what I’ve noticed and surely out in the front she has a PR on a 3200 of 11191 looks like there was just a change as well like 16 Teresa Albertson y Shirley now falls back into fifth just behind CIS it’s Albertson and colum coming up on the two laps remaining Here and Now call bomb into the lead for the first time so the third lead change as we get into the final two laps of this girls freshman two mile in this second section 8563 for colam you saw the splits right there for our top three Racers the Gap has opened up now between colom and Albertson now Albert to be passed by McDonald and eventually cus big move there on the backstretch by Albertson or excuse me colum here on the penultimate lap and right around the time that the dip under was the best time so far I believe 11208 by Cameron is there right at the Bell lap for col bomb was 8563 in the lap before and 8152 so looking to close this last 440 yards in a sub 8 last lap and Lexi K she has a pretty solid mile VR 505 she runs up to the 5K as well as we were saying about running up running down trying to figure out where you fit the most and she has just commanded this lead I know it can get pretty lonely especially on that backstretch it gets quiet but she’s rounding out this last 200 here turnover as kicked in now for as she’ll look to close out this race will be under 11208 the question is just how far under will she be not just under 1120 it’ll be a sub 1110 performance as call bomb wins section two in 11771 Emily McDonald finishing second 11574 Josephine cus 11801 Teresa Albertson 11225 and then Sienna pegas 11278 to round out the top five there they see the results from section two at least for the top nine Racers to this point still a couple out there finishing up get Lexi col bomb finishing up with the top overall time to this point with one section remaining at 11771 nice crowd on to app here at Franklin Field everyone tuning in now here on glad to have you all tuned in for New Balance Nationals outdoor 2024 Keenan gray alongside Serenity Douglas and again we keep seeing these performances improve improve and and this just been the common theme all day and it’s been fun so far absolutely tons of meat records go down which is insane because when we look at the meat records all of them were set well majority of them were set last year so the fact that records are just coming down every single year and I would even go as far to say that we might just see another one in this heat we have Stephanie diazza from Grand Rapids Michigan she won the Freshman mile yesterday and she was just shy of the record she ran 50166 and I mean if we we just saw it with r Newberry if you didn’t get a record yesterday it makes you mad and you’re trying to get a record today the third and final section gets going here the athletes in the field Gian macowan Reagan Leon Ruby Garner Valley Gracie Hino Abby T Stephanie diazza Khloe May Emily fle Riley towns Cameron Davis jayen Ray Lauren Ackerson and Sarah whis early lead from Riley towns from the gun in the final section of this girl’s two mile we have our first championship race of the day which will be that boy sprit medley relay the time to be 11771 from Lexi Calum from section two seven laps remaining and awaiting the splits on the first lap is 8209 thir by GI McOwen who’s now in second right now just right behind Riley towns just looking ahead to other Championship competition going on today and the Sprint medley is just right around the corner then they’ll be the first and second rounds of the boys and girls 100 meter championships then later on tonight the boys and girls 4 by8 boys and girls 4X two and then the boys and girls two mile championships to round out today of course that boys two mile race featuring The now outdoor 5,000 meter record holder Daniel Simmons of the American Fork school from Utah just ran 1325 at the Portland track Fest and then we’ll see Addison novl on the girl side who won the 5000 last night looking to complete that distance double J maau building that lead now 24567 through 880 yards the Gap has grown to 20 M freshman representing Billa Track Club through three laps 80 Point 20 for McOwen the lead is increased to 4 seconds through three laps of the first mile that’s first Chase back Jaylen Ray Reagan Leon Abby TIG and Ruby Garner Valley then Emily fle Stephanie the pazza and then Lauren Akerson GI mcau and a class of her own right now here in this final section so thr the first M 526 7 55 just a hair bit slower than what we saw in that last section where they went through 526 and she is just in a race of her own here Janna McOwen out of Massachusetts I mean in her state meet she plays third in the mile with 504 and then she came back in the two mile to help her teammates to win state she got second in that one but she just took this one out from the very beginning usually we don’t see anything start to spread out until later on but I mean I this is section three or three so she is going for it here that lead is now decreasing you can see the first Chase P running her down including the pza right there in second then Ray then Teague but it continues to be McGowan through the first five laps by herself but she’ll sense some presents here pretty soon [Music] with the first Chase pack right behind her 8466 maau starting to slow down while the rest of the Field’s picking up here as they’ve gone through over two kilometers of this two mile race it’s dza now into the lead for the first time alongside Teague moving up into second and then Garner Valley right there just behind mcgan one two diazza Teague Follow by McGaw and Garner Valley two laps remain now as they’ve gone through just surpassing eight minutes at 8571 81 second last lap so saying consistent the last two laps so according to your calculations Keenan would you say that there is a meat record developing here if that is the case they would need to run 235 this last 800 and by the looks of it just based on how they’ve been running the last few laps I mean they’re running 80 second splits I mean would have to take 78 70 seconds to run these last two lap on both these laps for that matter so it’s a little short right now but we’ll have to see though as they approach the Bell lap now again there were going to be two races developing for first and second then you have third and fourth back there as it’s DP Aza and Teague 936 at the Bell lap it was 802 split perhaps we could see the Middle School are having the fastest time of the day in esteps she ran 10:43 during that middle school girls two mile Now open up the stride here hitting the backstretch inue showing no response here as it’s less than 200 meters to go for the final two mile race of this early morning session here in the Freshman girls competition and there you heard it deep pza won the mile yesterday is going to come away with the two mile Championship as well in the Freshman category and actually pretty close to meet record time take a look at the clock folks and it’ll be a sub 1050 effort and it’s 10 4953 it’s a meat record for Stephanie diazza IM last close strong that last lap around 7576 seconds for dza Abby Teague 10557 for second GI maowen 1102 76 Stephanie D pazza our winner of the girls freshman two mile winning both the mile yesterday and then the two mile today in Meet record fashion again 1049 53 for the win a very similar story to roal Newberry who we saw earlier he raced in the mile yesterday he was just sh the meat record came back in the two mile he got the meat record today it’s just something about missing out on it yesterday and actually being very close to it yesterday as well that’s really en encouraging these athletes to go after it today we weren’t sure at first it was going to be pretty tough for her to get it but she threw on the Jets and she was able to get it today there you see the results third and final section of the girls two mile Championship race for the freshman and again Stephanie Diaz and a meet record 1049 53 to take home another National Title just right around the corner will be the first championship race of the day will be the boys Sprint medley the first of nine sections right here from Franklin Field you see all the athletes heading over to the start line we’ll take a quick break come back with more here from Philadelphia you’ve been watching the 2024 New Balance Nationals Outdoors right here on runers [Music] [Applause] space for the wi [Applause] [Music] our with this format is 200 200 400 and then 800 all right running it didn’t set now for our first section of the boys Sprint medley Championship competition see the lane assignments and the teams in there including the Bullis School in Lane eight then Carolina Cavaliers in seven out of North Carolina meet record in this event 32308 by West Springfield track CL out of Virginia in 2022 it’ll be first a 200 and they’ll hand off to another 200 Runner and it’ll be a 400 and then anchored by an 800 meter runner for Bolis the first hand off goes from Demetrius Lewis Jr to Matthew Goins and then Carolina Cavaliers in second and then St John Striders in third as they head down to the home straightaway we turn we turn now into the infield to chat with our two mile freshman Champion with Kate Van buser by a hair half a second how did it feel it felt pretty good especially the first mile especially for the first mile you had a really good kick though so what what how did you dig deep for that uh I just tried to go as fast as I could well again winner of the mile yesterday new meet record here today in a PR of 10495 and one more race to come you’re going to Anchor your team on Sunday in the DMR how excited are you for that I’m very excited it’s a good team all right so the paragr they going to take the win maybe I bet they will if they have you on their team congratulations again Stephanie on your win and the Freshman Girls Two Mile well done two-time Champion now in the two mile she’ll raise the DMR as you heard on Sunday Bullis into the lead now here on the 800 leg it was Mickey green on that 400 leg and he hands off to euan Conroy and for the Carolina Cavaliers was from Carter Waters to Elliot Lightfoot Us number one in this event so far from an keny from the Iowa high school track and field championships ran 32456 and the National High School record from Newburn North Carolina 31958 set back in 2009 and Conroy light [Music] foot Carolina Cavaliers now pressing with Bolis here on the last lap of the 800 just on the outside of Conroy and now light foot with less than two her to go moves just ahead of the Bullis School and the Carolina Cavaliers get things going here in the Sprint medley as the Carolina Cavaliers finish things off and take the win in 33420 bis finishing second in 337 and St Vincent paleotti 33980 dos AC 34202 and then St John Striders 34388 so one section down seven more to look now at see it section two six teams old Rochester Bulldogs be Lane four Minick Track Club in five DC Cadets in six union Catholic out of New Jersey is in seven Clayton in eight and then golden knights Track Club in nine so now we’re getting to the the bread and butter of your of your side here serenity with the the Sprint stuff is has a Sprint medley been one that you’ve enjoyed contesting in or if you’ve ever contested in it you know I definitely haven’t been in enough of Sprint medal relays you know in cers they mainly have the DMR they will have the SMR as well but not too often but I definitely do wish that they would add the SMR to some of the championship of meets I know it could get pretty difficult because I mean eventually you got to use your top athletes for their individual events but it is still exciting to see it’s exciting to compete in too you see Lucas band of golden knights Track Club leading off on the 200 leg again it’s a 200 200 400 and 800 time to beat now 33420 From the Inside Out old Rochester Bulldogs minis sync DC Cadets union Catholic Clayton and golden knights it’s golden knights on the outside with a big lead as well as DC Cadets on the inside with union Catholic emerging as well into the home straightaway first golden knights followed by union Catholic then DC Cadets as DC Cadets and union Catholic both with the exchange at the same time little cut in right at the cones right here the first at the break will be golden knights followed by union Catholic emerging now onto the outside that’s Clayton right there now into second we’re now on to the 800 meter leg golden knights Clayton DC Cadets Union cathic in mini syn and old Rochester likeon in the lead now so we’re coming up the belet now still Clayton DC Cadets and now DC Cadets that’s Robinson into the lead Paul Robinson followed by Clayton CJ Martin Cadets Clayton old Rochester and union Catholic they make their way down the backstretch one last time as CJ Martin presses with Paul Robinson it’s Clayton into the lead now with less than 150 meters to go and the cadets try to respond back into the final straight away they go Clayton DC Cadets and it’s Martin leading the way for Clayton 33153 it’s 15504 on that 800 leg block stand behind the block BL section three we’ll see Trotter’s Track Club East Hartford Hornets Marshfield Track Club Titan Elite Track Club raway track club and depford Elite again from the inside out Trotters East Hartford Marshfield Titan Elite Bradway and depford Elite and again it goes 2248 for the Sprint medal Relay can always get pretty difficult when you get down to the four and the eight because your teammate is coming in so quick but these are pretty even split right now looks like the Spartans out in Lane nine handed off first everybody stays in their Lane depford Elite right there in Lane nine about to hand off here for their second 200 it’s depford the outside and nine raway track club and then Titan Elite and there you see East Hartford Hornets emerging out front here on the 4 under leg now they’re going to break into Lane one once they round this curve and like I was saying before it can it can get pretty hard to gauge for these athletes when your teammate was coming at you so fast and you had the adrenaline of being on a relay but it’s like no I have the 400 leg not the 200 leg but they have just commanded this lead so [Music] far jayen Brown for East Hartford Hornets about to hand off the Stephen Smith and now Trotter’s Track Club that’s Aiden Leo and then now handed off to Ryan Shram followed by raway and then believe that’s Titan Elite Track Club in fourth position here on the 800 leg and something that a lot of people take for granted is how important those handoffs are especially now for events like the 4×4 and events like this where you all have to line up together in a row like that it can get hard and you can get pass just that quick which is exactly what happened with Trotters they ended up getting the smoother hand off with the Hornets in their inside and they were able to merge as soon as they got it Ryan shom for Trotter’s Track Club just ahead of Steven Smith of East Hartford Hornets as they make their way into the Bell lap now Trotters East Hartford raway and Titan Elite as they’ve hit the Bell lap now with one remaining Ryan tra is just trying to keep pumping his arms he feels Stephen Smith right on his heel it’s really just a line right now it’s probably going to spread out a little bit now I can’t tell if he smiling or if he’s grunting because it’s painful you see that sometimes with Jessica hle not far behind we see in fourth now merging up into the top three and swinging by everybody so trying to see what ay believe this is Banks from Titan Elite dra Club it is out of Lane nine is Justin Banks closing things off from come from behind fashion and puts the Palms up like it was light work out there 33102 15181 an impressive last 800 meter leg by Justin Banks nice little Shug from him he’s like easy work Slight Work Ready for the picture I love it that’s you know like I was saying earlier I mean it’s New Balance National and these guys they come out here with their matching Under Armour things on and they come out here with the celebration already plan they try to do something creative because now they’re on a world class stage and I I love when the athletes are having fun with it this is what is all about wonder how much time and effort they really put into that celebration at practice probably in the hotel before they got here really an impressive last leg by Justin Banks 15181 so far the fastest 800 leg of the day to shift now to section four here see the teams in their assignment that time to beat 33102 as Danberry Track Club on the outside in nine so From the Inside Out Grand Street Motor City calber Hall Warrior Lexington Elite dtha Catholic Danbury as we get things going in section four it looks like there was a scratch from MCD Mustangs would have been in one of those outside Lanes there they tough compe but this field is definitely not going to be missing them so with the stick out front early on to Mata Catholic that’s dayen Grogan in Lane eight still hand off to Caleb wether and then Danbury in second right now McKai Henry to nir rickets as the rest of the field hunts those top two teams down and they were just out of camera shot there the the Catholic they’re finally going to merge over and you know I was talking about the handoffs are important the merging is just as important some some athletes like to do it progressively some athletes like to do it just quick get it out the way um I know my coach used to tell me to make it pretty Progressive but still be intentional about it and he is just musling it out about to hand it off to his teammate to handle the 800 Joshua Gresham on the 800 leg for DEA Catholic through that first 800 split I know we’re not keeping track and just saw a shoe fly up out of nowhere don’t know who so someone out there is running with just one shoe on at this point but as damona Cath with an incredible lead here as they’ve gone the 800 leg again Joshua gr leading anchoring things for them you know with the distance events we don’t we see a lot of elbows and maybe some athletes getting spiked you see a whole lot of drama with the sprinters because where did the shoe come from I don’t know if it was maybe just one of the guys who just finished but happy it didn’t hit one of the athletes for sure but he looks so cool C and collected that’s Joshua Gresham from damata Catholic Academy and he’s coming around on the Bell lap he knows that the lead isy there there we there we see right there Danberry Track Club this right here for them is Kyle Jeffers he’s running with no shoe right now on the 800 leg I mean talk about dedication but I just know he’s going to get a earful from his coach later on regardless because why is your shoe not not tied tight enough but I mean shout out to him he’s musling it out getting it done that track is Not Cool by any means it’s it’s hot today probably about 100 degrees especially with it being 82 degrees here Philadelphia as deoa Catholics Joshua Gres trying to close things out and slowing up a little bit because he got out so strong he’s built a comfortable lead but give credit to danburry track club though for finish this one out without even a shoe on his foot that’s Kyle Jeffers finishing up but it’ll be damata Catholic 15528 on that last 800 and they move into first overall 32733 but again Kyle Jeffers with one shoe ran 15739 to close out that 800 split that’s actually very very impressive painful too so I kind of got to take it to the socks versus no socks argument I’m a no socks type of girl but that would have been painful and if anybody’s ran on a track before that’s not a soft surface it’s not Mondo track either where it Mondo’s almost like carpet essentially this is a this is a nice it’s just basically a regular track that they had that’s uh feels a little like you’re um running on gravel at least a little little bit sometimes if you’re if you’re running Barefoot for that matter so so far I think that’s probably the weirdest thing of the day we so far have seen is the shoe just flying out of nowhere and and the way it just developed it’s just like it popped out of nowhere on our screen yeah it was a little bit of a jump scare there I have no idea what happened maybe somebody just stepped on the back of it I don’t know how that could have happened really but I mean I’m glad he’s okay glad he finished the race put in amazing effort as well so that was that was a crazy one section five Lanes 2 through eight are occupied no Lane nine that was supposed to be sky the limit track Club be Norseman Devils mttc mwtc DBP Rams Woodson and then Wallingford Adrien Camy for norsman Garrett G George for Devils Lucas orti for MW Joseph D’Angelo dppp Rams Track Club LED off by Bal ABD man Jacob Spectre of Woodson and then Timothy Conlin for well Wallingford there you see Conlin on your screen right here and it’s section five underway a great start out there in Lane seven believe that’s Rams track club with Scott on the lead off leg making up that stagger on the outside Lane there looks like that’s Rams Track Club it’s Mason Scott giving his team a good lead but from the inside Mr Speedy Gonzalez was coming out of nowhere on that one Joseph D’Angelo from DP DBP Gregory celester just hands off to Jack pych then for Rams Track Club it was Andre Jackson little John to Anthony ringham so there you see DBP and then Rams Track Club as they cut in on the straightaway right here one of the interesting things about this track and you know usually when you cut in in for a 400 or 4×4 is you’re cutting in to the left when you’re on the inside of this track with the because of the system of the railing you’re cutting in to the right yeah and it can get pretty confusing so Woodson first with the exchange Wallingford for Wallingford It’s Thomas Conlin for Woodson Zane elcock followed by Rams track club and that’s Norman track club with Luke Davis in third right now as they hit the backstretch for the first of this two laps and like I was saying before walling for they played that handoff perfectly they technically made contact first but then Here Comes walling for from the outside he overtook that lead so that he could get to the break first and still in the lead right now as well Conlin Davis and then elcock for Woodson one two three as they head into the Bell lap now on this 800 leg time to beat three 2733 and now Woodson emerges into second place trying to run down Wallingford Wallingford continuing to be out front here with less than 300 meters to [Music] go and when you start to see your teammate it’s like the Holy Grail at the end there but he is finishing strong one last turn into the home straight away for Wallingford Thomas Conlin trying to finish things off and we’ll just have enough in the end and we’ll just be a little bit slower than section 4 32780 15327 on that 800 leg for Conlin and then Davis 15383 for his anchor leg [Music] too you see Section Five results Wallingford 32780 Norman 32912 and Rams Track Club 331 13 with three sections remaining and we were talking to him earlier just about how these kids are just showing out with their uniforms looks like it’s their last names on the back of the uniform I think that’s pretty cool did they get those specially made hard to tell between which the twins they are now Timothy Conlin and Thomas Conklin at least we know between the difference between deio k and Michael fiser we get set now for Section six and all eight Lanes occupied you say the teams in the lane assignments and two more second remain after this one and if you guys can hear it like we do hear the officials trying to get the athletes organized to come out here and perform I think that it shows how hectic it can get a little bit in the warmup areas and in the tents before they bring the athletes out this is St Johnsbury Academy right now in Lane nine now just a little reminder it goes 2248 both of the 200 legs stay in their Lane the whole time the 400 merges over and then the 800 is completely in the inside Lane Robinson Track Club St Louis tribe I 270 lell Academy Kentwood shs an arbor and St Johnsbury Academy and from the inside immediately looks at that St Louis tribe making up that stagger good is hard to tell right now because I mean he’s in Lane three long way ways to make up but it looks like he handed off the Baton in second but check out an arba amazing leg as he’s about to hand off to the 800 to the 400 leg excuse me already but like I said it was tough to see then but St Louis tribe is coming up now they were making good gains so it’s a little bit different because he was in lane three so he has to kind of merge to his outside while all the ones in the four through nine Lanes have to merge to their inside [Music] as they’re about to hand off to that 800 leg that’s Lal Academy leading right [Music] now no correction that’s actually Ann Arbor out of Michigan as we wait for our results to populate pretty soon and they’re keeping it nice and even as Kaden aot trying to hold off the field and the time to beat is 32733 held by damont the Catholic right now who are your leaders and now some things are finally starting to change as we are heading into the last 200 that’s St Jonesboro Academy with the late surge but he has the kick and that’s the thing about being on relay sometimes you put in all that effort but it still is down to the fourth leg and it looks like he’ll be just shy of leading that’s 328 67 from St Johnsbury Academy LEL Academy Track Club is in second with 33048 with the 328 67 that puts them in third overall he’s happy with it because he just brought his team all the way back from fifth yeah Rio set so 3 2867 for St Johnsbury Academy that puts him to third overall with two more sections remaining Lal Academy Track Club moves to fifth overall 3348 one of the most pictures views you’ll see here at Franklin Field is this building right here and and obviously the the main thing when people think of this field is just the backdrop here at on this beautiful track that they have here at Franklin Field and just you can see the the breeze picking up a little bit here on the home straightway little Tailwind for those a athletes and they’ll have to battle that headwind on the backstretch but it’s another perfect day here on day two of competition at New Balance Nationals outdoor section seven From the Inside Out DC Cadets Patriot Track Club carry Track Club Lexington Carolina Cavaliers torch Track Club McQuade and K Zoom Track Club looks like we have a missing Lane carry Track Club is a DNS it’s hard to see who’s in the lead right now at these points because we’re early on but you’re going to start to see some things even out a little bit more the key is to kind of look at how they hand off not necessarily who’s in the visual lead because obviously he’s always going to be Lane nine and that’s M excuse me as K K Zoom Track Club well ahead here as we’ve reached the 400 leg running for them is Demarcus Owens and then then it’s McQuade Track Club in second LMS then Carolina Cavaliers and it took him a while to realize he could cut in on the 400 as you kind of pointed out when you you ran that relay yourself when you were running in Lane seven and sometimes you just you’re so focused on the race you don’t even know what’s happening you forget you’re supposed to be cutting in but now there’s a jumble of athletes about to hand off and like I was saying before the handoff is the key especially when it gets tight like this if the Carolina Cavaliers play it right it was a smooth handoff for them but they’re still looks like they’re still sitting in second Lexington Carolina Cavaliers and then K Zoom Track Club in third for Lexington that’s chance based alone Cavaliers it’s Thomas wowski and then Kum it’s Jasper Kane Lexington with the purple and gold LSU colors and almost