Golf Players

Will Anthony Gordon Leave Newcastle For Liverpool?

Will Anthony Gordon Leave Newcastle For Liverpool?

With Newcastle United and England winger Anthony Gordon being linked with a move to Liverpool, Barry Cass and Peter McPartland discuss whether they think this move will happen. The lads also discuss whether they think it’s a good move for Liverpool.



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#PREMIERLEAGUE #gordon #Liverpool

Presenters: Peter McPartland & Barry Cass
Video Editing: Mathew Lamb

Anthony Gordon through Liverpool um became public knowledge over the week I mean we’ve mentioned it a few times on that they were tracking them and Gordon is a Liverpool fan him once AO there quite clearly um the’s stuff coming out of the Northeast that his head’s being turned and he wants to move to Liverpool there was a couple of couple of yesterday oh are yeah there was a couple of ones yesterday and stories saying basically you know he’s desperate to get there and of course he is you know and there was I don’t know whether it was but it was reported yesterday at Newcastle was saying to their fans like you know back him when he comes back cuz imagine it’s like having a player who’s a Newcastle fan and Newcastle comeing for him which I think if that is correct what I was told by the Redman as well this morning if that is actually an official thing from Newcastle that is embarrassing L he shouldn’t be referencing Anthony Gordon’s head being trained by a club he supports you might say Anthony Gordon’s being a subject speculation but he’s a Newcastle player and we’re looking forward to welcoming back that’s it don’t why you even mention him why haven’t put anything in the public because the quite clearly being put out there that someone’s leaked it that Anthony Gord probably Anthony Gordon’s agent that Newcastle offered them to Liverpool because they thought they wanted this big pot of money do you think that’s when he fell off the bike when he got the text messages saying he wasn’t leaving possibly yeah the cob what Liverpool are remained interested in signing him of course but what I mean watch it first and foremost do you think he’ll end up at Liverpool yes 100% this window um see that’s the interesting one because do Newcastle have to sell no but has the players head being Ted Newcastle don’t have European football next season and the gold Champions League the the a lot of people thought that he was some kind of big aonian and it was just never the case tell her by you can tell her by lots of things you can tell her by the interviews M but you you you know he was a player who who come through Everton du Academy after being released by Liverpool but clearly we know because we’d seen the pctures and stuff like that that he was a Liverpool fan he’s gone there I think in a very very much a Steve mman way which you only get that reference if you’re as old as us um he has gone somewhere else with the hope that probably he can get back to Liverpool one day you can’t move from ever to Liverpool just it’s just never going to happen unless you’ve got someone stupid enough to sell him and oh you’re a big CLP yeah um but it ain’t going to happen not not not not not the no certainly I wouldn’t imagine it’s going to happen um and he’s gone somewhere else where he probably thought right I can go there I can do well and whatever happens happens and I can maybe get back one day yeah and the opportunity Liverpool has seen an opportunity because they probably thought Newcastle need to sell they’ve offered up a player it hasn’t worked um but well apparently liver Newcastle wanted Quant and Liverpool didn’t want to sell him so that sort of the deal didn’t s from there rather Liverpool offering qu so yeah so it’s in Anthony Gordon’s head now that he knows that Liverpool won him and he knows that you know whoever’s stayed in that chip whether it be Michael Edwards or whoever wants him so that’ll be in his head now so whether it happens this summer or whether it happens next summer I imagine it’ll happen because that in his head now yeah yeah maybe that was I don’t know whether there was a thought process before before he left Everton that there was certain teams he didn’t want to go to because he maybe thought he wouldn’t get back to Liverpool if he signed for certain teams but Newcastle was a a one that he would probably eventually sell yeah so I do expect him to go as I said I’m not sure if it’s going to be this summer but they’ve just maybe missed out on Newcastle being at their weakest place to buy him and now everything could be a little bit more difficult but I I do expect Anthony Gordon to play for Liverpool but maybe it’s just not going to be this summer so on the back of that do you think he’d be a good trer for Liverpool yeah I think he’d be a great turn I think he’s I think he’s I think he’s a really good football who’s got who is very very direct and is only going to improve he works really hard um and he’s gone he definitely improved since he left he’s gone up a level because he’s not he’s played European football he’s been asked to do he’s been