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FSU Football News | FSU Football Recruiting | Seminole Headlines 7-2-24 | Warchant TV #FSU

Seminole Headlines on Warchant TV for July 2nd, 2024 features FSU football recruiting, ACC Lawsuit, FSU lawsuit, FSU Football 2024 talk, FSU 2025 recruiting, FSU 2024 schedule, conference realignment, FSU transfer portal, recruiting, viewer questions, and more!

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things FSU pistols and Pi starts right now here’s Jeff Cameron the seminal headlines 933 real talk radio and warchant TV begins right now that’s good thing I’m Jeff that’s Ira Ira say hello how’s it going Jeff yay it’s working and really quick three two one there’s Corey Corey say hello what up oh and away we go yay sausage welcome in gang good to be with you it’s GNA be a a fun show I think we’re all excited about cou days off at the end of this week right Fourth of July all that good stuff we’ve made it to July boys do you already have your registers for the Fourth of July I have my registered for the 4th of July that’s a true story yeah I have it out in the outside fridge right next to the ice cold beer waiting for me to grill buddy and next to the invitation that’s I’m it’s gonna come oh yeah Cory you you did you get the invitation yet oh for the Cory’s stuck in Atlanta he’s not sadly I’m Atlanta but he did really want me to come because he’s like if you don’t come I might have to invite ir and his family who wants that it’s fine it’s fine we’ve got our own thing going at the house and yeah man we’re g to do some registers as well you too should get some register sausage for the Fourth of July any fourth the fourth of any month but certainly the Fourth of July celebrate independence with some delicious register sausage best sausage you can get you can have it delivered if you order it from register or if you live in this part of the country from over to Alabama down to Tampa Jacksonville up in the Carolinas expanding day by day go to your local grocery store ask them if they’ve got register sausage they might not have every delicious flavor they may not have the Ando they may not like we do here in tallah how you cheddar is where it’s at but talk to your meat manager and make it happen the jalapeno cheddar is awesome just a plane the plain solid mild is great but uh try them all out register is a website I don’t know that Ben can get it to you by July 4th at this point but uh they’ll do their best it’d be a miracle yeah me that’ be really something if were able to do that I think their their what their plant is in uh Cottondale I somewhere in the Panhandle so maybe if you maybe if you live in uh I don’t know Pace Florida maybe you could get it by forth but otherwise you’re probably going to be getting after the fourth it’s like the new Amazon plant that’s here in Tallahassee I’ve ordered something and got it like that night it’s actually happened it’s amazing can you go pick things up from the Amazon plant I don’t think so okay that’s too bad you can’t go shop we actually had something coming up recently uh Kim ordered me something and it went out for delivery but right when the tornado the day of the tornadoes so like it arrived in tallas like the day before the tornadoes then it said like like there was no update for like four or five days and we’re like okay you we understand tornado tornado yeah it happens and then like the next week I’m like are we ever gonna get an update and I feel like it seemed like it was just in the facility but like once it got out you wanted to go drive the hell out there I was like could I I just hey I it’s not like a Costco I don’t think you can just ride on in we canceled it reordered it and yeah we had it pretty quick all right so we made it to July I know again Cory it’s no big deal to you not until they’re actually playing football do you get excited about the prospects of football he gets excited in September but I mean come on we we pretty much made it we pretty much have made it to the the home stretch at the very least this is it and especially this year with everything moved up right I’m excited they’ll be starting camp this month this month we’re all gonna be a kickoff in a few weeks Corey Cory you gon kick it’s going to be a long three weeks though until they do start Camp that’s all I’m saying it th this time gets long but again remember I used to get upset with like Jimbo was the coach and it’s be like all right preseason practice is here you don’t get to see any of it and you get to interview Freddy Stevenson for a month that was that was it love Freddy We Appreciate Freddy coming out I love Freddy Freddy’s awesome and he was a good quote but it’s like that’s all it it was like you’re excited that football started but you don’t really get to see anything until September well with this particular staff we literally get to start seeing stuff at the end of July which is awesome and there’s a lot of intrigue because the potential’s great as we’ve all stated on numerous occasions but still has to be realized all has to be something that happens so we’ll be watching very intently to see how the right tackle situation gets resolved or how that offensive line is playing and then in addition to these guys they need to have step up at the wide receiver position a tight end wherever it might be we’re all going to be intrigued yeah there’s not really any position where I think like you’re panicked but it’s just we don’t know how it’s going to shake out there’s so there at all these positions really safety receiver uh linebacker I mean across the board there’s there’s battles there are some positions that we pretty much know how it’s going to look I think across the defensive line I think we have a really good idea probably for the most part the offensive line uh maybe the offensive backfield but everything else and cornerback but everything else is going to be pretty wide open so there’s gonna be great battles all all preseason love competition that’s my favorite part especially once they get into the pads I mean admittedly you know when we first get out there you’re like okay well let’s just look at the newcomers who we haven’t seen probably Chief amongst them be like Elijah Moore right won’t we all be excited to see a 6’4 wide receiver cuz sometimes receivers surprised like sometimes receivers in DBS and running backs are positions where you can get some real playing time as a freshman so you tend to Circle those kinds of guys if their body type is right how many uh how many passes did Rashad catch as a freshman Cory oh how many I don’t know 40 I was thinking around 40 yeah he caught a lot yeah yeah he also got hurt remember he got kind of banged up uh so some point sprained an ankle or something but I feel like he caught like 35 or 40 yeah CAU like 10 against Clemson we haven’t seen a lot of that we might have seen more of it last year if dtin hadn’t got hurt or H hadn’t got hurt we haven’t seen a lot of that but yes that is a position where you can come in as a freshman and have a huge role that’s why yeah I used Elijah MOA as the example because of that you’re right it does happen at skill positions where you know and and sometimes at running back if you look like Cam Davis if you if you are 220 plus pounds with those legs like I I think he can handle it as long as he can block right you know I mean that’s the whole thing you got to make sure you can do all the other stuff but just in terms of the running I think he’s physical enough already but that position do you think do you think when we come out of Camp do you think we will know how they’re they’re going to use all those backs like do you think we’re gonna have a clear picture of that or is it gonna be game by game or is I mean they’ve got seven running backs it’s cool to have options yeah man I I was thinking about that I was talking with Aon about it on uh the growingly growingly growingly growingly a word right I like growingly gr wake up war chant um you know I I think I go into July I go into Late July August the season Roy Dell and TOA fely are going to split a lot of carries but Jaylen Lucas is gonna play a ton sure and I so when you mention somebody like Cam Davis who I think has a world of potential it’s like well how’s how’s he getting on the field he’s not TOA is gonna play a and Roy Dell I think is is going to play I mean Roy Dell is a grown man um cam looks like a grown man physically is uh I’ve never seen anything quite like that but I don’t know that he’s getting a lot of carries away from those two veterans and then jayen Lucas does stuff that nobody else does so Lucas is a very unique player and I almost don’t put him in the same category he’s in a different category altogether um I think he’s kind of a you know just a not gimmicky player but he’s a kind of guy that you’re trying to get out in space it’s not your standard running back position stuff with him and and I think the better question perhaps uh Corey don’t take offense to this is is um is is how does Cam Davis gonna get on the field over say kaziah Holmes because like to me Toof Phil is a different running back than Cam Davis obviously and we we you just got done correctly I think pointed out that Roy Dale Williams will be the man so now we get to who’s a third guy who’s a third guy that you would put in there that’s a true like running back running back and cuai Holmes is a redrick senior so how you gonna get you know how you gonna be him out there they’re also similar body types in that I mean obviously Cam’s bigger but kiah is not small he a power back yeah he’s a PowerBack the uh actually and darl Captain D asked in the chat what’s the promo code or the discount gonna be from registers when FSU gets out of the ACC I think we could speak for Ben it’s just be free sausage for for a month that’s you’re pulling a Cory Clark you’re saying that’s the promo code or that’s just Ben’s reality Ben’s Ben’s just gonna he’s just gonna he’s gonna go crazy give it away just give it away should just be suck it oh that would could be the promo yeah and we’re talking about sausage so you know I mean this is all great I mean it’s it works right in you gota be careful your method of eating sausage might be different from mine I I’m not talking about methods of anything I’m just it’s just suck it ACC there you go that’s all it is there we go and it’s a little dicey a little aggressive some people might think it’s aggressive but we would like to aggressively tell the ACC what we’re feeling uh at this point it’d be fun be fun yeah Ben be ready to give away free sausage for a month according to Ira I would say to like a hundred people not for a month he’s going to go out of business but like the first hundred that use the suck it promo code with all that great SEC or Big 10 money oh that’s good point that’s a good imagine how great throw in money of people in register sausage uh imagine how much what it would do in the Big 10 Market you know what I mean he’s not he’s not Chicago but that gets his tentacles into Chicago in michig Minnesota you know what I do think now we’re talking about this though I think if when it happens when Florida state gets into one of these conferences with real money the super two Michael Alfred should show up to the first game or the first event he goes to in like the Ted debiasi million-dollar Man suit what do you think if he that is that classy it’s not classy but I if he could do it it would be fantastic and I hadn’t thought about Ted dbios in a while just you who has who has Jeff nobody has man makes me laugh it always made me laugh and he had the cheesiest mustache with the feathers on the hair it was just ridiculous if we actually if Alfred decided to what a reference could dress up by Virgil we he’s bald Virgil was also bald yeah yeah I think we’re good got to put on another 100 pounds of hle Cory wrest he was a big guy are they both dead I know Virgil’s dead I don’t no I think Ted deos is alive and well all right I’m gonna look that probably not well most professional wrestlers aren’t well yeah well they’re usually not well in their 40s so you’re right crazy is still alive good for him probably not uh still alive 70 I told you D was around I think I saw him recently like in a in a interview or something I’m like oh my God the million dollar man he is uh oh by the way people in the chat kind of answered what I was also going to say and so I’ll tell them that’s great answer guys um yeah I think Davis and and some of these guys are second half running backs when we have big leads and we’ve worn on people in the Run game and now you’re just just powering running downhill it’d be fun to I mean that’s gonna be fun there are gonna be some teams that are outmatched and they get down a couple scores and you just wanna you want to play some old school Smashmouth get you some well here’s 225 pounds and by the way we got a lot of running backs so I was going to say if Kaz Holmes is a physical dude royell Williams is a physical dude and then your quarterback is maybe the biggest of all of them he’s 250 pounds well and you can run the quarterback and I think he will in short yard situations and have those options where you roll him out and if you