similar lettering on their jerseys pushing ahead here but here comes KC Zoom with one lap remaining here in this 800 leg and on relays like this it gets difficult especially for the coach because do you put your best 200 400 and 800 athletes out there so we saw bullas earlier obviously we’re not going to see Quincy Wilson on a SMR right now he has the 400 to get ready for later on this weekend so it’s safe to say that if this is their only event you put the best athletes out there if not you put some of the other athletes out there who could just give their best effort which is exactly what these athletes have been doing and cas Zoom now to the lead for the first time with less than 200 me to go as Lexington tries to hang on here in the final turn K Zoom Lexington DC Cadets in fourth and it zoom into the home straightaway with the lead Patriot Track Club in third K Zoom then Lexington it’s K Zoom across the line first taking section six and there’s a new leader today 32575 for K Zoom with Jasper Kane anchoring in 1525 and like I was saying it gets pretty tough for these relays because Carolina Cavaliers ran a fast and honest race from the beginning but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they have you know the best 800 Runner to bring it home for them so those two in those 400 guys really put them in the mix try to give them the lead going into the 800 as much as they could but I mean that’s how relays work especially for things like this like a SMR with things like a 4×4 and a 4×1 things usually stay pretty even but that’s the thing with the relay it all just depends on what the fourth leg has in them one final section remains we see right there that’s the Winslow Eagles they’ll be L off right there by nir hton again so Winslow Eagles right there out in Lane [Music] nine looking at union Catholic right here in Lane 8 this is dillian Dylan Williams he’ll lead off with Al Kumar roas Avery aide and Keandre Kelly North track they’re L off by mudu darara then have loreny ambr mamari and then taan Wilson this is mcnamer Mustang L off by isaah prior with Miles dorsy Nicholas Ste and Nathaniel Spears track Hawks Track Club Jaylen stubs on the first leg then Denzel bulai Andrew J Tucker and ner barari ridgfield Christian Jackson on the opening leg then Davin Staley hunar span and mcair muis golden eagles there with Gregory Palmer Elijah bastos and Tyler Spain and Luke shillan and then rounding out the order dce regional track club Christian linkston Julian Kario Dante mcgreen and Matthew little hails and the time to beat 32575 by K Zoom Track Club the overall meet record 3238 this is the fastest of the fastest sections it’s section eight of eight here in the boys Sprint medle championship From the Inside Out delsia Regional Golden Eagles Ridge feew trackhawks mcnea mustangs North track union Catholic and Winslow the Mustangs getting a blazing start already but look like that union Catholic track club that will handoff first at least had the clean his handoff union Catholic is actually home to the infamous Sydney McLaughlin world record holder she straight out of Jersey so I know they always feel good representing union Catholic as well as they’re about to hand off to their 400 leg at the nearly at the same time as the Mustangs but looks like they were able to get it off first it’s mamera Mustangs union Catholic North track right there in seven as they go to the break now and it’s mcamera first at the break and still running in Lane six doesn’t realize that he can cut in and now he finally cuts it into Lane four took him a little while but mcar still with a comfortable lead over union Catholic here on this for leg swinging out I know seeing your teammate is just the Holy Grail you’re finally like get this baton out of my hand immediately as we’re heading into the 800 legs the Mustangs are still leading Nathaniel Spears for the Mustangs Keandre Kelly for union Catholic and then taan Wilson for North track so we’re on the first of two laps on this 800 leg and a national championship on the [Music] line Mustangs union Catholic North track here heading to 500 M remaining here and to get the top spot 32575 is the time to beat union Catholic closing in on mcnamer Mustangs Kelly for union Catholic it’s Spears for the Mustangs and the Mustangs out of Maryland union Catholic out of Jersey they face each other pretty often especially at New Balance they were running against each other indoors as well is always a showdown with them and then when you had teams like Bullis in the mix it’s always going to be interesting but the Mustangs are still in the lead here we’re going to see if he can hold on but he is in Union Catholics view Spears trying to fend off Kelly here in the last stages of this race just 200 M left here about 20 M separating those two top teams and there you see golden eagles move up into third place Mustangs do they have enough here to hang on a national title at stake here in the closing stages one last turn into the home straightaway here come the golden eagles though Mustangs Spears trying to lead them here it’s Spears holding on and it’s a national title for mcamera Mustangs and it’s just shy of a meat record they run 32362 just a couple of tents off that meet record of 32308 M deer Mustangs national champs in the boys SMR and Spears was clawing the last 50 I know he just felt the lactic acid creeping up on him but there he is congratulated by his teammate national champion 32362 for M deera 32536 for union Catholic and it’s a new Us number one for m namera just from the very beginning and from the very beginning they had a commanding lead like I was saying it’s very tough to see where you are just from that first leg but from the 200 leg down to the 800 they had this race in the bag and there you see Nathaniel Spears gets to be the one to run through the records are meant to be broken New Balance tap I know his teammates are still looking for him ready to take the picture but give my guy a second so national champions in the boy Sprint medley race M deera Mustangs in three 2362 Us number one in that event number this first so we’re looking at section one here of the girls Sprint medley Championship there’ll be nine sections in this contest looking at union Catholic Track Club Motor City Track Club Waymouth youth track club crayford mini syn Sacred Heart Academy W wuon believe that’s how you pronounce it and then Ridgewood in Lane nine and section one gets going now you’ll see the union Catholics B team right there in lane two and then Motor City Track Club out of Michigan there team SE team I should say in Lane three yeah Motor City they constantly bring the most athletes to these meets they have so many athletes out of Michigan so we’re going to see a whole lot of A’s and Bs they brought the whole gang on the outside in Lane nine is Ridgewood Track Club that’s Zoe Hua on the 200 leg and she’ll hand off to Kennedy lovan for that first Exchange so Ridgewood then on the inside union Catholic so Ridgewood un Catholic separated like when they’re still so separated like this it’s hard to tell where you’re at I don’t even think that she could see the union Catholic athlete yet until they just merged Luckman will hand off to Avery Sheridan here for the 800 in union Catholic it’ll be Ella s solo sanzo it’s Ridgewood union Catholic cran for as we’re on the final exchange and since this is a final these events I’m sorry these Heats will continue to get faster and faster so you’re hoping to keep your time up at the top there looks like Ridgewood just got passed on the backstretch believe that’s Cranford Track Club that’s Courtney toy just ahead of union Catholic for Ella solarzano as they approach the Bell laap here in section one Ridgewood continuing to fight back in third and now they move just ahead of union Catholic as well as Cranford as they gone to the Bell lap now Sheridan with the lead But Here Comes Sacred Heart Academy that’s ma going now in second she’s going to make her move on the outside there I mean it’s now or never really for her but great effort from Ridgewood she got passed up by two athletes but she was able to come back push find another gear there but that is all Sacred Heart Academy right now just like she did on the first lap she’s fighting back some more Ridgewood now trying to regain the lead here in the final stages and it’s Sheridan into the lead into the home straight away although Sacred Heart trying to fight back it will be Ridgewood ac across the line first taking section one 40974 for Ridgewood 21763 last 800 but a really good 21225 from May going for Sacred Heart Academy Avery Sheridan just fought to the end I don’t know how many different gears that she just tapped into just when you thought that she didn’t have anym she found a new gear and she is happy with that one as she should be very satisfied with that run there goes the top three results from heat one to the left of your screen 2763 for Sheridan on that anchor leg as section one finishes up section two just about to get out onto the track here momentarily and while we get ready for this section just right around the corner plenty of more action to come some prelim action in the hundreds and 200s we’ll see after this Championship portion concludes on the relay side you see all eight Lanes occupied teams in their Lane assignments on the Inside Out F and we’ll first hear after SE two gets going we’ll hear from the infield right now with our champions of the boys Sprint medley relay M DEA Mustangs here with the speediest quartet of the day the mcnamer Mustangs out of Bishop mcnamer out of Maryland this was a fire race and I am joined by four of the fastest guys in the country this is Isaiah prior miles dorsy Nicholas Steed and Nathaniel Spears and Mr prior I got a kick off with you you got the whole show started what were the goals coming in you know my coaches call me a professional stagger breaker you know you got to break the Stager set your teammate set your teammate up and get yourselves into the race amazing well you got things kicked off really fast and of course miles dorsy kept things rolling you’re the only Junior of the team how do you feel about carrying the expectations of this team next year um it feels great um I’m very happy with our performance and stuff um next year I hope that we get some people to uh carry on the team the Legacy and stuff you’re going to be one to watch for sure I’m going to come get cozy with you guys here Mr Ste a lot fell to you here you’re looking good I heard your Mr Personality I love the glasses how’d it feel out there I felt great Com when I started running track my coach always told me last one best one and knowing it’s my last high school track me had to give it all I got when I stepped on the track all I thought was I can’t go back so gave it all I got ended up winning ended up winning love it absolutely all right that brings us to the gentleman who need a lot of time to recover here and uh the anchor of our team and of course this was Nathaniel Spears 800 meters you’re headed to Alabama in the fall what did it mean to you to win this in your final High School meet all man everything really my coach told me come leave it all on the track so that’s definit what I did I got I got the support from my teammates excellent legs from all of them de had to bring it home well Spears we’re going to let you get a break because you’re coming back for the 4 by8 L this evening congratulations to the ma MCA Mustangs excuse me winners of our Championship SMR all right and I love what Isaiah prior said you got to set your teammates up for the rest of the race because this is a relay you know you don’t want all of that hard work to just go to waste do your job when you have the Baton so that they can be in a good position and this is an arbor youth track club the DC cadetes right now going head-to-head racing together in the 800 leg what I’m curious about is going back to Prior what he said at the beginning his coach said he’s a professional stagger maker is that what he said stagger breaker can you explain that to me I mean so when you’re in a relay the line where you start is a lot further further than where you would normally start let’s say in a 400 or even in a 200 so it can get very difficult to see what position you’re in and especially to see if you’re even in the league so you have to break the Stagger that’s how you make it really obvious you know I was saying that we could just kind of see by the handoffs but you break the Stagger that’s a true definition that you are doing your job I didn’t realize there was such an important task when it came to this stagger it’s just I just thought you just got of get into the inside Lane and put yourself in a good position put yourself I mean in terms of this relay put your teammates in a good position looks like the DC Cadets just now took the lead as they’re rounding out the last 200 this is kall Robinson staying bouncy with it DC Cadets put themselves in a good position here these last 100 meters just ahead of an arbor as DC Cadets will take section two and in Improvement they’ll move just ahead of a of the first place team from section one Ridgewood as they run 4081 12 and a very good last 800 to 1751 for Marley Lucas and that was the DC Cadets B Team while the rest of the field was The A Team the the DC Cadets are another one of those teams that have just brought So Many Bodies out here to the Championships similar to the Carolina Cavaliers similar to bullish Track Club the mcnaa Mustangs as well just those teams that are in the DMV really coming out to represent at a DC Maryland and Virginia There Goes those final results section two DC Cadets 4812 and Anna Arbor 4 1121 and rampa po finishing in third in 41122 see section three the teams in their Lane assignments the all eight teams in there golden eagles Hills Track Club track life University sat jum Spike Shu Fairport Westfield Pope John the 23rd and then St John Striders again from the inside out golden eagles Hills Track Club track life St jum Spike Sho Fairport Westfield Pope John Paul the 23rd and then St John Striders on the outside in in nine now speaking of stagger Breakers that looks like it’s FairPoint Track Club no that I’m sorry there actually Westfield Track Club in Lane seven just breaking the Stagger immediately right out the gate to set her teammate up in this next 200 and on the outside St John Striders and in Lane seven as you said Westfield Track Club Gabriela Dem she’ll hand off to Darcy Shiner St John Striders it will go from Jana Moore to meline Clark and as they pan out here you can see the rest of the field as they’re getting to the break hopefully they don’t get confused to break too much just break into Lane four which is acting as Lane one for these 400 legs that’s Westfield Track Club coming up strong making her move so Westfield Track Club into the lead now as they head into the 800 portion of this competition we’ll go Westfield St John and then track life University in third for our top three in section three now there’s nine sections of the SMR so it’s going to be pretty tough these first couple of Heats to get your time to really stick in those final compiled results that moved up the spike Shu into second Still Remains Westfield then Spike Shu St John and track life comfortable lead for Anna kyes look takes one look over her shoulder again that’s about a 20 meter separation between kyes and Abigail no excuse me that is saraphina scavo for Spike Shu with a commanding lead looks like she has about 10 met on the field 10 to 20 met on the field it’s always pretty hard for me to gauge cuz I feel like they’re not in view and then one athlete will have this crazy kick and I’m like dang maybe they were closer than I thought and an easy win right there for Westfield as they cross the line and they’ll now move into first 40743 21884 for Anna kylish on her anchor leg and Spike shoe 41225 Hills track 41273 that last day under 21376 see the results from section three it moves Westfield in first overall with six more races remaining just ahead of DC Cadets by a little under a second then Ridgewood in third sacred Hart in fourth to follow this Championship portion we’ll see the middle school boys 200 and middle school girls 200 first round competition and then it’ll be the boys and girls 100 Championship first round section so a couple of preliminary actions before we get into the afternoon portion of competition again later on this afternoon and evening will be Tom furer and Carrie Tolson on the call for that Championship window From the Inside Out Union High School First Capital Branford golden knights Osburn Park Moun Motor City and then Bloomfield here in section 4 and like I mentioned Motor City Track Club has brought the athletes out today they had a C-section go in one of the earlier Heats and now this is their B section so that’s already eight athletes able to contend in these Heats it says something yep on the outside that’s Bloomfield and in second is M’s Track Club Lana Jordan for mounties she the hand off to First Cory Stewart on the 400 Bloomfield that’s solely Dixon they make their way through the break it will be Bloomfield first followed by mounties then Motor City and Union right there in fourth that’s Sienna Lloyd in the highlighter up there in the front coming down to her teammate to hand it off in first that was actually Kyla Williams on the third leg this will be solely Dixon on the 800 leg so it goes Bloomfield Motor City then Moun Track Club and then Union in fourth soy Dixon for Bloomfield Des Kellog still in position right behind Bloomfield and the Avery McAdams just running right in third they come up to one lap remaining here time to beat 40743 they go through the belt at 254 255 and the goal on this leg is to obviously just to keep the lead you would hate for your teammates to have put in all that work and then something else happens and keep your eye on the time as well like I said these are the first couple of Heats like this is just section four out of nine and this is a final it’s not a prelim so you’re hoping that your time sticks for you to be up there in those compile results coming up though in second place is golden knights that’s Maddie Miller they were in sixth place at the Bell lap all trying to hunt down Bloomfield and here goes Motor City though around the turn into the home straightaway it’s Motor City de Kellogg with the great closing speed and Motor City now moves into the lead 4649 21661 on that 800 leg Branford track 4099 Lucy Moran 2174 so far the fastest 800 split in this Championship race Motor City straight out of Detroit Michigan they always come with a pretty cool uniforms shout out to them for the New Balance ones and those are the compiled results Motor City Track Club 4649 Branford track 4919 second to round off section four see Motor City to the top now Westfield in the second still have five more seconds remaining here that fast section will be section nine really good teams to watch out for there including IMG Academy DC Cadets the purple Track Club motor City’s a team and then mcamera Mustangs looking to make it a sweep after watching their boys take care of business on their side there you’ll see Shelton Track Club West Michigan harriers Ridge view radar running the Lawrenceville school and then Carolina Cavaliers on the outside first to get to the Baton is the Lawrenceville school right there in Lane seven you’re watching Carolina cson Carolina Cavaliers are to say from Cuthbertson North Carolina with the exchange first on the 400 she’s getting a fast start for the 400 but right to her inside looks like the lawrenville school will be getting to that break first looks like they cut in a little bit too much yeah it looks like they cut in a little bit too much the athletes are getting a little confused there and tripped up I really hope that these athletes got a chance to walk the track before they came out here also maybe speak to some of the officials to see how it works hopefully the coaches were telling them how it is as well cuz it is confusing and I would hate to find that out during the race like seems like some of these athletes just did but she was able to recover she threw her hands up a little bit before but she was able to recover and get it to her teammate that’s ridg view handing off first actually that’s radar that just moved into the lead radar 15067 at the halfway point it was Gabrielle bth handing off to Harriet Healey and followed by Ridge View in second radar bridg view bridge view in the lead for the first time least on this 800 leg we saw their 400 leg a line of Valentine carry through at least through the first 300 meters they approach the Bell lap now rad Isa Aken and Harriet Healey an athlete from Carolina Cuthbertson Carolina Cavaliers down on the track there hopefully they get a rough in time before the last lap finishes here but we see Healey make the surge onto the backstretch and move just ahead of aen in pursuit of the section five win and Healey was making that decision looks like she’s turning on the Jets now at least as much as she can because seems like the wind has picked up before it was pretty hot on the track but now getting pretty windy probably still pretty warm out there but she is now distancing herself from the field as she’s coming along the last home stretch haly all by herself here to close it out as she’ll cross the tape and radar running now moves into first 405 87 21520 for Healey on that 800 leg just less than a second ahead of motor City’s B team has four more remain a meat record in this one 35766 which I know has not been close yet but could see that one fall with a stack field of competitors in that ninth and final section also Us number one 35812 by union Catholic section six of nine in the blocks now we see From the Inside Out Titan Elite Winslow Colt neck CHS Liberty Robinson Madison warhawks and EO Panthers a great first leg so far from the Madison warhawks out in lane8 and keep your eye on the handoffs there it’s kind of a good gauge but it looks like Lane nine was able to hand it off first but the inside Lane is coming up that’s Winslow right there in Lane three Ava Milner and they’ll get the hand off first that’s Siana Robinson comfortable lead here on the inside in three again unlike the athletes on the outside she’s going to cut to her right because she’s currently R running on the rail right now so you can see those barriers right there they are pointing inward into Lane four just again one of the more unique tracks you’ll see in the entire country just because typically obviously you run in Lane one but in this case be because the way it’s been designed you’re running out in lane four and that was actually going to be my next question I’ve never run at Franklin Field nor have I ever actually seen it in this way maybe I just haven’t noticed when it’s been pinned relays that they do it like this I wonder do they ever open up the lanes believe they do for the the straightaway Sprints and the hurdles but what because like I said because of the design of the track I don’t think that they are able to it’s just not 400 meters around the track now Lane for it is because like I said just the structure of the track you have Winslow this is Olivia okaro on the 800 so 150s comfortable lead for wins lone just ahead of them or just right behind I should say Titan Elite and Colts Neck Olivia Caro continuing to build that lead for Winslow see second third and fourth back there within Striking Distance but maybe a little too late to catcher although you’re starting to see a surge believe that’s Titan Elite we less than 200 M remaining in section six time to beat us 45 87 and it looks like Winslow slowing down a bit as the lactic acid has started to creep up it looks like Titan Elite is coming up to her outside and will take the new lead and it’s actually CHS that just won the race right there it’s hard to [Music] see without some of the teams that don’t have their team names on their jerseys that was Tess Sherry 21239 you he the second fastest anchor a just right behind the 211 we saw earlier from one of the couple of sections but CHS 4585 just barely ahead of radar running and 40587 moves out front three more sections remain here in this girl’s SMR run Lane Monro Lane looks like there’s overcast guys now which I’m sure some of the spectators that you see in the stands are happy about that this is section seven of nine it’ll be bullish Track Club Stow Monroe Falls Salon sou Eastern Woodson Scarsdale Phoenix and Oxon for the championship girls Sprint medal relay they’re off he goes 200 200 4 800 both of the 200 legs stay in their Lane the entire time the Stagger is already being made up from that outside Lane looks like that Scarsdale Track Club but cutting it really close oxen Track Club all the way in Lane nine handed off first but I’ve been saying and I’m going to say it again you cannot sleep on those inside Lanes they will sneak you being all the way on the outside you can’t see them you can’t hear them but South Eastern Track Club is making an impact as well and they actually hand off first and the cleanest for this 400 meter [Music] leg see and while I’m see I’m over there talking about that inside Lane and and just out of camera shot it was further inside as bullish Track Club never sleep on bullish straight out of Maryland they have produced top tier athletes we’re going to see Quincy Wilson racing the 400 later on this weekend they are home to Messiah Russell as well this is bullish Track Club A so there we got Bolis in the lead right now again trying to keep that tradition alive of another national championship and it fall right there right onto the rail that had got to hurt right there but still managed to get the Baton and again one of the reasons that this track is a little difficult to navigate is because of that rail right there just because of it just the positioning of it and you know you’re running a lane forward and just it’s just scary right there when something like that happens it for sure is and Zoe Brooks did a good job at just remaining composed when that happen oxen with the lead after the fall from Bolas Taylor Riley and now Southeastern in Scarsdale moving up into third and fourth bis moves back to Fourth believe that’s Scarsdale in second down then South Eastern in third Taylor Riley Addison Smith and Shannon Kelly and actually that’s Maggie powers on the anchor with one lap remaining here in this 800 looking to close here in the final stages of the 200 and looking to here a spot in the top six and top six will be on the All-American stand in the [Music] podium as scar Steel fighting with Southeastern trying to keep up with oxen here into the final straightaway Ox Scarsdale onto the outside Scarsdale trying to pass by oxen trying to respond it’s going to be oxen across the line first 40218 to 40225 as oxen prevails in section seven with Taylor Riley closing in 2410 and scarsdale’s Shannon Kelly closed in 21214 another great leg we saw right there I think it’s the third or second fastest time of the day but oxen taking section seven with two more sections remaining looking at section8 right now the eastern regional Gators Gilder land Black Knight Elite Bert Hill South Dade Express NW TC and then Framingham in nine won’t see gators in Lane three Section 8 one more after this one to conclude our Championship girl Sprint medley and moving well on the outside in seven is South Dade express track club an early statement from them as they hand off first here on the 200 you never sleep on the athletes from Florida at all they are different down there Florida has produced tremendous athletes over the years I mean we’re going to see Christian Miller out of Florida later on but South date