asked to play in a team that wants to attack and he’s he’s he was newcastle’s best player last season easily their best player and he’s took that responsibility on and you know he’s in many ways he’s been free of the shackles of what he had to not what he had to put up with at Everton but just the the whole the whole thing of Everton is we an attacking team no he was asking to be defend a lot more m and it must have frustrated him and also the fact that he didn’t get a move at the beginning of the last season of the fair season you know when it it he ended up getting the move you could tell that was hanging over him yeah and he got the move midseason and he never looked back and no evertonian was really that bothered because we knew we knew he needed the money and he was a sacrif a sacrifice wor worth taking and let’s have it right the half season he played for us before he was excellent but the half season up to him moving once the window shut in August he was rubbish he down tools yeah he was wasn’t interested didn’t he couldn’t get back to any kind of level and therefore it ended it ended scruffy and and in not a good way and again speaking to the red men this morning he were asking me about them and I said well if he’ done what G GED MH and just wed at landre charlon yeah either left with a lot more grace people wouldn’t have liked it cuz they would have want you know he come through our Academy and all that but the fact he he skipped training and didn’t train training and all he forced his way out and I think there seems to be a little bit of a feeling from the Northeast there’s a little bit of a worry that that he’ll do the same this is going to happen again and according to jist this is the I I have no feeling towards him in fact in I I think he should be in the England team I would think been given a go given a lot more opportunity to play in the England team definitely and because of his directness because he does quick he because don’t have that kind of pace in the final third so I mean it might make if he does go to Liverpool it might make M side d a little bit more spiky yeah think be positive for everon yeah will be a good tra in the I do think he’ll end up at Liverpool I just don’t I do I just don’t know when I think Newcastle fans I apologize you are Newcastle fans but I think you’re deluding yourself if you think that he sees his future at your football club no he wants to go to Liverpool and that’s just the way it is isn’t it that’s and it’s it is I guess you know Alan Sher think of that you know he had the chance and should have gone to he should never have signed for Newcastle when he did back in the day cuz Manchester United were guaranteed to win trophies and he he went to Newcastle over head and fair play to him I I admired that that someone just went I want to play for me boy old club and do that and he was brilliant for Newcastle here but he’d have had loads of pots wouldn’t he have he the gun to man united yeah um and that’s sometimes that happens when Anthony Gordon is that bigger red he wants to play for Liverpool so and we’ve got previous with him of of seeing what he’s like when he doesn’t get his own way so you know it could get a bit messy there and Newcastle might end up saying right let’s just be done with them and get rid of them and then it’s a chance to rein re-inject that money back into the the team isn’t it and replac him with a couple of other players who can come in and do the job or reshape it a little bit but he’s done really well listen if Liverpool end up paying 80 million qu for Anthony Gordon they’ve bought him for 40 45 so them for 80 it’s good business and you reinvent you reinjected back into your squad and you go again but like you said I think he’d be a good siger for Liverpool he’s fast um if I was Newcastle and this deals on the table why not ask for leis Diaz MH the other way Diaz very good got a goal in him maybe maybe that’s something cuz you know them deals are now have to be done separately but and Liverpool Liverpool as well have to start preparing for life without s definitely yeah so they have to get that cross over mhm well I think he Beal try for them definitely


  1. He definitely improves Liverpool starting 11imo over Diaz, but how much better is the question. 50m better? More, less? It's going to be about that at least imo based on Diaz bringing in 50/60 m but to whom??? Not many options really, Barcelona are fkn skint, not happening, but yeah I'd love Gordon at Liverpool. Really developed last couple years, a d He would become OUR shitty little bastard 🙂🤣 that makes it okay 🤣😭

  2. Gordon has a really crafty agent, newcastle just a stepping stone for Gordon, loads of reds didn't rate him (when he played for us) good luck to him as this is the way of the modern footballer, all I would say to the average football fan.. do not invest any emotional love for a player because it is not reciprocated!

  3. This is complete garbage, you are lying about NUFC saying any such thing to the fans . Gordon will NOT be moving to Liverpool, so do one !

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