decide not to come up to make a play let that big man get moving a little bit that’s two three yards I mean good luck stopping him short of the line if you’re only trying to get two I I compared though their their running back Trio I think it’s going to be a trio um yeah those other guys might play uh late uh in games you’re winning comfortably or just sprinkle them in throughout the game but I you remember 21 when it was Corbin I’m sure you guys do can you hearken all the way back a to 2021i I think I can remember 2021 so it was jwn Corbin and Trey Shawn Ward were your two main guys but TOA was sprinkled in there a good bit too doing other things I think that’s the Lucas role Lucas is like 2021 TOA but I think to ailia is more of a complete back now it could be more of like a tra or Corbin or whatever you want he’s not as physical as Corbin but I think those two guys are going to get 80% of the carries Williams and TOA if they’re healthy Lucas gets 5% but also gets catches out of the back field I just think it’s gonna be mainly a trio I think Cam Davis will get carries too I mean I’m not I mean it’s it might be four or five a game but I think he’ll get in the I don’t think he’s gonna be red shirted I think he’ll he’ll get and they’ll all get opportunities in these games where they’re heavy favorites and they get big leads yeah to Cory’s point maybe in some of the more high-profile games that are going to be nip and Tuck we’re not having four or five down in the depth chart running the football but uh I I think there are opportunities for all these guys and you know with running backs they say it all the time sometimes it’s a cliche that gets old but somebody’s got a hot hand I mean you have options if somebody’s feeling it and um running well in a given day you might do it I I mean I like Singleton I like all these guys I like how many options they have um certainly you’re in a position where you have the diversity of skill set too so I also don’t think you’re married to people this year you know like last year you were married Mike nor G be the right thing to do married to Trey Benson he came back for that year no even in a couple games where he didn’t get off to a great start Trey Benson’s your guy a receiver you were kind of married to Keon and Johnny you’re married to jend so this year I think it’s gonna be very different like if guys are not producing get out they’re gonna be moving quickly get your ass on that bench you have so many options um it really all those positions now again receiver I don’t know that you know you don’t have the top end options that you did last year but there’s nobody that’s like iron like you we can’t take them out of the lineup right you don’t owe them above and beyond sometimes you owe players above and beyond just what they’ve earned on the field in a given week or year it happens all the time by the way it’s it’s funny I yesterday Cory I thought of you because I know you feel this way too and and all of us at one point have commented on this it doesn’t do us any good to wallow in it but I was it just hit me again how pissed I am that Dustin Hill got hurt in Spring he was really really I think I really we’ll never know but I think he was about to have a a big big year I think he was about to be at the very least he was going to take a huge step forward uh and I think he was would have changed the dynamic of that entire room because of that speed because and he’s also not small people think he’s small he’s not small he’s no he can really go and he’s thick and I just thought God d if that hadn’t happened football’s a game War of Attrition we get it physical is all hell it happens everybody loses somebody I don’t want to wallow in it I hated for the kid and I really do think it affects the overall uh question mark surrounding the wide receivers because I think Destin we were just going to pencil in that slot and say boom stud yeah look you you would have had you still got jakai you’ve got other guys that can play the slot but I think Destin was about to be uh he dare I say he was destined to be uh an allconference type player like I and it was just a week and a half right before he got hurt Ira two weeks maybe yeah but it’s like oh man look at this this is an old school FSU looking receiver from like the 90s he would have fit into those teams and he was making plays he was he’s just so quick coming in and out of cuts or you know was pre-injury that you’re like okay that can play and that could be an eight catch 90 yard guy almost every game I thought and him along with Benson okay now you’re now you’re working with two I think future NFL guys that maybe aren’t they’re not Keon but man they they are going to produce at a high level and it it kind of It kind of reminds me of like the baseball team when lighter got hurt and Whitaker got hurt it changes everybody’s role now people are SP up and have to get on the field that maybe wouldn’t have gotten on the field if dtin wouldn’t absolutely wouldn’t have gotten on the field or been asked to do as much if Destin was still available that’s the whole thing it would have allowed hem to you know kind of come along in in at his own pace would allowed any of these guys now all of them like Jaylen Brown’s got to come along faster now everybody’s gotta let go everybody’s got to get sped up what I do think though the more I think about and this could be just the normal progression of the offseason like at the end of the spring you think about all the things that you don’t have with a team and then as the summer goes on you start kind of talking yourself into things a little bit and I as I’ve gone through that process and I I think this is true but but it might be some rationalization um you know we lamented the fact that you don’t have those those guys can win the contested catches you know that you don’t have the Keon that was his specialty yeah big receiver goes up and gets it Johnny wasn’t as consistent but he also had that ability too because Big Frame yeah you don’t have those guys this year but again when you think about what this offense is going to look like that may not be what they need anyway because if they are going to be predominantly a running team and that’s going to be a focus of the offense which I think it is going to be and they feel really excited about the running game the offensive line Improvement What DJ can do back there as well now the passing game is more of those deep shots which is what DJ did last year Oregon state which fits him better and now you got now you’re not asking Jaylen brown or uh Kon Porte or any of these guys to make these like really difficult contested catches you’re asking them to just run fast get your fast we’ve got a quarterback who can sling at 60 70 yards without hesitation and now you’re not those catches there’s a higher degree there’s a better bigger margin for error on those passes and the receivers have more of an opportunity to make a play on the ball so so I think that if that works out if the running game is what they think it’s going to be and this isn’t just us talking about it if you talk to people around the team Mike norell the staff they are very excited about this running game if that comes to fruition now you don’t need receivers like Keon Coleman you just need dudes who can run and they’ve got guys that can run yeah and you’d love to have uh both you’d love to have all of it of course but you’re right uh for for the offense that they’re trying to run uh you may not I mean listen last year their inability to run meant that they were going to throw a lot of jump balls well you better have big dudes that can go up and get said jump balls and they did enough and they did enough and then everybody got hurt and the offense got stagnant and we all know how it ended but they still wi 13 and0 which is somewhat remarkable sub headlines 933 real talk radio warchant TV continues in a [Music] moment your heating and air conditioning system doesn’t you with you before it takes a break that’s why we’re always ready to help any 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headlines register s sausage always provides the best Southern smoke sausage to over 140 grocery stores and restaurants throughout the southeast Headliners have discovered the register’s difference you can too to find a store that carries registers near you or to buy directly head to register that’s register register sausage yay sausage seminal headlines returns now head to YouTube and search for warchant TV today to catch the show live or on demand now here’s Jeff Cameron Iris Chael and Cory CLK I got a question for you guys kind of curious what’s your favorite Fourth of July memory got a ton of good Fourth of July memories usually centered around sports like I don’t know if for you guys I don’t know if it was a baseball game or anything like that for me I used to go to Tampa Stadium to go see the rowy play and they had this huge huge uh firework display afterwards after the game and one year they beat uh p and the New York Cosmos two to one and Winston Duos made a big huge save and I’ll remember think we were like just over the moon that they had beaten P was like 105 years old but we thought it was the biggest deal in the world we got some good memories from that US soccer team this last few days kick it ass create memories a lot of things have changed another year and just yeah um you know what man for me growing up in Miami Beach I think this is one of the nice things there were a lot of good things about growing up in Miami beach but one nice thing was on ath Street beach I think it was on ath it might have been a little bit further down they would do a the huge uh display on the water you know they would like have a barge out there and like they would have like San Castle contests and all this it was just kind of like stuff out of like you know The Wonder Years or something you when you’re a kid you can sit out there for hours and hours and hours waiting for the fireworks without supervision I think we were out there the whole day just running the beach listen we all grew up in an era where kids were not supervised we we were all absconded with at some point or another right we all have that story somebody abused it’s just you just [ __ ] up and you moved on that’s how shook it off just shook it off and moved on why did that man put not a cigarette on my arm I don’t where’s Mom I don’t know I don’t know but like this is just how it worked back then you know but yeah mean to me those were the memories I had some later memories that were a lot of fun involving alcohol and oh yeah those are different kinds of memories but but as a kid that was mine Cory what you got I guess uh I was thinking nothing really came to mind except you know it would always I’d swell up with pride a little bit every July 4th when we’d go to Stone Mountain for the laser show I don’t know you guys have been to the laser show yeah yeah but uh I we did that uh occasionally on a July 4th and there was looking back 40 years later it was a little odd it was what it was it was what it was it was a different time different era still stay the the same Mountain uh but different I haven’t been in laser show probably in 30 years but literally that’s the only thing that jumped to mind is like I do remember going to the laser show because they had the fireworks afterwards and they always had the fireworks for the laser show but this was a different deal and then you had the the sparklers I remember that that’s all I remember you didn’t like later on I killed a Drifter I did kill a Drifter one that was a good day that was a good day I don’t know don’t know anything about him never I kept checking the newspapers not that never best that nobody else knows about him I’d zip it uh I will also tell you by the way he knew when he came to that Circle K he was taking a chance yeah station it he’s got no shoty flipped the script off yep I sure did I ain’t scared of nobody anymore to the Circle K you mean to tell me that you uh later on didn’t enjoy like a good Pink Floyd laser light show no did you have in Atlanta because like in South Florida yeah oh they’re everywhere in South Florida yeah no I didn’t do anything like I don’t know no no great July 4th and I didn’t go that famous Braves Mets game where Rick Camp hit the home run in the 17th inning boom which is always a funny story because it was a huge rain delay and then the game went 18 Innings and anybody that was still there on July 4th 1985 when the Braves were horrible was only to see the fireworks so they end up setting off the fireworks in downtown Atlanta at 3:45 in the morning when the game ended so the people that lived around there thought they were being bombed this was in the middle of the Cold War so the news the next two days was all these people that lived by the stadium being interviewed being woken up from a dead sleep at four o’clock in the morning thinking they’re being bombed my brother shot me with a bottle rocket and uh in the front yard five times after he was told repeated don’t aim at at anybody it’s very dangerous and I tried to run and hit my shoulder against a tree intentionally aim at oh that question he was trying to hit my eyes yeah this