Express just gapped the field are they in the right heat oh no we ended up getting bad exchange and she sees it too that’s tough that was tough it was a little bit of maybe she thought it was in her hand but it was not but they were able to recover I’m not really sure what the rules in terms of like if it rolls out of your lane but that was tough to see and there chaos unfolding here in these relay races to Sis fall onto the rail and then South dat Express bobbles the Baton but still regains the lead here in an instance like that are you trying to grab the Baton or as the athlete handing the Baton off are you handing it off and making sure that it gets into the hand it’s like sometimes you think that it’s already it already is in your hand but then your teammate lets go of it too soon and then even just with all of the mixups you end up and athletes just tripping on each other at this point but even with all of the mixups and everything that waste energy and you could see that affecting South dat Express for sure now it had all the momentum in the world until that 400 exchange and now they’re in fifth place right now as we’re looking at eastern regional track club in first as the rest of the field start to hunt the down including South express moving up into third just right behind eastern regional is Bert Hills track club with Alexander oror on the anchor there Natalie Dumas for eastern regional and Bert Hills into the lead for the first time on the Bell lap and oror movement just ahead of Dumas again dumas’s trying to see if she can reel herself back in here as they hit the backstretch now this is section eight and nine so now a lot more of these times will be trying to stick in the top six looks like she’s turning on the Jets now she’s trying to distance herself her Striders opening up a little bit commanding lead she’s built upon here after the for 400 and it’ll be Burnt Hills Track Club across the line keep an eye on the clock 35673 and they just set a meat record oh wow besting Gilder land’s time of 35766 and it’s a also a US number one so 35673 all right so could we potentially see a champion not be in the last section but in the second fastest section it’s happened before in other National Championship meets and again this is why you race it’s not necessarily what section you’re in but we’ll see what section n has to offer now the pressure is on for all of them we start here out in Lane nine you’re looking at the team from St Louis tribe with Delaney Brinker on the leadoff leg then Raven Thomas Lila Murray and Leah Rogers on that team and they’re on the outside in nine this is Lane eight mam Mustang saw their boys team take care of it in the championship field Sophia Gaskins Anila Castro Jus McDaniel Amber wimbish Motor City Track Club lots of their contingent here this weekend Carrie Venoy Morgan Roundtree NAA Burns and Kylie King purple Track Club Maya Rawlings Natalie Melo Sylvia C def follow and then the very fast Rachel fory on the 800 leg this is Lake Creek with Sydney spikerman excuse me this is Maggie oroch chock Sydney spikerman Addie mov and Haley Johnson Freedom Track Club Ariana Thomas on the leadoff leg with Mana boing Nyla esta Anderson Pam Jones and then IMG Academy out of Florida Julian Warner zeni Washington Tyler low and Aurora Burleson D solar and just saw the meat record Fall by bernt Hills in Section 8 35 673 this is supposed to be the championship race right here but again as I mentioned we could see the winner come from the second fastest section the girls Championship Sprint medley underway here at Franklin Field again IMG Academy Freedom Track Club Lake Creek purple Track Club Motor City mcir Mustangs and St Louis tribe and this one is going to be fast I mean they just saw a meet record happened in the heat right before them so they are gunning for something right now and that’s Motor City Track Club hand ending it off flawlessly and in first but keep your eye also on Lane nine out there St Louis tribe as well Motor City Track Club trying to make it the staggered here as they go into the 400 leg that’s Morgan Round Tree as Motor City will hand off first followed by St Louis tribe then there’s IMG Academy on the inside in lane two but a battle is on between Motor City and St Louis tribe and her stride is just so long but coming in from that inside Lane that’s IMG Academy it can get pretty difficult for those athletes in the outside Lanes they can’t see the ones in the inside you don’t really know until you merge so it’s very possible that motor city did not see her but she now is in the lead on this 400 leg Tyler yeah that’s Tyler low for IMG Academy just ahead of motor city is NAA burns from the Detroit team as the Florida Squad pulling well ahead as it’ll be Aurora burles and Del solar on the anchor again keep an eye on purple Track Club can see Rachel for now on the 800 leg the future Michigan State Spartan who already’s ran two 203 this season back in Michigan Motor City already try to and is doing closing in that Gap and just staying right there on her hill we saw her speed up and then she let off just to let IMG know that I’m here and I’m right behind you IMG Motor City Freedom MC deera stangs and then hunting them down is St Louis purple and Lake Creek as their single file now heading into the final lap of Championship on the line here in the girl Sprint medley relay you see Rachel for back there in sixth just about 30 40 m behind the lead pack you can see in Kylie King’s face she’s trying to calculate when she should go in for the pass it’s always pretty risky to pass on a curve but when you’re doing it as you’re coming off of the curve slinging into the straightaway then that’s the perfect time and that’s exactly what she did but she needs to watch out for the Mustangs coming up as well three teams still in the hunt for a National Title Here with less than 250 M to go Motor City m deera IMG mcam looking to make it a sweep here after watching their boys win but Motor City starting to pull away here in the [Music] end that’s Kylie King for Motor City again the beat record set back in Section 8 35673 the race is on now against the clock they can see it a meat record in sight and it’s motor on top once again 20964 by Kylie King on that anchor leg gives Motor City not only a meat record and a US number one but a national title and they are so happy with the win they ran that race perfectly for from start to finish even from the very beginning Carrie vanoi set them up really well and Morgan Round Tree really started to make it known that we are going to be leading for this race Navea Burns a solid 400 run from her as well and then Kylie King she rounded it out she sat on IMG Academy’s heel and she decided to go in now let’s take a look at the replay here that’s Carrie navoy ven noi actually and then they handing it off to the 400 leg here that’s Navea Burns she fell behind to IMG Academy but Kylie King got right up on IMG the whole time and sat there until it was time to pass which was going off of the curve and then she ended up gapping them because she wanted that national title and she got it and a US number one at that 35495 for Motor City Track Club at Detroit Michigan she’s super happy with that one and in the Press of 20964 to close that last 800 M and as I said from section 8 the tone was set and Motor City delivered once again and is going to bring home a national champion back to Detroit in the girls Sprint medly championship at some point get the chance to talk with Canadian Olympian Kate Van Buskirk but we’ll step aside right here as the next competition will be out on the track will be the Middle School 200 prelim rounds and thanks for tuning in here at newbalance Nationals outdoor right here on take a break back with more here from the City of Brotherly Love e all right the next event on the track is the 800 me before we get to that all right let’s head back into the infield here with our national champions Motor City Track Club Sprint medley championship of Oak Park Michigan and these four girls have had this coming for a while you can hear the appreciation in the stadium so second at New Balance Nationals Outdoors last year second at New Balance Nationals indoors this year and finally gold in a new meat record and a national lead so leading things off Carrie vanoi you had a lot of pressure as the first runner how did you feel coming in I felt confident I felt confident with my team but I know it was important for me to get out and run get my team a leag as much as I could you got out strong you got things kicked off well handed off to Morgan round tree and you just kept that energy going you’re all smiles how are you feeling I feel really good this is the last SMR going be on with my team so I’m just really happy we went out and did good that’s a big deal all right just like the boys I’m going to come get cozy in between you m NAA Burns you were third Runner and you are also all smiles do you have other events this weekend as well yes I have the 400 the 4X four and a FR 200 busy weekend Oh to be young well done and then kicking things to the Finish Line in a new meet record and a national lead M Kylie King congratulations what was going through your mind knowing what was on the line well I got the Baton I heard my coach he said run smart so I ran smart ran smart ran strong congratulations to the Motor City Track Club the winner of the championship girls SMR US national lead meat record and a national title it sounds like has it been in the making the last two years with this group especially finishing runner up in the this event last year so congratulations to the group from Michigan and getting the job done as we turn our attention we before we hit the 200s we’ll finish up the multi competition of the day you see our current standings through six events this will be the seventh and final event will be the 800 a race that everyone just wants to get over with see Ula Mas L Kaaya with 4,26 points such a close competition just separating by 25 points from first and second so lots could happen here in this 800 so our leader Massa representing IMG is on the outside in the back right now weing the all blue the current leader right now is Duncan J de Asia Duncan from Bloomfield Track Club Duncan currently in seventh with 3,8 21 points there you see our leader in fifth right now and 4,26 points right at the Bell lap that’s Dana Spore so spur ends 12th overall with 3,467 points trying to finish strong here and collect at least one win of the seven events that’s Avery Miller in third place right now who’s currently second overall with 4,181 points and it’s not just based on what the time you run it’s based on the point system as it will be Spore across the line then Miller our second place finisher and Avery Miller from come from behind fashion is going to win the national title 5,57 points 2167 to get 876 points and she pulls aad head of Yulia Malaya of IMG Academy finished with 4,992 points so Miller did just enough to capture the heptathlon Title Here you see on your screen though Dana Spore who won the 800 and she goes up to sixth overall and gets all American honors with that finish 892 points so great finish by her and a clutch performance to get onto the podium stand got Avery Miller 5,5 57 points your heptathlon Champion julam Malaya in second 4,992 points and then Sarah Dumas 4,825 points as the points keep getting shifted so actually rather than SP being six she moves down to ninth and actually it’s Sam manini 4511 there’s Avery Miller our national champion in this heptathlon two long days and the prize for it a national title for the bullseye running athlete mid the early events after it’s the first round of the boys middle school 200 it will be the top eight overall times advancing on does not matter if you win your heat have to finish within that top eight there will be 10 Heats here to put together that eight person final see a couple couple empties empty [Music] [Music] lanes so see Ry Jones Chase Hoover Isaiah Vickers jar Pierre and Eric Bryant and a very good start on the inside from Isaiah Vickers of tala hassi Zoom was not able to make it through in the 100 and trying to see if he can claim a spot in the 200 final as he’s well ahead the rest of the field and will cross the line and an easy win 2371 he’ll take heat one 2420 for Chase Hoover your From the Inside Out in heat 2 James gambone Ian Wilding Winston Schroeder Malachi Jones Daniel Hoff Wesley deperio Lawson Banks and Jacob Serano Daniel Hoff on for the turn into the home straight away in first for St John Striders it’s 2266 for Daniel Huff winning by almost a second and it’s a meat record for Danielle Hoff just blows past faded Browns 2276 just an eighth grader 2266 winning by almost a second over Winston schroer and it’s the preliminary round just the top eight overall times ADV van on the current bubble time 2432 here now for heat three have Brock Nukem Elijah k in Xavier twinman quintz Grimes Kaden Clark deanii Roberts and Grant guys white quinten Grimes won the 100 last night looking to chase down another meat record at 2183 for Grimes as he best Daniel Hof time 2266 that’s another meat record in backto back days 2183 for quintz Grimes looking to see if he can complete the 1002 200 sweep just through three Heats with seven more Heats remaining the eighth grader from Georgia with an impressive time 2183 and Grimes ran 1101 last night also a meat record in the 100 look to complete that 1002 200 sweep we see heat four now that’s Kaden Garvin out of South Carolina in six he’ll be floating around 2375 it converts to 2373 Garvin moves to eighth overall he’s currently the bubble time now3 Grimes again 2183 in that meat record not only he set today but also yesterday in the 1101 close to a sub 11 performance and what makes it more impressive with Grimes is he ran right into a headwind a negative .5 meter per second not a super crazy headwind but still nice little breeze going into his face Lane six is RAR Thomas of Metro cobras [Music] 2236 also battling a headwind throughout the entire day and RAR Thomas now moves up into second so so far three boys have been under the meat record and highlighted by quintz Grimes running 2183 that meet record 2276 has since been done three times and we still have five more sections to go [Music] [Music] here we go with heat 6 Elijah Jones Antonio Jeter Moses Kim Solomon cobs Leighton Anderson Keon Ali Raymond Maldonado and James woo quick coming off the turn off the turn in Lane seven is Ali Dion oi from New Jersey 2315 2317 it changes to that puts him to fifth overall Leon Anderson 2346 then Raymond Maldonado 2363 puts him at the8th and final spot and currently holds the bubble time with four more Heats remaining [Music] eight seven of 10 got different Gardner in one ex me three I say a Cameron in four Jordan Ethridge in five basilis egbo in six Aaron Bell in seven and then Jonathan Lee out in nine very good start from the inside that’s o B of Owings Mills track club and that bubble time is at 2363 and O oeko 2285 that moves him into fourth 2285 [Music] ardan Bell 2371 puts him at 11th overall here in the prelim so through the first round standings again Quinton Grimes at 2183 still out front and then Winston schroer now the new bubble time at 2363 e here we go with heat 8 D’Angelo for Ryan Maza xaven Pon Jeremiah Davis Tyler mattisse Mason Proctor and Amos pay on the inside in excuse me on the outside I should say in Lane six that’s Davis Jeremiah Davis in second 23043 Tyler at this 2333 he’s now the new bubble time eighth overall Jeremiah Davis taking heat 8 2304 that puts him sixth overall wind legal plus 1.6 m/ second two more Heats remain this is the ninth heat you’re looking at dalen Daniel Slater Zack Bryce Chase melon Kenneth Adams Dominic Kowski Isaiah Christian Talon Anderson and axel isaro and Inside Out Slater Bryce melan Adams kazlowski Christian Henderson and a sorrow and a commanding lane from Henderson on the outside in eight but emerging on the inside two is Adams or excuse me Christian and Kowski and it’ll be on the outside in Lane nine excuse me Lane eight that is Talon Henderson he moves to eighth overall 2332 so a win in heat nine for Henderson moves them into the top eight and now just awaits what heat 10 will bring here’s overall standings for the prelims it’s based on those top eight overall times and not based on how you do in your heat as we look at the last competitors in heat 10 of 10 this Middle School boys 200 under prelims so far I’ve seen those three boys that are in the top three right now Grimes Thomas and Hoff all dipped under the previous meat record of 227 10th and final heat underway it’s young chfo long Paige kouto rasa Forte and Miller [Music] 2332 it’s Paige right there in the middle in six Trey Paige and he’ll do just enough to move into the top eight 2303 and he finished his sixth overall in the preliminary round Spencer Long 2345 for 11th and then you see the list of the athletes that are now able to move on to the final quintz Grimes with that meet record performance 2183 and then RAR Thomas Daniel Hoff vasilis egbo Kaden Clark try Pig Jeremiah Davis and Keon oi that eighth and final spot it is your top eight for the middle school boys 200 meter final now get set now for the prelims of the girls middle school 200 meter be just seven Heats as we get going now here with the girls section the first round outside in Lane eight is Payton G from Motor City Track Club run trying to run her down right next door her is pton Richardson of the wild cats but it’s pton G across the live first 2538 as she’ll take heat one with six more races remaining the meet record in this one 2486 by Skyler Cunningham 8l Zoom from last year’s meet so Payton G 2538 then Richardson 2551 and Maria Harley 2603 for third in heat one the inside out for heat three milica GOC Aaron Scott AA mckendry Malia DWI Malia Arpin Jada Harper daany opo and Ariana Ramsey around the turn they go into the home straightway that’s Lane six that’s mea Arpin of acceleration nation and it’s 2459 so long Skyler Cunningham a meat record has fallen it belongs to melee Arpin [Music] 2459 winning just by over a second Daphne Obispo finishing in 2565 try to follow that with heat three right here Charlie mcke bayy Maddox and a su second gun goes off we’ll see what the officials have to say and looks like there’ll be a yellow card out so just a warning for the athletes they’ll just stay right there the officials will chat with her about what happened exactly but again just a warning one more FAL start by the same athlete or some sort of movement and it disqualifies her on the Inside Out Charlie mcke Bailey Maddox Cameron Dy Zoe Orlando demaya Porterfield Shila bstone Amara Rango it’s Cameron Daly of the Raleigh wild cats trying to follow what Malay Arpin did in 2459 for a meet record and looking a look at the clock right there 2471 converts to 2468 moves her to six second overall and was also under Skyler Cunningham’s previous meat record Bay arp still out front 2459 with four more Heats remaining see the athletes in their Lane asignment on the lower left hand of your screen very good start on the outside in Lane six that’s Parker Coast out of the Bolis School won the 100 yesterday in Meet record time 1187 and no surprise the meat record Falls once again to Parker Coast 2442 for the eighth grader from the buis school the 2442 Parker Coast sending another meet record the second consecutive day after winning the 100 last night in 1187 and punches her ticket perhaps to the final see on the screen right now heat five the block strong in Lane seven that’s Jordan parum of SN e but making up the Stagger as they hit the home straightway now is Olivia acpin from maximum speed Track Club as she passes by in Lane six in 2494 as Olivia AC will take heat five in 2492 see the results for heat five Jordan parm 2517 for second current bubble time sits at 2551 for pton Richardson you see the compiled standings through the prelim round the first round two more Heats remaining six girls Lane five open 2551 to get into the top eight the Inside Out Kyra chamber Reed Celeste Bailey Jasmine Jackson Ella patosi Sadia Gibson and NOA B out strong in Lane seven is Petroski catching up to her Jasmine Jackson on the inside for Winslow Elite in 2554 actually changes to 2551 she moves into the top eight just a couple of thousands of seconds ahead of pton Richardson and brings us to the seventh and final heat of our prelim round here in the middle school girls 200 in the first round standings Jasmine Jackson slides into the eighth and the seventh final heat underway very good start in Lane six Trel Campbell of acceleration Nation trying to punch her ticket into the final is top eight overall times Advance on and it’s 2461 that moves her up to third overall and she’ll be on to the final Franchesca Justin 2572 for 13th overall So within that prelim section alone we saw four girls dip under the meat record set by Skyler Cunningham in 2486 so you see the results the athletes advancing on Parker Coast melee Arpin chazelle Campbell now let’s turn to the infield with our champion of the girls hip tlon Avery Miller with Kate man bur Avery Miller is my mic on there we go hello Avery Miller my goodness so you went into the last event of the heft the 800 25 points down you knew that you had to run a new PR in order to cinch the win and you were able to do that what in the world was going through your mind ahead of that 800 um I just knew that again like you said I knew what I had to run so going into it I just know that I needed to trust my training and just like get through I just knew that I could be mentally tough enough and I knew push and you absolutely were this is astounding folks this was not only your first ever New Balance Nationals it was your first ever heptathlon and she won championship winner in her first ever multi-event competition I’m sure it’s not going to be your last what was the hardest event the hardest event was most definitely the hurdles because going into this competition I had only ran it twice before so yeah it’s my only my third time running it so yeah unbelievable well again your first H won’t be your last you’re only a junior you have another year ahead of you congratulations Avery Miller winner of the championship girls have tlon first time champion and firsttime hip athlete as well retire at this point Avery Miller just take the trophy and run away you look over the pen Medical Center and looking at those Heep ton standings Avery Miller 5,57 points it was really that 800 that pulled her out front finishing just ahead the young lady from ining [Music] we get set now for the championship first round of the boys 100 in the High School Division there’ll be three rounds in total this is just the preim to get into the semifinal it’ll be 13 Heats contested just about to start here momentarily as the athletes just ready behind their blocks and set to go and those are tuning in we welcome inside Franklin Field here on day two of the new balance Nationals outdoor championships Keenan gray alongside the former Texas Longhorn Serenity Douglas joining us back now for 100 meter coverage the championship portion I know we won’t see Christian Miller in this first round at least we’ll get a chance to see him later on today I know krie tson and Tom fur will have the call on that one but it’ll be exciting to see what this race has to offer and just presenting for that semi-final round coming up later today absolutely Keenan we won’t see Christian Miller in this first heat but we have you as number two you as number three like so the talent is still prevailing although Christian Miller is not in this heat exactly we’re going to keep our eye on Lane five that’s a Johnny DWI he’s a Pinn State commit so technically this is his home now and we’re going to see what he has he has a PR of 1027 for this prelim round right there in the all white with white long sleeve and immediately he went through his dry phase he’s lifting his knees all the way through the line now this is just a prelim but he’s running it similar to a final into a headwind negative 1.0 1049 obviously he gets the big Q for this this first round Johnny dwire 1049 from wire to wire finish like you said just driving the knees is right out of the blocks from the start and Maron Nome 1063 and then Andre Clark 1069 we see now they just win this race you get to move on to that semifinal round and what I love to see about this Championship round now is that you know we can put colleges on some of these athletes they have committed somewhere such as a Johnny dwire from that last Heat he’s a Penn State commit Penn State has kind of come out of nowhere in the Sprints most recently they just produced Chana tuari he won the 200 meter dash in NC’s not too long ago so I know he DWI feels pretty good about that one seeing his school do well on a national stage like that as we head into heat 2 we’re going to keep our eye on oh just kidding Malachi James looks like he scratched he was out of New Jersey I mean he just won the Met of Champions not too long ago two days ago actually signed to Syracuse but he will not be in this section for section two out of 13 only five athletes including img’s Dylan waldruff right there in Lane six and a little bit of a jump from the Carol athlete desmone Starks officials will come together and chat about it looks like either a yellow card or at this point has a red card in his hand and this just greenen card all around so everyone’s happy everyone’s going to be staying no disqualification but again a little bit of a hesitation from Starks at the beginning so those nerves are starting to kick in we’ll see David Chang Starks Woodruff Josiah pringer and Peron Williams here for heat two an even start between these five boys South Lake a Archbishop Carol Starks emerging on but nope looks like Pinger on the outside of Ballout Track Club in seven and it was perin Williams 1061 they’re in the big Q good heat three only four athletes and another jump right there and he knows it too the official going to the cards in his in a red card so that young man that was D’Angelo Brooks of bwood elite his day comes to a close see what the officials have to say and they confirm it is a red card so his day comes to a close that’s so tough to see especially on this level and they’re still young guys and you travel this far but nerves really do get the of you sometimes you try to anticipate that gun which is what you can’t do but then you also don’t want to sit in the blocks too long either because you want to get a good start so now there’s only three guys in heat three Gallen McCollum and Kobi during after the false start by Brooks again win this when your heat in advance on to tonight’s semi-final bit of a slow start in Lane three but McCullum with a great start out in Lane five it’s all Shan McCullum across the line first 1056 turn that qualifier into the semi-finals and not necessarily happy about the time but still gets the big que a lot of these athletes are coming in to of course set per personal records and you also have to think about I mean he’s a native from Pennsylvania he could get PA number one if he wanted to and a lot of these athletes as well are trying to get their state number one time he probably just didn’t even like the way he executed that race maybe even satisfied with the time it’s kind of hard to tell like we were saying earlier Keenan sprinters are really dramatic so it’s kind of hard to tell what they really care about and what they don’t sometimes distance Runners can be dramatic as well but that’s a different circumstance obviously we’re not talking we’re talking about the Sprints at this point so you said it not me yeah I’ll say it you know you you said your piece in the