Golf Babe




In this video
– Golfing
– KICK clips
– Responding to hate comments
– Rants
– Arm day
And more!



#gym #gymmotivation #bodybuilding

what is up YouTube um I’m not feeling super in the zone cuz last night I got just [ __ ] rinsed and I’m talking financially and physically but we’re going golfing today how about that um so we’re calling this video gear and gambling or wait no we’re calling this video Golf and we’re calling this video [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was I just talking about oh yeah but uh last stream we hit 1,000 x it was [ __ ] epic we’ll run that clip real quick oh that was a ball Tickler homo come on give it to me th eggs that holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] let’s go B that’s [ __ ] two minutes pretty [ __ ] sweet huh but that [ __ ] I threw that was lotion and now my room is caked with it my room is cooked M togurt this streaming setup is just so dirty I really love streaming and I’m going to kind of try and focus on that a lot more so yeah we can run oh here’s a little Montage of some other clips from the stream you know some good moments we’ll clip that or run that Pepe it’s 7 give me the steroids [ __ ] that’s what I’m [ __ ] talk bang baby that’s what I’m talking about can you make milk come out of your nips no but apparently Tren does that but yet there’s people that are natural and bigger than me all right are you bigger than me no you’re a [ __ ] Buck 25 soaking wet oh my God no way did this kid just say but people look like you Natty why don’t you look like me Natty Bud if I look Natty you’re [ __ ] what is [ __ ] wrong with people you look Natty he says what the [ __ ] is this reverse body dysmorphia anyways welcome to gear Eng golfing part one what up gang it it got through you [Music] Jacob first dude let’s do a little unboxing ALC cartine I don’t know why I got that I don’t even take Al cartine aetam tmy San talil um tmy s for my blood pressure aamine for my cholesterol minoxidil so I don’t go bald even though I’m just going bald um insulin syringes how about that and I’m hoping the mint is in here oh this is a mananan but you don’t got to pin it it’s a nasal spray oh even though it’s not for human consumption oh yeah five things of meant how about that that’s [ __ ] you up real bad oh another thing of me El glutathione peptides HCG all right that’s a pretty good haul it’s for YouTube what’s up YouTube I’m here with my favorite togy [ __ ] she’s getting a [ __ ] [ __ ] stamp that says toy her name’s Abby you want to shout out your Instagram Abby don’t bleep it out I won’t ble it if you get the [ __ ] tattoo this is this is dope cuz this has turned into a uh mini on cycle Bender they don’t teach you though about those in school and a lot of people think oh actually we won’t get into that I don’t want to jinx myself I was going to talk about how it’s not a big deal not going to [ __ ] die but if my liver pops you know it’ be the laughing stock of the [ __ ] internet so either way we’re going to go D grab some uh Jersey micers fuel up ripped maybe a couple and couple drinky poos and then then we’re golfing and I I haven’t actually gone golfing before but again it can’t be that [ __ ] hard oh we’re going to do a bald spot check everyone wants to know how’s the hairline it’s receding for [Music] sure it’s not horrible but then how’s it ball spot zoom in on that s did it look bald no no all right we’re in a rush but really what I wanted to talk about I can’t SW [ __ ] P that Holy ass tits bro one out of 10 dog bong water chicken butt but what we wanted to talk about well can you wear like a uh I forgot that’s not water either check this out I usually don’t do like shout out promos type [ __ ] but this was a funny product right this company DMS me I don’t know if it’s legal it’s called send it they’re zenach chinos but with caffeine 300 Milli vanillas they also sent me a t-shirt which is cool of them I’m a little bit nervous to try these this [ __ ] is huge how do you put this in your gum you want makna it’s caffeine 300 M vanillas of caffeine that’s the biggest thing ever what the [ __ ] I don’t know I’m a little bit nervous they smell good I think you got to put them in the bottle it tast good no it tastes like Cherry oh I literally put it in the bathro T what’s what’s the oh my God I’m over this is like nauseating I time out oh my gosh wow it is really a lot so this isn’t even like healthy heal no I’m bringing a couple Shooters a week did you think it was healthy kind of check that out is it sugary Shane this is $103 so 100 there 100 back that is $200 can you quit it with the geek break dude that is $200 all right we are at the course y look at this split how about this check this out at the end of the day if you can’t juggle you’re not going to get no [ __ ] and I I haven’t actually gone golfing before but again it can’t be that [ __ ] hard oh it was oh my God that hurt hella bad though is that always hurt like that uh-uh Cheers mcken Cheers y are you done no [ __ ] way Makenna you got this Mak that was a worst [ __ ] dog ass shotgun I’ve ever seen in my life d do we got to use our own balls yes what I’ve never gone golfing before bro no where’ it go did you guys see it did you see that uh-uh somewhere down there you think it’s a hole in one all right this is where Champions are made the putton Zone one and done oh my god oh yeah that is not [Music] F let me your Club why but you know what to say if you’re not uh diddling the bong