is what we kids you don’t understand this is the the kind of maming and harm done to brothers and other people we did it all the time this is what happened we could we could literally do a show on just things that you did to to brothers or friends oh I mean yeah my my brother sent me to the hospital at least three times and other friends I me a friend threw a Dart into my arm like a little a real real my brother shot my hand with a BB gun and we used to later on by the way go have BB gun wars in the Christmas tree Forest in St Pete I mean we would straight shoot I mean I remember my buddy got shot through the cheek and we’re out here Waring like come on we got to get the flag we just we just kept going y lived a pretty I just want to say Obviously you guys lived like a country club pretty comfortable lifestyle Jimmy Carter Boulevard you’re not shooting darts you’re shooting bullets you ain’t wasting your time with darts or BB guns you’re shooting the real thing on JCB was gang banging back to yeah well listen all have our own horror stories whether it be Shady Tampa for me or obviously South Florida for Ira he’s seen it oh my goodness gracious and then of course the Jimmy Carter where the mattresses are just on the street that’s how you know everywhere that’s how you know there’s no segueing out of that I just wanted everybody’s uh favorite some July somebody asked in the chat so does that mean that uh Morlock is the only guy that could catch contested passes no I think KRON can I me kron’s the guy definitely can 100% Can Kon portier can we think hem can be that kind of guy you just haven’t seen it yet but the guys we’ve seen do it like especially in practice for sure Malik and KRON it’s just not going to be the focal point of this offense I don’t think and we’re getting back to the overall discussion about what has to happen for Florida State to have a special season and we think they can be good regardless but to be special to be great to win the conference again and go to the playoff and all those things you’re going to have to have some guys do some things that they haven’t shown you that they can’t can can do and and doesn’t mean they can’t but we haven’t seen it yet from several guys so we’re we’re waiting to see maybe they do maybe they don’t uh that will help dictate terms in the way that we talk about what they are or are not uh but as of right now they need some dudes to step up again doesn’t mean that they won’t get it I think they will from some guys I’m pretty excited about a few guys I actually think Morlock is going to have a very good year he’s not a great blocking tight end period that has to get better I would assume it’s going to get better he’s got to be stronger than he was a year ago he’s probably put on more weight he’s got a better chance at I don’t know that you would ask a freshman in Thomas to do that uh he’s gonna be more of a receiver at tight end I think he’s got he’s got enough what for he’s a big kid but I don’t think that’s gonna be the strength of the team so you know I mean that’s just there are some things you got to see people do before you know all right good they’ve got that secured now they can take another step forward and be more Dy Dynamic on offense but we’ll see McCoy had a great Spring by the way I don’t know what I would project that to mean for a season for him you know it’s hard to know but I like his skill set now when you talk about freshman receivers he definitely caught your eye right Cory yeah he was the best of the bunch we saw of the Freshman yeah in the spring that and I think honestly just for the spring that includes hem I put hem and vvus who’s no longer on the team hem I guess is a sophomore Ira or a redt pressure we’ve corrected you a few times on this I can’t I mean it’s crazy why I thought they all got red shirt years no matter how many games they played I thought it was the New World Order of college football but I thought McCoy was better than all the young guys in the in the limited times we saw him in the spring he just more kind of wow type whoa that’s a that’s a nice catch that looked a little bit different than all the other guys I thought were and somebody might be wondering well how come we didn’t see it in the spring game well he’s a little banged up he was a little banged up and so he he was limited I don’t even know that he had a catch but I mean it was sort of just a look guys get banged up at the end of spring camp uh I don’t ever use that showcase as a a means to decide what somebody’s going to be but I thought he was really good in practice so we’ll see what he’s going to be uh and again like we already said Elijah Moore comes in at 6 foot4 who knows he may surprise you he may be a contested catch in Jesse right uh at that size so that that’s that’s part of it too I just know that I’m excited because there are a lot of questions but there’s a lot of talent and I also think the defense is going to be damn good like really good yeah like really really really good as in I think the defense will be a top 10 defense well but I think the story that we haven’t talked about yet not that I impune the way you’re driving the show Jeff you you you’re doing a great job but it is early July throw a different softball okay go well I think that uh like yes I I like the talent on this team but I think the big news of the last week week and a half is the way they’re AC crewing Talent right now of course of course yeah that’s changed I WR I wrote a column that I think I republished already ah now we need now we see the real motivation this not about the way that the show was being driven it was more about I need to Pimp My column we’ve been on the air for 35 minutes nobody else is going too clearly I gave you 35 minutes and I just was I wasn’t seeing it happen I should have led with it I should have started the show with it hey guys Cory wrote a column hey but I will tell you go read the column subscribe to yeah go do that and uh and celebrate the fact that you’re part of uh the greatest of all those team sites that cover this wonderful uh University but I would I would tell you this Corey I’m glad you wrote the column because you had something to write about you had something that was very real and tangible man they’ve turned the corner it’s a blue chip World these days for Florida State player after player that says yes is a high-profile High School recruit which is the next step to the growth and we could we we’ve talked about it add nauseum really for I don’t know 18 months about portal verse high school kids and portal verse high school kids well then and I and I I had I thought about this anyway but then Aon again on the growingly popular um wake up war chant had pointed out like yeah the top five portal classes last year Florida state was in the top five along with like Louisville Colorado and Old Miss meanwhile go look at the top five high school recruiting classes sure that’s the neighborhood you want to live in it’s LSU Ohio state Alabama Georgia and maybe Clemson I don’t remember who the who the fifth one was I don’t think it was it’s like that’s that’s the next step that’s the final step um and and look we can we can argue whether you can build a roster a championship team with the portal or not obviously you can because he just did it but over the Long Haul to be consistent man it feels really good I bet for Florida State fans to look and see where your back your name is back where it belongs in these high school recruiting rankings too just two things one is I agree with you um for the most part I I also you know we also get to remember it is still July and those guys don’t sign until till December in Florida St that was a big part of the column but if you but also but I don’t think you really focused enough on this though maybe that if you look at last year going into December that class was really highly rated and it kind of fell apart down the end they lost the safety they lost couple defensive linemen the holding of the commitment yeah so so it’s it’s great to be up there now that’s awesome but it’s not the last check the last box to check the last box is actually getting them to sign on and they had a hard time with that with a couple festar kids that they thought they had so that’s why fans get nervous rightfully so but on the other side of it the other thing I would say is they didn’t have a chance to really check this box I don’t believe the last few years because of where the program was and you know Mike norell did not have the we’ve gone over this a million times he didn’t have the first two years that most coaches get to go out and really kill it in recruiting to sell that new car smell because everything was shut down they didn’t get to have visits for like 18 months get kids on campus to even meet them and spend time with them with a staff that didn’t have a lot of Florida connection and if you marry with a bad record it’s hard to sell anything sure absolutely so I think that they had to go the portal route they were very fortunate that the portal existed they did it now they’ve had success now you’re now this to me this is the first chance this probably the end of last season that last class and then this class were the first chances really for them to sell off of success so in your in your mind real quick before we break on this note because I would say this just to present it properly for for listeners and fans of the program this would be the first time you would allow for pretty serious criticism if they fail if this if this class tanks at the end if they finish at 15 or 16 at some point you’re gonna have to say look that’s bad yeah that’s bad yeah at that point you would it would be a referendum on those coaches that aren’t getting those kids to sign on the line which is dotted on the day that matters the most yeah there are people that have said said this staff you know for whatever reason hasn’t closed with those guys I’m like man whatever this is a festar safety from Atlanta that chose George at the end of the day over I’m not ringing my hands over that that to me that or the kid in Alabama that ends up sticking with auburn because of whatever however that played out like I I those to me are accept but now you would say hold up at this point if you’re coming off for 13 wins if you have another good season you’ve had this time invested if you can’t seal the deal with a bunch of these big time guys now you got a real problem and I say this as a Braves fan who’s very uh I’m I’m I’m GL weirdly I’m I’m glass half full when it comes to baseball like man just be in the dance be in the conversation the Braves were in the conversation for 20s something years they won twice but they’re in the conversation like Florida State baseball the fact that Florida State football is not having to recruit against Tain in Memphis anymore but is now in real battles and winning some with the absolute big boys and losing some like yeah you lost him to Georgia at the end last year um he lives 30 miles away from Georgia but like that to me you’re in the conversation with so many more of these kids that to me is when you really know that I mean obviously get the facts or the PDF however they do it now uh on signing day but the fact that you’re recruiting these kids and they’re visiting and you’re really in play for them again is another step now yes finish it off with an actual signing that’ll be the big one they’ll be under pressure to do so but I think they’re going to have success and if they have success on the field will F further uh you know Elevate the level in which the Blue Chip players were referencing see them like there are kids now that are you know looking at a a different school for example let’s say and let’s say that season goes south you got a chance on a couple of those players no there’s definitely some guys that Florida State’s in the running against Florida and Miami with if those schools let’s see how the seasons play out let’s see how it works s headlines 933 real talk radio war chant TV continues in a moment your local news now the Florida Freedom month sales tax holiday began Monday the state is offering the sales tax holiday to encourage people to get Outdoors during July sales tax won’t be collected for outdoor recreation activities like swimming fishing and camping but things like life jackets and fishing rods being taxfree the idea is to hopefully spark a new generation of outdoor enthusiasts the sales tax holiday only applies to items that are purchased not rented the state expects Floridians will save nearly $92 million on sales tax this month the sales tax holiday also provides savings for concert tickets museums and State Park admissions a former Thomasville High School football player 19-year-old Demario DJ Thurman has been identified as a person that was killed in a car crash in leyon County the crash happened on Thomasville Road in leyon County on Wednesday June 26th around 2:34 p.m. it was reported that DJ’s car lost control for unknown reasons this is Rachel LA with roal talk 93.3 local news update brought to you by macore systems tell’s go to Mac store check them out online at mamor this is meteorologist Paul troley with your real talk 93.3 weather update a heat