beginning I have now been woken up for these sprinting events we’re in the afternoon now I got some things to say so heat four see McKai Williams Connie Smith Amir moad Floyd Samuels Jr Gabriel Scott and then Christopher [Music] Johnson don’t see anybody in Lane seven though supposed to be Demarcus gather and Lane seven excuse me Lane six is Gabriel Scott 1050 that moves him to second overall but earns the big queue to move on to tonight’s semi-final unlike those final events that we saw earlier this is just the first round you know so it doesn’t go slow as to fastest in these Heats so you’re going to see a lot of these breakout athletes possibly in the middle of in the middle of the track and then we’re going to see them come back for the final later on so while it is they did receive the big Q it will be the top 15 overall advancing on to the semi-finals so it’ll be between those pre those Heats I should say 13 autoback big qes and it’ll be the next two fastest times it looks like at this point in that current bubble time is at 1083 for Elijah menra out of Virginia and keep your eye on the middle of the track here zamari Sanders he’s a sophomore he said an alltime Florida record along with his 4×100 team of 3939 he has a 1027 PR and he also is Us number one in the 200 with 20.5 Lane five right there in the neon top and it’s Sanders emerging from the rest of the field there across the line in 1040 now 1036 really good run right there by the sophomore as he moves up to number one here through the qualifying rounds and you I love the audible gasp after you saw the time in the stadium I don’t know if the people in the broadcast could hear it as well but I mean that’s track for you when you put down a fast time you get those types of reactions we’re going to see a match up between him and Christian Miller later on in the 200 as well so he has a lot to look forward to he’s also out of Florida so definitely some rivalry going on there 10:36 for zamari Sanders very fast time this is just the like I said the qualifying rounds to get in the semi-final so can only expect what’s to come during the semifinal especially when he gets a chance to race Christian Miller assuming that they’re either match up or perhaps in the final set to take place later these next couple of days see section or heat six I should say we have all eight Lanes filled Denver Tucker of IMG Academy’s right there in two Jordan Gross in three Everton Brown in four Joshua how in five Jake OD Jordan in six Gabe lone in seven James King in eight and then Joshua Dean out in nine Archbishop carols Jordan emerging from there number and it’s 10:38 almost close to matching Sanders time of 10:36 and does enough to move on out of heat seven of the qualifying rounds heat six now Jake OD Jordan out of Archbishop Carroll they’re in Washington DC he was the New Balance Nationals indoor 200 meter champion of 20.6 and he’s entered the 200 as well so we’re going to see him Miller Sanders is going to be good and his PR is actually 10.40 that’s probably why he’s really happy about that time he just had an Immaculate start and he carried it all the way through the Finish he also has a pretty long day ahead of him a long weekend ahead of him actually with great competition as well as he heads back to the warm-up area to probably cool down and get ready for the tough races he has busy weekend especially with the Archbishop Carol team having all sorts of relays here and buying for those national championships they’re also one of the top squads when they faced against all the Jamaican schools that were here for the pen relays at least the top American School in one of the respective relays see heat seven Lane assignments another jump and it was the Carol athlete de bosk in Lane eight you saw the hesitation and a red card comes out so he finds his day come to a close and will walk away second disqualification here in the qualifying rounds and that’s tough to see especially from these young athletes you know you just saw your teammate Jake OD Jordan just go and then another Archbishop Carrol teammate right behind him as well hopefully these athletes are able to just rechannel their calmness and do not anticipate that gun just get two false starts so far we have six more Heats remaining in quality Ying lean start this time five and six too close to tell as they await the results and it was Jonathan walr 1055 Joshua on wly 1056 5,000 of a second off of wff’s time of 10:55 and it was so tight coming across that line which can be just really tough in the prelims you know you might want to relax because this is only the first round but not all these athletes can relax they’re trying to make it to that semi final and that time puts him at eighth right now top 16 makes it I say he’s comfortable but there’s still a lot of Heats to go so we’ll just have to wait and see Cari mils in two Charlie Garcia not there in three and then there’s Dylan Carter in four Janelle Harris in five Isaac Chandra in six Jake masak in seven then paulay out in eight and then no Avon Edwards pla out in nine very good start in Lane five and an easy win we wait to see those jel Harris 1052 that’s our eighth automatic qualifier on to the semifinals ISAC Chandra 1058 currently 12th overall and you see him dapping up his competitors from Archbishop at the end there I mean these athletes race each other all the time especially look these DMV athletes love coming to New Balance so they see each other all the time um he’s out of North Carolina but I’m sure he has raced all the guys from Bishop Carol before especially if he’s been coming to these new balance meets so all the camaraderie all the way up until it’s the semi-finals and the finals at least you think with meeting them at the state championships you get sick and tired of racing them all the time but you know hey we’ll meet them again at the national championships well you know I feel like they are sick and tired of seeing them but when the race is over you can be cool you can give them a DA up it’s cool in but when we’re on the line it’s a different story seven Racers nobody in Lane five supped to be Cole Isaac Kramer who won the night Brooks PR mational in the 100 on Wednesday in Lane three will have the spotlight today and that was Carson Edwards 1058 so without the Brooks PR Invitational champion who was slated to compete in that race he was not there so it gave an opportunity for Carson Edwards to win Carson Edwards 1058 with big Q yesterday we spoke about getting a big que about by what place you get we’re getting that big que just based on time alone and this is from place I mean you get first place you’re going to the final but then you might get put in one of those and get pushed down these are still pretty they can never because you never know what type of heat that you’re going to be in wi and doubt just win to get that automatic [Applause] que this point doesn’t matter about the time like you said just get the win and hope for the best moving forward in the semi-final and then assuming you make the final as well bit of a blocks mishap believe that’s Lane five like Antoine Hughes Junior with the Mustang track club which for whatever reason received a warning after he raised his hand and tried to have his blocks adjusted so I I don’t understand that concept right there and Hugh Jr after the warning will take heat 10 here in 1053 so I I’ll ask you this Serenity why why was the uh yellow card in fact even know he was trying to ask for help about his blocks honestly it seems like it was just a miscommunication because I don’t personally believe that that should have been a yellow card but maybe the official didn’t see that he was raising his hand well he saw it but I don’t I have no idea why he gave him that yellow card definitely shouldn’t have been a thing but we shall see and funny enough Antoine Hughes Jor has had some issues with the is it a false start is it not a year ago because he’s run at New Balance Nationals indoors before but I mean just stay real patient in the blocks that’s how you can remain the safest with this three more races including this one here in the qualifying rounds need three more automatics spots up for grabs get set in the Blocks Boss Hunters I am colic Kim Nelson Cory mcmanis Brandon Bennett Tyson psan Webster and Parish Harley Jr Good Start in Lane five here goes Lane four that’s Nelson 1071 with the automatic qualifier so that was a little bit of a slower heat there but like I said if you win you get the automatic qualifier but then it pushes out some of the athletes who ran let’s say 10 six so that’s where it could be pretty frustrating so it’s kind of hard to kind of hard to gauge which one or what side of the fence that you’d rather be on by time or just by place you see right there on the screen the compiled standings and even with the 1071 he’s sitting in 28th overall he’s still earn the automatic qualifier so he’ll find himself in tonight’s semifinal so this will be the second to last one of course one more remaining right there laid for Jaylen Lewis of Mandarin High School or excuse me as Lane five Christian Miller well we thought we were going to see him in the semi-final apparently he’s here in the qualification rounds as well yes heat 12 the man the myth the legend is back out of Florida he’s a Sprint Phenom ug commit 100 PR of 993 this is the time that we have just been referencing that was the world league for multiple weeks until maybe about a couple weeks ago when o ble Seville out of Jamaica took it but this is only a high schooler he has the u20 American record 200 met PR of 2051 he’s entered the in the 200 as well he’s a new balance national outdoor winner in the 200 he’s trying out for the Olympics in two weeks and Keenan get this he’s actually having a party for it a watch party as he should because he’s so young and he’s trying out for the Olympics we’re going to see if he’s able to pull it off are we getting the invite are we going are we going to Florida for this I want to see this watch I want to watch party watch Christian Miller I’ll meet you in Hayward to watch Christian Miller perfect I think that’s the perfect scenario right there cuz that’s where we’ll all be probably during the Olympic trial so but Christian bill it was into a headwind too -2.4 m per second so it may look like a jog for him out there but it was nice little breeze face the 13th and final heat of our qualification round here in the boys 100 meter championships from IMG a Academy that’s Kane Stanley another athlete from Florida who’s had a great year alongside Christian Miller and it’s 1063 for Stanley earning that big Q getting that final Auto qualifying spot well I know we’re on the 100 we’re just wrapped up but this makes me more excited for the 200 because a lot of these athletes such as Kane Stanley are entered in the 200 Christian Miller as well Jake OD Jordan and now here are all the final cues Keenan there you see the all the automat qualifiers and then the tiny little cues just based on time again if you won your heat you advance on to tonight’s semi-final and then it was within that top 23 if you ran under anything under faster than 1064 you have earned a little Q to also Advance onto tonight’s semifinal zamari Sanders will take in the top time at 10:36 that race to be contested in just a couple of hours as it’s the girls turn now here just 10 Heats and same for format automatically qualify you win your heat and then it’ll be the little qes with within the top 24 Lane five Ryan Jennings of chargers AC 1157 just ahead of Taylor ASA of union Catholic in 1174 Ryan Jennings out of New Jersey she’s called herself one of the geek athletes because she does really well in the classroom and she said well you know if I’m a 100 on the track I got to be a 100 in the classroom too and vice versa she has an 1133 PR and I know she’s pretty happy with that time and she’s entered in the 200 as well so she’s going to have to double back the reason why they’re called student athletes School comes first and then Sports second five girls here for heat two keep an eye on the middle and Lane for Bobby Olive of Drive face Track Club as well as miror rasul of the South Dakota express track club Fair start here in heat 2 as that’s Olive Mano on the inside in lane two didn’t even mention her name that’s Jayla Bailey 1183 for the young woman that represents Border City AC so far Jennings Bailey with the big qes and the rest of the field just waits as there’s eight more Heats remaining here in this qualification route and I know we spoke so highly of Christian Miller ug commit for the 100s we also got to shed some light on to adja Hajj we’ll see her in heat 7 later on she’s another ug commit as we head into heat two oh actually heat three out of 10 the championship girls 100 meter dash but lots to look forward to we’re going to see her teammate Deja Reed she was supposed to be in Lane five she is not there keep close tabs on Corbin Ren Kira Davis and Nyla Christian and that’s Kira Davis of rough Cuts 1162 the second fastest Auto qualifier so far to this point and and Corbin Ras in 1194 for second I love the fiery red hair hopefully going to signify some speed for her I want to say she had blue hair in New Balance Nationals indoors so it’s kind of just become her signature now and of course the fancy New Balance uniform to top it all off 1157 Jennings still out front then Davis second right now 1162 out of heat three she four now look closely at Shar Hol Mes in five you see right there in the middle and then K Kimura Lee Williams of Trailblazers in six and it will be Williams with the top time so far 11:54 dur the big que and a very happy kimor Lee Williams as well chamal Holmes had a fantastic start she stayed in that dry phase didn’t come up until about 40 in she really pulled camor Lee Williams to that 1154 so hopefully we’re going to see chamal Holmes as well into the semi-finals so we’re just going to have to wait and see for her because looks like Williams got the Q for this one now reached the halfway point now heat five again that top time so far 115 four from Kimura Lee Williams at this point the time to beat if you haven’t earned a qualif auto qualifier is 1216 got Lane four Leah verado of Trailblazers 1177 to take heat five and second was MIA flowers 1187 as well as Yana Daly 1187 both tied at that with Mia flowers with just the slight Edge getting a nice little congratulations from Cur Lee Williams there leyah vernardo she ran a Flawless race really and I’m not sure if it’s because she’s a little bit on the shorter side but she drove which is exactly how you’re supposed to be in the 100 there’s not much win but regardless you got to stay on your dry face you can’t just pop up it’s always always get to just think of it like it’s a plane you come up gradually instead of just popping straight up right out of the blocks you don’t need to see anything yet you all you got to do is just run straight each six we got seven athletes there closely Aron rggs s iglo and a jump right there in Lane five you can see it some movement for sure for the Major Impact Track clubs in [Music] wigo looks like her block slip all the way back we saw the same problem a couple weeks ago either her block slipped or something went on with a gun but like I was saying we saw this problem a couple weeks ago with the pros they kept having a lot of block issues so they ended up having to get some volunteers to stand on the back of their blocks still not really sure what happened with this race they got a green card which is good but these ladies are just going to have to go again and apply that same force a second time well I was just looking at her Lane it looks like those blocks did slip a little bit back cuz they seem a little bit further behind they are just the way yeah very similar to the organ style that they do Faris start the second time around close finish but is Lane five stto illo for a Major Impact Track Club out of Texas 1164 during the automatic qualifier and it could always be very difficult for these athletes to want to apply that same pressure especially after a false gun a false start sometimes but you just have to remain focused like I keep saying don’t anticipate the gun which is kind of of a it’s kind of a double-edged sword there because you don’t want to anticipate it but you want to get out as soon as you hear it kind of with the Ben Johnson start there start the same time as the gun but I mean this isn’t a championship race you know where you see in the pros where they have the sensors so I’ve been seeing a lot of movement in the blocks not too many false starts for the ladies I will say not like the men um that’s usually how it goes anyway though all the way up to the pro level but lots to look forward to especially in this heat we were speaking about her earlier ad Deja Hajj out of Mount Verde Academy she’s also a ug commit she has an 11-11 PR 2233 PR and she’s the New Balance Nationals indoor 200 meter Champion she got second in the 60 as well to Brianna Selby but we’ll see Banna in this next Heat not the only time we’re going to have probably see her race this summer and hopefully she represents the British Virgin Islands at the Paris Olympics you know she ran with British Virg Islands at the world championships in Budapest last year and had a great time there especially being the youngest competitor in that field so keep it a close eye on Lane five great start by Hodge at this point just driveing she can shut it down if she wants to but 1134 turns to 1131 and no surprise a meat record for the ug commit and it’s only the qualifying round no surprise at all for start is I love that she represents her country always on her arm sleeve at the same time as representing Mount Fredy Academy in Georgia but just from the very beginning she’s such a powerful Runner and she applies so so much force to the ground she’s not the lengthiest runner but her dry face is immaculate and she gets out ridiculously hard she kind of reminds me of like a mini carmalita jedar I remember she had those strong arm muscles as well and she has such a bright future ahead of her lots to look forward to excited to see her in the semi-final and excited to see her in the 200 as well obviously been a star since she was sophomore she won the New Balance Indoor naal title in 20 or Junior I should say in 2023 and especially took the World by storm when she ran that blazing time it was believe was a u20 world record in that event as well at at the track at New Balance in Boston special talent and I’m sure her country is super proud of what she’s accomplished so far and again we’ll get a chance to probably see her at the Paris games this summer in August Lanes five and six that’s wi and kit and it’s a Nia kit of IMG Academy and [Music] 1143 very good time right there even with a nice little Tailwind 1.5 m/ second that moves her to second overall and obviously gets the big Q she should be very happy with that run she was getting a lot of pressure from her inside from canani win but like I said she stayed down in her dry phase she continued to push so that when it was finally time for her to come up she was finally able to compete with wi with win who is actually been up the whole time and she was able to pull off that big queue in the win 1143 she was really happy with that one now time to beat 1187 to get in for a non Auto qualifier and speaking of the New Balance Indoor Champion she’s right there in lane two Brianna Selby in the New Balance kit spoke highly with her especially after she won the 60 and a lot of people were I wouldn’t say surprised but they were like okay so there’s somebody else on the uh on the the Sprint side that’s as good as a d hjj absolutely and the hope is to always translate it over to the 100 because the 60 is not a championship race Outdoors she’s actually the 60 meter record holder of 719 as well we’re going to see how her last 40 will look an interesting position for her never really see her in lane two but just cruising away and it’ll be close see what that time was for Selby and it’s 1159 but really competitive race right there from s gray and Amira naith as well as Vanessa weit that was a very fast qualifying round in that race right there you get sense Selby was being pressed right there on the on the inside yes goe and speak on on that yeah she literally was being pressed that’s exactly where I was going with it but she handed it with Grace it was a little bit of win on her tail but she was able to come away with the win and like I was saying before it’s kind of difficult to translate that speed from 60 into the 100 it seems like it would be the same cuz you know all you do is just run straight but that last 40 of a race is crucial I mean as christien Coleman it is crucial that last 40 so for these athletes to have to put that together coming Outdoors is going to be it’s going to be a tough race between her and adj Hajj if permitted to be in the finals later on you know can’t assume anything because this is trk and field 10th and final heat of this qualifying round again one more spot up for grabs for that auto qualifier into tonight’s semi that’s Lane five Lisa Ray of West War track club and 1127 1129 ad deia Hodge you got some company now and a meat record Miss Lisa Ray out of West War Track Club she for sure has some competition and like I was saying I mean this is track and field so you never really know and that’s actually a PR for her as well that was an amazing run from her I didn’t see her stay down too long she was ready to pop up and drive those knees but that’s a great run from her we saw a meet record and now we’re seeing another one yeah d JJ is going to have some company and what’s crazy is she already had some if you can see her at the very top of your screen there there’s a dejaj and then at the bottom there there’s Lisa Ray 11:29 it’ll be the top time heading into tonight’s semifinals again it’s those top 24 that advaned on plus obviously the big qes were the top 10 athletes and then little Q’s are the next 14 best non-qualifiers really an impressive run and then big statement actually from Lisa Ray in 1129 Sun starting to set here at Franklin Field on day two of New Balance Nationals outdoor it’s been a pleasure to have you all tuned in here me and Sh dougles will call it a day but right around the corner Tom fer and Carri tson will have the call for the rest of the championship portion from today thanks for tuning in for the morning early afternoon session we’ll talk to you soon back on Sunday r her going she in C [Music] Parker going in the middle school girls [Music] par Mar a and this one’s going to be close as we head into the straightaway and things straighten out so in Lane number six Braden lebante and he just had a bobble there and coming up very fast in Lane number three to win it that’s Micah Hinton 5438 the time Alexander Lambert from Bullis came up for second 5487 a little Bobble there caused some problems and again these races get progressively faster as we move uh inexorably forward there you can see the results on your scoreboard just want to welcome you all in from the L uh iconic and historic Franklin Field on the Eastern edge of the campus of the University of Pennsylvania one of the elite academic institutions in the country located in Philadelphia one of our nation’s great cities Runner space presents a late afternoon and evening session of day two of the New Balance outdoor Nationals I’m Tom fer I’m join joed by krie tvon here today the pride of Dawson Minnesota the 2004 United States Olympic trials 1500 meter Champion a little bit more later after we get through this section number two as they move inexorably forward here in uh this New Balance National track meet Michael Wilkerson in lane two Luca pism Bono in three Vincent Nana and Julian Lise in five Gabe Harris in six Grayson Riggins in seven Dylan Evans in eight Logan Eon in nine three sophomores in the middle of the track Louise Harris and Riggins in five six and seven and we are off cleanly we’ve got a pull-up already there in Lane number four Vincent Nana and in Lane number five Lane number seven actually the Grayson Riggins the sophomore from pennslvania with the early lead rins in seven little stutter step there and they will straighten out here into the final home stretch and he’s got company and in Lane number four that’s Nana back in it Nana in four Louise in five they’ll go one two 5433 for Nana that now becomes the fastest time of the day nice recovery for this young man 5478 for Louise there your one-w finishers in the second heat of nine here in the 400 meter hurdles quite a story in the last Heat will be Cade schwart of Tallahassee he just finished six at the usatf under2 Championships in Eugene just a couple days ago had to fly cross country to Philadelphia to get himself ready and we’ll be very excited to see him in that last Heat both heat eight and nine are are loaded with some excellent competitors and we move now into heat number three from the inside we’ll have Mitchell kiskin of Xavier Track Club Dominic Bassie in three Jabari Armstrong in four Trevor V in Five Billy Johnson in six Leonardo ignasio in seven will Jaden Smith in eight and Jason Kaiser in nine 5433 the time to beat day two afternoon evening session about 90 degrees here at Franklin Field in Philadelphia Pennsylvania adjacent to the University of Pennsylvania campus but there is cloud cover which makes it a little bit more enjoyable out there you don’t have the sun beating down and in addition of the 90° temperature so from the inside kiskin Bassie Armstrong VA Johnson Ignacio Smith and Kaiser and going out very quickly in lane four Jabari Armstrong there’s a lot of twists and turns in some of these earlier Heats and Armstrong and four looks very very confident looks very good excellent hurdling for him for that young man also getting out well in nine is Kaiser of New Jersey but Armstrong if he can keep it together is going to come out in the straight with the lead but he’s got some Challenger here on the inside side Dominic Bassie and it is Bassie in the green and Armstrong in the black and what’s it going to be it’s going to be Bassie in Lane three and Bassie now at 5372 with the fastest time of the day Armstrong second at 5393 good job there by Aman at the end of that race so what’s on the menu for tonight in addition to what we’re seeing now in a word variety highlighted by these long hurdles 100 meter semis the conclusion of the decathlon the 4X 2 and 4×8 relays and concluding with some scintillating two mile races over the course of these next three days we’ll get a chance to see so many fine athletes as we get set now for Section number four the Dave Alano and Cooper Nolton do such a great job of getting this meet moving Anders phelts in lane two Henry Goldsmith in three Gabriel mcclaflin in four Isaiah Washington in five Donovan Dixon in six Gabriel Murray in seven Cory Greenfield in eight Marcus McCoy of Union cathic and N Gabriel mlin is a scratch in lane four so he will not be there time to beat 53 72 and we’re off and running from the inside Felts Goldsmith Washington Dixon Murray Greenfield and McCoy pretty even Steven here so far and it looks like maybe a slight advantage in Lane number five for Isaiah Washington Washington and five and the white hen gold and now moving up in lane four that’s Henry Goldsmith from South Carolina Goldsmith putting on a surge and we come into the straight o some some uh difficult negotiating that now also in lane two although he hit that hurdle poorly Anders Fels but nevertheless Felts is going to come through wow that was a wild race lots of twists and turns Andre Felts 5367 despite butchering and I mean butchering that last hurdle and he comes through in the tight confines