rip you’re about a golf all right Carter what you’re not plus 10 oh oh [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] Carter you why you slam the gra bro this is what number four ah oh my dog that’s pretty good Carter yeah I got I got Eagle no you did not what’s Eagle that’s a uh hole in one on a part three all right write me down Carter for uh Eagle plus oh sh I a dumb [ __ ] all right here we go feeling little nauseous that’s how you fix the nauseous oh my god look how big I slic that is cooked oh no we there’s literally no way that’s going in the YouTube video Makenna what you got it Makena [Laughter] in my second this is not let let the record show this is not his second watch his putting what you think that’s his second my ass not third this is probably [Music] eight five I hate this [ __ ] for four birdie no this is not for birdie this is for birdie dude he does not he’s not even close that me up for birdie Carter am I beating Jacob no Shane everybody’s beating you I just got four you did not get four who he just birdi he did not we’ve been rocking [ __ ] Jacob was there I birdi this [ __ ] bro Shane birdi bro no what he did not bir in the cut with him the whole time he only hit that [ __ ] four the other all the other times he hit he’s hitting eight or 10 and then now you’re telling me he hit bogey did you see his first shot it landed like right [ __ ] there on the first shot dropped a ball right there dropped his ball right there he didn’t drop [ __ ] [Applause] [ __ ] off bro all right we’re done golfing uh we gave up about how many holes we get in we got in like seven but I can confidently say that golfing sucks bro there’s no way people I I guess like if you’re old and wrinkly and [ __ ] is cool but there is nothing fun about that it’s so goddamn hard getting the hole in the ball where’s Carter I’m running his [ __ ] ass over what the hell what the [ __ ] are they doing hey hey hey it’s a golf course not a [ __ ] porno but this type of [ __ ] this is not a regular hangover I think my liver is like seriously damaged from this weekend the mini Bender is not it’s not chill there’s nothing chill about that on a [ __ ] when you’re on cycle I’ve been ripping anad draw Trend and I decid to [ __ ] black out two nights in a row but this is not no regular hangover you know like there’s hangover overs and then there’s like this a type of Hangover that I think I might have to go to the doctor over this [ __ ] just one of those days it’s uh 8:30 so um you know we’re going to hit the gym can’t let the hangover win this one and I know I always feel a million times better after you know getting a little pumper pumper MC pumper sin in before we go to the gym I haven’t responded any uh hate comments recently and again I I do see your guys’ nice comments and I love all of you guys but I do the hate comments because it’s funny it’s entertaining to read them I enjoy it usually you know when I’m responding to hate comments I really break it down I have a response I say something I I don’t I I don’t think I even need to use my words today what do I mean by that you might ask well you’ll see a lot of people a lot of my friends at least you know ask me like oh togi Shane how do you cope with all of the hate like you get hundreds of comments a day of people just [ __ ] on you hard like I could never do the influencing thing because of that let me tell you it’s honestly not that hard and let’s let’s just well let’s just jump right into it and see people really think his physique is good I’d be mad if I took Trend to look that small let’s take a look at this guy’s profile let’s see what he looks like so next uh hate comment take take a look at this video a lot of people people have been making hate videos you know how this so it was a slideshow first slide why juice when you can be bigger naturally LOL all right we’re going to bang in a few more hate comments we’re going to speedrun these bad boys everything this guy says is cringe this this one is probably my favorite this guy is a clown I mean yeah if my girlfriend was I’d be pissed too takes Trend to look average all right boom how about that bro you’re are literally look Natty okay do you see where we’re going wrong here cuz you’re you’re natural apparently I look natural but yet you’re sitting here looking like a cup of butter be hilarious when he’s dead I want him to lowkey oh that’s just rude you know my mom would be real sad but here’s the point guys a lot of people are so worked up about other people’s opinions you know I used to be a slave to other people’s opinions everything changed my entire life changed once I just decided you know what [ __ ] it I’m not going to sit here and try and make everybody happy I’m not going to sit here and take in what other people have to say say unless it’s a person in which I respect their opinion there’s a lot of people that if they started [ __ ] on me I would take it into consideration and I would try and better myself cuz I know these are the people that I respect are doing better than me I I have a lot to learn but not from a lot of people on the internet just remember this don’t take criticism or don’t take any hate from somebody that you wouldn’t take advice from so if I got the homie that looks like a wet napkin Buttercup bowl of spaghetti I I’m not going to take his advice on getting jacked and I’m definitely not going to take his criticism on what I look like what I guess I’m saying to you guys is as you’re pursuing