advisory continues until 700 p.m. tonight highs around 89 this afternoon under mainly Cloudy Skies with storms likely southeasterly winds 5 to 10 mph partly cloudy tonight chance of thunderstorms flows around 76 this report is brought to you by the lawn Johns for all your Landscaping and Lawn Care needs visit the lawn currently I’m Caleb I’m the lawn supervisor at Paul’s termite and pest control and I really do love my job Paul has created an incredible work environment that always puts our customers needs first their needs are our concerns and my particular job of improving the health of North Florida Lawns is something I truly enjoy I’m an outdoor person and I get to be outside all day watching The Lawns run through the stages Full Of Weeds to weedless to Lush grass fi Landscapes is very rewarding I’m proud to represent Paul’s I’m Jay having the privilege to work with people like Caleb and all of our employees is truly an honor there is no doubt that the staff of poid and Pest Control is the best in our industry all of our people are local and local really does mean something we are North vidiians our kids go to school here we shop here we build relationships here and we honor our commitments to all of our customers thanks for trusting us to protect your family pets and home for the elimination of termites any other pest and a Greener Laine too call Pauls we’ll get them all life is stressful dinner shouldn’t be that motto is why register sausage has been doing business in the Florida Panhandle and lower Alabama for over 75 years a proud sponsor of seminal headlines register sausage always provides the best Southern smoke sausage to over 140 grocery stores and restaurants throughout the southeast Headliners have discover the registers difference you can too to find a store that carries registers near you or to buy directly head to register that’s register register sausage yay sausage seminal headlines returns now head to YouTube and search for warchant TV today to catch the show live or on demand now here’s Jeff Cameron Iris Chael and Corey Clark but kind of like what you were doing Corey a moment ago I’ll reiterate again here now and just because it’s fun to do the reason that you can have the conversation or write the column about hey look things have changed this is where for State’s at now these Blue Chip players are coming they’re visiting they’re excited to see what for state has to say and offer of them are now saying yes um is because look man Florida state is in a place we’re now covering a program that is I think um you know gonna be weighted with expectation from here on out I don’t think it goes backwards I don’t think that Mike norell is gonna enter a season anytime soon where Florida State fans gonna be like yeah seven and five like nobody’s gonna do that fair or not I mean they’ll lose some players there’ll be years that they exceed beyond what the expectations were and years where they don’t we’ll see what conference are in and if we that changes the conversation as long as you’re in the ACC I agree with you 100% if you’re in the ACC and you’re not going at least 10 and two then you’re doing something wrong you’re not operating a peak efficiency I mean if you’re Florida State and Clemson there aren’t too many years where you go you know eight and four would be good and the ACC go to hell with that nonsense that’s not what we’re doing so even with G and Stanford and SMU in the fry now even with those big boys what a special day boys it wasay you got soak up celebration watch lot of ACC Network I gotta tell you when uh that day when I came on the airwaves I said gosh what a special time in college football what a special time for this league did you get a commissioner on yesterday I I didn’t I didn’t but I celebrated with Tom and I said Tom look here man this is the world we live in now on this great day Texas and Oklahoma join the SEC whatever Cal said yes hey they got a Texas school yeah ACC got a Texas school Cal said yes SMU said yes Stanford said yes and today we welcome them as brothers into the ACC and we both had to pause for a moment let that wash over you a little bit let it wash over you’re like man commissioner Phillips that’s a counter I see your Texas in Oklahoma how about we add three big boys to the accy what are you are you gonna what are you gonna do to celebrate the next Stanford Water Polo Championship or equestrian Championship like what about the fencing Championship f I mean yeah keep going rowing uh I assume they’re the best synchronized diving School in the country like in in ping pong I’m sure well ping pong they’re probably not uh but everything else yeah I don’t know it’s a good question though AR and I was thinking like it is cool now that like Tiger Woods is an alltime ACC great ACC great all time yeah Lynch Aaron Rogers so the folks at Alabama will be like we have Justin Thomas like we’ve got Tiger Wood Trump we’ve got Woods Dickerson is it’s a long time Colts fan Eric Dick me my God and that’s something enjoyed him killing those ACC schools back Craig James oh yeah we love we all love him well yeah so yeah it’s uh and I guess they so what the ACC Network went out to Texas and did like a big live broadcast as only they can I mean what are we doing here of course they did I mean you go to at least you got to try Ira you got to try survival they just grabbed those schools for survival when Florida State and Clemson leave no I’m saying the ACC network has to try oh I get it celebrate SMU even though nobody in Dallas even cares although I think SMU longterm would be very good for this conference uh after we’re long gone uh but SMU is invested there are big-time billionaires from that school that haveed they wiu in a power yeah conference could be a thing I actually think it is a thing got a coach who wants to be there and they have uh very motivated rich people who are alumni from SMU that want it too so I do think look in Dallas Fort Worth is swimming in money they’re gonna continue to grow that stadium and they need to go back to those kickass uniforms when they were cheating their ass off those SMU uniforms were the best I would man forget that I no doubt that would be me and I would Embrace everything surrounding that era if I were them don’t run in shame no sir I think some people say cow’s a sleeping giant yeah I mean right you said that always but the Pony Express I’d have it written up on top of the wall when we came in Eric Dickerson would be there for the first game when you combine cow’s lack of tradition and their incredible debt I mean really they they were it’s just a combination that you really well don’t forget uh complete lack of fan interest that to go along with their lack of history and debt like it’s the it’s the it’s the great Trio it’s a trifecta of just absolute nonsense adding nothing except it’s a great University they might discover the cure for cancer and then we’ll all be excited about the AC Stanford might as well uh I I will let you know that I’ve run down that uh field before on that campus said cow I’ve run down that field I did all 100 yards uh and uh did so right before a graduation I was out there visiting a friend and anyhow it ran down that field just to say I did it I didn’t know at that time when’s the last time you ran 100 yards straight well you you done it on a treadmill or whatever but like on a field no cow that was it that was the last time uh it sucked uh but I did it Ah that’s not right that’s not right I did it at two lane last summer in New Orleans in the DAT he it’s that was where the the band is on the field that was that was a cow right it had maybe it was Stanford whose band was on the field was it Stanford’s band that was on the field Stanford’s band but I think weren’t they playing Cal well they were playing Cal I know they were playing Cal but it must have been a Stanford home game yeah definitely St speaking of a crazy things I’ve seen at stadiums I thought this was funny and it’s got a little bit of a Florida state tie that I don’t think we’ve ever talked about so Brady played in a tournament this weekend and he was at a high a local high school up here in Atlanta where they had the banners from their their accomplishments on the left field wall and it says like 2019 uh sweet 16 2021 a Elite 8 2022 quarterfinals 2023 sweet and that’s it except for in the middle between 19 and 21 it says 2020 and then just Co that’s what the banner says put the banner up there they put a banner up there that said 2020 covid put on their ring we would have won some stuff that year too believe us you guys lucky you it was Co is what you could but it’s like people all the people in the stands and I told some of the parents about because Florida state has have something similar in the Civic Center for their team the 2020 team they they put an NCA tournament team that won legitimate but no even if they hadn’t won the ACC tournament they were going to play in the NCA tournament which is what the banner was for but this legitimately looks like this univer this pop this High School is celebrating covid with its own Banner like 2020 Co put a little Spotlight on it yeah it’s really funny just in the middle of it’s like I heard three different moms at three different times go why did why do they have a covid banner up there my favorite part of something like that when you see it you think oh that’s weird and then later on you think about it more and you go there wasn’t an administrator to walk in here and go guys what yeah what are we doing do we need that nobody nobody thought that like you should just pull that off the sign maker being like wait you want to do you want to make what you want to have what kind of sign and you want it to just say Co not not season cancelled not record when season was cancelled just straight 2020 covid hey hour one is really the only time we’d get a chance to talk about it I don’t know maybe there’s a question about it did we have anything to say about the extension of Link real quick before the hour is up yeah other good job yeah I mean I think it’s it is interesting the from the standpoint of you know he did have a seven-year contract so it’s not like you know that was it was recruits are worrying about his future man I don’t know um but I think to me it’s just to me so the dist the distance or duration isn’t the story there we don’t know the numbers yet but you assume he got a nice bump for winning or going to the College World Series last four teams standing so you know good on Michael Alford I think in the administration for for being proactive Link’s name was floated out there a little bit for A&M I don’t know whether I’ve heard conflicting things about whether or not there was an interest or not on either side I think that would have been a colossal mistake for him if he had really got if that had gotten out if he seriously considered it and after all of the talk about 11 and what Florida State means I don’t begrudge anybody for wanting to explore options or to listen but me that would have been a tough sell um if that had gotten during the negotiations so good for Florida State and Link Jarrett to just kind of move on quickly and get a deal in place and there’s also there’s no way a successful coach at Florida State would ever leave for that cow College why would who would do that Ira who would do that and and how would your career end up going a recipe to be fired is what that would be at some point just you get really rich that helps too hey I will I will say this though and the one sad part about all that is and I don’t think would have take that job whether they were interested or not I I would say this um until you get out of the ACC that is the uh the threat that is is is always there right is that schools like that in that League decide well got we’re gonna make a change or we have to make a change in their case uh let’s just take that guy’s kicking ass in the Lesser there I and I will say this and again this is you know again man like I have I’ve had great jobs that incurring my current one where I’ve had other people ask if I’d be interested and I will listen begrudge him listening um and this is a tough job man like Florida state is a tough job right now because of the ACC as you said because of the lack of money and resources the Florida State’s issues with facilities like this is link Jarrett I I this is my opinion you guys may agree or disagree I think you probably agree I think every day he goes to work he’s walking a little more uphill than the schools he’s competing with like there’s more of a challenge at Florida State right now because of ities because of financial situation the ACC at Florida State then a lot of these schools he’s got to be competing with the tennesses and the T&M and Auburn all those schools but it is his hometown it is the school he he played for it is the school he’s talked about this mission of trying to bring this Championship man that would have been a crazy turn of events you know that’s all I’m saying for that even get out there that he was seriously considering that would have been bad and I doubt that he was ever seriously considering and and I want to make it clear on your behalf you’re not telling people you think he did