of that Lane number two that’s a good performance by Andre spelts and that becomes the fastest time of the day although it is warm that cloud cover really helps the athletes because you don’t have the sun beating down on you and look at the wind which had been a problem yest yesterday not too much today so these conditions for sprinting are pretty ideal and we move on now to uh Heat number five and we have Joseph book in two BO harkelroad in three vck Matthews in four Anders linkston in five Ashraf mcache in six Ethan moody in seven Kendrick Joshua in eight and Owen Nevis in Lane number nine Kendrick Joshua just a 10th grader from the Coastal Georgia Track Club he’s in the all red there he’s in Lane number eight the fifth of nine Heats and as I say the uh eighth and nine heat should be pretty darn Sensational historic and iconic Franklin Field these athletes get to compete on here at the New Balance Nationals on a record tan track not too many record tan tracks in the United States nice to see one out there and we had a little movement there in that race one false start and you are out and red card going to Owen Nevis he knew he did it little movement there and so he’ll be disqualified so reset can always be a little disconcerting for the remaining athletes and reset the field book in two harle Road in three Matthews in four Langston in five mcache in six moody in seven and Joshua in eight NE DED and out in Lane out of Lane nine now we’re going to have a little discussion among the uh officials here so over the course of these uh next two and a half days we’ll get a chance to see some of the biggest names and brightest stars in high school track and field including National two-time High School record holder Ali Zealand who scheduled a face off head-to-head in a much anticipated matchup against s anglehart more on that in a moment as we get back to the uh race here if we get back to the race they were called to their Marks here we go guns up all right we’re off and running and out like a cannon in Lane number eight Kendrick Joshua the 10th grader did he go out too fast that’s the question second from the inside Boart Road in the gray also moving quite well o a big tumble there in Lane number six by Ashraf mcache that was a big tumble and out in Lane number eight Kendrick Joshua got that nice start continues to plow along here but as we make our way into the home stretch what’s going to happen we’ve got another one coming out of here in Lane three harle Road harle Road really nice but he’s got a challenge here in seven from Moody and Ethan Moody the winner 5425 that’s considerably slower than we what we saw in the other Heats so Ethan Moody while winning that race does not have a time that is going to unseat Anders Felts as we move to heat number six I say eight and nine are going to be really really burners so here we go into heat number six Xavier folks in two Kier Lawson who is only an eighth grader in Lane number three deciding not to run the Freshman race well he is eighth grade so he’s not a freshman tonila Hicks in four John Deary in five cartell Moore in six Tyrone Summerall in seven Jonathan Carter in eight and Aiden Martinez in Lane number nine so we are in Heat number six eight and nine are really going to be exciting [Music] folks and away cleanly have a couple scratches here so let’s reset it for you from the inside it’s lawon the eighth grader Hicks Moore sumerall Carter and Martinez and it is Carter with a pretty substantial lead in The Gray from the West Pembrook Pines Track Club so Carter second from the outside with nothing but real estate ahead of him took that hurdle a little uh shall we say uh rough but he’s going to go wire to wire in this race and he’s going to win easily out of Lane number eight Jonathan Carter and with the fastest time of the day that’s a good time 5278 it’s a very nice performance for Jonathan Carter again the forer hurdles does not run very much on a high school level it’s usually in the postseason meets like this but Carter’s time moves him to number 12 nationally this year and uh that’s a pretty Superior performance for that young man fastest time in the uh Nation amongst high schoolers the High School record holder at the 300 meter hurles Vance nilson he ran 5023 yesterday at the usatf under 20 championships and we have one of the athletes from that meet Kate schwar coming back to run today making that cross country trip from Eugene Oregon all the way to Philadelphia Pennsylvania so section number seven on the track and from the inside we’ve got miles king Emanuel gillo Max angert Joseph Williams McKenna O’Hare Gibson jakori Herring William brigh and on the very outside Malik white who’s also going to be one of the favorites in the 110 meter hurdles which we will have on Saturday M Malik white was second in the Texas relays in the 110 meter hurdles that’s a nice shot Runner space with the so many fine outstanding camera angles and a big thanks to all the technicians and support people of the runner space crew both in Philadelphia and home base in Eugene Oregon do such a marvelous job on this event and of course Alano and Cooper Nolton from the New Balance crew and the trials of Miles the unique configuration of this track of course uh where you uh have the curb in between uh Lanes three and four and the kind of weird start line all because there is a football field in Pennsylvania side here King gillo angler Williams Gibson Herring white and brigh and in Lane number six that is McKenna O’Hare Gibson with the lead and actually running out well is that 110 meter hurdler from San Antonio mentioned Malik white and now we’ve got a whole shuffling of the leaderboard here as we enter the [Music] stretch and it’s anybody’s race oh a bad hurdle and Lanes four and seven good gosh a whole lot of Timber got exploded in that race but McKenna O’Hare Gibson hangs on for the win 5284 becomes the second fastest time of the day that that was a wild race that was a really one of the crazier hurdle races I have ever seen two guys go down in the final 100 meters and I mean they go down in spectacular fashion and McKenna O’Hare Gibson emerges somehow keeps his composure and concentration and ends up with the win 528 5 and that’s going to move him up on the national list as well so that moves him to 13th on the US list this season okay so now we got some of the big boys here in Heat number eight keep close attention on Lane number four Andrew Jones from Texas eighth on the US list for the 300 meter hurdles 36.75 he was third in the U 6A and first at the Texas relays was Andrew Jones and L excuse me James Leadbetter in Lane number six he’s fifth on the US list at 3669 and was second in the UIL 6 a so this is going to be a battle of Texas in this race keep an eye again on Lanes four and six Jones and Lead better and Jones going out very well in the all black lead better also going out well in the red so this is a good battle between two of the finest 300 meter hurdlers in the country stepping up in distance and right now out in Lane number nine nadir Langston also running extremely well but Langston takes a real bad hurdle there and it’s going to be lead better in six boy lead better with those long strides doing a great job just keeping his composer let’s see oh beautiful hurdling technique on that one so lead better is going to stride in great hurdle technique on that 10th hurdle 5244 and that moves him to seventh on the alltime list or excuse me on the US High School list for 2024 sth for James lead better so lead better wins over Jonathan Carter and now we move to the uh we move to section number nine which on paper is the fastest section I was curious ious of why Jones and Lead better were in the section 8 but nevertheless coming up with the intros for these athletes here shortly the big favorite of course if he’s if he made the trip is going to be C schwart David deit in Lane number nine from the wings likee Eagles in Lane number eight will be Ty Jackson a senior from Mayfield High School in Cleveland Ohio Ohio he was the Ohio State Division 1 110 and 300 meter hurdle Champion best of 3674 which is seventh on the US list he also has run 1365 in the 110 hurdles to the inside of chai Ty Jackson is Jaden Damiano and Jaden Damiano 5193 on the 36 in intermediate hurdles he was the Iowa state champion Lan in Lane number five or in Lane number six there he is making the trip all the way from Eugene Oregon to Philadelphia Pennsylvania overnight Kate schwart the Florida 4A champion and six at the usatf under 20 championships in Lane number five Jaden Marian of Le Leonia High School in lane four is Tyler Burgess 10th on the US list at 3682 the Pennsylvania state 110 and 300 meter hurdle champion in Lane number three from New Jersey Jason Mesa and Lane number two Daven Booker so the the real question here is what kind of shape is Kate’s work going to be in making that cross country trip after finishing an outstanding sixth place at the USA TF under 20 championships so schwart will be in Lane number six ziano also with some experience here in the 400 hurdles again most of these high school athletes compete only in the 300 meter hurdles so this has a lot of intrigue to be sure again the national leader Vance Nelson from that usatf under 20 Championship 5023 second fastest time in the country Kai Evans 5173 Kade schwart at 5193 has the third fastest time and Jaden marshan in this race has the equal fourth fastest time at 5218 and deit also in this race 5231 is fifth on the list so this is a high quality High Caliber race that you are about to see this is one of the Premier races here at the New Balance national championships lot of anticipation for this boy it’s hard enough flying 3,000 miles when you don’t have to compete on back-to-back days but this young man Kate schwart in Lane number six this is going to be super interesting from the inside it’s Booker Mesa Burgess Maran schwart domiano Jackson and de but we have a little bit of a pickup here at the start so it just makes us have sweaty more sweaty Palms I’m going to bring in my broadcast partner Carrie toson Carrie good to have you back today yeah I’m excited to be back this is the race one of the races that we were all so excited to see so they’re keeping us on our toes with this reset here so just to reset Booker in two Mesa in three Burgess in four marshan five schwart a few more seconds of rest for him coming all the way from Eugene he’s in six domiano in seventh Jackson in eight and davit in nine four 100 meter hurdle Championship James Leed better the fastest time of the earlier Heats in 5242 and we’re off and it’s going to be very interesting to see of course an experimented human physiology how well Kate schart does and out very well in Lane number five that’s Jaden Maran oh a lot of lumber being spread around the track here and schwart actually running very well in the all black and Lane number six now does he have enough to hold off the crew it is schwar and six and David and nine schwar excellent hurling for him great leg extension and now coming up in Lane number three that’s Jason Mesa Mesa and SW oh Mesa Takes a Tumble and schar keeps his composure almost another tumble there in Lane five by marshan but out of Lane two it’s going to be Daven Booker in 5192 wow that’s been some wild racing 5192 is the third fastest time in the country this year and Daven Booker does it out of lane two well a race isn’t over until it’s over Tom and we definitely saw that you have to keep fighting for every step of each and every race and that’s what this young man did you know the guys were out in front of him he could have thought well this is this has been fun but no he didn’t he just kept it going and look at how great he ran today but yeah you got to give it up to Kate Schwarz he was out there he was pushing all the way around this vend here coming all the way across the country to see if he could do it didn’t quite have it today no he didn’t and in Lane number three that was a huge tumble and really far back was Daven Booker Daven Booker was barely in the picture and and he really came on in a very very short straightaway watch how far back he is well uh watch how well not at that point either a little bit uh further rewound but Booker third fastest time in the country this year and Jaden marshan 5211 James lead better from the previous heat and I had mentioned be before that race that I was surprised that lead better was not in the fast heat and and he will get the bronze Podium position Jonathan Carter will have the fourth fastest time he came from that sixth heat running all by himself on the outside Lane did a great job and now we turn our attention and nextly forward here to the next event on the track where we’ve got the Freshman 400 meter hurdles we have uh seven Heats of this and Carrie any introductory comments before we get this going well you know I think that we just have to say how much fun it has been been to watch all of these athletes we have seen you know athletes ranging from all ages and just to just to know that they’re running against some of the best in the country is so much fun and I hope that these athletes are loving every minute of it you know it goes by really fast and all of these Seasons that you get where you’re healthy and running fast and feeling fit um you have to just honor that and go for it so I’m excited to be back here day two and it’s going to be a great another couple days of action after this okay so Heat number one Nick Tucker in lane four fadus Meo in five kyem Leslie in six Sawyer Duncan in seven and Chris Lewis in eight so there are five total Heat number one they get progressively faster from the inside Tucker Mago Leslie Duncan and Lewis and this one’s pretty tight uh out in Lane number seven Sawyer Duncan from covenant day has a slight lead you can see him there in the red top black shorts but we’ve seen a lot of disasters and hurdles nine and 10 in this meet so far so nothing is sacren so to speak but Sawyer Duncan doing a nice job in seven keeping it together and into the straightaway we go and Duncan has such an enormous lead and and really here you can see it here a little stutter step there but this is going to be a wire to wire one for Sawyer Duncan and he’s going to oh thought he almost broke UH 60 seconds Chris Lewis out in Lane nine finish the second Sawyer Duncan one 6.18 for the young man and really a fine performance having to run that race virtually by himself well you know it is so interesting because a lot of these leetes have run a 400 meter hurdle race but some of them have only run 300 meter hurdles so some you know it’s it’s different and that might be where we’re seeing a little bit of more fatigue or maybe their form or their steps are a little bit off that final 100 meters they’re not used to it I wonder how many states there are that run the 400 versus the 300 hurdles there’s not a lot of them um and we pointed that out kind of in the in the championship section that we had some really good three met hurdlers like lead better that really should have been in that fast heat um but you know didn’t have a seed time in the 400 hurdles because they run 300s all the way through the season so from the inside here in Heat number two sincere Beckham in four Yan Jang in five Henry dimitro in six osias tullk in seven Josh Johnson in eight and Isaiah Charles in nine New Balance national outdoor championships freshman boys for meter hurdles Heat number two from the inside Beckham Jong dimitro tullk Johnson and Charles well you know getting out in this race is so important to be able to establish where you are in the race and and a lot of these athletes aren’t used to running way out on the outside they always get the fast pick right when they’re in their own state or they’re in their own County or conference whatever it may be so learning how to run the different Lanes is really critical and actually a great experience for them so out in Lane number seven that’s OAS tulk who is really open it up he’s in the purple and out in Lane number nine that’s Isaiah Charles so OAS Tull really showing uh some Superior form here he negotiates that tth and final hurdle which can be the one that trips you up the most and he’ll have the fastest time of the day as he crosses the line oh I I thought he had the fastest time of the the day it looked like the clock stopped at 59 and change yes 59 flat yep and Charles second in 6075 with Josh Johnson not too far back in 697 so anyone who’s run the pen relays knows that this is that Paddock area where we all wait to get out onto the track and it’s just this kind of nerve-wracking area but to see these athletes walk through it and just to think that they maybe have run at the pen relays or they will eventually run there it’s just such a fun spot brings back a lot of memories Tom yeah yeah that Paddock area is a it’s quite a q I guess you could say OAS tulk as we see a replay pretty nice hurdling form for a freshman ran a very well-paced race and just won by a country mile yeah look strong coming in that final stretch here not a lot of stutter I mean you know you can see there’s some fatigue but he looks really strong a little bit of a head uh you know he’s bobbing his head just a little bit but he’s going hard and he had a little tiny celebration there at the end well we are starting here the third Heat it looks like it’s Bon Court Fisher stoy smari Su Sinha warts and a did not start is moi here we are coming on the backstretch so in Lane number nine with a slight lead that’s Joseph warts of Massachusetts he’s the one’s closest to the camera some interesting hurdling for him we’re certainly seeing this this event is all about technique and I don’t think we’re going to see a faster time than uh than the 59 flat we saw in the prior and it’s but it is going to be a tight race and out in Lane number seven with a slight lead that’s fatai SLE and he came on very well at the end did SLE from the reservoir Track Club 5999 he breaks the 62 barrier Joseph send up second and 6079 and aan C third and 6105 butul lives to see at least one more race as a leader as we move into heat four of seven well that was fun to see SLE he was excited about his final 100 meters I think you know he came over this last turtle and you could just see it was like he needed to get shot out of a cannon or excuse me that was second to last here’s his last Turtle but he really chopped his steps there and took off it was really fun to see that he had a little bit left in him and he was pleased with that smiling at the camera doing a little bit of a dance and you can see the results on your monitor and we’ll move now to heat number five still Breeze 90° Franklin Field Philadelphia from the inside Lane number two two aen McGary in three Gabriel Gade Zachary Brien Baker in four maxwolf wise and five Hayden Hoskins and six Tyler Hall in seven Aiden Zella and eight and Samuel pasy in Lane number nine as mentioned these races are supposed to get progressively faster in the lane number eight going out very fast in the white is Aiden zanella zanella really going hard and you can tell who’s leading by who goes over the hurdle first with the Stagger so zanella and in Lane number five Maxwell wi from San Antonia San Antonio excuse me and a lot of things can happen in this race and do happen over the last 100 meters and that’s what we’re entering right now and in Lane nine struggling a bit there is pasy and in Lane eight it’s sella and in Lane number boy this is going to be close between and it looks like wise in five 5834 so that becomes the fastest time of the day zanella 5852 the second fastest time of the day so nice job by the Freshman from San Antonio Maxwell wise winning by 1800s of a second wise look good he just kind of took his time to get up on zanella there zanella has great form he looked good he looked like he was in command of the race but all of a sudden the guy in green wise took over and really just pushed just a tiny little bit Zella didn’t have quite enough to react to that final hurdle there and wise just slowly out leans him so they now have the two fastest times and we up a little bit and we’ll move to section five again all of the these races should be faster than the previous race but there’s no guarantees in life and certainly no guarantees in track from the inside Xavier Murphy in two Dominic Hansen in three Elijah white in four Emanuel Yambo in five Kwan G eloi in six Sean cartrite in seven Clayton planton in eight and Orion Stanford in Lane number nine this is Heat number five time to beat 583 four by Maxwell [Music] wise boy Carrie I from that Championship race I cannot imagine Cade schwart trying to make that trip from Eugene to Philadelphia that could be a two transfer trip overnight to run in the race uh that’s just a just a boy do we even attempt that is impressive I had in my notes is this really happening and you know I mean it’s kind of cool to see he obviously wanted to to run on both coasts and to be at both um the u20s and out here at New Balance outdoor so Bravo to him for doing it that’s a that’s a big task from the inside Murphy Hansen white Yambo alogi cartright Blanton and Stanford time to beat 5834 and in Lane number seven going out like a shot is Sean Cartwright from Franklin Regional High School he’s the tall gentleman in the black uh tap that hurdle there and also running pretty well there on the very inside is Xavier Murphy Murphy with the white headband and now on the very very outside in Lane nine that’s Orion Stanford but Murphy really putting on a show here oh boy he really stutter stepp before that hurdle but now here he goes oh he clobbered that hurdle and yet he stays on his feet this young man has talent as as rough a job as he did on those last couple hurdles the fact that he was able to run 5806 and have the fastest time of the day so far when and in an inside Lane and kind of mangling those last two hurdles look at this carry he had the he had a sizable lead of course we had another guy go down but he takes that one okay yeah you know you can see the the speed behind it Tom he’s so fast just getting that form down look out he is going to be one force to be reckoned with and you know they’re learning you a lot of these athletes are just starting their hurdle careers so I I love it and I think we all can laugh at things that we’ve done as we were you know getting into this Sport and he is one guy I think we’re going to see do some amazing things once he gets it down a little bit he uh what was impressive was he really really really shattered that hurdle and stayed on his feet he almost lost his balance but he was able to to keep uh keep going by the way these are the 36 inch hurdles the same H uh as uh uh the international 36 hurdles uh that we see in the Olympic Games and so on now in this section number six Devin pinto and two Jack dock in three Xavier Caesar in four Alex Mapes in five DeAndre Leonard is six Elliot Williams and Seven Christian Daws in eight and Georgio brutini and nine another Xavier not Xavier Caesar who’s in Lane number four but Xavier Murphy from that last race 5806 he has the fastest time we do have a scratch DeAndre Leonard in Lane six is not there it can be difficult Carrie when you’re running in on this track especially because of it’s unusual configuration to begin with but when you’re running in Lane five and you know your nearest competitor is is uh out there quite a ways in Lane seven with no Lane six can be uh can be difficult especially when you’re a young kid and now there’s no DeAndre Leonard so no four no six so from the inside it’s Pinto dock Mapes Williams Doss and brutini as a few scratches will make this race uh somewhat interesting to uh to pick up Mapes in five has gone out super fast he’s in the red in the center of picture and he has gone out like a like extremely fast well he’s chasing those guys on the outside Lanes there so he definitely is trying to catch but yeah you got to you got to hold a little bit in too you got to be able to finish it so now in Lane number eight coming up is Christian Doss in the all black it is Dawson eight and Meson five as they straighten out and hit the home stretch this one would be tight between dos in eight and mes hits another hurdle in five Mapes has got everything going but out in the outside it is Dos in won’t be the fastest time of the day it’s 5815 mes really had some problems with his form in the last straightaway there he finishes second at 5861 you can see m in the red he negotiated that hurdle okay but then he really starts to tie up and dos comes on I think that’s where it really started to happen for him in this final hurdle you could really see that mes started to lose that form a little bit lot of lactic acid as soon as he saw dos go by him you know mentally and physically you’re already tired but when you see someone go by you it’s just so hard so I think I think he’ll look back and think okay if I can keep myself in check I will have have a better chance at out leaning somebody or being a little bit closer well you can tell by the number of bodies strewn across the infield of the uh of the Franklin Field these guys gave it their all in that race now we’ve got a great section coming up here in Lane number two Xavier akou in Lane number three Dylan ketta in four is Anthony Vil in five is Hayden Bearden he is the E he’s e on the US list from bray Bo Jesuit Indiana has run 3901 for the 300 hurdles in Lane number six Kang Martin second on the US list amongst freshman 3810 he’s from uh Huber Heights Ohio in Lane number seven Amari Scott he is fifth on the US list at 3865 and was fourth in the Georgia Six excuse me fourth in the Georgia 4 a so let’s keep close tabs on Lanes five six and 7even and that’s where the athletes with the reputations are currently running in so Lane five is Bearden in six is Martin and Scott has gone out very seven in Lane very fast in Lane seven he’s that tall drink of water out there in Lane seven and now moving up in Lane number six that’s Kang Martin Martin just came off like a shot there he’s the one that’s second on the US list this season with a 38 a 10 for 300 meter hurdles but this one’s not done yet it is Martin and Scott one two and Bearden in third as we expected this is coming down to those three and it’s going to be very very close at the finish and at Lane number six Kang Martin 5471 and that’s the fastest time of the day quite easily Scott finishes second in 5488 the second fastest time of the day Bale third in 5560 and Bearden in fourth 5587 so in this race reputations were confirmed ter Carrie yeah King Martin he came off the bend there just awesome he came into the last second to last hurdle with such great form this one just a little bit of a Stutter Step but he had enough to hold to hold off and to keep powering through he had a great race but really went hard with about 200 me to go Mari Scott he’s going to be a heck of a for meter hurdler too he’s got the physique that tall lean High center of gravity and once he gets his uh steps down he is going to be definitely a hurdler to watch these are ninth graders folks so you know pretty pretty good performances here by these by these uh folks so now we turn our attention to the girls Championship 4 meter hurdles as I said we don’t uh skip a beat here at the New Balance Nationals they get them on and get them off pretty quickly these again will be slow to fast unlike the distance races tonight which are going to be fast to slow so and this is these are relative terms of course when we say slow these are these are all just outstanding athletes who are participating here anyway in Heat number one in lane four anilla Castro in five ianni Hawker Singh and six sky blue Tyson seven Carrie web eight Billy Frasier and nine