your dreams no matter what you’re going to have people smacking their schacker ton all up in your Johnson and you just got a tunnel vision of [ __ ] you know people are talking about you congratulations cuz nobody ever gets hate for being mediocre following the rules staying in your lane people are so supportive until you’re doing better than them right it’s always oh I’m rooting for you but then once you start actually succeeding doing your [ __ ] then all of a sudden it’s like oh that kid’s corny that kid’s weird whatever that’s what they tell themselves they’re like how can I make sure that I’m still better than them in my head rather than bettering themselves a lot of people just trying and bring you down stay focused on your own [ __ ] and uh you can do a lot of really incredible things but if you’re always being bogged down by what other people got to say the chu ain’t going to get cut all right let’s go hit [ __ ] arms eh the dopamine levels in my brain are pretty much at alltime lows this is just this is I this is not sustainable I don’t know why I do this to myself it’s like I knew exactly what was going to happen when you [ __ ] drink a fifth of vodka and go golfing um whole workout is going to be sponsored by this song A little bit of goggin for you to get your day started 900 p.m. [Music] [Music] all right we’re going to bank three more sets go over to the uh next shoulder workout he gulfing [ __ ] it up all right drop the [Music] weight super slow control reps I keep my arms pretty straight on the these ones don’t need anything too heavy I use 15 then it stimulates it pretty damn good okay all right same [Music] weight all right for STS to that we are definitely going to be trying to up the intensity here cuz that was a dog [ __ ] set but then we move on to biceps um and then trps and we get to go home and play [Music] fortnite I am feeling about 500 times better you know that’s the best cure to a hangover is a quick arm pump nothing worse than just rotting in your [ __ ] bed all hung over I feel just a million times better so anyways biceps I’m just thinking eight sets of these cuz you can’t go wrong with this machine absolutely the best bicep unmatched bicep pump and incredible isolation yeah we are so back oh my God that was today is just you know went from horrible you know you’re looking on your phone seeing all the [ __ ] U up text you sent about 2: a.m. God I got that’s got to stop regardless no excuse for that one cannot be doing that it’s the worst [ __ ] feeling waking up in the morning seeing that [ __ ] well I I wake up this morning checked my one of my crypto wallets I’m 600 bucks short turns out I [ __ ] went on stream last night at 4:00 a.m. [ __ ] rinsed and I just [ __ ] rinsed 600 I watched over the footage on Kick I had had to delete that though I got to figure out a system you know something some rules in place to prevent me from doing [ __ ] like that I’m blacked out or I could just stop [ __ ] drinking so much vodka um all right seven more sets this where I used to film the uh OG gear edits rip the gear at it so that was a fun time in my uh career for set the push Downs all right here we go feel like to super set these do that [ __ ] then you flip the slot yep that’s you guys get the idea I saw that one from seab bom quick little pump check um honestly not horrible like I’m on you know 3 hours of sleep all I’ve eaten today is uh four slices of pepperoni pizza so you know we’ve had better days but I’m just happy that I got in here happy that the mini Bender is over you know blessed to be still alive in good health for the most part hopefully they to too much of a toll on my [ __ ] liver you know what I mean um but I think you know it’s a good dayall so we’re going to go do some cardio we’re going to do a we can’t do CER Master today weak I’m a coward so I’m just going to do treadmill 20 30 minutes and then yeah that’s it for this video I know I say this all the time and you guys hear this every YouTube video but thank you so [ __ ] much for watching my videos guys the support recently has been um overwhelming I seriously love every single one of you guys the togy apparel is dropping soon so I’ll have that ready for everybody um really dope [ __ ] uh you can follow the Instagram here for updates um you know I was just thinking about how blessed I am that I’m able to work out and entertain you guys for a living I really hope that you guys get some value out of my videos because it’s the least I can provide to you you know what I mean you guys do all these wonderful things for my life very least I can do is at least make you chuckle or maybe motivate you a little bit you guys are the [ __ ] best period best like genuinely I know every Creator says this but I think I got the best community out there not really a debate if you guys have ever tuned in for the kick streams you would know the the energy is just amazing it does seriously it’s starting to feel like an actual Community I’m getting to know a lot of you guys by your names on the cick like and you guys know each other I have people um befriending each other because they met in the kick chat or whatever it might be so it’s really starting to feel like my community is you know we’re kind of growing this together anyways thank you guys so much for the support I hope you have an amazing day I hope you enjoyed the video and I’ll see you guys in a couple days for the next one [Music]


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