and I’m also saying like I would but you know I don’t want to be talking on both sides of my mouth because 99.9% of the time I would say yeah man you gotta listen and if if you’re in a situation where Florida State’s not the best situation like a lot of times fans think Florida state is the best situation going back to Jimbo I mean like you know there were he had legitimate concerns about Florida State some of his things we make fun of Jimbo all the time but some of his concerns were legitimate and got legitimate concerns right now I just think that the the other part of it would have made it it would have made it impossible for fans to understand hour number two forthcoming we’ll get the headline or questions on the other side s headlines 933 real talk radio War TV W glass has been taking care of business since 1945 when you call wood and glass you’re dealing with experienced reliable professionals who offer only the best like whitten’s top of the lime bath enclosures that provide style and luxury at an AFF a able Price eye catching storefronts are a specialty at wooden glass we’ll help 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coverage is the place to find out join the largest FSU fan community and talk semal sports in war chance Tribal Council and premium recruiting Message Board forums enjoy special access to multimedia elements like wake up warchant the Jeff Cameron show and seminal headlines plus exclusive forums with FSU student athletes and a membersonly discounted Garnet in Gold is your ultimate SEMO sport Source head to and sign up today it’s time for seminal headlines featuring Jeff Cameron managing editor Irish Chael and senior writer Cory Clark your weekly dose of all things FSU pistols and Pi starts right now here’s Jeff Cameron hour number two headliner questions coming your way welcome back good to be with you as always and I would again celebrate this hour as we do with all of our collaborators we appreciate them very very much and that includes you Dr bur Birch orthodonics best in the business by far my kids both went there all of Iris kids went there and if Cory’s kid lived here he’d be there too and your kid should be there as well if if they need to be if they need to be yeah Cory’s Stephanie’s kids went there Jean’s kids went there it’s on and on guys go and if I want you know I’m not gonna I’m not gonna put everybody’s business out on Front Street that’s not what we do no no but there’s some very prominent people in this town you want to be if you want to rub elbows with the it be seen it’s Birch Orthodontics where you want to be it’s really I think you could say it’s the orthodontist of the Stars the waiting room is amazing when you go in there you’re like and there is so so I could yeah amazing yeah it’s like spago in Beverly Hills right that’s it’s a b and again like I said not just the the way we found them is because they do great work well we didn’t find them because of great work we found them because they have uh free consultations they’re very welcoming they’ll talk to your ca talk about your case make your kids feel at ease make you feel at ease and then they have payment plans and everything else to make the process as smooth as possible but the crowning glory is they do tremendous work and you’ll feel very excited about what your and your kids will be much happier uh going through that process as well uh the added bonuses that they’re good at what they do that’s you’re saying that’s like that’s just I don’t a lot of times Jeff I I just want good customer service right like I’ll go to a restaurant that’s not even a great restaurant no but if I like the the help yeah like it’s it’s enjoyable well your dad was your dad was in the uh restaurant business so you care great about anybody in the service industry that is out there doing the hard work of bringing the food and making sure that the customer’s happy right and so that’s what you’re saying yes but it’s nice if the food’s actually good good too man now we’re cooking with gas that’s if you I would go to Birch orthodonics I’d send my kids there if they didn’t do great work no they could just yank out teeth and you be like it’s price you pay to be seen but you get it all a birch orthodonics trust us uh Tyler is gonna test us here right off the bat Gentlemen please answer for each other so I don’t know how we want to do this but if you three were a type of register sausage what type would you be and he says look there’s no shame on being the shortlink either he wants everybody to know that if yeah so we got to pick for each other I guess we gotta pick for each other I’m gonna say I’m say Corey’s the U because he he’s got a little flare not not Andie he’s the and and he’s he’s he’s got that little kick little flare to him that’s that would be my choice H okay I like it Corey you want to go next I’ll I’ll answer for Ira and then you have to answer for yourself okay is that how we’re supposed to play I I can do that I can say Ira is what’s the regular kind yeah I like I appreciate that it’s just mild that’s right it’s just mild it’s not short link right it’s just regular and I and I just say that like not that you’re like a milk toast person no but he’s an every man a smart Every Man a talented every man but he’s solid just solid not trying to not trying to talking more about just his food pallet he is the most boring eater that’s ever been created true he is a hamburger and french fries kind of guy I think shann is the most boring well you’re correct you’re right I meant male too uh but but I don’t know I’ll expand my horizons for spice I like spicy foods I just don’t like a lot of you’ve gotten better since I’ve met you it’s a true story in the original courtship of us becoming friends and and getting to know other and doing something away from the radio I remember thinking Ira never eats anything but the most Bland nonsense I’ve ever seen him my that’s true I have but you’ve gotten better you’ve you’ve ventured out you’ve decided you know what maybe I’ll take a risk tonight it doesn’t have to be a grilled chicken sandwich or a hamburger uh the fear of the unknown is the problem for me but uh I’m gonna pick yours then Jeff you don’t have to pick yours go the jalapeno cheddar I think that’s fair I think that’s fair Cory would you agree with that I see yeah yeah you’re just oozing cheese flavor flavor it is spice just ooze things that’s easy now uh Sean wants to know do you find when you speak with the public do more FSU fans want to go to the Big 10 because of the ESPN snub or the SEC because of the proximity of the games and the culture I personally would rather go to the Big 10 to hurt ESPN in the SEC because of the snub I have to be I have uh I have to have con quences there in my opinion so that’s Sean the old school uh an original headliner elate headliner I think uh I the the vocal um segment of this audience that like responds to us in the chat or is on Twitter uh or on message boards seemed to side with the the idea that screw ESPN screw the SEC we should go to the Big 10 but I think that uh there’s probably a silent majority that even though they were rightfully furious with what occurred would rather be in the SEC Cory do you agree with that I 100% do but I I can tell you when you do talk to Florida State fans it but it’s so recent man it happened eight months ago it’s not like we’re talking five years in the past this happened eight months ago and that was the last game that was played because we don’t count what happened in South Florida as a game so like that’s still so fresh on the mind that I understand that like I’m always having to talk to Florida State fans who are saying screw the SEC I want to go to the Big 10 and I’m like you don’t really want to if you could choose either one you’re going to want to go to the one that’s a lot closer they’ll come here you’ll go there and you don’t have to go to the Midwest or out west or up north um but right now weirdly I would say the more most fans I talk to about it their preference right now July 1 that I’ve heard anecdotic is the Big 10 I think that is the way a lot of people feel now probably more people feel now completely different from what it was a year ago you know I think a year ago most people would have been majority would have been but it’s not just the fact that you got screwed for an SEC school you got screwed by the people that feel like they’re promoting that Network and at your expense I mean so I understand why people are like screw them I don’t want to deal with them I get all their anger I get all of their anger and I believe it’s Justified and I still think we should go to the SEC if you had to choose if you got to choose yeah if you got to choose and I also o think that there are a lot of people who are just as angry as everybody else about what happened but at the end of the day they would join the evilness that is the ESPN Le sec I will say this though if it’s the big 10 Alfred still can wear out the dbass suit and we still are rolling in money so I think it’s okay like there’s no big loss I don’t think and and on a serious note I do think that all parties involved whether that be those that are for for State going to the SEC or those that desperately want them to avoid that and go to the Big 10 everybody can concur that they got to get the hell up out of here and join one of those two nobody wants to go to the big 12 I’ve heard nonsense about that no no no no you’re not doing that you’re going to go to one of those big two and you know what fine either way you’re gonna be all right you’re gonna be eating from the money trough as long as you’re in one of those two right that’s it I think uh and as far as on the field success I mean I think you’d have more immediate success in the Big 10 but man yeah it would be fun man it would be fun for it would be fun to see Florida State on an even playing field because one of the things that we don’t talk about as much because we don’t talk about recruiting as much but if you talk to Michael Langston Matt lir the other guys that cover recruiting in this town they’ll tell you that it is a challenge to sign kids at Florida State when they’re choosing between SC FSU and SEC schools because the perception and the longer it goes on the more uh they’re going to find themselves in a really delar position this is it’s not a good situation so and those schools can’t use that against Florida State anymore in recruiting and Florida State’s got as much money as those SEC schools and they can’t be out negative recruited because they’re not in the SEC correct it would be fun to see what Florida state does I mean with this coaching staff I mean they they you know I think floor State could do really really well but we also all get wanting to screw ESPN and sec in the moment right now yeah and and all those things can be true right I mean um I think uh I I I think we all agree that that was egregious and it struck to the Integrity of the game but that can’t be that can’t be the the determining factor of the the future of your University and your Athletics is because you got screwed we all and we all give into things that we hate all the time because it makes more sense to do so than not in certain situations it happens to all of us we’ve all been compromised and it makes you feel dirty you hate it you hate it when you have to do it but you also don’t do it in order you know you don’t cut off your nose to spite your face you don’t do it and one thing I would say that because when we’ve had this conversation in the past I think we’ve talked about the nice thing about the SEC is they fill up do Campbell stadium and and all that and people have pushed back later I’ve gotten emails from people or seing comments in the the YouTube or whatever and they’re right there are a lot of big 10 fans in the State of Florida like if you go to lovely Tampa yeah you get a lot of midwesterners that would come to those games so while we’ve said you know our puru fans going to come down three or four years later in the that the Flor State’s in are they going to come down or Indiana fans going to come down maybe not as many as Auburn fans would but there are a lot of them in this part of the country who would come so well it’s not maybe Ira it’s not close yeah selling out there a lot I’m with you I just think we probably underestimate a little yeah and don’t get me wrong if for State ends up in the Big 10 I’m not going to be laying in bed going oh my God I can’t believe we’re not in the SEC I will listen first of all especially the expanded Big 10 uh I think it’s fun to to to go see fora State play Oregon or or Washington or go see them play Ohio State or Michigan or go you know that would be great I’d be fine with all of that that’d be fine but I also think that it does make much more sense geographically for us to play in the SEC and again I think they’re fine financially if they’re in either one they’re going to be fine and there will always be aspects of being in the SEC that we won’t like I mean I I loathe many of the SEC Traditions that their fan bases for whatever reason Embrace that the collective joy and one another’s success is bizarre to me Cory’s gonna be great on fine bomb though he’ll probably