Grace Murray this is Heat number one of the championship girls any age any High School age 400 meter hurdles and we’re going to see Michelle Smith one of the great athletes in the country in any event in the ninth and final heat Michelle Smith qualified earlier today also in the 100 meter hurdles uh so it’s very exciting to be able to see what she can do she is that defending champ from last year so you know she’s she’s got got something riding on this race today so a little warmer out there today Tom a little bit more humidity good for the Sprints most definitely and and a little uh less Breezy MH which when it comes to events like these when you have step patterns and things of that nature to uh to take into account the less Breeze the better yeah yesterday we had sort of that cross wind and it was at times I think swirling a little bit in this bowl yes at pen so very hard for a race like this where you’re you’re right the timing and the footing and everything is so critical and I misspoke Carrie uh the 100 meter hurdles are to come um and Michelle Smith is in that so I misspoke a little bit there and my apologies to those of you at home that I may have misled with that comment but there are uh so many races to keep track of here well the 100 meter dashes tonight right and then the hurdles are on yep semis tonight and then the hurdles Hunter hurdles are tomorrow tomorrow okay yes so it’s uh 88° humidity 41% uh that wind again you look at the flags but they’re not indicative of the wind patterns down on the track as you pointed out car so some swirling winds but very very light uh 88° and for anything 400 meters on down 88 de and fairly high humidity it’s almost ideal conditions um you certainly don’t want to be running 88 degrees anything above 400 m but would you tend to agree with that I’d say so I mean I think these the athletes that are doing the Sprints like that they stay warm then you know you can warm up a little less time maybe than you would need to at 88 degrees but 800 meter Runners they’re going to feel it and those two MERS are definitely going to feel it later on if it doesn’t cool down it is supposed to cool down but but not you know appreciably I think by the time that uh 2 miles run about 78° or so terrible from the inside Castro sing Tyson web Frasier Murray as we get started with the championship group in the 4 meter hurdles from the second from the outside that’s Billy Frasier with a slight lead and now to her inside Carrie web in the all black moving very well down the backstretch that’s web’s third from left very nice hurdling for him there at least early in this race tapped that one but still firmly in the lead Carri web she’s only a 10th grader this entire field is actually underclassman we have three 10th graders and three juniors in this race web in Lane number seven powering just a superb performance but coming up in Lane number five that’s sing but it’s still going to be web web does a wire to wire run here and that is an impressive time 1057 for Carrie web she might have been seated in the wrong group here that’s awfully awfully impressive that will move her to uh 18th on the US list this year and that’s just in heat one but you know that’s okay I mean I’m sure that she would like to be against you know some athletes that maybe were a little bit closer to her these these all all the athletes ran great in this heat but give her a little something to get excited for now next year too just light her fire a little bit I always love that you know if they put me in the wrong heat or they said someone else was going to win a race it just added fuel to the fire and I just wanted to prove everybody wrong okay well that’s going to be pretty tough to beat that time here as we move up into heat number two from the inside Karen Augustine Denise iselia ailia green and Cy roblo so there’s only four in here and second from the outside in the pink that’s ailia green from Tallahassee Florida in the pink and keeping Pace a bit to her outside Cy reblo so it’s New York versus Florida Here and Now moving very well reo’s got very nice hle for him by the way so rblo on the outside watch her go over these hurdles she’s got a really nice snap very well coached young lady but she’s going to have uh a pair of competitors here to hold off down the straight a little stutter step there from Lane number five Dona Alia but look at how strong Cassy reblo is finishing and and very nice hurdle form this of course will not be as fast as that first race Carrie Webb really put a number on the field in that first race with one of the top 15 times in the country this year had a very nice performance nonetheless by Cassy reblo rblo looked really strong coming all the way into the home stretch and then there was I think her the hurdle that she would like to fix was that second to last one she really she didn’t quite have the same form coming over right here and that’s where the lady started to catch up to her but then it was almost like she got woken up she felt the pressure she could hear everybody around her and this last hurdle looked much better and she finished strong through that Finish Line boy I don’t know how you can tell Carrie there was there was somebody in the way on both those hurdles I couldn’t tell how how her form was wow you’ve got the eagle eyes so from the star on that second to last hurtle you know watching how great she looked that was the one that I could pick apart and I think then too she just could feel the pressure on her left shoulder there okay so next race up Heat number three Lauren bickard in four anniah fersner in five Kylie shatzel in six and Lily Eon in Lane number eight and they’re all very tightly bunched even of course they’re not really tightly bunched in reality because it’s on a stagger but in Lane number four that is Lauren bicker and in Lane number five keeping pace is an fer and those two are kind of pulling away bickard in four fersner in five and Bard looking very good very confident let’s see how she takes these last couple of [Music] hurdles and she takes them quite well as a matter of fact and I think Lauren bier’s got a pretty good one going here let’s see how she goes here on the 10th wow that was some very nice hurdling for him on the 10th and Lauren bicker although not as fast as the ringer Carrie web from the first heat still a good time 10187 third fastest time of the day picker looked great over all of her hurdles there she is a pretty Runner right she like she got over you could see the speed in between each but look at her come here into the ninth hurdle nice and smooth even though we know that this this event is one of the hardest if not the hardest in track and field again coming through that final even though there is some lactic Aid we can see a little bit of tiring here she had that last turtle look good and she came across 101 88 I believe so these are 30in hurdles the same height as the internationalists the meat record 5827 set by Mila green at Bullis in 2022 which is going to be severely threatened by Michelle Smith in that last race as we move to heat number four Destiny Baker in two Jada Wilson in three Ariana Thomas in four Carmen pen Peno pardon me in five Amina Ron in six Maya rich in seven Sabrina Sardar in eight and Anna Wy in nine I’ll tell you Carrie I was so impressed with Lauren bier’s last couple hurdles the nine and 10 just really beautiful hurdling form astounding for somebody in High School to have that good a form and in Lane number six exactly and in Lane number six Amina Ron in the gray really going out fast that’s ran down the backstretch in the all gray she’s an 11th grader representing bwood Elite and making up the Stagger on just about everybody here is amone so now we take a look that was hurdle eight let’s see what she does here on her nine and also running very well on the outside is Anna Wy and now oh boy we got a little bit of lead change here as we straighten out in Lane number three that’s Jada Wilson from Ann Arbor and Wilson is going to hang on here a well-paced race and again our ringer from the first heat carrye web holding on at 6057 as Wilson runs 6256 and Amina Ron runs 6328 I love the fact that that uh K Carrie Webb has has really pulled a number so far in these first few races let’s see how long she can go for as the fastest runner good home stretch battle carry oh yes for sure you know was fun to see the athlete in Lane three coming on strong kind of silent but violent right like just hang it out hang it out until she got to that home crowd and heard that and then she powered home it was fun okay here we go uh in Heat number five Megan Hatcher in two Maggie Scalzo in three Kagan Leonard in four Harriet Healey in five emilene Clark in seven Skylar gavier in eight and Kira Anthony in nine and I think uh Carrie webs 10 uh 6057 May last another race out in Lane number eight that is Skyler scaver skair in eight and then on the very inside Megan Hatcher and as they go over hurdle 9 a little a little stutter step skair and now we straighten out in lane two indeed Megan Hatcher powering away here and Hatcher’s going to win from scalo and Carrie web with that 6057 still holding serve as we move to heat number six well you said it you called Megan Hatcher was just on that inside Lane and you know a lot of times you don’t see them very very very much until they get into that final stretch and she looked really strong she had a great race there’s a lot of good coaching being done at the high school level I I just see like certain technical things that you wouldn’t necessarily expect from these young athletes you’re seeing in these races and it’s so nice to see so many good ex AET and I think you made this point last night so many good ex-athletes going into the coaching ranks yeah I think that that’s something that you know we’re going to just see now I mean my mom wasn’t an athlete she she would have been a heck of an athlete but she didn’t have that opportunity and now we’re seeing more women that are in the sport or were in the sport getting back into coaching which is great okay Tatum Lynn from Bullis in two Athena Peterson in three aoui Garrett in four reri Wild goose in five Divine bam gabo in six Sydney Nettles one of the top three in hurdlers in the country in Lane number eight and Payton Drumright and nine that’s Nettles second from the left she was second in the Georgia state 300 hurdles this year and she’s already run a 621 and she is in the lead 6215 this year her 300 hurdles of 4186 is equal 18th on the US list and Sydney Nettles going to town here and we may have a new leader after this one Carrie Nettles I thought was maybe not put in the right heat and she is leading although in Lane number two that’s Tatum Lynn from Bullis and it’s Lynn now that’s going to take the win here and that is the fastest time of the day as Lynn and nettles go one two and onew on the day 10 6022 for Lynn 6056 for Nettles and Payton Drumright also throws in a 60.98 three under 61 and Carri web finally off the leaderboard well Tatum Lynn she really just timed it perfectly she’s going to be happy with how she ran this race you know as she was closing closing closing and finally over that last final hurdle is where she took the lead and just had enough to get through the Finish Line finishing in the clo the fastest time of the day 1 minute 22 I’ve seen a lot of lane two and Lane three runners win races today kind of unusual to say the least although John aiua won the Olympic 400 meter hurdles out of Lane number one and I believe Angelo Taylor did the very same thing in Athens 2004 when you were at the Olympics yep okay so we moving excitably forward we’re now into heat number seven Natasha Mosley in two Carrie vanoi in four AA nebble in five Sophia Swindell in six Addison white in seven and Avery Davis in nine and in Lane number eight or in Lane number it’s like in Lane number seven that’s Addison white in the white top Addison white in the lead she’s a dominative hurdler but she’s got terrific technique and as they straighten out it is Addison white and all Addison white and she’s pouring it on there she is in white and Lane number seven negotiates that fine final hurdle and Addison white is going to win this going away 1037 that makes her the second fastest time of the day it also makes her the 16th fast fastest performer nationally this year Well Addison white traveling all the way from Minnesota don’t you know so she’s going all the way out there to Philadelphia where I loved calling College my home when I went to Villanova but she had a great race there just excited to be out there you could see the power and the energy that she had coming over each hurtle and then as she finished just excited and and given up the heart sign on the camera that was kind of fun moving now to Lane number 8 time to beat one or 60 whatever you want to call it 1022 or 60.2 2 2 and in Heat number eight taaya Ferguson in two Kendall Barnett in three or Barnhart in three pardon me Ariana Allen in five Alexandria Scott six Ava Weiss in seven Ariana Garcia in eight and Nicole geni in nine and third from the left that’s Alexandria Scott from New Jersey who has made up the Stagger on the outside and now on two outs side Lanes question is did she go too hard too early that can always be a factor here in this race and you can tell who’s leading by who goes over the hurdle first and it is Scott but to her outside the very outside Nicole Gangi who’s only a 10th grader so Scott first over that hurdle geni second over that hurdle can Scott hold on here negotiates nine very well and SC got negotiates excuse me negotiates eight just negotiated nine and now coming up on 10 no problem all three of those hurdles done very well by Scott and Scott wins it in 1051 that becomes the third fastest time of the day so now we move to heat number nine and this is where the uh the really fine fine athletes are in now this is Raya white in Lane number nine she was the Ohio State 100 meter and 300 meter H hurdle champion this year at 300 hurdles has run 4175 Abigail Dennis from New Jersey in Lane number eight certainly one of our favorites here Juliana lior from North Reading but in Lane number six right here is the favorite her best 5596 is equal fifth on the alltime high school so excuse me we’re on Morgan Round Tree here in Lane five round tree ninth on the US list won the Michigan High School 300 hurdles and was second in the 100 meter hurdles Natalie Dumis in four Leila Payne will be running out of Lane three from Houston Texas she’s a junior and Sophia Curtis in Lane number two Michelle Smith are prohibited favor did not start so that’s a bit of a shock so we have an open Lane where Michelle Smith would have been in and that would have been Lane six so who’s going to win this race well Morgan rry would appear to be the favorite Round Tree White and nettles possibly liger it should be a good one certainly more competitive than if Michelle Smith was probably in the race carry yeah well liger is number six on the US list right now she won her State Champs in the 400 meter flat and in the 400 hurdles so she’s got that strength she’s also a pentathlete so we know that she can handle that lactic acid in the pain of going over 400 meter hurdles should be a very interesting race from the inside Curtis Payne Dumas Round Tree liger Dennis and white and fourth from right that’s Morgan Round Tree in the yellow and round tree with great leg extension she takes the hurdle first to her inside is Dumas round tree looks so so smooth and confident but this is going to be a close one and it is definitely Round Tree but on her inside is Dumis and how they take these last couple hurdles going to be key Dumis in the lead and Dumis takes nine very very well Dumis and round Tre one two nobody near them Dumis and round Tre wow Natalie Dumis is going to put a great time on the boards just misses the meat record 5832 Milo Green’s meat record from 2022 survives another day but a great performance by Natalie Dumis she’s only a 10th grader carry yeah Dumis looked great just winding that entire race up it was she didn’t get out the fastest but when she went over that eighth hurdle that’s really where she sort of really put that that power behind it and and closed up that Gap going over ninth and 10th really strong so here she is coming into the the home stretch here you can see she already has quite a bit of distance now coming into the final hurdle and look how smooth she gets over and then goes again digs hard all the way through that finish line with a little bit of a dip checking out that time and knowing she had a great day 58 32 that is a really impressive run for a couple reasons number one as you pointed out she paced herself very very well started to really make her surge on Hurdle eight but number two being only a 10th grader and number three good leg speed excellent technique for 10th grader and this young lady is somebody to definitely keep an eye on that was really impressive okay so now we move to the Freshman no rest for the weary this is Heat number one of seven they will get progressively faster Gary in five hill in six gay in seven xanden in eight and Cornish in nine still relatively close Alli Dumis by the way from Vorhees New Jersey but I don’t know that anything would have really prepared us Carrie for that kind of performance for this young lady that was looked very strong she looked like she knew what she was doing and timing her PE right for Nationals You Know a Man Okay so this one’s a real nailbiter in Lanes five seven and eight it’s very close and now it’s a it looks like in Victoria xanden 6786 young lady from Maine by the way there’s a terrific Sprinter from Maine that we saw earlier today in the 100 who is going to be a major major Factor um because you’re not used to seeing or excuse me she was from Rhode Island Lisa Ray my gosh he looked good 1127 meet record in the 100 and uh she’s only a 10th grader you don’t you don’t necessarily see great track athletes out of Maine and Rhode Island because their states are so small but my gosh a nice performance there by Victoria xanden the ninth grader from Maine 6786 kept her poison composure down the straight a little bit of a chop but then once she got it squared away she was on her way just had a little bit extra and that’s all you need okay we’re moving on to uh Heat number two in Lane number four Jaya Benjamin five orani Urban six Alison Perez seven Evelyn angert eight Molly Shaw n nine excuse me Lisa coru time to beat 67. 86 what I I’m still kind of car’s still kind of amazed at that performance by Dumas just so impressive you know all it takes is one big breakthrough race and that’s what I keep telling all these young athletes you know if they get frustrated or they just don’t know if it’s going to be them I’m like just stay with it because all you need is one breakthrough and once you have that then you can really start tweaking things and you really get excited about what’s next well put very well put Carrie from the inside Benjamin Irvin per Perez anger Shaw foro you can see a wide pan of this beautiful stadium in Philadelphia Pennsylvania with all the activity there on the infield and Outfield this is another close one and on the very inside that is jayb Benjamin in the pink with a slight lead Benjamin in Lane number four races should be getting progressively faster Benjamin and four hanging on in the all red little Chopped there but not too bad can she go wire to wire she’s taking nine now little chop there too and now coming up on in Lane five that’s orani Irvin and now they are even over 10 and Irvin’s got the momentum and Irvin’s going to win this race with a well-timed finish 10931 clearly that race not uh as fast as what we saw in the prior heat so we’ll move now to the third Heat well irin looked excited about that she’s doing her muscles showing her her biceps there when she finished but yeah I mean you can see that here she has that strength Benjamin went out real hard she dictated this race from the gun but it was irin that had the last 50 that really was spectacular you could see a little bit of a of a bobble of the head but really she kept it together nice lean there which she’s going to need to use in the future years I’m sure but she looked good 10931 and she was Happ happy with it so congratulations what’s hard about this race Carrie is that uh you know you’re counting your steps between the hurdles you are so you’re having to think which can be pretty hard when you’re into massive oxygen debt and then you have to focus on your Technique as well as the steps that you’re taking between hurdles there’s a lot going on in the mind more so than a lot of other track and field events and I also just love this Carnage that we’re looking at you know it’s yeah it in the 400 it doesn’t hit you until you almost let it come down you know it takes a good like 15 30 seconds and then it’s just like what I just do to myself right so from the inside here in Heat number three pass Poca Sangre in three in two excuse me Violet Patton in three Jenna luom in four patient soy in five Adriana Crabtree in six giovan vich in seven Justina corom in Lane number eight and taking the first hurdle first or that f as we’ve seen coming at us is rose rose pocasangre Pocas sandre there with the early lead in three and although a 400 you consider as an allout Sprint there is a fair amount of holding back that you have to do to make sure you’re not just completely at gassed by the last hurdle time again where there are Falls and there are things that happen in these final hurdles so pocasangre pretty much wire to wire here although moving up now in Lane number six is Adriana Crabtree and maybe it’s going to be tight crab tree with a nice finish and uh certainly uh not one of our faster times but uh but just as much heart it was fun to watch these athletes Crabtree and Poca Sangre you could see them almost dip their head after they would get over a hurdle and just dig in and go again you know they were sprinting as fast as they could in between these hurdles which is obviously what we need to do when we’re running the 400 meter hurdle race but it was fun to see the passion and the excitement that they had and they better be pleased with that because they went for it they gave it everything they had okay so now we’re going to uh move on to heat number four ironically Carrie each of the Heats has gotten slower which is the exact opposite of how this is supposed to work but it’s an inexact science especially with freshman yep so Heat number four brinsley hiscox in four in two excuse me Morgan zamet in three Elia McDonald in four falola aaku in five leani in six Aubrey guy in seven Amelia Ruben in eight and Paige Justice in nine and already you can see the tempo is much faster in this race than we’ve had in the prior couple and out in Lane number seven making a mark early that’s Aubrey guy so guy there in the gray moving very well nice hurdle technique there let’s see what kind of finishing close she has she’s starting to Tire a little bit can she hang on on her inside that’s Leilani figuroa or excuse me that’s not that’s fun Lola aaku and now it’s fun Lola aaku who has come on right there in the middle of the track do not count out in Lane for Aaliyah McDonald Here Comes McDonald oh alalo is not going to want to give it up but McDonald gets it alalu crashes I’m sorry that was Morgan zamet excuse me zamet wins by 700s of a second over aaku so that was Morgan zamet my apologies to the zamet family so zamet way behind Carrie at this point yeah and she really timed it out and she could see a little bit of faltering happening with aaku just a little bit though she looks very strong but it was all zit at the end if she had another 50 meters to go I think she would have that would have been her race right there she was just gaining momentum each and every hurdle over the last couple hurdles there so Morgans and met now is the fastest time as one would expect in the way that this is supposed to work by the way the you’re young in an oh go ahead Tom oh I was going to say the meat record for this event 10275 set by Jasmine Robinson last year smoking so here we go and the uh we are underway and all the activity on the outside there in Lane number six and seven tiia Phillips and Phoebe K Smith with the early lead Phillips in the gray corus Smith in the white this one appears to be a little bit slower than what we’ve seen from the prior races little stutter steps for both athletes there but they’re together Phillips in six corus Smith in [Music] seven a lot of chopping for the young woman in Lane five Taylor gains and it looks like Lane seven Phoebe corus Smith will hold on gains is coming and gains at the wire wow jeez was that a final 10 meter burst by Taylor Gams time not spectacular but boy was that finish spectacular sure was you know we were watching gains the whole time her hurdling is maybe new she didn’t look like she had the best hurdles today but does she ever have potential in between those hurdles so getting that form down is so crucial and she’s only in the ninth grade you know this could be one of the very first times that she’s ever really run in a big race like this in the hurdles but you can see how much talent she has look at she came so hard here in the last 30 meters and just out leaned what a fun race wow that was uh was somewhat stunning how fash she closed wow um all right so we’re moving on to heat number six our all stars are in Heat number seven and Heat number six Lane number two Deva Crow and four Gina minichello in five Mariah Marshall in six Malia pritchet in seven Madison Ross an eight Cody mot and a nine samama Bell and you can see the difficulty when you’re running in lane two and Lane four is so far out because there is no Lane three and running well in Lane number eight in the red that is Cody mot from scorpions track club and also running well in Lane seven Madison Ross from bwood Elite so seven and eight 678 let’s throw in Malia pritet of coastal George pritet there in the gray now with the lead pritet and Ross and pritet let’s see how she negotiates nine here does well with it we got some others that are coming up can pritet hold on we got five any one of these could potentially win this race oh we got a tumble and out in Lane number eight taking advantage of that is Cody mot in 10525 which is the fastest time of the day so far what a dramatic finish pritet just a half second behind so was definitely the hunted today Mallet was hunting and that is the position that you want to be in you can see Mallet there out on the outside in the all black just coming hard over that last 10 that 10th hurdle and really holding her own oh did she have a great last H meters it was really strong and she’s going to be pumped about that indeed and and um I I I was super impressed because the athlete just to her outside of course fell in that race Deva Crow so that was an impressive finish you know it’s kind of hard to keep your kind of U Poise when all that’s going on okay so Heat number seven Galas in two brittman in three Murphy in four Chadwick in five Rubenstein in six Bowden in seven Robinson in eight and Thompson in nine Bowden is third on the US list by the way at 4 319 this season she is in Lane number seven but it is in Lane number six Rena Rubenstein who has the early lead Bowden third on the US list for freshman and Marshall 11th on the US list uh among freshman and in Lane number looks like maybe Lane five that’s Sydney Chadwick still holding on and as they straighten out it is Chadwick in five Rubenstein in six and Sydney Chadwick really impressive wow 6165 that is smoking fast adjusted to 6163 and that is a new meat record by over a second by Sydney Chadwick and a really impressive performance well Bowden was trying to give her everything everything that she had Tom and Chadwick just had the upper hand here look at how hard Bowden is coming trying to close in on her but Chadwick was not going to have that and she ran great and Carrie that’s the fastest time in the country this year by a ninth grader woo a new meat record and a superior performance by Chadwick wow it very impressive performance all the way around Chadwick behind her Bowden who had the major credentials coming in third on the US list for freshman but that was at 300 hurdles and you pointed out that one extra 100 can make a big difference Bowden was second Rena Ruben steam ran very well as well and she was third in 10268 as the top six all came from that final Heat as one would expect Sierra Murphy in fourth siah Robinson in fifth and a Bria Thompson in six and Carrie we may be having a bit of a looks like we will be able to there is a bit of weather in the area and so the goal here is to try to run the 100 meter semis as scheduled we hope that that uh weather can pass Us by there’s going to be three Heats of course everybody’s eyes will certainly be on the man that’s been making a lot of noise this year Christian Miller of St John Striders Miller is the National High School record holder for the 100 meters that record stood for quite some time 993 he also holds the US under 20 record at 993 he’s second on the alltime world under 20 list to let seal to BOGO who won silver and bronze medals at the world championships for batswana you can see the temperature here 90° humidity 40% feels like 91 it feels like perfect sprinting conditions and so it’ll be very exciting to see what these young men will do you know Carrie I don’t know if you remember maybe a little bit before your time but the 1991 World Championships in Tokyo it was kind of that high humidity possible thunderstorms coming in and that’s when the Mike Powell versus Carl Lewis long jump competition took place that was when the Carl Lewis 998600 took place it’s these types of electrical kind of conditions that produce outstanding Sprint performances well let’s bring it on Christian Miller and everyone else you know Christian just had a great race in Atlanta just a couple weeks ago where he was sandwiched between Terrence Lair and then he was in front of Matthew bowling I mean two big big names that we all know and this young man is just not afraid of anybody yes he ran 2054 in that Edwin Moses Invitational he’s also run 2051 this season there will be AEF for the horizont first in the Florida 4 A200 last year he was first in the usatf under 20200 last year and uh won the New Balance Nationals 200 and the 4×1 100 met relay so I I uh can hear in the background that maybe the delay is going to happen now perhaps guidance thank you waiting a word from our crack team uh in Philadelphia and Eugene to find out what exactly uh we’ve got going on on here yeah it is always hard to have those last minute delays you know the the 100 meter guys and gals they are warmed up they’re ready to go and to be told they have to wait as tough and then also you know we have the 4X eights coming up the 4X tws I’m sure the 4×200 meter relay athletes haven’t quite started theirs but you know the 4×8 guys and gals have been out there doing their warmup so that’s the hard part figuring out what do we do now do we do it it all over again do we just go for a quick little shake out just again more experience okay so it looks like yep there they are there they are and please keep your eyes peeled on Christian Miller who is is such an intriguing character he’s obviously qualified for the US Olympic Tri in the 100 m and uh I wouldn’t put anything past this young man he’s running in Lane number five he has the red Trunks and the white top he has a teammate of the St John Striders there with him Joshua Howell who’s in Lane three please do not get them confused they both have white headbands on in Lane number two a Southmore from Freedom Track Club will be Joshua Johnson in Lane three the aforementioned Howell a 10th grader in lane four Jonathan walrath from North Carolina the senior in Lane five as we’ve mentioned the senior Christian Miller already one of the greatest High School sprinters in American history the National Record holder at 993 second on the world under 20 list at 993 only behind L seal Tobago in Lane number six is Gabriel Scott an 11th grader in Lane number seven perryan Williams in eight Joshua Amil and in Lane number nine Micah Walker Miller earlier today and the 12th of 13 Heats ran 1038 another announc in qualifying there is a storm within five miles of the stadium the entire event will be on a pause please listen for further guidance thank you for your attention under the conour in the please leave the track facility please leave the infield thank you for your cooperation please stay safe so they’re walking off the 100 meter Runners just to say were about to get on the track and we will have a minimum 30 minute delay here due to the inclement conditions on the uh in the area and uh St stay tuned to because we will post updates as to when we will resume competition again there will be a pause for the entire competition please listen for any further announcements keep everyone safe during the competition e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e well we’re back at the New Balance National High School track and field championships at uh historic Franklin Field on the Campus of the University of Pennsylvania we’ve had a rain delay that’s lasted about an hour and a half but we are ready to go it was a dramatic pause because we’re just about ready to see Christian Miller The New National High School record holder he was on the track almost in his blocks when they H had the rain delay and actually the thunderstorm delay I should say for um this extended period I’m joined By Dana G orano uh eight-time heptagonal Champion a third in the NCAA 1500 meters in 2016 a graduate of Dartmouth lifetime best of 40862 15806 85178 for 3000 and all eyes will be on Christian Miller here in Lane five Dana so here we go in Lane number two is Josh Carina Christi Miller all eyes will be on him and six Gabriel Scott in seven peran Williams eight Joshua on and in nine Michael Walker keep your eyes Lane five mdle track white jersey red short Christian Miller got a next in Lane five looking really smooth R 1038 in the heat look at this young man fly wow Christian Miller in the semifinals after two and a half hour 90 minute rain delay excuse me and the young man explodes with a 996 win 1.2 m per second and this young man headed to the University of Georgia and to the US Olympic trials in a couple of weeks boy he looks magnificent 96 for Miller there you go we got you now Dana I think maybe not Jonathan wallworth at second 1029 Gabriel Scott third what a what a semi four young men under 1040 Gabriel Scott in third and 1033 996 Christian Miller that’s a an absolute Barn Burning meat record the second fastest time in history among high schoolers 996 995 it’s been adjusted to now for Christian Miller 1.2 me per second win what did you think of that one Dana you know I think I just heard in the background that’s a Franklin Field record and I want to get a confirmation on that but it is something that you don’t see every day an athlete coming out and absolutely taking a heat by charge and I I wasn’t sure if I Was Heard earlier but a wet track is a fast track thank you so in this semifinal as they’re moving quickly through here keep an eye on zamari Sanders he’s in Lane number five ran 1036 to win his heat he has the high school leader at 200 met in 2050 he just a Southmore American Heritage in Florida he was the Florida State 3A 204 by1 Champion again just a 10th grader Lane number five and boy he’s out fast he’s in the yellow top he’s got some good competition from Antoine Hughes but this is going to be Zari Sanders at the line and a relatively eased up 1040 4 now that one was into a minus 0.2 M pers second win janal Harris of North Carolina Second and 1049 so zamari Sanders has booked passage into the final a final that will be seemingly dominated by Florida sprinters Christian Miller could be the most uh exciting and and hard to believe that you can say this in the era of the Noah lyes and the Michael Normans and everything like that but Christian Miller may be the most exciting young Sprinter on the planet at this point in time and that was just a tour to force as we move now into heat number three Dylan Woodruff from IMG Academy in two Simeon Adams in three Shawn McCullum kind of an interesting Talent ran 1056 in the Heats he’s run 1037 this year and is the pen 100 meter Champion fourth in the New Balance indoors in uh earlier this winter Jake OD Jordan in Lane number five OD Jordan ran a PR 1038 in the Heats and won the New Balance Indoor 200 meters Johnny DWI is running out of Lane number six this is the deepest of the semifinals he’s undefeated in 12 races this year has run 1021 and 2086 six Carson Edwards in Lane seven Floyd Samuels Jr in eight and Marlin Nome in Lane number nine on the bubble Joshua Howell with the 1037 top two automatic will make the final little bit of a all start potentially there they’re going to bring the athletes back into the blocks got a lot of people a Franklin Field record there have been legendary Olympians that have run here in you have set that record let’s talk about that it was great from the start to the finish everything was executed perfectly I ran through looked at the time I knew it was fast and all I can say that’s just God working his magic and all I can say is we can’t de see you in the finals congratulations well that’s well put we can’t wait to see Christian Miller in the final so um Simeon Adams of Georgia in LAN number three charged with the false start so we’ll restart this again The Heavy Hitters McCullum in four oday Jordan in five and twire in Lane number six very deep semi here fastest qualifying time 995 top two automatically advance and then the next two fastest at this point Jas Joshua Howell sitting on the bubble with a a good great bubble time 10:37 and McCullum out pretty well but in the middle of the track that looks like DWI DWI and DWI in 1032 into a 1.4 meter pers second win the other automatic qualifying time Jake OD day Jordan in 1041 that was into a minus 1.4 M pers second win boy these times are just absolutely Sensational and wow uh just brilliant performances in these three semis and I don’t say that lightly and a Johnny DWI from New Jersey undefeated in 13 races this year and he has booked passage to the final unfortunately Shawn McCullum will not get in with that 104 2 it just goes to show the progression of high schoolers these days 1042 not making the final out of high school Nationals but as we see just the strength of these athletes coming through that was a great performance from a Johnny DWI leading there in the middle in the white okay so now the ladies take Center Stage the girls 100 meter semifinals and as I said uh before here your automatic qualifiers onnly and McCullum just missing out as I said before the uh we went into this thunderstorm delay the um combination of the heat humidity and a little electricity in the air has proven to be a a great grounding point for some exceptional performances I was talking about the 1991 World Championships when Carl Lewis and Mike Powell went back uh back and forth against one one another and Carl Lewis in that 100 as well running the 986 in this heat adja Hajj the British Virgin Island National Record holder at 1111 she had the fastest time second fastest time in the qualifying at 11:31 ran brilliantly she will be in Lane five from Up verie Academy and you can see adja Haj there in the middle boy she is a strong athlete in the blue fourth from the right and it is all adah Haj and adah Hajj cruises to an easy Victory excellent out of the blocks 1136 official stto igua was second 1149 now that win was 2.4 m/ second aing so it would be wind AED but we’ve seen runners in the four races so far the three men and the one woman go from a minus. n to a plus 2.4 and you can see ad dejaj wearing her British version Islands flag there on her left arm and you can see ad Deja Haj getting out pretty hard a great start there in the middle in the purple and adasia is no stranger to winning at the New Balance Nationals and you can see her really closing very strong and not slowing it up at all before cruising through to take the Heat win so Hajj and aguillo will be the automatic qualifiers on the bubble will be Ryan Jennings at 1157 so here we go with semi number two Vanessa we she’s just an eighth grader she is running in Lane number two Sade Gray from Louisiana will be in three Kiera Davis in four Lisa Ray a great story a 10th grader out of Rhode Island of all places West War Road Island she ran a meet record 1129 in the heat she’s in Lane five Brianna Selby six CHL Holmes and seven Ariana Griggs and eight and summer Melo and nine and again Ray fourth from the right in the red and she is explosive and look at her go this young lady from Rhode Island wow another blistering time another meat record and it’s hard to believe that this young lady is just 10 in the 10th grade 1121 however it is wind AED 2.8 m/s but so impressive nevertheless she wins by almost 3/10 of a second over charmell Holmes never has a sprinter from the state of Rhode Island come out the way that Lisa Ray has and Lisa Ray getting out a little bit slow out of the blocks there in the pink but easily makes up for it as she cruises through this 100 m not leaving anything behind what a beautiful form to take this second heat of the girls 100 meter dash Lisa Ray was second in the uh uh in in the national championships in the uh indoor 60 and 200 she’s also a great hurdler 1406 for the 100 meter hurdles 4253 for the 300 meter hurdles this young lady can do it all and you can see our runner space dice stack correspondent Eric bull down there interviewing Lisa Ray and for good reason she should be the center of attention and the matchup between her and hjj could be quite quite interesting and we now move to the third semi of course sumay always denotes two but in track and field it usually means three and in this one Ania kit the favorite Lane number five from IMG Academy meline Cooper in two Amir neith in three Aaliyah Varnado in four kit in five kamora Lee Williams in six J Jaya Bailey in seven Taylor Askin eight Sarah duresa nine and holding him up there for a second and let’s talk a little bit about a couple of these athletes Ania kit ran her lifetime best in the Heats at 11:43 she’s also a 2353 200 Runner and if they’re going to call a false start well then it looks pretty obvious in Lane number three Amira Nesmith the 10th grader would be the guilty party there and that’s something that you hate to see at any level and it’s very hard to see the outside lanes because there’s so many people that are standing around the start there the track is so close to the stand so any sort of noise can upset the sprinters uh with the fans that close and they are going to keep Amira Nesmith maybe because somebody said something in the stands or yelled something or whatever so what appeared to be an obvious false start was not so obvious she remains in the field so no Superstar in this one like we’ve seen in the other two with Ray and hodj let’s see who emerges Victorious here an excellent start there for IMG academ’s Ania kit and kit out the finish lane six Cura Lee Williams just edged out kit that wi 0.2 so we went from a 2.4 to a 0.2 that’s why I don’t like advancers on time because the winds change so much uh but uh so the advancers on time are going to be the one of them a 2.4 M pers second win behind them and one a 2.8 m per second behind them but the automatic qualifiers kamur Lee Williams and anniah kit and anay had a little bit of a slow start there but it looks as if coming on for a stronger finish and it was a battle to the line to take those last two qualifying spots in this girls 100 met and now we have our final set for tomorrow after these three Heats we do indeed and and Kamara Lee Williams and anayia kit don’t you know take nothing away from them they had the 13th and 14th fastest times they get into the final because the top two automatically qualify but with the win readings going from 0.2 to 2.8 such a short Sprint like this that’s why you don’t see any cues for those listed from seven to 10 um because of the substantial wind difference I’ve always believed you need to advance by place a not by time specifically because of what we just saw and uh seems qu Lane if we want to do that we have the final two Auto qualifiers there as I mentioned the 13th and 14th fastest on time but if they had the same wind that heats one and two did maybe they would have been a much much faster probably would have been much faster so um the vagaries of the conditions and those time qualifiers are saai win of pensan and Vanessa wait with 11.54 and 11.56 is those last two times and Vanessa wait the eighth grader and we’ve got a ninth grader that advances to the final in stto aguillo so now we turn our attention to the boy ways 4 by8 4 by eight and so we are going to have four Heats they are um progressively the the first heat actually should be the best heat in this particular competition I believe we’re going in decent ending order and one can see in this 4×8 we have a couple of uh outstanding teams union Catholic anchored by James wasen should definitely be one of the favorites they’re out seventh from the inside and we have 17 teams in this heat one it is a large Heat it is indeed so we have the Norman Track Club the I 270 Track Club Westfield Marshfield Chambersburg K Zoom the aforementioned union Catholic West Orange Old Mill Titan Elite Boardman DC Cadets Newton Center classical sky the limit God love the name of that track club sky the limit Spanish River and the whippits whippets is another good name here so conditions much cooler than before the delay this is exactly what the are looking for as well 78 degrees and the wind about 7 miles per hour but in a stadium like this you don’t feel it as much you’ll see the flags probably at some point where they’ll show the wind moving quite a bit but because we’re in a bowl there is a Le wind a little bit of a swirl one of the funner events to certainly watch because of the uh so many uh machinations and I’m just seeing that union Catholic the team that I built up so much here just is uh a scratch as is Marshfield so now I guess we can say it’s a fairly open competition Dana you have somebody you like in this one you know I’m from New Jersey so any New Jersey teams are ones that I’m rooting for but I think the beauty 4×8 is just the way that teams structure it so do you put your fastest runner on leg one and it looks like we had a little bit of a mess of that start there a little aggressive nature but once we get around these cones we should see the athletes settling in and whoever thinks they’re the fastest today will try to get out nice and hard okay well we uh we’re down to 15 teams so that makes it a little bit more manageable and of course the teams are representing their clubs the fastest time that I can ascertain um this year is an 81401 by a team from Buffalo uh excuse me from the team from the Wyoming state championship so whatever uh ends up happening here we’re very likely to have the fastest time in the country this year because that’s of course about a 2035 per leg and I’m sure these young men are going to be hoofing it um somewhere in the neighborhood uh you know up a probably at least a 745 to 750 I would imagine and it looked as if we were around a we’ll get the split here for that first lap but it looked around bit on 61 62 so everyone was in it and now you can see the pack stringing out some of those athletes felt like they could go at faster pace and we’re really seeing a separation of the team after that first lap so the meat record uh set last year by the Six Mile Track Club 736 81 not sure if we have the caliber of uh that in this field but you never know that’s a good that’s a good time 736 comes out to about 154 per leg and that is for a high school to team to have that kind of quality is exceptional so we hand off get our first handoffs here and uh waiting on the the data to give us the exact splits here DC cadetes at 15924 classical 15948 Westfield one of your New Jersey schools 159 78 Boardman 2029 everybody pretty much in it and uh with a nominal lead uh a nominal lead here is the looks like Titan Elite [Music] and West Orange New Jersey has now moved into the lead life Smith from West Orange a very strong at least first 400 for him and a substantial lead nice turnover for this young man so life Smith has one more or I’m sorry got the eight with the three here that is Westfield so this is James Hamilton of Westfield and he’s got an enormous lead here and Hamilton will pass off with a significant lead as Westfield from New Jersey third leg is Caleb stokan 1552 for James Hamilton 15663 for Ivan tasko for Norman and 15890 for Paul Robinson of DC Cadets and those three have some separation there as you can see but Caleb Stan’s got got some uh Running Room to be sure here and of course pacing is so important you want to make sure and not give up the lead that your two teammates before you have given you but you also want to keep something in reserve in case somebody comes up and and you need to keep going so Caleb stokan for Westfield looking very smooth he’s got one lap to go in his leg but there is a contingent of four teams that are coming up question is whether stokan is going to be able to hang on here so obviously Westfield wants to get through this leg relatively UNS skate and it’s going to be a very difficult chore because there is company here for stokan and he is really struggling and we’re going to come up now into the final stretch stokan may just hang on here as we pass off and Norman enrio Pella was on that leg Rim 1588 KB stokan 20113 for Westfield but the big story was Jake Kramer for the I 270 Track Club as he ran 15616 for his leg so some hoofing going on there in that last so it’s Norman Westfield and I 270 so Norseman and Westfield Luke Davis for Norman Christian bonap for Westfield again that meat record 6 736 it’s going to be of course not broken here but but I’ll tell you what Luke Davis is running a sensational anchor leg for the Norsemen and he has opened it up and it looks like maybe I 270 has moved into second and this one’s not over yet coming into the home straight and Luke Davis will hold on but a tremendous anchor leg behind him 75095 Thomas Breen classical ran 15328 and so 75095 for the Norsemen a nice 155 33 for Luke Davis classical Thomas Breen with that 15328 wow that was a terrific anchor leg and yet Old Mill Track Club Colin prao down in seventh he runs a 152 27 anchor leg so you see the start of the race here a lot of jostling a little pushing and we even had one team that got into the that got into the inside Lane and here’s the first handoff this was at a point when Westfield was leading very early in the race there were a lot of twists and turns and then this was the final exchange Westfield really lost it on this anchor leg but just a terrific job by classical Thomas Breen to bring them home in second and Norman Luke Davis he did hit a home run on that an leg that was a great performance so Norman went two 2 minutes 92 15663 1588 and 15533 nice outing for them we had five teams under eight minutes which is obviously un averaging under two minutes and that to me is a litmus test of how good you are and we now move to the second section here we have the Warriors peel paste Track Club Pike Creek Spartans Greenwich blackpoint Braves natural selection ironmen Bishop chitar Raiders Carolina Cavaliers OTS Brothers tnf Butler HS Plainsboro and A2 looks like compared to our first section they’re getting out a little stronger going through that 200 and about 30 seconds that’s about 2 minute pace for the 800 and again we have a large heat here and you can see them all strung out in that beautiful golden hour on the track so the time to beat from that first section is 75095 from Norseman TC and going through 400 and about 60 is seconds we’re right on that 2-minute pace and we have three teams running strong out front the men in purple try to get the names of these teams here in a moment and that’s A2 TC in the purple going against that Plaines borrow track club and on the outside we have an athlete coming around saying this pace is too slow for me getting into this always a little choppy exchange Zone one of the best best parts of this Stadium Franklin fears the iconic exchange almost halfway up the track and it looks like we have the team from Butler High School splitting a 15570 so they really picked it up on that second lap followed by A2 TC Plainsboro TC and Iron Man TC all coming together and out front Butler has made some serious distance between at2tc and Plainsboro can they hold on to this massive lead it’s hard running out there alone by yourself but when you have three other boys on your team cheering for you with the New Balance Nationals it means something different and it looks like the athlete from Butler TC our second athlete Cory Snider may be slowing down just to touch after getting out like wildfire that first 200 and Hope doesn’t look over his shoulder cuz he’ll see the rest of the entire field coming through that’s Cory Snider leading out for Butler TC and once we zoom out we’ll see how close about 20 M back is the rest of the pack where we’ve seen some shakeups as well looks like Bishop Shard coming through in second right now now followed by Iron Man TC so we have Butler bishop and Iron Man and keep an eye out for this move right here Butler’s done such a great job of leading it out but coming down that final straightaway you get a little bit of extra energy coming towards your teammates as we come in exchange to the third athlete we’ll get the splits in just a second here and a little bit of a fall for the exchange for A2 it’s always a little bit of craziness especially in these large Heats but hopefully all the athletes are back on their feet and our second split for Bishop chatard is 15928 for that second 800 M and we’re settling a little bit with Bishop chard in first and Butler High School in second followed by A2 TC in third coming into their second lap of this four by 800 M we’re on the third leg here it’s proving to be an exciting finish the time to beat from heat 1 is 75095 and that is Ian Kus from Bishop Shard leading Luke Campbell of Butler High School and Ian is looking nice and smooth not looking around holding his arm Carriage steady coming into the second lap and we have about you know two teams out front but it could be anyone’s race we saw that in the last Heat in the championship boys 4×800 the second heat I’m not sure if we’re going to see that same time that 750 Mark but we’ll get a better understanding once we get to this third exchange zone so Bishop Shar leading Butler TC coming into the third and final exchange here putting on the gas and we will get the split here in a moment but as our SC to Bishop Shard Butler TC coming into our anchor leg in the second heat of the boys championship 4 by 800 and that split by Luke Campbell of Butler High School was 1557 of pardon me 15729 so we’re picking up athlete by athlete here and Butler High School leading us out followed by Bishop Shard one up 600 me to go in this Championship boys 800 M two out front and a pack of four right behind and Bishop chard going around towards our Bell lap you can hear that Bell loud and clear if you’re on the track in the sunglasses Bishop Shard leading Butler TC with a pack of four teams