have a regular spot it’ll be I can’t wait I can’t wait I can’t wait to take calls I can’t wait to have uh Agnes from mobile call me to tell me what a bald idiot I am yeah it’s a it’ll be a trade-off which player and position group playing AB uh which player in position group playing above expectations would have the biggest impact on the team in exceeding those predictions okay so that’s Brandon he wants to know if if somebody is much better than we think uh and that we’re predicting they’re going to be if they were exceedingly better at what would who would have the biggest impact on the team if that were the case well quarterback but let’s take that off the board because that doesn’t even count obviously if DJ plays like a Heisman Contender or a Heisman winner that has a enormous impact um but let I would say wide receiver which player though oh I thought he just said position group um portier that’s my guy that’s my dog KRON catches 60 balls well I mean if he’s a that’s gonna be his nickname Ira that’s gonna be his nickname Kon KRON catches oh KRON catches not I kind of like that one kind of like the alliteration there I see you uh that yeah I would say that or Blake Nicholson becom is like an all ACC linebacker boom would or CER or CER but I’m leaning towards Blake but either one of them yeah when I see I’ll be honest with you guys when I watch Nicholson play I see a little bit dick bukus mixed in with some Romanowski oh yeah yeah I see Keeley from Boston College went on to be a really good player in the NFL more than a really good maybe but no but no single ter you don’t see that oh no no no no he doesn’t move doesn’t really work no what about Matt Millan you see some Matt Millan in him going back the leadership the leadership and the captain coach on the field yeah yeah absolutely not bad I see you working yeah I don’t know the theme there but it’s all seem all really good players a mix and amalgam of a lot of really good linebackers really good players uh good afternoon fellas what’s the expectation of the simal faith ball game day in Dublin I’d like to imagine the signs of the chance will be a mere image of Kirk’s Twitter replies it’s fair to say I’ve fantasized about catching Kirk on the links and being happy Gil oh man so basically yeah this hit Kirk her street with golf clubs please anyone it’s gonna be uh but serly are you uh do are you and Stephanie do you guys already have like an itinerary I know you guys have some some big picture things but have you we’re starting to get in into the itinerary we’re getting the nitty-gritty guys looking at some tours you like theour I’m not a big tour guy big tour guy but thinking about because we want to go to gallway which is incredible and I’ve been gway and so we talked about doing the train over do it yeah beautiful you get see the countryside that’s the thought but then we’re also got goli more you go to CLI more when you’re over there yeah they also have tours from Dublin they’ll take you there and take you to all the different places yeah and then just take you back so you don’t have to stay I think you should stay one night in in gway if you get a chance goway is awesome it’s truly awesome so we’re yeah we’re trying to figure that out but it’s but the Cliffs of more are like an hour away or something it’s not bad I thought it was like right near go are y going to drive are y’all riding cars question that’s the challenge like the thing about to is you don’t have to the first time I was no you’re not doing it I wouldn’t trust myself to drive you do it you’d be all right I rodri killed a wife a mom and a daughter yeah driving on the wrong way in Ireland back in the 80s yes he did and uh did you know that Ira it kind of gets a little swept under the rug my man killed two people and got paid he paid $100 fine and he was driving he wasn’t drunk but he was driving on the wrong side of the road and ran into a car and killed a woman in her and her daughter I have driven on the wrong side of the road I think you one better in Ireland uh the first time I went we rented a car and of course the steering wheels on the other side and I was shifting with my left hand not my right hand it was a stick shift so that was and I did it on the steering wheel is I didn’t I don’t think I even realized that the steering wheel is on the right oh I’m definitely not Renning a car in the problem brought that up apparently somebody was telling her that the majority of cards over there are manual which I’m fine with but not on that side I whooped ass you would have been shocked I when we got when we look when we got the car uh it was a Pou I went I don’t know about all this I babe we’re gonna die we’re gonna die and she was like ah you can do it and we threw caution to the wind and your boy drove all over Ireland all over the island and not a Nar of problem maybe we’re all going to be is Beast maybe we’re all gonna be such a good mood and so festive out there that we’re not gonna have time to hate Kirk herb Street well I’m not going to concern myself with K her street I’m too busy seeing all the great things in Ireland the Ireland are awesome but but the fan base on the other hand that could be it could be dicey and we’ve talked about this the the plans as of three weeks ago and again I don’t know I’ll talk to somebody at ESPN again I still got some connections there was that they were going to be in City Center which is right there in the heart of Dublin and to me that’s nuts if you’re going to do game day from City Center then you are going to have to have some well a height and security and be crazy expectations of how ugly that could get just real quick from the chat there’s also some some people see some Kirk brother some Todd Rebo and maybe some Stan Shyer in Blake Nicholson as well okay I like that yeah yeah that’s yeah Shyer was a linebacker but I see what they’re saying the Nicholson’s a similar type athlete can really run and move and hit like a St the man Shyer I didn’t see that one did we did did you say KS was in there too yeah oh okay CU I was thinking KS just stylistically yeah right that’s all it is that’s all it is and both had good hair yeah yeah I I I will tell you that I uh I told you a year ago I met that family the Nicholson family and the mom and the dad and the brother I think I was out to dinner and they were all out to dinner and he and Blake was with them and I had a long conversation and they thank me for all that I do all right you do so much for the Nicholson family well and really this entire Community but I that they understood that and it was great it was wonderful actually very pleasant it was fun and I’m sure they’re listening right now so I hope they’re having fun with our comparisons to all those great linebackers juster just a wide variety of linebackers uh no question this time just want you guys to know that I’m thankful uh for your all show Tuesdays at noon Central have gotten me through a lot of tough weeks over the years thanks for letting us come along for the ride that’s from Wilson thank you wilsonks yeah we appreciate that ironically Wilson just showed up in the chat as well and he said hey if you guys need somebody to document the trip to Ireland let me be y’all’s guy Wilson’s like an acclaimed filmmaker production guy which is awesome yeah you know him as well yeah and uh that would be great Wilson you gotta pay your own way though yeah but yeah we’ll be happy to have you do that if you fly yourself there put yourself up and use your own equipment and film everything we do and give it to us for free it’s you’re all in you obviously signed an NDA you’re not disclosing any of what you see and we get Final Cut can get loose in Ireland he’s already backed out too bad that was too much well it’s a negotiation Wilson maybe we uh Gator Kirk writes good afternoon could a solution to the early signing period be to limit it to only enroll e in the February day for everybody everybody else congrats on the family editions Jeff oh yeah I got two new dogs um Thank you Kirk I uh I I don’t mind that I I would like anything different than what it is right now 100% correct yeah so his premise is you only have to do December if you’re going to be enrolling in January which makes sense and then everybody else would but I think that ship’s gone these these college coaches do not want to keep recruiting past December they want it to be the problem let me ask both of you can I ask you this and we do have to take a break but I if we have to save it for your answer on the other side I am curious about this so the way it is now a week after you’d play your rival is signing day yeah that in that week yeah chionship game that gets you to the playoff so that’s just dumb on a lot of levels so you so if Florida’s going to fire Billy nap here okay they’ve signed a Class A week after they lose to Florida State they would have fired him a long time before that but you know is that the play well then who are you bringing in gonna be firing a lot earlier I guess but then you bring in anyone and by the way when you bring in a guy it means you secretly had a deal long before which do you want to bring in a guy are you happy about that Slagle got a Slagle situation you got aash Nagle situation they SCH them look at they SCH them that’s what’s going to happen be a verb I just don’t like it I think it’s it I mean it’s bizarre and you are gonna have to start making decisions like week three all right this guy’s ass let’s go with the interim coach and start our search and what now we’re gonna start talking to a guy who’s act by the way Florida is not exactly gonna hire an assistant coach from some small ass conference they’re going to look for a big name so what are they GNA contact the head coach at freak you call Matt rouet Nebraska in the middle of the Season like what do you yeah people people floated Lane out there because he’s got have this big year old Miss but yeah man he’ll be in the middle of that if have a good and he’s recruiting to Old Miss all year and then like what what do you do to salvage that class if you’re signing it a week later how do any of them stick it’s an imperfect sport it is it is it’s very imperfect that Situation’s really ugly that’s gonna be very strange very very strange s headlines 933 real talk radio warchant TV continues in a moment pass control we know if you have something in your home that’s not supposed to be there you want it gone now not in a couple of days not tomorrow but today that’s why we offer a same day guarantee if you call Pauls before 12:00 one of our technicians will be out before 5:00 we guarantee it the health of you your family and your pets is why we promise to do everything 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the show live or on demand now here’s Jeff Cameron Irish Chael and Corey Clark Carol writes you guys for the most part pushing the SEC over the Big 10 bewilders me to no end why would we want to go to the network in a conference who snubbed Us in the playoffs and be treated as a red-headed stepchild I would rather go to the Big 10 Fox would love us more academic and athletic monies for the University and yes there are so many Ohio State fans in Florida I want the big 10 over the dreaded SEC but anything is better than the ACC we can agree on that point but the SEC no well Carol I don’t I don’t think that the uh that ESPN and and the SEC would treat us poorly once we were part of the machine they might a little but yeah yeah probably not um I I think I think that we’re an asset uh and and of Great Value uh to either fox or ESPN and once we’re part of the machine we would benefit from it just like the rest of those that are part of those machines but we all agree we understand the the anger without question yeah real quick Stephen uh my buddy Stephen posted in the chat he just found out his neighbor is getting an aria water delivery as we speak which is awesome thanks Stephen for letting us know artisia will be we expect to be back on sponsoring coach Peak and Coach Peak will be back a lot of people were calling for Coach Peak last week from the scho press conference they they were a lot of people were calling for emergency coach beak it’s hard to do a coach beak in the summer but we’ll be back not enough coaches speaking right but he was uh he might have he might if we were going to do an emergency one that might have been it Dave uh added to the Super Chat said uh what’s your SEC fan starter pack chewing tobacco jean shorts NASCAR hat and extra 20 pounds on the gut yeah that’s fair Dave uh you know there’s no doubt there are some ugly uh accessories that go with joining the SEC and and you named a few to say the least that’s one thing I’m not and y’all know where I grow up y’all know where I live right now I I live in an SEC part of the world and that’s one thing I don’t really take into account is uh it would be cool for like a bunch of Tennessee fans to fill Tallahassee and come to that game and then you’re like well would it be cool for Tennessee fans to come to Tallahassee like that’s uh I don’t know if I don’t think of the unattended consequences of things like that Arkansas Tennessee any of the Mississippi schools and their cowbells coming to Tallahassee