following them behind what pace are we going to see on this last lap here Bishop Shar leading it out but Beware of the chase pack the pace has slowed just a touch and now this could be anyone’s race coming into our last 300 M here at Franklin field and that’s Butler High School holding on to the lead but watch out for natural selection in third natural selection in the Black coming around on the outside HIP number seven we have natural selection Bishop Shar Bishop Shar leading it out can Bishop chard hold on and Bishop Shard takes heat two in we’ll gret this time right here 753 wow he is ecstatic congratulations no does 75326 for Bishop Shard followed by Butler High School in 753 62 and the Iron Man TC is 75388 that is our second fastest time of the day from Bishop chard these athletes are ecstatic and a little bit of the replay of this crazy start that we had here all the athletes getting out strong and as you can see in this Championship boys 4 by8 you never know it’s over till it’s over as you can see here Bishop Shard holding on always in it coming into our third exchange watch out for the blue butler fighting along and it was all Bishop Shard congratulations as we move on to heat three of four of the championship boy 400 m so as you can see Bishop chard 75326 followed by Butler High School Iron Man TC A2 TC this is some fast running here today you can see by the flags we have a little bit of win as Tom was alluding to you have a bit of a bow at Franklin Field holding the calmness that is on the track and now this is he section three of four of the championship boys 4 by 800 M and they’re [Music] off we have 16 teams in this heat looks like we potentially may have some scratches they know the time to beat is our 75 95 from norsman TC from the first heat as we get closer we can get to take a look to see our teams out front looks like that is the team wearing Bedford on their chest Bedford TC leading us out HIP number five Bedford TC Ethan pulsifer and Bedford TC leading this first leg of the championship boys 4 by 800 M and right behind it looks like Bedford TC is about to be overtaken coming into this first exchange Zone everyone’s in it Bedford TC about to exchange first but watch out for hip number 16 that is warthan TC Jack Holden coming out like a rocket we have warthan TC Bedford TC and back to Bedford being out front we’ve got Bedford then and hall right behind these athletes are running very strong right now getting out in a fast pace this first 400 there’s so much energy after that first exchange you have to be able to hold on for the second lap to get that strong positioning for your team leading into the third exchange and a little bit of changing walin now in front followed by Hall and Bedford TC and that’s Jack Holden from waran excuse me waran followed by Connor Mayer of hall waran Hall and Hall decides to make a move coming around this backstretch coming into the final 200 me me of his leg and we have Hall Connor mayor then Warth n TC coming into the exchange for our third leg of this Championship boys 4 by 800 M and in third we have a little bit of mix of a Midwest TC making their way up into third can they bridge the gap from to warn and Hall Warn and Hall out front as the athletes finish the exchange zone for the third leg here that was a fast split of 15366 for Hall TC there’s definitely a strategy to put sometimes a teams like to put their fastest athlete in second to make some separation but 750 95 from heat 1 Norseman TC is the time to beat and it’s Hall and War then and stalking in the back there is Midwest Connor stus and we have Jacob salowitz from Hall TC and Dominic denoro for Warth NC leading out front running a fast leg here excited to see this split coming around that backstretch of Franklin Field we’re creating some separation War then from Hall TC about five or so meters separate these athletes and with the exchange Zone being almost halfway up the home stretch short way to go for this last handoff here and it’s all Warth and TC taking a dominating position and we have a mixup in third so Warth andc Hall and 252 Elite in the pink switching things up in third and Warth and TC split on 15636 on that last leg we could see a fast time here from Warth and TC it looks like these boys are going for that top spot how close can they get to the 750 95 that was run in heat one and it’s all worth NTC this is Caleb winders opening things up we’ve got Caleb wers and 252 TC and Hall TC battling it out for those second and third spots Ken Warth then hold on for this last 400 met Warth and TC definitely gritting it out right now 200ish to go War then takes a look back over his shoulder is he in trouble this could be a very fast time Warth and TC 252 Elite in the pink followed by Hall Warth and TC coming down the final stretch here and it’s all warthin and look at the clock wow fastest time of the night we’re going to have to see that that is amazing from Warth and TC 7382 wow out by far that takes about 4 seconds off our fastest time of the evening Warth and TC anchored by Caleb winders the splits were 153 155 156 153 and a group photo for the team from morn soaking it in we have one more heat to go we’ll see if this time will hold and keep an eye on W then TC in the Navy being calm and collective in the middle of the pack right now it was all Bedford out front and War then decide to mix it up with Hall it was Warth and Hall and Bedford and this is where the race really broke it up now we come into our thir exchange and now our final championship Heat the boys four of four we’re getting some introductions here we have Warrior Project a nice pose Warrior Project the time to beat 7:38 we’ve got Calbert Hall hold with it we have S Xavier from Cincinnati and Cedar Falls [Music] we have Westfield Track Club New Jersey Zone and Ard NC Westerville North WN for short W NTC Run brave in the blue the McNamara Mustangs great name we have Jackson t F and Six Mile coming out with a ton of energy here and that is your championship Heat for 12 teams out here the time to beat is 75095 we’re going to take pay close attention to this first split to see if we are tracking towards a fast time relays are the bread and butter of Franklin Field there is no better feeling than stepping out and the record is held from last year 6 Mile TC 736 81 from 2023 so keep an eye on SI keep an eye on Six Mile will they be going for their second year will they break their record of 736 and Tom take it away and this is the championship boys 4X 800 M and let’s kind of recap for you what we’ve had so far as we enter into this final section fastest time turned in by waram Track Club 7382 perilously close to that meat record of 736 81 set last year and in this race we’re going to have the Warrior Project Calbert Hall St Xavier from Cincinnati Cedar Falls Westfield Track Club Arden Track Club wnc Run brave mcnamer Mustangs Jackson and sixmile again the time to beat 7:38 at Warth and track club from the third heat 15314 on their anchor ironically there were two 1531 14s on the anchor there and we’re off and running conditions really quite nice here in Philadelphia Pennsylvania 76 de cloudy very very good 800 meter type conditions wouldn’t you say Dana absolutely these athletes are ready to run a fast time tonight I’m excited to see what Six Mile TC can do in the previous Heats we saw a similar pattern going on where everyone was very bunched up but very quickly after the first 400 the favorites came out and said we’re ready to play okay well uh Pace seems to be uh pretty easily handled by everybody in this section what a thrill to be able to run on the track where the pen relays were held I saw in 1971 Marty Lori faced Jim Ryan in the dream mile on this track at the pen relays Usain Bolt has been on this track the Santa Monica track club with Carl Lewis Leroy Burell Joe Deo have been on this track and now these youngsters get an opportunity to do the same and we’re coming in now to the hom backstretch excuse me for got about 250 M left on this and Westfield Track Club is the early leader this is the Westfield Track Club a Ryan Daly running the first leg and doing a very good job of it and keep an eye on that we’re looking at times these low one 50 marks for this championship Heat so Westfield in first drawing First Blood terrific leg by Ryan Daly he’s going to pass off to James Guild 15398 Run brave in Second Jason ringer 15475 Jackson Elliot Zuck at 15578 so those are very very very good times and James gild going off very quickly for Westfield Roman Corbett for Run brave it’s amazing to me that there’s so many teams in this country and just even in the Northeast that have four guys that can run under two minutes on the same high school track team just phenomenal yeah times have definitely changed and what we’re seeing at these National level meets is that athletes don’t just want to win they want to win and they want to take it in a championship record time they want their names going down in history so Westfield still keeping a slight Edge over Run brave and creating a little bit of space from themselves which is always nice in these chaotic transition zones Westfield yes and that’s Jackson I’m sorry that’s Jackson in second so it’s Westfield and Jackson and we’re going to come up to those Z we’re just talking about in third is Run Brave coming up to about 200 met to go or a little bit less in this carry such an unusual track configuration you always have to kind of get used to it because the numbers that you see are typically back of the finish line and now Jackson making a big move this is Shawn mcnully and a stellar leg by mcnully and he will pass off to Eli IL 15133 for mcti dang that is fast and they are definitely on meat record Pace here again that meat record looks very vulnerable the 736 81 these guys are really moving absolutely and it’s six miles record to lose and they were back in about fifth place so Jackson Jackson TF leading it out looking very strong here it’s hard to follow up a 151 that is a blazing time on that second leg Yeah that’s by far the fastest split that we’ve seen that was turned in by Shawn mcti and now Westfield making another G uh another Chase here here this is supposed to be Avery Keith and he confidently moves into the lead but still very very close with Jackson one of the most exciting things about these regales is you really never know what’s going to happen who still has juice in their legs at the end of a very long School season that’s a very good point because a lot of these athletes when they probably came into the season I bet a lot of them didn’t know whether they would be participating in postseason meets like this and you have to extend that Peak you have your state champion meet of Champions whatever and right now Eli IL just opening it up on Westfield he’s running a terrific leg and he’s going to hand off with a substantial Advantage here sorry that’s Avery Keith for Westfield that’s handing off with a uh substantial Advantage excuse me 15784 for IL 1551 for Tai Monroe of Run brave 15521 for Ethan Powell of Six Mile so very solid split so let’s do a little math here it would have to be about a a 151 actually to get to a meat record here so that’s going to be a little bit difficult that third leg a little bit slower than than uh you would you would need to to dip under what we had as a meat record I think the real question 736 our previous heat came through their third leg in the exact same time so Warth and TC went through oh looks like they were just two seconds up from that Warth and TC’s 7382 so we need to keep the pace moving here if we want the champion to come out of this fourth and final heat of the championship boys 4 by 800 yeah and and I had it right the first time I got a little tripped up by the data I always believe the data over my eyes and maybe I shouldn’t do that but Avery Keith did run 15424 and Westfield firmly in command Alexander Valencia here on the anchor leg so he’s got to run 154 as the data has been updated Jackson William Poo is on the anchor for them the question really is to me is to whether boy we’re seeing some movement here behind Valencia and we may have ourselves a race before this is all said and done there’s a big finish coming up here but Westfield’s going to hang on but it’s going to be lot closer than anybody thought 73626 and Valencia listen to this Brendan Herer for six mile anchors in 14843 he was moving up super fast and OMG is that a mark what nobody has broken 150 on a leg here and he ran 14843 and I mean if that race had been about 30 m longer Dana I think Six Mile would have won congratulations to Westfield and they did dip under the meat record with that 73626 but wow Brendan Herber was coming fast and W Westfield New Jersey has a lot to be proud of so you can see the start here and and early on it was Westfield controlling the tempo of this race they did lose the race excuse me they did lose the lead there early on that’s when Jackson took over Westfield still always in the hunt and look at this lead Dana going into the third leg that Westfield had or fourth leg excuse me but look at how close merger was there at the end just remarkable it was a tight one and a shout out to Warth and TC from heat three placing in that third place spot running a 738 as you see the results come up on the screen here Westfield TC takes it in a meet record of 73626 followed by last year’s Champion six miles then Warth in TC from heat 3 Run brave Jackson TF and Hall TC also from heat 3 and as we move quickly now to the championship girls 4 by 800 the first section of four yeah and uh in this one we have Clarksville Kentwood Guilderland Sky Vault Radner Mount to Sals Warrior blackburg track Life West Springfield golden flashes u32 wizard Rock scales and Abington Heights now the very last Heat of this is going to be something very special purple Track Club Rachel forsight ran a 441 anchor list yesterday in a 4 by mile Paige Shepard ran a 453 anchor leg yesterday in a 4 by mile and Union Catholics rolling out pton Hollis as well so it’s going to be another absolute barn burner between union Catholic and purple and let’s not forget Raleigh Catholic has got Hannah Ray Schaefer running for them so that heat number four and Derby City has Reagan Gilmore there are some real name brands in that fourth Heat so we’re gonna uh throw it down to the former great USC 100 meter hurdler Candice price and she’s with our boys 4X 800 winners from the Westfield Track Club take it away Candace and we’ll bring you Candace on the Westfield team in just a [Music] moment boy I tell you I can’t wait Dana until that fourth heat with all of those studs going at it absolutely okay so Candace price I’ll say it again the great hurdler from us former herler from USC is down with Westfield take it away canas what a true Tri what a true Trifecta these are your indoor New Balance Nation CH what a true Trifecta we are here with your indoor New Balance Champs and now your outdoor New Balance Champs they are blue check certified I heard you had the meat record let’s talk about that uh yeah I mean setting the meat record we knew we had it I mean the way we’ve been training the way we’ve been racing these past couple weeks it’s really been unreal like some of the stuff we’ve been do doing we knew we were ready unreal and that field was competitive and as I see you over here you guys are still bouncing off the walls how does it feel to be a new balanc National Champion it’s just unreal we had it indoors but coming to today we weren’t totally sure but as Alex said before we definitely have the potential to run fast and I’m really happy that we got the record now so what do you tell your coach when you go back to training you got a blue check your certified meet record what’s next business as usual hey they’re standing on business give it up for Westfield TC say hi Mom congratulations and now we’re back to heat one of the championship girls 4 by one that’s Clarksville TC out in front in the green and a good first leg by uh u32 is ginger long 21640 and u32 Bergen Clarksville have separated from the rest of the uh gang so to speak Clarksville Now in the lead as you pointed out that’s Alyssa Mattis who is running their second leg and it looks like we’re going to have at least three these three teams for the time being I love the Westfield interview those those young men were very confident about their abilities oh yeah we knew we were going to get set to meet record I love that so um absolutely and I think it’s something where that confidence comes from winning and having the experience of going to these New Balance National meets the indoor meet that New Balance puts on at their brand new the track at New Balance is one that you cannot miss if you haven’t been to that track back you absolutely should go so a leadership change of of a huge sort here Mount Sals and moving with Mount sails blackburg but Mount Sals second leg here Grace Tate really throwing one down and uh as we would expect a lot of gyration here in this 4X 800 met so Mount Sals holding Court taking over and in in second is blackburg and in third looks like West Springfield and now blackburg into the lead oh my goodness gracious me we’ve had a lot of turnover here in this race a lot of pockets being picked in this race absolutely and this is the type of meat where you can really surprise yourself at the end of the season and running for your team as we come into this third exchange you never know how much energy you’re going to have at the end of the season yeah and uh 222 for blackburg Ali McDonald Isabelle Koger 22268 Grace Tate who made that big move and then kind of faded a little bit still ran a 21867 which was the fastest split of the second carry love having this Runner space split screen so you can see all the teams as they make their exchanges and no matter what relay it is we saw saw drop baton in the 4 by mile yesterday so you can get you can have uh a lot of dynamism so to speak in no matter what the relay is as long as it involves a baton and you got to pass it from one person to another now this is blackburg Track Club Tess Dickens in the lead trying to do her best to hold off Amy Feliz here on leg number three and doing a pretty darn good job she’s looking very strong on this backst holding her own not looking back at all the secret to the 4×8 is to never look over your shoulder because if you looked back you would see the entire field is right there well I think it was Satchel Paige uh that that said the great picture from the 1920s you don’t look over your shoulder because somebody will be gaining on you and that’s certainly the case in track we have an excellent third leg being run here by the young lady in second place try to get that bib number here in a minute these are not the high school colors that were accustomed to these are Club color uniforms so it’s a bit of a hunt and peck so to speak to figure out who’s who and if we can’t see their bibs it’s a little bit more difficult but one thing is for sure Tess Dickens is doing very well she’s got about 200 M to go in her carry and she’s now opening up the advantage considerably and she’s definitely holding the fort she was given a 310 almost a 410 lead and she is probably going to hand off here with close to a two or three second lead so she did her job on that third leg coming up now to the final exchange for the blackburg track club it’s going to be Penny Griggs and that is Clarksville track club and it was uh Nikita moan that got them back into the race and it’s Mela verman the sister of Lauren verman who ran the first leg for Clarksville 22318 for test Dickens holding the fort as I said with actually a 4 second plus lead for Penny Griggs there’s nothing better than being on here comes Clarksville there you go and here comes Clarksville and you wonder Dana if Mela vermani is trying to make up too much too soon here we’ve seen that movie before we absolutely have but there is something about gaining momentum and going around an athlete creating a little bit of space and separation as you come into your second lap of this 4X 800 so verman really moving her sister ran a really nice 21663 opening leg and Mela verman has wasted no time in just gapping the rest of the field I will say this that Penny Griggs looks pretty solid there in second and we don’t know whether you know if verman can hang on here yeah look at the shung out entire field here such a large field but everyone has space to run at this track at Franklin Field as we cut back over to our leaders and there’s our leader black the blackburg excuse me the Clarksville Track Club verman coming into the line here she’ll have one lap to go and she’s just really laying one down here still has pretty good turnover love the high socks that’s a fashion statement to be sure driving down this final finish line I think she’s really held on to this Pace very well even though slowing Just a Touch yep she comes into the Finish now 92130 that was a 21510 so both sisters 21663 21510 for the Two Sisters hiy Green closed very strongly for rock scales Track Club 21534 on the anchor there they finished second at 92522 and Abington Heights comets finish third in 92574 and you can see the start of the race on the left side replay and the finishers coming in on the right side and you can see the big move the 218 carry by Mount to sales Grace Tate that temporarily put them in the lead and then blackburg took over and you can see Clarksville behind there and then Mela verman almost as soon as she got that baton she was just reeling in blackburg and then made it look comparatively easy winning by almost 4 seconds after taking the Baton on almost 4 seconds behind so she made up 8 seconds in that leg and uh I am going to bid Dana you a goodbye and I’m gonna be turning this over to the very very capable hands of Kate Van buzzerk the Canadian national and former Duke great middle distance Runner and excellent broadcaster and I believe Kate will be coming in now yeah Tom thank you so much for lovely introduction lovely to be with you thank you so much for all of your hard work and thrilled to be on the call with you this evening as we come to the end of a very busy second day of action here at the New Balance national outdoor championships 2024 Tom again we appreciate so much of your hard work and uh Dana and I are going to take it from here as we are underway with section two of our timed finals in the girls Championship 4X 800 met relays I’ve been listening in it’s been a thrilling set of action on the boys and the girls side so far and Dana things are just going to keep cranking down here as we have a second heat on track again getting [Music] rich we’re heat two of four the championship girls 4 by 800 and Kate who do we have out there at the early lead taking it by charge well one of the things that I so appreciate from our team on site this year as I to uh be with them is that they’ve actually put the the hip numbers on the back of the kits for some of these athletes who are able to get a good sense of who’s running where so uh that is our HIP number 15 right now out to a very fast early lead we’ll get some names for you as our athletes continue coming around but my goodness in the space of a lap and a half there’s been about 15 M put on the rest of the field as they come into the first exchange it’s going to be a really quick opening leg here for our leaders keep an eye on the clock about 23 at the exchange Dana and that is that looks about to be 4 seconds irond TC Elizabeth Tyler leading it out in 21374 that is a hot first leg as was mentioned earlier you know coming in this is it’s going to be a very fast um meet I think especially as we go through all of our sections union Catholic Track Club holds the meet record here at 84708 that was set last year they’re also the national record holders that time set at the pen relays on April 25th so good familiarity with this facility Dana I know you’re familiar with Franklin Field as well and uh it’s been a few years since I had the pleasure of running here I was a 4X 800 meter um anchor for my duke team actually at the pen relays in 2011 when we came away with the big wheel of course that’s always a a great thing to be able to say but look at the distance here put on by our leaders again Ronda as you mentioned Elizabeth uh titler started things off with the lead leg Aubrey Smith now continuing to pull away from the rest of the field and then Dana it looks as though they’re just queuing up for second position right now absolutely this secondary pack is very bunched together but aroy is making a statement out front with that 213 first leg very quick for champ ship Heat 2 of4 and Aubrey Smith doing a great job of maintaining that distance we can’t even see on screen how stacked that secondary pack is as you and Tom mentioned so many of these athletes coming back from events already in the first couple of days of competition looking to more events throughout the rest of the weekend I’m here on site in Philadelphia and we’re so happy to now have some clear skies and cooler temperatures for these athletes but absolutely blazing solo effort here by Aubrey Smith she is set to hand off shortly to Catherine Bowman who is going to run the third leg for this team as we said a 21374 opening 800 meter leg for this Arondo team 21864 for ol and Tangi Liberty and uh to your point they were only just in the the screen a couple of moments ago so arond dequ continues their lead that was a 21860 for Smith and I just love the chaos of these transitions there’s something about Franklin Field in particular where you are exchanging in the middle of the 100 m where it feels you’re a little bit uneased but orquid is doing a great job of staying out of that mess by creating I would like a little perspective here to see how big this Gap is it looks to be almost 100 me long at this point G you know Dana you and I have both had experiences at highle running I’m I’m wondering what your experience has been like where you have to just hunker down in a Solo effort these athletes in the lead right now are running just against themselves and the clock and they know that they’re being hunted you can sort of see in our split screen that there’s actually some gaining Happening Now by our second team the EO Panthers this is Jordan stiger what’s going through your head in a moment like this where you know you’re being chased down but you’ve got to maintain that foot on the on the pedal absolutely I think it’s a moment where you want to look back so badly but all you have to do is you can sneak a glance maybe to that big screen but you just want to maintain your position and one thing is that you also want to hold on to the rail here you don’t want to drift out and lose your positioning especially so as arico is trying to hold on especially leading into this exchange Zone they need to make sure that they’re maintaining the lane positioning in particular such a good point and as it’s been mentioned throughout the uh broadcast so far this such a unique track where you have that double rail it can throw athletes off sometimes but many of these Runners coming into repeat performances at New Balance Nationals have good experience with this facility and are R impressed with their ability to hold on to that lead as you mentioned look they’ve extended it even further at this point so a good Chase now on for second it continues to be aond leading the EO Panthers M eagles are in third and the ponx Panthers continue in fourth so a couple of panthers here in the mix and a change into position three now as they approach the final exchange and it looks like the lights are on it is night time at Franklin Field and that brings another special


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