yeah I mean what what I am intrigued by is side that was good well because my last two experiences with SEC fans honestly were all of them not just the Georgia fans but all of them after the snub and after the Orange Bowl when no matter what you said about anything the response was 63 to3 which was just like man yeah people in Mass suck in general oh my God you do realize that and then the check swing with Tennessee was like oh these people they it’s just like every time something like that happens you have a reminder man I don’t know like we that’s one thing we didn’t have we didn’t have to deal with that so much in the ACC no there weren’t many people because there not a lot of fans yeah uh I think that uh most large collections of people suck in general uh so that’s gonna happen in the Big 10 so that’s gonna happen in the Big 10 it’s GNA happen with any fan base uh there are plenty of great fans in every fan base there are awesome F I think most fans are fine the ones that are the ones that make a lasting impact on you yeah you know that’s that we know the deal there and that’s with every fan base in the country unfortunately and this job has allowed me to see that with clearer uh Vision than I did when I was a student or when I was in my late 20s and I would travel and I just assumed well we’re very unique fan base and the rest of these guys are heathens yeah uh Garrett writes with some additional beef up front and a tank for a quarterback do we see Mike willing to go for it on fourth down more than usual Ian he was already pretty willing pretty willing but I think I think so yeah man I I I it I think it’s gonna be more common than not for him to go forward on Fourth and two or fourth and three even if it’s on the minor side of the field well he’s got two very sizable guards to go along with what he what you have a quarterback with that size and then you got a couple big running backs so if you wanted to go that route yes yeah when do you like if he’s at the 40 yard line okay his own 40 fourth and two or less unless it’s like three minutes left and he’s hanging down to a five-point lead I mean I think more often than not he’s GNA go for it right well I think the one you just said is when you do go for it um in the game well yeah because you can end the game right there yeah I I think that’s in his nature anyway to go for it I think when you have a 65 250 pound quarterback that if you you’re allowed to practice with the Eagles practice too like whatever that c whatever that play is I know you don’t have the Kelce guy as your Center but you know you’re allowed to get a a QB sneak for a yard and a half if you can get a yard and a half every time you QB sneak it it makes that a lot did Oregon State do much the QB sneak we need to I that’s one thing curious about I mean he ran but not wonder if he snuck much I don’t know yeah I know he ran for like 3 first downs but I don’t qu great at it some quarterbacks are not even though they’re big right and some are like some that are great at it are non-mobile and not huge like Tom Brady good sneak as there is yeah yeah some guys don’t have that ability you’re right um I would again I think they’re gonna run him in general I I mean I quarterback keeper is fine with me at Short yarded situations he’s a monster and that’s the thing he doesn’t have to be Fleet of foot he’s just 255 pounds at six foot five or whatever he is I mean that’s doing some things I I I don’t know how you’re GNA stop that short so yeah they will yeah the next question was who do you guys think will have a season like tibs next year for the baseball team uh I’ll go first uh I tend to think I don’t know that anybody’s gonna have a season like tibs that was a truly special season but terms of power numbers and po more than 20 home runs I think Max Williams is a strong candidate to hit more than 20 home runs that guy I bet led the nation in outs with balls hit over 100 miles an hour like he had a good year anyway he had over 300 I think he had double dig up a lot Cory to your point he holy moly he had every series he would have two outs a game that two outs a series that were like 108 off the bat he hit as good as he was kind of re as Revelation revelatory as he was um man he hit into some horrible luck so imagine him not hitting into bad luck I think he can have tibs type power numbers next year yeah he hits he he hits the ball hard squares it up a lot and uh he he gets enough Loft on the ball yeah what did he h this year 14 I don’t know Ira somewhere in that ballpark I’m not sure exactly yeah so yeah I could see him hitting more than 20 home runs you got a candidate that’s different you like that one no I think that’s good I like that um I and I think he’s a much more you know if dingas comes back dingas obviously has Elite power but I think Max Williams is a little bit more I think a little bit more of a complete hitter um at least from what I’ve seen I don’t know what do you think Cory no I think ding just is a I I think they’re both complete hitters D just goes the other way and hits the tar out of the ball the other way like seems like he say stretches with a lot of strikeouts to me yeah maybe I I don’t know I I don’t know what his strikeout numbers were I think he was a pretty good uh bat to ball guy but he hit the ball all over the field hard um he’s not he’s not as Fleet of foot as old Max is like I don’t think Marco gonna be playing center field um but I both those guys should both those guys should be uh 20 plus home run guys uh if they’re at Florida State next year they’re both power Jared wants to know for football if you could pick one team in the ACC to never lose to again who would it be and you can’t say Miami NC State NC State Mine mine’s wake that’s fair there a great answers guys yeah I’m proud of both of you it’s really really good I think we did we knocked that one out the park uh Nathaniel Hornblower my man writes hello Jeff IRA and Jack kagon he’s not so secret admirable he’s even weing the blue again yeah this is that’s his blue sneakers on you get the I don’t have the jersey yet and I uh I don’t have the sneakers on right now uh every team’s following has its own set of idiots but if smu’s online presence is representative of its greater fan base those delusional knitwits need a merciless Beatdown the likes of which they’ve not seen since the NCAA gave them the death penalty after Miami and UF I think I want to destroy them on the way out the door worse than just about anybody right now have you guys seen the nonsensical entitlement in irrational selfworth PS if we jump to the Big 10 I’ve got the perfect registers five uh sausage promo code for Ben uh Abe Fran a sausage king of Chicago yeah absolutely um that is well done I I have not seen this I don’t spend a lot of time on the on the twitters these days I haven’t seen what SMU is uh is is this something you’ve seen Corey no I don’t know what he’s talking about I’m glad I don’t know what he’s talking about would say that um you can’t judge a fan base by their Twitter um presence you hope you would hope not because just can’t like think about Miami’s fans like their Twitter fans are out of control clearly but how big of fans are they is that their fan base like their fan base isn’t that because their fan base doesn’t care that much as we see every Saturday when they have a game down there U so no I don’t know my guess with SMU is I mean look man Florida State’s Administration has not hid the fact in their lawsuits and in other public comments they they’ve kind of taken a dump on those new additions to the conference yeah they don’t think they were very impactful and I think smu’s probably been the more vocal pushing back at that you know the fact they’ve got money people that got money don’t like to be told yeah that they’re not less than yes so that would be my guess of where that comes from speaking of Abe Fran though guys uh from FIS berer they were you know Matthew bradrick was dating Jennifer Gray when uh when he killed that poor woman and the daughter I was going to say this is the Matthew bradrick episode yeah so he would they were on they had just finished they just wrapped they were on vacation together in Ireland when he had the car accident and uh glad you looked it up made sure you got all the facts right for this one no I didn’t look that up that’s just in the dome I just remember it struck you it really had a it changed your childhood I could be wrong maybe it was it Matthew bradick it was Matthew brck definit Matthew it made headlines back then so it was a little bit easier just to to move on with your life but yeah definitely it’s weird right cuz Jennifer Gray played his sister in the movie but they were dating in real life so that’s all interesting I always thought she was cute it was a good choice for B you at the time uh yeah well you can you can do one better on people that have run over people and killed them and then just went on with their lives uh Molly Crew you’ve got Vince out here running over his or killing his best friend from Saigon kicks I don’t know anything you’re talking about oh yeah there you go look that one up buddy right yeah and he was doing like 95 and a 20 and they just like that sucks and did yall know that Paul when Paul Walker died from Fast and the Furious Fame in a in a horrible car accident he wasn’t driving his manager was his manager was driving like a crazy person 100 miles an hour when they uh when they both died Princess D died in a car accident Paparazzi got allegedly yeah Henry Ford Henry fast in a Porsche that was a convert what a what a silly decision anybody want to add well there’s a few during the break I I’ll give you a couple the fire because I Want Randy roads is a plane crash actually Lee that was that was not a car accident if you that’s you can’t do that can’t throw those in there I mean are we gonna go big popper are we gonna go Albert Bell tried to run over some kids on trick or- treating on Halloween on Halloween he he assaulted yeah turns out he was a good guy anything else which is weird because on the field he seemed like a real jovial good speeder good natured guy like Kirby Pucket or something yeah I think on that note we should probably hit the news right are we done with the show no we’re not done with the show but I think we have one more break at least I was gonna say I’ve got one more uh funny he talked about the Matthew brck and Jennifer Gray another addition to that story well the uh another odd pairing in a car going back another wrestling reference since we already started off with Deb earlier Cory got him this is Gorilla Monsoon Gorilla Monsoon was in a car with who so there was a news report this is this is probably I I don’t know man I was probably like 16 18 20 somewhere in that ballpark where I definitely knew wrestling was fake but yeah but yeah there was there was kind of a little willing assist mention I say willful uh got a curveball when hacks outw Jim Dugen riding the same car as the iron Chic and they got pulled over with weed in the car and they they were they were right to the same show together I Gotta Give I got to give them credit so you have a guy who’s uh you know the real Mr USA and he’s got the Bo and meanwhile the iron Chic is with right and they are driving to the show liquored up on vodka smoking weed like they don’t they’re they’re not worried about anything those two guys are like hey good good to see you good to see it’s a tough life it’s a tough life man you live live live uh live live wild was I’m glad you brought that up Chris writes if we’re not waiting for the court case to resolve are we waiting for some inflection point in the legal process where the ACC cries uncle and tries to settle or are we waiting on ESPN and fox dominoes to fall I guess my question is what are we waiting for I think your first premise was probably accurate I mean I think the idea is that this is a lot of this is just creating pressure and that the Hope or the anticipation that at some point the ACC and ESPN will say okay we’ve got to do something we can’t just let this go on forever there’s some good dirty laundry that came out today I don’t know if you saw it somebody mentioned in the chat that uh they was put on somebody shared on social media that Graham nef like the ACC sent a nasty email to Graham nef Clemson’s ad yeah because he refused to do one of those Black Friday games like Fu did before not doing it they refus they wanted to move the South Carolina game we’re not doing it Clemson was like nope and uh the whole email is hilarious from Michael strickler at the ACC basically like we did all these things es it’s very important for us to be good partners to with ESPN and you’re not doing that and clemon probably was like okay yeah you’re right yep tough that’s that’s that’s a hard one right there remember when You’ like beg your parents and you’d list the 17 reasons why they should acquest to your demands should go to this Con yeah and then they be like no but were you listening did you hear all the things wash the cars I will do uh but no I think but to the going going tying that back to the original point is it’s going to be untenable like this whole thing is kind of already close to un so yeah the the I think the perception that I have is that some point it’ll get to a point where they just have to say we’ve got to figure out a plan well I’m glad Clemson did what they did because if they ever come to us at this point forward since we filed a lawsuit and say hey we want you on a Thursday or we want you on no no we’re not gonna do what do you think of them apples suck it no just like just no yeah no I heard you I heard you yeah yeah I got you was it France Ferdinand shot in a car uh yes and uh and and by the way they had to chase down he didn’t die right away go look that all up Cory it’s pretty fascinating Tupac also was shot in a car famously and a pope was it a pope shot in a car yes on the car you know Kennedy were you aware of that that’s true that happened in uh I think that happened in Dallas yeah were you aware that it’s crazy crazy guys headlines 933 real talk radio warch TV your local news now is in custody after he swam into a swampy Pond while attempting to elude authorities Monday afternoon the Madison County Sheriff’s Office announced the man’s capture just before 5:30 p.m. Monday after an hours long standoff with the suspect identifying information on the suspect and details on if he will face charges were not immediately available the department first shared that they were negotiating with a suspect in a 3 pm post on Facebook the chase started after deputies responded to the Deerwood in Campground after receiving a complaint about a man threatening to harm others that’s when the suspect ran away from deputies into the woods he waited into into a large swamp Pond and began swimming out to a cluster of cypress trees the suspect was armed with a knife and was threatening to self harm Monday Tallahassee Community College announced its official transition to Tallahassee State College by doing so the college is aiming to better reflect its expanded academic offerings and commitment to serving the community this is Rachel LA with real talk 93.3 local news update brought to you by mamore systems tah goto Mac store check them out online at mamor this is meteorologist Paul try with your real talk 93.3 weather update a heat advisory continues until 700 p.m. tonight highs around 89 this afternoon under mainly Cloudy Skies with storms likely southeasterly winds 5 to 10 mes hour partly cloudy tonight chance of thunderstorms blows around 76 this report is brought to you by the lawn Johns for all your Landscaping and Lawn Care needs visit the lawn right now 88 honey can you go up in the attic and get a few things for me uh sure honey this isn’t going to be fun where’s that light switch again well kiss in there I don’t even want to know what that [Music] was why am I up here there has got to be a better way honey are you okay there is the southeast Portable Buildings called in today 85058 6400 that’s 85058 64 no need to get up in that attic any longer when you can call Southeast Portable Buildings they have sizes to help with the smallest space needs to the largest call them today 85058 6400 that’s 85058 6400 or visit them online at Southeast portable still don’t know what that thing was in the Attic life is stressful dinner shouldn’t be that motto is why register sausage has been doing business in the Florida Panhandle and lower Alabama for over 75 years a proud sponsor of seminal headlines registered sausage always provides the best Southern smoke sausage to over 140 grocery stores and restaurants throughout the southeast Headliners have discover the registers difference you can too to find a store that carries registers near you or to buy directly head to register that’s register register sausage yay sausage seminal headlines returns now head to YouTube and search for warchant TV today to catch the show live or on demand now here’s Jeff Cameron Irish Chael and Corey Clark Brad wants to know if the ray should be a buyer or a seller the answer is a seller they’re not catching either of those two teams ahead of them I would call it a day Brad and move it along but Management in Tampa St Pete I should say has done a great job so trust whatever decision they make they’re usually competitive despite spending a third of what everybody else is spending uh what what kind of pie do you fellas like on the 4th of July I mean uh red white and blue All American Pie you like apple yeah apple pie is good strawberry rhubarb pie is good pie on the fourth of July it’s not a bad yeah not a bad idea there’s not there’s no bad options uh Gil wanted a simal headlines W’s and L’s that’ll be later this month we’re not going to do it today uh gentlemen thanks for all you do wanted to know how best we can support baseball and softball this is from Nick both teams are on fire right now but what is the status of rising spear post NCAA Hammer um well I mean here’s the thing just continue to uh to to support the battle in and I think you’ll be all right yeah I mean I I’m not entirely sure what’s going on there with Rising spear right now but I would say this they also have coaches clubs uh all every sport has their own coaches club and uh if you donate so donate it’s through seminal boosters but instead of donating to like the overall pool of seminal boosters if you donate to the coaches Club link jerck gets to decide how he wants to spend that money lonni Alam gets to decide how they want to spend that money it’s not nil but it can be used for travel it can be used for equipment it could be used for all kinds of things so definitely look into that if you already donate to seminal boosters ask your rep about it but that’s a that’s a great answer I Lee rights guys uh is this the year coach norell is able to use the tight end room at a higher level uh if so how thanks and go NOS I think he’s been good with the tight ends I don’t know that it’s going to be a higher level um Morlock is a a very viable and big Target uh and I think he’ll do just fine and I love uh Lyon Thomas so I I I feel good about the tan and I think Jackson West the the way he looked in the spring was you may finally get your Jackson West fix Come On You’ beening about years talking about Jackson West forever always hurt Jackson keep it together man um big kid big and physical kid and he’s a grownup now yeah he’s also the best chance you have to have an inline blocking tight in like I think if he if anyone’s gonna be asked to block and do it effectively it can be him he does need to make sure he stays uh out of away from the referees because he’s quick to swing guy so Jack he’s always been quick to swing things things go a little sideways you go he’s gotta check his temper temper a little bit but you think he’s gonna hit a referee no I mean somebody else on the other team if Oh I thought you meant like he’s going to be a bad call and started swinging referee I’m just saying like he he you know which we don’t frown upon we don’t frown upon swinging at referees on this show do we uh yeah I would I’m surprised the soccer referee from the other night wasn’t hit it looked like it might be going that way it was it was seemingly headed that way you know I thought about it a little bit more guys on the fourth of July a blueberry pie blueberry pie kind of kind of the way I think it should go all right just having it kind of like a warm blueberry pie like is could be cold warm okay I like it both just gonna keep it mov I like warm pie with melted ice with ice cream kind of melting all over it some whipped cream on it too oh my gosh are you kidding me kind of soppy delicious uh the folks at the Lord of the Rings trilogy are working on a new project called The Hunt for Gollum do you think they are doing Fair casting calls or is Paul Fine Bama Shu in that’s I was wonder where that was going we don’t body we don’t face shame on this show but that is very funny choco McNasty steps up writes gentlemen and Corey what’s the best and worst part of being married yeah yeah let’s let’s let’s do that you wantan to go best is all the uh all the intercourse right yeah yeah crazy sex at all times that’s what you got to look forward to once you get married kids you single kids don’t understand you’re just patting them away yeah yeah I was gonna go with the emotional support uh you know for each other yeah you know being there in tough times yeah exactly just having that just that partner having that partner in life is is the best part Cho I I think putting them to work getting them in the bathrooms to clean up U meals in the evening uh you just you have that kind of dependent you you understand when you get home the bathrooms are clean right and the food is ready and the food is ready and that is that’s what a marriage is about and the you know and then and sandwich making right right and there are no bad parts no no there aren’t any bad parts the uh I I got divorced and remarried just because I like marriage so much like I wanna I want to try it out a few different times guys you thought to yourself what have I given up yeah right i’ gotta get back in there Michael writes Brothers happy Independence Day if ESPN were to cancel the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest to win back FSU Twitter and replace it with register sof contest how many could each of you polish off wow so we’re talking like a bun length sausage right it would have to go to bun yeah well so they have all right because they do have the bun length you can get the bun length registers of those maybe three I mean have you I mean sausage is a little denser than a hot dog buddy and the whole hot dog experience is grosses me out I can’t watch that I I never watch it and I root for people to die in that thing when I see them doing that I’m like that gluttony should be served with death if clker watching you’re like just tell me if somebody dies like call my man starts choking out that’ll be awesome or if somebody will maybe wipe his wipe his chin so he doesn’t have wet hot dog on his face anymore that’s always I don’t like thinking about this the the big the long ones I’d say three or four Cory but uh of the one length uh yeah maybe maybe five five I think you could do five cuz I think I I I think you would do three just in a normal setting if you were outside for a of the of the bun length yeah I think you could do I think you could do if you’re you TR win yeah I was gonna say what are we doing here what are our goals see how many you’re actually trying to win I you can eat more than five of those for sure well yeah it’d be tough though I think I could probably put down seven or eight of the bu yeah yeah seven yeah now is it in 10 minutes and do I get water to dunk it in oh that’s gross stop hey and also that motion don’t ever do that hand motion again hey I’m dunking it in the water I’m dunking the sausage in the water my favorite part of you dunking was your hand was open like that when you started Glenn said something in the chat that made me laugh and we got one minute to go less than one minute to go I will tell you I have a weird affinity for ballpark uh hot dogs like at finway or at Camden or at PNC I feel like I could eat like eight hot dogs in a baseball game it’s embarrassing Alexa is a vegetarian well she’ll she’ll eat chicken and fish she won not a vegetarian all vegetarian favorite part about being a vegetarian is eating the meat she used to be used to be it’s hard to keep up used to be a pescatarian then she was a vegetarian at one point pescatarian now it’s just no red meat but ballpark hot dogs is the one thing she’s like you know what what if I change it to also hot dogs I like it and it’s a good way to end the show say uh happy 4th of July everybody happy 4th July day get some pie up in you love you love you boys happy 4th of July goodbye


  1. Jeff you're absolutely correct, I believe. The silent majority for the SEC is real and it's large. That majority was not so silent before the snub.

    Those of us that think in terms of making the proper business decision and not thinking with our hearts, want to go to the SEC.

    I understand people's feeling about the snub, and ESPN, and the SEC. And they're over the top screaming for us to go to the Big Ten has made a lot of us that support going to the SEC silent.

    I would put a rough estimate of people I have talked to about this, dedicated fans and boosters, at 100. The overwhelming majority of those people want to go to the SEC.

    But there's always the caveat Just get us out of the ACC!! 😎

  2. No way I live in the south everyone is praying to the sec because Nick saban did something unbelievable. I promise you it 70/30 to go to big 10

  3. Definitely big 10 they will be the more profitable conference in 5 years . Teams from literally all over country. Awesome matchups

  4. Red headed step child forever if you join SEC. Big 10 has always respected us plus the academic prestige we gain similar to why we joined ACC. Hell no SEC!

  5. Joining the Big 10 forces Tally to renovate airport and flights. HUGE base of fans w $ will make the trips to Doak too. FSEC!

  6. My question is this-

    When CFB 25 drops and you are building your first dynasty with FSU – where are you putting FSU? SEC or BIG 10? This decision is where your true desire exists

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